JPHiP Radio (9/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Gacharic Spin - RENAI SWITCH

Author Topic: JPH!P Radio Guidelines and Information  (Read 24528 times)

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JPH!P Radio Guidelines and Information
« on: August 24, 2010, 05:59:18 AM »
Radio Guidelines

Welcome to JPH!P Radio! In this thread you'll find all the guidelines for being a part of this awesome radio station.

-Tune in here!-
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-Radio Schedule-

-Becoming a DJ-
If you think you have what it takes to be a DJ on JPH!P Radio feel free to apply for a show. Be forewarned that it will not be as lax a process to get a radio show here as it was in the past. If you're a new member, only been around for a month or two, barely post -- don't bother asking for a show, I will decline you. The first step to getting a show on JPH!P Radio is being part of the community. If no one knows who you are, why do they want to tune into your radio show? So join in discussions, post, visit the irc channel! If you're really serious, talk with a couple of our tenured DJs and see what it's all about! If you still think you're ready, PM me and let me know what time slot you're looking to acquire, how long you plan your show to be, title, whatever else you want to tell me to sway me lol.

It's understandable that sometimes real life takes precedent and you might get too busy to continue with your radio show for a while and need to take a hiatus, I've had to take a couple in my time. From here on out we will be implementing a new hiatus system. If you know you're going to go on hiatus, please alert me so I adjust the schedule accordingly. If you're going on an extended hiatus and know the duration, more the better. But if you have to go on hiatus indefinitely, we will discuss the future of your show. I will hold your time slot for you guaranteed for 4 weeks from your last broadcast date, That is, no one will be able to ask for your timeslot for 4 weeks. After 4 weeks, we can discuss your show's future further and I will place your show on Priority Hiatus. What this means is that if someone asks for your slot during this time, I will contact you to let you know and if you can commit to returning to the radio, I will give you priority on the slot. If you cannot, I will consider giving your timeslot away. If your show remains on Priority Hiatus for more than 8 weeks, I will declare your show's timeslot vacant. This means you will have a total of 12 weeks to either return to radio, or communicate to me a plan for your show's future.

-Tenured DJs-
Here is a list of JPH!P Radio's Tenured DJs, DJs that have stood the test of time on JPH!P Radio and are conisdered veterans. Talk to them about what its like to do a show, get pointers and tips, and just listen to their shows!


Feel free to post in this thread if you any questions about radio stuff. I will try my best to answer any and all questions. If you don't want to post, feel free to PM me instead.

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JPHiP Radio (9/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Gacharic Spin - RENAI SWITCH