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Author Topic: memoir [The End - 08/15]  (Read 102552 times)

Offline JFC

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Re: memoir [7.5 Fic Fic YoMiki. Mini]
« Reply #40 on: July 14, 2007, 08:07:19 AM »
Ok, so I did not intend to write a Yossi-explains-about-Maki part, but damn you JFC, getting me thinking again.

Don't you hate it when I do that?   :grin:

"So... exactly how many people are you 'dating' right now?" Miki asked.

"What?" She laughed.

"I always thought that 'Pimp Yoshizawa' thing was just a joke." She stared at her hands.


"Don't get the wrong idea!" she laughed again. "I just need to know who else - "

"There's no one else!"

"So it's just me and Maki?"

"WHAT!?" I exclaimed, jumping to my feet.

"Don't be so excitable! I told you it's fine. Though I am kind of wondering who's better..."
Wow, Miki might act all big and tough, but deep inside she's like most people. Miki obviously has strong feelings for Yossi (though she's probably never told her, because it wouldn't be a "Miki" thing to do), but when Mako walked in on them and mistook Miki for Maki, all of a sudden things are different. Up until that point in time, Yossi was probably the only girl for Miki, and she probably believed that the reverse was true.  Now she's thinking that Yossi's possibly dating other H!P members while she's dating her, and it hurts.  It means that Miki's no longer special, instead she's just another notch on Yossi's bedpost.

Of course the rest of us (and Yossi, if she knows how good she actually has it) knows that it's not true. It's not just Miki that needs to be convinced.

"Maki and I broke up three years ago," I said quietly. She didn't say anything. I turned away from her and stared out the window. "We hooked up shortly after I joined and broke up a few months before she graduated." I felt her arms reach around my waist.

"Yossi, I -" I entwined my fingers with one of the hands around me.

"Makoto walked in on us kissing shortly after she had joined the group. I'm guessing that's why she assumed you were Maki." I sighed as she pulled me back onto the couch.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I misunderstood. You don't have to talk about this."
Well that went well. :)  Poor Miki must now feel all silly about getting jealous. It's nice though, it shows Yossi that Miki wants her all to herself. :love:

"Then you'll love this. Did you have sex?" I shook my head.

"We talked about it, but weren't ready yet."

"Were you in love with her?"

"No. But... I guess I was in the process of falling in love at the time."
God I love Miki's straightforwardness. It's makes this whole discussion easier for both of them too. No dancing around the issue, just straight to the point, getting real, honest, non-bullshit answers.

"...wait, if you didn't sleep with Maki then who was your first?


"Hmm... Makoto?"

"Only in her daydreams," I muttered. Miki laughed.
Oh burn! :wahaha:

"I've already told you."

"No... I think I'd remember that. Give me a hint at least."


"What? I want a hint!" I opened my eyes and looked at her.

"You don't need one. That was the answer."

"What, seriously? I thought you were joking when you said I 'stole your innocence'. Wow.
Damn. That's a big thing to admit to someone. Just goes to show how special Miki is to Yossi and how strongly Yossi really DOES feel for her.  :wub:

"I told you my romantic history, short as it is. What about you, O Queen of the Grope?" She made a face.

"The groping doesn't count, right? Are we talking just sex or including making out?"

"Making out included." She looked thoughtful.

"You, my friend Miyuki, my friend Rei, Aya, um... Maki, some girl on my concert staff, Rika, Aya, Ayumi, Masae, Takahashi, Aya, and, uh, you. ...oh, Mai's in there somewhere and I'm sure I've missed some." I blinked several times.

"You've been busy." She grinned.

"Yeeeeah," she said smugly.
I hope that the fact that Miki's got more experience than her at this sort of thing doesn't make Yossi feel bad or anything. What's past is past. It's the now that's important, and in the now, Miki's in rabu-rabu with Yossi.

"What about sex?" I asked.

"Sounds great," she grinned. I raised an eyebrow. "Oh fine. You in the storage closet, you on my couch, you in my bedroom, you in my shower, you on my kitchen table, you on the floor outside your bedroom, you IN your bedroom, you against that wall over there, you in that empty dressing room during Rika's last concert, you in the taxi ride back to my place, you just inside my front door, you in my bedroom again, and, hopefully, you on your couch." She smiled wickedly as her hands did what they did best.

"I think you forgot a few," I replied. She shrugged.

"Probably. Don't care." I laughed and let her erase all of the painful memories that had surfaced in my mind.
See how she remembers and highlights all the times with Yossi? That means that they were all special to her. (doesn't it?)  As for the times that she "forgot to mention", Miki said it best..."Don't care", meaning that regardless of how they were physically, on an emotional level, being with Yossi has been better.  :oops:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline arina_shinh

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Re: memoir [7.5 Fic Fic YoMiki. Mini]
« Reply #41 on: July 14, 2007, 10:35:00 AM »
"...wait, if you didn't sleep with Maki then who was your first? Was it Ishikawa?"


"Hmm... Makoto?"

"Only in her daydreams," I muttered. Miki laughed.


"Are you on crack?!"

"Is it not a Morning Musume. girl? Ayaka?"

 :lol: Alright, I understand Miki was desperate to know who else were on Yossie's list but why Yaguchi?  :lol:

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: memoir [7.5 Fic Fic YoMiki. Mini]
« Reply #42 on: July 14, 2007, 02:24:35 PM »
 :lol: :lol: :lol: The whole rapid fire conversation between the two is hysterical. I love how it's just Bam Bam Bam!

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Re: memoir [7.5 Fic Fic YoMiki. Mini]
« Reply #43 on: July 14, 2007, 03:00:16 PM »
Dude you just are the master of one liners  XD

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

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Re: memoir [7.5 Fic Fic YoMiki. Mini]
« Reply #44 on: July 14, 2007, 06:22:32 PM »
I have to leave in a minute, so just a quick thanks for all the comments! I love reading them and they help me with ideas for later parts!

Here's part 8!



Memory's a strange thing. I hadn't really thought of most of the things I've written about since they happened. I guess when you're trying to think things through, the most random moments will spring back to the forefront of your mind.

I remember the first time Miki and I shared a hotel room. It was during the fall concert tour and we technically each had our own room, but she conveniently got lost and ended up in mine. We had tried to room together during the summer tour, but the arrangements were already decided on and we didn't want to have to explain anything. We had already moved out of closets and storerooms and onto our own beds, but we were thrilled at the idea of being able to do whatever we wanted in the middle of the tour. Unfortunately, things don't always go as planned.

I was awoken by someone knocking frantically on my door. I leaned over to check on Miki, but, always the heavy sleeper, she was still dead to the world. Yawning, I rolled out of bed and shuffled over to the door.

"Who is it?" I yawned again.

"Aaah~ It's Koharu! Please open the door!" The panic in her voice woke me up and I opened the door.

"Koharu, what's wrong?" I asked, leaning my head out.

"Aaaaaaah!" she cried and flung her arms around me, pushing herself into my room. I kicked the door shut to prevent any other intrusions.

"Ok, get a hold of yourself. Are you ok? Did a fan find your room?" She shook her head.

"I had a nightmare!" I sighed.


"And no one else would answer the door! Reina just yelled for me to go back to bed! I can't even get Fujimoto to answer her door!" As if on cue, Miki flopped over in bed and let out a particularly ladylike snore. Koharu's eyes widened in the darkness. She ran over and fumbled for the light switch.

"Wait, don't...!" I was too late. Miki groaned and put my pillow over her head. "um... Look! I found Fujimoto!"

"Why is Fujimoto in here?" she asked, tilting her head to one side.

"She, uh, had a nightmare too!" I proclaimed. Koharu looked at me in the lamplight.

"Why are you only in underwear?" I looked down at my skimpy tank top and undies combination. I wasn't embarrassed - I once chased Kago out of my room and onto a balcony while I was stark naked - but it was still inappropriate around a 13-year-old.

"Uh, because... her nightmare was that my pajamas attacked her."

"OH! I've had that one before," Koharu nodded sagely.

"Yes, well, why don't you go back to your room so...?"

"NO!" Another snort from Miki. I turned around... yep, still asleep. And somehow I was the dense one.

"Ok, will talking about it help?"

"I dunno. It was pretty scary." I laughed.

"Well, I don't scare easily."

"Ok, well, I was dreaming that I was asleep in my hotel room! It's just like this one, you know, but with my things instead of yours. And then I felt something on my leg - in the dream, I mean - and I threw off the covers and there it was!"

"A zombie?" I guessed.

"No! A snake!" I paled.

"....a what?"

"A snake! A big python-y snake! It was all coiled around the bottom of the bed and it looked at me with it's fangs and - "

"OK THAT'S ENOUGH ABOUT THE SNAKE!" I said in a loud squeaky voice.

"What are you going on about over there?" a sleepy voice called.

"Uh, Koharu had a nightmare just like you!" I said, still talking in the squeaky voice. Frigging snakes. With their slimy coils and their icky scales and stupid icky fangs.

"I have no idea what the hell you're talking about. And what is up with your voice? If I didn't know better, I'd think you'd gotten kicked in the balls," Miki yawned.

"Fujimoto, can I sleep in here with you and Yoshizawa?" Koharu asked.

"Yeah, sure, whatever," Miki waved a hand lazily and went back to sleep. Great. I was about to get to sleep in a not very large bed with a 13-year-old and the queen of sleep-groping.

Koharu smiled and started to climb into the bed.

"Wait a sec!" I called, my voice finally starting to drop down to its normal level. "Since I, um, didn't have a nightmare, I should probably sleep in the middle." Koharu shrugged and moved over.

That was quite possibly the longest night of my life. Every time I started to fall asleep, Koharu would either kick me or Miki would start reaching her arms around me into the unexplored pedo-land behind me.

I finally managed to drift off shortly after dawn. I was rudely awoken a few minutes later by the unmistakable sound of

"USO!" I opened my eyes and glared and the full 5th generation staring at my predicament.

Which apparently had gotten more interesting in the past few minutes. Koharu was now half-sprawled across me and Miki had her left hand firmly on my breast.

"Do you think we should call the authorities?" Konno stage-whispered to a slack-jawed Takahashi. "I mean, she is only 13." Makoto started to laugh. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Koharu had a nightmare and none of you would answer your doors so she ended up here. And, trust me, Konno, I know how old she is. I had to spend all night keeping THAT one from doing her usual violate-while-I-sleep routine." Again, as if I had cued her, Miki rolled over and started reaching her arms towards Koharu.

"But why is Fujimoto here?" Takahashi asked.

"Uh..." I looked up at the ceiling, trying to think of a logical reason.

"Because!" Oh great, our favorite Miracle was awake. "She had a nightmare that Yoshizawa's pajamas were trying to attack her!" The room went dead silent. I started to feel a weird shaking motion. I glanced over and realized that Miki was laughing. Laughing and awake and leaving me to explain things.

"OK! Well, um, Koharu, let's get you ready for the day!" Niigaki exclaimed. She walked over to the bed and dragged Koharu out by the hand.

"You guys, uh, have some good leader time," Takahashi said before ushering the others out and shutting the door.



"How long have you been awake?"

"About the time I put my hand on your boob," she grinned.


Offline shindoushiz

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Re: memoir [7.5 Fic Fic YoMiki. Mini]
« Reply #45 on: July 14, 2007, 06:48:03 PM »
"...wait, if you didn't sleep with Maki then who was your first? Was it Ishikawa?"


"Hmm... Makoto?"

"Only in her daydreams," I muttered. Miki laughed.


"Are you on crack?!"

"Is it not a Morning Musume. girl? Ayaka?"

 :lol: Alright, I understand Miki was desperate to know who else were on Yossie's list but why Yaguchi?  :lol:

In the early days of H!M, during Yossui's bday, Yaguchi was clinging onto her and got mad when Nakazawa kissed Yossui on the cheek. I think on Music Station, Yaguchi said she wants Yossui as a boyfriend. In the making of Joshi Kashimashi Monotgatari PV, they are sitting together with Yaguchi hugging her arm and resting her head against Yossui. Also she was Yossui's mentor. :D

lol  Yoshizawa-san as a pimp.  She can't help it if girls are charmed by her.  :love:

Poor Mako-chan XD

小川麻琴Dance Dance Suru no da!

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Re: memoir [7.5 Fic Fic YoMiki. Mini]
« Reply #46 on: July 14, 2007, 07:04:42 PM »
In the early days of H!M, during Yossui's bday, Yaguchi was clinging onto her and got mad when Nakazawa kissed Yossui on the cheek. I think on Music Station, Yaguchi said she wants Yossui as a boyfriend. In the making of Joshi Kashimashi Monotgatari PV, they are sitting together with Yaguchi hugging her arm and resting her head against Yossui. Also she was Yossui's mentor. :D

Or... almond is just on crack.  (Which she is.  <_<  )


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Re: memoir [SEXY 8 FIC]
« Reply #47 on: July 14, 2007, 07:46:06 PM »


"How long have you been awake?"

"About the time I put my hand on your boob," she grinned.

 :lol: XD

Just great! Really really awesome!^^

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Re: memoir [SEXY 8 FIC]
« Reply #48 on: July 14, 2007, 08:25:31 PM »
I was awoken by someone knocking frantically on my door.


"Aaah~ It's Koharu! Please open the door!" The panic in her voice woke me up and I opened the door.

"Koharu, what's wrong?" I asked, leaning my head out.


"I had a nightmare!" I sighed.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww...:lol:  It's sweet, in a "couldn't have happened at a worse time" sort of way.

Miki groaned and put my pillow over her head. "um... Look! I found Fujimoto!"

"Why is Fujimoto in here?" she asked, tilting her head to one side.

"She, uh, had a nightmare too!" I proclaimed. Koharu looked at me in the lamplight.
Oh snap! Time to think fast Yossi! :D

"Why are you only in underwear?" I looked down at my skimpy tank top and undies combination.


"Uh, because... her nightmare was that my pajamas attacked her."

"OH! I've had that one before," Koharu nodded sagely.
Well, at least Yossi and Miki weren't nekkid this time (dammit).

But wait sec, Koharu's had a nightmare where she was attacked by PJs?  :?  Looks like Miki's not the only one with weird dreams. :P

"Ok, will talking about it help?"

"I dunno. It was pretty scary." I laughed.

"Well, I don't scare easily."


 I felt something on my leg - in the dream, I mean - and I threw off the covers and there it was!"

"A zombie?" I guessed.

"No! A snake!" I paled.
Of all had to be a snake, the one thing that can totally freak Yossi out. :wahaha:

"What are you going on about over there?" a sleepy voice called.

"Uh, Koharu had a nightmare just like you!" I said, still talking in the squeaky voice. Frigging snakes. With their slimy coils and their icky scales and stupid icky fangs.

"I have no idea what the hell you're talking about. And what is up with your voice? If I didn't know better, I'd think you'd gotten kicked in the balls," Miki yawned.

"Fujimoto, can I sleep in here with you and Yoshizawa?" Koharu asked.

"Yeah, sure, whatever," Miki waved a hand lazily and went back to sleep. Great. I was about to get to sleep in a not very large bed with a 13-year-old and the queen of sleep-groping.
Way to go, half-asleep Miki. :lol:  The groping likely doesn't bother Yossi that much, but it's liable to give poor Koharu another nightmare! XD

"Wait a sec!" I called, my voice finally starting to drop down to its normal level. "Since I, um, didn't have a nightmare, I should probably sleep in the middle." Koharu shrugged and moved over.
Well, it's a partial solution. At least this way Miki won't sleep-grope Koharu. Yossi just has to do her best to keep Miki's sleep-groping to a minimum and hope that Koharu's a heavy sleeper.

I finally managed to drift off shortly after dawn. I was rudely awoken a few minutes later by the unmistakable sound of

"USO!" I opened my eyes and glared and the full 5th generation staring at my predicament.

Which apparently had gotten more interesting in the past few minutes. Koharu was now half-sprawled across me and Miki had her left hand firmly on my breast.

On one hand...crap. This is gonna take some MAJOR quick thinking on Yossi's part.

And on the other hand...

Oh great, our favorite Miracle was awake. "She had a nightmare that Yoshizawa's pajamas were trying to attack her!" The room went dead silent. I started to feel a weird shaking motion. I glanced over and realized that Miki was laughing. Laughing and awake and leaving me to explain things.

"OK! Well, um, Koharu, let's get you ready for the day!" Niigaki exclaimed. Koharu to give you the cute, air-headed answer that makes you want to smack her AND pat her on the top of her little head.  :lol:

And OF COURSE Miki's been awake. Groping can't really be enjoyed to the fullest if you're asleep, and with her hand on Yossi's boob...yah, no way she's gonna be asleep. :twisted:

Oh and I've got to ask, what were the Gokkies doing in Yossi's room to begin with?  :dunno:



"How long have you been awake?"

"About the time I put my hand on your boob," she grinned.
See? :pimp:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline arina_shinh

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Re: memoir [7.5 Fic Fic YoMiki. Mini]
« Reply #49 on: July 15, 2007, 12:43:55 AM »
"...wait, if you didn't sleep with Maki then who was your first? Was it Ishikawa?"


"Hmm... Makoto?"

"Only in her daydreams," I muttered. Miki laughed.


"Are you on crack?!"

"Is it not a Morning Musume. girl? Ayaka?"

 :lol: Alright, I understand Miki was desperate to know who else were on Yossie's list but why Yaguchi?  :lol:

In the early days of H!M, during Yossui's bday, Yaguchi was clinging onto her and got mad when Nakazawa kissed Yossui on the cheek. I think on Music Station, Yaguchi said she wants Yossui as a boyfriend. In the making of Joshi Kashimashi Monotgatari PV, they are sitting together with Yaguchi hugging her arm and resting her head against Yossui. Also she was Yossui's mentor. :D

lol  Yoshizawa-san as a pimp.  She can't help it if girls are charmed by her.  :love:

Poor Mako-chan XD

Oh, that's is so new to me... lol... but yeah, everyone wanted to have Yossie as their boyfriend....

"Why is Fujimoto in here?" she asked, tilting her head to one side.

"She, uh, had a nightmare too!" I proclaimed. Koharu looked at me in the lamplight.

"Why are you only in underwear?" I looked down at my skimpy tank top and undies combination. I wasn't embarrassed - I once chased Kago out of my room and onto a balcony while I was stark naked - but it was still inappropriate around a 13-year-old.

"Uh, because... her nightmare was that my pajamas attacked her."

"OH! I've had that one before," Koharu nodded sagely.

 :lol: Koharu had one just like what Yossie had created for Miki? Yossie must feel really weird.

Man, my mum just gave me a weird gazed from the kitchen because I was laughing so hard.  XD

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Re: memoir [SEXY 8 FIC]
« Reply #50 on: July 15, 2007, 02:34:28 AM »
Part 9! (I like updating, shush) This is - in theory - the last bit of fluffy filler. The actual second storyline part starts with part 10.

Thank you all so much for your encouraging comments - I actually re-read them when I'm trying to think of what to write for the next part.  :luvluv2:



We had a good, long talk after that incident. ...ok, so we had a good, long, sweaty sheets session first, but THEN we had a good, long talk.

Since we had been completely busted by half the members already, we decided it was time to come clean. I felt it was only right. We were the leaders and it was our responsibility to watch out for the others. How could we expect them to be honest with us when we weren't be honest with them?

Well, that was my reasoning. Miki agreed because she thought it would be hilarious and told me I took my job way too seriously.

"What time did you tell them to be here?"

"2:30, so any minute now. And before you ask, no, that's not enough time for a quickie." Miki just smiled evilly.

"Are you ready to give the kids the sex talk, Dad?" I heard a knock on my front door.

"I better be," I sighed, going to open the door. "Oh, it's just Mako."

"Oh, thanks a lot," Makoto replied. "I saw the rest of them pulling up when I got in the elevator. Is this about what I think it is?"

"Probably," I replied. "So, please don't say anything weird."

"I never say weird things!" she protested.

"You called me Goto Maki once," Miki interjected.

"Oh, that was, uh..." Makoto trailed off, scratching her cheek distractedly. There was a rapid knock at the door. "Oh, I'll get that!"

"Makoto, this is my apartment."

"Ah, yes." She nodded thoughtfully and sat down as far away from Miki as possible. Miki laughed and shook her head as I opened the door.

I remember looking around the apartment and thinking how completely surreal this situation was. Eri, Sayumi, and Reina were sitting in a row on my couch. I don't know what Eri thought was going to happen because she was sitting very prim and proper with her hands folded on her lap. In contrast, Reina was leaning so far back that her butt was almost off the couch, her face betraying her yankee ways. Sayumi just looked bored. Makoto had given up her seat on my one living room chair to Konno and was now sitting crosslegged on the floor, absentmindedly scratching her upper arm.  Risa had dragged over my desk chair for Takahashi to sit in while Ai braided her hair. I cleared my throat.

"So, now that everyone's here - "

"Where's Koharu?" Reina asked.

"Oh, she had to go to some sort of family thing," Sayumi replied. "She won't be back in town until we go back to work next Tuesday."

"Oh, it's next Tuesday? I thought it was this Thursday!" Eri exclaimed.

"Well, you can go back then if you want, but none of us will be there," Reina said.

"Um, anyway!" I said awkwardly. They all turned and stared at me. I turned to Miki who was looking at me expectantly with a look of pure innocence. "Well, you all remember how Yaguchi got caught dating and all. Um, I feel it's important so that we can look out for each other that, uh, we be honest with each other so that, um..." Miki was looking at me like I was insane. "So that, if anything does happen, we're - " Miki clapped her hand over my mouth.

"I'm banging our leader. Any questions?" Miki announced. The other 6th generation members collectively dropped their jaws. Risa helpfully started laughing.

"Do you have no concept of tact!?" I demanded as soon as she released me. Miki shrugged.

"You were going to take three hours to get to the point. My way's faster." I shook my head and buried my face in my hands.

"Are you serious!?" Reina exclaimed finally. She turned to Makoto. "How can you be so calm?"

"Oh, I walked in on them after the Iroppoi shoot," Makoto replied casually.

"MAKOTO!" I exclaimed.

"What? ...oh."

"Wait, you knew back then?" Risa interjected.

"Why didn't you tell us? I thought we had all found out at once," Ai added.

"You all knew?" Sayumi asked.

"We found Koharu in bed with them," Ai supplied helpfully.

"WHAT!?" Sayumi jumped up.

"It's not what it sounds like!" I protested.

"I was asleep when Yoshizawa invited her into our bed," Miki shook her head sadly.


"Maybe we should have called the authorities," Konno said thoughtfully.

"OH! MY! GAAAH! You all are driving me crazy! No wonder Nakazawa drinks!" I exclaimed. "Koharu showed up at my door at like 3 in the morning because she had a nightmare. She refused to leave. Miki woke up and told her she could stay in the bed. I slept between her and Miki because SOMEONE tries to attack people in her sleep. That's it."

"How sweet! You protected me from Koharu!" Miki said innocently. I sighed and shook my head.

"And why were you four in my room anyway?" I asked the 5th gen girls.

"We got worried because Koharu was missing. Your door was unlocked anyway," Ai replied.

"Wait, so Koharu knows?" Sayumi asked.

"No, Yoshizawa told her that Fujimoto was there because of a bad dream," Konno explained. Risa started laughing.

"Correction - she told her that Fujimoto had a nightmare about Yoshizawa's pajamas attacking her!"

"And she believed it?" Reina said incredulously.

"Ah, I've had that dream before," Eri suddenly piped up. Everyone paused and turned to look at her.

"You, uh, dreamed Yoshizawa's pajamas were attacking you?" Risa asked.

"No! It was actually my dog's pajamas! Except my dog doesn't wear pajamas, so..." she trailed off.

"Koharu wouldn't have gotten it anyway," Sayumi said finally. "You can all but remove her bra and she has no idea."

"Sayumi!" I exclaimed.



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Re: memoir [9 ~Out of Album Titles~]
« Reply #51 on: July 15, 2007, 02:58:35 AM »
Well, when you run out of album titles, we use single titles! I think this is a perfect chapter to name Ai no Tane. And such a sex talk! "Your way was going to take 3 hours!" almond, this fic is AWESOME!!!!!! Write more please!
If Helen Keller falls in the woods and no one is around, does she make a sound?

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Re: memoir [9 ~Out of Album Titles~]
« Reply #52 on: July 15, 2007, 04:45:49 AM »
Since we had been completely busted by half the members already, we decided it was time to come clean. I felt it was only right. We were the leaders and it was our responsibility to watch out for the others. How could we expect them to be honest with us when we weren't be honest with them?

Well, that was my reasoning. Miki agreed because she thought it would be hilarious and told me I took my job way too seriously.
:lol:  Both sides make valid points.  As the leader and subleader, it is only fair that they come clean with the other members.  After all, they want the others to know that they can be trusted if they have any problems that they need to talk about.

Considering how the girls react to suprises like this...yeah, it's bound to be a bunch of laughs one way or another. XD

"What time did you tell them to be here?"

"2:30, so any minute now. And before you ask, no, that's not enough time for a quickie." Miki just smiled evilly.
Damn.  :banghead:

Makoto had given up her seat on my one living room chair to Konno and was now sitting crosslegged on the floor, absentmindedly scratching her upper arm.
Mako and her unconscious habits...sort of like Miki and her sleep-groping. :P

"Um, anyway!" I said awkwardly. They all turned and stared at me. I turned to Miki who was looking at me expectantly with a look of pure innocence. "Well, you all remember how Yaguchi got caught dating and all. Um, I feel it's important so that we can look out for each other that, uh, we be honest with each other so that, um..." Miki was looking at me like I was insane. "So that, if anything does happen, we're - " Miki clapped her hand over my mouth.

"I'm banging our leader. Any questions?" Miki announced.


"Do you have no concept of tact!?" I demanded as soon as she released me. Miki shrugged.

"You were going to take three hours to get to the point. My way's faster." I shook my head and buried my face in my hands.
Miki really hates waiting, doesn't she? :D  She's always been a "straight to the point" kind of person.

"OH! MY! GAAAH! You all are driving me crazy! No wonder Nakazawa drinks!" I exclaimed.

"Koharu showed up at my door at like 3 in the morning because she had a nightmare. She refused to leave. Miki woke up and told her she could stay in the bed. I slept between her and Miki because SOMEONE tries to attack people in her sleep. That's it."

"How sweet! You protected me from Koharu!" Miki said innocently. I sighed and shook my head.
Miki = :wriggly:

Yossi =  :depressed:

God I love Miki's Tsukkomi skills! :heart:

"And why were you four in my room anyway?" I asked the 5th gen girls.

"We got worried because Koharu was missing. Your door was unlocked anyway," Ai replied.
Ah, so they were probably going to wake Yossi up to tell her that Koharu had "gone missing" when they made their *ahem* discovery. ;D

Yoshizawa told her that Fujimoto was there because of a bad dream," Konno explained. Risa started laughing.

"Correction - she told her that Fujimoto had a nightmare about Yoshizawa's pajamas attacking her!"

"And she believed it?" Reina said incredulously.

"Ah, I've had that dream before," Eri suddenly piped up. Everyone paused and turned to look at her.
EHHHHHHH?  :mon huh:  Exactly how many of the members have this dream of being attacked by PJs?

"Koharu wouldn't have gotten it anyway," Sayumi said finally. "You can all but remove her bra and she has no idea."

"Sayumi!" I exclaimed.

And how would Sayu know THAT little tidbit about Koharu anyway?

Wait a sec...what? EHHHH?  :?

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: memoir [9 ~Out of Album Titles~]
« Reply #53 on: July 15, 2007, 05:13:32 AM »
Ok! Comments reply time! Sorry, I was busy earlier and just wanted to get the chapters out there.

See how she remembers and highlights all the times with Yossi? That means that they were all special to her. (doesn't it?)  As for the times that she "forgot to mention", Miki said it best..."Don't care", meaning that regardless of how they were physically, on an emotional level, being with Yossi has been better.  :oops:
You're losing your touch! I meant to imply that there wasn't anyone else. Yossi was pointing out that they'd been... very busy lately. XD

:lol: Alright, I understand Miki was desperate to know who else were on Yossie's list but why Yaguchi?  :lol:

I could say that I put a lot of thought into it and figured Miki wondered why Yossi had thought she was Yaguchi at the door at 5am, but, yeah... I was just being random. :wahaha:

:lol: :lol: :lol: The whole rapid fire conversation between the two is hysterical. I love how it's just Bam Bam Bam!
Dude you just are the master of one liners  XD

Thank you both so much! My 2nd grade teacher once told me I was good at dialogue. :bingo:

In the early days of H!M, during Yossui's bday, Yaguchi was clinging onto her and got mad when Nakazawa kissed Yossui on the cheek. I think on Music Station, Yaguchi said she wants Yossui as a boyfriend. In the making of Joshi Kashimashi Monotgatari PV, they are sitting together with Yaguchi hugging her arm and resting her head against Yossui. Also she was Yossui's mentor. :D

Or... almond is just on crack.  (Which she is.  <_<  )


...Scratch the random part, it was what shindoushiz said. And, manamin, hurry and get back from work so you can beta part 11!

:lol: XD

Just great! Really really awesome!^^

Yay! Thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying it!

Oh and I've got to ask, what were the Gokkies doing in Yossi's room to begin with?  :dunno:

Honestly? Hadn't thought about it. They were just a plot device. So, I threw that into part 9 for you.  :hee:

Man, my mum just gave me a weird gazed from the kitchen because I was laughing so hard.  XD

Well, when you run out of album titles, we use single titles! I think this is a perfect chapter to name Ai no Tane. And such a sex talk! "Your way was going to take 3 hours!" almond, this fic is AWESOME!!!!!! Write more please!
I'm thinking of using single titles later, so I guess I'll just start using other people's albums.  lol
And I'm working on it! I just finished part 11 and will be starting 12 tonight or tomorrow. :glasses:

Wait a sec...what? EHHHH?  :?

Random appearance of Evil Sayu.  :sweat:

I'll probably put up part 10 before I go to sleep.

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Re: memoir [9 ~Out of Album Titles~]
« Reply #54 on: July 15, 2007, 06:31:38 AM »
"OH! MY! GAAAH! You all are driving me crazy! No wonder Nakazawa drinks!" I exclaimed.

Ah, Yossie just let out Yuko secret to everyone!!  XD

"No, Yoshizawa told her that Fujimoto was there because of a bad dream," Konno explained. Risa started laughing.

"Correction - she told her that Fujimoto had a nightmare about Yoshizawa's pajamas attacking her!"

"And she believed it?" Reina said incredulously.

"Ah, I've had that dream before," Eri suddenly piped up. Everyone paused and turned to look at her.

"You, uh, dreamed Yoshizawa's pajamas were attacking you?" Risa asked.

"No! It was actually my dog's pajamas! Except my dog doesn't wear pajamas, so..." she trailed off.

Are seriously wanna kill me with those weird dream of Eri?  :lol:

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Re: memoir [9 ~Out of Album Titles~]
« Reply #55 on: July 15, 2007, 06:39:26 AM »
I just finished part 12 a minute ago and here was my beta manamin's reaction.

manamin: T_T!


At any rate, here's part 10! Enjoy!



I walked thoughtfully down the hallway. Konno graduated... Makoto was about to... it was so surreal. I really never thought they'd go before I would.
"You do realize she's in love with you." I paused in my journey. That sounded like Makoto.
"What is this all about?" And that sounded like Miki. I started to walk towards the pair when a door shut suddenly.

It's horrible, I know, but I couldn't help myself. I leaned against the door to listen.

" know what your intentions are," Makoto was saying.

"What are you, her father?! It's none of your business."

"You weren't here. You didn't see what that mess with Goto did to her." Were they talking about me? What was Makoto think... wait, did Makoto just tell Miki I was in love with her!?

"That was different. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon and I wouldn't wait a month to tell her if I was."

"You're right it is different. She wasn't in love with Goto. She's in love with you."

"Why do you keep saying that? You have no way of knowing what goes on in someone's head." Miki sounded flustered.

"I've known her for five years. I can tell."

"Whatever. What do you want from me?"

"I want your assurance that you're not going to break her heart."

"Fine," Miki sighed. "I have no intention of breaking the fair Yoshizawa's heart. Happy?" I could hear Makoto sigh.

"I don't know why I bothered."

"She's stronger than you think."

"She's more sensitive than you think." I'm more sneaky than they think, that's for sure. The door knob started to turn. Oh, shit.

"Makoto, wait," Miki called.


"... I can tell you this much. I would never do anything to intentionally hurt her," Miki said quietly. She sounded very uncomfortable. This was ridiculous. I knocked on the door.

"I'm coming in," I announced. I opened the door with a grin. "Miki! What a surprise! Makoto, can I talk to you?" Miki looked at me very carefully.

"I'll leave you two alone," she said before making her escape. I leaned my head out the door and watched her leave. As soon as she was out of sight, I slammed the door shut.


"Makoto. What. The. Hell." Her eyes widened. I'm not sure if she'd ever seen me angry before.


"I heard you! What do you think you're doing? I'm a grown woman and I can take care of myself. My relationships are of no concern to you."

"You were eavesdropping!?"

"You were talking about me!" I exclaimed. "And how dare you tell Miki that I'm in love with her!"

"Am I wrong?" she said, meeting my eye calmly.

I looked away. How do you answer that? I didn't know. I'd never been in love before. Was this it? All I knew was I always wanted to see her, be with her, be near her., I've heard that damn "Anata ni Aitai" song too much.

"That's what I thought," Makoto said softly before slipping out of the room and leaving me alone with my thoughts.


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Re: memoir [yoMIKI (10)]
« Reply #56 on: July 15, 2007, 08:26:24 PM »


"How long have you been awake?"

"About the time I put my hand on your boob," she grinned.
:mon lmao:

"Koharu wouldn't have gotten it anyway," Sayumi said finally. "You can all but remove her bra and she has no idea."

"Sayumi!" I exclaimed.

:on lol:

"You were talking about me!" I exclaimed. "And how dare you tell Miki that I'm in love with her!"

"Am I wrong?" she said, meeting my eye calmly.
Ah, Makoto the all knowing. :mon geek:

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Re: memoir [yoMIKI (10)]
« Reply #57 on: July 15, 2007, 08:33:33 PM »
You're losing your touch! I meant to imply that there wasn't anyone else. Yossi was pointing out that they'd been... very busy lately. XD
Hey cut me some slack. You keep updating so fast that I'm bound to misstep once in a while :P

"You do realize she's in love with you." I paused in my journey. That sounded like Makoto.
"What is this all about?" And that sounded like Miki. I started to walk towards the pair when a door shut suddenly.

It's horrible, I know, but I couldn't help myself. I leaned against the door to listen.

" know what your intentions are," Makoto was saying.

"What are you, her father?! It's none of your business."
Well, Mako HAS known Yossi longer. She was there during the Maki aftermath. As her friend and resident fangirl (and probably because she was to graduate soon), she just wants to know that Miki will be good to Yossi.

"I want your assurance that you're not going to break her heart."

"Fine," Miki sighed. "I have no intention of breaking the fair Yoshizawa's heart. Happy?" I could hear Makoto sigh.

"I don't know why I bothered."

"She's stronger than you think."

"She's more sensitive than you think."
They're both right. To be one does not mean you can't be the other as well. 

"Makoto, wait," Miki called.


"... I can tell you this much. I would never do anything to intentionally hurt her," Miki said quietly.
Oh shit...sad to say I think I know where THIS arc is going. :cry:

"Makoto. What. The. Hell." Her eyes widened. I'm not sure if she'd ever seen me angry before.


 "And how dare you tell Miki that I'm in love with her!"

"Am I wrong?" she said, meeting my eye calmly.

I looked away. How do you answer that? I didn't know. I'd never been in love before. Was this it? All I knew was I always wanted to see her, be with her, be near her., I've heard that damn "Anata ni Aitai" song too much.

"That's what I thought," Makoto said softly before slipping out of the room and leaving me alone with my thoughts.
Mako sure hit the nail right on the head here, didn't she? :yep:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: memoir [yoMIKI (10)]
« Reply #58 on: July 15, 2007, 09:56:16 PM »
"You, my friend Miyuki, my friend Rei, Aya, um... Maki, some girl on my concert staff, Rika, Aya, Ayumi, Masae, Takahashi, Aya, and, uh, you. ...oh, Mai's in there somewhere and I'm sure I've missed some." I blinked several times.
Shiba-chan!?!  :w00t:

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Re: memoir [yoMIKI (10)]
« Reply #59 on: July 16, 2007, 12:01:35 AM »
Gah. I was on a roll and then I wrote part 14 and now my brain is going "'kay, now what?"  :banghead:

Anyway, here's part 11. Maybe I'll get inspiration from comments!



I later apologized to Makoto for yelling at her. I knew she was just trying to help and misguided though it was, her heart was in the right place.

I never told Miki I'd overheard that. Maybe I should do that one of these days. Maybe not. We have too much to talk about as it is without dredging up old conversations.

I really don't get angry much. Some people say it's unhealthy. Some people say it's admirable. I say it's how I am. I don't even remember the last time I was truly angry.

That's not true. I do remember that time very well.

Miki and I hadn't had a day off together in about 2 months. She was so busy with the newly-formed GAM that I really only saw her during our work together. I think the other girls noticed it. They always moved around so Miki and I were standing next to one another, always left us alone during brief dressing room breaks. It was really quite sweet.

I remember that I had some sort of meeting that day and it was canceled last minute, but I don't remember what it was about anymore. I didn't really care. Miki had texted me that morning

Kabutomushi <3
Surprise! Off tomorrow with you!
PV rehearsal w/ Ayaya ends @ 8
Pick me up and maybe get lucky! ^_^
Dance Practice Rm 4.
-A Lonely-at-Night Kuwagata-

I checked my watch. It was only 7:45. I smiled. I'd just peek my head in to let Miki know I was here. I opened the door quietly so I wouldn't disturb anything.

Aya and Miki were the only ones in the room. Aya moved her chair closer to Miki. She was talking quietly and Miki was nodding. Aya reached across and gently lifted Miki's chin up. They made eye contact and both leaned into a kiss.

I honestly don't even remember moving. The next thing I knew, I had grabbed Matsuura by the back of her shirt and dragged her to her feet, knocking over her folding chair in the process. I was shaking with anger. Miki stared at me in shock for a minute before she started laughing.

I suddenly realized what I'd just done and let go of Aya's shirt. Right. We'd never explicitly said that we were... I mean, I hadn't asked specifically, so...

"Sorry. I, um. Sorry." I muttered, turning around to leave.

"Miki!" Aya exclaimed. Miki was lost in her own laughter. Aya sighed in exasperation. "Yoshizawa, wait!" I ignored her. "Yoshizawa!" she grabbed my arm.

"I'm sorry, I was just surprised, that's all," I said, my shaky voice giving away how angry I still was.

"No, you don't understand!" She was waving around a piece of paper. "It's in the script! We were rehearsing, I swear!" I took the paper from her. Sure enough. "MELODIES PROMOTIONAL VIDEO SCRIPT" and at the bottom "[MATSUURA] DRAWS [FUJIMOTO] INTO A KISS". Aya had even scrawled some handwritten notes about nose placement and whether to have open or closed eyes. I sighed with relief, handing the paper back to Aya gratefully.

Wait. Aya. Chair. Dragged by the shirt. Whoops.

"I am so sorry!" I exclaimed to Aya. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, don't worry about it." She waved my concerns away. "But, YOU!" she exclaimed, turning to Miki who had finally stopped laughing and come over to us. "What is wrong with you!?"

"It was just so damn funny! The calm cool Yoshizawa turned into the Incredible Hulk or something," she snickered again. My eyes narrowed.

"Sorry," I said to Aya quickly. She looked puzzled. I made eye contact with Miki and smiled.

Then I grabbed poor Aya around the waist and dipped her backwards, pressing my lips to hers. Aya flailed her arms around for a second before wrapping them around me. We kept this up until I started to feel the Death Glare boring into me. I pulled away from Aya and set her upright before turning to Miki with a smirk.

"Still funny?" I asked.

"Point taken," was her frosty reply.

"Um. I'll leave you all alone now, but, uh," Matsuura cleared her throat and turned to me. "If you two ever break up, um... Call me. Seriously." She walked out of the room a bit unsteadily, fanning herself.


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