The final battle with Marie! The last chapter! The end of this here fic!!
Part 10: Final Confrontation...
~Marie's Throne-Room~
Nami enters the throne-room from one door, at the same time Miichan and the others enter from another door. Miichan, Sayaka and Haruna are cut off by a large number of Demons but, neither side attacks. Nami stops and looks toward them.
"Welcome." Marie says, from her throne, "I am surprised you all made it here." She stands up and walks forward slightly.
"However, Your luck ends here!" she states, she looks at Nami, "I see you still cover your face, sister. Is that because of the scar I gave you."
"..." Nami doesn't reply, as she slowly removes her mask and reveals that there is no scar.
"I see." Marie says, "You know? You should have killed me, when you had the chance, sister. Look there." she points behind Nami.
Nami looks, as do Sayaka and the others, and sees Atsuko chained to a wall. Fortunately, She is uninjured.
"Nami!" the princess shouts.
"Don't worry, Princess." Nami says, "I'll get you out of here soon."
Atsuko nods and Nami turns back toward Marie but, as she does, she blasts her with a fireball that knocks her back-first onto the floor.
Nami raises her legs, putting all balance on her arms and shoulders, and then pushes off with her arms. She swings her body upright and lands on her feet.
"My pact with the Demon-World has granted me magic." Marie says, removing her helmet, "When you die, sister, Princess Atsuko will be MINE!"
"NEVER!" Nami responds, pulling out and throwing a Kunai at Marie.
Marie, however, dodges the knife and throws another blast at Nami. Nami raises her right hand, index and middle fingers extended, and again goes through the words: Rin, Pyou, Tou, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Sai, Zen. Thus, Stopping the fireball a step or so away from her.
"What!" Marie says, "How the!"
"Marie, You MORON!" Nami states, "Your powers were given by the Demon-World but, they're not your's. My powers come from my spirit, they are mine!" she punches the fireball, causing it to fly back into Marie, knocking her back into her throne.
Suddenly, A demonic-fire erupts from the floor and from the flame, a Demon appears... With *angelic* wings, a human-like upper-body, a lower body like a serpents(meaning a snake-tail), and the face of the devil... The King of the Demon-World: Wisnu! (hehehe)
"Marie!" the Wisnu says, "You Fool! You have failed your end of the pact! I take back, that which I have given you! The magic, My Demons, all of it!" the Demons disappear and the Demon-King adds, "You are on your own!"
"No, Master!" Marie cries, "Give me another chance! Please!"
"Never!" Wisnu responds, as the fire again encircles him, "I will, however, watch this battle. If you win, I will grant you your life!"
Marie turns to face Nami. Nami smirks and says, "Shall we finish up... as warriors?" she removes her katana, still in it's scabbard, from her back and draws it from the scabbard. She throws the scabbard to the floor.
Marie notices a final living soldier, standing on a high inside ledge and thinks 'At least I still have one loyal follower.' The soldier draws a bow and arrow, aiming the arrow at Nami's back. "Fine!" Marie says to Rei, "I will be glad to kill you!" she draws her katana from her side.
Both enter a stance and dash toward one another, they swing their swords. Nami deflects Marie's swings, easily, and slices the left side of Marie's face. She backs up and swings again, Nami deflects and slices the right side of her face. Nami looks up at the soldier and nods. The soldier pulls the arrow back to launch it but, just as he's about to release it, the mysterious male Ninja from earlier slices him in-two, landing in a kneel on one knee behind the soldier. The Ninja sheathes his katana and stands up.
"This fight will be won, or lost, one-on-one!" the Ninja says, then disappears again.
Marie draws her katana back, as Nami draws back her's. Marie and Nami dash, again, and swing their katana at one another. Nami faulters her swing, do to the wound to her side from Ceg. Nami jumps back to avoid the swing but, Marie's blade slightly grazes the center of her chest. Nami lands a step or two back and cocks her head from one side to another, tightening and loosening her neck-muscles. The brown-haired woman lays down her katana.
"Well." Nami says, as she reaches the fingers(not including her thumb) of her right hand into the slit in her shirt, "I see you've gotten better."
The brown-haired woman grips the side of the cut in the shirt with her right fingers and then grips it the same way with her left hand. Shockingly, Nami jerks in both directions and rips her shirt apart, letting the sleeves slip down her arms and fall to the floor. Thus, revealing her upper-body, in it's entirety...
"Let's finish up!" Nami says.
The brown-haired woman kneels down and retrieves her katana. She stands back up and draws her weapon back. Marie draws her sword back, as well, and the two dash toward one another, a final time. Marie swings her sword in a horizontal slash and Nami swings her's in a counter-vertical swing. Nami alters her swing around Marie's blade and sucks her stomach in to avoid Marie's swing, she then performs an overhead downward-diagonal(left-to-right) swing. Nami's swing slices through Marie's right arm, severing it, and cutting a gash along the woman's torso. Nami takes a couple of steps back, the wound to her side bleeding more severely.
Nami drops to one knee and grips her side, her vision blurring.
"Nami!" Atsuko shouts, worried.
Wisnu vanishes and appears near Nami, and the fatally wounded Marie. He reaches down and grabs Marie around her neck, with his left hand. The Demon-King lifts Marie into the air.
"You lose, Marie! Your soul is MINE!" Wisnu states, as he uses his right hand to draw the woman's soul from her fatally wounded body.
The Demon-King then throws the life-less body to the floor, he turns to the brown-haired woman and looks at her. Nami stands up and draws up her katana, ready to fight. Wisnu merely holds up his left hand and shakes his head.
"Perhaps, Another time." he says, "There will be no battle between us, this day." he points the index-finger of his left hand toward Atsuko and blasts the chains restraining her.
"I shall return my Demons to the Underworld." Wisnu says, then smirks, "I look forward to the day when we shall do battle." he vanishes.
"Nami..." the princess says. She runs to Nami and throws her arms around the raven-haired woman, "I knew you'd come!" she adds, crying into the other woman's shoulder.
"It's okay. I'm here, now." Nami says, as she cradles Atsuko in her arms, "I'll never leave your side." And, For the first time since her parents died, Nami smiles genuinely.
After Atsuko finishes crying, "Your side. You're hurt!" she says, raising her hand over the wound on Nami's side, "This will help." she heals Nami's side.
"We should get you back to the palace." Haruna says.'I miss my squirrel..I mean Yuko' Haruna blushed
Atsuko nods, drying her tears.
"Nami?" Miichan asks, "Do you know who that *other* Ninja was?"
Nami nods, "A shadow." she says, "A shadow that has watched out for me, my entire life."
"The *shadow in the darkness*." Atsuko adds, "I remember him watching over me, too."
"I see..." Miichan responds, "A *Guardian Angel*?"
"Something like that." Nami says, as the five women make their way toward the front-entrance(exit) of the castle.
As, Atsuko and the others exit the castle, They stop walking and Nami removes a silver necklace from around her neck, she holds it in her right hand.
"What's that?" asks Haruna.
"Something that hasn't anymore meaning, to me." Nami responds, she throws the necklace into the air.
A gust of wind catches the necklace and blows it up through the air. The view pans-up to the roof of the castle... where the mysterious warrior stands, his arms folded. He holds up his right hand and catches the necklace between his index and middle fingers. He spins the necklace around and into his palm, then re-folds his arms.
'I am no longer needed.' he thinks 'They have found one another.'
"Look Nami." Atsuko says pointing to the sun, appearing red, as it rises in the distance, "It's beautiful."
"*You're* beautiful." Nami says, as she looks at Atsuko, and the younger woman locks her gaze.
"I love you." Nami says.
"And, I love you, Nami." responds Atsuko.
'Forever.' both women add, in their minds and the two share another kiss, infront of the rising sun.
ufff took me time eh