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The Hello! Project Fanfics => H!P Fanfics => Library => Topic started by: Vikitty on June 29, 2005, 10:02:42 PM

Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Vikitty on June 29, 2005, 10:02:42 PM
Yeah, so my friend LOVE Jam and I have been tossing this idea back and forth for a while but neither of us actually got around to starting it. That all changes, today.

I'll be writing it in chapters... because my attention span is similiar to that of a gnat and there's the risk that I might lose interest. Hopefully not, since Niki and I have already planned out how everything happens.

Props to Comrade for the title. XD


--- Prologue ---

"I don't see why those damn kids have to come with us this year," Miki Fujimoto grumbled as she shifted in the comfortable plush seat next to the window. "They're like what, 13? Creepy."

Beside her, Hitomi Yoshizawa shrugged and stretched out her long legs, accidentally kicking the seat in front of her.

"Hey!" came the sleepy cry of annoyance and Yossi grinned sheepishly.

"Sorry!" She turned back to Miki. "Who knows? Tsunku-san just said it's gonna be a big group photobook... It might be cool getting to hang out with the Melon Kinenbi girls. I know Rika-chan's thrilled since Shibata-san'll be there."

The two girls were packed into a charter bus along with the rest of Hello! Project including Melon Kinenbi, Country Musume, Biyuuden, W, and a handful of soloists including Ayaka from Coconuts Musume. They had arrived in Hawaii early that morning and had been immediately ushered onto their private bus for the drive to the hotel.

To Yossi, it seemed like they'd been driving forever, but she brushed it aside and chalked it up to really bad jetlag. In fact, everyone else seemed to be taking the opportunity to catch up on sleep. The chairs were so comfortable, the tinted windows blocked out most of the sunlight, and the gentle rumble of the engines almost sounded soothing. Yossi yawned and curled up in her seat, closing her eyes. A few seconds later she felt Miki's head against her shoulder, and the world slipped into darkness.
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Vikitty on June 29, 2005, 11:11:20 PM
---Chapter 1---

The first thing that registered in Eri Kamei's mind as she slowly regained consciousness was that she was cold. She expected to wake up the same place where she fell asleep - sitting beside Reina Tanaka on a bus in Hawaii. But instead she felt cold concrete against her back, seeping through the thin fabric of her tshirt.

"Is she awake?"

"I think so... look, her hand's moving!"

"Eri? Eririn?"

Kamei slowly opened her eyes, squinting slightly against the bright halogen lights buzzing quietly overhead. Reina and Sayumi Michishige were sitting on either side of her, worry etched in their faces.

"I'm okay... I think..." she murmured, sitting up carefully and looking around in confusion. "Where are we? Are we at the hotel yet?" A quick scan of the room showed that everyone seemed to be accounted for. The younger kids were huddled in a corner looking terrified, while the older members spoke to each other in whispers. There was an air of unease in the room, which wasn't lessened by the bars over the windows and the locked door.

With a jolt of panic, Kamei realized they were as far away from any hotel as they could have been.

"Don't worry, I'm sure everything's okay," Sayumi whispered. "It's probably just a security measure or something. Look, they even gave us wristbands!" She held up her left wrist to show off the thick pink band around it. It resembled a digital watch, with a small square on it that displayed flashing numbers.

Reina's eyes widened suddenly as she leaned in to get a better look at Eri. "And matching necklaces..." She touched her own neck and found that she too was wearing a thick choker around her neck. "Sayu, do you really think this is a security measure?"

Suddenly, they heard the door being unlocked. The kids all screamed and ran to the other side of the room where they cowered behind the older girls. Eri found herself wedged between Reina and Sayumi, with the new girl, Koharu Kusumi, behind her. The door swung open, and a man dressed all in black with dark sunglasses covering his eyes walked into the room.

"I must apologize for the manner in which you were brought here today," Producer Tsunku said as he removed the glasses. "I'm sure you all have questions, and I'll do my best to answer them-"

"Tsunku-san, what are we doing here?" Miki interrupted. "They told us we were going to the hotel-"

Tsunku ignored her and began to slowly pace the room. "You have all been brought here for one reason, and one reason only. You have been brought here because I need to find my ace." His expression hardened slightly as he said this, his tone becoming more clipped. "There can only be one ace. Only one of you will leave this island and return to Japan when the weekend is over."

Eri felt Reina's hand grabbing for hers, and then she felt Michishige do the same. The room was deadly silent, the smiles wiped off of every girl there as they waited for a further explanation.

"The rest of you... will die."

---DUN DUN DUN...---
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Vikitty on June 30, 2005, 03:13:01 AM
---Chapter 2---

"The rest of you... will die."

Sayu felt time stop to a halt as Tsunku said those words. She gripped Eri's hand tighter and desperately tried not to panic. Around the perimeter of the room, girls were slowly processing the information and looking uneasily at one another. She felt horrible for the members of Berryz Koubou, who were only kids. If this was some sort of sick joke, they obviously believed it for they all huddled together, frightened.

"The rules are simple in that there are no rules. You'll all be given a small supply of food and water, a map, and a weapon. You'll have two days to fight until only one of you is still standing."

"Why are you doing this?!" Reina burst out suddenly, and everyone turned to stare at her in horror.

"Because I have yet to find my ace, Tanaka," Tsunku replied. "The Lucky 7 auditions proved to be useless in finding her. Koharu-chan hasn't convinced me that last year's auditions were successful. So my belief is that the ace we're desperately trying to find is already in Hello! Project." The girls slowly turned to look at whoever was on the either side of them, wondering if they were standing next to the person who was to blame for this whole misadventure. "The ace needs to be a well-oiled machine. She needs to exude talent, charm, poise, personality, and above all else, she needs to be unstoppable by anything or by anyone." The corners of his mouth turned up in what was an unmistakable smirk. "And that is why you're in this game now. It's quite simply survival of the fittest. Your careers - your lives - are at stake."

He walked over to one of the walls and pulled a string. They all watched as a chart unrolled from the ceiling, displaying a map of the ocean. Hawaii was barely visible in one of the corners. Tsunku jabbed his finger at a miniscule mark in the center of the map.

"This is where you are right now. It's an uninhabited island. It used to be a military base fifty years ago, but now it's completely deserted. You'll be here for the next forty-eight hours."

"You're insane!" Reina shouted, and Sayumi squeezed the younger girl's arm so tightly she was afraid she'd break it.

"Reina, don't!" she pleaded, but Reina managed to break free of their grasp and stomped towards Tsunku, her colorful flipflops slapping against the hard concrete. "I don't care about your stupid ace! I'll quit if that's what it takes to get off this damn island!" The room went deadly quiet as the tough girl stood her ground in front of her boss. The pair of them held each other's looks, neither backing down. Finally Tsunku shook his head and continued talking.

"You've all probably noticed that you've been fitted with wristbands and collars - and no, Michishige, they're not just  accessories," he added, seeing her eyes light up. "The ones on your wrists monitors your heart rate. So if anyone has a little... accident... we'll know where to find you."

Reina swore again, and she pulled her hand back to slap Tsunku, but he caught her wrist and spun her around so that her back was to him.

"As for the collars around your necks... well, I think a demonstration would better illlustrate their use." Tsunku pulled a small electronic device out of his pocket, absently tracing the red button on it with his finger. "You might want to hide the younger ones' eyes. This could get messy."

Ice-cold fear washed over Sayumi as she realized what he was going to do. Her lower lip started to tremble as she grabbed Eri's arm. She watched as the kids inched as close to their senpais as they could, a few of them starting to cry.

Tsunku hit the button, and a soft beeping sound could be heard coming from Reina's collar. The display on the front began to blink slowly, steadily, as the other girls could only look on in horror.

"What are you doing to me?! Get this thing off!" shouted Reina, trying to find a way to unfasten the collar. "Someone, please help me! It won't come off!" Her voice grew more panicked as the beeping increased in speed and volume. She frantically grabbed at the collar as tears started to roll down her cheeks. "Why are you doing this to us? Why?" She sank to her knees in front of Tsunku, her scream of agony barely audible under the screams of the other girls as the device around her neck detonated.

Sayumi felt Eri collapse into her arms, sobbing hysterically in grief as Reina's body slumped forward onto the ground in a pool of crimson blood. The room was filled with screams as everyone scrambled to get as far away from the motionless body as they could.

"Tanaka wanted out of the game, and so she's out. If anyone else wants to give up here and now, just say the word." Unsurprisingly, nobody stepped forward. Tsunku glanced at the clock on the wall before continuing. "You'll be given your supplies and will be sent out one at a time in order of seniority and age. The game starts once the first person walks out that door." Tsunku stepped over the prone figure of Reina as a table of supply bags was wheeled through the door. "When I call your name, step forward and get your things before leaving."

"Good luck."

---End of Chapter 2---
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: TheQuickening on June 30, 2005, 03:49:36 AM
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SNAP!!!  Or in poor Reina's case... *bang*!  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:   Somehow I always knew Tsunku was a demented muthafucka.
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Vikitty on June 30, 2005, 04:36:23 AM
---Chapter Three---

"What the fuck is going on?" yelled Yossi as she caught up with her fellow 4th generation member Rika Ishikawa. After Tsunku had called her name, she had grabbed her bag and bolted out the door, unable to look back at Reina's body lying in the middle of the floor. She was still in a daze, her brain still trying to process everything that had just happened.

Luckily, she was right after Rika in the rollcall and was able to catch up with her friend as they both ran down a winding dirt path and into the woods. She could hear footsteps close behind them - she assumed it was Nozomi Tsuji and Ai Kago - but made no move to stop as she picked up their pace, looking for a place to hide.

"Come on, over here," Rika said suddenly, veering over to the right and pushing past some prickly bushes. She cursed as they bit at her arms and legs but kept going. Hopefully the thorns would keep someone at bay long enough for them to plan their strategy. She sank gratefully down onto the ground, and Yossi fell down beside her, panting slightly after their long run.

"What do we do?" she asked, keeping her voice low. Yossi shrugged, trying to unty the knot holding her bag shut.

"Let's see what we got, for starters," she replied, finally getting it open and upending its contents on the earthen floor. "There's not much here... a flashlight?" She flicked it on, testing it. "Well... I guess that's my weapon." She sighed and shoved it back in her bag. "This is so fucked up." She crawled over to the barricade of pricklebushes and peered over the top of them. "I think everyone's out now. We should get moving."

Rika nodded in agreement and slung her bag over her shoulders. There was a snap of someone stepping on a branch, and they both froze, listening.

"Mikitty, are you sure this is the best idea?" Both of them recognized the voice as that of Aya Matsuura, and Yossi held her finger up to her lips, signalling to Rika to stay silent.

"Do you have a better idea? Look, they'll be coming along any minute now. We can kill 15 birds with one stone, and get rid of a huge chunk of the competition. Then we can find a way off the island together." Miki's voice was hushed but determined.

Sure enough, the sound of running footsteps soon could be heard coming up the road, and they could see the shadows of the two friends through the foliage. Coming down the road were the fifteen Hello! Project kids, running for their lives. Some of the smaller ones were falling behind, but nobody seemed to be interested in slowing down to help them.

"Miki, I really don't feel comfortable doing this..." Aya began, but Miki appeared to be ignoring her as she tossed something from out of their hiding place onto the road and then ducked out of sight.

The ground shook as the explosion ripped through the line of frightened children, dirt flying and screams erupting from down the road. Yossi and Rika watched in horror as one by one the kids collapsed onto the ground, some still moving, clearly alive. They heard Miki's little laugh and Aya's gasp of shock as their footsteps retreated back into the darkness.

Yossi turned wide eyes back towards Rika, still numb from what they had just witnessed. "I think I might be sick. I should have known Fujimoto'd be the first to turn." She dusted the dirt off of her jeans and stood up slowly, shifting her bag onto her other shoulder. "We have to move. Fast." Rika nodded and got up as well, making sure nobody was in visual range.

"You don't think we'll end up like that, do you?" she whispered as she slipped her hand into Yossi's so they wouldn't be seperated.

"Like those poor kids... or like Fujimoto?" Yossi asked in reply, squeezing Rika's hand in reassurance. They stayed as close to the trees as they could, footsteps silent on the soft ground.

Rika shivered as she thought about the innocent victims still laying alone on the deserted road behind them. "I'm not sure which option would be worse. Cold-blooded roadkill, or cold-blooded murderer."
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Vikitty on June 30, 2005, 05:58:49 AM
---Chapter 4---

Ayumi Shibata winced in pain as she hurried to keep up with Megumi Murata and Masae Ootani, one hand holding her side. "Guys, slow down! I have a cramp!"

"Suck it up, Shibata," Hitomi "Boss" Saitou snapped as she came up behind her, the heels of her shoes sinking into the soft dirt as she jogged alongside her. "Once we get to the water we can rest." Ayumi groaned in frustration and sped up slightly, every muscle in her leg starting to burn, the stitch in her side flaring up again.

None of the four girls knew where they were running to, or if the water was anywhere near where they were. All they knew was that they had to get off of the island before they were killed. It had been Masae's idea to build some sort of distress signal in the rare chance that a plane happened to be out in the middle of nowhere. The other girls were hardly optimistic about the idea, but the fuschia-haired girl had pointed out that it was at least worth a try.

Ahead of them, Megumi slowed to a stop and Masae followed suit. Ayumi and Saitou skidded to a halt behind them and took in the scene before them.

The road and the plantlife on either side of it was completely charred and burnt. The blast site was only about a hundred feet in diameter, but the damage was heartbreaking to observe. Scattered amongst the rubble lay the bodies of fifteen little girls, all dead. Ayumi choked back a sob as she recognized many of the faces and buried her face in Masae's shoulder to try and block out the image. The four girls clung tightly to each other as they stood there in the waning daylight, their figures casting shadows over the still forms on the ground.

"Someone's been here," Hitomi whispered in shock. "And the game's already on for them."

"This is too real," Ayumi whimpered quietly, and Masae hugged her tightly in an attempt to comfort her. "We have to get out of here."

"I don't think there is a way out," Megumi said softly. "Whoever did this showed no mercy. They killed innocent little girls... who didn't even stand a chance."

Masae wasn't about to give up so easily, however. "That's bullshit. There has to be a solution. There has to be something we can do to survive."

"Like what?" Saitou snapped, frustrated. "The only way we live is if we kill everyone else. And then we have to turn on each other." Her expression softened and she looked away from them. "I don't think I could do that. Not to you guys." She turned back at them, and the other three girls were surprised to see that Hitomi was holding back tears. "We're all in this together, but only one can walk away."

Ayumi spoke then, her voice shaking slightly but she stood firm. "If we're all in this together... then maybe we should end it together. On our terms." She pointed in the direction where they had originally been heading before stumbling upon the carnage. "Look."

All four sets of eyes turned to see the glimmer of the ocean through the trees ahead of them. Wordlessly, they linked hands and began to walk towards it, each lost in their own thoughts.

By the time they reached the cliff overlooking the sparkling water, all four girls were crying. But they stood firm on the very edge.

"We end this on our own terms," Ayumi repeated, trying not to look down at the churning water below them.

"I love you guys," Masae said, smiling sadly at each of them in turn. "I'm so lucky to have known all of you..."

Saitou couldn't resist cracking one last joke. "Oh Christ, Masae's getting mushy. The world is ending." They all laughed, perhaps a little too loudly in order to hide their nerves.

"It just might be."

They each joined hands again. "On the count of three?" Ayumi said softly, and they all nodded in agreement. Ayumi opened her mouth to countdown, but the words wouldn't come out. She knew she'd just start crying again.

Saitou squeezed her hand tightly and they all took a step closer to the edge.

"One. Two. Three."

All four of them jumped off of the edge of the cliff and fell. None of them let go of each other, even after they'd hit the water.
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Vikitty on June 30, 2005, 07:17:06 AM
Last chapter for the night, probably.

---Chapter 5---

Dusk had fallen over the island, and Sayumi and Eri were lost. They had wandered into the woods and had gotten turned around. Both were feeling vulnerable, as it was just the two of them on their own. Miki had run off with Aya earlier, and Reina was dead. It still tore Eri up thinking about it.

"Sayu, I think someone's following us," Eri whispered after they passed the same oak tree for the fifth time. She reached into the pocket of her jacket and pulled out the handgun she'd found in her supply bag. She'd never held a gun before in her life, but she knew she might have to use it in order to protect herself and Sayumi. "Stay close to me," she added, flatting herself against a tree and pulling Sayu along with her. She figured out how to take off the safety and cocked the gun, saying a prayer in her head before jumping out from behind the tree, gun pointed at the ready.

"Eri? You're okay?" Maki Goto stood there, her jeans torn up and her arms scratched. She held a boomerang in one hand, her bag in the other. "It's okay, this is all I have. I'm not gonna do anything, I swear."

Sayu stepped out from her hiding place and moved to stand beside Eri, who was still aiming her gun at Maki. "Eri, it's okay."

"How do you know, Sayu?" Eri demanded, not taking her eyes off of Goto as she spoke to her friend. "How do we know she hasn't killed someone and stolen their weapon? Maybe that's why she's showing us her boomerang."

Maki sighed and dropped her bag and the boomerang on the ground before turning out her pockets. "I don't have anything. I was with Kagochan and Tsujichan but we got split up. I think they're trying to find Yossi and Rika."

Finally satisfied, Eri put the safety back on and tucked the gun back in her pocket. "So they were okay when you saw them? Have you seen anyone else?" Maki shook her head sadly.

"Not yet. You're the first sign of life I've seen since Aibon and Nono ran off." She picked up her bag again and gestured toward east. "I've been hiding over on the other side of this hill. There's some trees that have fallen so it's at least more sheltered then we are out in the open. It's a pain in the ass trying to get to it, but it might buy us some time." She gestured towards the bloody digs on her arms.

As if to accentuate her point, there was a bloodcurling scream from far off followed by a round of gunfire.

Sayu and Eri glanced at each other before nodding. "Yeah, that sounds good," Sayu said, offering a nervous smile to the older girl.

The trek to Maki's hiding spot was uneventful but dangerous. The moss covering the ground was like a slippery carpet, and twice Eri had to catch Sayu as she tripped and almost tumbled down the hill. Maki seemed to know where she was going, but every once in a while Eri would check to make sure she still had her gun. Just in case.

Off in the distance, the sound of a bell ringing could be heard. The party of three stopped and listened, each on alert. The ringing bell was followed by a burst of static, and then a familiar voice.

"We're four hours into the game, and already the death toll has reached twenty. Including Reina Tanaka's little incident at orientation, someone has managed to wipe out every single one of the Hello! Project Kids. In addition to that, Melon Kinenbi decided to quit the game and went for a little swim. And Morning Musume's fourth generation has been sliced in half with the unfortunate deaths of Ai Kago and Nozomi Tsuji. At this rate, we should have a winner well before the deadline!"

"I hate you," Maki whispered angrily, tears welling up in her eyes as she thought of her fallen comrades.

"...the sun sets in about two hours, so make sure you've got a safe place to rest for the night, should you choose to sleep. Keep up the good work, and good night!"

There was another crackle of static and then silence. The three girls looked uneasily at each other before Maki spoke up.

"We'd better get out of here. We're almost there, anyway."

And so they continued onward, as the sky faded into blackness and the screams of the hunted grew silent once more.
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Vikitty on June 30, 2005, 08:49:45 AM
---Chapter 6---

"Is everyone accounted for?"

"Yaguchan's missing..."

Yuko Nakazawa's eyebrows shot up as she heard that. "What? I thought you told her to wait for you, Kei-chan!"

Kei Yasuda shook her head. "I did. She never showed up. She must have run off as soon as she got out of the building. She could be anywhere by now."

Natsumi Abe and Kaori Iida both sat down on the grass, exhausted. Nacchi began monkeying around with the GPS device she'd found in her bag, while Kaori watched over her shoulder. "There's someone about three miles away from us, by the water. They're not moving."

Yuko asked the question nobody else wanted to. "Could they be dead?"

Nacchi shrugged and tapped a button, zooming in on the area. "I'm not sure. If this thing is tracking us by these stupid collars, then I think whoever it is is still alive. Or else they wouldn't show up on the map."

"You'll be able to tell when they start moving though, right?" asked Kaori. Nacchi nodded, angling the screen so they could see it better.

"Yeah, but there's a couple seconds of delay because the screen has to refresh. But if they get close to us, we'll be able to see them in real-time as well as on the GPS."

Kei yawned loudly and they all turned to look at her. "What?! I'm tired..."

Kaori couldn't help but smile at that. "She has a point... we should try and get some sleep. We can take turns keeping watch using the GPS." Yuko and Nacchi agreed and Yuko offered to take the first watch. Natsumi showed her how to use the various displays as Kei balled up her jacket to use as a pillow. Nacchi soon joined her, while Kaori tried to stay awake as long as she could.

Several hours passed and Yuko began to feel drowsy. She looked over at where Kaori was sleeping, wondering if she should wake her and let her take over the watch. But Kaori was sound asleep, her head on Kei's shoulder and one arm slung across Nacchi's stomach, looking quite content, even if it was only for a moment. Yuko smiled fondly as she watched her good friends before turning back to the screen.

Her smile vanished. The red dot which had been motionless only minutes before had started moving towards them. Yuko got up as quietly as she could and went over to shake Nacchi awake.

"Is it my turn yet?" the younger girl mumbled sleepily, pushing Kaori's hand off of her and sitting up.

"Someone's coming," Yuko whispered, showing her the GPS in her hang, with the red mark gaining ground on them. Nacchi's face paled in the gow of the screen and she turned it off, plunging them into darkness. "Wake up Kaori. I'll get Kei."

Yuko roughly shook Kei's shoulder and covered her mouth with her hand stifle her complaining as she woke up. Yuko quietly explained to her what was going on, and helped her to her feet. She fumbled in the darkness for a moment before she felt Nacchi's hand closing around her own.

"Leave your stuff here. We've all got our weapons on us and we can come back for the supplies later if it's safe. We've got to move, quickly," hissed Yuko. "If we get seperated, we'll meet here -"

Yuko was cut short as a bright light was turned on them. Everyone whirled around to see Mari Yaguchi standing there, a flashlight in one hand and a deadly looking gun in the other.

"So this is where you all ran off to," she said evenly, her eyes blazing with silent anger. "You said you'd wait for me, Kei-chan. I looked for you, but I couldn't find you. You all left me behind!"

Kei held up her hands and stepped back. "I waited for you right down the road. I never saw you leave the base! We thought you'd gone off on your own so we decided to try and meet up with you later. We couldn't just stay there like sitting ducks!"

Kaori stepped between the two girls and spoke in her soft, calm voice. "This is just a misunderstanding. We're all safe, and we're all together, so we should just try to stay out of trouble and find a way out of here."

Yaguchi took a step back, her grip on the gun tightening. "No. You all left me there! You've got some alliance to stay together and you shut me out!"

Yuko snorted in amusement. "Yaguchi, you're being paranoid."

"Shut up!" Mari cried, levelling the gun at her senpai. "I was wrong to trust any of you! You act like I'm just a kid most of the time and never take me seriously. That's why you went on without me. Well, you'd better take me seriously now because I've got a gun and I'm not afraid to use it!"

"Yes, you are," Yuko replied. It was a statement, and Mari's hand wavered only slightly as Yuko gently scolded her. "Yaguchan, you don't want to do this. Just put the gun down and we'll figure something out. We're all as scared as you are."

"You should be," Mari shouted.

Two more shots rang out that night.
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Vikitty on June 30, 2005, 05:30:08 PM
---Chapter 7--- (Alternate title: Please don't kill me, Ange!)

As Mari levelled the gun at Yuko, Kei ran forward and grabbed Yaguchi's arm, trying to aim the gun somewhere else where it wouldn't hit anyone if it fired. She managed to push it to the left slightly, as Mari shouted at her to get away.

Before Kei could answer, Mari squeezed the trigger and shot at Yuko, who went down instantly. Nacchi and Kaori both screamed and raced over to where she lay, while Kei turned back to look at Mari, her face pale.

"You killed her!" Nacchi screamed, shoving Kei out of the way and making a grab for Mari. But the shorter girl managed to slip out of her grasp and dodged the attack.

"She was in the way!" Mari yelled back, but she looked down at the gun in her hands with disbelief for a moment before taking a few steps backward. "I wasn't trying to hit her..."

Kaori, who had been trying to resuscitate Nakazawa while this exchange had been going on, finally managed to pry herself away from her friend's side. Her hands were stained with blood and her eyes were damp with tears but she managed to keep herself composed as she joined the other three girls.

"Get out."

Mari blinked in confusion. "...what?"

"You heard me. Get out of here. You killed Yuuchan. Get out of here now, before I kill you."

Mari's bottom lip quavered as she watched as her three best friends turned their backs on her and started walking away. Desperate, she started after them.

"Kaorin, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! I wasn't going to shoot anyone! You have to believe me!" They kept walking. "Please, don't leave me here! I don't want to die..."

It took everything in Kei to keep her from running back to her smaller friend to comfort her, as Mari's cries became fainter and fainted as the distance between them grew. When they were finally far enough away, Kaori broke down completely, crying uncontrollably.

All Nacchi and Kei could do was hold onto her as she wept, her thin shoulders shaking with grief over her loss. Nacchi wasn't as responsive; she seemed as if she were in a trance. Kei knew that eventually it would sink in and it would all start over again.

Another gunshot cracked somewhere near by. It was starting to become less surprising, given their current situation. Still, there was that sense of dread as they silently crept back towards the forest to see who it was.

Kei, who was in the front of the pack, peered around from behind a tree and held back a scream. She whirled around to cower behind it again, shaking. As Kaori inched closer to have a better look, Kei grabbed her arm.

"No, don't, let's just get out of here..." she whispered, but stubborn Kaori pressed onward and caught a glimpse of the redheaded body on the ground.

"No!" she shouted, shoving Kei and Nacchi out of the way and running over to where Mari's lifeless body was sprawled out, Nacchi at her heels.

Kei hesitated slightly, looking around warily. "Hurry up, whoever did this might still be around..." When neither moved, she sighed and slowly walked over to join them.

"I'll kill whoever did this," Kaori said angrily, kneeling down beside Mari and laying a hand on the smaller girl's cheek.

Kei raised an eyebrow skeptically. "You were ready to kill her yourself just now."

"She killed Yuuchan!" Nacchi added, her eyes brimming over with tears. "She was trying to help and Mari shot her!"

Kaori nodded slowly, looking down at Mari's peaceful face. Her brows furrow then and she carefully turned Mari's head to the left side, exposing the right side of her head. Everyone winced and looked away from the bullet wound through her temple.

"Point blank," Kei said softly. "Whoever it was, they had a good shot." But Kaori didn't agree.

"No, if someone had shot at her they would have gone for the chest if they wanted to kill her." A sense of dread began to creep over her as she noticed the gun laying beside her. "I think... I think this was self-inflicted." She jumped to her feet and backed away in shock. "She killed herself!"

Nacchi started to cry, the delayed reaction to both Yuko's murder and Mari's death settling in. Kei wrapped an arm around her and fought back her own tears. Kaori picked up the fallen gun that Mari had dropped and walked over to them.

"We should keep moving. Someone might have-"

Kaori's mouth formed a perfect little "O" of surprise as she heard a whistling sound and felt something piercing into her back. Her legs buckled and she fell down onto her knees, confused. Nacchi and Kei were both staring at her in horror.

"What's going on?" Kaori cried out, trying to look over her shoulder at what was lodged into her back. She felt the second arrow tear into her spine before she saw it, screaming in agony as it ripped through her.

Nacchi screamed again and started to run, but Kei snatched the gun from Kaori and pointed it in the direction where the bullet had come from. She saw someone running and fired blindly at the moving figure, who crumpled and dropped the crossbow in her hand.

"It's Miuna!" Kei shouted at Nacchi. "She might not be alone; we have to hide!" Nacchi didn't answer, and when Kei turned to look at her, she saw Nacchi struggling to pull the arrows out of Kaori's back. "No, don't do that! You'll kill her for sure!"

But Nacchi wouldn't let go. Sobbing, she tried vainly to remove the wicked arrows from Kaori. The taller girl wasn't moving, her face contorted in pain and her fingers digging into the ground.

"Just stop, Nacchi, please," she whispered so softly they almost didn't hear her. "Go find somewhere safe with Kei so you can survive." Her eyes were starting to lose focus, and Kei dropped to her knees in front of her so they were at eye level.

"Kaorin... just hang on. We'll get you help... just try and hang on," she pleaded, but she knew that it was useless. Nobody was going to help them, just like nobody had helped Yuu-chan or Yaguchi or anyone who had died in the game. Kei saw it in Kaori's eyes that she knew it, too.

Nacchi wrapped her arms around Kaori, ignoring the deadly arrows as she hugged her old friend tightly, crying softly. After a moment Kei did the same, and they stayed that way until Kaori's eyes finally closed.
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Vikitty on June 30, 2005, 07:21:14 PM
---Chapter 8---



"Never mind."



"What?!" Fujimoto finally snapped, looking up from her map. Her best friend and only ally was sitting across from her on the soft white sand near the water. Scraggly bushes protected them from anyone who was far enough away to look toward the water. Night had fallen, and the moon hung in the sky, casting light over the water.

Aya looked hurt at Miki's annoyed tone of voice, and shrugged. "It's nothing... I just..." She shook her head in disbelief. "How can you not feel guilty for what we did... what you did... earlier?"

Immediately, Miki's defenses went up. "I'm playing the game, Ayaya. I can't just sit around and let myself - or you - get killed."

"But blowing up a bunch of kids, that's obviously no trouble for you," Aya argued. Miki only shrugged and didn't answer her friend. "Are you really that cold-blooded, Fujimoto? If you are, why haven't you killed me yet?"

"Because we're gonna find a way out of here and escape together," Miki answered, attempting to sound convincing. Aya saw right through her and scoffed.

"Oh, right. Since when have you ever been an optimist?"

Miki folded her map back up and crammed it into her bag. "Because I don't want to think about what would happen if it came down to just you and me, okay?" She stood up and grabbed her bag. "Come on."

Aya didn't move. She looked up at Miki, her tone resigned. "Go without me. If you run into me later on... kill me. I know I won't be able to do the same to you. You might be brave, Mikitty, but I can't hurt you. I won't hurt you. And if sacrificing me is what it takes for you to be able to survive and win... and go home... then just do it. I'm tired of fighting."

Miki was stunned at Aya's demand. "I can't kill you."

"Yes, you can. You will, if it comes down to it." Ayaya said, getting up and walking to where Miki stood silently. "So I'm telling you that it's okay. I might not always agree with the things you do, Mikitty, but this time... I know you're just trying to do what's best." She offered a brave smile. "I forgive you for it."

Miki took a few more steps back, then began to run, leaving Aya behind her. She ran as fast she could, ignoring the tears streaking her cheeks. She hadn't wanted Aya to see her cry, but now that she was gone she gave in to the emotions - sadness, fear, loneliness. Ayaya had stood by her from the moment they got on the plane to Hawaii, and if Miki survived, it would be because of her.

Ahead of her, she could see someone walking down the side of the road, their face obscured by darkness. Miki slowed down to a jog and treaded as silently as she could.

"Who's there?" someone called, and Miki held her breath, frozen in place. The seconds slowly passed as the figure stepped out of the shadows, and Miki recognized the girl as one of Ishikawa's friends from Biyuuden, the slightly dimwitted one - Okada-san. Miki crossed her fingers and hoped that Yui would leave her alone, but her hopes were dashed as Erika Miyoshi joined her.

"It's probably just an animal or something. Come on, let's go," Erika whispered, but Yui stood firm.

"No, I saw someone..." Miki didn't even have time to hide as Erika turned on her flashlight and swept it over the road. The beam caught Miki's feet in its glow, and soon she was squinting against the light.

"Oh, Fujimoto-san," Yui said politely. "Erika, it's Fujimoto-san!"

Erika rolled her eyes, keeping her flashlight trained on Miki. "Yeah, Yui-chan, I can see that." Miki slowly began to back away and Erika pulled a pistol, cocking it. "Don't move."

"She's not armed, she can't hurt us... just let her go..." Yui whispered. But Erika's mouth was set in a grim line as she lowered the flashlight but kept the gun pointed at Miki.

"She's our enemy, Miyoshi. We saw her shoot Kagochan and Tsujichan! She's a murderer!"

Yui hopped nervously from one foot to the other, fidgeting. "I know, but if you kill her, then you'll be no better then she is..." She took Erika's arm and tried to pull her away. "Come on, just leave her alone."

Miki took the window of opportunity while Yui was talking to Erika to begin sprinting down the road as fast as she could. She heard Erika shouting at her and then something slammed into her shoulder. White-hot pain spread down her arm but she forced herself to keep running.

It felt like an eternity before she managed to find the beach where she'd left Ayaya. She was relieved to see her friend was still there, and Ayaya let out a small scream when she saw Miki.

"What happened?" Ayaya whispered as she helped Miki sit down.

"Okada and Miyoshi. Miyoshi's the one with the gun; she shot me when I was running away." Miki gritted her teeth and fought back a cry of pain as Aya pulled her torn shirt away from the bullet wound in her shoulder. "Please tell me the bullet's not still in there."

Aya's face was ashen, and Miki let out another growl of pain.

"Get a fire going," she barked, handing Aya her lighter.
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Vikitty on June 30, 2005, 08:39:55 PM
---Chapter 9---

"Are you warm enough?" Yossi asked Rika as she sat down beside her friend, leaning against a large rock. It wasn't exactly comfortable, but she hoped it would help her stay awake. The night air was cool, and because they were near the water, there was a breeze that swept past them every so often.

Rika pulled the sleeves of her sweatshirt down to cover her hands and nodded. "I'm okay." She sighed, leaning her head against Yossi's shoulder and looking up at the sky. "I just want to go home."

"So do I. This is all too real... Aibon and Nono are dead. And if I had to guess, I'd say that Fujimoto killed them. She's always in it to win." Yossi glanced down at Rika and wrapped her arm protectively around her waist. "I won't leave you, I promise. We'll get through this."

Rika smiled and relaxed slightly, her heart racing from something that wasn't completely fear. They sat together silently for a few moments before she spoke up.



"Are you scared?"

Yossi smiled weakly and nodded, holding Rika even tighter. "Yeah. Terrified." Rika laughed softly against her shoulder, and Yossi blushed. "Just don't tell anyone I admitted that."

"I won't," Rika promised, yawning quietly. "D'you mind keeping watch first?"

Yossi shook her head. "No, I'll be awake for a while. Get some sleep." Rika nodded sleepily and curled up beside her. As tired as she was, she couldn't fall asleep. Her senses were aware of everything - the wind rustling against the trees, the cold ground beneath her, the sound of Yossi's even breathing as she kept watch. Rika inched closer to her friend, seeking warmth. She felt Yossi's hand on her cheek before it stroked her hair, and Rika's eyes slowly began to close.

"I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?"

Rika's eyes flew open as Yossi pulled her hand away.

"Ai-chan?" Yossi whispered, as Takahashi approached them. Both Rika and Yossi stood up cautiously.

"Rika-chan, Yocchan," Ai said sweetly, stepping into the moonlight. Rika's eyes darted down toward Ai's hand and noticed the glint of metal. Her eyes widened in alarm and she took a step back.

"What are you doing here, Ai-chan?" asked Rika, trying to keep her voice steady. "Are you all alone?"

"Yup," Takahashi replied, taking another step towards them. "So was it Fujimoto who wiped out all the kids? Fifteen people?"

Rika paled, noticing the gleam of mischief in Ai's eyes. "How... how many have you killed, Ai-chan?"

Takahashi smiled again, showing them her gun and the cartridge of bullets still intact. "None yet. But I think I need to start if I want to win. After all, it is a competition. The winner gets to stay with Hello! Project. Maybe I'll finally get my solo career."

"You're insane," Yossi snapped. "You'll let everyone be killed just so you can get your career underway?"

"I would have gotten it earlier if it weren't for you, Ishikawa," Ai snarled. "You got to graduate and lead your own group, and you can't even sing! What do I get? I get to play second-in-command to Yoshizawa and then they put me on this stupid island!" She shoved the bullets back into her gun and clicked the safety off. "So what the fuck do you expect me to do?"

"Stop acting insane, and that'd be a good start!" Yossi yelled angrily. "You're not going to win, Ai-chan. Fujimoto's wiped out a third of the island already, what makes you think you can beat her?"

"Shut up!" Takahashi shrieked, and fired at Rika just as Yossi shoved her out of the way. Rika fell out of the way and landed hard on the ground, and Yossi followed, blood beginning to blossom from the wound in her chest.

Rika shook her head to clear it and shook Yossi's shoulder. "Yossi..." Then she noticed the blood, and let out a bloodcurling scream so loud that Takahashi winced. "You're a fucking murderer!" she screamed at Ai. "You killed her!"

"I didn't... I didn't... it was an accident!" Takahashi stammered. "I was aiming for you..." The gun slipped out of her hand as she took a step back, and then another. Ai let out a sob of disbelief and shame before turning and running off, sand flying everywhere.

Rika shook Yossi's shoulder again, more roughly this time. "Yocchan, wake up! Please wake up..." She bent down and lay her cheek against Yossi's, calling her friend's name again when she felt Yossi's breath faintly against her ear. "Come on, snap out of it!"

"I said I'd protect you..."

Rika began to cry again as Yossi's eyes opened slowly. "You did, Hitomi-chan. You saved me." She pulled off her sweatshirt and pressed it against the bleeding hole on Yossi's chest, trying to stop the flow of crimson blood. "Just don't leave me..." Her hands were slick with blood, her body wracked with sobs.

"Hey..." Yossi smiled slightly at her, taking in a shuddering breath. "You'll be okay." It was the wrong thing to say, because Rika shook her head.

"You're not going to leave me, that's why!" she cried, redoubling her efforts to save her friend. But there was so much blood everywhere, and she knew Yossi was fighting to hang on.

"Ishikawa, get a grip," Yossi joked wryly, and Rika let go of the sweatshirt and moved up to lay beside her, gently sliding her arm under Yossi's head to make her more comfortable. "Thanks... for staying with me."

Rika wiped her cheeks again. "Like I'd ever leave you here... alone."

"You'll have to... after I'm gone. Get as far away from here as you can," Yossi whispered, her eyes slipping closed before she opened them again. "Do your best, Rika-chan." Rika nodded numbly as Yossi's head fell back against her arm, her eyes closing again.

Rika wasn't sure how long she sat there, crying. She knew Yossi had told her to run away, but she couldn't leave her there alone. Shivering in the cold air without anyone to warm her anymore and her sweatshirt soaked in blood, she noticed Takahashi's gun on the ground. Rika slowly got up off of the floor and walked towards it, her feet almost moving of their own accord. She picked up the gun and studied it closely.

She wasn't brave. She couldn't win this game, not without Yossi. Everyone she cared about was either dead or had turned against her, and there was no reason to keep playing.

Footsteps approached her. Rika spun around, cocking the gun.

Makoto Ogawa appeared from between two trees. She looked from the gun in Rika's hand over to where Yossi lay, then back at Rika.

And then she screamed.
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Tyler_Wood_2005 on June 30, 2005, 10:11:03 PM
You...your stories...

They're so sad, I even cried at the part where Yaguchi accidently killed her Sempai Yuko, then turned the gun on herself out of guilt.

cried even harder as the older girls stayed with Kaori as she slowly died, and the part with Yossi taking the bullet for Rika and her final goodbyes-

I don't think I've ever read a sadder, more moving story. Full of emotion and evil, death and sadness :cry:  :cry: . You've got a serious talent. I've rarely cried while reading a story but this one...So sad, I'll remember it forever :cry:  :cry:  :cry:
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: TheQuickening on June 30, 2005, 10:31:40 PM
Quote from: Tyler_Wood_2005
You...your stories...

They're so sad, I even cried at the part where Yaguchi accidently killed her Sempai Yuko, then turned the gun on herself out of guilt.

cried even harder as the older girls stayed with Kaori as she slowly died, and the part with Yossi taking the bullet for Rika and her final goodbyes-

I don't think I've ever read a sadder, more moving story. Full of emotion and evil, death and sadness :cry:  :cry: . You've got a serious talent. I've rarely cried while reading a story but this one...So sad, I'll remember it forever :cry:  :cry:  :cry:

Have you seen the movie that this is based on?  It's very similar.
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Tyler_Wood_2005 on June 30, 2005, 10:43:34 PM
Similar but I doubt it would be as good, Yours has H!P characters. Therefore we "know" the girls very well. What their personalities are like, how they'd most likely react. And when one dies we're bound to be more attatched to their death and be more emotional if it were some actor we barely know or don't know as well as the H!P girls.
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Vikitty on June 30, 2005, 11:01:02 PM
Yeah that's why it's so hard killing them off. (Well, except for certain people XD) Because I'm emotionally attached to them. ;_;

I'm trying not to stay TOO close to the original, but there are some parts that I think parallel the original characters really well. (For example, the scene where Yossi dies in the arms of Rika is lifted straight from the move when one of the girls dies in the arms of a guy she had a crush on.

I just hope Masa doesn't kill me when Rika gets offed...
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Vikitty on July 01, 2005, 02:06:19 AM
---Chapter 10---

As the sun rose on the morning of the second day, the sound of a bell rang through the air again. On the east side of the island, Ayaka Kimura, Mai Satoda and Asami were pushing their way through dense bushes toward the same cliff that Melon Kinenbi had been the day before. At the sound of the bell, they all froze.

"I hope everyone's okay," Mai said, and the others quietly agreed.

Tsunku's eerily cheerful voice cut in.

"Good morning, girls! I hope everyone had a pleasant sleep last night. Unfortunately for some, they won't be waking up with the rest of you. Last night we said farewell to Yuko Nakazawa, Kaori Iida, Mari Yaguchi..."

"Oh my God," gasped Asami, covering her mouth in disbelief. "Yaguchi-san!"

"...Hitomi Yoshizawa, and Miuna Saitou. Not as quite of an impressive turnout as yesterday's events, but it's still early. You have until midnight tonight to win the game. If there is more than one person standing when the bell rings once more, nobody goes home."

The color drained out of Ayaka's face as the three girls absorbed this new information, sitting down heavily on the ground in shock.

"You bastard!" screamed Mai, torn between grieving for the loss of Miuna and that of her best friend.

"Mai, stop screaming!" Asami bellowed, and both Ayaka and Mai went silent as the usually quieter Asami shouted at them. "Look, I'm upset about losing Miuna and Yoshizawa-san as well. But we have to keep it together or else we'll all end up like they did."

But now Ayaka was crying as well. "They'll pick us off, one by one! We're the minority; nobody cares about us!" She clawed at the collar around her neck in frustration. "We're prisoners here, and there's nothing we can do about it!" She stood up defiantly and dropped her bag onto the ground angrily. "I quit! I don't want to see my friends die!"

Asami and Mai both quickly got up and tried to restrain her. "Ayaka, shut up!" But Ayaka wouldn't be silenced, and she continued to scream and curse at the sky, as if she expected it to answer her back.

The light on the front of her collar began to beep.

"Ayaka, you idiot!" screamed Mai, shaking her by the shoulders. "You're going to die! You're going to leave us!"

Ayaka broke free of Mai's grasp and began to run toward the cliff, the wind whistling against her ears as she ran, until she skidded to a halt at the very edge, Mai and Asami right behind her.

"Ayaka, don't do this!" Asami pleaded, her eyes wide and frightened.

Ayaka laughed bitterly as the beeping sound sped up slightly. "Why not? I'm gonna die anyway. Guess I have to make it quick."

She stepped off the edge and Mai frantically grabbed for her arm. She caught the edge of Ayaka's sleeve but it was too late. Both girls plummeted down to the rocky water below, Ayaka's collar exploding on the way down and showering the surf with red.

Back at the top of the cliff, Asami curled up into a ball and wept.
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Vikitty on July 01, 2005, 05:56:29 AM
WARNING! RIKA DIES IN THIS CHAPTER. Sorry. :( (So does Takahashi, finally!  :w00t:  :w00t:  :w00t:)

---Chapter 11---

Makoto was pacing up and down the shoreline of the beach where she'd discovered Rika and Yossi together. She couldn't bring herself to look over at where her best friend lay dead on the ground, so the only other person to focus her attention was on Rika.

"Makochan, it's not what it looks like-" Rika began, but Makoto wasn't having any of it.

"Why did you kill her, Rika?! How could you be so cold? How could you kill your best friend? How could you kill my best friend?!" She was livid, her cheeks tinged with red as she confronted Rika.

Rika tried to explain the situation as best as she could. "It wasn't me, Makochan. Please believe me! It was Takahashi... this is her gun... she shot at me but Yossi took the bullet... she saved me." Rika looked down sadly as the painful images flashed through her head once again. "I'd never hurt Yocchan! You know that!"

"You expect me to believe that?" Makoto asked skeptically, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. "I'm not an idiot, Ishikawa. Everyone's turning against each other." Her hand shook slightly as she fumbled with the bullet clip of her gun. "I'll never forgive you for this."

"Makochan, if you'd just let me explain-"

"You had a gun, Rika!" Makoto yelled, gripping her own tightly in her hand. "You shot Yossi and you were going to shoot me!"

Rika dropped Takahashi's gun onto the ground and held up her hands. "I wasn't going to shoot you, Makochan." She looked back over her shoulder at Yossi before continuing. "I was going to shoot myself. Yossi made mr a promise... she said she'd never leave me. But she did, and now I'm all alone and I don't want to watch the rest of my friends die."

Makoto's hand lowered slightly, and Rika breathed a sigh of relief.

"Liar," spat Ogawa, and squeezed the trigger. Rika crumpled to the ground beside Yossi, and Makoto stood there silently, the gun still pointed at the spot where Rika had been standing seconds before. She mustered up as much courage as she could and hid her weapon back in her jacket before picking up the fallen gun near Rika's hand.

As she crouched down in front of her two lifeless friends, the shock of what had just happened hit her. She crawled over to where Yossi lay and took her friend's ice-cold hand in her own, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill. "Yoshizawa-san... I'm so sorry!" she cried, bowing her head in sorrow.

"Ogawa?" Takahashi's voice came from the clearing, and Makoto turned around, Ai-chan's gun in her hand. "What're you doing here?"

Makoto gestured listlessly at Yossi and Rika behind her. "Yossi's dead. So is Rika-chan." She studied Takahashi closely, but Ai's face was expressionless.

"Oh." She kicked absently at the sand with one foot, avoiding eye contact. "Well, I'll leave you alone... I just came by to see if I left my-"

"Gun?" Makoto finished for her, holding out the firearm she'd found. "This is yours, right?" Ai-chan nodded meekly, and rage boiled up inside Makochan again. Rika had been telling the truth. It had been Ai who had killed Yossi, even if it was accidentally.

"I dropped it earlier... when Konno and I were scouting the beach... I only realized it just now..." Takahashi stammered. "I didn't touch Yossi, I swear..."

"Save it," Makoto interrupted, her eyes cold and unforgiving. Wordlessly she pointed the gun at Takahashi. This time her hand was steady when she pulled the trigger, shooting Ai in the forehead and causing her to topple over like a pile of stones. Ogawa concealed the other weapon under her clothes before turning on her heel and heading back up the path. She didn't look back.
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Purpus on July 01, 2005, 06:34:39 AM
Whaddya mean, "WARNING! RIKA DIES"?  What happened to "WARNING! TAKITTY DIES"??  :x  :x  :x :cry:

Or even, "WARNING!! OGAWA LIVES"???  :lol:
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Vikitty on July 01, 2005, 06:40:07 AM
Hahaha fine I'll add that.  :twisted:
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Purpus on July 01, 2005, 06:49:16 AM
Very funny.... Here's a funny joke:  You are SO banned!!!  :rocket:

Luckily for you I can't actually ban anyone.  Least of all you Trollkahaters spreading like kudzu across the H!Pscape.    :ass:

Besides which, your stupid story is too good to ban.  :x
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Vikitty on July 01, 2005, 07:21:34 AM
Haha, don't I at least get points for not killing her off in the first five minutes? I waited until CHAPTER TEN, MAN! Do you know how hard that was? I planned for her to be the one to accidentally off Yossi from the very beginning so the only reason she survived so long was to be a plot device. XD
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: CD-Rose on July 01, 2005, 08:45:21 AM
I just read what you got so far and that is some good writing. It's a little sad but it's mostly funny, I found myself laughing as I was reading it, but I really expected Tsuji to be more of a survivor, and Yoshizawa one of the lasts to go.

What movie is this based on? Is it Foreign? just wondering.
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Vikitty on July 01, 2005, 08:47:58 AM
It's based on the movie Battle Royale. XD It's a Japanese movie about this class of schoolkids who end up on a deserted island and forced to kill each other off until one is left.

There's a sequel as well, but it's not as good.
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: bot on July 01, 2005, 09:03:32 AM
thanks for the fic, kdlite!
H!P and battle royale make quite a click.

ogawa as a killer is so.... :?
takahashi is horrid!!!  why makes you takahashi has to being so much horrrrrid?! lol!
I thought Rika would survive for longer... after all, she's probably the biggest Battle Royale fangirl in H!P.....  but there went Yossi
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Vikitty on July 01, 2005, 09:27:10 AM
Haha bot, it was hard trying to decide who turned evil really quickly and who tried to resist as long as they could. Miki obviously was in from the beginning. Makoto lost it and turned paranoid after she thought Rika killed Yossi - she panicked and  shot Rika before she even realized she'd been telling the truth. She's definitely turning into a darker character... hopefully things will start to look up for her.  :cry:

As for Yossi and Rika, I wanted them to die fairly close together to emphasise the fact that they've been with each other from the start, and even though Yossi promised to protect her, in the end it wasn't enough and they both got killed. It'll all make sense soon enough, don't worry. XD
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: CD-Rose on July 01, 2005, 06:48:03 PM
I never would have guessed it unless I had seen it. I was thinking maybe "Lord of the Flies" or "Runningman". Anyway this movie looks like it might be good I hope they have it on DVD with english subs.

Damn I just looked it up on my DVD stores and they don't have it.

Okay Tower Records has it! Not a pretty price, but it will do. It's not the first time I paid that much for a movie, I bought "The Paradine Case" for $45.00 but it was worth it.
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Vikitty on July 01, 2005, 07:01:33 PM
Haha yeah there's a UK release of it with subs but it has yet to be distributed in the US. You can sometimes find it on torrent as well.
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Vikitty on July 02, 2005, 12:33:28 AM
---Chapter 12---

Eri, Sayumi and Maki trudged slowly along another winding road, the sun blazing down on them. Sayu was struggling to carry her heavy supply bag, but Maki pointed out that if she left it behind, someone would find it and know they had been there. The only option was to keep moving, as hard as it was.

They had left the safety of their shelter earlier that morning, after a restless night. They had alternated keeping watch over the road, but nobody had passed. When dawn broke, Eri suggested they keep moving. Time was running out.

"Hey, Sayu..." Eri said, taking her friend's arm and pointing just ahead of them at a low outcrop of rock. Something was blowing in the breeze, and as the two girls and Maki crept closer, they realized it was smoke.

Sayumi wanted to investigate, but Eri and Maki held her back.

"We don't know who's down there," Maki whispered. "For all we know they're already gone."

Eri disagreed with the older girl, watching the smoke drift into the air thoughtfully. "They wouldn't exactly be covering their tracks if that were true." She slipped her hand into her pocket, checking to make sure her gun was still there. "Look, I'm armed. I'll go ahead and see who it is. They won't see me coming."

"Eri, no!" whimpered Sayumi, but Eri had already slipped past them and was silently creeping toward the edge of the rocky hill. Sayumi and Maki exchanged glances before following her.

Kamei dropped down onto the ground and began to crawl closer to the edge. The smell of smoke grew stronger, and she clicked the safety off of her gun before peering over the edge.

Beneath her sat Ayaya and Miki, both asleep. Miki's shoulder was wrapped up in a bloody rag, and her head was in Aya's lap. Her weapon was nowhere in sight. Eri backed silently away from the edge and turned to the girls behind her.

"It's Fujimoto and Matsuura-san. Miki's injured," she explained quietly. "They're asleep, but there's no way to get down there without making noise. I think we should just go for it and ambush them."

When neither Maki nor Sayu could think of an argument against that, Eri stood up and the three of them started moving down the hill. Rocks slipped from under their feet and slid down the slop, but they didn't stop. Eri was in the lead, keeping her gun training on the sleeping girls as they moved closer.

When they stepped onto solid ground again, they saw Miki stir in her sleep. Eri swallowed nervously but kept her gun level as she walked over to where Fujimoto was laying. With Maki and Sayu safely behind her, she kicked Miki swiftly in the leg to wake her up.

Miki groaned painfully as she sat up, her eyes widening slightly in surprise as she saw that she and Aya weren't alone, and that someone was pointing a gun right at her head.

"Kamei? What the hell are you doing?" she snapped, shaking Aya awake with one hand. "How'd you find us?"

Maki pushed past Eri and pointed at the dying fire. "Your fire gave you away.

Miki craned her neck to look back at the fire, swearing loudly as the movement tore at the wound on her shoulder. "Oh, fuck!" She turned back to face the three younger girls. "So what're you gonna do? Kill us?" Miki smirked triumphantly. "You don't have the guts to kill me, Kamei."

Without thinking, Eri straightened up and stodd, facing Fujimoto and Aya, who was still rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Maybe not, but this'll have to do." She swung the gun around to face Matsuura, closed her eyes and fired. The gun kicked in her hand and she almost dropped it. She heard Miki's enraged howl and her eyes flew open.

Someone slammed into her, and when her head stopped spinning she looked around and saw that Goto had pushed her out of the way to protect her. Miki was trying unsuccessfully to stand up, but the weight of Aya's body on top of her and the searing pain in her shoulder was making it impossible.

Eri caught Sayu's eye and looked down at the gun in her hand before handing it to Maki.

"I'm sorry, Matsuura-san," she whispered, as Maki and Sayumi rushed forward to restrain Fujimoto.
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: CD-Rose on July 02, 2005, 01:18:12 AM
I just finished watching the movie, I took your advice and found a torrent, but now I really want to buy it.

It's uncanny the resemblance from the movie to how I imagine it in my mind as I was reading the story, almost scary how accurate my imagination is. Makes me appreciated my brain more since I imagine most of the girls naked all the time.
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Vikitty on July 03, 2005, 03:57:49 AM
---Chapter 13---

After waiting another hour for Ogawa and Takahashi to return, Konno and Risa decided that they had to go and find them. Risa was nervous about leaving the safety of their hiding spot, but Konno reminded her that they had work to do anyway.

They walked along in silence, all their senses on alert for signs of life that might lead them to their lost friends. They didn't find either girl among the bushes, but they did find someone else.

"Oh my God, Iida-san!" cried Risa, running over to her fallen senpai. "Who did this to you?" The smaller girl began to cry softly as she hugged the still body against her. "Kaori, please don't go..."

She felt Konno's hand on her shoulder as the other girl kneeled down beside her. "She's already dead," she said sadly, pointing to the arrows portruding from Kaorin's back. "Look." She carefully pushed Kaori's long hair out of the way and pointed to her collar, which was flashing green.

"What does that mean?" Niigaki sniffled.

Konno moved around behind Iida and examined the back of her collar for a moment. "The locking mechanism's come undone." There was a click and the two edges of the collar came apart in her hands, and she was able to pull it free of Kaori's neck. "I had a feeling it would."

Risa listened, confused. "I don't understand, Konkon..." Konno tucked the collar into her bag before holding up her own wrist, with the thick band around it.

"This thing monitors our heartrate, Tsunku told us yesterday. So if someone dies, that's how they know. So once the collar's exploded, it like... deactivates or something. I think that's what the green light means, because it let me take it off of her. I knew they were connected because when Tsunku-san... killed Reina..." Her voice caught and she took a deep breath before continuing. "After her collar exploded, the light turned green."

Risa still wasn't following Konno's line of logic as they sat there beside Kaori. "So... the only way we can take these things off is if... we're already dead."

Konno nodded, but in her eyes there was a glint of determination. "Yeah. But I'm working on something... we just have to wait until the next announcement to figure out who's left in the game." She looked sadly at Kaori one last time before getting up and slinging her bag over her shoulder again. "Come on, let's keep looking."

They didn't get far before they saw a familiar figure trudging along. Both of them hurried over to her. Makoto almost screamed when Konno grabbed her arm, but she managed to stifle it when she saw it was them.

"Makochan, where the hell have you been?" demanded Konno. "We've been worried sick!" Noticing Makoto's eyes red from crying and the blood smudged on her hands, Konno paled and took a step back. "What happened?!"

Makoto shook her head and pulled out the gun she'd taken from Rika - Takahashi's gun - and showed it to them. Her voice shook as she tried to explain why she had it. "Aichan shot Yossi. She was aiming for Rika but... Yoshizawa-san pushed Rika out of the way and took the bullet. Now they're all dead."

Risa and Konno both gaped at her in shock. Konno was the first one to regain control of her voice.

"Who... killed Aichan and Ishikawa-san, then?" she whispered.

Makoto took a deep breath, her voice wavering nervously. "I... I saw Rika with a gun. Then I saw Yossi... on the ground. Rika told me it was Aichan who did it - she tried to warn me - but I didn't believe her. I... I shot Ishikawa-san!" she confessed, ashamed. She couldn't bare to look up at them as she continued. "And then Aichan came back... she was looking for her gun... and I knew Rika had been telling the truth."

Risa's voice was frightened, her eyes wide in horror as she clung to Konno's hand. "So you killed her?"

Makoto nodded numbly. "I didn't know what to think!" Her voice rose, her eyes beginning to glaze over with unshed tears. "She killed Yossi!"

"But that was an accident!" Konno replied, her eyes narrowing in suspicion mixed with fear.

Ogawa began to cry as Konno and Risa simply stood there in disbelief. "I'm sorry! I didn't want to! But she killed my best friend! I couldn't just... stand there and let her get away with it! You have to believe me!"

When they didn't reply, she wiped her eyes and looked up to see their retreating backs as they ran away from her. A few seconds later they vanished behind the trees and she was alone again.

"I'm sorry!" she screamed to nobody in particular. "I'm sorry..." She sat down on the cold ground and hugged her knees to herself, rocking back and forth as she cried for her fallen friends, for herself and for those who had fallen by her own hand.

She didn't hear her killers until they were standing right in front of her. And then it was too late.
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Vikitty on July 03, 2005, 07:17:34 AM
This chapter is turning out to be so long that I'm splitting it into two chapters.

---Chapter 14---

"Make sure they're tight," Eri said to Sayu as the girl secured a length of rope around Miki's ankles. When she'd first opened her bag to find that her weapon was a length of strong rope, she hadn't been comforted in the slightest about her safety. She'd mostly relied on Eri to keep her safe with her gun. Now she was relieved that it had come in handy as she knotted it tightly.

"You're not gonna make it out of this alive," Miki snarled, kicking at Sayu in an attempt to scare her off. But Michishige simply doublechecked the knots before getting up and walking over to where Eri was pawing through Aya's supply bag. Maki was back with Miki, keeping a lookout for anyone who passed by.

"Find anything?" she asked as Eri lined up the three bottles of water beside the bag, followed by the folded up map and a loaf of bread.

Eri shook her head and upended the bag, shaking it. A small object fell out of it and onto the floor. Quickly looking over her shoulder to check that Miki hadn't noticed, Sayumi bent down and picked it up before showing it to Eri, their backs to Miki. It was a small glass vial about the size of Sayumi's thumb, and the liquid inside was perfectly clear.

"What is it?" whispered Sayumi, as she rolled it across her palm to read the label on the front of it. "I can't read it, it's too small."

Eri took it from her and held it up closer to one eye, squinting. Both eyes widened as she realized what it was.

"It's poison," she breathed. "I wonder if Miki even knew Aya had it..." She carefully slipped it into her pocket, not saying a word as she and Sayumi loaded the supplies back into Aya's bag.

There was a gunshot, and both of them whirled around. Erika and Yui were running down the road towards them. Erika had a gun, but Maki, who was right in their path, was unarmed.

"Here!" Eri shouted, tossing her gun at Maki, who grabbed it, cocked it and fired two shots at the approaching girls. One caught Erika in the leg, and she collapsed. The other hit Yui in the chest, and she went crashing down seconds later.

With a sigh of relief, Maki handed the gun back to Eri, who simply stared at her in shock.

"Why're you staring?" Maki asked. "Gotta survive somehow, y'know."

"I know," Eri replied, still thinking about how she'd shot Aya earlier. She turned to Sayumi. "I'll go get their stuff and see if there's anything usable. You stay here." Before Sayu could protest, she quickly jogged down the path to where Yui and Erika lay. Erika was still alive, but her knee was shattered and she appeared to be unconscious - Eri assumed the pain had caused her to pass out.

Both bags were surprising light, and a quick look in them revealed that the bottles of water were empty. There were however some scraps of bread left as well as an unopened carton of yogurt. She hoped it hadn't gone bad in the heat and quickly stowed them in her own bag, along with Erika's gun and the knife she found in Yui's hand. It was wet with fresh blood, and she fought back nausea as she wiped it off on Erika's shirt before taking it as well.

She headed back to rock overhang where Sayu was waiting, but no sooner had she stepped out of the trees that she heard Maki's voice calling to her.

"Kamei, behind you!"

"No, wait! It's us!" Kamei recognized Nacchi's voice and turned around to see Nacchi and Kei hurrying over toward her along with Koharu, who was on Kei's back. The smaller girl didn't look alive, the blood drained from her face. But as Kei and Nacchi grew nearer, she saw that her eyes were open and unfocused.

Kei was breathing heavily as she caught up with Eri, who looked warily at them for a moment. "It's okay, we're not looking for trouble. We just found Ogawa in the woods. Yui stabbed her, I'm almost positive because she got a blow in at Koharu earlier this morning. We've been running from her and Erika all morning."

Nacchi carefully helped Koharu off of Kei's back and picked her up in her arms. Eri could see the vicious stab wound on the small girl's side, and she bit her lip worriedly.

"Well, Maki shot both Erika and Yui earlier. We've got Miki with us but she's tied up and she's got a bad shoulder anyway so it's relatively safe... I'm not sure how much time we have left but we're all going over our game plan right now."

Nacchi and Kei both nodded and followed Eri down the path with Eri again, carefully handing Koharu down to Maki before climbing down the hill themselves.

"She's lost a lot of blood," Nacchi said as Maki lay Koharu down on the ground. "I'm not sure if she even knows what's going on anymore."

Kei shot a nervous look over at where Miki was tied up. "How'd you manage to get her under control?"

Miki scowled, overhearing her question. "They shot Aya, that's how. They're murderers, and they're no better than I am."

Everyone ignored her, and Kei sat down by the fire with Nacchi and Maki. Sayumi stayed with Koharu, covering the girl with her own sweatshirt to keep her warm. Eri gathered up all of the bottles of water and took them over to the group by the fire. Everyone gratefully took one and for a few minutes there was only silence.

Then a familiar bell began to ring.
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Vikitty on July 03, 2005, 09:36:48 PM
---Chapter 15---

" that means there are only eleven of you left. Oh, wait, make that ten - Erika Miyoshi finally left us. You have less then a day left to finish, so  do your best!"

While Maki, Nacchi, Kei and Koharu huddled by the fire to stay warm, Eri and Sayumi were putting the first stage of their plan into action. Using the bread and yogurt they'd accumulated from everyone's supplies, they split everything up into equal portions. Except for the yogurt. That would be for Miki, with the excuse that it would at least shut her up for five minutes.

With everyone's attention focused elsewhere, Eri pulled the top off of the container and emptied the contents of the vial of poison into it. Neither were sure how much was needed to kill, so Sayumi suggested they use everything just to be sure. Eri carefully sealed the carton of yogurt again before carrying it and the spoon along with the loaf of bread over to the fire.

Once everyone had started munching on the slightly-stale bread, Eri reached down beside her to where she'd set the carton of yogurt. To her horror, she saw it had gone missing. A quick scan of everyone's hands revealed that it had made its way over to where Maki was sitting.

Frantically, Eri caught Sayumi's eye and tried to signal her silently to the yogurt. But Sayu was chomping away hungrily at her bread and didn't notice. Kei picked up the yogurt and made a disgusted face.

"Ew, I hate yogurt. Who wants it?"

Unsurprisingly, Maki's eyes lit up. "I'll have it, Kei-chan!"

Sayu finally realized what was going on, and her eyes went wide as she watched Maki pull off the lid and attack the yogurt with her spoon.

She took a great big spoonful and swallowed. Eri and Sayu watched in horror. Nothing happened. Maybe there wasn't enough to effect someone, Eri thought hopefully, as Maki took another spoonful, wrinkling her nose slightly.

"This tastes kind of funky. I hope it didn't go bad," she said, but her hunger got the best of her and she continued to eat the tainted yogurt.

Panicked, Eri spoke up. "Gottsan, can I have some?" Maki nodded and leaned forward to hand Eri the half-empty carton, but at the last second she dropped it onto the ground and clutched at her throat.

Kei and Nacchi gasped and went to her side to help her.

"Maki, are you okay? What happened?"

Maki's eyes rolled back in her head as she started choking, her hands wrapped around her throat.

"She's choking!" Sayumi shouted, and everyone went into panic mode.

Maki's body began to convulse, and everyone watched fearfully as her expression changed from one of surprise to one of agony as her throat continued to close up.

"What the hell is happening?" Nacchi shrieked. "She was fine a minute ago!"

"It was the yogurt!" Kei cried, picking it up off of the ground. "It must have been bad!"

Nacchi shook her head as she shook Maki's shoulders. "Come on, damnit! Breathe!" Maki continued to gasp for air, her fingers digging into her neck and drawing blood.

"She's not gonna make it!" Sayumi screamed as Naccbi pounded on Maki's back in a vain attempt to help. Maki's entire body twitched and she pitched forward onto the ground, a deluge of blood pouring out of her mouth.

Nobody spoke as Nacchi checked Maki's pulse and then shook her head.

"She's dead."

Everyone began arguing again, their voices overlapping in confusion and fear.

"How could she just drop dead like that?"

"It was the yogurt!"

"Yogurt doesn't do that!"

"She was poisoned!" Kei declared. "That's the only explanation. Someone here poisoned it!" Everyone turned to look at Sayu and Eri. "You guys were in charge of the food!"

"It was an accident!" Sayumi defended herself before Eri could say anything. No sooner had the words come out of her mouth that everyone's weapons were drawn. Nacchi, who was closest to Sayumi, pointed her gun at her.

"Who were you trying to kill then, Michishige?" she demanded. "Me? Kei? Kamei?" When Sayu didn't answer, Nacchi fired and Sayu went down. Eri let out a scream of despair and began firing back. Her eyes were blurry with tears and her shots missed their mark time after time. There was another thunderous crack of a gun, and Nacchi fell to the ground beside Sayumi.

Kei rushed forward to check on Nacchi, while Eri turned slowly around in confusion. The gunshot had come from someone else. She turned around and saw that it was Asami, a deadly-looking gun in her hand still smoking slightly from the shot. Eri levelled her gun at her, but Asami turned her own gun on herself and pulled the trigger before Eri could get close enough.

"No!" she shouted as Asami went tumbling down the hill. Kei heard the shout and came running, but Eri's paranoia went skyhigh and she fired at Kei once, twice, a third time.

The number of bodies strewn over the camp was sickening. Aya, Maki, Nacchi, Kei, Sayu, Asami... The only sign of life was Miki glowering from her spot by the fire, and little Koharu wheezing faintly close by her. Eri sat down on the ground and sobbed quietly, taking Sayumi's hand in her own and squeezing it, desperately wishing she could bring her friend back so she wouldn't be alone.

On the other side of camp, Koharu Kusumi's eyes fluttered open. Someone had covered her with a jacket, but she was still freezing cold. She attempted to sit up but the pain was too great. She managed to raise herself up onto her elbows and got a better look. There were fallen members everywhere. She could make out Eri sitting amongst them, her loud sobs audible from even where Koharu lay.

Koharu noticed the gun next to her - someone had dropped it during the shootout, she guessed - and managed to pull it towards her without Eri or Miki noticing. She'd never used a gun before, but she had a good idea of how it was used. Aiming at Eri as best as she could, she squeezed the trigger and watched emotionlessly has the older girl slumped forward. Koharu lay back, exhausted, the pain in her side making breathing difficult. She knew she was going to die out in the wilderness before long.

"Koharu!" Miki whispered from her spot a few feet away. "Miracle girl! Are you awake?"

Koharu nodded weakly and tried to answer her, but no sound came out.

"Get over here and untie me," Fujimoto hissed. "Come on, you're my only way out of here." Koharu didn't answer, but made another attempt to sit up. She whimpered in pain and clutched at the gaping wound on her side, her own blood warming her fingers. It was getting harder to breathe. She shook her head at Fujimoto, looking helplessly at the older girl with frightened eyes.

Miki cursed under her breath as her only means of escape finally took her last breath of air and died.
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Vikitty on July 03, 2005, 10:56:25 PM
This is the last chapter before the epilogue. ;)

---Chapter 16---

Risa and Konno raced through the woods as fast as they could as soon as they heard the gunfire. They had to reach them before everyone was killed, or Konno's plan wouldn't work. As the shots rang out, they dodged through the thick bushes, tripping every so often over their own feet.

"Hurry up, we have to move faster!" Konno shouted, and Risa struggled to run faster. "Come on, Risa!" She put on a burst of speed and the two of them sprinted towards the entrance of the woods.

They arrived at the rock overhang in time to hear one last gunshot, and then silence. Afraid of what they'd find, they hesitated slightly before looking over edge. Konno gasped as she took in the gruesome scene, and beside her Risa let out her own cry of sadness.

"They're all dead..." Konno whispered, crushed. Her plan would fail. They'd have to kill each other, or wait until someone else came along. And the odds of that happening were slim, seeing as how everyone who had been alive for Tsunku's morning announcement was lying before them, dead. Except for Risa and Konno.

Konno scrambled down the face of the rock overhang, and heard Risa following her. "This happened just now... so many people dead... in just a few minutes," Risa said softly, and Konno put her arm around her. "I don't want to die, Konkon!"

Konno hugged Risa tightly, holding her protectively as they stood in the center of the slaughter. "Everyone's dead, Niinii. It's just us." Risa buried her head in Konno's shoulder and started to cry. Konno patted her back awkwardly for a moment before they were interrupted.

"Not quite," Miki drawled from over where she sat beside Koharu's body. "So it's just us girls now, huh?"

Konno and Risa jumped, startled, and pulled away from each other.

"Miki? You're... alive?" whispered Risa, aghast.

Fujimoto snorted and rolled her eyes. "Don't sound so disappointed, Niigaki. I'm screwed, just like the both of you."

While Risa started interrogating Miki about her past murders, Konno started going through her bag and pulling out the length of twisted wire that she'd been working on. Risa's voice grew faint as she slowly became absorbed in her work. Their discovery of Miki, still alive, could very well mean their rescue if her idea worked. She'd spent all of their free time - when they weren't running away from their gun-wielding friends - carefully extracting wires from the deactivated collars and wristbands, studying the connection between them closely. It was a long shot, but it was worth a try.

She gathered up the finished pieces and joined Risa and Miki again. Risa was pulling at the bandage on Miki's shoulder, and Fujimoto was grimacing in pain and trying to push her away with her bound hands.

"Risa, let go of her. We have to do this quickly..." Konno said quietly in Risa's ear. Niigaki obediently let go of Miki and sat down as close to Miki as she could.

Konno used one length of wire to attach the device on Risa's wrist to the locking mechanism on Miki's collar. She then did the same to her own device, wiring it to the band around Miki's neck.

"What exactly are you trying to pull?" Miki demanded, a touch of fear in her voice.

As Konno doublechecked the connections, she explained it as simply as she could. "The only way these collars will come off is if the heart monitors show that we're dead." She picked up one of the fallen guns and checked that it had bullets before sitting down on the other side of Miki, holding the gun in one hand and Risa's hand in the other, their hands connected across Miki's lap.

"Ready?" she asked Risa. She could feel Risa's hand shaking in her own, but Niigaki nodded bravely.

Konno aimed, shut her eyes tightly, and squeezed the trigger.
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Vikitty on July 04, 2005, 03:37:47 AM
If you want a mysterious ending, don't read the epilogue and make your own conclusions for what happened to Risa and Konno after they escaped the island. But for those of you who want a bit of closure, keep reading. ;)


When Risa opened her eyes, she was looking up at an unfamiliar cieling. As her eyes adjusted to the semidarkness and the rest of the room slid into focus, she found herself in a hospital room. Everything was white, and the sterile feeling of it made her feel uneasy.

She was wearing light blue flannel pajamas that didn't feel too different from her own back home, and there was an intraveneous needle taped to the back of her right hand. She was thankful she hadn't been awake for that part of her admittance into the hospital, due to her fear of needles. She looked around for a clock to check the time, but there was none in the room.

On the other side of the room was another bed, and Risa could make out Konno's sleeping form in it. She was in a similiar position as Risa with various tubes running to and from her arm. Risa called out her name softly, but there was no reply.

The door slid quietly open, and Risa closed her eyes again, pretending to be asleep as she heard footsteps enter the room and the door was shut softly behind them.

"Have they woken up yet?" It was Tsunku's voice, and Risa forced her expression to remain impassive so as not to give herself away.

"Not yet. They've been asleep since we brought them in." The other voice was female, but her tone was clipped and businesslike. Risa guessed from her voice that she was somehow involved with the military crew that had taken them off of the island.

She heard Tsunku sigh heavily. "This isn't good. We have two problems now instead of just one."

"You think they'll talk?"

"I have no doubt they will," Tsunku replied. "They've gone through hell in the last two days. They'll want answers."

"The press will get involved, Tsunku-san... I really don't think it's a good idea to let them leave the facility. And you'll have to think of an explanation to why Morning Musume suddenly vanished overnight."

"I know. I'll come up with something... another audition." The footsteps moved toward the other side of the room where Konno's bed was, and Risa opened one eye slightly long enough to see Tsunku and a woman in a sharp business suit standing beside Konno's bed.

"It's too bad they'd never go along with it," Tsunku said sadly. "They would have made a success as a duo. Now that W's gone..." He pulled something out of his pocket and unhooked the tube attached to Konno's arm. Risa watched in growing fear as he handed the woman a syringe, which she attached to the clamp on Konno's arm. "How long will it take?"

The woman slowly began to empty the syringe into the vein on Konno's arm. "Only about a minute. She won't feel a thing."

In her bed, Risa began to panic. Tsunku and the woman had their backs to her as they watched Konno, and for a moment she considered making a run for it. But she was still hooked up to the IV, and her legs felt like rubber from laying down all day long.

Across the room, Konno began to gasp for air. Tsunku and his female friend were instantly at her side again as the woman grabbed an oxygen mask from off of the steel counter on the wall.

"Something's wrong!" he hissed as Konno began to thrash in her bed. "You said it was supposed to be painless!"

The woman looked troubled as she covered Konno's mouth and nose with the mask. "It's supposed to be... but she's waking up. It's trying to shut her body down but she's fighting it!" She pulled the mask away and Konno continued to wheeze. The woman went to replace the mask, but Tsunku caught her wrist and stopped her.

Konno's breathing grew even more faint as her struggling slowly stopped. Unable to stand it anymore, Risa sat up in her bed and screamed for help.

"They're killing her! They're killing her!"

In seconds, they were trying to hold her down and restrain her as she continued to scream. She saw the woman pull out another syringe and her screaming got louder. Tsunku's grip was surprisingly strong as he pinned her arms down.

"I'm sorry, Risa-chan," he said as the needle slid into the vein and the deadly liquid began to course through her body. In seconds she could feel it beginning to take effect, weighing every inch of her down. It was like a big white pillow was pushing down on her face, covering her nose and her mouth as she helplessly gasped for air.

Her lungs started to burn, and spots danced behind her eyelids, but she still tried to fight it, her willpower eventually spiralling into submission as everything went black.

"Time of death, 11:06 PM," Tsunku said, letting go of the small girls limp arms. "Make sure it's recorded that it was because of natural causes."

The woman nodded and started toward the door. "Yes, of course. Shall I call their parents?"

Tsunku shook his head. "I'll do that later. They'll want a plausible explanation."

"And you think you can really give them one?" she asked him skeptically.

Tsunku smirked slightly, holding the door open for her. "I'm sure I'll think of something." The two of them left the room, the door quietly closing behind them.
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Comrade on July 04, 2005, 09:45:31 AM
 :w00t: (just thought that a little more praise can't hurt =D )
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: harlock on July 04, 2005, 10:56:54 AM
BRAVO!!! Well done! I like the fact that you had balls and spared NO ONE!! Slightly depressing though.... :cry:  Which just proves that it was well done.  :thumbsup  :thumbsup  :thumbsup

*I also notice the slight nod to Evangelion, nice touch!
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Sakura Momusu on July 04, 2005, 01:58:23 PM
Damn~...that's all I can say...>_<
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: TheQuickening on July 05, 2005, 03:19:09 AM
:shock:  :shock:  :shock: holy fuck...... :shock:  :shock:  :shock:
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Vikitty on July 05, 2005, 04:55:44 AM
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: CD-Rose on July 05, 2005, 05:57:35 AM
That is one of the best short-fiction stories I have read, it kept me glued to the screen for several minutes.

Thank you for sharing.

Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Loki! on August 03, 2005, 03:04:23 PM
Lee Crap! I didn't know kdlite was kremlindusk!

Hi kremlin!

And err... Awesome story.
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Tyler_Wood_2005 on August 03, 2005, 06:09:06 PM
kdlite, I still think your pure genius and your story the most awesome of anyone here. I've read alot of fanfics, even created alot of long ones myself. but yours is still the best, and I think it will remain the best for a long time to come.  :D  :D
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Vikitty on August 03, 2005, 11:58:13 PM
Quote from: Loki!
Lee Crap! I didn't know kdlite was kremlindusk!

kremlindusk. XD

And thanks, Tyler. XD
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: coachie on August 15, 2005, 12:18:00 AM
I really enjoyed this (err, can I even say that?) Great Fic!

And for all that are interessted in the Battle Royale Movie, the book upon which the film is based on is also available in english.
I read it before I saw the movie and it's really worth it! So go check it out!
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Lunatic on August 26, 2005, 01:50:43 PM
I loved it. I loved the movie and I liked reading fanfics who are related to the movie in any way, but this was the best by far. You give no concessions, no mercy and that makes it very realistic.
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: A1 on February 23, 2006, 12:21:18 AM
This is the fifth time I have read this fan fic and everytime it never cease to amaze me. Even though I got tear eyed when my favorite MM was killed. A job well done.
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: Tanachan on August 28, 2006, 07:08:07 PM
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: asheravel on August 29, 2006, 03:23:53 AM
awesome!! but wahh so sad...wat da hell happend to miki? lols still tied up XD
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: A1 on August 29, 2006, 03:51:44 AM
Quote from: asheravel
awesome!! but wahh so sad...wat da hell happend to miki? lols still tied up XD

She died.
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: asheravel on August 29, 2006, 04:23:17 AM
lols ya kinda knew from the title -_-" but still i thought in the end she probli be standing all alone up in some hill laughing 'MUAHAHHAA victory is mine!' with guns in both hands >.< lmao
Title: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: SeeYa on August 30, 2006, 01:40:09 AM
....:( Tsunku's a piece of crap. ....Not even one person survived? .___.;; that's just ...too sad. Poor Mari, Yossi, Yuko, Kei, Kaorin, Mako, KonKon, Risa, Eri, Mikitty, Ayaya, Reina, Nono and Aibon....And everyone else who died....which was...everyone. and I hope the Tsunku in this fic goes to hell. Along with that woman
Title: Re: Morning Battle: Everyone Dies. Even Miki [COMPLETE]
Post by: aya-chii on September 15, 2014, 12:43:27 PM
you know hunger games ? I thought this story was somehow similar to the way The Games goes...