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Zero Night – Part 3: The Malevolent Princess (Raven-hair girl POV) Wahh, it’s a very beautiful night and it so cold!!!! And I forgot to bring a jacket, such a mistake. It’s so windy that my raven hair was dancing on the wind.
I’m just walking on the uninhabitable street bringing a customized motorcycle-like gear Großes Messer, which is on my back, and modified Schweizer Säbel, which was I’m holding at.
I stop for a while as I sense something from near on me. Hmmm, it seems that the war between vampire and humans are already started. I also sense that the confrontation between werewolves and vampires are being held, but their assault is not over yet.
Unlike vampires and werewolves that have a class and ranks, humans do not. Instead the government creates a group of elite teams assigned for eliminating any hostiles that threats to the living things (not also the whole humanity), namely Special Operational Units Tactical Headquarters (SOUTH). This elite force is made of several highly-trained normal persons, some vampires (High-class) and werewolves (Alpha) who swore to protect any living creatures and also, Pureblood Humans.
Pureblood Humans are genetically-enhanced human beings that have enhanced traits, and their blood is pure human blood. They are stronger, higher endurance, faster regeneration, faster agility, very high spatial awareness, higher reflex, immune to diseases and higher proficiency to use weapons, unlike normal humans. In short, they are physically and mentally superior to normal humans. Their strength can on par on High-class Vampires, except on Purebloods depend on condition, and Beta Werewolves. They most respectable on the SOUTH forces as well as they are highly ranked.
Well back on the moment, I hide on the side of the building to see the battle scene. The humans, along with other vampires and werewolves who fighting with them, are barricading a building while defending it against a sudden increase of invading vampires that coming on them. It looks like they tending their injured comrades while the others are delivering ammunition.
I sense something terribly dangerous aura not so far away from me. Damn it, the Pureblood Vampires are finally come out on their burrows, in a very goddamn worst situation. I look at that area and I saw four Purebloods are coming at that building, four Purebloods, along with their servants. Wew, it looks like the humans are in grave situation now.
I ready now my two sabers, revving my first one while revolving my second one, and went on the battlefield.
(POV ended)---------------------------------------------------
As the humans are protecting their injured comrades, they are having a hard time against the numerous bloodsucking vampires that coming on them.
Even they have a High-class Vampires and Beta Werewolves that fighting along with them, it seems that they are tired too from the endless invasion.
One of the High-class Vampire was running on the Pureblood Human twin-ponytail girl.
“Colonel Watanabe, the vampires are decreasing a little bit but our ammunition are reaching to be empty now.” The vampire said.
“Tsk, it’s only getting worst. Can you hold it a little longer while we tend your kind?” The Colonel said.
“Yes maam.” The vampire went back on the position.
The Colonel went on the nearly destroyed dinner room where their injured comrades are tending. She went on the girl who waters the injured vampire with blood pack.
“Myao, what’s the situation?” The Colonel asked.
“Mayuyu, it seems that their injuries are not deeper, even that normal humans will regain their consciousness very long. As of vampires and werewolves, although they will quickly regenerate, they will need a food to increase their regeneration rate.” Myao explained.
“We really need reinforcement. Kitarie, Haruppi, Milky, Sayanee!” Mayuyu shouted, calling her fellow Pureblood Humans.
“What is it, Mayuyu?” Kitarie asked.
“We need to fortify more of this building until our reinforcement to come. Captain Haruppi, go on the rooftop, check where those vampires come. Major Sayanee, we need your psychic ability to map this area, I want to know where the least vampireless route shall the reinforcement come. Colonel Kitarie and Colonel Milky, you two will come to me.” Mayuyu said.
“Ma’am, yes, Ma’am” Sayanee and Haruppi said. They salute on the three and went on their objective.
As the three Colonels went to the front line, one of their High-class Vampire was suddenly appearing behind of them.
“Ma’am’s, we are now in grave danger.” The vampire said.
“What do you mean?” Kitarie asked. Then they felt a massive murderous aura coming on them.
“I know what are you saying, Amina.” Milky said to the vampire.
“Tsk, of all of the places, why are they here?” Mayuyu asked as they rushing on the front line where several humans, vampires and werewolves are there, wondering why are their enemies are retreating.
“Don’t be fool guys; I know that you felt it.” Kitarie said.
They’re watching on the slightly foggy area, where that aura was found.
“Tsk, Pureblood Vampires.” Mayuyu gritted her teeth.
“Wow, it seems you already notice our presence ehh.” A voice was heard. Then the four figures revealed on the slightly foggy area.
“FOUR! We’re really in very grave danger.” Kitarie said.
“Indeed, this place will become your grave.” Another voice was heard. The four figures revealed they are girls, one is in boyish-haircut, another one is in right-side ponytail, another one is a midget, and another one is a tall one.
“Miyazawa Sae, Sashihara Rino and Mariko Shinoda, and wost of all, Oshima Yuko.” Amina said while her knees are shaking.
“So, there are many traitorous vampires are here, aside from Takamina, Miichan and my beloved Nyannyan ehh.” Yuko chuckled.
“I want to rip them apart. Oh I love the scream they will produce; it’s just like a very good melody to my ears.” Sasshi said.
“They have also many werewolves in here eh; I like to make them into my dinner.” Mariko licked her mouth.
The vampires and werewolves are angrily growling at them, although their body is slightly shaking due to their fear. Suddenly, Mayuyu jumps over of the barricade and went 15 meters on them while Kitarie and Milky following her.
“Oh, looks like we have a tasty meal in front of us.” Sae commented.
“Those vampires are not traitors to your kind; they just want to stop you from making us slaves. These vampires have a right to living with humans too.”
“Tsk, living with you? All of the humans are nothing but a bunch of fragile weaklings. And all of you are our blood supplier to us.” Yuko said.
“We don’t give our blood to you willingly. You have to take it with force.”
“So be it.” Their eyes are glowing in bloody-red.
“Get ready guys, they bring their servants in here. Protect that building at all cost.” Kitarie commanded.
“Yes, Ma’am.” All of the humans, vampires and werewolves comply.
“Let’s do this.” Milky said. Mayuyu readies her nunchaku. Kitarie armed herself with chakram. Milky put her two knuckle dagger on each of her hand. Mayuyu attacks Sae and Yuko, Kitarie with Sasshi and Mariko with Milky.
Sae was blocking it using her shamshir and Yuko using scimitar. Sae was trying to punch Mayuyu but she dodges it and using her nunchaku to revolve around Sae’s arm and slamming her on the ground. Sae hissed the pain while she saw that Mayuyu preparing the finishing blow at her but Yuko blocks it effortlessly. Mayuyu glared at Yuko which she replies it with a smile. Then Yuko fastly slashing Mayuyu but due to high reflex, she dodges it gracefully.
Kitarie and Sasshi were attacking while evading at the same time. Sasshi replying by barrage of swinging her Wodao at Kitarie but she blocks it using her chakram. Then she spinning kicks Sasshi’s face and dropkicking on her. Sasshi stumbled back. She wipes her bleeding mouth using the back of her hand.
“Not bad human, but this time will be your end.” Sasshi runs at Kitarie.
“Bring it on!” Kitarie charges at Sasshi.
Milky tries to attack Mariko with her knuckle dagger but the tall girl only dodges all of the assaults. Mariko slashes Milky with her wakizashi but Milky blocks successfully. Milky swiftly went behind on Mariko, causing the girl surprised at that moment. Milky delivers a barrage of slashes on Mariko’s back. In rage, Mariko was trying to slash her but Milky knew it and back away several meters.
“You’re tough, vampire.” Milky amused.
“I’m not an ordinary vampire whom you’re fighting for, human.” Mariko said.
“While you are busying fighting us, have you forgotten something’s missing?” Yuko smirked. Mayuyu understood what the vampire said as she gritted her teeth.
“Damn you!” Mayuyu pushed Yuko as she went on the barricaded building but she was blocked by Sae.
“Hey! Don’t block my way!” Mayuyu shouted.
“Too late your dearly comrades will be our meal now.” Sae laugh evilly.
“Colonel don’t worry about us, we can handle this!” Amina shouted.
The vampires are surrounding the front line now. The werewolves are prepared to transform while their eyes glowed electric-blue. While Amina and her fellow vampires revealed their fang as their eyes glowed bloody-red. They are now preparing to worst.
Mayuyu, Kitarie and Milky stop from their doing as well as Yuko, Sae, Sasshi and Mariko, even Amina felt it too.
A wind of dust was blowing on the front of the barricade line, where the most of the enemy vampires are. Then a sound of slicing flesh and multiple howl was heard. When the wind of dust half disappeared, reveals several corpse of vampires while some of them are turned into dust. Amina, Myao and the others surprised at that scene.
“They are suddenly vanished.” Amina said.
Even Mayuyu Kitarie and Milky are amazed.
“Wow, it is very clean.” Kitarie whispered.
“Who did this? Who are you? Show yourself!” Yuko angrily shout.
They hear a several steps coming from the wind of dust. When the wind of dust finally disappeared, revealing the girl. She’s wearing a school seifuku. She’s holding two sabers, the large one on her right hand and the small one on her left hand. Her scabbards were put, one on her back and one on her right waist. Her raven hair was blown by the wind, flowing on the air.
Her steps are not constantly change as she walks nearer on them.
(Raven-hair POV) Finally, I manage to slice them out before they went on the barricade. I sensed the eyes of my spectators are looking at my direction as I walk on the three humans. I put my Schweizer Säbel back on the scabbard, in my right waist. Then I wave at the ponytail-hair girl
“Hi.” The three humans replied to me with a nod.
“Hey, speak something.” I pouted. I can see that the ponytail-hair girl cannot resist my cuteness.
“Are you the one who did that?” A girl holding a chakram asked to me while pointing her hand at the dusted area.
“Who do you think it is?” I replied it with a question.
“Ehh, but it was so clean.” A girl with dual knuckle dagger said.
“Of course I like clean places, so I volunteer myself to be cleaner.” I smiled at her.
My instinct tells me that something’s coming. I position my Großes Messer my back, not putting it on my scabbard. Then I heard a metal clashing, two metal clashing. I smirked at that moment as the three humans widened their eyes.
“So, you’re the one who did that right?” Yuko said (that’s what I heard from the vampire girl.
“I want very clear place, so I dispatch trashes. Oshima Yuko, that was your name right?” I smiled.
I pushed my saber makes the two back away from my distance.
“You know it’s so unfair that you fighting them with numbers. Four of you versus three that was imbalance you know?” I said to them.
“We don’t need a balance fight, we’re fighting dirty. But since you’re here, I assumed that this is fair now.” Sae said to me. What a fool.
“Ok, I will fight Miyazawa Sae. You, ponytail-hair girl, will fight Oshima Yuko. You, the one holding chakram and the one using knuckle dagger, you can continue fighting them.” I commanded on them.
“You don’t order me around, girl. But since I’m at disadvantage little while ago, ok I will fight Oshima.” The ponytail- hair girl said.
“Let’s go.” The ponytail-hair girl said. Then we charge now to our respective opponents.
I charged at Sae by putting my Großes Messer in my left and wide swinging at her but Sae blocking it on the right using her shamshir. I tried again, wide swing on the right but she blocks it on her left.
“No matter the powerful your swing, it’s useless on me. I’m a vampire you know.” Sae mocked on me.
“I know, that’s why I’m gonna using this.” I position myself in Iai sword-drawing formation. I revved the handle, causing the sword vibrates slightly as the sound of revving motorcycle escapes on the air. I sensed that the four vampires surprised at that moment, and also to the three humans.
“Your sword, has a sound of revved motorcycle?” The ponytail-hair girl asked to me as she surprised.
“I will explain it later on.” I said to her, she nodding at me and continue on her fight. Then I continue to rev my sword. When I revved it 20 times, I smirked at her.
“You said it’s useless on you since you’re vampire right? Then how about this?” I over-revved my sword as I swing at her widely. The swing was so fast and very powerful that after she blocks that, she’s being thrown away 20 meters from me. Her back was landed on the ground and skidding away. Luckily she stop her sliding by stabbing her sword on the ground. Then she glared at me and gritted her teeth.
I fastly revved my sword and rushes on Yuko. As I widely swing at her she dodge it, although she felt the pressurized shockwave that released on the blade, she back away from me. I revved my sword again and this time, I slamming my sword on the ground, creating a focused shockwave that moving on Mariko. Milky saw that and flash stepping away so that she will not caught by the blast. Mariko dodges my wave, only the bundle of hair in her bangs was cut. I do the same on Sasshi, but she dodges it also, completely dodge.
The three humans went on me as they raised their weapons in case that the four vampires are rushing at us.
“You…” Yuko said while her teeth gritted in anger.
“Do you like some?” I smiled. I stab my sword on the ground as I slowly rev my motorcycle-like gear shifter sword, wanting to piss them off. Before they will charge on us, I and the three humans beside me sense a dangerous aura coming from somewhere. This makes also stop the four from rushing at us.
“Tsk, we’ve been called by our master.” Sae said. Then they are looking at us.
“This is not over yet. We will meet again.” Yuko said to me.
“Meeting us again and you’re a dead meet now.” I replied to them.
“You’re lucky because we’re being called. Next time, we will not so easy on you.” Sasshi said. Then they are disappeared into thin air.
“Wew, that’s was close.” I put my weapon on the scabbard which is on my back.
“Thank you for saving my friends on there.” The ponytail-hair girl said.
“Nah, it was my decision to help. Besides the battle between werewolves and vampires are over too.” I said to them.
“And who are the winners?” The girl holding a knuckle dagger asked.
“Actually there is no winner. But I assumed that the vampires are retreated for a while because of the werewolf’s reinforcement.
“By the way, we will introduce ourselves. I’m Colonel Watanabe Mayu, this is Colonel Kitahara Rie and this is Colonel Watanabe Miyuki. Uhmm, basically I and Milky are sisters.” I nodded at her.
“Wow, your sword was very interesting. How did it has a sound of a motorcycle?” Kitarie asked.
“Uhmm, this sword was customized with motorcycle-like gear shifter on the hilt and modified with titanium/stainless steel alloy. Revving the handle increases the speed and power of the sword. Over-revving can cause overpowering strength and speed of my sword.” I explained.
“But you know over-revving the motorcycle can damage the engine right?” Milky asked.
“Don’t worry about that, my sword was installed with damage limiter so that even I over-revving it too much, the engine of my sword will not break. And besides this engine was made for over-revving purpose and this sword was design to remove the limits that could cause breakage.” I explained.
“Sugoi! This is the product of bleeding-edge technology now. Oh I have always dreamt to have that kind of thing.” Kitarie said.
“Now now, there’s no time to dreaming on. We need to help our injured comrades first. By the way can we know your name?” Mayuyu asked.
“Uhmmm, mayber later on. You said you need to take care of your friends first right?” I said.
“You’re right. So, will you help us?” Mayuyu asked to me.
“Sure.” I said. Then we walk now on the barricaded building.
I will introduce myself…
Kashiwagi Yuki desu, born in Kagoshima, Kagoshima… July 15, 1700… 313 years old….
Alpha Halfblood and Werewolf-Human Hybrid… Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu…
To Be Continued (Ending of Part 3 and Ending of Zero Night)