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Author Topic: Soul Hunter- Chapter 3  (Read 3971 times)

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Soul Hunter- Chapter 3
« on: June 12, 2014, 11:57:51 PM »
Chapter 1

“Sorry I’m leaving you.” 

The man with a blank face said as she stood there in the rain feeling her body had gone cold slowly walking away from the spot she was told her fate.  There was little to indicate that it would happen but it had happened one too many times in her lifetime.  Returning to the apartment, she noticed the buildup of dust on her dishes with the stack of unwashed dishes from a couple days ago.  Yui bit down on her lip glaring at the items before turning to her shower to rid of the defeat she had faced.

Wrapping her hair up with the towel, her phone had the flashing blue light opening up to the message from her friend, Kitahara Rie.  She usually would console her in times like this but she was occupied with her longtime girlfriend but was quick to answer.  Yui pressed the button to get to her voicemail.

[Sorry to hear about your break up.  Are you willing to meet us for lunch tomorrow? Ja ne]

Yui deleted the mail and stared at her phone thinking about the few months with him.  It was him in her mind, forgetting his mind like a file in a computer sent to the bin before being deleted completely from her mind.  She would cry, find something to eat while she felt comforted by the moving pictures but it was different.  She was numb, expected by everything that had happened.  The few months felt like a drama ending promptly in the middle with low ratings.

She opened up her contacts to see the name and pressed the phone icon as she heard a few rings before the voice caught her by surprise.

“Rie-chan, where do you want to eat?”  Yui asked turning on the television to a drama she had seen twice before.

“Yuihan, it is up to you.  Sasshi is quite busy as of late so I’ve been alone.”  She explained knowing probably anywhere would be suitable.

“How about the café by my working place?”  She suggested thinking about going there one day with colleagues when she decided to not be courted by her boyfriend.

“That sounds fine…”  Rie replied with the pause catching Yui by surprise.  “I’ll meet you there.”

Yui nodded hanging up her phone before lounging on her couch yawning at the action on the tube.  She unleashed her hair letting fall to her shoulders shaking off the residue water seeped into her hair before laying her head onto the pillow.  Her eyes closed after seeing the credits of the drama.

She awoke to her alarm with the sun barely peeking over the mountains in her view.  Yui rolled out off the couch feeling the chill in the room as she walked to the bathroom in her depressed state squatting onto the toilet when she heard the ringtone and rushed to finish getting to her phone.

“Yokoyama-san!  How are you doing this morning?”  The voice greeted her.

“Who is this?”  She asked rubbing her eyes before pulling up her bottom from the carpet.

“This is Takahashi Minami.  I was given this phone number from your workplace.”  She explained with Yui become awaken by the explanation as she took a seat on the couch.

“What happened?”

“Don’t be alarmed by my call.  Your supervisor had called me to tell you that I’ll be your new secretary.”  Yui felt her heart stop hearing the news of the secretary.  She remembered about the last one she was forced to retire because of errors on the report with the relations to her senility.  The company quickly caught the disability and let her go on the spot.  Yui had waited for another secretary for a few months after with the workload becoming bigger with the expansion to the countryside.

“That’s good to hear.  I’ll be seeing you at work.”  She smiled before hanging up.

Yui had no clue what to expect from the new secretary.  Her job was to deal with vendors at Nippon Pharmaceuticals LLC and majority of the time was to deal with bids between the company and the stores that sell their items.  She was a sworn user of the products with the use of natural ingredients at affordable prices.  Yui had faced the uptick in pricing as of late and the slow decrease of users.  Her area compared to the other department was not cut due to the effectiveness of their negotiations.

Her attire was mainly black blouse and skirt and in a conservative manner which confused the people seeing her as an office lady rather than a vice president.  She let her hair down before brushing it straight parting it down the middle before leaving her apartment to the sunny morning.  Yui walked to the train station glancing around the city before arriving at the usual spot in the terminal couple feet from the tracks.  As the train arrived, the rush of people entering the train pushed Yui into crowd grabbing the pole in time before she was swept away in the crowd.

Yui knew of the many dangers on the train but let things happen with few incidents during the morning commute.  She closed her eyes for a bit when a scream awoke her as the passengers started to part with the woman walking through and stopped to stand behind Yui as the balding male followed her and glanced at the narrowed eyes of the woman.  The man lunged toward Yui missing the target slamming his shoulder into the pole seeing her eyes glasses slid across the car...  Yui turned around as he grabbed her shoe and threw her heel into his forehead splitting open a gash spurting blood.

“Are you okay?”  Yui asked the woman as she flashed her dimpled smile.  The woman shielded herself behind Yui as the crowd slowly gathered around the man.

“Thank you…”  She said looking at the man with the bloodied face as the train came to a halt at the next station.

Yui glanced at her phone and pressed the button to bring up her boss.  She knew she wouldn’t be happy with the event but she heard the voice of her boss giving her reason to why she would be late.  The boss gave a scoff before affirming her safety was fine when the woman came running up bowing deeply to her.

“I’m sorry for causing you trouble.”  She repeated as Yui patted the woman’s head confirming she did the right thing.

“Excuse me!  Are you the one who caused the gash?”  The officer asked as Yui turned to the firm-faced halfie.  Yui instantly smiled as she recognized the officer.

“Yes, Akimoto-san.”  She replied to the officer as she removed her cap to the mocha-colored hair ending at her shoulder.

“Yokoyama Yui, long time no see.  That was a vicious cut you gave him.”  She informed her with a smirk.  “You caught him with the heel.  Does that area hurt?”

Yui shook her head as the other woman stood in back of Yui as she avoided eye contact of the officer.  Akimoto wrote down her notes before leaving the two as the woman came from the shadow of Yui and faced her.  She kept her head down until they finally let both of them out of the scene and boarded the train again with the cleaned floor as they headed toward the area.  Yui was given a seat with the woman for her heroics as she looked around seeing fewer people in the car.

“Where are you going?”  Yui asked as the woman nodded off.

She waited for her stop when the woman followed her out into the streets of Tokyo.  Yui jogged to work to make up the time and saw her boss with a confirming smile on her face.  The woman stopped couple feet behind her when she pressed her hands together making the world around her turn black and then a sudden eruption from the ground appeared the black shadow consuming the female.  She walked inside grab Yui from behind and dragged her outside before turning the world back to normal.

“What are you doing here?”  She asked as the woman pointed toward the boss at the elevator.

“She’s evil.  I forgot to give you this emblem to protect yourself.”  She said before walking into the crowd.

Yui wasn’t sure but she ran back catching the elevator before the doors closed.  She slipped the emblem into her pocket as the boss glanced at her a few times before clearing her throat.

“Yokoyama, your secretary has been cleaning up the desk.”  She stated as Yokoyama started to feel something weird in her chest.  “Are you okay?”

“I’m just light headed.”  She laughed as she slipped her hand into the pocket as the ailment disappeared instantly.  She released the emblem and the attack was stronger than the first, grabbing it again to soothe the body.  Yui saw the dark aura within her before the door opened to the floor as she felt her legs shake before getting to the door where she saw the orange-headed woman with a stack of paper.  She smiled at Yui as she struggled to stay on her feet.

“Yokoyama-san, you don’t look so great.”  Takahashi commented as she pushed the boss away to give her room as the woman’s touch instantly brought her back to full stability.


“It is no problem, master.”  She smiled as Takahashi walked away.

Yui took a deep breath and went to her desk when the dark aura was swirling upon her boss’ arrival and then the room had turned black.  She gripped the emblem and threw it toward the monster consuming it in the emblem as Takahashi ran to see the emblem.

“Paru must have sent you this.”  She said when Yui closed the door behind her.

“Please explain what is going on?”
« Last Edit: June 16, 2014, 09:43:44 AM by kuro_808 »
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Re: Soul Hunter- Chapter 1
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2014, 02:22:30 PM »
I smell somethng supernatural here :kekeke:

Offline kuro808

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Re: Soul Hunter- Chapter 1
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2014, 04:27:26 AM »
I smell somethng supernatural here :kekeke:

Your senses are tingling XD

Chapter 2

Takahashi closed the blinds before taking out a phone from her pocket and placing it up on the table.  A light shot up to the ceiling before spreading out into a cone shape showing a person wearing a hood facing her before taking it off revealing the dimpled woman with brownish hair glaring at Yui.

“Welcome Soul Hunter, I’m Paru, a soul mistress from the planet Shiokazu. I’m recruiting a person to help me in the fight against the War bots that were created to protect us but they were turned against us by Doctor Goh with the attack of the shape shifters.  My kind is dwindling down very slowly.  I need your help.”

The light disappeared back into the phone when Takahashi put the phone back into the pocket.  Yui searched the room before Takahashi took the seat across of Yui.

“The Soul Hunter is usually a male with the power to command the swords of the cosmos.  However, the males have died on the planet and we had to find a suitable person.  Ten males we have recruited with no help of the control and we have found you after saving Paru on the train.  She wanted to help you with something but your life is not our responsibility.”  Takahashi bowed to her as the phone rang and another light came out with an image.

“Sword of Mercury.”  Takahashi muttered.  “The grayish red blade with the red pommel.  The grip is black and the blade is made of the purist metal.  The last time it was used in battle was the match against the titans on the land to the west.”  She explained as Yui glanced at her watch.

“I’m sorry but I have a lunch meeting.”  Yui ran out to the empty floor as the skies turned dark instantly.

She ran to the ground floor and the chill of the air caught her by surprise as the people were holding their bodies as they ran into the baths but they were over packed.  Rie ran inside as she pointed toward the sky.

“Yui, what is going on?”  She shouted as Yui shook her head.

“I don’t know.  I’m sorry for not meeting you earlier.”  She smiled as Rie ran to the heater room by the elevators.

Yui ran out to the streets seeing the people slowly fall to the pavement seeing the pigment turn blue.  She could feel the effects of it quickly as Takahashi ran up to her handing an amber-colored stone to her hand as she felt her body fuming with heat before adapting to the cool air that was surrounding them.  Yui began to think about the description of the sword as the emblem from her pocket popped out and rolled onto the ground before an explosion of flower petals produced a person.

“Takamina, why aren’t you helping her?”  The woman stared at the helper as the midget pointed back.

“What took you so long?”

“QUIET!”  Yui roared getting the two women’s attention.

“Gomen, I’m Yuko, the guardian of the Soul Hunter.  I know of the demon here and the sword of Mercury can cut through its cold but seemingly we don’t have the power to win over it.  There is a temporary weapon that may delay the next ice age from coming sooner.  Follow me to the museum.”  She explained as Yuko led them to the artifact of the samurai, Hanzo Hattori’s spear.

The museum itself was abandoned after the cold had infiltrated the area and Yuko lifted the glass to take out the spear that was three times the height of Takamina.  Yui grabbed the stone and spear in the same hand as the head became lit orange before turning into a turquoise color as they headed out seeking the demon.  The heat was their guide as it swerved around the streets before arriving at the bay with the demon shooting water into the air.

Yui lowered the spearing aiming toward the demon but Yuko shot her arm across her chest stopping her immediately.

“First thing is to not charge.”  Yuko started the explanation.  “The demon will feel the aura of our powers if we go after it.  We will split up and you’ll finish it with the spear of Hanzo Hattori.”

“Takamina, we must distract it a bit.”  Yuko turned toward the other woman as she nodded when Yuko unsheathed her sword from her belt as Takamina drew her pewter-colored katana as the demon shot a blue stream toward them, gracefully dodging it as Yuko’s straight blade sliced its back seeing the black goo hit the ground.  Takamina slashed toward its arm as it dropped into the water with a shot of water knocking Takamina to the ground.  Yuko lifted it up again before catching its torso with another precise cut as Yui saw her chance and tossed the spear forward.

She saw it wobble in the air as it turned seeing the blue flame penetrate through its body.  It gave a loud curse before becoming a blob of black tar seeping into the pavement.  Takamina stood up wiping her face of the water as the spear was standing upright into the crack of the ground.  Yuko pulled it out as the skies turned back to the sky blue they had once known with the people slowly warming up from the sun.

“Thank you.”  Yuko bowed to Yui as Takamina pointed to her with no response.

“Thank you for telling me about the spear.”  Yui bowed to both as the spear slowly turned into a card with its picture.

“There’s not enough time to celebrate.”  Yuko informed the women as Takamina grabbed the women’s hands and were transported to the sandy atmosphere.

The place was acrid with no sight of a building or landmarks around them.  Takamina turned to Yui as she pondered to the attention when Yuko handed her a folded piece of paper.  Yui opened it up to a map of the area with marks on it.  She had closed her eyes feeling the breeze blowing and assumed the position they were facing east.  Yui pointed the other way glaring at the map and hoped that her assumption was correct as the sand built over their feet.

The sun faced them with the chill approaching the trio.  Yui gasped the stone feeling slightly relieved as she looked at the other two when she saw a hut on the right.  She carefully walked over toward it as the other two cautiously ventured when the hut was real with a carcass of an animal had a scent of smelly feet.  It didn’t attract any flies at the time which gave them a chance to see the owner of the kill as it approached in a gown with a headdress covering except for its eyes.

“What are you guys doing here in my hut?”  It asked with a feminine tone in its voice.

“We were wondering the same thing as we saw the freshly killed animal in your place.  We are sorry for intruding.”  Yui and the group bowed as the person removed the headdress revealing the short, black hair with a strong facial structure.  She flashed her weapon strapped to her left thigh in front of them

“I’m Yamamoto Sayaka.  I hunt for weapons for my collection.  Nice to meet you.”  She introduced herself as the three returned the favor.

“So you’re hunting for the sword too?”  Yui asked as she showed the picture to them of the sword of Mercury.

“It has been my destiny to find weapons and keep them for my collection but these swords are quite difficult because they move often but within the same location.”  She explained as she struggled to make a fire against the driving winds.

Yui squatted holding the pieces of rubbish as she dug for her stone placing it over the waste instantly lighting it up.  Sayaka tumbled backwards as the fire surprised her eyes.  She glared at the woman as Takamina and Yuko started to feel the flesh of the animal.

“Yui, who gave you the stone?”  She asked seeing her finger point toward the two by the animal.  Sayaka shooed the two away as Yuko laid two pieces on the cage as the precision cuts caught the woman’s eye.  “You guys are the protectors of the lone mistress.”

The two turned towards her when the forearm was exposed showing the three circles connected together.  The red, green, and blue indicated her alliance with the Osaka Association of the lone mistress.  Takamina traced the circles slowly erupting from her skin seeing her face cringe as it rose creating the symbol of sacrifice for the mistress.  Sayaka pulled her arm back pressing on the tattoo as she slowly went back into the skin.

“That hurt.”  She gritted her teeth as the two lowered their heads.

“Sorry, Sayaka.  The true tattoo will rise when the protectors scan it.”  Yuko apologized as Yui stood up to her.

“How about you help us?”  She suggested as the two glared at Yui as Sayaka rubbed her protruded chin giving her a smirk.

“What’s the deal?”

“Join us in defeating the demon that will cause the next cold age and the Hanzo Hattori spear can be yours.”  She suggested as Sayaka shook her head at the idea.

“I’ll join regardless since it Japan and Osaka is Japan’s heart.”  She pounded her sternum.  “The sword of Mercury has to be mine.”

Yui thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea but it could be problematic if Sayaka gets injured just handling the item.  The two shook their heads toward her as Yui agreed with her two protectors to the woman’s dissatisfaction.

“It would be great to have it but if we must battle for it, I’ll do it.”  Sayaka smiled as Yui headed out of the hut into the barren wasteland.

She decided to pace out to the area, stumbling onto the rock before the earth shook below them.  Sayaka charged toward Yui when the four fell through the crack.  Yui held her back as red spots appeared in front of them.  Yui took out the card flicking her wrist unleashing the weapon in her hand.  The other three set their hand onto their weapons as they approached the spots.  Yui felt the breathing onto her legs as she set the spear into the ground.

“Reveal yourself.”  She stated as it came into the moonlight.

“Please spare me.”  The soft voice begged as the red eyes stared toward them.

“Lower your weapons.”  Sayaka commanded as the creature ran up to her.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline 48matama

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Re: Soul Hunter- Chapter 2
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2014, 04:39:16 AM »
Sounds interesting  :cow:

Keep update!  :cow:

Offline bunny_rabbit

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Re: Soul Hunter- Chapter 2
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2014, 08:43:41 AM »
interesting...the story progressed on fast pace--way too fast--like in a rush if I may say :sweat:

and I see a slightly different writing style on chapter this your colab project :dunno:

well, this still interesting :on GJ: will wait for the next update of this--and your other works too... :byebye:

Offline kuro808

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Re: Soul Hunter- Chapter 3
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2014, 09:47:54 AM »
Sounds interesting  :cow:

Keep update!  :cow:


interesting...the story progressed on fast pace--way too fast--like in a rush if I may say :sweat:

and I see a slightly different writing style on chapter this your colab project :dunno:

well, this still interesting :on GJ: will wait for the next update of this--and your other works too... :byebye:

I kinda made it like that to not kill flow like with other stories but this ISNT the collab, I'm still looking for a person yet to completely be on board XD

I'll play around with this one and Hinderance more than the other one

Chapter 3

The red eyes bore through their soul as the creature lowered the hood seeing the scaly skin.  The long black wavy hair was frizzy as Sayaka came up to it hugging as it hugged back.

“Miyuki, what happened?”  She asked as the woman fell to the ground staring at the fire.

“I’ve failed in retrieving the sword and I was turned into a lizard as punishment.”  She showed her hands filled with rough scales as the finger tips were of ridged cells.

“I see.”  Sayaka felt the hands and feared the punishment for the next person that may come their way.  Yui came up to her seeing the sand-colored skin of hers before the thickness of the surface.  Takamina and Yuko walked up to her seeing the consequences of the guardian’s spell.

“How far did you travel?”  Yuko quizzed her as the forked tongue slithered out before she showed them eight fingers.  “It isn’t far from here but we sure need a guide to take us over there.”

Sayaka looked at them, determined from her friend’s failed attempt.  She marched westward but Yuko grabbed her wrist before she could get anywhere.  The woman glanced back gritting her teeth toward them as Miyuki walked towards her nodding toward Sayaka as they returned to the fire.

“Don’t worry about me.  They seem to know what they want.”  She confided when she grabbed metal sheet from behind the animal carcass and tossed it on the fire.

“You guys eat.  I killed the animal in self-defense and wanted to skin it before you guys came into the hut.”  Sayaka moved over to the animal slicing under the skin, removing the hide with such precision as the rest laid the small pieces of meat on the red, hot pan.  The sizzle was an orchestra to their ears when Miyuki suddenly turned hissing into the dark.

“I feel a presence out there.  There was a monster out there after me when I was turned into this.  It feeds on the reptiles.”  She explained picking up the meat with her fingers.

The earth shook under them as the group turned toward the barren lands and saw the dust storm brewing in front of them.  They prepped themselves with the weapons as they each took their meat when the thunderous roar brought them down to their knees.  Yui held the stone and spear together lighting up the weapon from the orange hue to a blue ball of power.  The sand blew up the distance drawing closer when Yuko and Takamina took to the front.

Sayaka and Yui flanked thee two as Miyuki followed behind them as the screech pounded their ears as the blue flame showed the rows of teeth as it stared over at the prey over them.  The eyes were black shaped like the moon above with the crescents as Yuko charged slicing through the body as a splash of black hit the sand.  It howled when it turned to Yuko as Takamina took the other side slashing across the body creating a gash as the black liquid oozed out onto the sand.

Yui saw the monster surged forward and threw up the spear puncturing through its jaw.  Sayaka closed her eyes before seeing her sword turn to the brightness of the sun.  She held it up before taking a running start and leaping to the height of the monster before slicing downward to the loud screech of the monster’s call.  It splattered over the women as the eyes closed for the final time when Miyuki felt her skin running over to Yui.

“The curse is gone.”  She yelled seeing the sun rising from their backs as a large structure was in the distance.

Yui turned to the woman as she smiled towards her and everyone else.  Sayaka ran up to the friend hugged her as the flame slowly died with the sun’s rise.  They returned to the hut leaving the rotting the carcass as Miyuki felt the rock and pulled out the spotted handle from the crack seeing the blade curved like a hook.  Miyuki saw the reflection in the blade before placing into the belt.

“Do you think we can win over the guard?”  Miyuki asked as she felt her smooth skin again.

“The problem is that you decided to go on your own.”  Sayaka scolded her as she showed the tattoo on her forearm.  “You have to be a guest of ours to get in.  Please don’t use your influence.”

The three turned toward Sayaka as they wanted to hear the explanation.  Miyuki turned to them removing the gown revealing her back showing the slender spine as two characters were etched into her shoulder blades as the message on her back consumed the rest as the three started to read the message.

“Watanabe.  Princess of Osaka.  Bound to marry a prince at age twenty.  Will bound the hatred of the clans into one powerful nation.”  Yuko spoke as Yui could feel the power from the ink.  She pulled her top back over her body before turning to face the group.

“I’m a princess, who will not be bound by the people who declare me as I am.”  She announced as the three bowed down to her.  Sayaka glared at the woman as she drew a smile onto her face.

“And I will have to protect her because of the adventurous nature.”  She sighed as she moved up to her.

“I guess it kills you that succession is by me and the message is conflict with your plans.”  She shot back as Sayaka grabbed her sword and forged ahead as the rest followed her away from the sun.

The three grew curious of the Osaka legend as they pulled the princess aside as Sayaka was pulling ahead of them.  Miyuki turned and gleamed at the group.

“You can call me Milky.”  She confided to them as she closed her eyes.  “Osaka has been the center on many things in the past and the many clans have fought until my grandfather had brought them together.  There was peace for twenty years until his death and at the same time was my birth.  They were furious that no male heir was produced until my cousin was born five years ago.  They wrote on my back that I would be the one to rejoin the city but I refused as I wouldn’t marry the person.  He had an aura that made me frightened of the future.  My father thought I was being delusional about travelling that I would abdicate my rights to my cousin but the person I was about to marry had destroyed the town.”

“That man was evil brewing from the start that many of the protectors had died in the battle before he was captured by shamans.”  Sayaka added as she noticed the group was at a slower pace.

“My father though blamed me for not calming his spirit and I ran off with the only weapon I had in my possession.  I left everything behind to venture the world and heard about the story of the swords.”  Milky explained as the three nodded to her.

“Then, you got turned into a lizard.”  Yuko pointed out as the woman nodded.

“The legend goes that if you can’t pass it, you’ll be eaten by the monster of the desert.  I feared for it as I ran as fast as I could back through the desert to not be eaten as I saw its meals being consumed like appetizers waiting for a big meal to come its way.”  Milky told them as the structure gleamed toward them from the sun’s rays.

They stepped through the sand feeling it venture under their feet as the drag was slowing them down when Takamina took out the phone and flashed the weapon on the screen before it turned off.  The skies above was a dark gray slowly coming from the structure as Yuko and Takamina looked intently as the shadows came out flying past them.  The wind picked up swirling the sand creating the life forms to surge toward them.  The group set up their weapons as they surrounded them five deep, turning their backs toward each other as the creatures went into a circular motion around them.

“This will be entertaining.”  Yuko said.

“Easy or hard?” Takamina questioned.

“Everybody has their opponents and take it from there.”  Sayaka watched the formation as they switched midway.

“On three?”  Milky looked around.

“One.  Two.  Attack!”  Yui grunted as the spear connected through the line dissipating into the ground.

Yuko swung her sword through the creatures getting to the outside before sweeping past them inside.  Takamina sliced through the middle before an overhead slash took out her opponents.  Milky hooked the two together colliding them against each other blowing a kiss to the third one stunning it as two sandwiched the creature.  Sayaka gracefully leapt on each of them cutting off their heads before they fell to the surface and blended into the environment.

An army came from the ground and charged them as each of them had been surrounded by the monsters as they busted through them with little success in gaining the upper hand as they ran toward the structure getting to the gate where Milky noticed the guard was throwing sand up creating their enemies and Milky fought off the enemies with Yui as Takamina and Yuko joined up against the creator.

“Takamina swarm left.”  Yuko commanded as the protector ran before circling around as Yuko took the other side as they ran their blades through the creatures before lifting their swords and slicing downward knocking the creator to the ground.  It stumbled back to its feet running into the building as the skies dropped its blessing onto the sand.  The group ran but was caught the tide of the mixture and forced to swim through it until they all arrived at the entrance breathing hard as they glared at the gate and the moat in front of them.

“What is the plan?”  Sayaka glanced at Yuko as she turned to Yui.

“How about using the spear?”  She suggested as Yuko raised her eye brow toward the idea.

“Let’s try it.”

Yui threw the spear sticking onto the gate as Yui ventured past the moat below and climbed the wall to get to the top as she glanced inside.  She felt relieved that no one was around because of the storm and ran down the stairs to lower the gate.  The spear was transformed back to the card as the rest cross over into the structure.  Yui felt something under her foot and placed her full weight on it catching the group in the trap door as they headed into the abyss below.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 09:52:11 PM by kuro_808 »
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Soul Hunter- Chapter 3
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2014, 08:55:53 AM »
Kuro-san... you really had many fics on hiatus.. :shocked:
I know you currently busy with Going My Way
if you have time.... update some of your other fics please.... :bow:

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Re: Soul Hunter- Chapter 3
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2014, 04:29:34 PM »
Ah... Interesting new story you have here...

Like it lots... another action story

Can't wait to see the next chapter

Thank you

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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