Alright..let me explain this one-shot..WMatsui and MariHaru are living at their own house...huhu...this is fanfic long as my imagination move one...

Dun be confuse with the guidance..hihi..
YOSH!!! this is some guide….hope u’re not confuse…
………… = at the same time…
*** = next day..
* = a few minute later…same day…
Special Class [WMatsui xtra MariHaru]
“Alrite as u already know…hmmm, what I gonna announce might surprise all of u..huhu..maybe..n maybe not..or maybe someone actually too excited after they heard about this..” Minami said calmly and as loud as she can.
“What is it??” Yuki ask as she think it sounds interesting.
“Ehem..Alrite..I here announce that all…not really all..the person that listing in the list that I gonna put on the board later, will be someone that attend the special might be done again if this class is a success…” Minami said bluntly. She show a few paper in her hand.
“Huh..what’s this?? this related to our last show about Baka Centre and all??”
“No..not at all..”Minami shook her head.
“Stop whispering first girls..I’m not finish yet…” Minami try to calm everyone down before continue her words.
“Yeah..and the teacher…is made up from us too..” Minami said with a straight face.
“What’s that meant??”
“It’s mean…some of us..the more experience member teaching the person that been listed..” Minami kindly explain.
“What we gonna teach??”
“It’s up to doesn’t really long as it’s not something bad…u know what I mean right??” Minami said with a teasing tone.
In front of students aka member of the class list…
“Ah..more like a class full of jailbaits..” Mariko said bluntly.
“Jailbaits..” Asuka look excited as she heard it.
“Kawaiiii!!!” Rena grin and giggling by herself.
“Wow..most of HKT48 member is listed…” Sasshi look surprise as she scan all the name in the list.
What with their reaction.. Jurina doesn’t seem a bit interested to the list of the students and walk towards the list of teacher that been listed on the other board.
Owh..thank god.. Jurina felt relieved as her name not listed as her schedule is quite pack and there are lot of things she need to study to catch up the school lesson.
Wait..Mariko-chan and Rena-chan??? Serious??“U talk quite loud there..” Mariko wrap her arms around Jurina shoulder and read the paper that list her name as one of the teacher. After reading it, a smirk can be seen clearly as she grin by herself amuse by Jurina uncomfortable reaction.
“Owh…my baby Jurina..u doesn’t want papa be a teacher??” Mariko patting jurina head while say it with playful tone.
“Iie…I dun really care…” jurina coldly answer.
“Then…rena-chan also??” Mariko added with a teasing voice.
“Huh..dun care..dun care…” Jurina shook her head.
“U know she love jailbaits..” Mariko whispered it so that only Jurina heard it.
“………plus most member of HKT48..” Mariko added.
“So..” Jurina start to felt uneasy.
“I guess u can forget about dating her in a nearer time..”
“Maybe…till this special class end..u can proceed what ur plan..” Mariko said in joking tone.
“I dun care!!!” Jurina release herself from Mariko hug and run away. Her heart felt uneasy with that one fact. What’s with jailbaits..
“Ah..what’s with Jurina-chan??
“I also don’t know..”Mariko said as if she doesn’t know a single thing. The complex of Jurina that only she knew and the cause is for sure Matsui Rena.
“Owh…it’s us!!” Rena quite surprise and pointing herself and mariko repeatedly still not believing what she read.
“ us Rena-chan..u might be busy by urself then…”
“Huh..what’s with that attitude Mariko-chan..we’re together for this task..”
“I don’t know..cause I’m quite busy promoting certain brand and having lot of photo shoot for the fashion magazine…”
“Dun worry, I sending someone to help u if I can’t go..”
“It’s ok then..”
That night…“Mari-chan…did u hurt my Jurina??” Haruna ask as she want to see Mariko reaction towards her question.
“What??? Ur Jurina?? I taught I’m yours..not Jurina..” Mariko answered playfully.
“Ma.ri-chan??” Haruna become serious all of sudden.
“Nothing much..huh..I doesn’t know she actually complain about this to u..” Mariko make a sad face.
“U knew she’s crying when she met me before..” Haruna explaining what she witness.
“’s that serious??” Mariko quite surprise with that one fact.
“…tell me everything??” Haruna wait patiently the answer from Mariko.
“Yeah..yeah..” Mariko just nod as she losing.
~silent for a few second~
“But I doesn’t meant it at all..that’s why I want she go there instead of me..u know as a replacement..” Mariko explain her side of the story.
“It might hurt her more right??” Haruna said with a concern voice.
“I don’t know..just hoping it will make her realize she’s more important than others…” Mariko hoping what she plan success.
“BUT did rena knew about her problem??” Haruna asking as she curious.
“Rena?? No way..she doesn’t have any clue at she grin and giggling after that announcement…” Mariko said bluntly.
“owh..really..I guess that’s a good reason..for everything…” Haruna can catch the reason why Jurina crying after all.
“I told u..” Mariko said while hugging Haruna.
“Yeah2..sorry..” Haruna caress Mariko face as she said it.
“Iie..I knew my Haruna will understand it..” Mariko close her eyes as she want to treasured what she currently heard that is Haruna heartbeat.
“Mou..” Haruna pout and blushing by herself.
Jurina felt tired after everything that she go through that day…
“Welcome back… –chan..” Rena look happy than usual.
“Ah..rena…” Jurina realize an over happy rena.
“Hmm, why u look…huh..where my excited little puppy…” Rena try to lifting up Jurina mood that she think quite down at that time. She patting Jurina head while smiling happily.
“I’m not ur puppy..” Jurina said weakly.
“I miss ur egao..can I see it??” Rena try the other way.
“Nope…n NO!!!” Jurina shook her head and run towards her own room.
“Alrite..did I doing something wrong..” Rena asking herself as she see how Jurina act.
“Huh..maybe she fight with Mariko-chan again..” Rena decide to put a reason that can ease her uneasy heart.
She always like that when Mariko tease her after all.. Rena said it again and turn back to do what she done before. She going through almost everyone post in the blog including all the HKT48 member that she knew.
D-DAY..“Ano…what should I teach them…” Rena ask Minami as she still doesn’t knew what she should teach.
“As I said before..anything..” Minami said bluntly. She quite confidence Rena can handle it.
“ just an event that we made so that the senior and junior can be more close..”
“…go on with everything..” Minami explaining things and make it short as possible.
“Ah..” Jurina look at the message that she just got.
“Hmm..” she stared blankly at the wall on her room.
Mari-chan sure is cruel.. Jurina look at her phone with unsatisfied face. She taught Haruna already taught Mariko after she complained everything. Jurina really felt down that morning as she doesn’t see Rena face after she wake upthat morning and also before she sleeping.
Rena is too into blogging and neglecting her. She didn’t even try to ask the reason why Jurina mad at her.
~INFO~Special class is for 2 days..means 1 day = one class
1st class..Rena came slowly and scanning the class for a few second. She stand at the front while grin by herself. It sure a heaven for her.
“Hello everyone…” Rena greet shortly and bow a bit.
“Rena-san!! Daisuki desu!!!” Anya that sit quite far suddenly stand and shout out her feeling at that time.
“Eeee…again…” Rena still remembered the episode of Hakata Hyakkaten where she was the guest.
“I meant it…” Anya wearing a serious face with a pleading eyes.
“Yeah2…thank you Murashige..” Rena just replying with a playful tone as she love to play along with all the jailbaits that mostly she knew.
“Alrite…actually I also doesn’t know what to do…” Rena straightforwardly said her real taught.
“Rena-san..” Sakura put up her hand as she called.
“Yup..Sakura..” Rena came close to Sakura seat.
“Did our meeting this evening…ok??” Sakura asking with a low voice, hoping that others not heard her.
“Hai..for sure..” Rena nod confirming the things that sakura want to know.
“Melon-pan club??” Chori ask as she curious with the things that she heard.
“Hai..u want to join it??” Rena ask wearing a very sweet smile on her face.
“Iie…I..I like Rena-san more…” Chori wearing a super duper shy face.
“Mou…Chori-chan..” Rena said shyly as she knew that Chori just being playful with her like usual.
“Ah..why Mio blushing more than Rena-san??” Tani pointing out Mio that sit beside Sakura.
“huh..really..” Rena shifting her eyes towards Mio that clearly blushing.
“Iie…” Mio answered shortly while shook her head. Rena just grin alone as she find it cute.
“Mio like someone else girls..” Rena suddenly said her taught of Mio.
“It’s mai-chan right??” Rena added while looking at Mio.
“!!!” Tani added as she remembered one episode of Hakate Hyakkaten.
“Minna…leave Mio alone..” Rena try hard to hide her excitement seeing all this scene in front of her.
“Waa..Mio redden more than before!!” Chori point at Mio as she realize Mio face that become more redden than before.
Outside of the front of the door… Jurina heard everything from just standing there.
“Hmm…without me..all this time…” Jurina felt a bit hurt.
Why Mariko-chan..huh… Jurina still can’t understand why Mariko ask her to do this.
“Rena-san…” a voice caliing for Rena. Jurina can’t really guess who it was.
“Hai..” Rena sweet voice answer it shortly after that.
“Who did u think the cutest person in ur heart…” that voice asking again with curiosity.
“Hmm…is it limited to the person in this class??..” Rena said with unsure tone as she take it seriously and thinking deeply.
“Nope..” that voice shortly answered it.
“hmm…manatsu-chan..SKE48 member..know her??” Rena sound so excited as she talk about Manatsu.
“Of course…” lot of voice saying a ‘YES’ for Rena question.
“Then, how about, the person that u love to tease..” the other voice asking.
“hmm, I guess…kawaiii member..” Rena suoer duper excited voice surely hurt Jurina heart.
“Waa..too general..” some voice interrupting Rena words.
So..i’m OUT… Jurina already give up and walk away from that class. A laugh can still be heard from that one class. Her heart felt more and more pain than this morning.
-END of 1st class –Rena calling Mariko…
“Ano..Mariko-chan..u said u send someone to replace u..” Rena ask as the replacement that Mariko promise to sent not show up.
“Yeah..I one come??” Mariko replying with worried voice.
“Hai..” Rena answered shortly.
“Ah…I guess she have something..BUT I’m sure she gonna come tomorrow..” Mariko try to find a right words to find the reason for it.
“Ja ne..”
At MariHaru house…
“Rena-chan?” Haruna ask as she can heard Rena voice.
“Yeah..” Mariko answered with a bit uneasy feeling.
“Why..sounds not good” Haruna ask as she realize Mariko change of mood.
“Just..Jurina didn’t come..” Mariko said weakly as her mind kept thinking why Jurina doesn’t show up.
“I taught that she replied YES for ur message..” Haruna said it as she witnessing it by herself that one thing.
“Yeah..BUT..” Mariko quite worried about Jurina. Her eyes show it all.
“Hmm…” Haruna also start to worried as she knew Jurina quite well too.
-Jurina POV-She currently walk out alone to a certain place where only she knew. The place for her to calmly think and cleared her thought. Making a decision or maybe crying out the pain that she felt.
Who am I to her??
Why she act like that..I never see her smile that way..happy n excited like that…
Am I no one in her life…
Not a single memory in my mind she actually telling me that she love me..
Am I the only this what they called one-sided love…
Night…House where WMatsui live together…
Jurina-chan..where are u?? rena are totally anxious as Jurina still not coming back. It’s already quite late.
A sudden crack sound as the result of someone opening the door can be heard by Rena.
She’s back..“Jurina-chan!!” Rena shout as soon as she see the door opening.
“Ah..Mariko-chan..” Rena quite surprise at the unexpected guest BUT more surprise as she actually bring Jurina together with her.
“Sorry..she’s asleep in our house. I decide to take her back as I know how worried u are..” Mariko explaining things. She can see clearly that Rena is worried about Jurina.
“Owh..hmm, thank u..” Rena weakly replied.
“So..I take her to her room then..” Mariko walk slowly going to the upstairs toward Jurina room.
“Ok..” Rena answered shortly.
Her eyes…is she crying before.. Rena realize Jurina face that doesn’t look well as she scan it properly to make sure Jurina still sleeping.
Full of sadness …Rena taught.
“Mariko-chan..” Rena ask as soon as Mariko came down.
“Hai..” Mariko look a bit uneasy. A conflict feeling about Jurina did disturb her mind.
“Why Jurina at ur place in the first place??” Rena ask in serious tone.
“Hmm, just..huh..u want me to tell the truth??” Mariko try to calm Rena that look more confuse than she expect.
“HAI..mochirondesu..” Rena nod and waiting for Mariko truth.
“She is my replacement..same as tomorrow..” Mariko said bluntly.
“Really..but..I doesn’t see her..” Rena felt lost after she heard Mariko words.
“Maybe..she’s late..BUT what I’m sure she was there..” Mariko added.
“…” Rena kept thinking all the ‘IF’ thing that might be heard by Jurina that make her end like that.
“n…her condition is already like that before she came to my house..she just came to sleep..” Mariko said weakly. She also felt hopeless and hurt when seeing Jurina act like that.
At jurina room..after Mariko going home..Rena sit beside Jurina. She just sit and watch her. She’s afraid to touch Jurina as she felt guilty.
Rena POV..Jurina-chan…am I hurting u?
U..why u crying too much…I should be the one that crying here..
U and ur kiss habit…how u can be freely doing it..even in front of me..
I guess…I’m too sensitive..All the taught kept shouting in her mind…
Next morning.. Jurina awake from her long sleep. She felt tired after what she going through yesterday.
Ah..rena-chan..again… Jurina felt quite sad as the thing from yesterday kept replaying in her mind. BUT a sudden cheerful voice greet her.
“Ohayou!! Jurina-chan..” Rena said while wearing a wide smile.
I taught that she’s gone..“Take ur time…I’m waiting downstairs..” Rena added as she make sure Jurina not gonna sleeping again.
“Ah..hai..” Jurina nod n still surprise with Rena act.
Hmm..why she look..differ..that’s fake..n why she wait..did she knew I’m Mariko replacement..………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Out of room..downstairs..
“Huh..SAFE!!!” Rena done a relieve act as she safely done what she plan.
“Why I’m so nervous…” Rena put her hand on her chest feeling the heartbeat that quite fast than usual.
Today’s plan…hope it’s a big success…Rena took out her games and play it while waiting for Jurina. Her mind surely are in mess state as she can’t control her reaction very well.
I’m an actress…I’m an actress… Rena try her best to manipulate her mind. Acting is her other talent. Her acting is been recognize by a lot of people BUT this matter, she can’t really put her all on it.
Calm down…please…“Rena-chan??” Jurina called from her back.
“Let’s go..” Jurina lead the way out. So, she did knew..hmmm…Jurina can guess as Rena doesn’t ask anything. Her heart become more cold and hurt than before as she can see Rena still in her acting mode.
-2nd class-Jurina and Rena came together into the class with Jurina leading and Rena following from behind.
“Waa..minna…sugoku genki!!” Jurina shout excitedly after receiving a warm welcome.
Everyone are over excited when Jurina appeared. It such an epic meeting is what they taught. As what they discuss in their first class are kept replaying in their mind.
“Why everyone grin and giggling like that??” Jurina asking as she can see clearly each and everyone reaction.
“I don’t know…” Rena cheek redden as she said it. She knew the truth after all as she is the person that telling everything to everyone there.
“Ano…” Jurina try to say something BUT someone suddenly interrupt it.
“Jurina-san..u’re lucky to have Rena-san..”
“Aaaa…minna??” Jurina confuse with a sudden praise involving her and Rena.
Everyone are excited while they talk to each other. They absolutely doesn’t hear any of Jurina question. It make Jurina more confuse as there are no decent reason how and why it started. She look at Rena that just stared at the floor while blushing like crazy.
“Rena-chan??” Jurina trying to get Rena attention.
“Hmm..” Rena still doesn’t look directly at Jurina.
“May u explain this to me??” Jurina stand closely beside Rena and whispered it near to Rena ears. BUT suddenly 2 duo that known as close friend stand and imitate what Rena said in the 1st class.
“She stole my first kiss…” Tani said shyly while imitating Rena.
“She said she love me and always kiss me…” Chori cup her cheek while saying it.
“I’m in love with her..” Tani added while playing with her own finger.
“Manatsu-chan is just kawaiiiii…BUT Jurina…is my special one..I can’t said she’s more kawaiii than her as she just kawaiii…” Anya aka Murashige also join in the short performance by her fellow friend.
What..just kawaiii.. Jurina seems disturb with Anya words that imitating Rena.
“Don’t try to kiss Jurina o let Jurina kiss u…” Chori wearing a face that giving a danger vibe towards others that watching.
“I’ll watch u…” Tani added with wearing the same face.
Everyone clap their hands as the sign that they approved what Chori, Tani and Anya done and impress by it. They praising them saying it perfect and exactly the same. Jurina quite surprise as she see everyone making her and Rena as their topic to talk about.
Is that really what Rena saying in this class?? What did she teach them?? Jurina shout that question in her mind as she look at the atmosphere in the class.
“Meru-chan..can I ask something??” Jurina suddenly ask Meru that still laughing as the result of the trio action.
“Hai…” Meru take a deep breath before answering it.
“What did u learn yesterday?” Jurina repeat her question again.
“Hmm..mostly about u..” Meru bluntly answered as it’s the truth.
“Yeah…about Jurina-san…” the Captain said shortly supporting Meru words.
Jurina look at her side seeing Rena already cup her cheek hiding her blushing cheek.
“Is that true??” Jurina ask calmly and stared at Rena as she trying to correcting her memory about yesterday. Rena nod shyly. Everyone that watch felt amuse as time goes by. It’s a rare sight for them as what they always watch are Jurina with her charismatic and kissing monster character while Rena as someone that calm and very kind.
A sudden grab at her wrist make Jurina awake from her blankly mind. Rena currently holding her hand tightly and say something that make everyone smile widely and kept praising her. They look happy for us. Jurina taught.
“Jurina??” Rena wave her other hand in front of Jurina that stared blankly to the front.
“Yeah..” Jurina shook her head to make her fully awake.
“Do u heard me??” Rena asking as she can guess that Jurina doesn’t heard her before.
“ENCORE!! ENCORE!!” Everyone shout together as it something that just ‘EPIC’ for them. The confession in front of people is too cool and it’s a beautiful dream for them.
“Huh..” Rena sigh as she see all the reaction that she got.
“I hereby declare that.. I, Matsui Rena will love Jurina with all my heart…” Rena shout with a very sincere tone. She glance at her side. Jurina is smiling, that all she need.
Her smile..that smile..that’s all I need…*
-END OF 2nd CLASS-Jurina actually give a sign to Sakura to stay back as she want to ask something before the class end. Thus, they met as soon as everyone gone.
“Sakura-chan..hmm, is there anything else that Rena said about me..” Jurina ask curiously. She knew Rena doesn’t tell that lovely kind of think only. As she knew Rena is practical while teaching others.
“Huh..BUT..” sakura reluctantly answer as it’s something that they promise to Rena.
“Please..tell me…” Jurina said with pleading eyes. She really want to know everything that Rena felt for her.
“Hmm, we actually discuss about love yesterday..and Rena did say love is painful and all..” Sakura answered carefully and generally.
“Painful??” Jurina scratch her head that not itchy.
“Jurina-chan..u should knew urself well..” Sakura wearing a wide smile as she satisfied with the hint that she already give.
On the way back…
Why she’s not grin like she did before..
“Rena..” Jurina voice broke the silent that built between them in their way back.
“Sorry for everything..” Jurina added with a very sorry tone as if she made and mistake and confessing her guilty things.
“What is it Jurina??” Rena quite confuse with a sudden change of mood that Jurina create.
“I..kiss…” Jurina stuttered as her guilty feeling creep in her heart and mind.
“…u’re still a kid..u need lot of love..yeah..lot…” Rena smiling widely and patting Jurina head playfully. The rare sight that Jurina can only see once in a while.
“It’s alright..I taught this many times..” Rena said with her low tone voice.
She said many times…“……..n I decide not to be touching every time u do’s tired..” Rena add while wearing a awkward smile.
She’s tired of me..“I’m not tired of u Jurina..I knew u love me like I love u..” Rena said as if she can heard what Jurina thinking.
“Un..” Jurina nod as she sure about her own feeling.
“So..don’t worry..I’ll try my best..n u should do ur best too..” Rena said with a wide smile. She caress Jurina hair a few time and look nervously at Jurina. She take a deep breath while thinking what her next words.
“My best??” Jurina ask as she’s not understand it.
“Yeah…I also love kawaiiii member..u knew it well right??” Rena said calmly n her heartbeat did increase by time as she look at Jurina unsure face.
“Un..” Jurina nod weakly as she remembered how differ Rena treat the ‘kawaiii’ member that she love.
“Promise??” Rena look straight at Jurina hoping that Jurina understand what she want and hope.
“Hai..” Jurina nod properly and move closely towards Rena. Rena blushing as she knew what Jurina gonna do next.
Jurina kiss her forehead and caress her face. They stared at each other eyes, trusting themselves and move on to the next chapter of their life.
-THE END->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Sorry if there is error here and there..haha, I’m doing it for fun after all n because of my ability not that great…BUT yeah..I made it..proud to finish this..another akb48 fanfic done..more like my fav pairing fanfic…