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Author Topic: Going My Way Extended Story  (Read 24869 times)

Offline kuro808

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Going My Way Extended Story
« on: September 04, 2014, 01:37:10 AM »
Chapter 1

"I can't believe my boy is all grown up."

Yamamoto Sai couldn't believe he was finally going to be away from the coop. It wasn't he didn't like where he was but his adventurous side got the best of him.

"I'm going to miss you!" The woman hugged him with her warm arms as eighteen years she had done so before. Sai felt a warm drop run down his cheeks as he pressed his head against her shoulder.

"Mom, same here." He said as another pair came to wrap around both of them.

"You two are softhearted." The elder male smiled as Sai grabbed his duffle bag and guitar case before walking away.

He couldn’t turn back as his heart had been broken by leaving his parents to go to Tokyo with the little clothes he possessed.  Sai left his memories back in Osaka as the traditional man he had become but going to be the modern person as he boarded the train.  Packed like sardines, he held his items close to him as he weaved through the crowd, feeling his body pressed against the door.

The essence of the people made a combination of smells that was unique to the venture to Tokyo.  He knew his body couldn’t hold up for the trip and sat in the corner with his items near him as he waited for the crowd to dissipate.  Despite everything, he had about a day to move into the dorms and wanting to venture into the city.  He glanced at his phone before putting his earphones as the bass of the music soothe him from the chaos.

Sai loved music.  He didn’t let anyone know what type but anything with a beat and rifts brought him back to his old band.  However, it reminded him that he couldn’t relive before the band broke up.  Music had brought them together but the girl was liked by everyone and she chose Sai, the lead guitarist. 

Sai downplayed the relationship to keep the band but she couldn’t keep it a secret within the group and eventually Sai had grown tired of her public affection that he had her kicked out.  The rest were disappointed and angered by his decision but he continued despite the rift between them.  Sai observed the band being defined when everyone decided to take on separate projects and left without telling them his plans of heading to Tokyo.

The headphones cancelled out all the noise as she held his hands in position and moved his fingers passionately like making love to a woman.  Every stroke was important to tuning the air guitar but he had himself zoned into his music.  Sai had enough talent but lacked dedication because of school and when he graduated, it was enough time to look into his major and music became an easy choice but he also dwelled into social studies and chose the safe route.

“Next stop, Tokyo!”  A person had yelled as his took off the earphones with the torrent of people rushing out as Sai managed to get onto the platform. 

The warm air flowed from the top as it flowed down to hit him as he weaved through to head to the ground level where the tall buildings amused him.  It towered over the people as they looked at ants travelling from the height.  The city was a filled with people and bustling traffic with the cars speeding by and seeing a different side of females in the city compared to Osaka.  The darker, thicker makeup made him wonder about having a Tokyo girlfriend, they were more outspoken and have a way to be rude towards others.  Sai liked his former girlfriend but it was the band him consider that she could have been influenced by the others.

“Oi!”  Someone yelled out as it managed to swerve passed him as he decided to head to the nearest café to settle his plans for the next few hours on his way to the campus.

He peered into the shop seeing people consuming their lunch as she entered with the smell of fresh burgers coming out onto the table.  He bypassed the sign and took his seat with the map spread out onto the table.

Sai had thought about walking but with the foot traffic being congested, the next best plan was by bus.  He searched through the city for a stop where it would send him to the school and a finger pointed down at the point.  Sai’s eyes shot up to a female in a waitress uniform with a pink bow tying the ponytail.  His eyes began to wonder about how she could pinpoint with such accuracy.

“You must be a new student.”  She smiled.  “I’m Watanabe Mayu and I go there and use the bus a lot so you would just go east one block and a shuttle will be there to pick you up.”  She explained as his mouth dropped when he heard directions and placed down two hundred yen onto the table.

Sai jogged to the stop and glanced at the schedule when the bus pulled up.  The driver moved his hand with a grin on his wrinkled face.  He saw the few people on the bus and took an empty seat as the bus drove from the stop and entered into the traffic.  He placed his headphones on when his eyes closed instantly keeping his hands in the same position he on the train.  It was instincts that he could play electric and acoustic and held it like he would if he had them in his lap.  Every song it changed his posture and his hands were steady as with every strum and pick had been perfected when the violent jolt awoke him from the soothing beat.

“What happened!?”

“Someone just cut off the bus.”  The person next to him explained when a trickle flowed down from his forehead to his opened hand.

Sai didn’t panic and grabbed a shirt from his bag and wrapped it around his head.  The bus moved again as he kept himself awake when the campus came into sight.

“Okay, here’s Fuji College.”  The driver announced as Sai got off and ran to the nearest location to unwrap his headband as it spread onto the white shirt as the crimson had become a slight pink in his hand.  Sai searched his bag for the map and headed toward the dorms to his right where they stood with the gray paint among the forest of green around it.  He walked along the path as the atmosphere was more nature like compared to the city until he got to the dorms where the students had been checking in and got his assignment as he approached one of them with just his name.  Sai walked up the creaky stairs to the second floor and turned to the dark hallway.  The musky scent had entered into his mind as he saw the number increasing as he passed by until 213 had come up.  He gripped the door but heard sounds escaping from the room.

“May I come in?”  Sai knocked the door and waited for a response when he saw a messy-haired male answered the door his dark eyes and looking below his neck.  Sai took a step back and sat outside as a female has walked out, disheveled but in a quick manner before the male allowed him inside.

“Sorry for that…”

Sai waved it off as the windows were wide open as the smell seemed to still linger.

“I’m Yokoyama Yuito and I guess you’re…”

“Yamamoto Sai, I’m your new roommate.”  He finished his sentence as he dropped his stuff onto the neatly pressed bed.

“Again sorry… I just had my girlfriend come over and I didn’t expect anyone but thanks for knocking.”  Yuito smiled when Sai felt the pillow and laid out for his long awaited nap.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2014, 08:29:23 AM by kuro_808 »
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Offline Kairi65

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Re: Going My Way Chapter 1 9/3/2014
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2014, 02:10:22 AM »
nice intro!

but it makes me wonder exactly what's the story about :dunno:

can't wait to read the next one!

ps, i'm a bit confused on certain parts.

Sai downplayed the relationship to keep the band but she couldn’t keep it a secret within the group and eventually Sai had grown tired of her public affection that she had her kicked out.

He searched through the city for a stop where it would send him to the school and a finger pointed down at the point.  Sai’s eyes shot up to a female in a waitress uniform with a pink bow tying the ponytail.

he was in the city right..? so, how there's suddenly a waitress? :dunno:

thanks in  advance.. :byebye:

Offline kuro808

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Re: Going My Way Chapter 1 9/3/2014
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2014, 03:39:19 AM »
first part i fixed

second I just added the way he found the cafe :nervous
« Last Edit: September 04, 2014, 04:41:43 AM by kuro_808 »
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Re: Going My Way Chapter 2 9/4/2014
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2014, 11:54:52 PM »
Chapter 2

Sai awoke still a little cloudy but his new roommate was on the laptop when Sai groaned as he sat up on the bed.

“Welcome!”  Yuito greeted him.  “Do you need help with other stuff?”

He nodded as he held his hand over the open mouth as Yuito changed into his clothes before leaving the room with Sai following him from behind.  Sai glanced around the area where he saw the many faces as Yuito pointed out the kitchen and the showers.  Sai walked inside to see a few of them in the room, readying themselves for the showers with a hint of curiosity on his mind.

“Do you like girls?”  Yuito asked out of the blue with his hand running through his greasy hair.

“Of course I do.”  Sai replied as he turned back to his roommate.  “It’s just hard to have one because women have the tendency to look ahead while I want to stay present.”

Yuito chuckled at such responses.  He was a realist per se but he couldn’t believe such things came from a freshman as they walked down to the lobby where many were carrying their books back into the dorm.  Sai looked around the area as another man ran to them as Yuito waved his hand.  “That’s Ryu .  He’ll come around a lot since his girlfriend has issues most of the time but it isn’t a big deal when you have a forgiving one too.”

Sai remembered a lot about her although she was okay with the idea of dating the band mate at first.  He shook off the idea as they walked toward the main building where lines of people were winding in and out of the rooms.  He slapped his head that he should have came earlier but Yuito went through and headed to the employees’ entrance to the right of the student’s entrance and boxes of books were stacked everywhere.  Sai took out his phone and thumbed through the schedule as Yuito whistled to get two of the people’s attention and showed the list to them before they ran off.

“Do you drink coffee?”

Sai waved his hand.  “I don’t like caffeinated drinks.”

“Ahh… There is a vending machine for juices so we can go there while we wait for your books.”  Yuito smiled as they headed into the small room with the sink and a refrigerator in there and to the right of them was the huge vending machine.  “We brought this in with our money and the staff pays for the snacks.”

“Sugoi!”  Sai thought.  “I was thinking…”

“Oh?  My books are on hold and they will be delivered later today.”  He answered before Sai could finish the questions as Yuito pressed the button for the orange juice.

“Thanks.”  Sai opened the can and took a sip of it and the hint of orange flavor caught him in the back of the throat.  It was sweet to him but a soothing aftertaste made tolerable as the two came back with the books in a bag.

“How much?”

“It has been charged to your account.”  One of them panted.

“I don’t have an account…”  Sai informed them as the other handed a card over to Sai.

“It is processed before you come here and usually we would give it you when you get your books but Yuito took the liberty to inform us of your arrival and made one.”  He explained as the two ran back into the chaos of getting books from the warehouse.

“Wow… Thanks!”

Yuito grinned, “It is my responsibility to keep you company as an upperclassman.”

Sai was impressed by Yuito already.  He wasn’t sure why he had done things for him and even took him to the back of the store but Sai was grateful of the hospitality.  Sai grabbed the bag and instantly felt the weight of the books in his grip.  He used the other hand to assist in carrying the books before returning to the dorm to drop off the books.  Sai walked back alone back to their room as he saw the people walking by, waving to him as he struggled to get to the door.  He opened the door and saw a key on the table for him as he threw it onto the bed giving away to the weight.  The plastic bag broke with the books tumbling onto the bed.

“Are you Yuito’s new roommate?”  The man asked as Sai turned to see his height and nodded.

“Ahh!  I’m Kai!  Welcome to the dorm!”  He shouted as the rest pushed him to the floor when another one had come to the door.

“I’m Kuu and you’re…”

“I’m Sai from Osaka.”  He replied as Kuu gave him a firm handshake.

“You look rather skinny.  We should eat.”  Kuu recommended as Sai bowed toward them.

“I’m with Yuito at the moment.”

The two nodded as Sai returned to the room for the key and locked the door behind him.  He ran back downstairs as he noticed the building having three floors and turned back to Yuito.

“You got your key?”  He asked showing his set of keys as Sai showed the one key as they continued to the next area.

Sai quickly noticed the area was filled with females when he saw the woman that was with Yuito when he arrived as she stood in line at the coffee shop.  Yuito didn’t notice the woman until he turned back as they walked passed her and he gave her a wave before they proceeded to enter the building.

“This is the freshmen women’s dorm.”  He pointed out to Sai.  “Well many are just adjusting so maybe there is a chance you may meet someone here.”

Sai glanced around the place and suddenly his heart gave an awkward thump.  He bit down on his lip as he followed Yuito as they were going away from her.  Sai saw her with the glasses as she placed them on her head as her hazel eyes turned to see him for the moment and then turning back he met the glass door with Yuito on the other side, shaking his head.

“I’m embarrassed already.”  He sighed.
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Offline Kairi65

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Re: Going My Way Chapter 2 9/4/2014
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2014, 02:26:09 AM »
Who's the other girl? Is it milky?

And is it yuito or sayaka that said about women looking ahead? I dont really understand the sentence

Update soon! :deco:

Offline kuro808

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Re: Going My Way Chapter 2 9/4/2014
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2014, 04:29:44 AM »
Who's the other girl? Is it milky?

And is it yuito or sayaka that said about women looking ahead? I dont really understand the sentence

Update soon! :deco:

The girl.... it'll be in the next chapter

It was Sai who said it as Yuito was the one reacting to what Sai said as how Sai went through his girlfriend.

Chapter 3

“Are you okay?”

Sai heard the high-pitched voice and then came into his vision was Yuito with wide grin on his face.  His head felt slightly shaken but enough to stay stable on his feet.  The group of people crowded around him as they walked off as he began to look around.  The girl that he had saw before hitting the glass door was gone as Yuito gave him a pat on the head.

“Please don’t do that.”  The woman warned as Sai looked down at her.

“I’m Yamada Nana, the consultant for the girls’ dorm.  Are you okay?”

Sai nodded.  “I feel fine.”

He took a few steps and managed to get the okay to walk away without any permanent damage physically, yet emotionally he was red faced about the situation.  Sai kept his lips sealed when Yuito had asked about what had happened and eventually it got dropped altogether as they got to the common meeting place for the students where a band was playing in the yard with the acoustic guitars and bongos.  Sai walked up to listen to the melody before Yuito showed him to the cafeteria.

He heard his stomach growl as Yuito showed him to the few selections they had as it was private university and many couldn’t obtain the leases they wanted as the prices were high.  Sai had enough for his meal and walked up to the line as Yuito shadowed him as he picked out his plate selection.  He was dedicated vegetarian and left his roommate in awe as placed the money down before going through the crowd, arriving at the empty table.  Sai took a seat and felt his weight tumble leaving his food on the table but his body landing in a mess.

“I forgot that this table is broken…”  Yuito nervously laughed.

Sai rolled his eyes as he dusted off his clothes and picked up his tray to take it outside to the bright atmosphere.  Yuito led him to the table away from the cafeteria as Yuito grabbed a water bottle from the vending machine.  Yuito glared at him as he chewed his food with Sai’s eyes scanning the area.  He wished that she would be around savoring his meal.  When he did look at Yuito, he would turn to the campus as fewer people were around walking.

“Where are we going after this?”  He asked after swallowing his bite.

“The rest are buildings…  Speaking of which…”  Yuito spoke out loud as he remembered the list of books.

“What is your major?”

“I’m going to major in social studies.  What’s yours?”

“History… Planning on changing to the medical field.”

Sai smiled as he heard the answer.  He didn’t know too much of his classmates from high school but one had decided on being a doctor which didn’t seem too far of a reach he thought.  He quickly finished the meal seeing Yuito was glancing around and placed the tray onto the trash bin before throwing the plate into the bin.

“Let’s go to the social studies building.”  Yuito pointed toward the mass of buildings as they continued to walk along the path.

Sai’s eyes observed the trees around the campus as the dark shadows seemed to come over them.  He was aware that looking above the gray clouds was slowly gliding over them as Yuito continued until they got to the covered area where the smell of the forest had entered his nose.  He glanced around the campus before the drizzle came upon the green grass.  Sai gazed at the gray building as the path turned to the right where the covering had ended and grabbed the Yuito’s arms.

“What are you…?”

Before he could end his sentence, a sheet of water exited the sky.  Sai was great at predicting rain like a dog would bark as it came but he knew by instinct and Yuito pointed toward the gray building in front of them.

“That’s the social studies building.  I guess we can meet up for the semester to do a few study sessions.”  He explained as Sai grinned before returning back to the endless path.

Yuito knew that there was one place they could visit before the rains could let up.  They paced over to the final building that the path had ended with a big domed roof overhead.  He opened the door to the air conditioned sanctuary with the few people that were already there.

Sai glanced around the area filled with books as there was a staircase to the left of them and on the right was the elevators.  Yuito turned right as the building itself was tall rather than wide as he murmured remembering where the location of the research books would be when the door opened for them and pressed three before it sped up to that floor .

“What year are you?”  Sai asked as Yuito tilted his head.

“I’m a second year-student here but third overall since I transferred from the Kyoto campus.”  Yuito explained as the doors opened to the floor.

It was lined up with wooden shelves filled with books as the middle was an expansive area with many large tables lined up parallel to each other, stretching from one end of the floor to the other.  Sai ran across to the shelves as he saw many things about America and modern Japan as he peered through the holes the hazel eyes he remembered at the girls’ building came within his sight.  They were soft as he stared at them but he quickly turned away as Yuito came to him, distracting his attention.

“I think we better head back.  If we get back early, we get dinner at a more convenient time.”  Yuito explained as the two rushed down the stairs and out into the overcast yet sunlit sky above them.

“I was wondering… what’s your girlfriend’s name?”  He asked.  “If you don’t mind answering…”

“Her name is Haruka but I call her Paru.”  He smiled before turning back to the front as he ran as fast as he could with Sai following him behind.
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Offline Kairi65

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Re: Going My Way Chapter 3 9/5/2014
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2014, 05:50:04 AM »
so was the girl... who? :huhuh

so, yuito's thinking on changing from history to medical? i wonder if there's a reason..

plus, why he transferred from kyoto?

that some extreme instinct..again, he met the hazel eyes..who is it?? :panic:

waiting for the next one! :twothumbs

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Re: Going My Way Chapter 4 9/6/2014
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2014, 11:24:42 PM »
so was the girl... who? :huhuh

so, yuito's thinking on changing from history to medical? i wonder if there's a reason..

plus, why he transferred from kyoto?

that some extreme instinct..again, he met the hazel eyes..who is it?? :panic:

waiting for the next one! :twothumbs

Can I say I answered the questions?  Kinda XD

Chapter 4

With the first day of students moving in coming to a close, Sai and Yuito returned to the cafeteria for the traditional semi-annual dinner with the students from the dorms.  Sai saw Ryu come in with a girl being weaved through the crowd as they took their seats to the left of Sai.  Paru rubbing her eyes took the seat next to Yuito.  It left one seat across of Sai as he crossed his fingers, hoping for that girl but his heart dropped to his stomach when another female had taken the seat.  He began to scan around the cafeteria but he couldn’t see her among the ocean of people.

“Welcome to Fuji College!”  She had announced in her black top and matching knee-length skirt.  “I’m your supervisor of the dorm relations, Oshima Yuko.  We want to congratulate you for being here at our dinner for the dorm members.  Our selection of food is made by the lovely staff and since it is buffet style, please take as much as you want.”

After the speech, they saw the woman run off stage as the monitors came to allow them to start getting their food.  The table was quiet except for the two couples whispering to each other.  Sai thought the woman was attractive but it didn’t make his heart flutter like the one in the library and within the female dorm.  However, he had thought about just talking to someone and felt his hands shake.  He got up and squatted next to her as she was scanning through her phone.


“Hey!  Were you the one who ran into the door?”

The question itself wanted to make him cry as for the brief moment he was out of his body but he gave a smile and nodded.  “That was me.”

“Ah!  That’s pretty funny.  I’m Jonishi Kei and I come from Shiga.”  She introduced herself as Sai’s eyes grew.  “By Lake Biwa.”

“Ah~ I’m from Osaka.”  Sai blurted out as Kei gave him a smile.

“You seem rather quiet being from Osaka.”  She laughed as Sai felt his cheeks burn up.

“I’m rather boisterous when I’m around my friends.  Anyways… this is my roommate, Yuito.”  Sai pointed to him.

Yuito took over instantly as he introduced his girlfriend, Paru, Ryu and finally his girlfriend, Rino.  Ryu smiled at him when his girlfriend elbowed him in the ribs.

“She prefers you call her Sasshi.”

Yuito and Sai laughed with Kei joining in midway with the other two keeping their emotions in check with blank expressions.  After the quick awkward pause, a man came and told them to go into the line.  Sai saw the selection of European food and traditional items combined onto one plate.  The two girlfriends stood in line followed by Ryu, Sai, and Yuito with Kei taking the rear.  With the line being long, Sai had turned to his roommate.

“Kyoto…”  He trailed off as Yuito grinned.

“I wanted to get out but the college that accepted me didn’t have the classes after the fact that they had cut the program out altogether.  So I decided to take up another major to cover up the blunder and they gave me a year credit to assist with my transfer.”  Yuito explained as the line moved up at a snail’s pace.

“So you wanted to always go into medical?”

Yuito nodded.  “That is still my dream to do so but history gives me a reason to stay in school because of the fiasco.”

They started to notice the line and grabbed their plates as they reached the salads which Sai piled up before spreading the Italian dressing over the greens.  He saw the many items like the braised pork and roasted chicken cut in a nice row and felt comfortable with his selection as they returned to the table with juices lined up around the table as they conversed with each other.  Sai got to explain about his guitar as the rest were interested in joining to make an ensemble which made him comfortable with everyone.

The clock spun to closing time as they were in the midst of conversation as Sai decided to walk with the rest of the group.  He didn’t really think about it but he saw the bright moon in the sky and looked up at it.  He didn’t imagine that such a moon had existed on the clear night.  Sai felt at peace looking up being far away from home for the first time in his life and just sighed.

“Usagi-chan~ Usagi-chan~ don’t run away!”  The voice from a few feet away caught his attention.

Sai couldn’t make out the figure in the dim area but he followed the voice within a reasonable distance before he had stopped as it pranced away from him.  He wasn’t why anyone would be saying such things out loud and began to look around the area.  Sai felt his palms moistened as he took a few steps in each direction before finding a bench and stared at the moon again.  He cursed his attention span for leading him the wrong way when he heard a creak on the other side.

“Was someone sitting here?  It there was, I’m sorry.”  She said as Sai turned waving his hand.

“Go ahead, sit there.”

“The night is extremely beautiful.  It usually would be cloudy but it has been clear as of late.”  She spoke as the reflection off her glasses caught Sai’s attention.

“I’ve been wondering about that especially with the rain today…”  Sai thought as she turned toward him.

Sai’s mouth dropped as the person he had seen on two occasions was now close to him.  His mouth went dry instantly as the words seemed to jumble within his mind.  He couldn’t let himself lose such an opportunity as he turned away with his cheeks burning from the occasion.

“Are you okay?  Maybe it was the glass door?”  She laughed as the event seemed to make all the girls seem he was a derp but he couldn’t say why he had hit the door hard.

“I’m fine.  It’s just…”  Sai looked around to see Yuito coming out of the building.

“I’m Sai.  It’s nice to meet you.”  He introduced himself as he extended his hand.

“I’m Miyuki.  I hope we have classes together.”  She gave a firm smile as he ran away to catch up with Yuito.

“That was the first a boy had touched me!”  She whispered before running back to the building before the curfew closed off the entrance.
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Offline Kairi65

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Re: Going My Way Chapter 4 9/6/2014
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2014, 01:00:35 AM »
yup! definitely answer my questions!

cant wait for the  next one, update soon! :cathappy:

Offline kuro808

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Re: Going My Way Chapter 5 9/7/2014
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2014, 05:47:15 AM »
yup! definitely answer my questions!

cant wait for the  next one, update soon! :cathappy:

No problem, here it is

Chapter 5

“Where did you go?”  Yuito asked with a smile.

“I was… with someone.”  He answered with a slight hesitation.  “Let’s just get back to the room.”

As soon as both had gotten into the room, Sai jumped into bed and pressed his head against the pillow.  He eyes closed instantly but his mind kept racing about Miyuki.  He felt compelled that he should have stayed for a while longer to get to know her better but the fact that he saw Yuito made him uncomfortable to just talk.  Sai felt he was sleeping on spikes as he turned every few moments before just sitting up and looking at his books.

Sai opened up his bag and brought out a black rectangular item from the bottom.  He opened it up as the light from the computer served as his guide to the socket and arranged his books in order of the classes.  However, his mind became solely on her.  It wasn’t the first time he felt that way but since the breakup, he finally felt nervous for the first time.

“Are you up?”  Yuito asked as he rubbed his eyes.

Sai placed his books away and hid it into the space below the bed.  “Just wanting to start classes.”  Sai smiled as Yuito turned away from the light.

Sai couldn’t help it but he turned off the light before leaving the room to the dim hallway.  He saw the moonlight peering through the wide window and walked toward it as he stared at it.  He began to sway as it gave him enough temptation to try it but walked back to the room and slipped into his bed.  Sai kept up his struggle but once his eyes closed, the only thing that got him was the alarm clock with the sun coming through the door.

“Your class is in about forty minutes so let’s get going.”  Yuito informed him as he ran off to the bathroom where the steam from the showers clouded his sight.

He extended his hand through the cloud of steam and felt out the lockers as many people were passing him before he managed to find an open locker.  Sai stripped down to his birthday suit before getting one of the dry towels and stepped into the shower.  The noise level was high with the men surrounding him as he headed to the open stall and had the samples of shampoo and body wash emptied by the ones before him.  Sai used whatever he could as the shower drowned out the noise around him.

Sai liked the water but awoke when it suddenly turned cold as his daydream made him vulnerable to the sudden change.  He washed off the shampoo and soap from his body before rushing out to wipe off the extra water and changed into his clothes.  Sai ran his fingers through his hair, controlling the wildness of his freshly showered hair.

“Let’s go!”  Yuito commanded as he grabbed his brown bag and books, stuffing it inside before following his roommate out with hundreds of others heading out the same way.

The crowd itself was now an ocean as neither could see above the rest but seemingly Yuito was guiding him through every shortcut he knew before getting to the building.  Sai glanced at the room and took the stairs up to the next floor with Yuito going straight as Sai managed to get to the room without looking at the panel and saw a hand raised up in the crowd as Sai took his seat.

“Kei… how’s everything?”  Sai asked, brushing his hair back with the residue water travelling down his neck.

“It’s been fine… just had to deal with my roommate…”  Kei rolled her eyes at Sai.

“Something wrong?”

“Actually, she had been yammering about a guy meeting her yesterday.  It has been so annoying because it feels it was her first time being with someone with the opposite sex.”  Kei explained as Sai tilted his head back when the teacher came in and wrote out words on the board with the whole class panicking in unison as they wrote down the words.

Sai felt the words were a sleeping spell on him as the monotonous voice created the worst effect until he glanced up at the clock.  His eyes exploded as the hand passed the twelve when the class was done.  Sai glanced around to look for Kei as he wanted to continue the conversation but Kei left using the other exit and now he began stroll through the hall as the students seemed to pass by him getting to their classes.  He managed to get to the other side of the hallway and found a room, finding a person reading a book.

“Hello?” Sai greeted the person as it turned

“Ah!  Welcome to the study area for social studies majors.”  The woman greeted back.  “I’m Maeda Atsuko, the advisor for the department.”  She lowered her glasses with her hand extended out to him.

“I’m Yamamoto Sai.”

She smiled before turning back to her book.  “Do you have the intro class?”

“Yes… at 10:00.”  He answered, closing her book again.

“I’ll see you there.”  Atsuko smiled as Sai left the room and headed to the stairs and ran down to the first floor to wait out for his next class.

He started to echo Kei’s words in his mind as he waited for the class.  Sai shook his head that Miyuki couldn’t be Kei’s roommate but it could have been anyone, he thought as he put his head into his hands.  Sai’s mind went foggy for the brief moment as he wanted to speak to Kei to ask about Miyuki when he turned to see a hand next to him.

“Are you okay?”  A woman asked as he raised his head.

“Sorry I’ve been thinking of something…”

“I guess so but maybe there is something I could help you with.”  She grabbed his hand and took him to the office across of the room.  “I’m Shinoda Mariko, the resident shrink and professor of social studies.”

He was glad that she had taken him away from the hallway when he instantly explained his situation.  She sat straight up, keeping her full attention onto him as she kept her hands clasped with Sai’s troubles being like a short story.  Sai paced as his story came out that he just wanted to see her after all that time after seeing his roommate that he couldn’t get her out of his mind.  Sai glanced up and walked out the door when his eyes locked onto the person.

“Ah Sai, how are you doing?”
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Re: Going My Way Chapter 6 9/8/2014
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2014, 02:27:55 AM »
Chapter 6

Sai had turned to see her in a long ponytail and the glasses as his heart started to thump.  If he had the mirror, he knew he would have looked stupid as his tongue hung out with the words becoming hard to even communicate.

“I’ve been good… You?”

“I couldn’t sleep well last night.”  She laughed.  “Are you here for Maeda-sensei’s class?”

“Yes!”  He shouted before realizing it went up a tone by impulse.  “I’m actually excited.”

Sai saw Kei come from behind as she placed her hands on top of Miyuki’s shoulders.  She swung her bag catching her arm that was shielding her face with a wide smile.  Miyuki’s cheek inflated as the two giggled at her as the class was let out for the next session.  Sai decided to sit three seats from the middle rows to the left of the professor as the two took the other seats.  He could feel the beads of sweat roll down his cheekbone as Kei became the buffer between them.

“Is she the one you were talking about?”  Kei asked bluntly as he smiled.

“I think so… we meet last night at the benches.”  Sai answered as her lips curled up.

“You know that she is way over her head because she is quiet person.”  Kei explained as Sai shrugged.

“Okay?  So what are you trying to get at?”

Sai’s words seemed to bring a certain thing into mind as Kei’s hand brushed over Sai’s knuckles.  He glanced at her when the professor walked up to the stand opened up the PowerPoint as the lights dimmed from above.  Sai hoped Miyuki hadn’t glanced over before the start as she eyed the screen as Sai removed the hand away.  He observed Kei while keeping notes and couldn’t allow such things to happen as he moved his hand away, keeping it on top of the desk.

The whole class seemed like a mission to not let Kei get to him and luckily there wasn’t any other incident as the three left the room.  Sai followed Miyuki out, keeping his eyes out for Kei trailing behind them.  He grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the building to the tree opposite of the building as he kept his eyes out for Kei.

“Is Kei your roommate?”  Sai breathed with the question coming out like an arrow from a drawn back bow.

“Yes!”  She answered.

“Were you talking about me last night?”

Miyuki’s lips zipped up as her eyes looked toward the ground.  Sai had turned to see a bunch of students coming out but no Kei in sight.  She wiped her eyes before turning away from him and rushed away.  Sai felt his heart drop as he bit down on his lip.  He wanted an answer but something made him want to hear the truth.  He thought that it must have been too soon when he turned to see a smug look on Kei’s face.

“She won’t say her real feelings until you make her not nervous.”  She explained as Sai started to walk away from her.  “It is no use that she can see anything beyond what you possess but I can!”

Sai turned and noticed that Kei had that smile.  He felt he was being controlled by sorceress with the fact that he couldn’t keep his eyes away from her.  His hand balled up into a fist when he closed his eyes, tilting his head downward to shield his displeasure.

“What are you trying to say?”

“Miyuki is shy and naïve to any cute boy.  I know that.”  She stated as Sai rolled his eyes.  “Do you want to deal with that?”

It made his fist become rock-like as he heard the question.  He couldn’t make it any worse than what she had already expected but now to deal with a roommate who could form her against him was becoming problematic.  Sai didn’t want Kei to influence her anymore than what was already said to him but he didn’t want to lose her.  He felt his rage hitting a point before he felt it instantly cool down as his thoughts started to whisper into his mind.

“I would deal with it but what’s the deal?”  Sai asked with the irritated tone.

“One date.”  She held up her finger.


“Simply because I want to see what you can do for Miyuki.”  She explained as he shook his head.

“Miyuki is someone I like and if you wedge between us, she may never see me again especially if her roommate is on a date with me.”  Sai gritted his teeth emphasizing the last part of his statement.

“It is either you take me on a date or risk Miyuki being all shy and innocent because…”

“You know something about her don’t you?”  Sai felt the hook grabbing his cheek.

“I guess you know how it’ll work from now, right?”

Sai nodded.  “When?”

“How about tonight at five?”  She suggested as he nodded.

“We can go to the café down the road from here.”

Kei nodded as she pranced off.  He relaxed his fists when she was out of his sight when he felt his stomach gargle with the scent of food escaping from the cafeteria.  He walked over to the scent, leaving the concern about the date behind him.  Sai managed to get into line for his food when he felt someone poking his shoulder.  He spun around to the woman with the twin ponytails.

“Remember me?”

“Mayu?”  Sai answered as she waved back.

“Ah!  You look quite ravishing today.”  She commented as he had a tiny smile on his face.

“Thanks… You look quite pretty.”

Mayu smiled before the smile turned away when a man came and pecked her on the cheek.  Sai glanced at the lanky man and gave him a smile as he waved towards him.

“Boyfriend?”  Sai questioned as Mayu shook her head.

“Best friend.  He is Kashiwagi Yuki.  I call him Yuki-kun.”  Mayu introduced the man as they stood in the line for food.

“Anyways, I need to get food before my next class.”  Sai moved forward to the next line.  “I hope to see you tonight.”

Mayu turned to Yuki and told him about meeting Sai at the café before he nodded and waved good bye to him as he rushed through to get the boxed lunch and headed to the other side for the math class.
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Offline Kairi65

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Re: Going My Way Chapter 6 9/8/2014
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2014, 04:41:53 AM »
uuh..? so is kei bad..? what is it that she knows about miyuki?

did sai know kei from somewhere?

mayuki~! :mon lovelaff:

the conversation between sai and mayu almost sound like they're flirting(i must be overthinking..)

i wonder who was the person sai dated when he was in the band..?

update soon!

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Re: Going My Way Chapter 6 9/8/2014
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2014, 12:20:08 AM »
uuh..? so is kei bad..? what is it that she knows about miyuki?

did sai know kei from somewhere?

mayuki~! :mon lovelaff:

the conversation between sai and mayu almost sound like they're flirting(i must be overthinking..)

i wonder who was the person sai dated when he was in the band..?

update soon!

Well the questions will be answered through the date as for the Mayu conversation, I kinda wanted a casual setting and the words seemed to go that way as she was trying to make conversation

Chapter 7

Sai luckily didn’t have either of them for math as he sat in his seat toying with his hair on the arm as the teacher kept going about the importance of math and the few notes he started to write was being clouded by the thoughts of Miyuki.  He wasn’t able to forgive himself if she had gotten away but it was something Kei had with him seemed to make him wonder.  He rushed out of the class and ran to his dorm room.  Sai’s eyes turned to the door knob and saw nothing as he knocked first when he felt the door knob and tried to turn it.  He grabbed his key and opened it to the empty room.

“Yuito is still in class.”  Sai turned to Ryu as he waved towards him.

“Thanks… Can you help me with something?”  Sai asked as Ryu shrugged his shoulders.

“What is it?”

“How would you deal with a roommate trying to pry between the girl you like and you?”

Ryu smiled as they went into the room.  “Simple!  Play the game and win with the best strategy.”

“What is that?”  Sai scratched his head.

“Tell her that it doesn’t matter what is between you two and just confront the girl you like.”  He explained as Sai lowered his head.

“What if you have to go on a date with said girl because you fear that she may badmouth you?”

Ryu shrugged his shoulders.  “That’s up to you.”

Ryu left the room as Sai got his change of clothes and towel to take a shower.  He entered the area with the sound of a few people showering as he managed to get through the locker room and dropped off the used towel before grabbing a new one before the shower.  He kept it brief before he started to use his brain to over calculate his moves and brushed his hair back as he got his clothes on for the date, a black rock t-shirt and shorts.

Sai arrived at the shuttle stop with the bus arriving as the only one boarding as the driver whistled before departing as he had to venture down to the bottom.  He planned out the night and played the game that Kei wanted to do and when he looked up, it was the restaurant across the street and crossed over to find a seat as the waitress placed the two glasses down filled with water.  He took a sip as the water flowed freely into his throat as he saw her walking in with the beige top and black mid-thigh skirt.  Her hair was brought back and laid over her right shoulder.

“Evening.”  Sai said as he stood to allow her to take a seat across of him.

“Evening.”  She replied as she took a sip of her water.  “I’m glad you came.”

“Did I have the choice?”  He questioned as she hid her mouth behind her hand.

“You really like Miyuki, don’t you?”  Kei smiled with Sai nodding.

“Don’t you think I would take this if I didn’t?”  He retorted as Kei shook her head.

“Well… let’s order something and we can discuss Miyuki.”  Kei suggested as Sai saw the waitress and pointed toward the special.

Sai observed Kei from across the table as it was more than a game but if she was truly overcame by Sai’s attractiveness, it would only mean trouble but Kei took advantage of Miyuki’s shyness, he thought.  The disappointment was building within him that maybe it could have been the case when his brows rose as the bottom of her foot started to rub against his shin.  He scooted his chair back as she saw the smile appear.  It was the dirty trick but the meal arrived in time to avoid further embarrassment.

He saw the stir-fry with bits of bacon and slid it back as he thought it was true vegetable stir-fry and the waitress nodded her head as she took back the dish as Kei pushed her hair to the back and picked up the stir fry with her chopsticks as the mixture of crunchy par cooked vegetable mixed well with the oily pork.


“Yes, very strictly.”  He responded as his eyes watched the chop sticks move methodically to her mouth.

“Miyuki does eat meat.”  Kei stated, swallowing her bite.

“That’s fine.  My last girlfriend liked yakiniku, didn’t bother me.”

“You had a girlfriend?  That’s interesting.”  Kei smirked.

Sai saw Kei had pulled him into the trap and now he was just in something that could bring the worst out of him.  He began to think if he told the truth of his girlfriend, it could turn into a nasty response which would make Miyuki probably hate him but it could be controlled if he didn’t panic.

“Like any person, we didn’t get along personally.”  He stated when his meal came out with no visible pieces of meat and picked up the steaming hot stir fry and placed it into his mouth.  It was perfect as Kei placed the chopsticks down onto the side of the plate.

“How was she in general?”

“Simple and smart.”

Kei snorted at the answer.  Sai was sure that his answer was making Kei wonder about him without selling himself out.  She made quick work of the meal and placed the chopsticks over the plate.  She moved her seat over as she was closing the distance but he insisted to let her come his way and saw her lean in.

“How about sex?”

Sai felt the dagger into his soul.  It was the main problem when they were together as they were stupid and in high school.  It was common to have sex but it wasn’t easy to explain the situation to Kei as he glared at her.  The truth was they did it many times over the few months.  It was her who wanted it all the time compared to him.  Sai wasn’t shy but the affection was more assaulting than the display of kissing or hugging.  She was aggressive with his behind and how she placed her hand onto his thigh before running it over his front.  Sai couldn’t take the constant show of her horniness and made the decision to stop seeing her.

“We did it.”  He answered with the bluntness.

“You have to tell me more.”  She pleaded when he placed his chopsticks down.

“I’ve said enough and if you want to get into Miyuki, tell her what you know.”  Sai narrowed his eyes when Kei turned her head.

“To be honest… I’m not doing this for me but for her because she doesn’t want you to know that she has a dark past.”  Kei explained.  “I wanted to get your attention but after the constant repeating of your name, I grew interested.”

“I see… Do I want to know?”  Sai asked lowering his tone.

“She told me that… She was abused by her father until she was sent to Tokyo with her mother.”

Sai lowered his eyes.  Kei had thought of her roommate but had done it to make her feel comfortable that males aren’t all like that and he remembered how he was like an anxious dog towards her.  He didn’t want to hear any more about Miyuki unless it was from her.  Sai went for his wallet when he felt his hand being touched.

“I’m only going to look out for her.  I’ll tell her that you’re a nice person and if you want to hear the whole story, ask her nicely.”  Kei smiled as Sai smiled back.

“Thanks!  Now I shouldn’t be so forward.”

Sai placed down the money and left it for the waitress as they left the restaurant.  The two waited out for the shuttle back to the school as a figure had been standing there at the stop.  It shielded its head as the bus pulled up when the two exited from the bus.  It was Miyuki smiling toward them.


“Hello…”  Miyuki replied as she turned to Kei.

“He isn’t bad.  Maybe weird but not bad.”

“I see.  I’ll pay you back for the meal.”  Miyuki suggested as Sai moved his hand side to side.

“It’s fine.  I’ll just see you tomorrow.”

Sai walked back to the dorm where Ryu and Yuito were on the bed as Sai dove into his bed, closing his eyes as he wanted the next day to come.
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Offline Kairi65

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Re: Going My Way Chapter 7 9/9/2014
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2014, 01:18:34 AM »

so the reason kei went on the date was miyuki asked her..?

i wonder where this will lead to.

update soon! :cathappy:

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Re: Going My Way Chapter 7 9/9/2014
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2014, 05:18:16 AM »
Wow ! That's kinda unexpected.

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Re: Going My Way Chapter 7 9/9/2014
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2014, 08:01:58 AM »
Sorry, but I'm guessing Mayu (?) was Sayu's ex-girlfriend because "My last girlfriend liked yakiniku, didn’t bother me." and they knew each other before the story started~

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Re: Going My Way Chapter 7 9/9/2014
« Reply #16 on: September 10, 2014, 08:19:25 AM »
I am very tempted to answer this because I expect disappointment and I kinda see a lot of confusion :lol:


so the reason kei went on the date was miyuki asked her..?

i wonder where this will lead to.

update soon! :cathappy:

I'll do it soon... Miyuki is one of those where she has hesitated enough because of her issues which I shall say now will lead to other stuff where more issues would come out :lol:

Wow ! That's kinda unexpected.

Same as above there's more to it than it seems

Sorry, but I'm guessing Mayu (?) was Sayu's ex-girlfriend because "My last girlfriend liked yakiniku, didn’t bother me." and they knew each other before the story started~

well this was the comment where I needed to answer because Sai is a vegetarian and usually people would either be irked or accept them.  Sai accepts but will decline to eat meat.  The concept of Mayu was more a side character rather than a main character although the surprises actually is not Mayu but someone else where that will pop up soon :lol:
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Re: Going My Way Chapter 8 9/10/2014
« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2014, 10:54:01 PM »
Chapter 8

Sai awoke to the sun peeking through the curtains that weren’t up from when he first moved in.  He turned to the empty bed and turned back to find his phone in his pocket.  Sai remembered he didn’t have a class until the afternoon and returned to his sleep as the loud thuds awoke him.  He swung his legs over and felt the floor below as he turned the knob.

“Morning.”  Kei greeted with her hair wrapped up in a ponytail as she walked inside.

“What are you doing here?”  He asked as Kei took a seat on Yuito’s bed.

“Miyuki wanted to thank you for understanding so she is willing to ask you for a favor.”  Kei elaborated from her speech from last night.  “The thing is… she is a little curious about something.”

“If she wants to know, she should see me.”  Sai said as he laid onto his bed with his eyes still on Kei.

“True…  I’ll tell her that.  It is kind of embarrassing…”  She smiled.  “When do you have class?”

“Noon if I remember correctly, what about Miyuki?”  Sai asked as Kei shrugged her shoulder.

“I’ll check in with her when she comes back in about half an hour.”

Sai nodded as he grabbed a piece of paper and pen to write down his number and handed over to Kei before she left the room.  He thought it would be worse if Kei was trying to get to him but it seemed weird that after such hesitation, it wasn’t true.  Sai closed the curtain before returning to his bed to finish his sleep.


“I got his number.”  Kei informed her roommate as she dropped her bag onto the black chair to the right side of the room.

“Thanks…  Did you tell him the favor?”  Miyuki asked as Kei shook her head.

“The thing is… he feels irked about you using me to get the information out.”  Kei explained as Miyuki took a seat.  “Is it a bad thing to tell him…?”

“I can’t tell him in person because of the questions he’ll have and even if he felt comfortable, I’m different from before.”

Kei hated the fact that she was trying to play the good friend despite everything they had gone through.  Being her close classmate at first, the aura of Miyuki was beyond what people had thought.  The first day of high school Kei had sat in class when she saw her walk in with every violation of uniform code.  She hadn’t cared to say anything but the only thing that made Miyuki who she was, was the fact that in middle school she had wooed the male student body to talk to her.  Kei had seen everything for the three years but she saw something changed on the day before graduation.

Kei saw the purple circle around her left eye.  Miyuki had said that someone had pushed her down the stairs but after constant nagging, Kei got the truth about her and her intention to change when they were going to college in Tokyo.  She hesitantly agreed but once Kei saw Sai at the dorm walkthrough, she knew that Miyuki would use her magic to win him over and stepped in.

“I know you want to change but you know that everything I know is only going to hurt you if you don’t get him now.”  Kei warned Miyuki as she took her seat.  “You want your Milky name be used?”

Miyuki rose from her seat as the name was stuck like glue to her if she ever headed back to Osaka.  Osaka had become the last place she would ever visit but hearing Sai is from Osaka made her hesitant.  However, the city was her life and being away from it for less than a week was brutal but she could always use the disguise.  Milky to her was the insecure girl who had done everything to impress any man with the touch of her fingers.

“I’ll talk to him.”  Miyuki grunted as she pressed in the number and punched in the text.

This is Miyuki.  What time are you available today?

She placed her phone to the side as she waited for her reply as Kei exited the room with her bag.  Miyuki had wondered that everything that had happened was because she felt uncomfortable.  Her father was responsible for making her the woman and in the end it was continuous mental and physical abuse that made her insecure.  Miyuki remembered the few times that she had fished in customers for money and figured that any girl would do anything for money.  In the end, it helped her and her mother leave her husband but the last beating was the final one.  It was the punishment that had ended her ways.

It felt like a nightmare when he had learned about her job and earned a beating plus the pain seemed to grow as he continued to bring pain in every part of her body.  She had been left curled up when the neighbor came and saved her.  Miyuki didn’t have to see him get arrested but she ended all relations which she received one bruise and a hug for her service.  There wasn’t enough punishment to save her life but she began to think as a light came to the side of her.

3:00 is fine.  –Sai

Miyuki felt happy that she could meet him and talk to him at an available location and glanced at the phone.

Is the library okay?

Miyuki heard the ringtone quickly.

It’s fine.

Miyuki put her glasses on and let her hair down as she lay on her bed.  The pearl ceiling seemed plain when she arrived in the room but it quickly turned into a reminder about her life in general.  She knew her father was aggressive and worse if he was drunk but she had never thought he would turn against her especially she had lost her purity with him on one of his rages.  The memory made her cold as she felt the warmth run down the bridge of her nose and she had set herself to torture the soul that was her father. 

She couldn’t keep her eyes closed.  Miyuki grabbed her jacket and walked out of the room to the lawn as she tried to remember the touch by Sai.
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Re: Going My Way Chapter 8 9/10/2014
« Reply #18 on: September 10, 2014, 11:33:35 PM »
poor miyuki... :mon cry:

she really does have a dark past..

that father of her... :mon uggh: :on voodoo:

i wonder what is her favor..? update soon..! :fap

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Re: Going My Way Chapter 9 9/11/2014
« Reply #19 on: September 11, 2014, 10:42:31 PM »
poor miyuki... :mon cry:

she really does have a dark past..

that father of her... :mon uggh: :on voodoo:

i wonder what is her favor..? update soon..! :fap

Well here it is

Chapter 9

Sai awoke seeing the message from Milky.  He felt compelled to go to the library but needing to go to class; he sprayed on the body spray and left the room.  He dragged himself over to the building with his mind filled the thoughts of having a talk and the favor was starting consume his thoughts when he stepped into the class.

“Hello!”  The woman greeted him with a high-pitched tone as he took his seat.

Sai waved towards him as he took his seat toward the door before opening his bag and organized his book and pen out on the table before glancing up at the clock.  The female was cute but rather small for someone his age.  Sai looked at the girl as she greeted him again.

“What’s your name?”  She asked in that screechy voice.

“I’m Sai.  What about you?”

“I’m Miori.  Do you want a lemon?”  She asked offering the yellow fruit in her tiny hand.

“No thanks.”

He had thoughts about any person offering a lemon to him and saw her bite into the fruit without flinching at the sour taste.  Sai only used the lemon for fruit drinks and when he put it in water.  Although she still was cute as a little sister type when the class slowly came into the room.  The professor pulled down the projector screen and turned off the light before his Power Point came up.  Sai scribbled down his incoherent speak but his mind became solely on Miyuki for the brief moment.

Sai had remembered what Kei said of Miyuki and began to place certain things that were obvious.  Kei was doing something that probably many would do if she was extremely shy.  However, it was weird to see her out at the bus stop alone.  Sai had begun to think it was maybe a setup to get him to see past Kei to Miyuki.  However, Sai liked Kei for the fact that he got to know her a bit but it wasn’t Kei that he had been aiming for all this time.

“That’s it for today!”  The professor announced as Sai shot up from his seat.

He paced toward the destination with all his might as he arrived quickly.  Sai took out his phone and Miyuki had sent him the room number for the study area and walked through the rows of shelves before arriving toward the back of the floor where the lights usually indicated if the room was occupied and saw the light off.  However, the shadow gave away the presence of the woman as she opened the door for him before flicking on the light.

“I was napping when I saw you.”  Miyuki replied as Sai placed his bag down and took a seat across of her.

“So… what do you want to talk about?”  Sai asked as Miyuki stood and fixed her glasses as she approached the chalkboard filled with dust, using the eraser to take most of it off but it flew around the room creating a cloud above them.

“The thing is… I wanted something from you.  Permission from you to allow Kei to come with us.”  Miyuki said softly.  “It is just something for at least for the first few dates and when I feel comfortable, she won’t be there.”

Sai was taken aback by the favor but he couldn’t deny something if he was drawn in by her.  He had thought of other suggestions like a double date or at least a group date but the suggestion would influence other stuff but his lips seem show his cards.

“How about a group date?”  Sai suggested as she shifted her glasses down the bridge of her nose.

“Let me think about it…  I want Kei for the first one.  I’ll pay for the meal.”  Miyuki told him as he nodded his head.

Miyuki returned to her seat as she glared at the table when Sai grabbed her hand.  He saw the shock on her face but frozen was her eyes as she stared at him waiting for something to break the moment between them.  Sai felt a pain coming to his shin as he rubbed the area when Miyuki turned her body away from him.


“Sorry I’m just not used to with this.”  She explained as Sai reached out for her hand and now placing the second hand upon her soft skin. 

He observed the pain of Miyuki locking eyes with him.  Sai kept his lips zippered as Miyuki grew antsy in her seat.  He slowly started to see her relax as she forced a smile.

“Since we have this done, I want to ask you about Kei.”

Miyuki shook her head.  She pulled back her hand as she went back to the board and wrote down Kei with an X struck over her name.  Sai wondered if there was something he had missed in this whole thing when she returned to the seat.  Miyuki grabbed his hand and placed it upon her cheek.  The soft skin made Sai uncomfortable as it was more affection than he had expected from her.

“The thing is I’m wondering how you know Kei…”  Sai said as Miyuki smiled.

“We were classmates but she is originally from Shiga, while I came from Nara.  We both went to school in Osaka because our parents were working there at the time and they had offered us room and board.”  She explained as Sai tilted her head.  “What’s wrong?”

“I went to school in Osaka.”  He stated as Miyuki turned her head.

“I guess we missed each other.  We were both homebodies.”

Miyuki bit her tongue as Sai shrugged his shoulders.  She knew it wasn’t the truth but to tell him she was doing a dirty deed when she was a high school student.  Truth was going to come out soon but she decided to keep her story as she decided to move on with the story.

“We decided to come here because it was nice and maybe we could get a boyfriend or two.”  She laughed nervously.

“I see…  Well, how long are we going to stay here?”  Sai asked as Miyuki removed her hand.

“As long as you stay here.”  She answered as Sai moved her chair.

“Well the library closes at seven today so let’s leave then.”  Sai whispered, seeing Miyuki smiled as she placed her head on his shoulder.
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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