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Author Topic: Shikyo Taisen [Bleach-themed Fic]: Chapter 8 (01/26/14)  (Read 26364 times)

Offline Minamiyuki

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Shikyo Taisen [Bleach-themed Fic]: Chapter 8 (01/26/14)
« on: September 07, 2013, 09:13:23 PM »
Hello guys~!!!!! This is my third fanfic.... BTW, this is NO-PAIRING FANFIC, so don't be expect to have a romance in here... Just a pure action.... So please ENJOY READING~!!!!!

Shikyo Taisen



   There is a great war happens everywhere. The war between the being who loses their hearts to despair or regret, the being who governs death and the being who has a ability to detect the nonphysical objects. Unlike the other wars like World War I and II, this war is invisible to our naked eyes. Only the gifted ones are capable to see this terrible battle. According on history, this war was occurred thousand years ago. Until today, it still continues. This war will never end until each of them is annihilated.

   The story revolves to the four girls who have a very unique gifted power, so unique that they can able to battle these three beings. But their powers was underdeveloped, still they can able to protect themselves against this war. Can these girls will able to stop this war that will destroys the whole world if left undisturb?

   A girl was seen standing with her seifuku uniform, and her two swords crossed each other, pointing straight. Her aura suddenly erupts and shouts very loudly.



To be Continued

Do you like it??? Or I should stop this???? COMMENT IF YOU HAVE TIME~!!!!  :) :) :)
« Last Edit: January 27, 2014, 05:05:14 AM by Minamiyuki »
(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
Kumiyuri X Mayuki X Wmatsui X Atsumina X Furuyanagi X Kojiyuu

My Full Series Fics:
GunSword Series (On-going) | Need for Speed: Fast Forward (On-going) | Night Shift Series (On-hiatus) | Shikyo Taisen Series (On-going) | Shichitenshi Gakuen (On-hiatus)

Offline cisda83

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Re: Shikyo Taisen (No Pairings): Prologue (09/07/13)
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2013, 12:25:08 AM »

As like in 'bleach'

Anyhow.., interesting start there

Can't wait to see the next

Thank you

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Minamiyuki

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Re: Shikyo Taisen (No Pairings): Chapter 1 (09/09/13)
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2013, 05:21:00 AM »
Hello guys~!!!! I hope you like this non-pairing fanfic... so ENJOY READING~!!!!

Chapter 1

   (Someone’s POV)

        “Onee-chan!! Wake up now!!! You will be late at your school!!” My sister knocks on my door.

   That disturbs my beautiful dream. I’m almost there, almost there. Looking at that clock, it says 6:00 a.m. and my class was 8:00 a.m. Wow, late? Since when did I late at my class? Every day I went there too early!!! Please give me some sleep; I’m having a hard time on my Mathematics assignment last night.

   Giving up, I immediately shoot out of the bed and clean all of my mess in my room. After my whole room was shiny, I went to bathroom and take a bath. I change my clothes to school uniform. I’m looking myself at the mirror, ensuring that it’s all set.


   I went to the dining/kitchen and saw my adorable sister and my mother, eating there breakfast.

   “Ahh, Onee-chan. Ohayo” My sister said.

   “Ohayo, Haruppi.” I greeted to her.

   “Honey, did you have a good sleep?” My mother asked.

   “Either good or worse. I have to finish my homework. And I slept at 11:00 p.m.” I replied.

   “Then why I saw something gloomy aura on you?”

   “It’s because my beautiful dream was disturbed by my cute but annoying sister.” I pouted. Then I went to the table for eating my breakfast.

   “You always have a beautiful dream.” Haruppi said while eating.

   “But this dream is more adorable than last time.”

   “Enough of your chat of your dream, you will gonna late at your school.” My mother said while eating.

   “Mom, we are always too early. We can’t be late at this.” I replied to her.

   “But isn’t it just better, that you will be there at the right time?” I only sighed at her statement.

   “How is your kenjutsu club activity?” Wow, she suddenly changes the topic.

   “It’s fine; still my swordsmanship skills didn’t vanish.” I answer.

   “While I and your sister can hold only one sword, you are dual wielding. What’s more is that you holding two twenty- seven inch swords.” My mother said.

   “I’m comfortable at that, Mom. I feel that I can able to defend myself at that. I can able to change from pure offense to offense-defense and to pure defense.” I said to them.

   “Well I’m so proud that my daughter has that skill. I think you can able to fend off some Hollows.” My mother said.

   “What’s with those Hollows? How could they here at this world?” I and Haruppi simultaneously asked.

   “When the human dies, their souls will depart from the body. Their Chain of Fate has severed, meaning they can’t able to get back to their own body. That soul, with their chains broken, can able to freely but that also causes the chain to slowly corrode. They are known as Pluses. The pluses must send to Soul Society by Shinigami before their chains corrode entirely. If their chains are completely corroded before they are sent, they will turn into hollows. They’re here because they need to feed souls thanks to their insatiable hunger, to fill their void inside.” We nod at her explanation.

   “Well ladies, is it that you will go to school now?” My mother smiled. Then we run on the door and put our shoes.


   “Haruppi, we will go on separate way. Ja, mata ne.” I said as I walk on the right side of our house.

   “Mata ne, onee-chan.” Haruppi went on the other side.

   My name is Maeda Atsuko, second-year senior high school student and member of Kenjutsu club. My sister there is Maeda Haruka and she’s annoying but cute sister. Just like my mother said, I’m a dual wielding swordswoman. And yes, I saw everything that the naked eyes didn’t, including the Hollows and Shinigamis. It’s because I possess an immense amount of spiritual energy, which is very unique to a human beings. Because of that spiritual energy, I’ve develop a spiritual powers that I can able to defend myself against Hollows and other bad spirits by channeling it to my sword. And you thought that I’m the only one who possesses this? I don’t think so.

   At the street not too far from our school, I saw my bestfriends waiting for me. Like me, they possess an immense amount of spiritual energy. They can also fend off some Hollows. They are members of Kenjutsu club, same as mine. And also, we are on the same class.

   I went through them and say hello.

   “Ohayo gozaimasu.”

   “Ohayo gozaimasu.” They greeted me back.

   “Ne Acchan, how’s your homework?” My friend, Matsui Rena, asked.

   “It’s worse than I thought.” I sighed.

   “I told you. It was really, really hard.” Kashiwagi Yuki said.

   “Nyaa~~, let’s go now to our class so we can buy a new sword. My sword’s nearly to reach its expiration date.” Yagami Kumi said.

   “And since when the sword reaches its expiration date?” I narrowed my eyes.

   “You know when it will rust after a period of time.” Kumi smiled at me. We’ve chit-chat for a while as we walk to the school 100 meters from us.

   “So how’s fending off the Hollows?” I asked to them.

   “Worse. They’re keeping coming to me.” Yukirin said.

   “Looks like all of us are on the same boat.” Rena smiled.

   “We are on the same club, but our styles were different.” Kumi said.

   “You’re right. Mine is Nitoujutsu (dual-sword style), Yukirin is Iaijutsu (sword-drawing style), Rena is Ittoujutsu (one-sword style) and Kumi is Hirazuki (horizontal stabbing style).” I said.

   While were chatting, we heard a school bell rings, signaling that the class will be start later.

   “Come on let’s go.” And we run very fast to the school.

   Finally, we reach to our classroom. Then we went to our respective seats. But something’s not right.

   “Yokatta, I thought that we are late now.” Rena said.

   “Hey guys, do you think that something’s not right?” I asked.

   “What is it?” Yuki asked to me.

   “How long did we get from the school gate to the front of our class?” I asked.

   “I don’t know.” Kumi said.

   “My record is 3 seconds.” Rena said.

   “3 seconds? Since when did we run fast?” I asked.

   Before they answer my question, suddenly our teacher comes in to our class, boring Science class.

   Waiting until our class ends since its 5:00 p.m., come on now, finish this class.

   Finally, the bell rings signifies it dismissal now.

   As we prepare my things, Rena and my friends went to me.

   “Come on nyaa~~, there’s a new sword store five blocks from here.” Kumi excitedly said.

   “Alright, alright let’s go now.”

   15 minutes we reach to the new sword store that Kumi said.

   Then we’re in front of an old looking Japanese-style sword store. I don’t think that’s a new shop.

   “Let’s get inside.” All of us said it.

   As we enter to the sword store, we we’re greeted by a husky voice.


   “Jii-san, we want swords for the four persons please~!!!” Kumi asked.

   “Good, this is the right place that you were looking for.” Then a middle-aged man went on us.

   “Come, I want to show my collections so I could give to you freely.”

   “Uhmm, sir. Why free?” Rena asked.

   “It’s because the sword that I give to all of you isn’t a normal sword.” The middle-aged man said.

   “What do you mean?” Yuki confusingly asked.

   “I sense that all of you are having a tremendous spiritual energy. Because your fathers are pureblood Shinigami, so you four are half-human and half-shinigami. You need not normal swords, but a Zanpakuto.” He said.

   “But why sir and how did you know about our fathers?” It was my turn to ask.

   “I know about your fathers since I’m the creator of all the Zanpakuto that they’re using. By my permission of giving a Zanpakutou to all of you, you’re a now a Shinigami with human body. And also you can able to fight the hollows.” He said. Then the man walks to long, large chest and opens it, revealing many swords with different color hilts and guard shapes.

   “Don’t ask me why I know all of your names. I told you that I know all of your fathers.”

   “This is for you Maeda Atsuko. And I know you are dual-wielding style user.” He gives me a two katanas, one with navy blue hilt and four-sided diamond-shaped guard, and one with scarlet red hilt and two-pointed leaf-shaped guard and white sheath.

   “This is for you Kashiwagi Yuki. I know that you are sword-drawing style user.” He gives to Yuki a katana with indigo hilt, six-pointed snowflake-shaped bronze-colored guard and gray sheath.

   “This is for you Matsui Rena. I know that you are one-sword wielding style user.” He gives to Rena a katana with jade green hilt, round-shaped silver-colored guard and azure blue sheath.

   “And also this is for you Yagami Kumi. I know that you are horizontal stabbing style user.” He gives to Kumi a katana with yellow hilt, circle-like double crescent-shaped guard and black sheath with ribbon in there.

   “Now that you have a Zanpakuto, I’m sure that you can able to eliminate the hollows too easy. And by the way, your fathers said that this is their birthday gift for you.” He smiled.

   “Thank you very much sir.” We said while in confusion state.

   “You must know that what you holding is a Zanpakuto in a sealed state. To release its true power, you must know the name of your own Zanpakuto.”

   “Well that was my tutorial for you. By the way, that’s free so you don’t need to bring money to me.” He smiled.

   Then we went out to the sword store, bringing our own armament with confusing looks. Before we walk on the street, the old man called us.

   “Hey, are you gonna walk to the public holding that? You may cause some commotion in there. Here have these sword bags so you can hide your Zanpakuto in there.” The he give us of each sword bag.

        “Then see you later girls.” He waved at as and went inside to his store, still leaving us with confusion.

To be Continued


Dou??? Shall I still continue this???  :) :) :)
(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
Kumiyuri X Mayuki X Wmatsui X Atsumina X Furuyanagi X Kojiyuu

My Full Series Fics:
GunSword Series (On-going) | Need for Speed: Fast Forward (On-going) | Night Shift Series (On-hiatus) | Shikyo Taisen Series (On-going) | Shichitenshi Gakuen (On-hiatus)

Offline blakwhite

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Re: Shikyo Taisen (No Pairings): Chapter 1 (09/09/13)
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2013, 09:43:26 AM »
yessss  :w00t:
continue pls  :D

Offline White Hawk

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Re: Shikyo Taisen (No Pairings): Chapter 1 (09/09/13)
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2013, 01:33:33 PM »
Yes Yes Yes!!! Please continue :D
I like Bleach! ^^ And I like Acchan, Rena, Yuki, and Kumi too..  XD

Offline AshuraX

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Re: Shikyo Taisen (No Pairings): Chapter 1 (09/09/13)
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2013, 01:35:43 PM »
That's one weird guy XD
Though I don't read Bleach~

Offline cisda83

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Re: Shikyo Taisen (No Pairings): Chapter 1 (09/09/13)
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2013, 04:08:59 PM »
Interesting... Atsuko, kumi, Rena, Yuki

What kind of adventures are they going to come across?

Can't wait

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Amakuchi

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Re: Shikyo Taisen (No Pairings): Chapter 1 (09/09/13)
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2013, 03:56:28 PM »
UNCLE~! UPDATE! m(_ _)m

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Offline Minamiyuki

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Re: Shikyo Taisen (No Pairings): Chapter 2 (09/13/13)
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2013, 12:02:08 PM »
Thank you for the comments... Here's the Chapter 2.. ENJOY READING~!!!!


Chapter 2: The Spatial Flame and Temporal Wind
(Normal POV)
The beam of the sun makes her slumber time over and opens her eyes. She looks at her surroundings then locking her eyes to the black sword bag leaning to her computer table. She remembers the all about inside that bag.
You must know that what you holding is a Zanpakuto in a sealed state. To release its true power, you must know the name of your own Zanpakuto.
“So what my father said all about it was true.” She said.
She shoots out on her bed and prepares her things. After that, she eats her breakfast, still along with her annoying but cute sister. Then she runs fast to her school, still aware that her speed was not normal.
“5 seconds.”
“Ohayo Acchan!!” A raven-haired girl greets her.
“Ohayo Yukirin.” She replied. Then they saw the other two walking through them.
“Ohayo Acchan, Yukirin.” The two greets to them.
“Ohayo Rena, Kumi.” The two replied.
“So we still bring our newly sword eh.” Rena smiled.
“I’m curious about it. My father tells me about this sword but I thought it was just a fantasy in a story book.” Yukirin said.
“Sou desu ne~~” Kumi replied with her last very long accent.
“It’s true; my father shows me his own one. I was amazed by it.” Rena said.
“But according to the jii-chan, they only released its true power if we know of its name.” Acchan said.
“It’s not fair that Acchan has two swords while ours only one.” Yukirin pouted.
“Don’t be jealous, you know it’s my swordplay. But someday you will have also two swords just like me.” Acchan smiled.
“Yukirin no kawaii desu ne~~” Kumi said still in very long accent. They heard the school bell rings.
“Come on, the class has started.” Yukirin said. Then they walk to their respective seats, bringing their sword bag.
After a long boring two subjects, accordingly to them, they have a 35 minutes lunch break. They went to the cherry blossom tree that was standing beside of the building.
“Itadakimasu~!!!” And they brought out their lunch bento.
“Oishi~!!! I like my lunch now.” Yukirin smiled.
“Sou desu ne~~~.” Kumi said.
While their talking about their meals, Acchan faintly hears the whisper coming from her ears.
Acchan” After she heard that faint whisper, Acchan then look from elsewhere. Her friends were still busy of chat.
“Hey guys, did you hear something?” Acchan said.
“What is it?” Yukirin asked.
“I heard a faint whisper, like someone was calling to me.” She replied.
“Maybe your boyfriend was calling to you. You didn’t say anything ehh~~.” Kumi smirked.
“Funny. But it’s not a man’s voice, it’s a girl. And it’s not one but two.” Acchan narrowed her eyes.
“Maybe it’s your fans.” Rena said.
“I don’t have fans. But seriously that creep me a lot.”
“Maybe it’s a ghost.” Yukirin shivered.
“If that’s a ghost, we could kick him out. Remember, we can see and touch non-physical objects right?” Rena said.
“Maybe you’re hungry Acchan, come on let’s eat now.” Yukirin said.
Before they finished their lunch, an explosion suddenly blast on the other side of their school.
“Come on now, let me finish my lunch. Ah, my bento was empty.” Kumi said.
“No time for joke, Kumi. I sense a spiritual energy coming from the explosion.” Rena said
“You’re right. I sensed it too. It’s not a normal spiritual energy. It looks like —” Kumi said. They look at each other and widened their eyes.
“HOLLOWS, IN OUR SCHOOL?!?!” They shout simultaneously.
“Wait a minute, why in the world the hollows are here?” Yukirin half-shouted.
“At this rate, they will eat our teacher and classmates and —“ Kumi confused.
“Can you please keep your head calm down~! Worrying much won’t solve a problem.” Acchan said.
“Five hollows, Adjuchas-class.” Rena said.
“Adjuchas??? They’re higher than Gillian~!!” Yukirin said.
“Wait a minute. And it looks like another spiritual energy fighting these hollows.” Rena said.
“It’s a Shinigami, I know their spiritual energy compares to Quincies and Hollows. And base on its energy, it’s a girl.” Acchan said.
“Guys I think we should go there. Five Adjuchas-class Hollows versus a single Shinigami girl? That’s a suicide.” Yukirin said.
“You’re right, let’s go.” Rena said.
“Chotto matte, Rena you said that we run from the school gate to our classroom in just three seconds?” Kumi said.
“Yeah?” Rena said.
“Well basically that’s a type of short distance teleportation or known for it as flash-step. It’s a dash of how fast will you reach from point A to point B in split-second. Only with a spiritual energy can able to perform it. The flash-step of Shinigami called Shunpo (Instantaneous Step), On Hollows called Sonido (Sound) and Quincies called Hirenkyaku (Flying Screen Step).” Kumi explained.
"And how will you called on ours?” Yukirin said.
“Because we’re not Quincy and Hollows so it may be not called as Hirenkyaku or Sonido. We can’t be called it a Shunpo cause we’re not a pureblood Shinigami, we’re a Humans with Shinigami blood and power. Aside from that, Sonido has a booming sound, Hirenkyaku has a swirling sound and Shunpo has a screeching or silent sound, ours look like a slashing sound. So I think we can call it as Shukuchi (Reduced Earth).” Kumi smiled.
“Wow, that’s a very good name. So how could we use that Shukuchi?” Yukirin said.
“It’s easy; either you push your foot to the ground for dash or think that you need to be very fast.” Kumi advised.
“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go.” Acchan said. They blurred for a while and suddenly they vanished. In just a split-second, they arrived at their destination, which is on the backyard.
“Wow, we’re really that fast eh...” Rena said.
“Look.” Acchan pointed. Not from their far side, a ponytail girl with black hakama and holding a sword was fighting five large Adjuchas-class Hollows.
“Damn it, these Hollows are not very easy, as expected from Adjuchas-class.” The girl said.
“Shinigami girl, surrender now peacefully and we will give you a painless death as we eat you.” The red one said.
“You wish, I will not be your lunch.” The girl put her middle finger on the face of Hollows.
“You stupid Shinigami, you should learn of your manners. I will gonna kill you now.” The green one dashed on the girl. The girl release her Zanpakuto.
“Bloom, Benizakura (Crimson Cherry Blossom)~!” The girl shouts, activating her Zanpakuto’s Shikai, then the blade of her sword turning into red color.
“So your Shikai turns the color of your sword into red. What will do on us, painting with red?” The blue one laughs.
“It’s not about that. In this form, I can turn spiritual powers into blood.” She smirks.
“Ryuuketsunami~! (Bloody wave)” The girl hurls a bloody-red waveslash to the five surprised Hollows. They avoid it but the last one’s caught the wave. It hits on the Hollows whole body including its mask, destroying the Hollow in process.
“Tsk, this girl is very dangerous. We should kill her now.” The red one said.
“Let me do it. I, Verde, shall kill this Shinigami.” Then the green one, suddenly vanished and appears behind the Shinigami girl.
“What?” Before she can react, the Hollow slaps his hand on her, sending the girl to the wall.
“Damn, I didn’t expect that.” Her eyes widened when she saw the green one charging a huge amount of spiritual energy from its mouth.”
“Shit, that Hollow’s firing a Cero to me. My injured foot isn’t moving now that I can’t able to use Shunpo away from that.” She only looks at that Hollow, that’s already fired.
“Goodbye, Onee-chan.” She closed her eyes. Then after a while, nothing happens which the Shinigami girl’s in confusion state. When she opens her eyes, she’s surprised of what she saw
Before the Cero coming from her, Acchan blocks the Cero with her two unnamed Zanpakuto which surprised the watching Hollows. Then beside her, Kumi prepares her horizontal stabbing stance.
“Hizakiri: Yari no Dokubari (Horizontal Stabbing: Spear Stinger)“ Kumi dashes forward, stabbing on Hollow’s leg, causing the Hollow to stop his Cero from firing as it drops from the pain.
“Daijobu desu ka, Shinigami-chan?” Rena said.
“I’m fine. Wait a minute, how did you saw me?” The girl asked.
“Well, we can’t explain it in a clearly manner.” Yukirin said.
“Really, all of the sudden, someone’s calling on me now.” Acchan said.
“Not now Acchan. What’s your name, Shinigami-chan?” Rena asked.
“Kizaki Yuria, 10th division lieutenant.” The girl introduced.
“You’re lieutenant? So that’s why your spiritual powers are that great.” Kumi said.
“How did you able to hurt the Hollow?” The girl said.
“We have this.” Yukirin shows to Yuria their swords.
“You have a Zanpakuto?” All of them noddded.
“But we don’t know the name of our Zanpakuto.” Kumi said.
“Souka.” Yuria said.
“Guys, I’m serious right now. Someone’s calling to me.” Acchan half-shouted to them.
“Then who’s calling on you?” Yukirin said.
“I don’t know~!!!” Acchan shouts.
“Maybe, it’s your Zanpakuto was calling on you.” Yuria said.
“My Zanpakuto? Was calling to me?” Acchan said.
“They’re calling on you because they want to reach you.” Yuria said.
“Wait if my deduction was right? Calling on you was equivalent to knowing its name right?” Yuria nods at Kumi’s deduction.
“Before you know the name, you must communicate with your Zanpakuto. And before you communicate them, you must go to their inner world.” Yuria said. On the same time, Rena went to the four remaining Hollows to give some their time.
“Go to their inner world? How we gonna do that?” Before Yuria could explain, the blue Hollow went through them.
“Kumi, protect Yuria” Yukirin said.
“Gotcha~!” Kumi said.
“How did you all get a Zanpakuto?” Yuria asked.
“Let’s just say we’re very special.” Kumi smiled at her, Making Yuria blushed.
The blue Hollow fires a Cero on Acchan, only she slashes the blast into two.
“You’re strong despite being a human, and you have a tremendous spiritual energy coming from your body.” The blue Hollow said.
“My body? You’re hentai.” Acchan in bored tone.
“Joke’s over my dear, I, Azul, will gonna eat you alive.” The blue Hollow dashes to Acchan very fast. Acchan feels the kick from her back as she crashes to the ground.
“Damn it, that Hollow bastard was so fast.” She said. Acchan then dodges an incoming Cero. Acchan fastly appears behind the blue Hollow. The she swing her sword very wide, that the Hollow feel it’s fain coming from his back.
Acchan” She heards it again the whisper.
“Tsk, this hollow was unexpectedly very difficult, more difficult than the hollow I’d been faced.” From her surprised, she caught a blast of Cero coming from her right side.
“Acchan~!!!” Yukirin and Rena shouted.
“Tsk, that Cero.” Acchan only barely stands, using her Zanpakuto as support.
“Any last words, human?” The blue Hollow charges the Cero from his mouth. Yukirin and Rena can’t able to help Acchan because of other Hollow’s distraction. Even Kumi cannot able to help her too because another Hollow was blocking on her. Then the blue Hollow fires his Cero at Acchan.
Acchan” Then the whole world suddenly stops, even the Cero stops. Acchan thinks why she’s the only one who moves. Then the whole place suddenly blacks out as her eyes closes.
Acchan opens her eyes as she looks at her surroundings.
“Where am I?” Acchan asks herself. She’s sitting on a hill fields full of flowers and a tree standing on the top of the hill. Below to the hill is a river.
“This is your inner world, Acchan.” Acchan turn around to find that voice. She saw two girls, one tall girl with red and white seifuku while the slightly short girl with blue and white seifuku.
“Wait a minute, that’s my third-year junior high school self and my sixth grading elementary self.”Acchan said.
“Acchan~!!” The short one runs on Acchan and hugs her while the tall one only walks.
“We’ve been calling you many times.” The short girl said.
“So you two are the one who calling on me.” Acchan said as she rubs the short girl’s hair.
“You two are my younger version, but that uniform? I don’t have one.”
“Oh this uniform? It only symbolizes your personality.” The tall one said.
“My personality?”
“I’m the repulsive one and this girl is the reckless one.” The taller girl smiled.
“I’m not reckless~!!” The short girl shouted.
“Well it seems that I’m in my inner world, so in short.” Acchan then looks at her two Zanpakuto spirits.
“Yes, you’re right. Of all the Zanpakuto’s, you Acchan, Yukirin, Rena and Kumi are very different from the others. And you’re the only one who has a Zanpakuto with different names.” The short girl explained.
“And knowing about you activates the constant-release Shikai form. Is that right?” Acchan said.
“You’re right. You’re Zanpakuto will not able to change back to its sealed state. Just like the rest of your friends when they know the name of theirs.” The taller girl said.
“Well, Acchan, it looks like you need to come back now.” The short girl said.
“You’re right. Thanks to you two.” Acchan hugs them which they replied it also with a hug.
“Now then, may I know of your names now?” Acchan smiled. The two smiled also to her.
“Our name is—“
Going back to the real world, Acchan open her eyes, looking at her surroundings as the world was slowly turning back to normal. Then she crossed her two swords as she releases her spiritual energy. Before the Cero’s coming on her.
“Masamune~!! Kusanagi~!!” She slashes her two swords, dividing the Cero into four.
“What?!?!?! The blue Hollow shout as his Cero was erased by Acchan’s slashes.
Rena, Yuki, Kumi and Yuria surprised as they saw that moment. Then they look at Acchan that makes them surprised.
Acchan’s Zanpakuto was finally activated their Shikai. The scarlet red one was covered by flames and the navy blue one was covered by wind. After that they disappears leaving only two standard katana.
“So Acchan’s zanpakuto was finally released.” Rena said.
“But why did I hear two names?” Yukirin asked.
“Now it’s time to finish this.” Acchan dashes to the blue Hollow. In just one swift swing, the Hollow divides into four. The other hollow saw that and starting to regroup.

"NOOO~!!!!!" The blue Hollow shouts as he disappeared.
“Tsk, it’s not over yet.” They disappeared as soon they finished that sentence.
“Wew that was a close one.” Kumi said. Then the three went to Kumi and Yuria.
“Acchan, you’re hurt.”Rena and Yukirin went to Acchan.
“I’m fine, don’t worry about me.” Acchan said.
“So what’s the name of your Zanpakuto?” Kumi asked.
“The red one is Masamune, the blue one is Kusanagi.”
“You mean your Zanpakuto has different names?” Yukirin gasped. Acchan nodded to Yukirin.
“Accordingly, my Zanpakuto cannot able to turn back to its sealed state. So this form was still in Shikai form.” Acchan sheaths her swords to the scabbard.
“Let’s go back now; I think we created a commotion in here.” Kumi said. And they’re disappeared instantly.

To be Continued


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(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
Kumiyuri X Mayuki X Wmatsui X Atsumina X Furuyanagi X Kojiyuu

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Offline Minamiyuki

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Re: Shikyo Taisen (No Pairings): Chapter 3 (09/14/13)
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2013, 07:34:26 AM »
Chapter 3: The Lunar Hallucination

The four humans bring the Shinigami girl to Yuki’s house because it is closer to their school.
After Rena tending Yuria’s injury, Yuria starts to ask them.
“Since when all of you are having Zanpakuto?” Yuria asked.
“We don’t want to tell it in order to reduce chaos.” Rena seriously said.
“Those remaining hollows, they will come back right?” Kumi asked.
“Yes, since they know you humans possess tremendous spiritual energy so they will try to eat you.” Yuria explained.
“Since I’m the first one, I’m gonna protect you for a while until all of our Zanpakuto are released.” Acchan said.
“Don’t worry about us, Acchan. We can still fight them even our Zanpakuto is not in released form.” Yukirin assured.
“Are you sure? You know we’re fighting on Adjuchas-class Hollows.” Acchan said.
“Since you’re injured, how about you stay in here for a while until you get better?” Rena said.
“Arigatou. You’re too kind to me.” Yuria blushed
“We can’t leave a cute Shinigami girl injured.” Kumi winked.
“Cu-cu-cute?? I’m cute?” Yuria’s face turns into tomato.
“Hey, Kumi stop teasing her.” Rena said.
“What? I’m honest to myself.” Kumi raised her two hands.
“Whatever, I’m gonna serve our dinner now.” Yukirin then walks to the kitchen.
“How about we introduced ourselves to Yuria-chan?” Kumi suggested.
“Then let’s introduced ourselves to her.” Rena said.
“I’m Maeda Atsuko, call me Acchan. Just like you saw, my Zanpakuto were Masamune and Kusanagi.”
“Matsui Rena desu, you can call me Rena. Although, I don’t know the name of mine.”
“Yagami Kumi desu yo~~, either Kumi or Kuumin. Just like Rena, I don’t know also the name of mine.”
“And I’m Kashiwagi Yuki, call me Yukirin. I don’t know the name of mine!” Yukirin shouts from the kitchen.
“Despite of that, we’ve been trained in sword for almost 10 years. So we can able to fight lower-class hollows.” Rena said.
“But that’s the first time we fight those Adjuchas-class.” Kumi said.
“How did you know those are Adjuchas?” Yuria asked.
“It’s because our fathers said to us.” Acchan said.
“And it’s because we’re half-blood Shinigami~!!!” Yukirin shouts.
“You’re all half-blood Shinigami? Humans with a blood and power of a Shinigami?” Yuria widened her eyes.
“Yes we are.” Rena, Kumi and Acchan smiled. Then they saw Yukirin coming from the kitchen, holding a bowl of soup.
“Ok minna, its dinner time.” Yukirin prepared the table as the Kumi, Acchan, Rena and Yuria went to the table.
“Itadakimasu~!!” And they starting to eat.
“Wow, this soup was so delicious. How did you make this Yukirin?” Rena said.
“Last time her cook was disturbing but now I’m tasted a heaven.” Kumi said.
“How is it, Yuria-chan?” Yukirin asked.
“So this is the food in Human World, It’s delicious.” Yuria smiled.
“I’m glad you like it.” Yukirin smiled.
“Ehh? Who’s that?” Yukirin said.
“What is it, Yukirin?” Rena said.
“Someone’s calling on me.” Yukirin said.
“Maybe it’s your turn to know your sword.” Rena said.
“Hmmm, I wonder.” Yukirin’s holding her sword tightly. As soon as they’re continued to eat, Yukirin’s started to notice their presence. She realized that she’s the only one who noticed that disturbing spiritual energy.
“Excuse me, I’m gonna buy some drinks. It may take me for a while.” Yukirin said as she brings her sword bag along with her wallet and cellphone.
While walking in the dark streets, she knows the disturbing presence that follows her.
“I know that you’ve been following me, Hollows.” Yukirin took her sword from the bag as she prepares herself from the fight.
Not too far from her, three Adjuchas-class Hollows suddenly appear on the top of the roof.
“Looks like you’re on Resurreccion state. No wonder that I didn’t saw your Zanpakuto.” Yukirin smirked.
‘And this is bad; they are on release while I’m not.’ Yukirin gritted her teeth.
“Despite we hide our presence; you can still find us very easily.” Verde said.
“As expected to the human who possesses tremendous spiritual energy.” The red Hollow said.
“And just only you who went to us.” The violet Hollow smirked.
“Saving your talks later, I’m gonna finish all of you three.” Yukirin pissed.
“Don’t worry my dear, you’re death will be painless method.” Then Verde suddenly vanished.
‘He’s fast.’ Yukirin thought.
Luckily, she able to dodge the attack thanks to her instinct. Her eyes went widened as she saw the other two are firing a Cero at her. Then her luck worsens when she saw Verde suddenly appears in front of her and trying to slash her. Yukirin uses Shukuchi to avoid that slash but she uses two times when she saw the fired Cero coming on her.
“My ability is fast strike. I can able to attack at fast rate.” Verde said.
‘Tsk, so that’s why I can’t able to react very fast.’ Yukirin gritted her teeth.
‘Wow, all of sudden?’ Yukirin thought.
She saw another Cero coming from her. She dodges that, but to her distress another one was coming for her and it’s already near to her. There’s no time to dodge since she distracted from the one so she blocks the Cero using her sheathed sword. But the drawback making her recoiled and skids her on the road, crashing her back to the wall.
Then Yukirin was coughing blood due to the impact of her back to the wall. She looks on the three Hollows, who charge their spiritual powers for another Cero blast.
“Tsk, they will not leave me stand for a while.” Yukirin was trying to stand. Before the triple Cero hit her, she uses Cero to avoid it and went to the roof. Then another Cero was fired but she cuts into two by swiftly unsheath her sword and resheathing back. It wasn’t enough, two another Cero was coming to her so she use Shukuchi to dodges them and she wents to playground. When her feet contacts to the ground she feel something very heavy. Then she realized a square beam with towering beam of light surrounds her.
“Tsk, Negacion.” Yukirin gritted her teeth.
Then she saw from the each of the sides, the three Hollows ready to fire their Cero.
“So they plan to use Negacion and firing at me so I wouldn’t able to escape easily. Good strategy.” Yukirin pissed. Then the three Hollows fire their Cero as Yuki only stands while watching the blast coming on her.
“I’m doom now.” Yukirin said. Then her whole surroundings turn into black before Cero reaches her.
“Why I’m still alive?” Yukirin said.
“It’s because you’re in your inner world.” A voice similar to hers said. When Yuki open her eyes, she was greeted by a smiling face. It looks like her reflection. She realizes that she’s sleeping on a bench with a girl who supports her head.
“This is my inner world? Then you are.” The girl chuckles.
“Yes my dear Yukirin, I’m your Zanpakuto.”
“But why my Zanpakuto was so beautiful. It’s just it looks like my reflection.” Yukirin wonder.
“I wonder about that. Joke. The Zanpakuto’s spirit reflects the users. Either their personality, appearance, mood or all of it.” The girl said.
“So that means…” Yukirin said.
“Yes it is. And you have a right choice for going alone for you to fight them.”
“Why?” Yukirin said.
“I don’t want yet to release my powers in front of your friends until all of them can able to release completely.”
“Not yet?” Yukirin blankly asked.
“Yes, because your Zanpakuto’s power was so special. And I don’t think you want to show my powers to your friends yet if you know the truth.”
“And what is your power?” Yukirin asked.
“Your Zanpakuto, when finally released, has a passive special ability called Kyokudo Saimin (Extreme Hypnosis). It can controls the six senses, five physical sense and one extrasensory, to the point that you can able to completely manipulate anyone who witness that activation. Although it is permanently in release form, anyone who sees your unsheathed sword will be permanently influenced by the hypnosis. You can’t able to turn off the hypnosis by force since you can’t able to seal its Shikai, but you can turn it off by resheathing your sword back to its scabbard and holding the butt of the sword, it can’t be deactivate when you only put your sword to the scabbard. The only ones who are immune by that were Acchan, Rena and Kumi, if their Zanpakuto was released. You can able to create from one to many illusions and use them to distract your enemies while you were in stealth mode.”
“Wow, that power was so scary.” Yukirin said.
“Even though that power was so scary; there is a flaw in that.” The girl said
“What is it?” Yukirin asked.
“The butt of the sword, anyone who touches that before you unsheaths your sword will be temporarily immune by hypnosis.” The girl said.
“Ohhh. Well that’s fine to me.” Yukirin smiled.
“It’s time now to know my name.” The girl smiled. Then she muttered a one word as the whole surroundings turn black.
Yukirin then went back to her conscious and saw that the three Ceros are coming to her. Then by guide, she unsheaths her sword.
“Tsukuyomi” She whispered as the explosion surrounds her. The hollows deactivate the Negacion to ensure that she’s dead.
“Hmmm... Such a weak bastard, If I only eat you now, you wouldn’t feel the pain like you felt it now.” Verde said.
“I don’t think that will happens” The Hollows surprised when they saw Yukirin’s behind on Verde.
“Since when you’re on my back?” Verde asked.
“When? Since the beginning when you activate the Negacion, I finally activate my Zanpakuto. Now look in front of you.” Then the Hollows look at the smoke where Yukirin’s lying on the floor.
“Now it’s time to undo it.” Yukirin places her sword to her scabbard. As soon as she put her hand on the sword’s butt, the lying Yukirin was turned into glass and shatters completely.
“By the way since I undo it, you will gonna experience death that I’ve been placed to you last ten seconds ago.” By that, Verde suddenly feels a pain from the back, only lately realized that he’s been cut into two.
“How?” Verde turns into dust and vanished to the air.
“Tsk, we will be back.” Then the remaining hollows vanished as they use Sonido.
“Wew, that was close. Thank you, Tsukuyomi.”
“ Well time to get back now. I’m gonna buy to the store” Then Yukirin’s vanished.

To be Continued


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(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
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Offline AshuraX

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Re: Shikyo Taisen (No Pairings): Chapter 3 (09/14/13)
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2013, 08:15:54 AM »
Oh? So yar gonna explain each of their zanpakuto in each chapter???

Offline Minamiyuki

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Re: Shikyo Taisen (No Pairings): Information and Description of Abilities
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2013, 06:44:40 AM »
AshuraX: Only a short explanation. The full details of their Zanpakuto will be explain in this post.

Time to put some detail on their biodata, their abilities and their zanpakuto also its abilities.

  • Maeda Atsuko
    Age: 19
    Birthday: July 10
    Grade: Second Year Senior High School
    Powers and Abilities:
    • Human/Shinigami Abilities:
      • Master Swordsman: Acchan, along with her fellow classmates and Kenjutsu clubmates, Rena, Yukirin and Kumi, has been trained in sword for 10 years, thus they are the most proficient swordsmen. And that, they have also different styles of swordsmanship. Unlike her fellow friends, who only uses one sword, she's using two swords with same sizes. This also allows her to become ambidextrous, letting her to switch position of her swords. She can balance the strength between her two hands. Because of her dual-wielding nature, she can use it as pure-offense, offense-defense hybrid and pure-defense, making her nearly invulnerable to any physical attacks.
      • Immense Spiritual Power: Similarly on her friends, Acchan possesses tremendously vast level of spiritual power. Although wild and capable to leaks it than it contains, she can slightly able to control it. Her spiritual power was so tremendous that makes the hollows came to her as they want to eat her alive.
    • Zanpakuto:
      Masamune and Kusanagi (正宗と草薙, Straight-Linage and Grass-Cutting): Unlike the other Shinigamis and her friends, Her Zanpakuto was the rarest and unique of all because of it's different name. Her two Zanpakuto were a standard-looking katana, each with different guard and hilt. Masamune has a two-pointed leaf-shaped guard and scarlet-red hilt and Kusanagi has a four-pointed diamond-shaped guard and navy blue hilt. Their scabbard is color white.
      • Shikai: Accordingly, this zanpakutou was already and always in Shikai form because of generation of highly-immense spiritual energy and cannot able to seal into their original form. The only it changes is the short chains below the butt of the handle.
        • Shikai Special Ability:Aside from using these swords as melee combat, they have also different abilities. While Masamune can manipulate fire, Kusanagi can manipulate wind. Their slashes can able to hurl flame and wind respectively (think of Agni and Rudra in DMC3). They can also able to create a combination of fire and wind by swinging the swords in dancing fashion.
      • Bankai: Not yet achieved.
  • Kashiwagi Yuki
    Age: 18
    Birthday: July 15
    Grade: Second Year Senior High School
    Powers and Abilities:
    • Human/Shinigami Abilities:
      • Master Swordsman: Yukirin, along with her fellow classmates and Kenjutsu clubmates, Rena, Acchan and Kumi, has been trained in sword for 10 years, thus they are the most proficient swordsmen. And that, they have also different styles of swordsmanship. Yukirin's style is fast drawing. Although this style has many flaws, such as slow reaction time, she can able to counter it by using her scabbard as her attack before drawing and resheathing sword respectively. She can do that in both hands too.
      • Immense Spiritual Power: Similarly on her friends, Yukirin possesses tremendously vast level of spiritual power. Although wild and capable to leaks it than it contains, she can slightly able to control it. Her spiritual power was so tremendous that makes the hollows came to her as they want to eat her alive.
    • Zanpakuto:
      Tsukuyomi (月読, Moon Reader): Her zanpakuto was a standard-looking katana. It has a six-pointed snowflake-shaped bronze-colored guard, indigo-colored hilt and gray sheath.
      • Shikai: Accordingly, this zanpakutou was already and always in Shikai form because of generation of highly-immense spiritual energy and cannot able to seal into their original form.
        • Shikai Special Ability: Aside being used as a melee combat, Tsukuyomi’s Shikai ability is Kyokudo Saimin (極度催眠, Extreme Hypnosis), more powerful than Kyoka Suigetsu’s Kanzen Saimin (完全催眠, Complete Hypnosis). It controls the six senses (including the sense in mind) to the point that it can make the target deceive to be that of the enemy. The initiation release and effect of hypnosis is the same as Kyoka Suigetsu. Although it is permanently in release form, anyone (except Acchan, Rena and Kumi if their Zanpakuto were released) who sees the unsheathed Tsukuyomi will be permanently influenced by the hypnosis. Yukirin can’t able to turn off the hypnosis by force since she can’t able to seal its Shikai, but can undo it by resheathing the sword back to its scabbard and holding the butt of the sword, it can’t be deactivate when only put the sword to the scabbard. There is a flaw in it. According to Tsukuyomi, anyone who holds the butt of the sword before it unsheaths will be temporarily immune to hypnosis
      • Bankai: Not yet achieved.
  • Matsui Rena
    Age: 19
    Birthday: July 27
    Grade: Second Year Senior High School
    Powers and Abilities:
    • Human/Shinigami Abilities:
      • Master Swordsman: Rena, along with her fellow classmates and Kenjutsu clubmates, Yukirin, Acchan and Kumi, has been trained in sword for 10 years, thus they are the most proficient swordsmen. And that, they have also different styles of swordsmanship. Rena's style is one-sword wielding. She can use it either one hand or both hands. She can also switches her hand for tricking the enemies.
      • Immense Spiritual Power: Similarly on her friends, Rena possesses tremendously vast level of spiritual power. Although wild and capable to leaks it than it contains, she can slightly able to control it. Her spiritual power was so tremendous that makes the hollows came to her as they want to eat her alive.
    • Zanpakuto:
      Raiko (雷巫, Thunder Priestess): Her zanpakuto was a standard-looking katana with round guard; jade green-colored hilt and azure blue sheath.
      • Shikai: Accordingly, this zanpakutou was already and always in Shikai form because of generation of highly-immense spiritual energy and cannot able to seal into their original form.
        • Shikai Special Ability: Its sheath serves as a seal to its real power. When unsheathed, the blade of Raiko is engulfed with lightning, the same as release of Ryujin Jakka. The aura of this weapon disintegrates everything and anything, changing into nothing more than ash, and engulfs the surrounding landscape in a sparkling thunderstorm. The strength of this weapon can able to match Ryujin Jakka.
      • Bankai: Not yet achieved.
  • Yagami Kumi
    Age: 18
    Birthday: June 13
    Grade: Second Year Senior High School
    Powers and Abilities:
    • Human/Shinigami Abilities:
      • Master Swordsman: Kumi, along with her fellow classmates and Kenjutsu clubmates, Yukirin, Acchan and Rena, has been trained in sword for 10 years, thus they are the most proficient swordsmen. And that, they have also different styles of swordsmanship. Kumi's style is horizontal stabbing. Kumi holds her sword parallel to the ground and attacks in powerful and extensive thrust and then, if necessary,  altered to form a sideways slash. Kumi's style was quite versatile and deadly in combat.
      • Immense Spiritual Power: Similarly on her friends, Kumi possesses tremendously vast level of spiritual power. Although wild and capable to leaks it than it contains, she can slightly able to control it. Her spiritual power was so tremendous that makes the hollows came to her as they want to eat her alive.
    • Zanpakuto:
      Kakushitsu (確執, Vendetta): Her zanpakuto was a standard-looking katana. It has two-paneled double crescent-shaped black-colored guard and yellow hilt and black sheath with ribbon tied in there.
      • Shikai: Unlike her other friends, her zanpakuto was transformed but can't able to revert back to it's original state. Instead of katana, it turns into an one meter nodachi. The guard and the hilt retained its appearance.
        • Shikai Special Ability: The blade of the sword was engulfed with black aura that increases the sword's strength and speed. Also, Kumi can able to use the aura to release a wave. Aside from increases sword's attribute, Kumi also increased her speed and strength, to the point that her single step, she will able to move behind the enemy.
      • Bankai: Not yet achieved.
This will be updated after each Chapter....

If someone can able to visualize the details... You know, if you like it, kinda post in here. I don't able to visualize it... hehehehehe :lol: :lol: :lol:[/list]
« Last Edit: September 29, 2013, 07:48:40 AM by Minamiyuki »
(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
Kumiyuri X Mayuki X Wmatsui X Atsumina X Furuyanagi X Kojiyuu

My Full Series Fics:
GunSword Series (On-going) | Need for Speed: Fast Forward (On-going) | Night Shift Series (On-hiatus) | Shikyo Taisen Series (On-going) | Shichitenshi Gakuen (On-hiatus)

Offline AshuraX

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Re: Shikyo Taisen (No Pairings): Chapter 3 (09/14/13)
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2013, 03:16:14 PM »
Ah. Forgot XD
To tell the truth, I don't know much bout Bleach, so I don't even know what to say...

Offline White Hawk

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Re: Shikyo Taisen (No Pairings): Chapter 3 (09/14/13)
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2013, 04:41:16 PM »
Wow~ Yukirin's Zanpakuto Power is scaryy xD
So other shinigami can be hypnotized by Yukirin too right? Thats cool~! :twothumbs
I cant wait to know Kumi and Rena Zanpakuto
Hehehe :)

Offline Minamiyuki

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Re: Shikyo Taisen (No Pairings): Chapter 4 (09/24/13)
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2013, 04:30:07 PM »
Finally... ENJOY READING~!!!!!!


Chapter 4: The Dancing Priestess in the Storm
While waiting to her, they saw Yukirin’s coming from the door with many bruises. They went to her to make sure she’s fine.
“I’m fine, don’t worry about me. By the way, I bought our drinks.” Yukirin showed her food that she bought.
“Rena, I bought a dozen of your favorite food.” Yukirin hands over a dozen of melonpan.
“Arigato~!!!” Rena takes the melonpan and started to munch it.
“You’re so greedy when comes to melonpan.” Kumi pouted.
“It’s my favorite food, I don’t have a choice.” Rena continues to eat melonpan.
“Suit yourself. Guys, how about you’ll sleep in here?” Yukirin suggested.
“Great idea, since you have a very large bedroom that fits about six persons in there.” Acchan said.
“Are you sure that you will gonna take care of me?” Yuria asks worrily.
“Of course, we can’t leave a girl walking on the outside of the street with injuries like that.” Kumi said.
“But I’m Shinigami my regeneration was faster than humans.” Yuria protested.
“We don’t care if you’re Shinigami or Human or Quincy. You’re a being just like us. You should have a rest.” Rena said.
“Maybe you’re right, I’m sorry. Thank you for saving me. I’d be killed it wasn’t to you.” Yuria lower her head.
“You’re welcome. You don’t need to say sorry to us.” Kumi pats Yuria’s head.
“Yosh~~, it’s time to sleep.” Acchan dashes to the stairs up to Yukirin’s room.
“Uhhmm. Yuria-chan, you’re not gonna sleep with that dress right?” Rena pointed at Yuria’s Shihakusho.
“Nah, it’s ok.” Yuria said.
“Suit yourself.” Kumi pulls Yuria.
“Chotto, where are we going?” Yuria asked.
“Sleep, what else we’re going?” Kumi yawns very deeply.
“Ok, minasan. Oyasuminasai.” Rena said as she went asleep ahead of everyone.

Rena” Rena suddenly wakes up when she heard that voice.
“Who’s that?” She looks at everyone who is still sleep then looks at the clock that says 5:00 a.m.
“At that goddamn time?” Rena takes her Zanpakuto that leans on the table. She wears a jacket and went out to her friend’s house.
Rena went to playground and sits on the swing. While on that she saw a crying girl standing on the monkey bars. She went on the girl to ask her.
“Hey, girl what are you doing here? You’re lost?” The little girl nods.
“I can’t see my mama.” The girl still cries. Rena looks at the girl’s chest and shocks that the girl has a broken chain.
“Girl, I’m sorry to say this. But you’re dead now.” Rena pats the girl’s shoulder.
“What do you mean onee-chan?” The girl asked confusedly.
“It seems that you’re dead for a long time. You became a wandering soul.” Rena said.
“And you are in danger if you’re still here.”
“What do you mean? I want to see my mama.” The girl cries.
“Don’t worry girl, you will see your mama. For now you need to go to Soul Society.” Rena then sensed a massive spiritual energy.
‘Tsk, hollows. They want this girl now.’ Then Rena holds the girl’s hand and pulls her out of the playground.
“Onee-chan, where are we going?” The girl asked.
“Just follow me, you will be safe.” The girl has no choice but to let Rena pulls her. Rena went to the park to make sure everything is cleared. Then Rena holds both of girl’s shoulder as she stare the scared girl in front of her.
“Listen to me, little girl. You must hide immediately, maybe behind the tree. You’re now in danger. The bad guys are here, trying to eat you. Do you understand?” The girl nods scarily.
“Now go.” Then the girl went to the trees and hide behind of it.
“Now, let’s settle this, Hollows.” Rena unsheathes her sword as she detects the nearby presence of spiritual energy. Then the two remaining Hollows suddenly appear in front of her along with numerous Menos-class hollows.
“Oh, so you bring Menos ehh. And by counting, it’s 20 Menos.” Rena smirks at them.
“Our pets are started to feel the presence of their food so we bring them here.” The violet Hollow smiled.
“And it looks like only two of you had left. Did I miss the fun?” Rena smiled.
“Shut up human. We will gonna eat you and the other soul whose hiding behind those trees.” The red Hollow said.
“You’re gonna through me before you will near to her.” Rena angrily said.
“Now, attack.” The violet commanded. The Menoses fires multiple Ceros on Rena but she dodges all of that using Shukuchi. Like the storm dances on the field, she dodges every Cero despite their firing at her in barrage. At the same time, the red Hollow suddenly appears in front of her. Rena was surprised about that and forces herself to defend the swing. But the swing was too strong that sends her to the ground.
Rena then looks above and saw the Hollow readies to fire a Cero to her. But she only dodges the blast. Without giving the enemy’s chance, she went behind the Hollow and tries to damage her. But her instincts tell something’s wrong and she looks to that source, only to find out that the Menos are ready to fire her. Unable to block that many blasts, she’s trying to get away from the line of fire. But too much of her massive dismay, the violet hollow kicks her on the back causing her to get out of balance.
“Shit.” Rena cursed. Then she hears a giggle, despite of its weak sound.
Rena.” Then the she heard a giggle again. After that the whole place suddenly shuts down and changes to a location in front of her eyes.
“Weird. Why I’m the rooftop of the skyscraper and not on the park?” Rena asked.
Just like Rena said, she’s on the rooftop of the skyscraper. Her surroundings filled with other skyscrapers but the thing that she stands is the highest one.
“What’s going on?” Rena asked herself.
“Don’t worry, my dear Rena. I’m the one who brings you here.” Rena heard a giggle behind her. Rena turns around only finds out that the one who calls her is a girl.
“You’re the one?” Rena asked.
“Yes, it’s me.” The girl giggled. Then she approaches Rena fast but graceful. The girl wears a simple dress with a ribbon on a chest and white hat.
“You look like me.” Rena gasped. All of the sudden the girl cupped Rena’s chin that makes her blush.
“You’re right Rena. It’s because I’m yours and that mirrors to you.” The girl smiled.
“So why are you late?” Rena broke the contact between them.
“It’s because you keep ignoring me.” The girl chuckled.
“Set aside of that. I bring you here because I will gonna say it now. By the way, did you notice something?” The girl smilingly said.
“You mean aside from these very high skyscrapers? Let see. Aside from that, the wind is very strong plus I can see a small storm from each of the skyscraper. It looks like they are wildly appears elsewhere. And I hear a thunder.” Rena said.
“Just like yours, it appears very wild like a storm but very strong like a wind. Plus that thunder, well that’s equivalent to your powers.” The girl smiled.
“Well, it’s time to bring you back, so long.” The girl said. Then the whole place slowly turns black. Before the girl disappeared, she say something to Rena which only she could understand that. After that, the place switches back to her normal location.
“Wow, bringing back in this uncomfortable location? What a bad Zanpakuto.” Rena hissed.
“I guess I have no choice.” Rena puts her sword on the sheath. By that, she swiftly unsheathes her sword as she shouts the name of her Zanpakuto.
“Raiko! (Thunder Priestess)” The sword releases an aura of thunderstorm, blasting all the incoming Ceros. When the aura was gone, Rena was shown holding her sword, engulfed with lightning charge. Rena swiftly put back her sword to the scabbard, sealing the released power again.
“Well, according that she said. It will always be in Shikai and cannot revert back to its original state.”
Rena saw that the Menos are ready to fire her, so she move in front of them and waves her sword at them very fast. In an instant, they are being engulfed by a massive lightning storm, turning them into nothing but ash. When the Menos are gone, Rena then faced the two remaining Hollows.
“Only the two of you remains. You could run to save yourself or you could die by fighting me.” Rena puts back her sword to scabbard.
“Do you think that we’re gonna escape? I don’t think so.” Then the two hollows release a massive spiritual aura.
“You’re not the only one who can release Zanpakuto.” The violet Hollow said. The two hollows show their Zanpakuto.
“Damn, they will gonna release it now.” Rena said.

To be continued


Updated Biodata are in this link
« Last Edit: September 25, 2013, 03:26:33 AM by Minamiyuki »
(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
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Re: Shikyo Taisen (No Pairings): Chapter 5 (09/28/13)
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2013, 07:18:30 AM »
Chapter 5: The Assassinating Darkness
“Damn, they will gonna release it now.” Rena said.
“Burn, Demonio (Demon)” Then the red Hollow’s zanpakuto vanished as the ground suddenly erupts in a pyroclasmic flames. Then the flame disappeared, revealing a giant demon-like hollow.
“Swipe, Marejada (Tidal Wave)” Then a geyser of water appears on the ground, devouring the violet Hollow as his zanpakuto disappeared. The geyser was gone; a disfigured fish-like hollow was shown with three fish tails.
“Ew, that’s kinda abhorred.” Rena disgusted.
“You can have that reaction for all of our care. This will be your grave.” The red Hollow punches the ground, releasing erupting flames that went to Rena. Before it hits, Rena waves her sword, releasing a huge lightning blast, countering the erupting flames coming from the ground. Before Rena can react, the violet Hollow suddenly appears from her behind and shoots water cannon that makes her recoils and slams her to the tree. Then the demonic Hollow charges to Rena and tries to punch her but she deflects the attack using her unsheathed sword. Rena slashes the hand, causing the demonic Hollow growling in pain and tries to claw her but she dodges that perfectly. Rena then intercepts the fish-like Hollow by slashing the giant wave coming from her. She didn’t have a chance to strike back as the violet Hollow appears behind the wave and slaps her which sends her to the bench.
“Itai~” Rena cries in pain as she lying on the broken bench. The demonic Hollow appears in front ready for the final strike. But before it reaches to the girl’s body, a clashing sword was heard. Rena’s eye widened as she surprised from what she saw in front of her.
“Acchan!” Rena said. Acchan blocks the attack using her two swords encircled with fire and wind respectively. Then she pushes her sword that makes the Hollow tumbles back and crash to the ground.
“Rena! Are you alright?” Acchan went to injured Rena.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Rena answered.
“No, you are not alright.” Suddenly Kumi, Yukirin and Yuria appear behind of lying Rena.
“Everyone, what are you all doing?” Rena tries to stands up but she’s hurt.
“Well you’re not on your bed. So we worried a lot. Then we sense much spiritual energy coming from this place. So we went here to check, only finds out that you’re fighting.” Kumi explained.
“Sorry, I should’ve said it to you.” Rena said.
“It’s ok, at least we save you. Now, enough for a chit-chat, let’s finish this. I need to have a breakfast now.” Kumi said.
“Tsk, I don’t want to unsheathe my sword right now. Looks like I’m gonna fight with my scabbard only.” Yukirin said.
“What are you saying, Yukirin?” Acchan asked.
“I’m saying that my sword was finally released but I don’t want to show it to you guys. Not now.” Yukirin sighed.
“Why you don’t want to show it to us?” Rena was finally able to stand up.
“I can’t explain it yet. But when all of your swords are released I can able to show mine.” Yukirin said.
“Here they come.” As Acchan said, the two Hollows charge at them. The four move apart so they can able to fight them so that they don’t collide to each other.
“They’re swords are in released, be careful!” Rena shouts at them.
“We already know it’s obvious.” Kumi chuckled.
“You’re not funny, Kumi.” Yukirin said.
“I’m serious, Yukirin. I can be joking sometimes but not always.” Kumi seriously said.
They saw an incoming fire blast but Acchan slashes it, cutting into two. Then Rena charges through the fish-like Hollow and blast a lightning bolt. But the Hollow summons a giant wave, blocking the blast.
“Yukirin, can you guard Yuria?” Kumi requested.
“Of course it is.” Then Yukirin went to Yuria.
“Their swords are released, I wonder if mine also.” Kumi said. She charges towards the demonic Hollow. But before she reaches it, the Hollow summons a massive firewall, making her retreat from her attack.
“Wew, that was close.” Kumi whistled.
Acchan then use her Kusanagi’s wind to blast away the firewall and uses Masamune to slash the Hollow. The Hollow blocks it using his arm but Acchan manages to scratch it despite being blocked. The Hollow fires Cero to Acchan but she evades it and slashes the second one that the Hollow fires. Acchan saw the fish-like Hollow charges at her. She uses her two swords to collide with the Hollow, creating massive shockwave.
Before the demonic Hollow backstabbing Acchan, Rena suddenly appears in front of the Hollow and counters the fire blast. Then she tries to chop off the Hollow’s arm but the demonic Hollow suddenly went on Rena’s back and slaps her out. Then the demonic Hollow fires a Cero. Rena waves her sword, creating a lightning blast, to block the Cero, explodes violently.
“It’s time to end this game.” The two Hollow said. They pour a massive amount of spiritual energy that creates a tremor to the whole place. Then the tremor stops as the silence went by.
“What are they doing?” Acchan and Rena asked at the same time. Then the ground where Rena stands started to have a crack.
“What is this?” Then a massive infernal flame suddenly erupts from the ground, surrounds Rena completely. Rena was trying to get out but the heat makes her weakened.
“Rena~!!” Acchan shouted. She’s trying to help Rena but suddenly she her body starting to get numb.
“What the hell?” Then a water sphere suddenly appears on Acchan’s surrounding. Acchan tries to destroy the sphere but to her avail, not even a single scratch could she create. Because of water, Acchan feels like she could drown.
“Acchan~!! Rena~!!” Kumi shouts and went through them. But the two Hollows went in front of her, blocking the way.
“Move along.” Kumi shouted.
“No we can do.” The demon spits a fire that makes Kumi back away for a while.
“Damn you.” Kumi gritted her teeth.
“You can’t do anything. We will gonna feast you and your two friends over there as your two remaining ones are being destroyed.” The fish-like Hollow said, then fires a Cero to Kumi. She dodge that but the second one that comes from the demonic Hollow caught her off guard, sends her 10 meters away and crashes her to the ground. Before she has chance to stand up, the two Hollows fire at her crashing ground that makes her crying in pain.
When the smoke subsides, Kumi was laying on the ground with her many injuries. She can’t able to stand up due to multiple attacks. Then suddenly darkness coming to her as her eyes slowly closes.
“Damn it? Is this of my end? I can’t able to save my friends. I’m a useless one.” Then the darkness engulfs her completely.
You’re not dead, Kumi. I’m just pulling your thoughts to this world.” A voice suddenly heard from Kumi’s ears. Then she opens her eyes and looks at her surroundings.
“Where am I? Why this place was so dark.”  Kumi looks from left to right.
“It’s because this represents to your nature.” The unknown person said.
“My nature?” Kumi asked. The place where she stands has been changed from pure darkness to nightly seashore.
“And this is your inner world.” Kumi saw a girl from the far end of the shore. The girl wears a beach kimono white black blouse on the inside, headband with flower on it and short pants.
“This is my inner world, so that means you are.” Kumi said.
“That’s right. And you’re the last one of your friends.” The girl smiled.
“Eh. That’s so unfair.” Kumi pouted.
“Before your senses will be come back, I will give my portion of my power to you.” The girl still smiled.
“Anyway, why is my inner world this dark?” Kumi asked.
“It’s because of your sneaky personality.” The girl chuckled.
“Hey, I’m not sneaky.” Kumi half-shouted.
“Hai~ Hai.” The girl waves her hand.
“And also this is represents your spiritual energy.” The girl seriously said.
“It’s time to bring you back.” The girl gives the sword to Kumi
“It’s nice to meet you.” Kumi takes the sword and smiles at the girl.
“Don’t mention it.” Then the world turns black.
Back to the real world, Yukirin watches the battle. She wants to join at them but because she can’t able to use her zanpakuto until all of her friend’s zanpakuto are released, her only doing right now is to protect Yuria.
“Tsk, damn it.” Yukirin gritted her teeth.
“Let me help.” Yuria said.
“No you’re not, you’re still injured.” Yukirin said.
“But-“ Before Yuria finishes her speech suddenly they sense a disturbing energy.
“Kakushitsu~!!! (Vendetta)” Then a black aura erupts around Kumi as she stands up.
“What?” The two Hollows surprised.
When the aura disappeared, Kumi stands up like she felt nothing. Then her sword, instead of katana, was turned into one meter long nodachi.
“Finally, time to unsheathe my sword. Yuria can you please close your eyes?” Yukirin asked. Yuria do what was her requested as Yukirin went to Kumi.
“Are you ready?” Yukirin unsheathe her sword, activating the hypnosis on the two Hollows.
“I’m always ready.” Kumi position herself by dropping into a partial crouch, both knees bent, left arm drawn back and right arm extended forward; she grasps the endcap of the hilt of her sword with her left hand and rest on the tip of the fingers of her right hand on the blade near the tip. Then her sword engulfs with aural darkness. In just an instance, Kumi pushes her left foot, suddenly vanished and appears 5 meters behind the demonic Hollow. Then she thrust her sword directly on the Hollow’s back. Suddenly, a massive blade-like aural dark appears on Kumi’s arm, stabs on the Hollow. The Hollow cannot respond that as he divides into two.
“What?” The Hollow disappeared into ashes. After that, the flames that surround Rena also disappeared.
“You!” The fish-like Hollow’s summons a giant waves. A clicking sound was heard as Yukirin suddenly appears behind the Hollow.
“Shut up. You have the right to be silent. You hurt my friends in front of my eyes. Now it’s time to kill you right now.” Then Yukirin shuts her sword, deactivating the hypnosis. Then the Hollow suddenly dices into million pieces and disappeared. The sphere that surrounds Acchan pops up.
“Yuria, you can open your eyes now.” Yuria opens her eyes and saw that the battle was ended. Then she went to Yukirin and Kumi.
“Finally it’s over.” Kumi feels that she’s weakened and started to fall but Yukirin catches her instantly.
“Are you alright, Kumi?” Yukirin worriedly asked.
“I’m alright. I’m just need to have a rest.” Kumi looks at her zanpakuto, still engulfs with black aura.
“Your sword changes from katana to nodachi.” Acchan smiled.
“It’s because that’s my Shikai form.” Kumi resheathed her sword back to scabbard.
“Wow, so all of our zanpakuto are released right?” Yukirin asked.
“It looks like it is.” Acchan supports the weakened Kumi.
“Come on guys, let’s go home.” Rena waves at them beside Yuria. The three smiled as they went to the waving Rena.

To be continued


Updated Biodata are on this link

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(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
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Re: Shikyo Taisen (No Pairings): Chapter 5 (09/28/13)
« Reply #16 on: September 29, 2013, 10:36:30 AM »
... Was Yuki's zanpakuto able to use hypnosis or paralysis? Seemed like the latter?

And now that the four's sword's true form are unleashed, wonder what's next~

Offline White Hawk

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Re: Shikyo Taisen (No Pairings): Chapter 5 (09/28/13)
« Reply #17 on: September 29, 2013, 01:11:02 PM »
Yay~! Rena and Kumi Zanpakuto's power are released!
Now Yukirin can use her power too ^^

I cant wait for your next update XD

Offline Minamiyuki

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Re: Shikyo Taisen (No Pairings): Chapter 5 (09/28/13)
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2013, 05:33:50 PM »
For replying....

AshuraX: Yukirin's Zanpakuto has an ability called Kyokudou Saimin or Extreme Hypnosis in English. It controls the six senses (sight, smell, touch, hearing, taste and extrasensory). Anyone (Shinigami, Humans, Quincy etc.), with the exception of Acchan, Yukirin, Rena and their fifth friend who will introduced in soon chapter, who witness the activation of her zanpakuto by seeing the blade of the sword, will be affected by hypnosis. The hypnosis can make the target misinterpret another person's form, shape, mass, aura, feel and smell to be an enemy's. In short, anyone who saw the blade of Yukirin's sword, will be deceived completely. For example, Yukirin unsheathes her sword. The enemy saw her sword's blade. The enemy was under now the hypnosis instantly and they think that the Yukirin in front of them was real, only they didn't know that they're being deceived. When Yukirin shuts down the hypnosis by resheathing the sword, the Yukirin in front of them was only just an image, shown either melts away or shatters. Only they will lately realized that it's only just an illusion...... Because Yukirin can control all of the senses. She has an ability to delay the occurence that happens to the target. She can also shuts down the receptors in the nervous system for a while. That's the information for Yukirin's zanpakuto.....  :) :) :)

White Hawk: Thank you for your comment.. You're right, Yukirin zanpakuto was so scary. It's because it's the more powerful than Kyoka Suigetsu. And to be answer to your question in your last comment, anyone, not only shinigami, with the exception of her friends, and their fifth unknown friend, are affected by hypnosis once they witness it.  XD XD XD

Now time to work the next chapter.....  :) :) :)
(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
Kumiyuri X Mayuki X Wmatsui X Atsumina X Furuyanagi X Kojiyuu

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Re: Shikyo Taisen (No Pairings): Chapter 5 (09/28/13)
« Reply #19 on: September 29, 2013, 06:21:20 PM »
AshuraX, no offense but... You could've saved kilobytes of my uncle's explanation about Yukirin's Zanpakutou if you just read the character information and the whole chapter itself. If you really read the chapter then you could've answered your question yourself.

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