olive, surprise surprise~

Yes, WAR!!! Atsuko will fall!!! Probably.
cisda, surprised, ey~~ And Mirai Gakuen's top is Shimazaki Haruka, as stated in the chapter where I introduced the school's members.
kenjoy, LoL. 'MY Mayu'

. Ya surprised~? Totally random pairing~ Don't worry, she's alright~ I wrote some other fanfics and an OS, but I don't know if it's good or not. Check it out. And I'll try to finish this once and for all!!! Coz I can't stand thinking of evil Ponkotsu being pushed aside...
Why did I choose Mayuyu as Atsuko's pairing? Because, think about it. Atsuko has a 'thing' for Mayuyu but what was it? She's always with Mayuyu. Even going as far as to hang out with her even more than with Minami. And that's her partner. So when I think about it, Mayuyu's younger, so I'm guessing Atsuko's 'I don't date shorter people' policy would probably be nullified. So, Atsuko x Mayuyu~ I'm sorry YUKO!!!! QAQ (Used to pushing Takamina aside and I don't regret handing Jurina over to Rena)
Now onto the chapter... Sorry I messed up the chapter number last time...
[Chapter 11]"Anyone objecting?" Maeda asked the others after she explained what they will do.
Everyone kept quiet and kept their head down. Shinoda was looking at her friend, worried. Maeda herself already knew...
Minami :"Acchan, I don't mind the plan, but..."
Sae :"Takamina has a point there..."
They looked at each other and reassured themselves that it wasn't just their imagination.
Mariko :"Acchan."
Atsuko :"What is it...?" she glared at the taller girl, not wanting her to say anything more.
She herself already knew that fact.
Mariko :"You'll stay here." she says the one thing everyone wanted.
Atsuko :"WHY?!" she snapped, grabbing onto the older girl's collar. "ARE YOU INSANE?! YOU WANT ME TO STAY QUIET WHILE THE SCHOOL'S UNDER ATTACK?!
Maeda glared at Shinoda in a way that reminded her of the time she first realized of her monstrous strength. Shinoda wasn't affected by it even a bit. Her mind was made clear. She knows that the girl is trying to hold it in, but...
Mariko :"You're unstable right now, Acchan. I don't want you to start killing mercilessly again."
True enough, Maeda was acting anxious. Her hands were shivering, her legs were almost giving out and her eyes were wavering. Everyone knew. Something was wrong with her. Yes, she was worried. She was worried sick for the one she cares for. She was worried of what happened to Watanabe Mayu. Is she in danger? Was she kidnapped? She was scared of these questions. These sort of questions were what lead to Maeda's massacre two years prior. These feelings led to her state of denial in front of Shinoda, and surely it will cause her to get hurt at the present.
'Promise me... Don't kill anymore...' She remembered what her savior said to her when she found out about her condition. Itano wasn't actually the type that would allow her to just kill while she was aware of it. Maeda always abided her orders and has never broken her promise ever since she heard this order right after she gathered the Kami8,
If Maeda was dispatched in this war, it could lead into either two of these endings, one is that Maeda going clinically insane and start to break her promise, killing anyone in sight, ally or non-ally. The other one being Maeda getting mentally weak, not giving her the mind to fight, causing her to get hurt, or even killed if some people found out about Maeda's existence.
Atsuko :"... But I can't just do nothing..." she looked down, her hands losing the grip on Shinoda's collar.
Mariko :"I know..." she pats the girl's head, calming the girl down.
Takahashi saw the state she was in and finally took the lead.
Minami :"Okay, listen up."
Everyone's eyes were on her, looking at the one that was leading even Maeda and the one they trust.
Minami :"We'll go with Acchan's plan. Sae, Yukirin, Sayaka. You three will be guarding the first floor. I will stay with Acchan in the library in the third floor in case anyone gets in. Mariko and Haru-nyan will control the second floor. Yuko will focus on the third floor. The first floor is the most dangerous so watch your backs. Sae and Sayaka will mentally support Yukirin."
Minami :"Yukirin."
Yuki :"Hai."
Minami :"Things will get messy but I hope you'll put your mind to it. Don't worry, we'll find Mayuyu once we settle the things here."
Yuki :"Hai..."
Minami :"Sae."
Sae :"Here."
Minami :"With Jurina, Rena and Mayuyu gone, you'll have to do better than ever. Your mental support, Sayaka is with you. I'm sure you guys will do fine."
Sae :"Heh. Leave it to me."
Minami :"Sayaka."
Sayaka :"Present."
Minami :"You'll have to watch over these two. I trust you in this."
Sayaka :"Roger."
Minami :"Dispatched."
Sayaka, Yuki, Sae :"Hai!"
The three left the library and headed to the first floor.
Minami :"Mariko."
Mariko :"Yeah."
Minami :"With Acchan like this, you'll have to beat up every of Mirai's students in sight."
Mariko :"You don't even have to ask."
Minami :"Haru-nyan."
Haruna :"... Yeah."
Minami :"... Don't get hurt..."
Yuko :"... Why do I feel challenged for some reason...?" she pondered.
As the squirrel pondered, the two left to the second floor. Takahashi finally looked at Oshima and found her pondering on something. She decided to just leave it be.
Minami :"Yuko."
Yuko :"Ah. Yeah."
Minami :"Do what you do best."
Yuko :"You mean seducing?"
Minami :"HELL NO!" she hits the squirrel on the head.
Yuko :"Ouch! That hurt, Bakamina!" she rubs her head while glaring at the girl a few centimeters shorter than her.
Minami :"Get serious about this, will you...?" she rubs her temples, getting tired of the squirrel's carefree attitude.
Yuko :"I'll try..." she then left to the door.
Oshima took one last look at Maeda who is sitting on the chair with her head down. The squirrel had doubts about it. She had a bad feeling. As if that might be the last time she saw the Ace. She shook her head and finally opened the door.
"I'll see you later, Acchan..."
[Sayaka's POV]"JUST GET OUT OF HERE!" I shouted as I punched another girl in the stomach. She fell down, crunched up as she held her stomach.
"Sayaka, watch out!" as I looked behind me, a girl was trying to hit me with a metal pipe.
Just before the pipe made contact with my head, I managed to tilt my head to the side, avoiding it and as I did that, another girl kicks the girl right her behind.
"Thanks for the back-up, Sae!" I said as I took position, standing back-to-back with her.
"You really need to pay attention to your surroundings... like... my feelings..." She said and mumbled the last part in a way I couldn't hear.
"Huh? What?" I asked as I kicked a Mirai student in the noggin. She won't die just because of that, though.
"NOTHING!" she shouted as if pissed and went away to help with another area.
I looked at Sae's back again and burned it in my mind.
"HORA!" An unknown girl managed to punch me in the face. Luckily, my reaction was quick enough. I tilted my head in the opposite direction, minimizing the damage.
I looked at the girl, shocked as I saw someone as strong as me that's not from the Kami8. What makes her different from the rest is probably that her badge is silver. I wonder what her name is.
"Sayaka! I'm going ahead!" Another girl told her as she went upstairs.
"Sayaka?" I asked, curious.
"Yeah. The name's Yamamoto Sayaka. You must be one of the so-called 'Kami8' of this school, huh..." she says smiling as she looked down on me.
I grinned and answered "Nice guess. The name's Akimoto Sayaka." I stood up and stretched.
She doesn't mind it and stretched as well. In the corner of my eyes, I could see Sae trying to fight with another girl. Wait, that's Sasshi.
"So Sasshi defected to your school, huh..." I said and looked back at the girl, Yamamoto.
"Well, she's a little too fond of one of our students." she giggled as she took a stance.
"She defected just for that? I gotta hand it to her." I grinned and also took my stance. "She's a little too carefree, isn't she?"
[Yukirin's POV]I took down another girl and went to the other. They just keep on coming. Some of my school's students were doing quite well, thanks to all the fighting they did with each other. But I don't think I can hold out for too long.
"HAAAA!!" a Mirai student came flying at me and I casually avoided it. It wasn't too dangerous, thanks to Maeda-senpai's constant attacks on my... ahh...
"Just stay down." I said as I hit the girl at the left side of her stomach, making her tumble backwards.
I looked at the front and saw a Mirai student rushing at me. She has a silver badge, unlike most of the other Mirai students.
Before she could land her punch on me, I hit the girl's punch by slapping the left side of the girl's fist with the back of my hand, changing her course.
She was surprised by what I did but before she could react, I hit the girl on her back with my elbow, causing her to fall down. She looked at me surprised but as I looked back at her, she grinned. Before I could jump back, she kicked me at the side and got up.
I glared at the girl as I got up and rubbed my side. She only smirked and took her stance.
"You look strong. Name yourself!" she says as she looked at me.
"Huh? You should state your own name before asking others'." I took my own stance as well.
"Ah, forgot... Watanabe Miyuki." she says playfully, introducing herself.
"Huh?! Do you have any relation to Watanabe Mayu?!" I asked, losing my form.
"???" she looked lost.
"Ah, sorry..." I apologized.
Dammit. I really don't want to be reminded of Mayuyu right now... This is bad, I'm starting to lose myself...
Before I could take my stance again, I see the girl right in front of me.
"Don't take your eyes off your enemy~"
[Shinoda Mariko's POV]"Nyaro!" I looked at Nyaro who fell to the ground.
I quickly went up to her and checked to see if she's going to be okay.
"Sorry, Mari-chan..." she apologized as she felt into unconsciousness.
I looked at the cause of her defeat. A Mirai Gakuen student who has a silver badge. If what Mayuyu said was true, then it means that she's one of the school's top.
"What did you just do?!" I lost in anger and the girl smirked.
"Chill. Something like dat won't kill 'er." she says in a weird dialect. If I'm not wrong, I'm guessing she's from Kyoto.
I got up and ran towards the girl. She stepped to the side, which was surprising, and before I could think, she pounced and tries to hit me in mid-air. I managed to block it with my left palm. She changed her course and using my palm as a lever, she pulled it and kicked my sides. I blocked it with my right palm.
She smirked and jumped back as I released her.
"Yer strong... Da name's Yokoyama Yui. Wat's yers?" she asked and it clicked.
"Huh? Were you called 'Yuihan'?"I asked her and she nodded even though she was surprised.
"Oh? How didja know?" she was curious and asked me.
"What's your connection with Tomomi?" I asked back.
She smirked as she heard my question.
"So ya heard from Acchan, ey..."
"You'd better explain yourself. I want you to tell me what the hell did you mean when you said that Acchan killed Tomomi."
Her look changed to a rather dark expression. It was something I rarely saw. She glared at me, making the inside of my skin crawl. The glare was frightening. The glare which even Acchan was surprised to see. That glare. It made me took a step back by instinct.
"Tomomi changed because of her..." she looked down this time and explained. "She was usually always clinging to me but now... she talks about her too much... It wasn't the Tomomi I know!" she glared at me.
"... But that's not her fau-" before I could finish, she interrupted and shouted at me "YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!"
She continued "You don't know anything... I..." she looked down and I could see tears falling down her face.
I took a few steps forward to calm the girl down and before I could reach her, SHE REACHED ME.
[General POV]
Takahashi Minami paced in the room. Going back and forth from the same spot to the other. Maeda looked at her but didn't even feel like cracking a joke. She continues to look down as the situation outside was folding and she didn't know what's actually happening.
"Don't worry... I'm sure they're safe..." Takahashi assured the girl but hearing this from her when she was like that doesn't really put Maeda at ease.
"I sure hope so..." Maeda says but just as she was about to stand up and hug Takahashi to reassure her, she felt an ominous feeling. She looked at the door, making Takahashi feel curious.
"What's wrong?" she asked the Ace who didn't answer but kept looking at the door as her sweat was running down her entire face. She was too scared. No, a better way to describe it is that she's feeling insecure, not because of her crush missing, but it was something more terrifying.
Just as she thought that, the door was opened. It wasn't like the time with the two Matsuis who are currently missing in action, probably still in Mirai Gakuen, The door opened gracefully and entered was a girl, wearing a Mirai Gakuen uniform.
"Sorry for intruding..." the girl politely enters.
"Huh?! What are you doing here?! Where's Yuko?!" Takahashi looked at the girl confused.
"State your name." Maeda wasn't really too fond of details. She just wanted to get it over with. Besides, the feeling gripping her chest doesn't really want to know what actually happened to her best friend.
"Shimazaki Haruka. I'm the top of Mirai Gakuen. Nice to meet you." she bowed to the two in the room.
"I see... My name is Maeda Atsuko, the top of AKB Gakuen. That there is Takahashi Minami. I'm sorry, but could you please leave? I'm not in the mood right now." she slumped back on her seat.
"Oh? Sorry but... I don't think you have a choice." she threw a body in the room.
Maeda's eyes shot open as she saw the girl on the ground. Her face was red due to being beat up, bruises were found all over her body and blood was slowly dripping out of her mouth. She was badly injured, as to say. Maeda quickly got up and checked the girl.
"YUKO!" she lifted the girl in her arms and Oshima slowly opens her eyes, forcing herself in her state.
"Acchan...?" she looked at the figure in front of her but she couldn't see very well. She smiled like usual in her beaten up state and opened her mouth again. "I'm... sorry..."
Maeda heard a loud thud behind her and as she looked back, she saw someone she wanted to see the least that moment. Two, in fact.
"Yo... Maeda-senpai..." it was none other than Jurina. At her feet was Takahashi who fainted. On her left was Rena who was holding a baseball bat.
"Jurina! Rena! What the hell did you do?!" she shouted at the two, still surprised by what she just saw.
"Sorry, but we planned this from the start, senpai." it was Rena who answered with Jurina looking down, feeling apologetic.
Suddenly, Maeda felt a pressure, bloodthirst, which she never felt in a while. It was the aura which she remembered dearly. It was coming from none other than Shimazaki Haruka.
"You..." Maeda looked at her as if she felt something nostalgic. She was reminded of when she saw Ono leaving on the helicopter. The aura she felt was coming from her. She finally remembered. "You're... strong..." she knew even before she could fight her. Her aura gives it away.
"I know." Shimazaki joked and in an instant, she was in front of Maeda. She couldn't keep up much but... "Hey, easy there, will you?" she blocked Shimazaki's fist and joked ask the other girl continued her assault. Shimazaki continued attacking her with a grin on her face, finally founding the fun and joy. Maeda of course blocked, dodged and parried each attack.
Once Shimazaki backed up and increased the distance between them. Maeda relaxed and grin. It was a long time since she felt the joy in fighting.
"Really... strong." this time, it was Maeda's attack phase. But, something turned all her attention and mind off. She looked at the figure that has entered the room, flashing her happy smile.
"Mayuyu?" she looked at the girl who smiled in return. "Tadaima." she said and made Maeda smile as well.
'Welcome back' was what she wanted to say but...
She felt a sharp object pierced into her abdomen. She still smiled, though. Not wanting the girl to feel worried, welcoming the girl in any way possible. The girl still smiled even looking at her senior's dire situation.
"I'm sorry, senpai." was what Watanabe could finally say.
Maeda thus fell. Right next to her rival and best friend.
"That was sort of unneeded, Mayu." Shimazaki voiced out.
"You know yourself that if it continued, you will lose." Watanabe answered and looked at the girl.
"I wouldn't care... Losing is only a step forward to winning." Shimazaki grinned and looked at Maeda.
"Shouldn't we... send her to the hospital or something?" Jurina asked.
"Why care? You should only look at me, Jurina." Rena smiled at Jurina in a way which scared the girl more than Maeda's glare.
"Yo, so did you win?" four individuals entered and looked at the scene. "Okay, that's an unneeded question." Miyuki smirked as she saw what happened.
"Can't believe THAT Assan lost..." Sashihara looked at her former senpai who is bleeding on the ground.
"Finally." she looked at Maeda in a way which made Shimazaki curious, but she didn't pry. She knew of the depth of the girl's revenge.
"So what about the other girls?" Shimazaki asked and they looked at each other.
"They... escaped." they answered.
"Escaped?" she asked, not believing that the Kami8 would be stupid enough to escape in a school war.
Shimazaki finally figured it all out, but before she could take action, the other girl already made her move.
"DUCK!" Jurina shouted which made the others do that instinctively. But...
'look forward.' Jurina stormed out of the room, carrying Oshima and Maeda in each arm. The others were too late to react.
"CHASE HER!" Yokoyama shouted as they all chased her down. But alas, she was too fast. She was out of sight before they even started their chase.
"So this is the extent of your love for me, huh, Jurina..." Rena grinned as tears fell down her cheeks. "I'm... mad..."
"I'm sorry..." Jurina apologized as they hid in the cave which became Maeda's former home.
"It's okay. It was a good thing that Acchan came up with a backup plan, then." Takahashi, who managed to escape with the help of Akimoto who waited for her to jump from the window.
"How are you doing, Acchan?" Shinoda asked and Maeda smirked.
"I'm okay, but... Yuko?" she looked at Oshima who was breathless.
"You're the one we have to be worried about, idiot. You were stabbed." Oshima joked.
"Like something like that could kill Atsuko." Miyazawa smirked as well.
"Yeah, she's already a superhuman." Akimoto joked as well.
"Not to mention... Wait, did Yuu-chan just call Acchan an idiot?" Kojima glared at Oshima followed by the others.
"Hey, I don't mean anything offensive. Just saying." Oshima laughed and the others did as well.
Their laughs could be heard in the cave as the cold night finally caught up to them. They have been randomly going around for hours, trying to shake off any pursuers. At first they each hid in a random place which nobody goes to and when evening came, they all went towards the cave, as Maeda ordered.
"Is it really true...?" Kashiwagi asked the Ace as she was still in a state of denial. Maeda only smiled wryly, answering her question.
But then, Maeda stood up, looking at the others. She put her hand on her chest, reassuring herself for her next step. The step which she couldn't take. Shinoda realized just what she wanted to say but as she was going to stop the girl, who wanted to say it at the wrong time, Maeda looked at Shinoda with a warm smile, meaning that she knows and will still do it. Shinoda, seeing this, smirked and relaxed herself, knowing that Maeda will eventually say it and this could very well be the time.
"Yuko, Takamina, Jurina. I have something to say to the three of you." Maeda looked at the three and they stood up, forming a line in front of her. Yuko on her left, Jurina on her right and Takahashi in the middle.
"I..." her vision became blurry. It wasn't really anything wrong, but she was too scared. Fear took in, and mobilized the girl. She was unsure of the future but, she looked at the three again. The face of her rival and best friend, the face of her closest friend and partner, and the face of her cute junior. For this, the fear subdued. "I'm in love with Mayuyu."
She said it calmly, but surprising the others. Their eyes shot open as they looked at the Ace. Jurina and Takahashi's heart was broken into itsy bitsy peaces. Takahashi was about to cry, But...
"So?" the one on her left asked. Oshima was calm.
"It's just a guess that you guys liked me." Maeda made a shy grin, looking at the girls.
"Yeah, I love you. And I still do." Oshima smiled as well, surprising Maeda.
"But I..." she wasn't able to finish her sentence, because she felt a pair of lips take hers. Her eyes shot open as as she realized what had happened. She pushed her lightly.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YUKO?!" Maeda covered her lips, afraid and confused of what the squirrel just did.
"Who knows." Oshima grinned as she stepped outside. "You might be in love with Mayuyu, but that doesn't mean I'm considerate enough to just let you go just like that." she looked back at Maeda with a look which surprised the girl and even herself. "Because I'm selfish, Acchan."
As they look at the retreating figure of Oshima, Maeda felt another pair of lips took hers, this time, it was Jurina.
"I don't know what I'm doing and frankly, I don't care. I'm with Yuko on this. I mean, I even had to betray Rena for this. I won't be satisfied unless I have Maeda-senpai all to myself. So I'll make Maeda-senpai fall for me instead." she says confidently and hugged her. Maeda was lost as to what just happened. "I'm going to chase Yuko for now~" she playfully went outside.
Takahashi also went up to her but she didn't even try to kiss her. "I'm not as inconsiderate as the others, but you're probably in the wrong here, Acchan. You actually made all three of us fall for you." she looked at the helpless Maeda who was pondering on what Oshima meant. "You need to face the consequences, you know." Takahashi chuckled as she helped Maeda to get up. "Thanks, Mina-" before Maeda could finish her thanks, Takahashi finally kissed her on the lips, this time, it wasn't the playful kiss they usually did. After they parted with the blank Maeda still unsure of what had actually happened again, Takahashi spoke up "This is my reservation for what's to come, Acchan."
After Takahashi left, Maeda lost the strength on her knees again. Shinoda stood in front of her and smiled evilly.
"What? You're going to kiss me as well?" Maeda asked but didn't look up.
"Asked the girl that's blushing furiously." Shinoda teased.
"Shut up." Maeda covered her face, with her legs as she hugged them.
"Can't believe Acchan was so popular..." Kojima was lost as well.
"Wait, you just realized that?!" Akimoto was surprised for a different reason. Oh, Kojima, Kojima...
"You okay, Yuki?" Miyazawa asked the girl next to her who was looking mad.
"Of course not. Maeda-senpai, what did you mean you love Mayuyu?!" Kashiwagi was furious, even jealous perhaps.
"This is gonna need some time for me to explain... NyanNyan, stop glaring at me." Maeda sighed.
Near a lake, a lone Oshima sits and watched the scenery.
"Hey, Yuko. Feeling any better?" Suddenly, Jurina came up from behind and asked the girl.
"... You know I'm not..." Oshima's voice was faint.
"Urk..." a sobbing Takahashi also came up and sat next to Oshima.
"Look at the two who was so proud and mighty in front of Maeda-senpai just a few seconds ago." Jurina sighed while talking to particularly no one. "I wonder what we should do from now on..."
"Well, I'm gonna make advances on Acchan like there's no tomorrow." Oshima answered.
"Wait, you were really going to do it?!" Takahashi was surprised as she stopped crying.
"Of course. She already knows about my feelings so there's no use hiding it anymore. I'm going to do things to Acchan which would make you guys nosebleed just by imagining it..." Oshima says confidently.
"Wait, you already ARE nosebleeding." Jurina pointed out.
"Oh yea, sorry about that. Wait, you guys are, as well!" she looked and found out that the other two was also bleeding.
"Haha. So let's make a new promise." Takahashi stated.
"Hm? What kinda promise?" Jurina asked.
"No matter what happens, we'll never hand Acchan over to Mayuyu." Takahashi smiled.
"Huh? But that would change once any of us three and that girl will be the target next." Oshima pointed out.
"Then..." Takahashi pondered for a bit.
"We'll keep disturbing Acchan until she allows a harem!" Oshima suggested.
"What's with that...?" Takahashi was dumbfounded.
"Who cares~ Sounds fun~ I'm in!" Jurina agreed.
"Woot! Jurina's in~ Wetblanket Bakamina, your answer~?" Oshima asked.
"Yeah, your answer~" Jurina also asked.
Takahashi sighed as she saw the two's behavior. She already knew the answer long ago though.
She faked pondered and finally said it.
And that was the promise of the three in the shine of the moonlight.
[To be continued]That... was... tiring...
How the hell did that fit into just one chapter?!
Trust me, it won't actually turn into a harem. It's just some fun I'm having