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Author Topic: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 23-27 [11-10-2015]  (Read 59655 times)

Offline kuro808

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 19 [16-1-2015]
« Reply #120 on: January 17, 2015, 08:55:50 AM »
I read for the story and reread for the puns and I'll just leave as too many to count 8

Anyways Airi is trying to be punny leaving Duu to bear through the pain of both physical and physiological torture of the dragon :nervous
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Offline XxRoByNxX78

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 19 [16-1-2015]
« Reply #121 on: January 17, 2015, 04:43:54 PM »
*saves spot for later comment*

I found I think 12 puns so I'm afraid someone already beat me *tears up* anyways another one adds to the mix and Airi of all people one of my favourites from H!P. A storm dragon to interesting shame it seems she wont be Riho's  sister if she is going to Okinawa to see her mother but the could know one another. Atleast Duu got some good company even if Airi is punning constantly hahaha I love how you made her in this btw seems like everyone just wants to travel with a demon. First Ayumi then Erina now Duu even if she is rather reluctant. Great update btw couldn't stop laughing throughout.

As for Riho's mother if that is the case then I'm going back to my original thought and I am pretty sure that its right then I wont say but since you know who one of my opinions was now will she play a part in this later on?
« Last Edit: January 18, 2015, 03:41:15 PM by XxRoByNxX78 »

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 19 [16-1-2015]
« Reply #122 on: January 17, 2015, 04:50:35 PM »
 :twothumbs all the airi puns XD :deco:
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 19 [16-1-2015]
« Reply #123 on: January 18, 2015, 12:58:32 AM »
So. Many. Puns.  :dizzy:

I think I've caught 13, but with my luck I'm probably wrong.  :P

As for who the Cerulean Dragon is, I can think of only one other person other than my previous guess. She doesn't happen to have an instagram account irl, right? Last time I checked, she was one of my guesses for the Demon Cat from Hell. To be honest she was my next guess if my first one was wrong.

So Duu's not a firebender, but a lightning bender?

And Airi's is also looking for someone in Okinawa? What a coincidence. I wonder how Riho and Airi react upon meeting up there.

And Meatchishige-san is life and all that is the universe.

So.....your saying.....

Meatchishige is Love. Meatchishige is Life.


Offline Yuuyami

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 19 [16-1-2015]
« Reply #124 on: April 12, 2015, 02:43:22 PM »
Hey guys I'm back! Sorry about the wait, I was writing this chapter and Estrea told me about how out of character the pov was so I decided to completely rewrite it xD


Which makes Hart the winner of my drawing contest xD Look forward to the art soon!

Kuro: Airi and Duu are going to make for interesting journeying partners xD

Robyn: Yeah, now that I think about it, everyone's traveling with a demon huh xD people people people party party party~ Riho's mommy is still up for guessing hmm? Though I think everyone has it figured out at this point. As for Airi's relation to Riho... We'll see xD We have yet to  meet Airi's mother after all!

Kawaii: xD

Hart: Meatchishige is Love. Meatchishige is life. And I do wonder about that meeting myself xD

I don't know if people have been noticing but I've actually got a setup for everyone's skillset in this universe:

Dancers = adept at physically fighting
Singers = adept at magic

So each girl will have a certain mix of fighing and magic skills according to their strength at singing and dancing xD Of course, some will be an anomaly just due to sheer ability alone (Eripon's guns -swoons) but yeah, if you're wondering what your favorite girl might be, this is the general ruleset xD As for element, I do try to match them to personality (Reina and Miki to fire, Eri to water) so voila, dat is my system :3


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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 19 [16-1-2015]
« Reply #125 on: April 12, 2015, 02:44:56 PM »
weeeeeedge :D


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline Yuuyami

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Typhoon Tell You ♥ 20 [12-4-2015]
« Reply #126 on: April 12, 2015, 02:48:43 PM »

20. Iikubo Haruna

She woke up to a strange feeling in her chest. She felt cold all over and she languidly reached out, grabbing onto... skin? She opened her eyes and found herself face to face with another woman...? She looked like she was her age…


"Oh gods, you're alive!"

Haruna felt a sudden pain and she looked down to find that she had been stabbed in the chest?! Wait, why could she even see her chest?!

"Oh gods, I'm sorry!" the long haired girl freaked out and pulled out the knife.

"No no no no!" Haruna felt all the blood drain out of her quite literally, "Put it back! Put it back! I'll bleed out without it!"

And in went the knife again and Haruna suddenly found time to flash back through her entire life. Was she going to die?

"I'M SORRY!" the other woman had to lower her to the table (did she sit up earlier? She didn't remember) "I swear I'll fix this, I had no idea you were alive!"

She wanted to say something but she couldn't feel her body at all. Whatever came out of her mouth became garbled and nothing that sounded remotely Japanese.

"Sh... Sh... Calm down..."

She was telling Haruna to calm down? She was the one freaking out earlier... though the other woman definitely toned down considerably after... stabbing her again...

That being said, why was it still really cold? She sensed she was still wearing her clothes, but the top half of her yukata was loosened and her arms were out of its sleeves, completely exposing herself from the top. What was going on? She looked around to find utensils lying nearby and various barrels and crates... She was seeing a lot of wood too... And her gravity felt all weird... It was like she was swaying side to side without moving at all...

"You  are on The Dschinghis Khan right now..."

So she was on a ship then?

"Wha..." Haruna flinched. It hurt to talk and she just felt so tired all of a sudden... Having a knife stuck in her chest didn't help matters either.

"We found you floating amongst a shipwreck and got you out."

Well at least she wasn't dead, but gods did her chest hurt!

"Yo Wada! What's taking food so long?! I don't remember it taking this long to dismantle a human!" A high pitched voice came from nowhere and Haruna's eyes widened.

Was she... their food?!

"No! She's awake, Kanon," the other said before turning to Haruna, "what Fukuda said was taken out of context."

"What context was there?" another girl came into view, though this one was more filled out than the other girl, and what was distinct about this on was that she had pointy ears. The newcomer was a demon, definitely. "We ate the dead and clearly this last one isn't dead but in fact, alive. Good job, Wada."

Wada and Kanon, names to faces. The one called Wada gave the demon a disapproving look, "You shouldn't be saying careless things."

"Pfft, fine," the demon scoffed, "we're sorry we almost ate you." Haruna definitely didn't like the attitude the demon was giving but she was in no position to talk. She had a knife in her chest after all. She was surprised that she wasn't coughing up blood or anything, that meant her lungs were fine and intact.

"Mou! That isn't nice!" another person chided, hitting this Fukuda Kanon demon in the shoulder, "You need to be more sincere!"

"Hands off, Yuka!" the demon shrugged it off and backed away out of Haruna's sight, "Just because you guys are human doesn't mean you get to school me on how I treat things meant to be food!"

Humans and demons coexisting on a ship? What in the world...

"Can someone grab Kumai-san? We need to get this healed right away!"

"I'm on it!" Yuka saluted Wada before running off.

Haruna didn't hear the demon since then, so she assumed she had already left the scene.

"I completely apologize for everything going on. We didn't really expect you to wake up.... We have demons on the ship and as you might've guessed, their diet does consist of human... Though we haven't killed anyone; we just feed them the ones already dead."

Although the notion that these human-eating demons were on the same ship as her terrified her, Wada made it sound not so bad...

"If you need confirmation that they won't eat you, a good chunk of our crew is human, so let that tell you what you need to know."

Haruna decided to use this moment to test out her voice. "Are you?"

"I am," the other paused, "I am Wada Ayaka, pleasure to meet you," She bowed her head and Haruna wished she could do the same back at her.

"I am Iikubo...Haruna..." she had to pause to take a breather. Talking with a knife in her chest was definitely a bad idea. She looked down to try and place its location... Wada was scarily close with her precision. It looked like she was about to cut her heart out...

"Where is... Oh. That's... Uh..." a new voice came and Haruna tilted her head to find a ridiculously tall lady walk into the kitchen. She was considerably tanned and had shoulder length hair tied to the side. What stuck out about her were two round, furry ears protruding from the top of her head.

"Kumai-san, you're here!"

Wait... Kumai-san...? Is she a bear? Haruna couldn't help but zero in on the demon's ears.

"What in the world did you do to her?" the tall demon inquired, bending over to stare at the knife that was still embedded in her body.

"Um... Long story short, she's alive and I almost cut her up for you guys. Can you heal her?

"Oh I see..." the giant said aloud as she still looked on inquisitively. "Well it's not as bad as I thought it would be. Here, this might tickle..." Kumai-san pulled out the knife quickly and pressed a finger from the bottom of the cut and lightly dragged it up, effectively sealing the wound and stopping the bleeding. When she took her finger away, Haruna was good as new.

She sat up and looked down at her wound, finding that there was actually a cross shaped scar dangerously close to where her heart was. "Why is this cross shaped...?" she was surprised at how casual she sounded. She was not out of breath like she was earlier.

"Oh uh... I have a habit of marking where the heart is before I make the cuts. One crew member absolutely hates it when I don't leave the heart intact since she loves biting into them whole and I’m probably freaking you out right now, that's quite the face you're making...?"

Ayaka was correct, Haruna's face had contorted further the more she had said.

"Though... Um... Let me just..." Ayaka walked closer and Haruna was confused as to what her intention was. She felt Ayaka's fingers at her sides and she could have sworn her heart could have leaped out of the wound before realizing that Ayaka was pulling her yukata top back into place. Embarrassed, Haruna slipped her arms into the sleeves and fixed herself up as Ayaka stood back, quietly clasping her hands behind her.

They heard a laugh in the room and it was then that she realized that the healing demon was still there. "Cute..." Kumai-san smirked before going out of the room. Haruna thought she was tall but seeing Kumai-san was...

"If you were wondering, yeah, she is a bear. As if her name doesn’t already make it blatantly obvious. And I thought I was tall..." Ayaka sighed and Haruna perked up.

"Exactly what I was thinking..." now that she had taken in Ayaka's appearance, she realized that they were the same height. It was just too bad that Kumai-san had left though, she would have asked for her to heal the scars on her chest as well.

Suddenly, Haruna was grabbed from behind and she immediately squirmed to get out.

"Moooouuuu, Ayacho~ When did you fight me this muuuuch?" a singsong voice whispered and Haruna proceeded to do the double-eye poke.

"Gah!" the new person stumbled backwards, releasing the other, "Seriously, Ayacho!"

"Aarii... That's not me."

The other woman shook her head vigorously and opened her eyes wide at Haruna. This Aarii character reminded her of a white cat. Her facial features were long and slanted downwards with a triangular frame, much like a foreign cat she had read about once, with the white fur, dark face, and blue eyes.

"Wow, you look just like Ayacho from behind."

"I'm Iikubo Haruna..." She got interrupted on the last syllable of her name.

"Though on closer inspection, you're definitely a lot scrawnier than her..." Aarii looked at he with the tilt of the head, resembling a kitten. Suddenly she swooped forward and hugged her, lifting her right off the ground and Haruna's chest started to ache again. "Wow, you could certainly break in half if I squeezed a bit tighter..."

"Cut it out," Ayaka sighed, "I nearly cut her heart out and Kumai-san JUST healed her..."

"Oh," was all the other said before releasing Haruna, "I'm so sorry," she gripped Haruna by the sides and began to massage them, "I tend to not think things through."

Wow, personal space violation much? The other was all up in Haruna's bubble! "I-I'm fine..." she tried to pull away but the other girl persisted.

"Give it up," she heard Ayaka next to her, "Uemura Akari, or Aarii for short, may look human but she is one-fourth cat... And that part of her is definitely dominant. You should let her go, she's clearly not comfortable right now."

The cat-like girl smirked, "But we're all ladies here. We could even run The Dschinghis Khan naked if we wanted to."

"We're not traumatizing Hauna on her first time here. Now shoo!" Ayaka waved her hand and Akari all too gleefully bolted away, smiling the entire way out the door. Even if she hadn't known about the cat demon blood within Akari, all the signs were definitely there for her to figure out.

“I’m really sorry about that…” Ayaka ran her fingers through her hair, “our crew is… pretty weird.”

“Oh no, it’s fine,” Haruna couldn’t help but chuckle, “I was once in a band of weirdos myself. Though…” she thought back to the orphanage. She had been there for such a long time. She was pretty sure it was Yasuda-san who had taught her how to walk and talk. She never knew her parents. Her family was essentially the other kids and Yasuda-san.

“Do you want to go back?”

She wanted to. But she was worried about everyone… If she were to come back, it’d have to be with Ayumi, Duu, and Maachan in tow. Since they had lost contact with Maachan, finding her would be the first priority above all else.

“What direction are we headed?”

“North, why?” Ayaka raised an inquisitive brow.

“May I speak with your Captain?”

“Maybe in a bit… Around this time, the Captain is busy.”

“Oh, that’s okay. It’s not like I’m in a hurry to be anywhere,” Haruna said dryly, taking a stab at the fact that she had no where else to go on a piece of wood in the middle of bleak waters.

“Meanwhile, would you like to go on deck?”

That’s right, they’ve been in the kitchen the entire time. Since she was definitely stuck here for a while, they might as well take a little tour. “I’d be honored.”

Ayaka led her out of the kitchen and into a long hallway. There were several doors on either side of the hallway and a ladder right in the middle, leading both upwards and downwards.

“This ship has two floors, not counting the deck. We’re in the living area right now. A good chunk of the rooms are occupied or doubled up. Storage is down below and the deck is up above. Also up there is the captain’s quarters.”

Haruna nodded.

"Ah, hello!" a demure, yet high voice said and Haruna looked to the new comer. Another female, though shorter than Ayaka and Haruna, had just exited the door closest to them. She had neat, short hair and looked to be as adorable as a pale white ferret. This girl looked to be about Duu's age...

"Oh, Karin! Meet Iikubo-san!" Ayaka placed her hand on Haruna's lower back and brought her closer to the younger girl, "We just picked her up!"

"A-ah! Nice to meet you! I hope you enjoy your stay on the Dschinghis Khan!" the petite girl bowed her head before running off. Ayaka couldn't help but chuckle at the other.

"That was Miyamoto Karin, another human member of the crew, she's endearing, that one. Though strange in some ways... You'll find out later."

Haruna could only nod. She wondered exactly how many people were on this crew...

Ayaka walked further and made a stop. “Here’s my quarters,” she pushed aside a tarp and opened the door, leading to a room.

“Oh how fascinating…!” Haruna’s eyes widened at the sight before her.

The room looked to be small but somehow it seemed spacious all at once. If Ayaka was completely in charge of decorating, she had a smart way of creating a wide space in such a little area. There was a hammock hanging at the side of the wall, with a porthole within its view. Beneath the hammock was various chests of sundries lined against the wall.

In the middle of the space was a small table with what looked to be a map pinned by its corners with… miniature buddha statues? The rug that was on the floor had many intricate lines imprinted on it as well. Haruna recognized the design to be something of buddhist works as well. In fact, what lined the walls were scrolls and paintings of various imagery.

“You really like art, I see...Do you do some painting yourself?” Haruna came in to get a closer look at all the art on the walls. There was one of a tiger, a scroll of a woman, a samurai brandishing his sword… Ayaka had it all.

“As much as I like doing art, I do enjoy looking at it just as much. The crew deems it a waste of a hobby when I’m on a ship so much but that’s precisely why I value it so much. An artist works hard to give their imagination a tangible existence and I can’t help but admire that drive.” Ayaka had this sparkle in her eye and Haruna couldn’t help but smile. This woman was truly passionate about her craft and it certainly showed. Ayaka then looked at the other, “A silly thing to fawn over, don’t you think?”

“Oh no, not at all!” Haruna shook her head vigorously, “Like this painting of the tiger, you could feel the ferocity of the strokes which gives it a very aggressive texture. Oh, and the way that the lines and space work together to create a form makes a distinct harmony between all the elements. I enjoy this one a lot.”

The spark in Ayaka’s eyes returned tenfold, “You indulge in the arts as well?”

“I do!” She used to get made fun of a lot for that. But now that she had finally met someone who shared the same interests as her! Finally!

“We’re going to get along quite well, aren’t we?”

“We definitely will.”

Gee, I wonder who got paired from the get-go xD
« Last Edit: April 12, 2015, 02:54:19 PM by Yuuyami »

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 20 [12-4-2015]
« Reply #127 on: April 12, 2015, 06:14:54 PM »
Haruna almost being eaten to being guided around on a ship XD

I could imagine "I got stabbed but don't take the blade out yet OMFG!  Put it back! OMFG it hurts way too much" moment
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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 20 [12-4-2015]
« Reply #128 on: April 12, 2015, 06:53:03 PM »
I need to re-read the previous chapter. How am I missing 5 puns?  :?

As for the current chapter, I don't know whether to feel sorry or laugh at Haruna being stabbed and re-stabbed to stop the blood loss. I can definitely imagine that scene in my head.  :lol:

Now I'm wondering who will meet up with Maa-chan?

Dancers = adept at physically fighting
Singers = adept at magic

Ahh..... It all makes sense now. I think. Now I'm wondering who was fighting the Cerulean Typhoon in the prologue?  :mon dunno:

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 20 [12-4-2015]
« Reply #129 on: April 13, 2015, 09:49:58 PM »
What puns did I miss? I'm curious now  I think I know  what Airi's relation to Riho is I'm guessing cousin or Riho is her niece. As for Riho's mum I do believe most have figured it out by now.  Can't believe Haruna was almost demon food thank god she woke up thanks for the update I can't wait to read more love it!

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 20 [12-4-2015]
« Reply #130 on: April 17, 2015, 12:06:01 AM »
Kuro: I'm not gonna lie, I was thinking of that one moment in Kung Fu Hustle as I was writing that xD

Hart: I swear your drawing will come soooon! Need to order a new cable for my tablet xD I do wonder about Maachan...

Robyn: A lot of the puns were a stretch cuz its things like lightning and being stunned and things like that xD Anyway, Riho's family tree will be filled out pretty soon with these next few chapters xD

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 20 [12-4-2015]
« Reply #131 on: April 17, 2015, 12:07:03 AM »
i was asked to wedge so i do the thing <3

Offline Yuuyami

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 20 [12-4-2015]
« Reply #132 on: April 17, 2015, 12:18:20 AM »

21. Ishida Ayumi
Ayumi woke up in cold sweat. She didn't even realize she was panting heavily until she looked at herself in the mirror on the other side of the room.
She had been having nightmares since that day.
Every single time, it would be her calling out Riho's name and the aforementioned demon would look at her...only to get impaled from behind. Sometimes it was the destroyed wooden stairs that did it. Other times, it would be the sword of the pirate she was fighting against, sneering from behind Riho's hair.
And every time, she would wake up when she saw Riho fall overboard.
That idiot... Ayumi grumbled, scratching at her loose brown hair. Although it was nice that Michishige-san was there to heal her, the sight was too traumatic to simply ignore...
She got up from the bed and walked towards the mirror.
She had to admit, being underwater was incredibly unsettling. She was breathing in the water okay, but feeling her hair float off as if a gentle wind was constantly caressing it was entirely something else. Taking a hair tie from her wrist, she gathered all of her hair and tied it into a tight ponytail at the base of her head. Good, the water didn't make her hair go all wild and crazy as it did earlier.
She rubbed at her eyes, studying her appearance a bit. There were enormous bags underneath her eyes and she was even paler than she rememebered. Were the nightmares getting to her? Or was it the water just making her all pasty? Could five days in the water really do that to a human?
She looked out the window and found the colors of the water to be a glistening light turqoise. That meant the sun was out, as she was taught by the guards. Before she could physically put her hand on the sliding doors of her room, they were opened immediately by the guards standing on the other side.
"Oh... thank you..." She had to get used to that. Did sea dragons have a special built-in sensor for people leaving and entering rooms? The guards paid her no attention and maintaind a rigid pose with their spears. If it weren't for them floating up and down slightly, she would have thought they were statues.
Ayumi looked around, trying to refamiliarize herself with the area. Although she had traversed these hallways several times to visit Riho's room, she would find something new every time. The palace was built literally upon a gigantic, living coral reef, so all the colors ended up changing every time she did as little as glance in the opposite direction and glancing back. Sometimes she would be taken aback by the sea flowers budding and withdrawing every time she passed them on pillars and the railing.
Just before she got to Riho's room, she stopped to let a school of fish pass by. It would be utter irony to call herself a fish out of water in this scenario, but that's what she had felt like. Just like the outside of her room, Riho's room was also guarded by a set of armored sea dragons with spears.
"She had just left for the gardens," one guard stated loudly, tapping his spear on the golden floor in a salute.
"Oh! Thank you!" the human bowed to the guards before turning around.
She remembered the first time she saw the gardens. One of the generals was giving her a tour and as they were walking around the outdoor hallway, Ayumi caught sight of it and couldn't take her eyes of what she had saw.
There were so many sea plants that she had never seen in her life. They were all of super bright colors and felt like they were glowing underwater. Separating everything were stone walkways and an occassional torii gate dotting the pathes. On top of that, the gardens were ridiculously huge and Ayumi could barely make out the rooftop of the hallway on the other side. She was told that this was an enclosed garden but seeing how huge it was put the palace in some serious perspective!
She eventually found Riho sitting atop a branch of a bright red tree-like coral. She was resting against the trunk and was staring listlessly into the surface above, with a watery bright sun looking back down.
"Are you feeling better?"
Riho looked down for a moment before hopping off the branch and landing on all fours, "Hyahhoi!"
"Wow, I guess its like nothing ever happened, huh?"
"Michishige-san is a good healer," Riho never stood up but instead, remained on all fours like a cat, "I'm honestly ready to go whenever. Though she insists that I wait until everything is truly healed before going."
"You should listen to her. It's better to journey completely repaired than with some nails loose."
"Doesn't matter to me," Riho yawned, sitting back on her bottom and relaxing her legs, "I'm a demon. It takes more than a few knocks to keep me down."
Something in Ayumi snapped. "You call being impaled a few knocks? You almost died back there!"
Riho looked confused at the outburst. "Well it wasn't so bad because Michishige-san healed me."
"But what if we hadn't met Michishige-san at all?! What then?!"
"I guess that would just mean I would take a few months to heal?"
Unbelieveable. A few months she said, casually as if she was talking about the weather. Absolutely unbelieveable.
"How can you be so..." frustration filled Ayumi's voice, "so... so flippant about life and death? Is this a joke to you?" She had to relive seeing Riho almost die every night in her dreams. It continued to haunt her and Riho was simply brushing it off as a scrapped knee?!
"It's not, though?" the demon tilted her head in confusion, "demons are tough. All injuries take time to heal, and I've got all the time in the world."
"I don't!" Ayumi lifted Riho up by the top so that she was eye level with her, "We don't have time to be wasting! Every little second that ticks away means Maachan is getting further from us. Every little second that ticks away means Duu and Haruna are out there, drifting further and further away from us!"
"I don't understand, you are what, 17, right? Don't you have plenty of time to spare too? It won't be bad if I was struck down for a year or two." Riho gave her a look that she didn't like at all. She was looking at Ayumi as if she had two heads, as if this conversation was as wild as a pig that could fly. Did that idiot demon seriously not understand Ayumi's point at all?
"IDIOT!" Ayumi practically barked at the other girl, dropping her back to the ground and walking away. She couldn't take it any more! Despite hearing calls of her name, Ayumi never looked back and she continued trudging onwards.
It was amazing she even agreed to journey with this buffoon of a half breed! Someone who didn't take life seriously was sure to get killed! How dare she make light of this whole ordeal! Ayumi certainly wasn't laughing every time she had those nightmares!
The guards walking by maneuvered past her as if she was on fire. She thought she saw a glimpse of bunny ears but that didn't matter, she was about to reach her room. The guards there saw her furious glare and timidly opened the doors for her. As soon as she walked through, she heard the doors shut behind her. Her first instinct was to punch a wall, but she was in a royal establishment. Her second was to punch Riho, but she walked away from the demon to avoid such a happening. Third was--
She raised a fist and let loose, only to be met with air as the bunny priestess just barely dodged by the width of a thread. "Wow!"
"Michishige-san, I am SO sorry!" she hadn't meant to swing at the bunny!
"What caused you to be all miss hellfire today?" Sayumi caressed her cheek as if Ayumi had landed a punch on it. "Did Rihoriho do something?"
Ugh, the name of the offender caused her to grunt disgustingly as she fell over face-first onto her bed.
"T-that bad?"
"She's a doofus," Ayumi mumbled from the bedsheets.
"I can't quite hear you," Sayumi came over and sat down next to Ayumi, touching her shoulder.
"An idiot, that's what she is," Ayumi moved her face to the side, looking at the other demon through a side glance. "I was so worried for her and she just brushes it off like something insignificant."
She couldn't believe it. It won't be bad if I was struck down for a year or two... How can she view a year as nothing?! Much less two years...
"It was my fault she got hurt... I was looking for her on deck and when I found her, I called her name and distracted her just for a moment... and she got hurt really bad. You saw how bad it was, and then she fell overboard and I felt so powerless watching it all happen."
Sayumi looked pensive. She was listening intently.
"I keep having nightmares about it but when I came to her, she treated it so insignificantly that I was scared for her. She actually said that a year or two down wasn't bad for her at all... Well of course its bad! And she had the gall to tell me that I was still young and it shouldn't matter to me either!"
"You're really stiff," Sayumi commented, running her hands though all of Ayumi's back, "Mind if I massage you a bit? I'll tell you what I think as I do it."
A bit off topic but no matter, Ayumi consented and she felt Sayumi straddle her from behind and work her hands all over her back.
"See... Demons, they view time a little different from how we view it. It's just like when you wanted me to heal Niigaki-sama back then."
"They could have come with us if you healed her, you know," Ayumi was still bitter about that. It would have ben really cool to travel with a well-known dragon warrior.
"But do you remember what she said? Weeks might as well be minutes. Demons live for so long that time is hardly a factor for anything. Days might as well be seconds, weeks might as well be minutes, years might as well be days. They don't understand time like we do. They live so slow that they wonder why we live so fast. You know what I mean?"
Sayumi did have a point. It explained why Riho said all those things with such a normal face... Ayumi groaned as Sayumi worked out the knots in her back. Who knew she was so rigid?
"You're really good a-at this," Ayumi quivered, seriously, what was the bunny doing with those hands of her's?
"Something I learned from a mentor of mine, if you will. A priestess's touch is always supposed to be healing!"
"So you are a priestess then? But wait, you're a demon... Demons can't be priestesses..." There was something impure about demon blood that negated any type of healing arts but for some reason, Sayumi knew them? There was a first for everything, she thought. Maybe there are pure demons out there...
"That, my dear, is a se-cre-t~!" Sayumi whispered in a singsong voice next to her ear.
Though she wondered if pureness was really the case for the bunny...

21.5 Sato Masaki
"Your grace, who are you talking to at the top of your lungs?" a scruffy, short, and stout bandit wheezed as the lady on his shoulders kept his neck in a vice grip.
Maachan looked down on him for a moment and continued bellowing at the sky.
"No really, who are you talking to?" the other bandit, a taller, lankier version, asked.
"Oh, I'm talking to the readers of this story," Maachan gestured towards the sky, as if a makeshift audience was looking down on them.
The two bandits looked at eachother before shrugging.
"Are you two twins? You both look alike! It's like a mirror! You even have the same clothes!" Although one was tall and one was short, this had to be case. They had the same fur vest, the same dark clothes, the same curly long hair, the same shadow of a beard, and even the same mole in the exact same place! When they talked, they had a wide gap in their teeth too!
"No, I'm more handsome," the tall one smacked his chest a few times.
"No, I'm far more handsome," the short one straightened his back and pounded his chest, though not without almost dropping Maachan.
Note: These two are played by Yoshizawa Hitomi and Ogawa Makoto.
"Hey! I'm the queen!" Maachan scrambled back onto the man's shoulders. Maachan is love. Maachan is life. Why didn't these two see that?!
"Who the hell is Yoshizawa Hitomi and Ogawa Makoto?!" the tall bandit called out, "Those are girl names aren't they?!"
That's who those two are played by.
"Will you stop doing that with your mouth?!" the shorter bandit jumped up and down in attempt to shut Maachan up.
But Maachan can't be shut up.
She can only be paused... only to be played later on. No amount of rewinds or forwards could change that fate.
"Ooooh what are these?" Maachan looked behind and grabbed a peculiarly long heavy stick out of the bandit's back.
"Don't play with that!"
No. It must be played with. There was a peculiar looking piece of the stick that kind of stuck out and Maachan pressed it and
It was loud as thunder!! and Maachan was knocked back but she landed on her feet just fine. Though the short bandit wasn't so lucky and landed on his buttocks.
Maachan could only laugh maniacally with this... boomstick in her hands.
"That was fun!" she pointed the boomstick at a tree and pulled on the weird lever and BAM it went again. Only this time, the tree had a hole in it!
Ooooh, that boomstick was a projectile weapon?
"Put that down! Put that down!" both of the bandits were on the ground and at her mercy now.
Both bandits winced at the noise, but looked up. "Did you just... imitate the sound with your mouth?"
Maachan nodded. If she heard it once, she could imitate it!
"I like this, you two should teach me show me how to use it!"
"It's... called a Rifle."
"A raifuru?"
"A Rifle."
Pshhhaawww. Names were stupid. She didn't wanna work so hard to say raifuru! Let's make it less syllables.
"From now on, this boomstick will now be known as My Waifu!!"
And so, this is the story of how Maachan came to meet her Waifu.
"B-but... it's my waifu..."
"It's mine now, peasant!"
And so, this is the story of how Maachan stole someone's Waifu.


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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 21 + 21.5 [16-4-2015]
« Reply #133 on: April 17, 2015, 02:22:34 AM »

That is all.


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 21 + 21.5 [16-4-2015]
« Reply #134 on: April 17, 2015, 03:52:37 AM »
Thanks Maachan for making it all better and stealing a Waifu :lol: :lol: :lol:
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 21 + 21.5 [16-4-2015]
« Reply #135 on: April 17, 2015, 04:31:05 AM »
If someone had to break the fourth wall, it had to be Maachan.  :rofl:

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 21 + 21.5 [16-4-2015]
« Reply #136 on: April 17, 2015, 08:54:30 PM »
Maachan is love Maachan is life that's why she can speak to the audience haha I would let her speak for hours thanks for the update poor Riho not understanding Ayumi she will eventually understand humans

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 21 + 21.5 [16-4-2015]
« Reply #137 on: April 21, 2015, 05:54:15 AM »
Bless ayumi for worrying about riho, bless riho for just being chill about the whole almost dying situation and for sure bless maachan cus omfg I can't keep up with her XD great work again yuumi~~ :deco:
Since my laptop currently has no battery I've pretty much just been doodling some of the characters from this fic  :P I'll upload them to you eventually :deco:
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 21 + 21.5 [16-4-2015]
« Reply #138 on: April 30, 2015, 05:33:32 AM »
Has Maachan stolen your waifu today? XDDDDD

22. Michishige Sayumi
Kids will be kids... Sayumi thought to herself as she got off of the comatose Ayumi. Girl was so stressed out that she fell asleep in the middle of her massage! Or Sayumi was that good at what she did.
Ayumi did bring up a valid point, however. Demons and their sense of time aren't anything like a human's. Being an unbirthed demon definitely caused that reality to come crashing down on her. She had watched as friends and colleagues aged and die while she kept going. She felt even more like an outcast among demons because she still had her fundamental human values. Maybe it was because she was human once that she definitely valued time as a precious commodity.
She walked out into the hallways in a slightly hurried pace. She needed to find Riho. If she was lucky, the halfie would still be at the gardens, probably still oblivious as to why the human had walked off in a huff. Fortunately for her, Riho was resting against a coral tree.
"Ah, Michishige-san?" Riho was startled by her appearance after a moment's glance. She still needed to get used to seeing Sayumi in her other form, it seemed. The bunny could only giggle at Riho's awkwardness.
"Rihoriho," Sayumi replied, watching as Riho's color start to distort in the water. Poo r girl definitely still needed time to get used to her.
She was about to inquire about Ayumi, but Riho spoke up first.
"I think I may have upset Ayumi..." the cat ears flicked downwards as Riho sunk her head into her knees.
"Oh?" Sayumi walked over and sat formally next to the other demon.
"I said something wrong and she looked really mad... I think we need to speed up my recovery somehow. So we could find her friends faster. I think she'll be happier with that, do you think it's like that?"
Oh Rihoriho, she had a lot to learn about humans.
"It's not just like that though. Humans don't have the luxury of time like us. You've heard what the humans say about us. We live too slow to really understand. How old are you again?"
"Almost 30, I think. I don't keep track of the days that much. I know it's a little bit before the last eclipse though."
"See, you're still young and developping. Your psyche is no different than a 15 year old human's."
"Those are children in our eyes though..." Riho seemed to not take kindly to the comparison.
"Alright, how about this..." Sayumi thought for a moment, "think of us as trees. Trees live just as long as we do."
Riho nodded.
"Humans though, they are more like the rice in the fields. They are planted, they grow in a season, then they are harvested. In the blink of an eye, they are gone. Every day matters to them up until the point death harvests them. Trees? We literally keep going. And even when disaster strikes us, whether its lightning or being cut down, it doesn't matter to us. We literally keep going."
Sayumi physically had to stop to gather strength. This was hitting a little bit too close to home now and she felt her memories stir up tears.
"Rihoriho, just know that Ayumi and her friends are the rice, just trying to live it out until their time comes in the end. The best we can do to honor their short lives is to treasure every moment we have with them until they are gone..."
After a moment's thought, Sayumi added, "it's either that or just don't interact with humans at all."
"You... really empathize with humans, huh..."
For many years, she ran. After the realization that she had become something inhuman, she ran. At first she thought she was fine with watching her friends and family at a distance. But watching them die off one by one was something too unbearable for her. She simply became invisible to the world, thinking of her own survival.
"Michishige-san... Are you crying?"
No, these weren't tears yet. She closed her eyes and willed the teariness away. She had let go of her past. The past will always remain in the past. This was the now.
She leaned forward and kissed Riho on the forehead, being sure to check for her health as well as to just do it for the sake of it.
"Rihoriho is too kind."
She truly was. She wasn't sure if it was the combination of really great parents or if it was just through the will of Rihoriho alone, but Rihoriho was truly a gentle person. "I think we can leave soon. If you feel like you are ready."
"I've been waiting to hear you say that," Riho exhaled loudly, leaning back against the tree.
"Silly girl," Sayumi scoffed before ruffling the other's head. Riho let out an annoyed huff and sunk further down to avoid the bunny's hand.
Now that was all settled, she needed to find someone. "I think it's best we leave first thing tomorrow morning, is that fine with you?"
"Yes~!" Riho saluted from her awkward position, causing Sayumi to smile widely.
Alright, now where was the princess residing? Sayumi began to wander off the garden and into the hallways once more.
To be honest, she was shocked at how well she got along with the princess. What started out as strong tension suddenly became... affectionate. Whatever Reina saw in the princess, Sayumi saw the same thing. The sea dragon princess was certainly... a peculiar individual. She wondered if everything directed to her goes in one ear and out the next. She always looked like she was spacing out or just fantasizing about many things or just nothing at all. Normally, Sayumi wouldn't have anything to do with idiotic people but the princess... was just too endearing to be mad at.
Right when she turned the corner, she saw the princess in question talking to the general.
"Ah, Eririn!"
"Sayuchan~!" the princess glided toward her before... tripping... in water... and nearly doing a full flip in the air (water?) before steadying herself. Surely, the princess was a peculiar being.
"Are you okay?" Sayumi asked as she extended a hand, allowing the princess to grab onto it to help steady herself in the water. Whatever happened to that grace when she had stopped a full grown dragon Riho with one hand?
"Never better~!" the princess grinned. "I was just asking Manoeri what happened over the years I was sleeping!"
"T-that's Mano Erina, Hime-sama."
"Nonsense, Manoeri is cuter!" Princess Eri fluttered over to affectionately poke the general on the nose.
The princess was way too adorable. Sayumi was squealing on the inside but remained calm on the outside. "Now to what do we owe your presence, Sayuchan?" Princess Eri turned to look at her and with the cutest orange eyes, she blinked curiously.
"I've actually wanted to ask about the Cerulean Typhoon. Have either of you met that person?"
It was clear in the past conversations with the princess that she had no idea Reina was affiliated with the Typhoon. Since they were dragons, maybe they had an inkling of who the typhoon really was? Sayumi wanted to satisfy this curiosity of her's. Who is this Typhhoon that the cat fell in love with?
"I haven't personally met the typhoon myself, but Manoeri has," the princess pulled herself closer to Sayumi's arm. "Let's have a story time, shall we?"
"A-ah... Well..." the general became nervous at the set of eyes staring at her.
"I've only met the Typhoon once. At the time just before Battle of Fuji."
Battle of Fuji... Sayumi didn't know about what happened. She was too busy being a bunny avoiding everything death-related. She was about to ask about it, but Eri spoke up.
"What is Battle of Fuji? Was I asleep for that?"
"You were, Hime-sama," the general sighed. "I don't know the full details myself, since we decided to distance ourselves from the conflict. I guess it was...50 or so years ago? The typhoon came knocking on our door, saying that someone was trying to exploit the Kioku no Meiro--labyrinth of memories-- for ulterior motives using an army of darkness, and she asked for the aid of our troops. I refused, but she took it in good stride."
"Aww, why didn't we participate?" the princess pouted, "That would have been fun!"
"I didn't because our territory and expertise is in the sea. We would be useless fighting on a mountain so far away from the waters. However, the Typhoon managed to gather highly skilled individuals to aid in the battle. For one, she used her clan's army to combat the dark army. Meanwhile, she and four other individuals went to take on the enemy at the summit."
"Oooh, sounds exciting, do you know who the other four were?"
"Hmm..." General Erina thought for a moment," Well the Typhoon, for sure... I did hear that a celestial was sent from above to aid in battle... I heard about pirates from a southern clan joining in... the storm dragon clan's general participated... Oh and your associate, the Golden Cat was also there."
Reina was there too...? Was that how she met the Typhoon? Sayumi pondered. There were so many things she wanted to know about Reina after her "death." Though... The Typhoon sounded a bit more fascinating at the moment. An individual who managed to get the help of a celestial? She thought they were merely a myth!
"Reinaaaa!" the princess suddenly whined, "I still can't believe she ran away mid-seduction!" she suddenly jumped up and down, fuming, "She stole my panties on top of that, too! That player!"
"H-hime-sama... After the fact, we established that  they were a part of the Cursed set that--"
"I don't care if they were cursed! They were cute!!! " the Princess was now glowing orange in the water, getting madder, yet, somehow cuter while doing so. 
So much information overloading at once, though! Reina stealing panties was a real rumor? And to run away mid-seduction? What did that even mean? Sayumi didn't want to know.
"So what was the typhoon like?" the bunny asked despite the sea dragon princess throwing an adorable  temper tantrum at her side, waving her arm like crazy.
"A very honorable person. She bested me in a game of shogi as we were negotiating, actually. That woman had a certain charisma about her..." now even the general was lost in admiration. This typhoon was surely a force to be reckoned with.
"Actually, now that I think about it, she sent us a letter not too long ago..."
Sayumi's bunny ears straightened up considerably. "What?"
"Indeed. We didn't make much sense of the message though. She had written down 'The Kioku no Meiro is active again. Beware.' and left it at that."
What is the Kioku no Meiro? Whatever it was, it was something of the past and something that existed now. Were the two connected? Could the Kioku no Meiro be why Riho's mama was missing? Sayumi needed to do her research.
"So none of us really know what this is then, correct?"
"It's something that has many rumors to it," the princess yawned. That was a sign Eri was getting bored. "Some say its a place where spirits are lost. Other's say it is a portal to anywhere in the world. I say because the name literally means labyrinth of memories, it's probably a place up in the celestial realm that records all of history. Who knows. No one's been there except those five individuals, I guess."
"When did the typhoon send the letter?" Sayumi inquired. Riho said her mama went missing five years ago...
"The letter was received five years ago."
Five years... That had to mean the two things were connected... The activation of this... Kioku no Meiro and the disappearance of the Cerulean Typhoon...
Come to think of it, Riho did say she wanted to see someone of importance at Okinawa... Who might know where the Typhoon was...
"I know this is out of your general area, but I was told that someone of great significance is currently residing in Okinawa right now, do you have any idea of who that might be?"
The princess and general froze.
Sayumi couldn't tell if that was a scared reaction or a wow, you're really dumb kind of reaction...
"Haven't you heard? the storm dragon's clan leader is hunting exotic game down there right now," the general said matter-of-factly.
Leader... Could the leader possibly be...?
"I can't imagine why anyone would try to look for that person any way. That lady is way too crazy about monster hunting to hold a conversation..." Eri shook her head.
"I can't believe the clan leader would travel across the country just to have a bit of hunting thrill... Leaving her clan and wife to fend for themselves back at the sky villages... I would be so lonely and mad if I were Nacchi-dono..." Eri complained languidly.
Nacchi-dono... Wait... Wasn't that Rihoriho's grandma...? Doesn't that make the clan leader Rihoriho's grandmother...?
"Well, with a revolutionary war-hero like Goto Maki... You honestly can't complain."
The person we're meeting in Okinawa... is the Typhoon's Mother!??!

Lmao we know everything about the Typhoon except the Typhoon's name xD
« Last Edit: April 30, 2015, 06:13:22 AM by Yuuyami »

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Re: Typhoon Tell You ♥ 22 [29-4-2015]
« Reply #139 on: April 30, 2015, 06:51:15 AM »
Seems it'll spout up soon

Although Shige being quite interested may bring the worst out of everyone :nervous  Reina stealing panties  :cathappy:
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