1) Does everyone seriously want me to continue writing this?
Considering how this fic is one of the few to get as many bumps as it has, I'd say that the answer would be yes.
2) This story is exhausting for me to write, and school is being a pain. Please give me good reasons to continue.
Well, it's not like you'd have to make updates every 2-3 days like you were before. Hell, even just one update per month or if you were only able to update when you were on break from school, it'd be cool. You could always use your fic writing as a "theraputic break" in between study sessions.
The long and short of it is, basically, all we're hoping for is some closure with the story arcs. I'm not ashamed to admit that I can't stop wondering about what'll happen with the Nacchi/Maki and GAM relationship arcs.
3) Anything else anyone wants to say to me?
As has been stated by others here, by no means are we asking that you continue to write this if you're really not feeling it anymore. It'd majorly suck if it just got left unfinished like how many other potentially good fics here have been, but in the end, it
is your decision. If you could just let us know either way what your end decision is, it would be greatly appreciated since then we'd at least know.
Oh, and we also send wubz.
(sorry about the abrupt tone here, I just got back from a 13 hour shift at work and I'm too dead to be polite.)
Yeah, I've done that before when I was still in Uni.