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Author Topic: [Majisuka Gakuen] Tabula Rasa (OneShot)  (Read 20677 times)

Offline FoF

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[Majisuka Gakuen] Tabula Rasa (OneShot)
« on: December 20, 2010, 06:43:34 AM »
Something that just came to me while re watching Majisuka and listening to some ballad songs.
Just a short and kinda maturish fic...which I'm not used to hopefully it doesn't suck.  XD
Hopefully with this out of my mind I'll get to write on the other one.  :lol:
Hope you like it!  :)


Like any other day, everything was once again covered in reddish orange as the sun slowly sets. She felt the cold breeze of the wind as it brushes against her face, making her smile a little. Her slight smile didn’t fade as she looked around the messy rooftop. There were a lot of stuff scattered around; trash, chairs, books, tables, papers and other things that no one seems to bother to clean up. It can’t be helped since in Maji High, no one cares about trivial things such as cleaning.

Her gaze once again turned until it rests on her companions back. For everyone, it’s just a normal day. But for her…today is a special day since her companion finally came back after a long days of absence.

Although…she has a feeling that the presence of her companion today will only be for a short while.

“Sado.” Yuko called her attention, her back still facing the tall girl.

“Hai?” She replied.

“I…I like watching the view from here with you the best.” Yuko smiled slightly as she continued to look at the scene in front of her. Sado stared at her in wonder, her smile now gone. The feeling of uncertainty lingers inside her as she stares at Yuko. She tries to ignore it as she clenched her jaw tight and looked back at the setting sun.

“This is our school…no matter what.” Yuko reminded her. She wasn’t sure why Yuko was saying such things. This was nothing like Yuko at all, but again, she decided to ignore it.

“Hai.” She replied firmly. Her gaze trained at the setting sun, the happiness she felt earlier rapidly fades to be replaced by dread. But she didn’t show it.

No…because Yuko wants someone strong to stand next to her.

And she wants to be that someone.

End of Flashback

Sado slowly opens her eyes and stared at the ceiling of her room, looking at the boring pattern that is always the first thing she sees in the morning. It brings her certain calmness whenever she stares at it. She could stare at it all day if she wants to…since it was the only thing that makes her mind completely blank as if she was just staring at nothingness.

The curtain caught her eye as the gust of wind blew through the open window. She could feel the cold wind of winter through the opened window. It was getting chilly as she was naked under the sheets. Why did she even open that anyway?

Sighing, she slowly got up, picked up the thrown clothes on the ground and put them on. She slowly walked towards the window and closed it as softly as she could. Once closed, she looked outside and noticed that it was snowing. It’s finally snowing in Tokyo.

She placed her hand on the glass feeling its coldness, her hand covering the part wherein the setting sun would’ve been if it wasn’t covered in the clouds. She could imagine Yuko being childish if ever she sees that it was finally snowing.

Somehow thinking about that, it brought a small smile on her lips.

Yuko has always been Sado’s opposite. She tends to keep everything in the light with her bright smile and her playfulness, while Sado would be often seen with a scowl or a look of indifference on her face. As Yuko was the childish type, Sado in the mean time, has always been the serious one.

They were opposites, but there are a few similarities between them.

One similarity that has a big impact in Sado is--

Sado turned to look at her bed as she heard the rustling of the sheets. Her companion seems to be waking up as she heard her soft moan. She felt her heart beat fast at the sound her companion made. With a slight smile on her face, she slowly made her way back to bed. She sat down on the edge of the bed, staring at the woman who occupied the half of it.

The woman lay naked with the sheets wrapped around her chest covering her naked flesh. She was in a trance as she looked at the Goddess sleeping. She was truly beautiful in Sado’s eyes, especially with the way she looked now.

Slowly, Sado slowly caressed her shoulder, noticing how cold it felt. Her hand slowly traveled up to her neck and stopped to where a hickey could be seen. She lingered there for awhile as she stared at the mark she made. This is her doing; she marked her as her companion writhed in passion earlier.

“Hmm…” Her Goddess moaned moving slightly. Sado’s gentle caresses seem to rouse her from her sleep. She wants to see those eyes again, looking at back at her. She wants to hear her voice, remembering how she moaned her name earlier over and over again just like how she moaned hers.

Sado’s hand traveled up again resting on her Goddess’s cheek. She caressed it, urging her to wake up. She felt her heart jump when her hand covered hers, giving it a small squeeze. She watched in anticipation as she slowly open her eyes, those inviting lips of hers slightly open.

“Hey.” Sado said softly to the newly awaken woman. The woman looked at her giving her a soft smile which she returned just as softly. The hand on hers slowly made its way towards her as she cupped her neck. Her Goddess slowly pulled her down as she turned her face slightly so that Sado’s forehead would rest with hers. The soft smile Sado had was replaced by a look of wonder as her Goddess closed her eyes, still bearing that soft smile on her lips.

“I saw it…” She said softly making Sado move slightly away to look at her, a frown on her face.

“Saw what?” She asked. Her Goddess slowly opened her eyes to look at hers. Her eyes gentle as she stared at Sado for a second until finally, whispering the words that somehow made Sado’s heart jump.

“Your heart.” Torigoya smiled lovingly at her.

--is that they both fell for the same woman.


Extra Notes: This is a one-shot sequel of Majisuka. Why did I indicate it here at not on top? Because it's fun that way.  XD
« Last Edit: May 08, 2011, 03:01:18 PM by FoF »

Offline riama

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Re: [Majisuka Gakuen] Tabula Rasa (OneShot)
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2010, 10:49:00 AM »
Another good fic from FoF, :heart:
I hope it's longer though..
A MariKojiYuu fic would be fun.

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Offline Ryo Hiroshi

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Re: [Majisuka Gakuen] Tabula Rasa (OneShot)
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2010, 05:03:10 PM »
FoF-san, I love your one-shot  :bow: :bow:
Sado x Torigoya x Yuko is awesome   :rockon: :rockon:
and Sado x Torigoya is hot  :cow: :cow:
want more  :w00t: :w00t:

Offline RenaChii

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Re: [Majisuka Gakuen] Tabula Rasa (OneShot)
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2010, 05:02:39 AM »
COOL~!!!  XD

THANK YOU SO MUCH FoF-san~!!!  XD  :twothumbs

Want more please~!!  :bow:  :bow:  :bow:  :bow:

Offline alexiel17

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Re: [Majisuka Gakuen] Tabula Rasa (OneShot)
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2010, 04:39:12 AM »
Whoo!! Another fic from FoF-sama!!! Can't wait to read this!!!  :grin: :grin:

Thanks SOOO much for the fic and Merry Christmas too!!!! :] :]

Offline bou-j525

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Re: [Majisuka Gakuen] Tabula Rasa (OneShot)
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2010, 10:04:03 PM »
Nice story! Though I'm more a KojiYuu fan in reality, I have to say that SadoxYuko is nice too ^^ Like your writting style so I don't care which kind of story you write XD
Thank for sharing this fic!

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Re: [Majisuka Gakuen] Tabula Rasa (OneShot)
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2010, 06:09:08 AM »
Hmm.. somewhat maturish but that's part of the story...  :mon fyeah: (Wow! Sado sempai and Torigora together  :shocked..... It's like.. wow!!  :shocked)
Anyway, like the story indeed..  :mon thumb: :mon determined: (I'd never imagined this before... Nope, not imagined the bed scene... :mon bleed2: :mon blood: I'm not a perverted person really!! :mon scare: Oh pls. believe me!!  :mon waterworks:)

Anyway, pls. write another one!!! (Oh pls. I'm not a pervert!!!  :mon mad:  :mon zoom:) (great,  :mon exhaust: my image has been ruined...  :mon wind:)
I guess nobody believes me now.... (Hay naku... :])
Thanks for the fic (even if it's a little sad...) :mon heh:

Offline FoF

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Re: [Majisuka Gakuen] Tabula Rasa (OneShot)
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2011, 04:43:18 AM »
I actually read this over and over again and felt like it was more of a prologue than a one shot eh?  :nervous :nervous
Personally, I'm liking this couple as well. The MariKoji/MariHaru pairing I mean. So there's a possibility that I might continue this.
That is if I have the time and all. Plus I haven't really thought of a storyline besides this and the next possible chap.  :nervous
Anyway, thanks to everyone who liked it and read it!  :bow: :bow: :bow:

Offline alexiel17

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Re: [Majisuka Gakuen] Tabula Rasa (OneShot)
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2011, 05:21:16 PM »
Hmm... when I read your comment saying that there's a "possibility" that you'll continue this fic, I had mixed feeling about it... seriously.... (you're probably wondering why, huh? :mon huh: )

I remembered you PM's, ok... :mon ghost:  That's the real reason behind it... :mon exhaust: I can't believe I'm posting this again.... :mon exhaust: ......... I am not a perv if I say that I want you to continue.... this..... fic ( Arg!!! :mon mad: I can't take it anymore!!! *whimper, sniff * :mon whine: )

FoF san (hmp.. :mon pissed: gonna use "san" for now :mon blblbl:... hmp.. It's your fault  :p :mon blblbl: ) hehe :] (Ha! you'll laugh again with this post of mine.. :mon fan: bwhaahaahaa!! :mon nyah: *never ending narcissist laughter* :mon noprob: ...  just joking : :mon ignore: :])

Anyway, just continue writing FoF san (I think this suits you better.. :mon blblbl: hahaha :]  XD )
and pls. update your "Price of Fame" already.. you're making me sooooo impatient :mon fierce: ... tsk, tsk, tsk,  :smhid :smhid

Offline bou-j525

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Re: [Majisuka Gakuen] Tabula Rasa (OneShot)
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2011, 04:26:47 AM »
you're making me sooooo impatient :mon fierce: ... tsk, tsk, tsk,  :smhid :smhid

"impatient" ?? ONLY "impatient"?? Excuse me, but I think FoF wants to kill us   :smhid

Offline dee1711

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Re: [Majisuka Gakuen] Tabula Rasa (OneShot)
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2011, 04:38:13 AM »
^ 200% agreed.
I have an urge to reply about "it" recently since I keep checking this Fanfics thread at least 3 times a days just to wait for a certain fic.  :smhid  :smhid

Offline FoF

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Re: [Majisuka Gakuen] Tabula Rasa (OneShot)
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2011, 06:04:45 AM »
 :nervous :nervous :nervous to all of that. This isn't the complain thread you know. :nervous

Like I said in my pm to someone...I'm already halfway through. Still haven't written the big parts yet. I'll update POF before the week ends.
hopefully...since the next chap is one roller coaster ride. whiii roller coaster. :lol: I'm actually reading what I posted in the past just so I won't leave any questions unanswered...which for me is like a wtf experience.  :nervous :panic:

So yeah, it's going to be before this week ends. 

And just to clear something...I'm not trying to kill anyone.  :)
I think.  :nervous
Sorry guys.  :(

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Re: [Majisuka Gakuen] Tabula Rasa (OneShot)
« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2011, 07:12:01 AM »
^ 200% agreed.
I have an urge to reply about "it" recently since I keep checking this Fanfics thread at least 3 times a days just to wait for a certain fic.  :smhid  :smhid

Same here...   :smhid

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Re: [Majisuka Gakuen] Tabula Rasa (OneShot)
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2011, 08:27:50 AM »
Hey, hey, give Fof a break guys. At least the fic isn't abandoned. I hope you guys are just playing around, cuz your comments seem a bit serious. :-\

On to this oneshot: I first read it when you posted it, but I couldn't get into it. The reason: I had never watched Majisuka. A while later, I was bored, and re-read this,  but I still couldn't get into this. Reason: I had never watched Majisuka.  The third time I came back, I started reading this, stopped, and said: I should watch Majisuka.  I watched it in over 3 days, liked it, and finally decided to read this. Your fic made me watch the whole drama! :lol: I'm not really good when it comes to watching movies, tv, etc via computers.

I definitely got a love feeling from all those characters in the drama. I'm glad that I was finally able to enjoy this. XD
« Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 05:18:49 AM by mode107 »
"Under the beautiful blue sky"

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Re: [Majisuka Gakuen] Tabula Rasa (OneShot)
« Reply #14 on: January 05, 2011, 09:26:00 AM »
FoF-sama!!!!!!!!  :heart:
I love this fanfic...... Please countinue........ :thumbsup
Include the other majisuka gakuen cast.....
A little Maeda and Gakuran....  :heart:

Sado and torigoya so cute together.... Feel like want to re-watch majisuka gakuen again.....

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Re: [Majisuka Gakuen] Tabula Rasa (OneShot)
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2011, 09:27:04 AM »
Of course we just joking around then  :nervous  :nervous FoF-san, please don't take it seriously (even I did check your thread at least 3 time a day  :P  :P)

Just don't make us wait too long  XD  XD And I'm so exited cuz you focus on the "quality"  XD it's gonna be awesome  :cow:  :cow:

As for this..  :w00t:  :w00t: You know how I feel already.. Please continue!! I love this couple as well!!  :inlove: (and the threesome... you know..  :nervous)

Offline bou-j525

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Re: [Majisuka Gakuen] Tabula Rasa (OneShot)
« Reply #16 on: January 05, 2011, 06:38:10 PM »
Hey, hey, give Fof a break guys. At least the fic isn't abandoned. I hope you guys are just playing around, cuz your comments seem a bit serious. :-\

Of course I'm just joking  :P

And just to clear something...I'm not trying to kill anyone.  :)
I think.  :nervous

Oh wait.....  XD

Offline riama

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Re: [Majisuka Gakuen] Tabula Rasa (OneShot)
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2011, 12:29:46 AM »
Right,right.I need this threesome so bad. XD

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Re: [Majisuka Gakuen] Tabula Rasa (OneShot)
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2011, 04:42:23 AM »
mode107 is defending my honor. :nya: I could kiss you right now.  :lol:  :lol:

You're fic made me watch the whole drama! :lol:

Really?  :shocked well, that's a first.  :lol: I'm glad you finally watched it. Though honestly, I didn't like most of the episodes because of the repetitiveness of Maeda beating them up. :nervous But it sure made me love Sado.  :lol:

Anyway, onto the topic of discussion here, even though this really isn't the topic thread.  :nervous I know you guys are just playing with me, giving me a friendly deadly powerful jab, punch and kicks trying to KO me. :on kimbo: But it's still out of friendliness, thus the keyword "friendly."  :lol:  :lol:

So yeah, no harm done. I'm actually used to comments like that. since i've written a couple of non-akb fics back then And as much as I had the urge to drop that fic...yes I almost gave up on that a couple of times...I know the friendly deadly powerful jab, punch and kicks might continue.  :lol: Plus, I started enjoying writing that fic. I got hooked on my own fic I guess. Which is...odd... :lol:

So yeah, again, no harm done.  :)

And about this oneshot...well...the thing is, it's a MG sequel so Yuko is most probably dead here.  :nervous But if ever I'm going to continue this...Yuko would most probably appear in almost all of the flashback. So it's kinda like Sado/Torigoya with Yuko on the side. Yeah... :nervous :nervous

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Re: [Majisuka Gakuen] Tabula Rasa (OneShot)
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2011, 02:05:32 PM »
I don't mind if Yuko's on the side.I don't know about the others :grin:

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