Two young guys is standing on the edge of the rooftop of a high enough building in Tokyo.
"Look, I have a problem, dude" Kai start to talk.
"Eh? What problem?" Riku said.
"It's kinda embarrassing, but... I do need your help to do it."
"Yeah yeah.. Doing what?! You can count on me, Riku is the Pro!" he said proudly.
Kai chuckled. "Well it's about.. Atsuko."
"Atsuko?! What's wrong with her?"
"I.. I l-love her" Kai said nervously.
"Yeah, I knew. I can see it. So what's the problem?" Riku answered innocently.
"I don't know how to confess this feeling to her..."
"EEEHH?? MAJIDE??!!" Riku surprised. "I thought you two already together!!"
"You did?"
"Yeah, the way you caring her, and.. everything. You two are just like...couple!"
"Wow! I didn't notice that.."
"Damn you Kai! You should confess to her asap! Before she tired of waiting and finally leave you!" Riku talk spiritfull. "As a man, we have to move fast!"
"But HOW??!!"
Riku standing still staring at Kai, there's silence for a while. Riku remember how he was rejected by a lot of girls before, until one day he met a cheerful girl that he fell in love with. Luckily, the girl was mad in love with him and she confessed it first to him. And the girl is.. Yuko.
"Dude are you okay?" Kai said while he wave her hand in front of Riku's face.
Riku back to reality again. "Ah yeah, I'm okay!" He stratch his hair. "Wait.. YOU TAKE ME TO THE ROOFTOP JUST TO ASK THAT QUESTION?! Why do we have to go to this place? We can talk in your house" Riku said, try to change the topic.
Kai look around the view from the rooftop. There are a lot of high building around. "No, it's not for that," Kai said. "I told you, we got a mission."
"Eh? What mission" ask Riku confused, in other side, he glad that he successfully change the topic.
"You can see the gray building right there?" Kai pointing his index finger to a modern gray high building.
"That sparkling building?"
Kai nods. "That's the building of Majesticio Company. I received an email last night. The company will build and new building, and they invite architechture students to join in the project. Ten choosen students will work with national well-known experienced architectures to design their new building."
"Sugooii!!!" Riku look so amazed.
"Any architechture student can join the test to be the ten choosen students. And the regiastration will be opened next week!" Kai turn tu Riku. "Are you in?" Kai offer his hand.
"Of course dude! It's a big deal, how can I miss it?!" Riku shake his hand, and they clap their hands. "Yeah!!!"
"Dude.. You haven't answer my question" suddenly Kai said, makes Riku feel confused again.
"Eh? About what?" he pretend that he forgot it.
"Atsuko Atsuko! How to tell her my feeling?"
"Aahh!!! Yeah!! Oh, how could I forget bout that.." Riku stratch his head. "Err... Kai. You know that... Yes, I'm good enough in sex, but it doesn't mean that I'm good in feeling confession. I-I mean... it was Yuko who confessed it first."
Kai giggled. "Yuko confessed it first?! Hahaha"
"Shut up! I count it as a fortune..." said Riku and he pout. "But if you want to confess to Atsuko, I guess you don't have to do any special thing."
"Eh? What do you mean?"
"Everything you did to her was expressing your feeling exactly. Now you just have to express it in words."
"I'm not brave enough."
"Then kiss her!!" Riku said, a bit shouting. "You don't have to say it first. Just kiss her in sudden, then if she reply your kiss, tell her that you love her."
"What if she don't reply the kiss?"
"There's only one option: she will slap you. If it happen, just say "I'm sorry" and you don't mean to ruin your friendship."
Kai thinking for a while. "Kiss her?!" he thought.
The next day, Atsuko is getting better. Now she can walk normally again. She think she has to say thank you to the next house guy who helped her earlier. She decides to make delicious pancakes for him.
"Ohayo Mr.Takahashi" Atsuko bowed at Kai's father who is wiping his car window in front of the house.
"Ah, Acchan! Ohayo.." he answered kindly.
"I want to meet Kai, is he inside?" Atsuko asked shyly.
Kai's father smitks at her. "Yeah he's inside.." and he act like he please Atsuko to come into the house.
"Excuse me..." the door is opened so Atsuko walk inside the house. She find no one in the living room, but then...
"Acchan!!" Mayu shouting happily as she saw Acchan come in.
"Mayu... " Acchan smirks at her.
"Hey what are you doing? Can I help you?"
"Err... Actually, I want to meet Kai. I want to give it to him"
"Ahh... So now you come to my house not for looking for me but Kai!!" Mayu tease her, make her cheeks getting red. "Come on.. He's in the kitchen with Mom" Mayu take her to the kitchen.
"Kai, I bring an angel for you!" Mayu said when Atsuko and her enter the kitchen.
"Ohayo.." a soft voice of a girl he know exactly suddenly heard. Kai who is taking milk from the fridge turn his body and find Acchan in the kitchen. She smiles at him.
"At..At-Atsuko.." he said nervously. The way she smile is just remind him of his dream last night.
"Ohayo Acchan.." Kai's mother walk approach her. "Why so sudden? You had breakfast? Let's have breakfast with us.."
"Emm.. Thank you Mrs. Takahashi, but I just had breakfast with my parents."
"Sit down please.." Kai's mother offer her a chair. And then they sit in the dining room.
"Here, I made it for you" Acchan give the box that contains pancakes she made this morning.
"F-for me?" Kai take it nervously. He open it and his eyes widened when he find some pancakes inside. "Wooow!! It look delicious. Thank you, Atsuko"
"Wow, my son get a gift in this early morning?" suddenly Kai's father come in and join them.
"You really made it?" Kai asked.
"Of course, you baka! Acchan is good at cooking. We often cook together before you came here!" Mayu quickly answer.
"Hmm.. I'm glad my daughter in law is good in cooking" Kai's father wink at Acchan, make Acchan and Kai blushed at the same time. Looking at this awkward scene, Kai's father laughing out loud, so is Mayu and her Mom.
After finish their breakfast, Kai ask Acchan to go to campus together by riding his motorbike.
"Bye Mom, bye Dad!" Acchan waves her hand to her parents and they leave.
Mr. Maeda look at Kai's houseyard and Mr. Takahashi is there. They look at each other for seconds an then at the same time, they laugh together. "I smell love!" he shout at Mr. Takahashi.
"Yeah, me too. I see a pink electric spectum between those windows!" Mr. Takahashi pointing at the side of their house where Kai's and Accchan's windows are.
They laugh again. "We should arrange a wedding! Haha"
"And have the same grandchildren! Hahaha"
The two fathers are joking around in the morning. But to see that his Acchan is back just like before his son died, makes Mr.Maeda happy and proud of Kai. "That boy really can changer her mind.." he thought.
It's in the afternoon when Kai take Acchan somewhere after they finished their class today. After riding his bike for about 30 minutes, they arrive in the lakeside.
"Here we are..." Kai stop his bike.
Acchan get down and walk to the edge of the lake. "It's beautiful!!" she said, look at the beautiful sunset scenery around, make the lake water shining orange sparkle.
Kai walk towards her and stand beside her. "It was my favourite place. It's great" Kai said, looking at the view.
"Thanks for taking me here, Kai. I'm happy to be here" Acchan smile at him.
"Anything for you," he reply her smile. They look at the scenery again, makes a silence for a while.
"Oh, Atsuko... The cake this morning. Why did you cook it for me? You know, it's such a sudden."
"Oh, the cakes. You still think about that?" Acchan said. "It's just.. I want to say thank you for everything you did to me. I know it's not enough to pay your kindness but.. I just did my best."
Kai smiles and look into her eyes. "No, you don't have to pay it back. I told you, I think I can do anything for you."
By what Kai said, Atsuko standing still while looking deep into his eyes. Now they're staring each other. Kai just can't help her gaze then he remember what Riku told him yesterday. Just try to kiss her...
Kai moves and takes his steps closer to Acchan. Slowly his hand reach her cheek and his face lean close to her until there's no gap between their lips. He kiss her lovingly, and waiting for the answer: she will reply the kiss or she will slap him.
But then Acchan push Kai out. "Arrghh.. Kai your foot!" Acchan look down and look at Kai's foot which is now stepping on her foot.
"Oops!! Gomen ne Atsuko! Gomen!" Kai quickly step backward. "Is it hurt? Oh my God, what did I do? I'm sorry Atsuko." Kai look so panic.
Kai's behaviour is so funny now it makes Acchan giggles. "It's okay Kai. Don't be that panic! It was hurt when you stepped on it. But now it's fine, really." Acchan try to calm him down.
They look each other's gaze. Kai's face still look so worried and red because of that embarrassing moment. Acchan smirks at him and then move close to him. Kai's heart beating so fast as Acchan move closer and... kiss him.
"Is it the reply kiss? Oh, God, SHE LOVES ME??!! I'm dying!!!" Kai thought. He was surprised at first so hedidn't give respond to Acchan's kiss, but then he realized that this is the "reply kiss". So his hands reach and cup her cheeks again, kiss her passionately.
They finally broke their kiss to catch some air and breath. Kai still cupped her face and he look deep into her eyes, "I love you... Atsuko" he finally said.
Acchan smile softly "I love you too.." then she give him a light kiss on his lips.
-- END OF 7th CHAPTER --
Hmm... Can"t wait to make some 'troubles' in the next chapters. Thank you for keep reading my fic