Is there a place where I can comment on the AKBrocast? There were so many times I wanted to chime in

I'll do it here.
Some of my thoughts regarding Afilia Saga East:
- Yes, I had a great time with them. The cafe and the live with handshakes were both really enjoyable.
- However! It is because they are so easy to hang with, they don't come across as 'true' idols. It's the line between being an actual superstar/celebrity/idol VS some cute girl who could just be your high school friend.
- As a result, having met them I am
less inclined to actually go out and buy their CDs and DVDs. On the opposite side you have Momoiro Clover of whom I would actually like to own all the stuff they release.
Regarding the discussion about all these idol groups having their gimmicks and about which group will become big, Afilia Saga is not like the other groups you guys talked about. I think Afilia Saga East is the only idol group where becoming a successful idol group is
not the main goal. Their deal has always been the cafes. That's where they earn their money, that's where the need their gimmick. In fact, they have been expanding their chain already. Ikebukuro and Roppongi have more traditional cafe restaurant, but the one in Ueno is more like a nightclub and IIRC they're working towards opening a casino in Odaiba!
I think they only use the idol group as advertisement to get their name (image and girls) out there. Their music and image is waaay too niche for them to ever become a widely successful idol group. It's all about getting people interested in the girls, having them come to one of their cafes and get them hooked. They earn around 1000 yen a plate (and at least 2000 yen in Ueno) x several locations x a lot of business hour every day = more money they can make selling CDs.
In some way it's a bit similar to the @Home maid cafe I guess. They're about their cafes, but those girl perform as well (only in their cafes?) and they have their own merchandise available. Afilia Saga East just took that concept a lot further by having a proper idol group, different branches (cafe, club, casino), TV shows and a proper back story with magic theme.
Tl/dr: Even though ASE will never become a top idol group, their business model is successful and they're definitely earning more money than the average up and coming idol groups out there.