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Author Topic: [NMB48's fanfic] How to get a girl? - COMPLETED  (Read 7901 times)

Offline yuuyu

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Re: [NMB48's fanfic] How to get a girl? - Chapter 8
« Reply #20 on: June 20, 2014, 10:40:03 AM »
After reading first couple chapters:

This is cute, looks like it's going to be a romcom...

After finally catching up to latest update:

...oh my god...

Oh my god.


Offline Yu_oshi

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Re: [NMB48's fanfic] How to get a girl? - Chapter 9
« Reply #21 on: June 20, 2014, 08:28:39 PM »
Ahaha =)))) Thank you, I like funny gifs =]]] at first I myself wanted it as a romcom too, but then I didn't have a good sense of humor so ...

==== Chapter 9 ====

Half an hour after the call, Kei had found herself back in the situation when she's standing in front of Akari's house again in middle of the night. Waiting for Akari to open the door and take her in.
But this time Akari's wasn't leading them to the kitchen but rather her room. That somehow made Keicchi worried a little, but still silently followed her.

After got in her room, Akari carefully locked the door behind her and watching Keicchi standing awkwardly in the room.

"Don't ask so strange, it wasn't the first time you in here anyway"

'Not with this situation' Kei thought to herself but still couldn't figured it out if she should keep standing like this or sat down on Akari's bed. What would be more suitable for this situation.

Rolled her eyes, sometimes Akari wondered how could  Jonishi Kei - the player - can act like such a dork.
So she decided to sat on the edge of her bed and tap on the place next to her.
Which Jonishi understood but unwilling to do and made herself looked like a scared mice has to stand in front of a hungry cat. If it's under another circumstances, may be Akari would take that as cute.

Finally settled down, Keicchi continued to keep silent and wait for Akari to talk first.
Let out a long sigh to end the awkward feeling. Akarin decided to open up first.

"I need to ask you about something "


"Look at me first"

Akari felt a bit frustrated as Keicchi keep her gaze down the floor and playing with her thumb.

"Just ask, I still have ears to listen"

"Look at me"

"You don't have to..."

Before she could finished her answer, Kei find her head was being hold and turned directly toward Akari. The approximate between them right now are quite dangerous, but Kei still tried her best to hold back everything. Therefore she then decided to close her eyes.

"I said look at me!!"

"And I said I only need my ears to listen, my eyes are unnecessary"

Of all the moments to act like a kid, Keicchi decided to choose this one made Akari felt tired more than ever. She then pulled Kei in for a kiss.

Feeling the softness on her lip made Kei almost jumped out of the bed and wanted to push Akari out immediately when her sane still stayed within her. But then the nostalgic feeling taken over just then made herself became unmoved.
Until she felt a bit wet and taste a little salty. Keicchi immediately opened her eyes to find Akari's tears rolled down her cheeks.
At that very moment Kei's head went blank, all she know was hurried up pulled Akari in for a hug. At the same time, her left hand patted on Akari's back and with a soothing voice, she murmured the "Don't cry" word repeatedly.
Felt Akari silently returned her hug, her arms circled it way around Keicchi's body and held on her tight.
For a while later when Keicchi finally back to her sense and she believed Akari had no longer crying. When Kei tried to detached themselves, she heard Akari's question.

"What am I to you?"

Realized she just can no longer avoided this, Jonishi swallowed down an invisible breath and said

"A friend"

"Then thing between us... what's that?"

"Friends with benefits"

Each answers didn't surprise Akari but it hurt her more than she thought...

"Why did you want to stop?"

For a moment Kei didn't know how to answer that, but the questions keep coming.

"Why did you want me to be with Rika-chan that much?.... tell me, please .... do you have any feelings for me at all?"

Akarin looked deep into Kei's eyes, she wanted to know the truth, if there's any hope for this desperated love of her.

Looked at Akari's teary eyes suddenly made Keicchi felt like someone was pinched her heart. But that's when she realized, she has hurts Akari too much, she need to stop now.



"No... I don't have any special feeling for you. Like I said before, I just came to realize we should stop playing. I'm quite bored with it so I wanted to search for more surreal relationship. And you already have someone really great so I just thought you should just take her in, then we can both say goodbye to this kind of fling more easily. You're not serious thinking that what between us was real feeling, didn't you?"

Keicchi just finished her biggest lie ever, at the same time, showed out the face of an extremely good actress she never knew she could do.

Akari looked deeply into Kei's eyes one more time, just to find that there's emptiness inside it.
At that very moment, she got everything she needed to know. Silently brought her right hand to wipe away the last tear from a corner of her eye. She slowly rises up, out of Keicchi's embraced.

"No, I was just being a fool and weak at sometimes. Everyone had their moment. I believed I just made a wrong choice, that is. Thank you for reminding again. And you're right. Rika-chan is a perfect person for me, it was dumb of me to make she wait for so long. Now I shall make redemption for her. It's nice to have ... involved with you. But I believe we may never repeat that again. From now on, we'll remain as teammates and rivals, but that will be all."

Akari said with her dry voice and lower tone made Kei a bit worry but easy predicted. It's seem like this will be the real end for their relationship, she'll forever miss it, but never regret she did end it.

"Um, ... I have nothing more to say... so I guess I should just leave now?"

"I believe so"

"Um... good night then.. I can show the way out myself so don't worry"


Kei also stand up from the bed and made her way toward the door. As she walked by, before she closed the door behind her, Keicchi caught a glimpse of Akari's back one more time, murmured a quick 'I'm sorry' for the last time and made her departed.


*Ding ding* *ding ding*

Sayanee tried to reach for her phone, at the same time, secretly cursed the one that could call her at this Holly hour. Really! Her schedule is always full, it's not like she had a chance to sleep at home everyday.

"Moshi mo.."

"Sayanee? .."

"Jonishi? Why did you call me at this hour?"

"Haha, you're an adult right? How about come here and have a drink with me?"

"Are you drunk or something? Where are you?"

"Don't worry, I'm still sober enough, that's why I call for you but I'm not so sure how I'll be a few more minutes. I'm at the practice room right now. If you're not busy, do mind keeping me company for tonight? I think I need someone right now..."

"What's the hell are you saying? ?"

"Come on! Come over or I might be unconscious in a few more minutes... "

"Alright alright! Wait for me there! You're so full of trouble"

"Haha, thank you for your kind compliment. Travel safely~"

To be continued

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Re: [NMB48's fanfic] How to get a girl? - Chapter 9
« Reply #22 on: June 20, 2014, 08:36:10 PM »
Well this will be interesting if Keiichi finally tells the truth and just accepts what's coming at Rika's expense :nervous
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline sidny48

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Re: [NMB48's fanfic] How to get a girl? - Chapter 9
« Reply #23 on: June 21, 2014, 05:38:43 AM »
Seiing the title "NMB48 fanfic" at first and i really hope that there is Mirurun on it LOL
But i like this fic, Akari an Keicchi...
Their love story sure are complicated  :nervous
Please update soon..
Wow this is my first time writing such a long comments

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Re: [NMB48's fanfic] How to get a girl? - Chapter 9
« Reply #24 on: September 20, 2014, 05:46:12 AM »
update soon please :C i miss this fic

Offline Yu_oshi

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Re: [NMB48's fanfic] How to get a girl? - Chapter 9
« Reply #25 on: September 20, 2014, 12:42:35 PM »

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