uuh..? so is kei bad..? what is it that she knows about miyuki?
did sai know kei from somewhere?
the conversation between sai and mayu almost sound like they're flirting(i must be overthinking..)
i wonder who was the person sai dated when he was in the band..?
update soon!
Well the questions will be answered through the date as for the Mayu conversation, I kinda wanted a casual setting and the words seemed to go that way as she was trying to make conversation
Chapter 7Sai luckily didn’t have either of them for math as he sat in his seat toying with his hair on the arm as the teacher kept going about the importance of math and the few notes he started to write was being clouded by the thoughts of Miyuki. He wasn’t able to forgive himself if she had gotten away but it was something Kei had with him seemed to make him wonder. He rushed out of the class and ran to his dorm room. Sai’s eyes turned to the door knob and saw nothing as he knocked first when he felt the door knob and tried to turn it. He grabbed his key and opened it to the empty room.
“Yuito is still in class.” Sai turned to Ryu as he waved towards him.
“Thanks… Can you help me with something?” Sai asked as Ryu shrugged his shoulders.
“What is it?”
“How would you deal with a roommate trying to pry between the girl you like and you?”
Ryu smiled as they went into the room. “Simple! Play the game and win with the best strategy.”
“What is that?” Sai scratched his head.
“Tell her that it doesn’t matter what is between you two and just confront the girl you like.” He explained as Sai lowered his head.
“What if you have to go on a date with said girl because you fear that she may badmouth you?”
Ryu shrugged his shoulders. “That’s up to you.”
Ryu left the room as Sai got his change of clothes and towel to take a shower. He entered the area with the sound of a few people showering as he managed to get through the locker room and dropped off the used towel before grabbing a new one before the shower. He kept it brief before he started to use his brain to over calculate his moves and brushed his hair back as he got his clothes on for the date, a black rock t-shirt and shorts.
Sai arrived at the shuttle stop with the bus arriving as the only one boarding as the driver whistled before departing as he had to venture down to the bottom. He planned out the night and played the game that Kei wanted to do and when he looked up, it was the restaurant across the street and crossed over to find a seat as the waitress placed the two glasses down filled with water. He took a sip as the water flowed freely into his throat as he saw her walking in with the beige top and black mid-thigh skirt. Her hair was brought back and laid over her right shoulder.
“Evening.” Sai said as he stood to allow her to take a seat across of him.
“Evening.” She replied as she took a sip of her water. “I’m glad you came.”
“Did I have the choice?” He questioned as she hid her mouth behind her hand.
“You really like Miyuki, don’t you?” Kei smiled with Sai nodding.
“Don’t you think I would take this if I didn’t?” He retorted as Kei shook her head.
“Well… let’s order something and we can discuss Miyuki.” Kei suggested as Sai saw the waitress and pointed toward the special.
Sai observed Kei from across the table as it was more than a game but if she was truly overcame by Sai’s attractiveness, it would only mean trouble but Kei took advantage of Miyuki’s shyness, he thought. The disappointment was building within him that maybe it could have been the case when his brows rose as the bottom of her foot started to rub against his shin. He scooted his chair back as she saw the smile appear. It was the dirty trick but the meal arrived in time to avoid further embarrassment.
He saw the stir-fry with bits of bacon and slid it back as he thought it was true vegetable stir-fry and the waitress nodded her head as she took back the dish as Kei pushed her hair to the back and picked up the stir fry with her chopsticks as the mixture of crunchy par cooked vegetable mixed well with the oily pork.
“Yes, very strictly.” He responded as his eyes watched the chop sticks move methodically to her mouth.
“Miyuki does eat meat.” Kei stated, swallowing her bite.
“That’s fine. My last girlfriend liked yakiniku, didn’t bother me.”
“You had a girlfriend? That’s interesting.” Kei smirked.
Sai saw Kei had pulled him into the trap and now he was just in something that could bring the worst out of him. He began to think if he told the truth of his girlfriend, it could turn into a nasty response which would make Miyuki probably hate him but it could be controlled if he didn’t panic.
“Like any person, we didn’t get along personally.” He stated when his meal came out with no visible pieces of meat and picked up the steaming hot stir fry and placed it into his mouth. It was perfect as Kei placed the chopsticks down onto the side of the plate.
“How was she in general?”
“Simple and smart.”
Kei snorted at the answer. Sai was sure that his answer was making Kei wonder about him without selling himself out. She made quick work of the meal and placed the chopsticks over the plate. She moved her seat over as she was closing the distance but he insisted to let her come his way and saw her lean in.
“How about sex?”
Sai felt the dagger into his soul. It was the main problem when they were together as they were stupid and in high school. It was common to have sex but it wasn’t easy to explain the situation to Kei as he glared at her. The truth was they did it many times over the few months. It was her who wanted it all the time compared to him. Sai wasn’t shy but the affection was more assaulting than the display of kissing or hugging. She was aggressive with his behind and how she placed her hand onto his thigh before running it over his front. Sai couldn’t take the constant show of her horniness and made the decision to stop seeing her.
“We did it.” He answered with the bluntness.
“You have to tell me more.” She pleaded when he placed his chopsticks down.
“I’ve said enough and if you want to get into Miyuki, tell her what you know.” Sai narrowed his eyes when Kei turned her head.
“To be honest… I’m not doing this for me but for her because she doesn’t want you to know that she has a dark past.” Kei explained. “I wanted to get your attention but after the constant repeating of your name, I grew interested.”
“I see… Do I want to know?” Sai asked lowering his tone.
“She told me that… She was abused by her father until she was sent to Tokyo with her mother.”
Sai lowered his eyes. Kei had thought of her roommate but had done it to make her feel comfortable that males aren’t all like that and he remembered how he was like an anxious dog towards her. He didn’t want to hear any more about Miyuki unless it was from her. Sai went for his wallet when he felt his hand being touched.
“I’m only going to look out for her. I’ll tell her that you’re a nice person and if you want to hear the whole story, ask her nicely.” Kei smiled as Sai smiled back.
“Thanks! Now I shouldn’t be so forward.”
Sai placed down the money and left it for the waitress as they left the restaurant. The two waited out for the shuttle back to the school as a figure had been standing there at the stop. It shielded its head as the bus pulled up when the two exited from the bus. It was Miyuki smiling toward them.
“Hello…” Miyuki replied as she turned to Kei.
“He isn’t bad. Maybe weird but not bad.”
“I see. I’ll pay you back for the meal.” Miyuki suggested as Sai moved his hand side to side.
“It’s fine. I’ll just see you tomorrow.”
Sai walked back to the dorm where Ryu and Yuito were on the bed as Sai dove into his bed, closing his eyes as he wanted the next day to come.