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Author Topic: Destined---Part 10 final battle  (Read 11799 times)

Offline nyaha00

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Destined---Part 10 final battle
« on: June 25, 2011, 06:20:58 PM »
It's like in a rol game  XD

Character Parts & Ages:

Takahashi Nami/Main Character/Ronin/Hero(ine): 20
Maeda Atsuko/Main Supporting Character/Princess: 19
Akimoto Sayaka/Martial Arts Champion: 22
Miyazawa Sae/Sayaka's Companion/Bard: 20
Shinoda Mariko/Traveller/Doctor: 25
Minegeshi Minami(Miichan)/Mariko's Travelling Ally/Whip user: 19
Watanabe Mayu/Mariko's Adopted Daughter: 12
Kojima Haruna/Palace Guard: 21
Oshima Yuko/Bard/Palace Doctor: 23
Marie Kim/Main Villain/Evil Warlord: 16?

More starring chars later in progress


Ronin/A warrior similar to a Samurai(except; Ronin didn't obey or have a master like Samurai). They wore outfits like Samurai, also. They kept their left arm inside their shirt (the shirt acted somewhat like a sling. Though, the left arm wasn't injured) and carried a jug of Sake at their right hip. They, also, carried a Katana and Wakizashi. As well as, some carried Kozuka(Throwing) Knives and wore Samurai-style hats(I'm not sure the name for the hat).

Bard/Ranges from: singer, playwright, musician.


Nami/Atsuko, Sayaka/Sae, Haruna/Yuko, and Mariko/Miichan.


~Hill near the city of Karakoram~

A mysterious figure dressed in Samurai garb reaches the summit of the small hill. As the figure steps into the light, certain features are revealed... Samurai Hat, Left arm inside jacket, A jug of Sake at the right hip, A Wakizashi at the left of the waist, & A Katana worn on the back(held by a strap running from the left shoulder down to the right-side of the waist)...

The lone *Ronin* pushes up the brim of the hat with her gloved right hand, revealing the right side of *her*(?) face and a strange wind blows. 'Hmm...' She thinks 'The winds have changed.'

End Prologue...

THE TURTLE STRIKES AGAIN!!!!! prepare yourselves!!!!!   :hiakhiakhiak:
« Last Edit: June 27, 2011, 02:01:06 PM by nyaha00 »


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Re: Destined---Prologue
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2011, 06:27:45 PM »
I like the pairing...  :twothumbs

hohohohho... i need to prepare myself for "THE TURTLE"  fast update!!! :on lol:

Offline AAAice

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Re: Destined---Prologue
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2011, 07:25:18 PM »
LOL nice plot. :]]

Yey Sayaka!
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

Offline nyaha00

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Re: Destined---Prologue
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2011, 08:40:15 PM »
I'll entertain you guys for a bit till Flean and Sora update their fics, bare with me ok    :bow:

The woman looks down from the hill and takes notice of a city... Karakoram. 'I shall rest there.' she says to herself, then starts down toward Karakoram...

Part 1: The Mysterious Visitor...


"Who is that?" one villager asks another.

 The other replies, "I have no idea. I have never seen *him*, before!" "*He's* dressed like a Ronin." the first says, "Must be a warrior!" the second nods in agreement.

 'Hm...' the Ronin(Nami) thinks 'Fools think I'm a *man*!' she half-grins 'Oh, well... Let them think what they will.' she continues toward the Inn. Nami enters the Inn and lays some money on the counter.

 "So, I take it you want a room?" The Inn-keeper asks. She nods, the woman takes the money and says, "Okay, You have the room upstairs and oh by the way,the name's Alexiel." Nami smiles, turns and starts toward the staircase.

 "Hey!" Alexiel shouts, "You look like a warrior!" she stops and glances back to Alexiel who adds, "There's a Warrior's Tournament being held here. Maybe you should enter? The prize-money is 400,000 yen!" Nami simply continues toward the room, thinking to herself 'I believe I will enter this tournament. I could use the yen.'

~The 'Warrior's Tournament'~

"Are you going to enter the tournament?" the man asks. Nami nods and the man says, "Very well. But, leave your weapons out of the ring. By the way, the champion is Akimoto Sayaka." she nods again and proceeds to the ring, laying her weapons near it...

To face the champion, a player must defeat 6 opponents. Nami defeats each of the other competitors quite easily, each with a single move(using just her right arm).

Then, the champion enters the ring, a rather large woman wearing pants and a small-piece of cloth for a shirt. Nami pushes up the brim of her hat and looks at the champion with her right eye, 'This one's strong... she's alot stronger than those pathetic opponents, earlier!' she thinks, the right side of her mouth curls into a half-grin 'About time... I had a challenge!' she grabs her hat and throws it, then lets her hair down to it's full-length, a few inches past her shoulder and looks solidly at the champion...Akimoto Sayaka.

"A... Woman!" Sayaka thinks aloud, "Those eyes..." 'Lavender... It's like looking into an endless abyss...' She thinks to herself 'Of Darkness.'

"Let's get on with it, then!" Sayaka states, taking her stance.Nami nods and takes a (one-handed) fighting-stance... Sayaka launches an attack toward Nami but, the brown-haired woman sidesteps and trips her.

 Sayaka recovers, landing on her feet, and spins, kicking at the brown-haired woman with her right foot which Nami blocks. After a couple more attacks, a couple that hit and a couple that are blocked, Nami thinks 'She's letting her rage get the best of her! Now's my opportunity!' she waits for Sayaka to swing a right punch toward her and catches the punch. Nami grips the fist, spins and uses a single-handed leg-hook(judo) throw to deposit Sayaka on the ground. She drops a knee onto Sayaka's right arm, injuring it, and draws her own right fist back, for the finishing-blow. Then suddenly, a vision flashes into her mind warning of danger and she stops.

Sayaka sees her opening and left-kicks Nami in her side, knocking her off. She gets up and launches into a quick flurry of punches and kicks. Then tries a finishing-blow of her own but, the brown-haired woman catches her fist, while looking away. "Wait!" she says(her first word in this fic).

 "What for!" demands Sayaka. Suddenly, a wall explodes and monsters invade the town.

 "I see." Sayaka says, "I guess this is a draw." she grins. Nami nods and the 2 turn their attention to the monsters...

To be continued...


Offline AAAice

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Re: Destined---Part 1
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2011, 09:18:52 PM »
Sayaka reminded me of her Danso Character before (Though she is dressed as a warrior, not sure)

Monsters!! SPARTANS! Kidding.
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

Offline nyaha00

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Re: Destined---Part 1
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2011, 10:12:20 PM »
 :rofl:  I'M the TURTLE  btw the encantation came from the monk in Ghost Hunt  XD

Part 2: Battles Begin...


Four monsters charge toward Nami... "Foolish Imps!" She states, pulling out four ofudas, "Rin, Pyou, Tou, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Sai, Zen... Akuryou Taisen!" Nami throws the ofudas and each one attaches to a monster, "Dispel!" she says and the monsters vanish. Nami grins.

Meanwhile, Sayaka defeats several of the small monsters as well, with some help from a short-haired woman.

More monsters attack Nami but, she reaches in her shirt and pulls out three Kozuka Knives. She throws them at the monsters, killing them. Then, She leaps toward her weapons and grabs the Wakizashi handle with her right hand, pulling it from it's sheath as she rolls and then stands up. Nami uses her Wakizashi and starts slicing through the monsters... severing limbs, lopping off heads, etc. Soon, All of the imps are wiped out. Nami uses some ofudas to seal the wall, then collects her things and starts to leave.

"Hey, Wait!" Sayaka shouts.

 Nami stops and turns to face her, "What?" she asks.

 "You forgot your half of the prize money." Sayaka says, holding out a bag of coins, "Here!" she throws it and Nami catches it. "I... don't understand." Nami says.

 "Since, the fight was a draw..." Sayaka explains, "They decided we each get half the winner's share." Nami nods and places the money in her travel-pouch, then turns to leave.

 "What's your name?" Sayaka asks, "I've never seen moves like that."

 "Takahashi...Takahashi Nami."The brown-haired woman replies.

"Would you mind..." Sayaka asks, "If we go with you? I've got a fairly good idea where you're going."

"Who's *we*?" Nami asks, turning back to face the other woman, then says, "And, Even *I* don't know where I'm going..."

 "*We* are me and..." the larger woman replies, she points, with her thumb, back to the woman who was fighting alongside her earlier, "Her. Her name's Miyazawa Sae. As for where you're going... I figure it's Alexandria. Everyone goes there. Besides, I think you felt the change in the winds and it's pulling you there."

"Very well..." Nami says, "Let's go."

 "See..." Sae says, "I told you." Sayaka nods and the 3 leave Karakoram...

~Road to Alexandria/Campsite~

 Nami is tending the campfire, when Sae walks over and sits at the opposite side of the fire.

 "What's your story?" Sae asks, "I mean... I've never heard of a *female* Ronin, before."

 "Weird, isn't it?" Nami replies. Sae nods and Nami says, "It's a long story... Suffice is to say, I lost my family when I was a child and, I was raised by a swordsman, along with my half-sister..."

 "When he discovered he was dying, he decided he needed to pass on his swords and legacy to me or my sister." she adds.

 "How did he choose?" Sae asks.

 "He chose by, having my sister and I do battle..." the raven-haired woman replies, "I defeated my sister but, she became enraged and tried to kill me. I defeated her again and had the opportunity to kill her but, did not. Our Sensei said that my decision was the honorable one and chose me, my brother swore revenge and..." she brushes her hair away from her left eye and reveals a scar next to it, "An inch to the right and," she says, "She would have taken my eye. She always had a darkness inside her..."

"I apologize!" Sae bows, "I didn't know."

 "It's fine." Nami says, letting her hair fall back down over the scar. "What are you two talking about?" Sayaka asks, walking over to the fire with an armload of wood.

"Nothing..." Nami answers, "But, we should get some sleep soon. We need to get an early start, tommorrow, so goodnight."

 "Goodnight." Sae and Sayaka reply...

~Alexandria Forest~

Nami, Sayaka, & Sae come across a pair of travellers being attacked by 5 or so bandits.

 "Hey!" Sayaka says, stopping Nami and Sae, "Shouldn't we do something? Those people are in trouble."

 "So?" Nami states, "It's not our concern."

"Oh sure," Sayaka says, "So, I guess your Bushido means nothing, then?" Nami is silent for a moment and Sayaka adds, "Well, I'm going!... Sae? You coming?"
 Sae nods and the two go to help the travellers. 'She is correct...' Nami thinks 'Bushido demands that those in trouble, must be protected. I am losing sight of my path...'

Sayaka and Sae attack the bandits to protect the travellers, a lolita and a woman with a staff. The Jpervs Bandit are not as strong but, their numbers are greater and they hold their own.

 Suddenly, Two Kozuka Knives pin the leader to a tree and a third stops, hovering just short of her throat. The others see Nami standing there with her right hand out-stretched in front of her, holding the third knife in-place, with magic, of course.

 "Are you going to leave, peacefully, or..." she says, the knife pressing against the bandit's throat. "Don't! Please!" the bandit-leader replies, "We will leave. I swear!"
 "Very well." Nami waves her hand to one side and the knives fall. "L-l-let's get out of here!" the bandit-leader says, running away. The other bandits follow her.

After Jpervs Bandits  left....

 "Are you two, alright?" Sayaka asks. The lolita starts thanking her emphatically, "Thank you, Thank you, thank you..." "Oh, Miichan..." the other woman says, calmly, "Calm yourself." the girl listens and the other woman turns to Sayaka, Nami, and Sae, and says, "But anyway, We do thank you. Normally, I should have been able to defeat them, myself, however..." she motions to a wound on her leg.

 "Well, I am Shinoda Mariko." she adds, "And, my travelling companion here is..."

"The name's Minegeshi Minami but you can call me Miichan." the lolita interrupts, "Pleased to meet ya."
"We are pleased to meet you, as well." Sae replies, bowing, "I am Miyazawa Sae." "Akimoto Sayaka." the tallest woman introduces herself.

 "The Martial Arts Champion?" asks Mariko. The brunette nods and says, "And, I have heard of you, also. The best doctor in Asia."

"Is that what they call me?" Mariko responds...

"Mariko-mama!" A young black-haired girl leaves her hiding spot, behind a tree, and runs over to Mariko. Mariko kneels down and hugs the girl, "Mayu. Are you okay?" she asks.

 "I am..." the girl replies, "I was worried about you and Miichan, though."

 "Well, We are fine... Thanks to these three." Mariko says, standing back up, "This is my adopted daughter, Mayu (Watanabe)." she says to Sae and the others.

 "Wow!" Sae says, "It's amazing how much the two resemble, isn't it?" "Yes, It is, Sae." Haruka replies, "She does look a lot like Nami. I wonder if they're related..."

 "What are you talking about!" Nami says, "I have no family! Never mind... We should be leaving." 'There is something about that girl... we may be related.' she thinks 'But, how?'

 "Where are you going?" Asks Miichan. "Alexandria." Sayaka replies, "We are on our way there." "Wow! So are we!" Miichan states, "Maybe, We could all go together?" Nami nods and as they start to leave, she thinks 'This is turning into a travelling carnival...'

To be Continued...

:mon evillaff:

Offline nyaha00

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Re: Destined---Part 2 turtle kick!
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2011, 11:53:38 PM »
:on yellcard:    :mon blowhorn:    HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!!!! Don't let that Turtle escape!!!   

Part 3: Somehow......

~Alexandria Gates~

"Halt!" A guard says to Nami and the others, "Why are you here?".

 Mariko steps forward, "I am Shinoda Mariko. I believe I'm expected."

 "Mariko, huh?" the guard responds, taking off her helmet, "Phew! That's a relief. My name's Kojima Haruna, I thought you might be here to attack the palace."

 "Why would you think that?" Asks Miichan.

 "Well, We were attacked the other day by some of that warlord's minions." Haruna replies, after letting the group in, "And, the Princess was injured. Since then, Security's been super-tight."

 "I see..." Nami speaks up, "Who is this warlord?" Haruna turns to face her and says, "I think a better question would be... Who're you?" "Call me crazy but," the brunette adds, "What's up with the Ronin look?"

 "I'm Takahashi Nami." the brown-haired woman says, "And, none of your business. Anyway, What's the warlord's name?"

 "Fine." Haruna says, "Her name's Marie Kim." Nami's eyes widen... 'Marie Kim!' she thinks 'That is my half-sister! So, Could that be why I'm here?'

"Well, follow me!" Haruna says, "I'll show you all to the palace."

 "Is the princess's injury, why you're here?" Sae asks Mariko. The other woman nods and replies, "Yes... I was summoned here to aid her."

As they are getting near the palace, Nami drops to one knee and grabs her chest, 'What is this feeling!' she thinks 'I've felt it before but, never this strong... There must be *something* in the palace.'

 "Are you alright?" Mayu asks her. Nami nods and stands up, "I'm fine, kid." she says, placing her hand on the 12 year old's head, "Thank you... Mayu. Let's go." Mayu nods, smiles and the two continue.

~Alexandria Palace~

The group enters the palace and are greeted by a woman with shoulder-length brown hair, "Who're these people, NyanNyan?" she asks.(NyanNyan?' they all thought)

 They all introduce themselves and the brown-haired woman says, "Nice to meet you all. I am Oshima Yuko, the resident doctor in this palace."

 "So, What is wrong with the Princess?" Mariko asks.

 "My best idea would be..." Yuko replies, "She's poisoned... but, I haven't got a clue as to how."

"I see..." Mariko says, "Show me to her room." Yuko nods and leads her in the direction of Atsuko's bed-chamber.

 "I'll show the rest of you around the palace." Haruna says."I shall follow Mariko." Nami says, then walks off in the same direction as the other two and wonders 'Why am I being drawn to this princess? And, What is pulling me?'...

~Princess Atsuko's Bed-chamber~

A short-time later, After Mariko has examined Atsuko... "This is strange..." Mariko says, "I've never seen a condition like this. It seems to me that her spirit is poisoned, as well as her body. I don't think there's anything I can do..."

 "Let me see her." Nami says, stepping into the room. She walks over to the bed and says, "I think both of you should leave the room."

 "Wha-" Yuko starts but, Mariko interrupts, "Very well, We will wait outside." After noticing Nami's eyes soften while the woman looks at the sleeping princess.
 "But," Yuko says, "I don't think we should-" "Believe me, You can trust her." Mariko says, then ushers Yuko outside.

After they are out of the room...

 'Hm... Her spirit and body *are* poisoned.' Nami thinks 'I believe I can mix together a remedy, though.' she takes out a small bowl from her travel-pouch and sits it down, then she reaches back into the pouch and pulls out some tiny leaves which she crushes and drops in the bowl. Next, Nami pulls out and crumbles another item into powder with her right hand, into the bowl. She then adds some other herbs and a few drops of the Sake at her side, to the mixture, and mixes it together with her hand.

 Nami sits down on the bed beside the princess and applies the mixture to her wound, 'That should take care of her wound and the poison to her body.' she thinks 'Now, to purify the poison in her spirit.' she opens the sleeping girl's mouth. She dips her right index finger into the bowl and then holds her finger over the princess' mouth, letting a couple drops fall into her mouth.

Nami dips her finger back into the bowl and applies the potion to her own lips. She then bends down toward the princess' lips and presses her own to them(adding magic to the potion). Nami raises and after a few seconds, the princess' eyes slowly open and blink a few times. Atsuko looks at Nami and asks, "Who are you?"

 "I am Nami." the brown-haired woman replies and smiles, for the first time she can remember. Her hair falls away from her left eye, revealing the scar and Atsuko asks, "What's that?"

 Nami notices she's referring to the scar next to her eye and turns away, covering the scar with her right hand, "N-nothing..." she says, "Just a bad reminder..."

 "Let me see." Atsuko says, raising up, to a sitting position. She moves Nami's hand away with her left hand and brushes the hair outta the way with her right, so she can see the scar. Atsuko holds her hand over the scar and starts healing it, using a type of white magic(as opposite to Nami's black magic).

 After a few moments, the scar disappears and Nami touches the place where the scar was.

 "There." the princess says, with a smile, "Much better." Atsuko feels suddenly faint and drops back onto the bed.

"Are you alright?" Nami asks.

 "Yes..." Atsuko replies, weakly, "After using my power, I... just need to rest, a little while... Thanks, for saving me." She drifts off to sleep.

 'No, Princess... Thank you.' Nami thinks 'You're the one who saved me.' She collects her things and exits the room.

 "Well?" Yuko asks, "How is she? I thought I heard her voice?"

 "She's okay." Nami replies, "And, You did hear her voice but, she's resting peacefully, now."

 'She's different.' Mariko thinks 'Her eyes... they don't seem so completely cold and lifeless, anymore. They seem almost... gentle.'

That's it for this chapter. To be continued next time...

I'm such a.....   :hiakhiakhiak:  btw i'm too slow for you to catch me  :rofl:

Offline nyaha00

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Re: Destined---Part 4 It just started
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2011, 04:04:11 AM »
:mon exhaust:

Part 4: It just started...

~Palace, Meeting Room~

The next day, Princess Atsuko is finally out of bed... she greets the new people in the palace: sayaka, Sae, Mariko, and Miichan. "I am very pleased to meet all of you." the Princess says, politely.

 "It is an honor to meet you, Your Highness." replies Michiru. "Yes." Setsuna agrees, "We have already met with your parents."

 "I see." Atsuko says, "So, How do you like our palace?"

 "It's grand!" Miichan responds, cheerily, "And, It's sooo beautiful!"

 Atsuko smiles, "You are very open with your opinion."

 "Yep." replies Miichan.

 "That's what usually gets her in trouble." A voice says, from behind Mariko. Mayu steps out from behind her adoptive mother.

 "And, What is your name?" Atsuko asks, kneeling down infront of the girl.

 "Mayu." the young raven-haired girl replies, bowing, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

 "The pleasure is mine." Atsuko says, kindly, "You are a very gracious and polite young lady."

 "Thank you." Mayu responds, with a smile, "Mariko-mama teaches me to be." Atsuko stands back up and feels a bit light-headed.

 "Do you think it's a good idea to be moving around so much, just after getting well?" asks Yuko, entering the room.

"I'll be fine, Yu-chan." the  Princess says, "Anyway, I just need to take a walk outside, by myself."

 "Are you sure, Atsuko?" asks Yuko. Atsuko nods and excuses herself from the room.

~Outside the Palace~

Upon exiting the palace...

"So? Feeling better, Your Highness?" a voice asks.

 Atsuko turns and sees Nami, leaning back against a wall, arms folded. Nami steps away from the wall and unfolds her arms, letting them rest at her sides.

 "Yes." Atsuko replies, "Thank you... um, I thought there was something wrong with your left arm?"

 Nami shakes her head, "No. I keep my left arm inside my jacket because, it's something that Ronin do."

 Atsuko makes an 'Oh' expression and says, "I see. By the way... You said your first name is Nami but, What's your last name... if you don't mind my asking?"

 "Takahashi..." Nami replies, "My full name is, Takahashi Nami."

 "'Takahashi Nami'..." Atsuko repeats, "That means Heart's flame(couldn't think of anything else), right?"

 Nami nods and Atsuko's next statement shocks her, "You're... 'The Punisher'."

 Nami's lavender eyes widen somewhat, "H-how did you know that?" she asks the Princess, "From the people I have met, thus far, I did not think anyone around here knew me..."

 "I have heard of you." Atsuko says, stepping closer to the other woman, "You are different, though, from what I had heard."
"You were a Ninja, back then." Atsuko says.

 Nami looks away, "Yes..." she responds, "A masked assassin... seeking vengeance on the one that scarred me."

 "What happened?" the Princess asks, "Why did you change your path?"

 Nami lowers her gaze to the ground, "Because, I realized it wasn't right, to seek vengeance for such a trivial matter." she replies, closing her eyes. She opens her eyes, raises her head and turns to face the Princess, "Anyway, Do you know why Alexandria was attacked?" she asks.

 Atsuko nods, "Marie Kim, the Warlord, wants me to marry her." she says, "But, I do not wish to wed someone whom I do not love. I refused her and, she sent a horde of monsters to attack the palace." "Perhaps..." she adds, looking down, "I should accept her proposal... for the well-being of my people..."

 "No!" Nami states, placing her right hand under the Princess' chin, "You should never marry someone because of obligation." "Love is the ONLY reason for marriage." she adds, raising the Princess' face to a point that their eyes meet...


"What do you mean, Mari-chan?" asks Miichan.

 "Just as I said, Miichan." the taller woman replies, "Nami will be staying here. I saw it in her eyes."

"Why?" the lolita asks.

 "I believe..." Mariko says, "She has fallen in love with Princess Atsuko."

 "The... Princess!" responds Miichan.


Nami doesn't realize she is pressing her lips to Atsuko's soft-pink ones. When it hits her, she breaks the kiss, abruptly, "I am sorry, Your Highness!" she apologizes.

 "Do not be sorry." Atsuko replies, smiling, "For, I am not. I quite enjoyed it." the words shock Nami, "But," Nami says, "What about your parents?"

 "Don't worry." the princess assures, "I'm sure that noone witnessed."

 "I-in anycase," Nami says, turning away, "I shouldn't have done that..."

"Why?" Atsuko asks, sounding a bit hurt, "D-do you regret it?"

 "... No. It's not that I regret it..." the brown-haired woman replies, turning back to the black-haired princess, "It's just that, not only are we both women... But, You're a Princess and I'm a..." her hardened amethyst eyes meet the large, innocent dark ones of the princess, "An Idiot..." The two once again press their lips together, consentingly...

 Nami, who even with all of her training and discipline, couldn't deny her feelings, and Atsuko, a princess raised to a point that she should have been disgusted at this kind of kiss, was unable to deny the love she had forming for this mysterious woman, become completely oblivious to their surrondings...

Neither of them know that someone is witnessing... one of Marie's spy-creatures, which leaves to inform the evil warlord.

The creature informs Marie of Princess Atsuko's choice... "What!" she shouts, "She has chosen ANOTHER WOMAN, over me!" Marie draws her Katana and slices the spy-creature in-half, it's blood staining the floor. She re-sheathes the sword and orders another creature to clean up the stain.

 "Now!" She says, sitting in her throne, "I have decided to take further measures! Sora! Flean! I want you two to go and kidnap Princess Atsuko!" two rather powerful beasts bow and Marie adds, "Be careful not to confront the female Ronin! You haven't the power to defeat her, so I shall send more imps to distract her and the Princess' guardians!"

 "Understood, Master!" Sora responds. She and her another accomplice, Flean, vanish from sight.

to be continued...

Who's a gamer here?!   :hiakhiakhiak:

Offline nyaha00

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Re: Destined---Part 5 Nub mobs
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2011, 10:00:20 AM »
:mon speechless:

Part 5: More Battles...

~Royal Kitchen~

Haruna is cooking something for herself and Yuko. Yuko walks up behind her and slips her arms around the tall-brunette's waist. The squirrel kisses the back of Haruna's neck, "Yuko." Haruna says, "W-we shouldn't do that in the palace."

 "Ah..." Yuko responds, resting her head against the taller woman's back, "Why not?"

 "We promised t-the King and Queen," the brunette says, "That we'd keep our... *relationship* away from the Princess."

"I understand..." Yuko says, reluctantly removing her arms from around Haruna's waist. "You know..." Haruna says, in a joking tone, "I wasn't cut out to be a *juggler*."

 "What do you mean?" asks Yuko.

 "Well," Haruna replies, still in that joking tone, "I have to juggle my relationship with you, my duties as a Palace Guard, AND being a cook." she laughs and, after a few moments, Yuko does too...

After a few moments,

 Yuko says, "But seriously," she pauses to compose herself, "I wonder where Atsuko is?"

 "I don't know." Haruna replies, "She wasn't at lunch. It's not like her."

"It's sure not." Yuko agrees, "Come to think of it... That woman, Nami, wasn't there either."...


Sayaka and Sae are walking, near a hedge-maze...

 "So, Sayaka?" Sae asks, "What do you make of Nami?"

 "What do you mean?" replies Sayaka, with a question.

"Well," theshort-haired woman says, "I think she's changed from the way she was when we first met her."

 "I believe you're right." Sayaka agrees, "Ever since last night. I wonder if something happened."

"Like what?" asks Sae. Sayaka grabs Sae's hand and stops her from walking.

Sayaka pulls her close and kisses her lips, deeply. After breaking the kiss, the tall-woman replies, "Like that."

 Sae blinks and asks, "You think they could be... like us?" Sayaka nods, "It's sure the best idea I've got... that could explain the difference in Nami and the fact neither of them were at lunch."...

~Princess Atsuko's Bed-chamber~

Nami wakes, realizing instantly that she is missing her garb! She as well notices, that she is not alone...

 Atsuko is beside her, also undressed. Nami remembered the kiss, outside, but she had no idea how they ended up in the princess' bedroom. And, as Atsuko snuggles deeper into her strong arms and smiles, she realizes that she really doesn't care... Nor did Atsuko.

 Nami had the urge to tell this black-haired princess *I love you* but instead, told herself 'In time..." she smiles and lays her head down against the top of Atsuko's, and attempts to fall back to sleep...

Suddenly, her amethyst eyes pop open and she sits straight up in the bed, "Something's not right!" she states...


Meanwhile, Haruna runs out to where Sayaka and Sae are battling some imps.

 An imp notices her and leaps toward the brunette. Haruna raises her spear and pierces the monster's chest, then uses it's momentum to carry it on over her and into the ground. "Damn imps!" she states, placing her foot on the creature and jerking the spear-end out of it. Sae gets knocked to the ground and Sayaka says, "These are stronger than the ones in Karakoram. You might need a weapon, Sae." she helps the short-haired woman to her feet...

"Perhaps." Sae replies, "If only I had my Kama(sickle-like weapons)."

 "Here!" Haruna says, pitching to her, two Kama. Sae catches one in each hand, spins them once and takes a stance...

At the same time, at the door to Atsuko's bedroom...

 "I believe this is the one." Flean whispers to Sora.

 Sora sniffs the door and responds, "It smells right. But, Where's that Ronin?"

 "Does it really matter?" Flean says, confidently, "If she gets in our way, we'll kill her. She can't be as powerful as Lord Kim said, she's just a human." Sora nods and the evil twosome smash through the door and begin shredding the bed.

 "Foolish beasts!" Nami states.

 Sora and Flean turn to see her and Atsuko standing near a wall, dressed lightly (uhm I had to throw them on something. I mean, Nami couldn't very well fight NAKED... could she?). "You're here!" says Flean.

 "Yes." Nami replies, "I knew you were coming. Did you really think I would be foolish enough to leave the Princess unguarded, because a bunch of weakling imps were attacking the palace?" "How foolish has Mari become?" she concludes.

'She doesn't seem *that* strong!' Flean( this ronin's hot though) thinks, then says, "Step aside! Else, I shall have to kill you!"

 "Hah!" Nami mocks, "You lack the skills or power to kill me!"
"Why you!" Flean shouts, charging at her.

 "Stand back, Princess." Nami says.

 "Alright." replies Atsuko, she moves back. Nami sidesteps Flean's charge and hits her in the back of the neck with an open-hand Ninjitsu-chop, breaking her neck. Flean falls to the floor, dead, and slowly disappears.

 "One down." Nami says, flatly.

 "You BITCH!" Sora screams, as she releases a demonic energy-blast at the brown-haired Ronin.

 Just as the energy-ball is about to hit, Nami raises her right hand in front of her face, holding up her index and middle fingers, saying in her mind 'Rin, Pyou, Tou, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Sai, Zen' and stops it solid. Nami lowers her hand and the ball stays there, in suspended animation, as she steps around it to face Sora. Sora's hand quivers as she lowers it to her side, "That's... impossible..." she says, grimly.

 "So," Nami says, "It's true that members of the Demon-World *do* experience fear." She lifts her hand, again, with the same fingers extended upwards and whispers an incantation. Nami opens her hand, palm up, and a small fireball appears in it. "Your turn to die!" she states, throwing the fireball at Sora. Sora was thinking(ahh Minamiiii) before she vanished.

Atsuko notices Nami's right side is bleeding and says, "You're injured!"

 Nami looks down, seeing the blood, and cups her hand over it, 'How did that beast manage to connect with that lame charge?' she wonders 'Perhaps, I took her too lightly?' "It's merely a flesh wound." she says to Atsuko, "I'll be fine."

 Just then, some guards run in and see the remnants of the battle, they inform Atsuko that the monsters outside had been taken care of.

 "Very well." Atsuko says, "You may leave." The guards bow and exit the room... a little way down the hall, "Did you see the way those two were dressed?" one guard asks. "Yes." another replies, "You don't think they...?" "I don't know." the third says, "I think we should inform the King and Queen of the possibility." they all agree...

to be continued.....

:mon evillaff:

I'll just update to my heart's content


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Re: Destined---Part 5 Nub mobs
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2011, 10:15:52 AM »
i'm dead!!! :smhid  but i like the atsumina!!!  :twothumbs

Offline nyaha00

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Re: Destined---Part 6
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2011, 01:02:21 PM »
:on cloudeye: boring i know

~Hotan Castle~

"They failed, Master." an imp says, to Marie.

"Of course they did." Marie responds, "That's why I sent Ceg. She is, afterall, my best warrior. Those two where the diversion."

~Palace Training-Room~

About an hour after the incident in the palace... Nami and Atsuko are fully-dressed and in the training-room, watching as several guards are practicing: Martial Arts and Weaponry... albeit poorly.

"Are *these* people meant to protect you?" asks Nami.

"They are." the princess replies, "They would risk their lives for my safety..." she looks down, thinking, 'Though, I wish they didn't have to.'
"Yes." Haruna says.

Nami and Atsuko look toward the doorway.

Haruna steps into the room, "They're loyal and willing to die for the Princess." she says, "But... They also haven't much combat experience."

"I see." Nami says, turning her gaze back to the guards, "They *will* die... against Marie, she has made a pact with the Demon-World."

"Well, I'm not here to discuss the guards' abilities." Haruna says, with a sigh, "... I was ordered to take you to see the King and Queen."

"Very well." Nami responds, knowing what it's about. She looks at Atsuko and adds, "I shall see you shortly." Atsuko nods.

Nami follows Haruna out of the room and Atsuko heads toward her bedroom, which is still in shambles.

The figure steps out of the shadows, behind her... dressed in an all-black outfit, with a mask covering it's face and wearing a sword on it's back(somewhat similar to what a ninja would wear). It isn't human, as it has bone-like spikes extended from it's elbows and it's eyes(the only visible part of it's head) are completely black.

"Princess Atsuko?" she asks.

"Woah" Atsuko is startled by the voice. She stands up and spins around to the intruder, her long-pigtails and dress trail behind her.

"Who are you!" she demands.

Without a word, the black-clad warrior vanishes and reappears behind the princess. She uses a pressure-grip on her neck with her right hand and she starts passing out.

"Nami..." Atsuko manages, weakly, before fading out completely.

The *ninja*-Ceg lifts her up and places her on her left shoulder, just as a guard rushes in. Ceg lifts her right hand, like Nami had earlier(with two fingers extended), and vanishes along with the princess.

'I must tell Their Majesties!' the guard states, in his mind.


~The Throne-Room~

"That's right." Nami says, without hesitation or reservation, "I did."

The King Aki-p stands up from his throne, "You openly admit that you seduced my daughter!" he shouts.

"No!" Nami responds, fiercely, "It was as much her doing as it was mine!"

"I hardly believe *that*." The Queen Saeko says, still seated in her throne, "Our daughter would never go, willingly, against our wishes."

"Exactly!" Aki-p agrees, sitting back down, "You must have influenced her, someway... perhaps brainwashed her! You are, afterall, an *outsider* and an unknown!"

Just then, The guard rushes in and up to the Royal Couple. He whispers to the King about what happened.

"The Princess.... taken!" He responds( I better slow down on eating for a while), "Must be that damned Marie again! We have to rescue her!"

"I will rescue her!" Nami states, turning around toward the exit.

"*You* will do NOTHING!" Aki-p says, "You will be put to death for corrupting my daughter!"

Nami whirls back towards the throned couple and glares at them, with a fiery stare.

"Don't judge *me*, from your high-and-mighty throne! Don't you DARE judge me!" she states, solidly, "I *love* your daughter!"

"You think that you know everything, just because you were born into royalty." she says, "You are fooling yourselves! You've never had to work for anything! Nor wonder where your next meal would come from, or if it came."

Nami looks down, and quitens her tone somewhat.

"I haven't had feelings, like I do for your daughter, for anyone ever before... I haven't felt *anything* for over 20 years, until I met her." she says, "I will save Acchan. No matter what."

Nami turns around, "Don't perceive, for a second, to shrug this off..." she adds, walking toward the door, "Not until you've walked a mile along my path."

As Nami walks toward the door, she stops where Haruna and the guards are standing, and looks at them. After a short stare-down, Haruna and the other guards stand aside and Nami walks out through the door.

"I suppose..." Saeko says to her husband, "She really does *love* Atsuko." Aki-P nods and stands up.

"Haruna!" he says and the brunette turns to be addressed. "Take some guards," he orders, "And go with her! Bring my daughter back alive."

Haruna salutes and says, "With all respect, I don't believe it necessary to risk the guards' lives. I think we can handle it."

The King nods and says, "Very well, Use your best judgement." Haruna bows and goes to carry-out the order.

After retreiving her weapons and equipment, Nami exits the palace.


"So, We're going to rescue the Princess?" Sayaka asks, sitting on the palace steps.

"*We*?" asks Nami.

"Well, You're going, right?" Sayaka says, standing up and turning to face the brown-haired woman, "Then, So am I."

"And, Sae?" asks Nami, walking down the steps, by Sayaka.

"Sae won't be able to go." the giant replies, clenching her fists, "Those damned demons injured her, pretty bad. I want to get even with them." Nami nods, and the two walk to the bottom of the steps.

"Wait!" Miichan shouts, running down the steps, "I'm going too!"

"Why?" asks Sayaka, turning around.

"I'm going to help." Miichan says, reaching the spot where the other two are, "Mariko's leg's still injured, so I'm going in her place."

"Do you even know *how* to fight?" Nami asks, also turning to face the lolita, "You really don't seem like a warrior."

"Of course I know how to fight." Miichan replies, picking up a small, light rock. She throws the rock up into the air and pulls out a whip. Miichan cracks the whip toward the rock and shatters it. "See? I just prefer to look pretty." she adds.

Nami smirks, "Fine." she says, "Besides, I think we'll need the help." Miichan smiles.

"We should get going." Haruna says, from behind Nami and Sayaka. The three look and see her leaning against a wall, holding her spear in her right hand.

Nami nods and thinks 'I'm coming, Princess.'

The four leave, knowing their destination... Hotan Castle.

to be continued....

uhm Hotan, Alexandria, and Karakoram came from Silkroad Online , the game i'm playing


Offline nyaha00

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Re: Destined---Part 6 It's the truth
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2011, 03:46:28 PM »
:mon waterworks: I'll end this soon no worries

Part 7: Preparing for the raid...

~Hotan Castle~

Princess Atsuko awakes in unfamiliar surroundings.

"Good to see you've finally awakened." a woman's voice says.

Atsuko looks around to see, "Maie Kim!" she says, "Why have you brought me here?"

"You are going to be my bride." the warlord says.

"I will NEVER marry you!" Atsuko states, "I don't love you!"

"Nevertheless." Marie says, "You will stay here, until you do agree to marry me!"

Atsuko turns away from the her, "You're wrong." she says, "Nami will come for me."

Marie turns to leave the room, "I'm sure she will." she responds, "My sister is very devoted." she leaves the room and the princess.

~Woods/Near Hotan~

Nami says, "We'll set up camp, here."

"Set up camp?" Haruna asks, "What about the Princess!"

Nami turns to face the brunette and says, "We will rescue Atsuko. But, We need to be 100%! And, We need a plan."

Finally, Everyone agrees and they come up with a plan.

 After which... Haruna builds a camp-fire, Sayaka finds a tree to practice and strenghten her punches on, and Miichan decides to go ahead and get to sleep.

Meanwhile, Nami goes to another part of the woods, not too far from the others. The brown-haired woman changes out of her Ronin-garb and puts on a pair of loose black cloth pants, she puts on a robe(like the one maidens use) over that. She obtains a bucket-full of water from a nearby stream and carries it with her, back to where she has built a small fire of her own.

Nami sits the bucket down beside the fire and the bowl she used to mix the potion in earlier. The brown-haired woman sits down on her knees infront of the fire.

At the *camp*, Haruna decides to go check on the brown-haired warrior and Sayaka goes too. When they reach where Nami is, the brown-haired woman takes out a string of ceremonial beads and wraps them, loosely, around her hands.

Harunastarts to say something to Nami but Sayaka cuts her off, "Let her be." the tall-woman whispers, "It's a ceremony... She wouldn't want to be disturbed. Let's just watch." Haruna nods and the two watch.

One at a time, Nami goes through the words: Rin, Pyou, Tou, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Sai, and Zen, and the hand-symbols that accompany them. She keeps her open left hand stationary infront of her(the fingers are clasped together) and wraps the rest of the beads, loosely, around it. With her right hand, Nami picks up the bowl and dips it into the water, she splashes the water onto her left shoulder. She dips the bowl back into the bucket and splashes water onto her right shoulder. Dipping the bowl a third time, Nami splashes water over her head. She lays the bowl down and takes the string of beads in both hands. Nami jerks the beads in both directions, breaking the string and scattering the beads everywhere.

Afterward, Nami stands up and undoes the bow holding the lower part of her robe on, and removes that part of the robe, revealing the black cloth pants she had put on earlier. Next, She slowly removes the top part. As the top part of the robe slides down Nami's back, Haruna and Sayaka notice a large tattoo covering most of her back... a tattoo of a black Panther.

 Nami slightly tenses her back muscles, causing the tattoo to take an almost eerie look, then relaxes them and picks up a black cloth shirt(like the pants). She puts on the shirt, frees her long hair from inside it, and picks up two leather-like gauntlets, which she puts on her arms... she ties the strings on the gauntlets, around her wrists and elbows. Nami ties the strings on her pants, around her knees and ankles. She slips on a pair of thin sandles and ties a black cloth belt around her waist. By the time Nami finishes this, the heat from the fire has mostly dried her hair.

Haruna and Sayaka continue to watch, as Nami places her palms together infront of her and bows her head slightly, closing her eyes(praying lol).

'I'm sorry, Sensei.' Nami says, in her mind, 'You were like a father to my sister and I. And, I know you would have preferred me to continue on the path of a Ronin but, I've fallen in love. To rescue her, I must allow myself to return to the shadows. I must, again, walk as a Ninja.'

After that, Nami picks up her wakizashi and places it inside her belt, on the left side of her waist. She places her katana on her back, held in place by the strap on the scabbard(solid sheath), and collects several small weapons: Shurikens, Kunai, Kozuka, and small spikes.

 Finally, She places two Sai in the front of her belt. Once she's finished with that, she fixes her medium lenght -hair back into a ponytail and grabs one more piece of black cloth.

"Ready to go?" she asks Sayaka and Haruna, without turning around.

"Uh, Y-yeah." replies Haruna, slightly shocked that Nami knew they were there.

"We are." adds Sayaka, a little less surprised than Haruna.

"Well then." she says, turning to face them, "Let's wake Miichan and get going." Haruna and Sayaka both nod.

After waking Miichan...

"Why the outfit-change?" Miichan asks Nami.

"I'm convinced that a Ninja was responsible for kidnapping the Princess." Nami says, "And, The only thing that can defeat a Ninja, is another Ninja."

"But-" Miichan stsrts. Haruna cuts her off, "We don't have time to talk about it. We have to get going."

"She's right." Nami says, "We've got to save Acchan." Miichan nods.

The four leave toward the castle. Once they reach the outer wall of the castle, Nami says, "We will split up. You three go toward the front gate and I will find another way in." Nami puts the last piece of black cloth, which is a mask, on over her face.

"Got it." Sayaka says.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" asks Haruna.

"..." Nami says nothing in response but, nods *yes*. The brown-haired Ninja turns away from the three and runs off in a direction.

"That was a bit rude." Haruna says.

"Not really." Sayaka informs, her arms folded, "She's a Ninja, a warrior who lives in the shadows and silence. Once the mask is put on, a Ninja won't speak until it comes off."

"I see." the brunette responds.

"Well, We should get started." adds Miichan. The other two nod and the three of them head toward the *front-door*.

To Be Continued...

:mon worklate:

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Re: Destined---Part 7 Getting ready
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2011, 10:54:00 PM »
Part 8: The Raid...


Sayaka and the others stop about 15 feet from the door, using some large bushes as cover, so not to be seen. They whisper to keep the guards from hearing them.

"Two guards at the entrance." Haruna says, "I think we can handle them." she starts to just rush the two.

"Wait Haruna." Miichan says, "There may be an easier way."

 Haruna stops. Miichan looks at the two guards and adds, "Just as I thought, They're men."

"So?" sayaka asks, folding her arms, "What's your point?"

"Well, Men are all alike." Miichan says, unfastening her shirt, "I'll show you the easy way to take care of these two." she finishes taking off her shirt, revealing her upper-body fully, "Watch."

Miichan walks out from behind the bushes and whistles at the two guards. One of the guards looks and his eyes almost buldge. He pokes the other guard with his elbow.

"What is it?" the second guard asks.

"Look over there." the first one responds, pointing to the half-naked Miichan, "Do you see what I see?"

The second guard looks and his jaw drops. Miichan does a *come-here* gesture with her right index-finger.

"Let's go *introduce* ourselves." the second guard says and the other agrees.

The two guards start toward Miichan, she turns her torso slightly, a couple centimeters, to each direction quickly... causing her breasts to bounce from side-to-side, then she giggles suggestively and ducks behind the bushes.

 Both guards run around behind the bushes a few moments after and see Miichan standing there. They start toward her when suddenly Haruna shoves the blunt(non-bladed) end of her Spear into one's abdomen and, as he slumps forward, she hits him HARD in the side of the head with the metal shaft of the weapon, knocking him out. The other turns toward her but, he feels someone tap him on the shoulder and turns around, finding himself face-to-face with Sayaka.

Sayaka grabs the top of the guard's breastplate with her left hand and draws back her right fist, "Nap time." she says, then she knocks him unconscious with one punch and throws him down ontop of the other.

"Well, That was easy." Miichan says, putting her shirt back on, "I told you two it would be. Now to find a way in."

The three walk up to the *door* and Sayaka notices one of the boards isn't as strong as the others.

"Why not just *knock*?" she says, as she pulls her fist back and punches forward as hard as she can. The board breaks and she, and Haruna, remove it. The three head inside through the openning.



Nami reaches a wall that's about 12-ft high and a tree, even taller, near it. She walks between the tree and the wall, and looks up.

"..." Nami stays quiet.

She crouches down and pushes off, jumping toward the wall. Nami lands on the side of the wall and rebounds off it(kick-jump), toward the tree. Nami *kick-jumps* off the tree and catches onto the top of the wall with both hands. She swings her whole body away from the wall and up. Nami releases the wall with her hands and finishes in a flip, landing on her feet on the catwalk, silently. The brown-haired woman quickly dashes toward the wall of the tower and flatens her back against it. She moves slowly along the wall until she notices two guards, guarding a door into the castle.

"..." Nami pulls out a Kunai Knife.

She throws the Kunai and it lodges in the side of the nearest guard's neck. "Uhhh..." he grabs his neck and falls down, dead.

"Wha-" the other guard starts to say upon turning to see the first guard but is cut off by a Shuriken, thrown by Nami, lodging in his forehead. He died, instantly, Nami runs to the door and enters the castle.

~Marie's Throne-Room~

Marie raises her head and opens her eyes, 'She's here.' she thinks.

"Ceg!" Marie says.

A Ninja emerges from the shadows and kneels, placing her right hand(clenched in a fist) on the left side of her chest, near herhoulder... the one that kidnapped Atsuko

"Yes, Master?" Ceg says.

"My sister is here." Marie replies, "I want you to go *welcome* her."

"Understood." the Ninja says, she vanishes in a puff of smoke.

Marie stands up, 'If you defeat Ceg, sister.' she thinks '*I* will be waiting for you.' "hahahahaha!"


Miichan, Sayaka and Haruna make their way into another room but, then find themselves confronted by three Demons.

"Damn!" Haruna curses.

"Alright!" Sayaka says, "Pay-back time!" she dashes toward one of them.

"Sayaka, Wait!" Miichan says but, Sayaka continues toward the Demon and swings a punch at it.

The Demon blocks her swing and counters with an elbow to her stomach, knocking back toward the others. Sayaka stands up, uninjured, and dusts herself off.

"I tried to warn you." miichan says, "These aren't imps, They're higher-rank monsters from the Demon-World."

"Okay. So, Maybe I should have *looked before I leaped*..." Sayaka says, popping her knuckles, "Let's try that again."


Nami runs into a room and scans her eyes over it, slowly. She sees a door and goes with her gut feeling that it's the right choice. Nami starts running toward the door, only to be cut off by an arrow whizzing by her from a high position and embedding in the floor at her feet, she stops. Nami senses the presence of another Ninja and hears someone land, almost completely soundless, behind her... about 8 feet away.

Nami turns around and sees the Ninja that kidnapped Princess Atsuko... Ceg. Ceg raises her bow and draws an arrow back. She releases the arrow and it flies toward the brown-haired woman...

to be continued..

:mon exhaust:

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Re: Destined---Part 8
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2011, 06:32:46 AM »


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Re: Destined---Part 8
« Reply #14 on: June 27, 2011, 07:29:07 AM »
you're so fast!!!!  :shock:

finally I got some time to catch up with turtle update!!!  :on GJ:

Offline nyaha00

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Re: Destined---Part 8
« Reply #15 on: June 27, 2011, 01:27:41 PM »
I'm soory fo being slow Bouj   :on speedy:

Flean :d...

Part 9: Raid, Part 2...

Nami sidesteps to the left of Ceg's arrow and grabs it with her right hand. She spins around and throws the arrow back at Ceg, it cuts the long-bow into two pieces and barely misses Ceg's head.

Ceg throws the broken bow to the floor and takes an un-armed fighting stance... her right hand out infront of her with the palm facing to her left, her left hand pulled back in a fist at her side, legs seperated several inches, with her right foot placed infront of her and left behind.

Nami half-grins under her mask and also enters a fighting stance... her left hand outstretched infront of her with the fingers separated(slightly bent at the knuckles) and the palm facing her opponent, she steps back with her right foot, she brings her right hand up to her chest and grips it into a solid fist.


"Look out!" Sayaka shouts to Haruna, as a demon hurls a javelin at the brunette.

Haruna rolls to her left, avoiding the weapon, and comes up in a crouch. The brunette cups her left hand over her right shoulder, where the tip of the metal javelin grazed it, and stands up. Two of the three Demons pull out a weapon: One pulls out a Halberd(similar to a Spear), the other pulls out a long Chain, and the third remains un-armed... the Demons introduce themselves...

"I am Kathyz." the one with the Chain says.

"My name is Keichun." says the one with the Halberd.

"And, I am Jet Yang2." the un-armed Demon adds.

The three, in unison, "We are the Jphipsterz Trio!"

So, Each of the warriors pair up against a different Demon...

Miichan - Kathyz

Sayaka - Jet Yang2

Haruna - Keichun


Nami dodges a left punch, and swings a right kick which Ceg's ducks. Ceg tries a jumping uppercut(similar to Ryu's Dragon-Punch in Street Fighter) but, Nami leans back slightly and avoids it. She jumps back, lands on her hands and then pushes off, and lands on her feet(ya know, a Backflip).

Ceg lands and looks at Nami. The Demon smirks and enters another fighting stance... this time she raises her right hand above her head, opening her palm and lays her hand back, he holds her left hand out infront of her and faces the open palm toward herself, and bends her knees a few centimeters. Nami changes her stance also... she kneels down on her left knee, brings her left arm across her torso(just below her breasts), she extends her arm right arm out infront of her above her left arm, and opens her right palm facing forward to the left.( can't describe moves well -.-)


Miichan dodges the heavy chain swung at her and snaps her whip toward Kathyz. The whip wraps around the Dempn's neck but, kathyz grabs the whip and jerks Miichan down onto the floor.

 Miichan doesn't release the whip, though, and instead pulls tighter. Then, with a very hard jerk on the handle of her whip, the lolita pulls the Demon to the floor hard. Kathyz gets up to one knee and swings her chain again at Miichan. She jumps up to avoid the impact and a small spike extends downward from the side of her boot.

Miichan performs a graceful mid-air forward somersault and lodges the spike down into Kathyz, next to her neck and a few centimeters behind her collarbone. Her left foot rests beside the right side of his head. Miichan swivels her hips to one side and breaks the Demon's neck. She pulls the spike out of her, allowing purle blood to spew from the wound and the Demon falls to her chest on the floor.


'This guy's pretty strong.' Sayaka thinks, as she dodges a punch and kicks Jet Yang2 in the side of her head. She follows up with a combination of punches and kicks to Yang2's torso. However, The Demon doesn't fall and swings a left kick toward the woman. Sayaka catches her leg under her right arm and combines hitting the leg with a left elbow from above and a right knee-kick from below, breaking the Demon's leg. But, Yang2 manages to get her broken-leg free and spin on her right foot, hitting Sayaka with a left back-hand punch to the left side of her face.

Blood trickles from the side of Sayaka's mouth. She wipes the blood away and the side of her mouth curls into a menacing half-grin. Yang2 attempts a *clap*-attack. Haruka raises her arms and blocks both the Demon's arms, then does a karate-style chop to both sides of Yang2's neck, causing her to drop to her knees, gripping her throat. She grabs the Demon's head with both hands, her right hand on her forehead and her left on the back of her head. Sayaka grins and jerks her head around backward, then uses her strength and pulls hard upward, jerking the Demon's head off her shoulders. Blood spews from Yang2's body, where her head once was, as it falls over in a pool of purple blood. Sayaka holds the head in her right hand for a second, then tosses it over her shoulder.


Haruna parries a thrust of Keichun's halberd and thrusts the sharp tip of her spear through the Demon's chest. Haruna jerks the spear back out of the Demon, causing blood to spurt from the wound but, she doesn't fall. Instead, she thrusts the blunt end of her halberd into Haruna's abdomen, causing her to take a step back. Keichun does an uppercut-swing with the shaft of the halberd into the brunette's right jaw.

However, Haruna uses the force and momentum to carry her all the way around in a full-circle. As the spin finishes, Haruna performs an uppercut-slash with the blade of her spear up the Demon's torso, cutting her wide-open and causing her to scream out in pain. Keichun falls to the floor and vaporizes, along with Jet Yang2 and Kathyz.

"Whew!" Miichan says, brushing her black hair from her face, "I'm glad that's over."

"I'm not sure it is." Haruna says. The three see the shadow of another warrior.

The warrior walks toward the three and they notice a few features: it's a man, he's human, and dressed as a Ninja.

"Who are you?" asks Sayaka.

The mysterious Ninja doesn't say a word instead, he raises his right hand with his index-finger extended and holds the finger up to his mouth, in a *shhh* gesture. He then lowers his hand and nods his head toward a door. Miichan and the others look, and then the warrior disappears.

"Should we trust him?" asks Haruna.

"I think so." Miichan says, "He didn't seem to be evil."

"Okay, Let's go." Sayaka adds.


Ceg attempts a lunging left punch at Nami, the punch hits but,Nami recovers and retaliates by thrusting a right sidekick into the Demon's abdomen. Ceg drops to a knee and Nami swishes her ponytail from one side to the other. Ceg vanishes and reappears about 6 feet away from Nami, standing up. shee removes her helmet and throws it to the floor.

"Not bad." she says, as she removes her mask, revealing a somewhat disfigured face, "But, This is where it gets *interesting*." she pulls her katana from it's scabbard on her back.


"Well?" Ceg says, "Shall we go again?"

"..." Nami remains silent.

"I've killed thousands of human warriors... Samurai, Shogun, and Ninja." Ceg states, confidently, "You will be no different." she smirks and asks, "Any last words?"

"..." again, Nami says nothing, as she prepares for the final attack.

"Fine!" Ceg says and he dashes toward Nami again.

She tries to swing her katana at Nami's head but Nami caught it with ehr bare hands,twisted it to the side breaking it.Ceg retreats back.

Nami jumps up and wraps her legs around Ceg's torso. She raises both knives into the air, twirls them once around her middle fingers, and thrusts them down into the flesh at the bottom of Ceg's neck, litterally cutting out the Demon's ability to scream out in pain. Blood sprays from Ceg's neck and Nami merely forces the knives deeper into her neck, her head lays back. Nami releases the dead Demon with her legs and lets go of both knives. The Demon falls to the floor and vaporizes.

After it's over, Nami kneels down and reaches inside her outfit. She pulls out two pieces of material. The brown-haired woman uses her right hand to put one around the upper-part of her left arm and, by using her teeth as another hand, ties the cloth tight to at least slow the bleeding. She ties the other piece, using both hands, around her leg and stands back up. Unfortunately, She doesn't have a way to stop the bleeding from her side.

"..." Nami turns and continues on to Marie's throne-room.


"Come on." Marie says, aloud, "I'm waiting for you!"

To Be Continued...


Offline nyaha00

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Re: Destined---Part 9
« Reply #16 on: June 27, 2011, 02:00:42 PM »
The final battle with Marie! The last chapter! The end of this here fic!!

Part 10: Final Confrontation...

~Marie's Throne-Room~

Nami enters the throne-room from one door, at the same time Miichan and the others enter from another door. Miichan, Sayaka and Haruna are cut off by a large number of Demons but, neither side attacks. Nami stops and looks toward them.

"Welcome." Marie says, from her throne, "I am surprised you all made it here." She stands up and walks forward slightly.

"However, Your luck ends here!" she states, she looks at Nami, "I see you still cover your face, sister. Is that because of the scar I gave you."

"..." Nami doesn't reply, as she slowly removes her mask and reveals that there is no scar.

"I see." Marie says, "You know? You should have killed me, when you had the chance, sister. Look there." she points behind Nami.

Nami looks, as do Sayaka and the others, and sees Atsuko chained to a wall. Fortunately, She is uninjured.

"Nami!" the princess shouts.

"Don't worry, Princess." Nami says, "I'll get you out of here soon."

Atsuko nods and Nami turns back toward Marie but, as she does, she blasts her with a fireball that knocks her back-first onto the floor.

Nami raises her legs, putting all balance on her arms and shoulders, and then pushes off with her arms. She swings her body upright and lands on her feet.

"My pact with the Demon-World has granted me magic." Marie says, removing her helmet, "When you die, sister, Princess Atsuko will be MINE!"

"NEVER!" Nami responds, pulling out and throwing a Kunai at Marie.

Marie, however, dodges the knife and throws another blast at Nami. Nami raises her right hand, index and middle fingers extended, and again goes through the words: Rin, Pyou, Tou, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Sai, Zen. Thus, Stopping the fireball a step or so away from her.

"What!" Marie says, "How the!"

"Marie, You MORON!" Nami states, "Your powers were given by the Demon-World but, they're not your's. My powers come from my spirit, they are mine!" she punches the fireball, causing it to fly back into Marie, knocking her back into her throne.

Suddenly, A demonic-fire erupts from the floor and from the flame, a Demon appears... With *angelic* wings, a human-like upper-body, a lower body like a serpents(meaning a snake-tail), and the face of the devil... The King of the Demon-World: Wisnu! (hehehe)

"Marie!" the Wisnu says, "You Fool! You have failed your end of the pact! I take back, that which I have given you! The magic, My Demons, all of it!" the Demons disappear and the Demon-King adds, "You are on your own!"

"No, Master!" Marie cries, "Give me another chance! Please!"

"Never!" Wisnu responds, as the fire again encircles him, "I will, however, watch this battle. If you win, I will grant you your life!"

Marie turns to face Nami. Nami smirks and says, "Shall we finish up... as warriors?" she removes her katana, still in it's scabbard, from her back and draws it from the scabbard. She throws the scabbard to the floor.

Marie notices a final living soldier, standing on a high inside ledge and thinks 'At least I still have one loyal follower.' The soldier draws a bow and arrow, aiming the arrow at Nami's back. "Fine!" Marie says to Rei, "I will be glad to kill you!" she draws her katana from her side.

Both enter a stance and dash toward one another, they swing their swords. Nami deflects Marie's swings, easily, and slices the left side of Marie's face. She backs up and swings again, Nami deflects and slices the right side of her face. Nami looks up at the soldier and nods. The soldier pulls the arrow back to launch it but, just as he's about to release it, the mysterious male Ninja from earlier slices him in-two, landing in a kneel on one knee behind the soldier. The Ninja sheathes his katana and stands up.

"This fight will be won, or lost, one-on-one!" the Ninja says, then disappears again.

Marie draws her katana back, as Nami draws back her's. Marie and Nami dash, again, and swing their katana at one another. Nami faulters her swing, do to the wound to her side from Ceg. Nami jumps back to avoid the swing but, Marie's blade slightly grazes the center of her chest. Nami lands a step or two back and cocks her head from one side to another, tightening and loosening her neck-muscles. The brown-haired woman lays down her katana.

"Well." Nami says, as she reaches the fingers(not including her thumb) of her right hand into the slit in her shirt, "I see you've gotten better."

The brown-haired woman grips the side of the cut in the shirt with her right fingers and then grips it the same way with her left hand. Shockingly, Nami jerks in both directions and rips her shirt apart, letting the sleeves slip down her arms and fall to the floor. Thus, revealing her upper-body, in it's entirety...

"Let's finish up!" Nami says.

The brown-haired woman kneels down and retrieves her katana. She stands back up and draws her weapon back. Marie draws her sword back, as well, and the two dash toward one another, a final time. Marie swings her sword in a horizontal slash and Nami swings her's in a counter-vertical swing. Nami alters her swing around Marie's blade and sucks her stomach in to avoid Marie's swing, she then performs an overhead downward-diagonal(left-to-right) swing. Nami's swing slices through Marie's right arm, severing it, and cutting a gash along the woman's torso. Nami takes a couple of steps back, the wound to her side bleeding more severely.

Nami drops to one knee and grips her side, her vision blurring.

"Nami!" Atsuko shouts, worried.

Wisnu vanishes and appears near Nami, and the fatally wounded Marie. He reaches down and grabs Marie around her neck, with his left hand. The Demon-King lifts Marie into the air.

"You lose, Marie! Your soul is MINE!" Wisnu states, as he uses his right hand to draw the woman's soul from her fatally wounded body.

The Demon-King then throws the life-less body to the floor, he turns to the brown-haired woman and looks at her. Nami stands up and draws up her katana, ready to fight. Wisnu merely holds up his left hand and shakes his head.

"Perhaps, Another time." he says, "There will be no battle between us, this day." he points the index-finger of his left hand toward Atsuko and blasts the chains restraining her.

"I shall return my Demons to the Underworld." Wisnu says, then smirks, "I look forward to the day when we shall do battle." he vanishes.

"Nami..." the princess says. She runs to Nami and throws her arms around the raven-haired woman, "I knew you'd come!" she adds, crying into the other woman's shoulder.

"It's okay. I'm here, now." Nami says, as she cradles Atsuko in her arms, "I'll never leave your side." And, For the first time since her parents died, Nami smiles genuinely.

After Atsuko finishes crying, "Your side. You're hurt!" she says, raising her hand over the wound on Nami's side, "This will help." she heals Nami's side.

"We should get you back to the palace." Haruna says.'I miss my squirrel..I mean Yuko' Haruna blushed

Atsuko nods, drying her tears.

"Nami?" Miichan asks, "Do you know who that *other* Ninja was?"

Nami nods, "A shadow." she says, "A shadow that has watched out for me, my entire life."

"The *shadow in the darkness*." Atsuko adds, "I remember him watching over me, too."

"I see..." Miichan responds, "A *Guardian Angel*?"

"Something like that." Nami says, as the five women make their way toward the front-entrance(exit) of the castle.

As, Atsuko and the others exit the castle, They stop walking and Nami removes a silver necklace from around her neck, she holds it in her right hand.

"What's that?" asks Haruna.

"Something that hasn't anymore meaning, to me." Nami responds, she throws the necklace into the air.

A gust of wind catches the necklace and blows it up through the air. The view pans-up to the roof of the castle... where the mysterious warrior stands, his arms folded. He holds up his right hand and catches the necklace between his index and middle fingers. He spins the necklace around and into his palm, then re-folds his arms.

'I am no longer needed.' he thinks 'They have found one another.'

"Look Nami." Atsuko says pointing to the sun, appearing red, as it rises in the distance, "It's beautiful."

"*You're* beautiful." Nami says, as she looks at Atsuko, and the younger woman locks her gaze.

"I love you." Nami says.

"And, I love you, Nami." responds Atsuko.

'Forever.' both women add, in their minds and the two share another kiss, infront of the rising sun.


ufff took me time eh  :mon exhaust:

Offline luckymmsg

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Re: Destined---Part 10 final battle
« Reply #17 on: June 27, 2011, 02:30:26 PM »
You have really break record in this fanfiction. finish it so fast and yet still have love in the air ..
really can feel it..

Offline nyaha00

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Re: Destined---Part 10 final battle
« Reply #18 on: June 27, 2011, 02:56:40 PM »
 :lol: thx!!!


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Re: Destined---Part 10 final battle
« Reply #19 on: June 27, 2011, 03:01:40 PM »
I like the ending~~ so sweet!!!!  :inlove:

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