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Author Topic: Songfic - Sakura no ki ni narou by kitarin  (Read 5470 times)

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Songfic - Sakura no ki ni narou by kitarin
« on: November 15, 2012, 04:21:03 PM »
This is my first story , sorry for broken grammar and boring story , i'm really bad in English ...  :(

I’ll Be A Sakura Tree

Five girls was at a graveyard . They visiting their friend , Matsui Jurina . They are Acchan , Takamina , Harunyan , Tomochin and Yuko .
Matsui Jurina passed away when she is only 16 years old . As a normal high school student , she have a lot of friends . And she often go out with Takamina , Harunyan , Tomochin , Yuko , and especially Acchan . But , she got a tumor , that makes her suffering for one year , before she passed away .
But , her soul isn’t fly to heaven . Jurina’s soul is still there , even her body is in the grave .
She saw her friends visiting her grave , wondering if her body can be there , chatting and laughing with them .
After Acchan cs leave the graveyard , They met Jurina’s parents .
“Jurina must be happy seeing you all come here , visiting her” said Jurina’s mother .
“It’s okay , auntie ... Jurina is our bestfriend after all ...” said Tomochin .
And they leave Jurina’s house .

And now , they were going to Aizawa High School , which they graduated from .
One year passed after their graduation , and they met their junior now . They talking with the principal , and walking to the backyard .
It’s a big sakura tree , with no flower . And several students is sitting . Acchan see Jurina wearing her seifuku . “Jurina-chan?” said her .
“Acchan , you must be serious ! Jurina was died a year ago ... I know , I understand you are her bestfriend ... But , you must realize that she’s already gone ...” said Yuko .
“But Yuko-chan , I’m sure she’s here ... Look at that bench , Jurina-chan is there ...” said Acchan .
“You must be crazy , Acchan” said Takamina .
That was real Jurina . But , only Acchan can see her .
Memories of Jurina come back again . That time , when they was 15 ... Acchan and Jurina was lay on the ground ... One month after Jurina know that she has a tumor .
“Acchan , I wonder how much time we have ...” said Jurina .
“Don’t say that Jurina-chan , you can absolutely recover” said Acchan .
“I got a feeling , but I want to graduate ... Really want to graduate ...” said Jurina .
“If you say that , then you can graduate ... Look at this sakura leaf ... like your tears ...” said Acchan .
And another memory , when all 3rd class singing “Sakura No Ki Ni Narou” for their graduation ... At the backyard , in front of the sakura tree . But ... there was an empty seat , Jurina’s seat ... Jurina passed away before their graduation ...
They never realized , Jurina is still there ...
Harunyan taking medical school . She decided to become a doctor , after see her bestfriend died from tumor ...
And now , she’s doing a test . Jurina is beside her , saying “You can do it , Harunyan!”
Harunyan can feel someone there , but she can’t see Jurina .
Takamina was eating her meals on canteen , when she feels someone sitting beside her . She stared at that chair , but she see an empty chair .
Actually , there’s Jurina . Jurina want to met Takamina , even she doesn’t realized her .
Tomochin worked part time at a cafe as a waiter . Jurina visited her at the cafe , try to touch Tomochin’s shoulder . But , someone already touched Tomochin , and call her . And Tomochin didn’t realize that Jurina was there , even their distance was so close .
Yuko was walking on a park with her little cousin , push her cousin’s back , and play with her happily . Jurina was beside Yuko , and said ‘Yuko-chan , your cousin are cute ...” but Yuko can’t hear her . And Yuko didn’t realize that there was Jurina , smiling at her .
But ... there’s still another one Jurina hasn’t visited . That is the only one can see her , Acchan .
“Why everyone can’t hear me ? I still want to be here , watching their backs , but ... if they can’t see and hear me like this , there’s no point i’m here ... Is that be better if I go ??” said Jurina .
Acchan was standing on school’s rooftop , remembering her memories with Jurina . Jurina was on the other side of the rooftop , take a sakura leaf , and let it fly , before decide to go , leave this world forever .
“Good bye , everyone” said her .
And , when Jurina walking , ready to leave , there is a miracle .
Acchan , Tomochin , Takamina , Harunyan and Yuko can see her . and Jurina is stop because she feel hands touching her back .
Yes , there is Acchan cs’ hands . Jurina take a look and smile .
“Jurina-chan” said Harunyan .
“We’re sorry” said Takamina .
“Don’t go” said Yuko .
“This is real you , Jurina-chan” said Acchan .
“My time has come now” said Jurina .
“No ! Don’t go ...” said Tomochin .
“I want to still be here , watching your backs , but... but my time has come , you all must get a better life , yeah?” said Jurina , trying not to cry .
“Jurina-chan , you are our bestfriend . We’ll never forget you ...” said Acchan , and began to cry .
“Bye everyone ...” said Jurina , before walking forward , and slowly disappeared .
“Jurina isn’t here anymore ...” said Acchan , cried .
“Yeah , but we must get a better life , it’s her hope and now , she has gone freely” said Harunyan .
kami-oshi : Umeda Ayaka
oshimen : Takayanagi Akane

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Re: Songfic - Sakura no ki ni narou by kitarin
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2012, 04:24:22 PM »
saving my spot for a nice comment hana chan!  :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Re: Songfic - Sakura no ki ni narou by kitarin
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2012, 04:33:19 PM »
Saving spot bwahahaha for comment

Almost forgot to come back to edit my comment haha.
Nice fic! You did well ^.^ remember keep on writing and the words will start coming to you easier =)
I like ^.^d I remember watching the pv it took me a bit into it before I realize jurina was suppose to be a spirit =O

« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 05:17:21 AM by immortal_K »

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Re: Songfic - Sakura no ki ni narou by kitarin
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2012, 04:54:37 PM »
my fave song has a fic! nice one!!   :thumbup
I love Acchan48     maji ni naranakya katenee yo

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Re: Songfic - Sakura no ki ni narou by kitarin
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2012, 04:57:03 AM »
So, the story is based on the nice the way you write it into a fic..

It's sad when finally jurina can be seen by her friends, she has to leave (for real)

Hope to see more fics from you :)

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Re: Songfic - Sakura no ki ni narou by kitarin
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2012, 02:19:44 PM »
I'm going to edit it , for more detailed information ... i'll post the edited here
kami-oshi : Umeda Ayaka
oshimen : Takayanagi Akane

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Songfic - Sakura no ki ni narou by kitarin EDIT
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2012, 04:50:55 PM »
I’ll Be A Sakura Tree

Five girls were at a graveyard . They visiting their friend , Matsui Jurina . They are Acchan , Takamina , Harunyan , Tomochin and Yuko .

As a normal high school student , Jurina have a lot of friends . And she often go out with Takamina , Harunyan , Tomochin , Yuko , and especially Acchan .
But , fate is cruel , she got a tumor when she’s only 15 , that make her suffer for one year , before passed away when she’s only 16 ... Just a while before her graduation ...

But , because her love to her friends , her soul isn’t fly to heaven . Jurina’s soul is still there , even her body is in the grave . She is given three months to stay in earth , look after her friends .
She saw her friends visiting her grave , Acchan was crying and the others just silent , looking at the gravestone . Jurina wonder if her body can be there , chatting and laughing with them .
“Acchan , what are you crying about ? I’m here ... “ said Jurina . Tears falls from her eyes .
“Ju-jurina chan ...” said Acchan .
“What are you looking at ?” asked Takamina .
“That ... is ... Ju-jurina chan ... right ?” said Acchan , pointing Jurina .
“Yes , I’m here ...” said Jurina .
“I know what you feel Acchan , but please realize that Jurina isn’t here anymore ... She’s gone one month ago , right ?” said Tomochin .

Yes , only Acchan , among the five girls , can see Jurina .

“I think we should leave this place , now already 4pm , isn’t it ?” said Harunyan .
“Umm , yes , but isn’t it be better if we come to Jurina’s house first ?” asked Yuko .
“I’m agree ! We meet Jurina’s mother first” said Takamina .

(Jurina’s house)
“ Jurina must be happy for being visited by her bestfriends , thanks for your care” said Jurina’s mother .
“It’s okay , auntie ... Jurina is our bestfriend after all ...” said Tomochin .
“Ah , I wonder if she still here , but she is happy now” said Jurina’s mother .
“We can’t see her suffering for a long time , auntie ... Maybe this is the best for her ...” said Acchan .
“Sorry for making you all sad again ...” said Jurina’s mother .
“It’s okay , by the way , we have to go ... bye aunt ...” said Yuko .
“Bye , take care” said Jurina’s mother .

After they leave Jurina’s house , They go to Aizawa High School , which they graduated from .

The school’s backyard has a big sakura tree , with no petals . The petals has fallen away this autumn . But the branches are like an open arm , waiting for someone .
The five girls talk to the teachers , and seeing their junior with pink uniform .

Jurina is there , with uniform , sitting on an empty bench .
“Jurina-chan” said Acchan .
“Eh ?” asked Harunyan .
“There” said Acchan , pointing on that empty bench .
“Oh , come on Acchan , it’s only an empty bench” said Yuko .
“Maybe it’s all only my feeling” taught Acchan .

Jurina start to crying again , remembering that her time will be ended soon ... One month since she passed away , and it means her time is only two months to seeing her bestfriends ...
Memories about Jurina comes back again on Acchan’s head .
That time , when they still together ...

That time , when they was 15 , one month after Jurina knows that she has a tumor . Acchan and Jurina lying on the backyard’s ground , under the big sakura tree . The petals slowly falls from the tree .
“Acchan , can we be like this forever ?” asked Jurina .
“Sure , why you say like that ?” asked Acchan .
“I got a feeling , my time isn’t long , but I want... really want to graduate ...” said Jurina , crying .
“No ... Don’t say like that , you can graduate , surely ...” said Acchan , and her eyes start shed tears .
“How if I can’t ? I’m scared Acchan ... I’m still 15 , and have a tumor like this ...” said Jurina .
“Don’t say like that again , Jurina ! It can definitely be cured” said Acchan , trying not to cry .

Once more , fate is cruel . Just a while before graduation , Jurina passed away . They all prepared to sing “Sakura No Ki Ni Narou” on their graduation . But , in graduation photos , there is an empty seat . That is Jurina’s seat .
But , Jurina is there . She sings “Sakura No Ki Ni Narou” too .

One month after their graduation , Harunyan and Takamina goes to college , Acchan become a teacher , Tomochin worked at a cafe , and Yuko takes after her small niece .

Harunyan takes medical school . She decided to become a doctor , because she want to cure people who suffering from tumor like Jurina . Now , she had a pre-test . Actually , Harunyan isn’t really good on memorizing things . No wonder if she had a difficulty doing the test .
Suddenly , Jurina appears beside her .
“You can do it , Harunyan” said her .
Harunyan feels something around her , but didn’t realized it was Jurina .
“Harunyan , I only have one month left” said Jurina .

A week later , Jurina come to Takamina . Takamina was at the canteen , eating her meal lonely . There was an empty seat in front of her . Jurina sit there and say “Hi Taka !”
But Takamina didn’t realize it , only think “Who’s there ?”
“Three weeks more . What should I do ?” asked Jurina , cried .

One week later , Tomochin was worked on a cafe . When she finished her work , Jurina wants to touch her shoulder , but ... someone already call Tomochin , and Tomochin didn’t even realized that Jurina is there , even their distance was very close .
“14 more days before I leave , will someone realized me ?” asked Jurina .

One week later , Yuko plays with her cute niece at the park , She push her niece’s back when plays swing . Jurina stands beside her , and said “Yuko , your niece is cute ...” . But once again , Yuko didn’t realized Jurina .

One week later , Acchan was standing on the rooftop . Jurina too , but on the other side .
“No one realized me , God , I’m ready now ...” thinks Jurina . She released a sakura leaf from her hand .
And , miracle happens . Everyone can see Jurina now .

Jurina was walking to leave this world , when suddenly her back is been touched by five hands . There was Acchan , Harunyan , Takamina , Tomochin and Yuko’s hands .

“Jurina-chan” said Harunyan .
“We’re sorry” said Takamina .
“Don’t go” said Yuko .
“This is real you , Jurina-chan” said Acchan .
“My time has come now” said Jurina .
“No ! Don’t go ...” said Tomochin .
“This is my last day ...” said Jurina , crying . “I have to leave this place” .
“We just can see you , Jurina-chan” said Takamina .
“I wan’t to be here ... but, i can’t ... Three months has passed , and I have to go , You all must get a better life without me , yeah ?” said Jurina .
“Jurina-chan , you are our bestfriend . We’ll never forget you ...” said Acchan , and began to cry .
“Bye everyone ...” said Jurina , before walking forward , and slowly disappeared .

“We must get a better life . Jurina wants us to life better . So don’t dissapoint her , okay ?” said Harunyan .

kami-oshi : Umeda Ayaka
oshimen : Takayanagi Akane

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Re: Songfic - Sakura no ki ni narou by kitarin
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2012, 04:57:01 AM »
The story is really touching  :cry: You describe it so well. You should write some more fics,  :thumbsup

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Re: Songfic - Sakura no ki ni narou by kitarin
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2013, 04:10:51 PM »
thx for the comments :D i write new fic now after long hiatus :)
kami-oshi : Umeda Ayaka
oshimen : Takayanagi Akane

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