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Author Topic: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV  (Read 92076 times)

Offline muppet

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #240 on: February 11, 2013, 07:03:30 AM »
Nice show, gentlemen!
So yeah, the world premiere unveiling of the SKE48 PV of Darkness (for me) occurred watching the show today.
Dayum! I want to see that some more, or better yet, should buy the new single. Jurina, of course caught my eye, but awesome bonus points for Kumi and Yuko... (I didn't catch everybody who is in the PV)

Nice choices for Oshihen of the week. I saw the Gachi Challenge, and both girls had some great moments.....

Myao's challenge I won't really talk about, but the first three minutes of the show were some of the best Myao antics ever....
She saw the red coat dude waiting for her, and basically took off running as fast as she could, which lets you know she finds the show to be a humiliating pain in the ......

Natsuki, in the go cart, was really fun to watch.....she progressed from derp granny driver to Mario Andretti with help
from her teacher, a former pro driver:

and let's just say she put the 'go' into the 'ichigo' (shameless pun, just so I could post this picture):

With the 'Gerock' promotion, I think it is Gerolsteiner just coming up with a gimmick so that they can postiion their water in the Japanese market agains the other foreign brands that have been there longer (Evian, Perrier, San Pellegrino, etc)...

The website:

somehow you download the app for the 'Effector' and you can run the music through the sound of a bottle of their water being opened and you hear all of the fizzy noise............Anyway, they just want to reach that magic market of teenagers and young 20's who spend 100% of their available cash on music and snacks...........

I wont' try to download it, but the water is good, that's a fact, Jack!

Offline muppet

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #241 on: March 02, 2013, 03:40:36 PM »
Good show, guys..........I was gutted to hear Aina Fukumoto
would graduate- but hopefully we will continue to see her in
some variety settings......

New HKT48 member- Marika Tani- she's had some great moments already, great addition.

And Ripopo- real woman for sure.

Yui waist does look a bit too sculptured, but she is a beauty anyway.

Have you commented on the Teppen Tottande!  drama yet?

Catch you next week..............

« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 04:07:10 PM by muppet »

Offline DystopiaX

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #242 on: April 14, 2013, 09:48:05 AM »
Recently found your show and wanted to say good job, I like it a lot.

That being said I've had a problem with archives of your recent shows off, the timestamp and video won't load at all. This goes back to around #45 and on, although for whatever recent archives of older shows will still work. Just wondering if it's something on my end (tried using both Chrome and IE and same problem on both) or if it's on you guys/ Thanks

Offline muppet

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #243 on: April 14, 2013, 02:32:17 PM »
^ same here- I tried Chrome as well but no luck

will await further developments

Offline boykun

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #244 on: April 15, 2013, 10:11:18 PM »
I think the problem might be with how archives the videos.

It seems like they switched back to archiving in 30 minute blocks, which pretty much killed all our highlighted episodes. :thumbdown:

Not 100% sure though. The archives were working before...

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