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Author Topic: Heartsmith - Chapter One. 3 |#1st Customer - Matsui Jurina [19/10/17]  (Read 17280 times)

Offline genkingblack

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There is one important part of our body, you can’t see yet can feel it. It doesn’t need your brain to make it running, mysterious right? Whether you are sleeping or not, it’ll work continuously; 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Heart, that’s what it’s called. No, you haven’t heard the interesting part yet. I’d say the most interesting part is heartbeat, why? Because if you can hear it, humans have different heart rhythms. Of course, there are cases that humans have problem with their heart and die eventually. But did you know if you have the abnormal heart rhythms it doesn’t mean that you’re sick? If you happened to took one of them to see the doctor, believe it or not their answer would be the same; They are fine. Actually they aren’t, or at least they used to be fine. The abnormality is often caused by overflowing sadness, Heartbroken.

Heartbreak and Love are two side of the same coin. You just can’t love someone, if you can’t handle the heartbreak later. The one who get through this phase would be stronger, but the one who can’t it would be like living in sorrow. They kept it inside, hoping no one will realize. Too bad, heart shows it all. That’s why they are having the abnormal heart rhythms, slowly made them losing who they are, changed them bit by bit. Some chose to pretend like they don’t have feeling anymore; Easier, that’s what they said. Of course, when you turn-off your feeling, you don’t care anything except you. However, when love is calling you; No one can stop it, not you or the other party. You just fall, that’s it. The bad thing about love is, it didn’t tell you in advance; how to push the brake button. The more you love someone, the more you will get hurt. Love gave you weird sensation, as if the strange wavelength tried to play music into your soul. Some it will last long, the other goes by the time, or it can’t produce any music at all. So, That’s probably what made you can’t love again, nor moving on. One thing for sure, their hearts are still broken.

However, there was rumor of someone that can fix the broken heart. Not sure if it was just urban legend or indeed a legit rumor. If you happened to be heartbroken, you’ll have to cross the bridge in the far east of the town. The problem is the bridge only shown up once a month, full-moon to be exact. When the skies are clear and you can heard the sound of violin from afar vaguely. They said it played the saddest melody you’ve ever heard, probably that’s why you can’t resist the temptation to look after the source of it. All you need is take 13 steps front after step down from the bridge, don’t be afraid though you can’t see anything except mist. Because when you realized, you are already arrived in front of small workshop. Heartsmith, that’s what written on the door.

-To be Continued

Hello, It's been a while :) - Is anyone missing me?
Okay, I know I still have many ongoing fics that I haven't finished yet. But after reading comic strip about heartsmith, i decided to create one based on member in 48G perhaps adding 46G too  8) 8)
My biggest thank goes to emprezz48 She helped me to improve this story, created the poster and proofread it. I love you! XD
I am currently working on all my on-going fics (but i am slow writer with random pace, So....  :nervous :nervous)
Let's meet again soon~  :peace:

« Last Edit: October 19, 2017, 05:33:29 PM by genkingblack »
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Re: Heartsmith - Prologue + Poster |3/7/2017|
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2017, 10:17:19 PM »
Oooooh, interesting.

Offline genkingblack

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Re: Heartsmith - Prologue + Poster |3/7/2017|
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2017, 07:07:27 PM »

Chapter One

It was already near midnight, but you could hear someone kept grumbling and having multiples sigh coming out from her mouth. She managed to empty the box beside her, put the last book to the 3rd rack on the shelf beside the staircases. She clapped her hands in joy, however the smile didn’t last long when she turned her back and found the 1st floor of the house was still…..messy.

“This cleaning thing….is never ending job….”  She found herself leaning on the bookshelf, because she’s been cleaning since afternoon but look the house is still far from clean and tidy.

“Mayu! Don’t you dare take a rest now! We still HAVE a lot boxes unpacked on the 2nd floor you know?” someone’s voice echoed from the upper floor, that person gave stress in particular word.

“Mou….. I am so done with these boxes already. Moreover, this house is really…really....BIG for two of us, bro.” Mayu continued to protest, as her feet brought her to the front of staircase now “Beside, why in the world do we have to move?” she kept glancing to the gap from lower floor, just enough to see her bro’s shadow walking back and forth.

“I thought we had talked about this?” The movement from 2nd floor suddenly stopped,

Yabai…. Here we come…. Another long lecture…” She closed her eyes, cursing inside because she was dumb enough to push wrong button of her bro.

The bro’s step finally coming closer to the staircases, ready to give the younger one little chit-chat “We ne-”


What a luck. The doorbell saved Mayu’s ass from hell lecturing class. She used this as excuses to move from where she stood to the front door. The bro who already in the middle of descending the staircases saw this can’t help but annoyed by the younger who left the scene.
“Oi! Mayu! I haven’t finished yet!”

Mayu didn’t bother about the yelling behind her back, because she knew there was someone coming from front door.

“Haai~~ Welcome!”

Mayu opened the door before the guest could, a yelp came out from the guest’s mouth. Her eyes were widened; moving to right and left. She looked so surprised to this unexpected situation.

“It’s okay, please come in.” Mayu assured her with hand movement, as the other hand was holding the door.

Indeed, the house looked so messy as if someone just moved in. Many boxes on the corner, so does with cleaning tools. You could tell the owner of the house was in the middle of cleaning. However, the house was really like….. Normal house? Did she come in the right place?

“Anoo…. Are you the heartsmith?” The girl finally spoke for the first time.

“No No…Not even in my dream.” Mayu shook her head “Not even in my dream I’ll be the heartsmith. It’s pretty tiring job, you know? Anyway… you’ll meet the heartsmith soon.”
Slowly you could heard someone stomped the feet towards where the guest and Mayu were standing.

“Mayu! How many times do I need to tell you, don’t walk away be-- W-wait? Who is this?”

“Ah Bro! We have customer!” Mayu smiled awkwardly, slightly hiding behind the guest’s back as she pushed the guest toward the bro.

The customer was taken aback when she found a female figure than male one. Okay, she looked a lot like male, the height, the face’s structure, low tone even the way she walks. Without realized, the customer just staring at the heartsmith as she was bewitched by the ikemen-heartsmith. By her reaction, the heartsmith knew immediately the problem.

“Ah, please don’t mind what my sister said. Mayu always called me bro though I’m a girl. Welcome to the heartsmith, I’m the owner and also known as the heartsmith; Sae at your service, Miss.” Sae crossed her right hand on the chest as her head slightly bow to the customer.

“It's because I can’t bring myself to call you as ‘sis’. it’s just…...creepy.” Mayu paused before saying the last word, her face showed the disgusting reaction as if she wanted to puke just thinking about the idea calling Sae as Sis instead Bro.

“Mayu…..” Sae toned her voice down, though she is smiling now Mayu knew Sae didn’t snap her neck merely because of the customer’s presence.

Sae’s words sounded so scary, because it was already late and also none of them were talking. Unconsciously, Mayu clutched her fingers to customer’s shoulder, a yelp came out as a result.  The customer’s turned her neck to spit flame to younger sister of heartsmith.

“S-Sorry! But please please let me stay behind you for the time being.” Mayu showed pitiful look to increase her persuasion. The latter can’t say no, not after saw that kitty look. Mayu is blessed by her adorable face, she can pull it off without trying.

“I am Jurina, Matsui Jurina. Nice to meet you, Sae-san.” Jurina offered her hand, to form simple yet general greeting act.

Sae took Jurina’s hand, her lips tug into smile “Just Sae is fine, so what brings you here?”

“I heard heartsmith can fix a broken heart, is that true?”

“Well….. It’s Yes and No.” Sae calmly answered.

“What do you mean by that?” Jurina can’t hide her impatience.

“Why don't we go to my workshop instead?”

Jurina let Sae lead her way to the second floor of the store. Before they reached the middle part of stairs, Sae turned on her heels to meet the younger one

“Please bring the usual to workshop, Mayu.”

The younger one didn’t reply anything but nod, clearly understood what Sae meant. Soon after she left to somewhere else on the first floor, until Jurina and Sae can't see her again. The heartsmith also continued their movement to the highest floor in this building. Surprisingly, there is only one room in the second floor; the farthest room at the back. They passed the area which is quite spacious, no specific ornaments, simple yet tidy with simple arrangements; black sofas and coffee table. Perhaps the heartsmith always spend her time in this area?

Before she can think about the possible answers, they both already arrived at their destination. The owner opened the door and finally let her in, now Jurina knew why this is called as workshop. You can see Sae has many working tools here, just name anything that you need; Jurina bet Sae have it all you need. Hammer, screwdriver, wrenches in any size were beautifully arranged in the walls. A fear crept into her mind, does that mean Sae will open up her heart with these stuffs?No way….. Right?

“Welcome to my workshop, have a seat please.” Sae took a seat in her working desk, motioned Jurina do the same except on the chair opposite of hers.

“Anoo…. Are you using these stuffs to fix someone’s heart?”

“Yes, is that a problem for you?”

After hearing Sae’s answer, Jurina regretted her decision to come in this store. She prepared the worst before coming here, but dying wasn’t on her list; Not in million years. Sae who saw the familiar behavior (another issue if customer found she is a girl), immediately realized Jurina mistook her sentences in wrong way.

“Relax I’m not gonna kill you in process. These tools are different with normal one. Remember, I am a heartsmith not cold-blooded killer” Sae who saw Jurina’s face getting brighter, clearly showed what's on her mind can't help but chuckled; this customer was really cute.

“So…Hmmmm….  Breakup, huh?” Sae blurted out as her eyes fixed on Jurina’s chest.

“How…..?” The customer's eyes were widened. Instead of answering her question, Sae closed her eyes.

“It’s been 2 years, right?” Another smirk from Sae’s lips, still closing her eyes.

HOW DID YOU KNOW??” The customer’s eyes getting bigger and bigger on each line that heartsmith’s gave to her.

“First love, wasn't it?” Sae tilted her head, finally opening her eyes, threw question look to her customer.

WAIT WAIT! Can you at least answer my QUESTIONS?” Jurina finally standing up, raised her right palm to stop Sae from blabbering another facts about her. To be honest, she was a bit pissed off because of heartsmith’s straightforwardness

“It’s just… I can hear anything…..” Sae crossed her legs, as the index finger of her right hand were pointing at Jurina’s left chest “Especially your heart…the heartbroken one.”

Just 5 minutes ago, Jurina was really scared because she thought she came in wrong place; stuck with a cold-blooded killer who might want to kill her and take the organs in order to sell it in black market. However right now, She felt sorry for doubting Sae’s capability.

“Now, please sit and tell me your story.” Sae beamed her infamous smile.

Jurina took the seat once again, done with freaking out. A bit hesitant at first, because she knew when she said her name, their memories will coming back. But she was already made up her mind, after took a deep breath she finally uttered her story for the first time in a while.

“Her name is Rena, Matsui Rena.”

-To be Continued

My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
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Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Heartsmith - Chapter One [11/3/17]
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2017, 08:09:20 PM »
Holy cow, I really like this!!! OwO

So Sae has some special power that allows her to fix broken hearts...

And yeah, I'd be scared like Jurina to see that workshop. XD

This seems so cool~ I wonder just what happened to Jurina, and what will Sae do to fix her broken heart.

Please update soon! I really wanna see what happens next! >w<

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
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:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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Re: Heartsmith - Chapter One [11/3/17]
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2017, 12:00:32 AM »
Woah!!! This is so cool. Amazing plot btw, can't wait to read the next update.
Matsui Rena + Matsui Jurina =

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Re: Heartsmith - Chapter One [11/3/17]
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2017, 05:07:03 PM »
I need to know what's next (ಥ_ಥ)
author-san ( TДT)

Offline genkingblack

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Re: Heartsmith - Chapter One [11/3/17]
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2017, 10:25:01 PM »
Oooooh, interesting.
Glad to see you around, mike  :)
Holy cow, I really like this!!! OwO

So Sae has some special power that allows her to fix broken hearts...

And yeah, I'd be scared like Jurina to see that workshop. XD

This seems so cool~ I wonder just what happened to Jurina, and what will Sae do to fix her broken heart.

Please update soon! I really wanna see what happens next! >w<
Sorry for not so soon update ._. been busy lately
Hahahaha everybody must be afraid to come at such suspicious workshop  :lol: :lol:

Woah!!! This is so cool. Amazing plot btw, can't wait to read the next update.

I need to know what's next (ಥ_ಥ)
author-san ( TДT)

I hope i didn't make someone wait for long  :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop:
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GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
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Offline genkingblack

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Re: Heartsmith - Chapter One [11/3/17]
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2017, 10:31:26 PM »

Chapter One.1

“Wait a minute.  Aren't you also Matsui?” Sae frowned, already lost in the beginning of story.

“Yes, but we aren't related. She was my classmate. But now, she moved to another city.” Jurina smiled but her eyes showed a deep sorrow about the girl named Rena.

“Okay….. Please go on. I won't stop you again.” Sae leaned her back, making herself comfortable since she knew it’s going to be long long story.

Jurina’s POV

It was when the result of entrance exam announced, we gathered in front of the gate just wanted to see if our names were on the list. I glanced at the exam ID on my right palm ‘08397’

“Urgh…. My stomach is hurt…” Suddenly just 3 steps away from the board, there was uneasy feelings from my belly. I was too afraid to take a look yet I was dying to know about my scores.

“Are you okay?” Suddenly I felt someone’s hand on my back as my eyes followed the movement. I couldn’t see her properly since the sunshine was so bright, or it came from her all along. “Hey?” She waved her left hand in front of my face, enough to broke my trance.

“I am fine, Thanks for asking.” She helped me until my body was able to stand up properly. “....I was just so nervous about the result….” The knot inside my belly twisted even more

“Ah so you haven’t see yours? Neither have I. Why don’t we check it together?” She smiled, really one of the best smiles ever. “I am Rena by the way, what's yours?” She reached out her hand.

“Jurina, Matsui Jurina.” My hand met hers for the first time, surprisingly it was cold. Is she sick? I just realized, this girl has pale-skin; perhaps the most pale person I’ve ever met.

“You’re also Matsui? What a coincidence! I am also Matsui!” She exclaimed

“Really? It’s my first time to see another Matsui though.” I was surprised, maybe her excitement had infected me as well.

“Me too! Let's be friends okay? As Matsuis we need to stay together.” she made another silly sentences, but because of her I didn't feel hurt anymore.

“Thanks, Matsui-san.” I chuckled a bit before smiling at her, my tummy didn’t feel hurt anymore.

“Just Rena is fine. Since we are both Matsui, it sounds so wrong to call my own family’s name.” She clearly showed her dissatisfaction with crossing her arms.

“Okay…. How about Rena-chan?”

“Sounds good to me!” She gave me the thumb pose, really cute. “Anyway Jurina, I am 72791 by the way, what’s yours?” Rena suddenly showed me her exam ID to me.

“Mine is 08397.” I showed mine too her

“Let's see it together, shall we?” She took my hand, dragged me to the bunch of students flocking in front of the boards. “Jurina, I’ll search from this part. You should start over there, okay?” she was pointing at the left part of this long board.


It was so crowded and hard to see the numbers, even I had to re-read again from the start since I was lost in track of lines that i have read. Blame on the students who were crushing my body every time my eyes set on the board.


My eyes kept descending to the lower part, lower and lower. I still can’t find my number, because if you can't find your number here. You already know your fate, Failed. It was already near the end of paper, I was about to accept this bitter announcement.. Then the last number was

“‘AAAH! There it is 08397! I MADE IT!” I became the target to people’s eyes because of my unnecessary shouting, with apologetic bow I barely made out of the crowd. Immediately my eyes wander to find the other Matsui. Then I felt hard and fast contact from my behind, someone just gave me tackle hug. Lucky I was in my perfect stance, the Karate’s lesson sure didn’t fail me this time.

“JURINAAAAAAA I MADE IT!!!” The ‘mysterious’ figure started to talk.

“You did?? So did I!” Quickly turned my body to face her.

“I know! Your voice was too loud!” Rena smacked my shoulder playfully.

Coincidentally, we were in the same class all the time. Since we shared the last name, our seats were always side by side. We can't help but became best buddy, we were always together in school; except the school club, I chose the Athletic meanwhile Rena prefer to Art club. Well, in the past Rena often persuaded me to join her club, yet after she saw my drawing that girl gave up eventually and said Art isn't my thing. Sometimes, it was my turn to ask Rena to join Athletic’s. As usual, we did marathon, high jump, even basic gymnastic. The next day she collapsed, apparently her body isn't suit with any exercise. I felt guilty about it, cried on the side of her bed kept repeating ‘sorry’ like mantra. Rena just smiled and reached out her hand to hush me by stroking my hair in gentle ways ‘it's okay, you don't have to cry’. That's what she said, then we ended up having swollen eyes due to too much crying. I knew I am such a crybaby, who would’ve guess that Rena is way more crybaby than me. Then she promised that I didn’t have to be cry because of her, yet now she is the sole reason my endless tears.

*Knock Knock*

General POV

Mayu opened the door slightly, took a small peek inside just to find the heartsmith’s hands busy taking notes from customer. Meanwhile, Jurina was crying a river already.

“Chotto, OI Bro! You shouldn’t make customer cry!” Sae’s body jolted, surprised by the sudden guest. Mayu quickly approached the customer, grabbed the tissue on the desk “Here use this.” Mayu smiled, but soon gave the death glare to Sae.

“I-I didn’t do anything! J-Jurina you tell her!” Sae was stuttered.

“A-Ah Y-Yes, She isn’t do anything.” Jurina wiped the dried tears away.

“Are you.. Sure?” Mayu raised an eyebrow, put stress on the last word.

Jurina glanced her eyes toward the heartsmith, her eyes were asking for help with an imaginary puppy ear pop-up as additional support. Jurina admitted that Sae is like cute puppy, not cute like THAT cute. Well whatever, she push her opinion on the side. The heartsmith really need her help, that’s for sure.

“I-I am SURE, thank you for asking.” Jurina smiled, from her peripheral vision she could tell that Sae was relieved and gave thank-you sign to the younger one.

“Don’t mention it.” Mayu patted customer’s back, soon she put a piece of paper in front of customer. “Anyway, I haven’t introduced myself properly. My name is Mayu, I am working as heartsmith’s assistant. Paper here is a contract that you have to sign before Sae can repair yours. You might want to read it first.”

Jurina quietly took the paper and read it slowly, the paper was handwritten


Requirements for customer :

1. Please keep in mind that the heartsmith only fixes customer’s heart once.
2. In order to complete the process, a Sacrifice is a MUST.
3. You can’t fall in love with the heartsmith herself.
4. You have to stay in the heartsmith’s workshop as long as your heart needs to be repaired.
5. By signing the contract, you have agreed to whatever methods the heartsmith use to retrieve your heart.

“How about it, Jurina? Is there any question?” The Assistant threw a common question.

“So…. Sae can only fix a heart once?”

“Yap, Repairing someone’s heart require lot of energy. Not only that, heart is mysterious object. I can’t bet on someone’s precious part, can I?” Sae smiled.

“I see….. Wait? What does it mean by sacrifice? You aren’t telling me to sacrifice my body right?” Jurina slowly moving her body until it hit the the sofa’s back, put her arms across to her chest as if protecting herself from the heartsmith.

“Pfffttt!” Both of Heartsmith and Assistant cover their mouths in sync, meanwhile Jurina was dumbfounded by the sudden reaction.

“What are you two laughing at?” Jurina pouted, uncomfortable by the mocking laughters.

“Haha Gomen! You are watching soap opera too much, Jurina! Hahaha” Mayu swept tears forming on her brown eyes.

“You are the one who wrote like that!” the customer retorted.

“Please forgive my lil sis, Jurina. What she meant by sacrifice is something precious between you and the other party, in your case; Matsui Rena.” Sae reassured the customer from freaking out because of sacrifice word

“Okay….” Jurina once again immersed to the paper “So basically... I just need to stay here meanwhile you repair my heart?” Jurina wanted to reconfirm about the contract.

“Yes, it’ll make my work easier.” Sae nodded

“How much do I have to pay you?”

“Well…I don’t need money. But can you cook for me as long as you stay here?”

“Eh? You two can’t cook?” Jurina’s eyes widened.

“Mayu can’t cook at all, the last time she cooked i was ended up having whirpool inside my tummy for whole week.” Sae shivering remembered that tragedy, “and for me I can cook, but I don’t have time to cook when I am working, especially when I have customer; like this time.”

Jurina gulped, take a look at the assistant who smiling back at her. For some reason, she need to cook for the time being if she want to live; literally. Lucky she is a good cook, not that really good as professional chef but you can count on her.

“Deal, I’m in. Where do I have to sign?” Jurina asked Mayu, her eyes were searching for available pen to write.

“Wait, you’re not going to ask point no 3 and 5?” Mayu asked

“No need, I am sure I won’t fall in love with Sae and most importantly I won’t come so far just to turn down the contract because of methods. In short, I am willing to do anything.” Jurina firmly said that as her eyes not leaving Mayu’s for a single second.

“Okay, you need to sign in here.” Mayu gave her pen as her index finger pointed at the lower middle part of the paper.

“Here?” Jurina’s pointed at the exact spot, began to write down her signature and full name. “Okay, I am done” A satisfied look showed from the young customer.

“Okay, with this you and heartsmith are bound by contract.” Mayu took the paper with her, suddenly leaning to Jurina’s ear “Good luck Jurina, I hope you know what you just said.” Mayu whispered in creepy tone.

-To be Continued
My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

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Re: Heartsmith - Chapter One.1 |#1st Customer - Matsui Jurina [7/4/17]
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2017, 01:42:32 AM »
MOAR PWEASE~~~~~~~~~  :mon innocent:
My kami-oshi is Mayuyu, and my oshimen is Oku Manami.

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Heartsmith - Chapter One.1 |#1st Customer - Matsui Jurina [7/4/17]
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2017, 05:26:12 PM »
What's gonna happen now?! I wanna know more, I wanna know now! >___<

Like, Rena! What did she do to break Jurina's heart if they were such good friends?!

Please update soon!!! >_<

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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Re: Heartsmith - Chapter One.1 |#1st Customer - Matsui Jurina [7/4/17]
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2017, 07:37:13 PM »
MOAR PWEASE~~~~~~~~~  :mon innocent:
Oh Hello~  :welcome I'll give you rather long chapter this time
What's gonna happen now?! I wanna know more, I wanna know now! >___<

Like, Rena! What did she do to break Jurina's heart if they were such good friends?!

Please update soon!!! >_<
Be patient! XD

Oh about Rena? Hmmmm It's not yet about her.
But sure we will find out later~~

Hello, It's tama  :hee:
this time it's quite long, i asked my editor (emprezz48) if it need to be split or not.
Anyway, perhaps it's rather slow pace fanfic. but i can't move their timeline fast, gomen ><

and as usual, i am random-pace writer hahahahaha

last, big shoutout to my editor!  :mon yeah:
My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
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Re: Heartsmith - Chapter One.1 |#1st Customer - Matsui Jurina [7/4/17]
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2017, 07:41:04 PM »

Chapter One.2

“Okay…. You can sleep here.”

After signing the contract, Sae told Mayu to take Jurina to where she can sleep. Since it was already late to discuss about Jurina’s heartbreak story, Sae could tell her customer was already tired by countlessly yawning now. So, the heartsmith felt that it was better to save it for tomorrow. But there was something bothering the customer’s mind.

“Strange… I thought this floor only has that workshop room.” Jurina eyes wandered inside the big room.

“Because it’s a hidden room? Our father created this room using optical illusion.” Mayu answered.

“Optical illusion?”

“Yeah, didn’t you past by a spacious area before reaching Sae’s workshop?”

“Uh-huh.” a firm nod came as confirmation, as her eyes weren’t leaving Mayu’s, expecting the further explanation.

“Did you realize that the space is no longer there when we came out from the workshop?” Mayu continued talking.

“AH!” Jurina clapped her hands once, as her recollection of sudden change in the shape of 2nd floor.

After leaving the workshop, she did felt something different with the 2nd floor as if something was missing but couldn’t pinpoint the problem. Now that Mayu has spilled the beans, she could connect the dots. The spacious area was gone, that’s why this mysterious room appeared.

“Now, you get it?”

Another nod came from the customer, this time a furious one since her mouth was still wide-open; amazed by the surprise information. It didn’t surprise Mayu at all, since she was the ex-victim of this puzzle by Sae. The heartsmith really laughed hard when Mayu fell for this cheap trick, Sae even teased her for whole week.

“Okay then...” Mayu was ready to leave Jurina alone, when the customer’s voice halted her.

“Where are you going?”

“To sleep?” Mayu rolled her eyes.

“You’re not going to sleep here with me?” Jurina noticed there was one big bed in the middle of this room. Clearly, this room is too big for her.

“Why should I? I have my own on the first floor.”

“I see… What about Sae?”

“Hmmm….it’s hard to explain. Maa, you will know soon. Good night.” Mayu closed the door, leaving Jurina dumbfounded.

After the assistant left, Jurina took this chance to see her room for the time being. Well, it’s rather well-decorated, same like the workshop before. Did Sae decorate all of the room in this shop? Then she shifted her view to the cupboard, curious to know what’s inside it. Cautiously, She turned her view to left and right before opening the pandora’s cupboard. Much to her surprise, there were a lot of girly clothes; starting from one piece-dress, long and short skirts, shirts, t-shirts, dolls, accessories and what caught Jurina’s eyes the most was one white long sleeves shirt at the most right. It’s just a plain shirt yet it lured her to take closer look. Her hands were just merely an inch away from coming into contact with it when a cough from door prevented her from doing so.

“I didn’t remember letting someone peek over my stuffs?”

Whooaa!” A short scream came out as a result, as her hands abruptly closed the cupboard behind her. Her eyes met the vision of the heartsmith who was standing at the entrance of the room. “I-I’m sorry, I-I didn’t mean to.” Jurina stuttered, feeling guilty.

“Hahaha it’s okay, why so serious?” Heartsmith smiled due to this scene, and closed the door behind her.

“Wait, did you just say these are your stuffs? Is this your room??” Jurina stressed on the last word, her tone raised a bit.

“Yes...? Didn’t Mayu say anything?” Sae walked toward the bed, then find herself sitting on the edge of it.

“Hmmm….it’s hard to explain. Maa, you will know soon.”

“Ah.. so this is what she was talking about.” One mysterious line from Mayu came as an answer to this puzzle.

“Damn...Mayu…” Sae hit her own forehead,  “So… I bet she didn’t tell you that you are going to sleep with me?”

“W-What??? S-Sleep with you??” Jurina’s eyes grew bigger than ever.

“Oh great. She called herself my assistant?” Sae massaged her temple, because it was supposed to be Mayu’s job to explain the contract. “Okay….I am gonna explain it briefly.” Sae took a deep breath before continuing, “Basically, you need to sleep with me as long as you stay here.”

“No way….”

“Yes way, Miss” Sae chuckled, “We’re bounded by the contract, remember? Oh please rest assure, this is for treatment purposes only.” Sae reassured the customer, since she noticed how freaked out Jurina was.

“Is there anything else I need to know about the contract?” Jurina questioned the heartsmith.

“For now, let’s sleep.” Sae patted on the bed, inviting the customer to join her.
Jurina who saw the right side already taken by the owner of the shop, made her way to the untaken side. Then she saw Sae already spreaded her left hand out onto the customer’s territory.

“You aren’t going to do anything funny to me, right?” The customer was squinting her eyes  suspiciously.

“Depend on your perspective.” Sae shrugged her shoulder, not giving a clear answer. “Oh please, change your clothes to something comfortable. Well you can wear anything inside that cupboard.”

Jurina felt dizzy, it was too late to regret about the contract. Now she understood why Mayu whispered something like that. She didn’t had any idea to what she will go through.  Jurina opened the cupboard once again, as expected the white shirt drew her eyes again. She shook her head to clear her mind, and grabbed some comfortable clothes; a t-shirt and shorts.

She felt her back burned due to Sae’s eyes unmoving from staring at her. “Are you going to watch me change or what?”

Sae just smiled, didn’t bother to answer the customer’s question. “Hey Jurina, don’t you think the white-shirt is easier?”


“Uh huh. Just wear that every night.”

“Care to tell me why?”

“Because you were staring at it, weren’t you? I bet it will look good on you.” Sae smiled.

Jurina shifted her eyes towards the mysterious cupboard once again, indeed that white shirt is so captivating. The young girl didn’t even understand yet her hands were already touching the fabric. Merely by a little contact made the customer feel funny at the tip of her hands.; Warmth. For some reason she wasn’t even reluctant again to put it on as per the heartsmith’s wish. Jurina’s trance broke when she couldn’t help but feel someone was staring at her now.

“Okay, I will wear it, but can you look the other way? I want to change now.”

“Ah! I’m sorry, it’s just habit.” Sae scratched her cheeks, embarrassed. She just flipped her body to face the other wall. “By the way Jurina. the process starts now.” Sae announced firmly.


Sound of pile of clothes dropping when Sae finished her line was soon followed by the owner’s giggle, filling the room.

“Can you stop raising your voice?”

“I WILL if you stop giving me a heart attack each time you open your mouth.” Jurina rolled her eyes, not even bothering to hide her displease.

After finished changing, she casually laid on the empty spaces. It made the bed bounce a bit, so Sae knew Jurina already completely changed. She turned her body to face the customer, which made the latter breathless due to the sudden intimacy.

“W-What now?” Jurina flustered.

“Use my arm as pillow, I need to hold you for the night.”


Sae was already pulling Jurina into her arm, as her hands adjusted her body into a comfortable position. The customer tried to open her mouth, but was abruptly cut by Sae.

“Enough for tonight, good night Jurina.” the heartsmith tightened her arms, making Jurina closer and making sure she can’t move.

The customer was really speechless, yet Sae was right. Even though there’s so many questions inside Jurina’s head,  it was already near dawn; and both of them needed sleep. This is the first time she slept with someone else in a long time, somehow Jurina missed the warmth of a specific person as her memories brought her back.

“Good night…... Sae.” Slowly closing her eyes, she decided to call it a day.

Jurina was in deep sleep, when the sound of violin slowly made her body stir as her eyes progressively opened. It took her seconds to gather up her soul as her eyes were wandering around the room. Much to her surprise, her companion from last night was nowhere to be found. A big yawn escaped from her, it has been a while since she had a good rest. Perhaps she was just damn tired, or because Sae hugged her? Whatever it is, she felt refreshed as she got up, making her way downstairs, doing some stretching along the way.

Before she completely reached the lower floor, a delicious smell went straight into her nose. With cautious steps, she followed the smell. She was about to reach the destination when she felt a sudden tap on her shoulder.

“Where have you been, sleepyhead?”

Jurina took a step back, then realized it was just the little sister of the heartsmith. “Mou….It’s just you, Mayu.” as she put her hand on chest, relieved.

“Don’t give me that look! You promised that you’ll be our cook for the time being.” Mayu’s displease clearly shown on her face.

Jurina’s eyes widened, remembering the contract she signed last night.

“Oh! I’m sorry!” Jurina joined her palm together, “Who is the one cooking right now?” she glanced towards the kitchen.

Mayu let out a deep sigh before answering “Sae, who else?” she left the customer puzzled to the kitchen. “There is no way she is going to let me cook for the rest of my life.”

The customer suddenly felt a knot inside her tummy, remembering the talk from last night.

“Are you that…..ummmm, bad?” Jurina said the last word carefully, as her feet followed Mayu’s lead.

“Oh come on! The last time was just purely a mistake. I admit that Sae is better cook than me, but I’m not that bad!” Mayu stomped her feet, even Jurina who couldn’t see her face somehow could imagine what it looked like.

“Well… I could teach you if you like.” Jurina made an offer to the assistant, she felt guilty because she missed her first time to cook.

Mayu stopped abruptly which made Jurina bumped into her back, before she could say anything, the assistant’s bright face welcomed the young customer.


“Un, I think it’ll be easier if we could cook together.”

“You better not take that back, Jurina.” Mayu raised her pinky finger.

“I promise.” Jurina raised her finger to meet the assistant’s.

Soon after, they both had their late breakfast. Much to her surprise, Sae’s cooking was indeed delicious. However, somehow she became afraid of the promise that she just made. Well, Mayu said she isn’t that bad, so maybe a little teaching here and there will do. She was lost in deep thought, until the sound of violin once again was heard. This time she couldn’t just brush it off, so her eyes went to Mayu’s, but yet the assistant didn’t pay attention nor is she disturbed by it. It can’t be her imagination right?

“Do you hear something?”

“Huh?” Mayu stopped eating, clearly didn’t get what the customer meant.

“The sound of violin.”

“Aaaah…” The lil sis finally understood, “What kind of melody are you hearing?”

“I don’t know, it sounds like….a sad song? Same like last night.”

A nod came as reply, “You know what, I hear nothing.” Mayu said.


“The heartsmith’s violin playing is only meant to be heard by brokenhearted people. As for me who’s completely healthy at the moment can’t hear anything.”

“So last night...?”

“Yesterday was the full-moon period, it’s basic rule that the heartsmith has to play. Sae serves only one customer in a month” Mayu continued shoving another spoon after finishing her line.

“I see… so that’s why the mist suddenly gone when I just arrived at the front door.”

“You are chosen, Jurina. Since it’s not easy to find this place, big bro’s melody needs to guide you, the heartbroken one.”

The customer still feel lost at the sudden information at once, she needed to digest it slowly. She heard through a rumor about someone who can fix hearts, yet she thought it was just merely an urban legend. Last night, she tried to find the heartsmith’s store for fun. At first, she felt like she has been walking in circles, couldn’t go back nor could she get out from the forest. She was ready to die if a wild animal were to eat her, but that’s when she heard the violin’s sound. Like Mayu said, slowly the melody allured her to come to the source of the sound. She kept walking and walking through the bushes, without realizing she already arrived in front of the shop; the heartsmith’s.

“You finished your meal? Because bro told me to guide you to the workshop.”

“Un, thanks for the food.” Jurina put her spoon down, then she realized there is something she needed to confirm with the assistant, “Wait a sec, why didn’t you tell me I was going to sleep with Sae last night?”

“It’s not my fault, weren’t you the one who said you’re willing to do anything?” Mayu shrugged her shoulder, as her hand took Jurina’s plate, bringing it to the washdisher.

“Being hugged by someone wasn’t part of it obviously! Furthermore, she even hugged me all night long! Talking about sexual harassment now.”

“Pffftttt!” Mayu almost lost her balance, “Sexual harassment? Believe me Jurina, you aren’t her type, not even close.”

WHAT? What are you implying? Are you telling me I am not pretty?”

“Wow wow calm down, Miss. I didn’t say that, you DID.” Mayu pointed her finger towards the customer, as she won this unnecessary argument. “Anyway, we should go to the workshop now, since Big bro isn’t good with waiting you know.”

“Waiting for what?”

“To kill you, of course to fix your heart, dummy!” Mayu can’t help but to smack Jurina’s head.

“Aww… Wait! This time, tell me, what’s going to happen?”

The sudden thought of sleeping together on a stranger’s arm came into her mind. This time, she needs to know what will happen to her, at least she could prepare for the worst.

“Hmmm…. Retrieve your heart, maybe?” Mayu shrugged her shoulder, there was uncertainty in the assistant’s tone.

“Okay, could you tell me how?”

“To be honest, I don’t know. Since when it comes to work, Sae never consult anything to me.”

“Why?” Jurina was a bit startled by this revelation, she was about to dig up a bit more when both of them arrived at the destination.

“Here we are,” Mayu gave a knock on the door once, followed by saying her own name to let the owner know. Permission was granted when a faint answer came from behind the door.

The heartsmith was sitting on her desk with a cup of tea on her right hand. The smell of tea was filling up the room, it’s definitely reduced the tense of tools’ presences on the wall. Jurina never got accustomed to this room, it’s too creepy. Just merely the thought of those tools making contact with her flesh made her cringe.

“Oh Jurina, I’ve been waiting for you. Please come inside.” Sae motioned the customer to sit on the sofa, which the latter complied.

“I’ll take my leave now, well good luck Jurina.” Mayu closed the door, finally leaving the heartsmith and customer alone.

“So….. what now?”

Sae left her seat, still holding the teacup on her hand. You could hear her steps clearly due to the soundless air, walking slowly as Jurina’s eyes carefully watched the heartsmith’s feet. She finally stopped, taking a seat beside Jurina. She had prepared herself for the worst, yet the heartsmith’s next line tore down her conviction.

“Take off your clothes and sit on my lap.”


My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
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Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Heartsmith - Chapter One.1 |#1st Customer - Matsui Jurina [7/4/17]
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2017, 11:02:37 PM »
“Take off your clothes and sit on my lap.”


:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline akbdaisuki48

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Re: Heartsmith - Chapter One.2 |#1st Customer - Matsui Jurina [18/4/17]
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2017, 12:22:51 AM »
i should say this is not how i imagine this fanfic would be
im not againts it at all lol

Offline key17

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Re: Heartsmith - Chapter One.2 |#1st Customer - Matsui Jurina [18/4/17]
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2017, 06:31:24 PM »
Wait... whaat?! :mon spit:  :stunned:  :mon duh:
Okayyyyy...  :mon exhaust: :mon exhaust: what's next?

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline genkingblack

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Re: Heartsmith - Chapter One.1 |#1st Customer - Matsui Jurina [7/4/17]
« Reply #15 on: October 19, 2017, 05:30:15 PM »
“Take off your clothes and sit on my lap.”

Are you okay Ruka?  :on cigar:

i should say this is not how i imagine this fanfic would be
im not againts it at all lol
What were you imagining???  :sweat:

Wait... whaat?! :mon spit:  :stunned:  :mon duh:
Okayyyyy...  :mon exhaust: :mon exhaust: what's next?
The next? Hmmm....
Let's see  :dunno:
@ genkingblack :
Because you said you're already busy with your own fics so you can't help me with my fic, thus I demand you to update this quick.  :)
Hmm, I wonder how many customers had come visiting Sae, and how many of them she had seen with their clothes off...  :w00t:
Sae is so lucky to have that kind of job. Usually it's only doctors who can ask people to strip. And even so, doctors usually won't ask their patients to sit on their laps. So yeah, Sae's job is so much fun haha!

And the customer must not fall in love with the heartsmith, but they can fall in love with the heartsmith's little sister, right?

Can't wait for Yukirin and Rena to make appearance.
I'll be cheering for MaYuki SaeYuki and WMatsui / CenNezu here!

LOL I kinda want this job, cause who don't??
Everyone can fall in love with lil sister~  :kekeke:
Rena already appeared though flashback hahaha, about yukirin? Maaa.... Let's see :stuffed:

Hello everyone, Did anyone miss me here?  :on crazygran:
I am so sorry for not updating in a long time, the last time was April? Wow It's 6 months? Gomen  :on cloudeye:

Cause I am now working as salaryman, I don't have time like I used to be to writing (Hopefully i'll able to finish all of it soon)
FYI Now, my editor also busy with her school and I only write if i have time or mood to begin with...
So that makes this progress so..... slow
If you following my fanfics, you knew I am random-paced writer  :on drench: :on drench:
I can't tell you, when will be the next update or which story that i'll update fast. Cause I don't even know  :on chew:

It's not really long update, but I think it's better than not at all right?

ps. I noticed most of fanfic's writer is gone? What happened? :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:

I forgot to say! Thank you my editor-san who always kind enough hehehehe ~~~ @emprezz48
« Last Edit: October 19, 2017, 05:55:55 PM by genkingblack »
My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
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Offline genkingblack

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Re: Heartsmith - Chapter One.2 |#1st Customer - Matsui Jurina [18/4/17]
« Reply #16 on: October 19, 2017, 05:32:56 PM »

Chapter One. 3

“I said take off your clothes and sit here.” Sae put her cup away, soon giving a soft pat on her lap, clearly stating her mind

“You want me WHAT!?”

Sae sighed, “Geez...How many times do I have to tell you, my dear customer? Or don’t tell me you have a problem with your ears?” The heartsmith rolled her eyes.

“That’s not the point! What makes you think I would strip here and now?? What more sit on your lap?!” Jurina was flustered, her tone kept raising as she finished her line.

“Because….. I’m the heartsmith… and you’ve signed the contract?” Sae pointed at herself then moved her finger towards Jurina, “ far as I remember you are…..?”

Jurina heave a sigh, “A customer.” Lazy tone came as an answer.

“That’s right! Come on, don’t be so shy.”

Even with sincere cheer from the heartsmith, Jurina couldn’t bear the thought of stripping in front of a stranger which she just got to know yesterday. No one ever saw her nude form, except her mom; it was a long time ago when they still took baths together, but now? Not anymore.

The young customer didn’t even move at all, her eyes refused to meet Sae’s. This reaction wasn’t something new to Sae, she even got a hard slap in the past. That hurts, really. And to be honest, she expected Jurina to do something even scarier than slapping. Guess Jurina beat her prediction this time.

“Look at me Jurina.” Sae took Jurina’s hand, made the customer finally shift her eyes to meet the latter’s. There wasn’t the chatterbox Jurina there, instead the heartsmith found a pair of petrified orbs looking into her soul.

“Listen, I just want to help you. You just need to... trust me.”

The heartsmith’s eyes weren’t leaving Jurina as Sae pronounced the last word, followed by a soft grip which came as the last resort.


Jurina didn’t utter a single word, yet Sae could feel that her body wasn’t as tense as before. Sae waited patiently until Jurina moved her own.

“Do you need help?”

For some reason Jurina wondered how many times Sae need to see the customer’s body due to this ritual. Why must Sae need to see her naked? There were so many questions popping inside Jurina’s head yet she couldn’t ask any of it. All of a sudden, she remembered how much tears she shed in the past, the sleepless nights, and the pain in her heart. One thing she knew was that she didn’t want to feel that way anymore. After taking a deep breath, Jurina made her mind.

“No, I can do it by myself.”

Jurina raised herself from her seat, making her way to stand in front of Sae. She was still wearing the white long-sleeve shirt from yesterday, as her hands began to unbutton the upper part; one by one. She could tell Sae’s eyes were progressively following her pace, it made her uneasy somehow and she had no courage to make sure if she was right or wrong. She kept unbuttoning at a steady pace, until her hands arrived on the last one, a bit black fabric leaked from the gap, such a perfect combination contrasting her fair skin. When she was about to continue undressing her shirt, the heartsmith’s voice stopped her.

“It’s enough, Jurina.” Sae smiled when Jurina’s eyes met hers, “Come here.”

Was it just her imagination or did Sae’s smile just relieved her anxiousness? Before she could get the answer, her feet brought her to where Sae was. As Jurina got closer, the heartsmith offered her right hand which Jurina took it as an answer. Their eyes never left each other when the older one guided the customer to sit on her lap until she feels comfortable enough.

Strange. Just a couple of minutes ago, Jurina wanted to die of embarrassment but now? As if it was totally okay for Sae to see her body.

“May I?”

Sae’s sudden question broke her trance, as the heartsmith’s hand was just an inch away from Jurina’s chest. At this point, the young customer still did not know what Sae was going to do with her.

“......Un…” with a timid nod, Jurina let off the last shred of her resistance

Sae patted Jurina’s head and smilec, before completely revealing the mystery of the black fabric; it was a black-laced bralette top. The heartsmith almost let out a whistle to compliment how good it looks on Jurina, yet she kept it to herself as she didn’t want to ruin this sacred moment. The heartsmith began switching to her ‘work-mode’ as she finally took a closer look on Jurina’s left chest; Jurina couldn’t help but flinch due to the sudden proximity.

“Please excuse me,” A short notice announced from Sae before putting her right hand just a bit above Jurina’s bra. “You will see the magic now.” Sae smirked before lifting the fabric a bit, then giving a kiss on the flesh right where the heart located.

Soon after that, the customer who hasn’t regain her composure after receiving the surprise kiss felt something funny inside her chest. Then with a couple of taps from Sae’s index, something came out from Jurina’s bosom. It’s like a stone, or more likely a jewel? The only thing she knew for sure is its color; dark-red. The young customer still had no idea what it is, yet that mysterious object drew her attention as time pass by.

“You have a beautiful heart-stone, Jurina.”

Cautiously, Sae placed the stone on her palm, letting the owner of the mysterious stone to observe. At this point, Jurina didn’t even care about her half-naked state or even bother to change their position. Because to Jurina, this ‘magic’ performed by Sae in front of her eyes felt like a total new world as if Jurina is a girl from Disney, if you need another reason.

“Is that my heart?”

“Nope, your heart is still inside you. This jewel is just the core, where our emotions are stored. I called it the heart-stone here.”

“Heart-stone?” The customer still couldn’t comprehend the new information.

“Yeah. Here, you can take a closer look if you want.” Sae offered her opened palm, letting the customer observe the ruby-colored jewel.

Jurina took the offer gladly, putting what Sae called as heart-stone between her fingers. It was so fascinating, at least for Jurina since she never knew there was such thing inside a human’s heart, moreover she could see it with her own eyes.  It was indeed beautiful, well Jurina didn’t know the standard of ‘beautiful’ for a heart-stone. Little did Sae knew that Jurina felt guilty for a moment as she thought Sae was just a fake heartsmith due to the weird things she needs to do. Oh well, maybe she will apologize later. After being lost in thought admiring her own heart-stone, a small crack on the side caught her attention.

“That’s where heartbroken feelings come from.” Sae completed her puzzle.

“From this small crack?”

Jurina is right, it’s indeed a small crack; you couldn’t notice it unless you take closer look.

“It might be small to us, but to our body? No. You know what, yours is on its first stage.”

“F-First stage??!”

“Uh-huh. But hey relax, I’m here so don’t worry.” Sae pulled Jurina into a hug

Without thinking Jurina hugged Sae back. It was warm. She barely remembered when the last time she was hugged by someone. For some reason, this feeling is familiar to her as she frowned into deep thought. Before she could find the answer, the sound of fake cough broke her trance.

“Ehem...Jurina? You can put your clothes on….or you prefer us to stay in this position? Cause I don’t hate it~~”  Sae teased the customer.

Flustered by Sae’s words, Jurina raised from the heartsmith’s lap and started buttoning her shirt fast.

“Why didn’t you say it sooner!???” Jurina didn’t even bother to hide her irritated tone.

“You are so cute, Jurina~” Sae tried her best not to let out her laughter, but one or two chuckle escaped from her lips.

“So, are we done here?” The customer said as her fingers finally reach the last button

“Uh-huh, You may go outside for now. Meanwhile I need to examine your heart-stone a bit further.”

Jurina glanced for the last time before turning her heels away from the scene, yet she felt somewhat weird inside, just right after she closed the door behind. Nausea, her vision started to get blurry. The customer clutched her chest, as if her chest was burning from inside. At the same time she felt someone getting closer from the front.


A familiar voice brought her eyes to meet the source of the voice.


“What’s wro-..!” The hearsmith’s assistant failed to finish her line when Jurina collapsed just right before her eyes, “JURINA!!!”

The last thing Jurina remember was Mayu’s panicked face, followed by her yell which gradually faded pretty much same with her consciousness.


A soft tap on the shoulder made Jurina’s body jolt by the cold touch, as her eyes fluttered from direct light coming from the window. She could tell someone was sitting right beside her, too bad all she got was a blurry image due to the morning light.

“Thank Goodness…” A relieved sigh came from side of the bed, “I thought I might lose my customer for the first time…..”

It didn’t take a genius to guess who it was. After all she has been spending 2 days with that person, especially when the night came. It took seconds for Jurina to able to recognize the heartmith’s face, she looked…...terrible? Her eyes didn’t fail to notice dark bags under Sae’s eyes.


A cushion was sent flying from the other side, perfectly landed on Sae’s face.

“Aww! Mayu!! What was that for?

“Oops, sorry my hands were slippery.” Mayu put an innocent face, anyone could tell she was lying.

“I owe you one, Mayu.” Jurina let a soft chuckle out, as she moved her back against the headboard.

“Nah, it’s okay. It’s just that my bro here sometimes is insensitive and dense.”

“Hey! I thought you are my sister, Mayu?” Sae was ready to start a pillow war with pillows in both hands, so does the little sister. At time like this, you could tell Sae and Mayu are siblings with their hate-to-lose character.

“There there you two! Seriously guys, what happened to me?”

“Oh…” Sae’s hands froze in the air, slowly putting down the pillows, her attention back to her customer, “You passed out…. It’s been 3 days.”

“3 days?!” Jurina’s eyes widened, absolutely had no idea.

“Yup, look at bro now. She didn’t even sleep properly, Sae was too scared if something were to happen to you.”

“Shaddap Mayu!!!” Sae threw a pillow at Mayu, but the latter was fast enough to catch it. All Sae got was smug face and tongue out from her little sister.

Okay, that perfectly explained Sae’s horrible looks. Jurina smiled weakly, though Sae might did that because of the obligatory as a heartsmith, Jurina couldn’t help but feel happy.

“Anyway, I made you tea…. And..” Mayu got closer to Jurina’s ear, whispered, “Please don’t take what Sae just said personally, you know sometimes she is just… dumb.” There was pregnant pause before she completed her line.

“It’s totally fine, Mayu.” As Jurina took the cup from Mayu’s, the aroma already infiltrated her nose. “Jasmine, isn’t it? My favorite…… How?” She was caught completely by surprise with Mayu’s tea, did she ever talk about her favorite tea? Or …..

“Lucky guess? Anyhow, glad you like it. Okay then, I leave you two now.” before she closed the door, she took a final glance at Sae, “Please have a good sleep tonight bro, I almost mistook you as a panda this morning.” as she pointed at the dark circles under the eyes.

Sae didn’t even have time to retort when Mayu finally closed the door.

“That girl…. You know, it’s just unfair after all she did to me. Tell me Jurina, how can I hate her?” Sae let a soft laugh, as her back gradually fell on the mattress.

“She was right though, you look awful.” She finally noticed what Mayu just said, indeed it was a visible one. How can she miss it? She was proud of her attentive side before.

“Whose fault is that?” The heartsmith gave her a death stare, or rather a panda stare right now.

“You care?”

“Of course I do!” Sae pulled Jurina into hug, “Please don’t make me worry like that. You have no idea….” Instead of finishing her line, she just made the embrace even tighter.

At her normal state, she would smack her or be disgusted by the sudden intimacy. However, it was her first time seeing the heartsmith like this. More likely Jurina didn’t know what to do, nor what to say.

“I am sorry….Sae.” Jurina finally returned the hug.

They stayed in that position for minutes before Jurina realized her shoulder felt so heavy.

“Sae..? Are you sleeping?”

A smile painted on Jurina’s face when she heard sound of faint snoring as an answer. Carefully, she broke the hug, putting her down to bed. Jurina remembered that Sae always told her that in order to fix her heart, they need to be as close as possible when sleeping.

“Hmmm……I think it’s okay… right?” She took Sae’s right hand on hers, before finally turning her view to the older one “Goodnight Sae.”

My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Heartsmith - Chapter One. 3 |#1st Customer - Matsui Jurina [19/10/17]
« Reply #17 on: October 20, 2017, 02:46:44 AM »
Aw~ this is cute. x3

Sae and Jurina having a sort of mother-daughter relationship here. And hugs~ So many hugs~ :deco:

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Re: Heartsmith - Chapter One. 3 |#1st Customer - Matsui Jurina [19/10/17]
« Reply #18 on: November 16, 2017, 03:02:03 PM »
 Kinda scared me when jurina collapsed  :fainted:

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