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Author Topic: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV  (Read 91854 times)

Offline boykun

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #200 on: July 13, 2012, 11:26:16 AM »
Posting like nobody's business.


But you can check out the second round of our AKBrocast series!

Shorter than the first one, but just as good! check it out!


Offline tenkei

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #201 on: July 14, 2012, 06:15:01 PM »
sorry bros, no show this week is my fault. my car done borked, but I should be getting it fixed in time for next week's recording o/

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #202 on: July 21, 2012, 02:19:00 AM »

7PM PST as usual ch-check it out yo!


Offline muppet

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #203 on: July 21, 2012, 09:18:13 AM »
Good show guys! I am glad I [blue gingham check]ed it out, yo!

AKBingo - good- lots of fun, Sayaka and Mocchii getting to have some quality time in front of the fans, and the juniors got to mix it up a bit with the old pros. But definitely having lots of sempai there made the show better.

NMB48 song- 'Virginity' - trumpet/ latin-ish sound Good!

Blue Gingham Check, the song- I like it. I look forward to the PV- I always like those mini-dramas they create for the singles.

Majidesuka Jail show- I only watched the first series, so I think I want to check out series 2 before watching this one.

Offline boykun

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #204 on: July 25, 2012, 08:11:59 PM »
Was a bit busy, didn't have time to update the archive, but here it is!

July 20 episode
gingham checkin’


This week on the tv:

- Idol News:

  • AKB48 27th senbatsu single “Gingham Check” first impressions
  • NMB48 5th single “Virginity” PV
  • Majisuka Gakuen 3 first episode impressions
  • Watanabe Mayu interview with Hirajima Natsumi in “Otona Jelly Beans” DVD

- AKBINGO! Juniors survey thing

- Oshihen of the Week: tenkei still likes the gorilla, boykun likes the girl that likes ears

basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV Fridays at 7PM PST

Offline muppet

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #205 on: July 28, 2012, 02:13:51 PM »
Great show guys, and i checked out AKBrocast- good job!

so AKBingo really worked well- the Five girls chosen are all major members, so when asking all the newbies who is the smartest, who would you want for a girlfriend, etc etc-- it works, because everyone knows the personalities well of each of the five.....

But of those five, Sayaka was just on fire this week....I dont know if it was birthday adrenalin coursing through her veins or what, but she just brings so much to a show...........she lays it all out for everyone.....if they insult her, or damn her with faint praise, she has a hearty comeback, if someone really gives her a nice compliment, that smile of hers is 1000 watts!

The new Passpo song/MV- nice, they are such a nice unit.........and it's true, bring live bands to live performances.........when an entire concert is based on a taped backtrack, you miss the chance for a lot of spontaneous moments...........

Offline SomethingWild

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #206 on: July 28, 2012, 06:29:26 PM »
Would it be possible for you guys to up the shows to mediafire or something like that?
I love to watch the show, but lately the stream just doesn't work for me no matter what I try.  :panic:

Offline boykun

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #207 on: July 29, 2012, 08:32:54 PM »
Would it be possible for you guys to up the shows to mediafire or something like that?
I love to watch the show, but lately the stream just doesn't work for me no matter what I try.  :panic:

Hmm, the show is too big to be on mediafire. I can probably put an audio version of it if you don't mind like a podcast lol.
Have you tried checking out the archives?

July 27 episode
15 no yoru


This week on the tv:

- Idol News:

  • Apaman Shop CM ft. AKB48
  • Passpo new PV "Natsuzora Hanabi"
  • Tsugunaga Momoko solo PV "Momochi! Yurushite Nyan Taisou"
  • Watanabe Mayu "Otona Jelly Beans" first day sales
  • Akimoto Yasushi announces study abroad program for AKB48 members

 - AKBINGO! Juniors survey thing part 2

 - Oshihen of the Week: Akimoto, Yamauchi

basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV Fridays at 7PM PST

Offline SomethingWild

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #208 on: July 30, 2012, 11:17:02 AM »
Would it be possible for you guys to up the shows to mediafire or something like that?
I love to watch the show, but lately the stream just doesn't work for me no matter what I try.  :panic:

Hmm, the show is too big to be on mediafire. I can probably put an audio version of it if you don't mind like a podcast lol.
Have you tried checking out the archives?

Yeah, I figured it would probably be too big, lol.

Yeah, when I check the archive the screen usually stays black forever. However! I checked it again today and it actually worked! Must be my crappy hardware crapping out every now and then, lol. Anyway, looks like I got 14 hours of footage to catch up on  XD

edit: in response to the comments about the FujiTV show:
- The English signs were only for the quiz questions, but even those were way too late each time. I was amazed by everybody's Japanese skills as well.
- Yeah, bit of a geek fest, but in the end the show didn't turn out too bad  :lol:
- I think Mocchi was just really surprised. She was worried we wouldn't even know who she is, but then it turned out we basically knew everything about her, haha. I think I read somewhere she was a bit emotional as well, but I can't find the source anymore.
- The free DVD Tenkei was talking has pretty weak quality, so you might as well wanna grab the rip.  XD
« Last Edit: July 30, 2012, 11:57:21 AM by SomethingWild »

Offline boykun

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #209 on: August 07, 2012, 02:59:42 AM »
August 3 episode
swim meet


This week on the tv:

- Idol News:
  • Perfume "Spending all my time" PV previews
  • NO NAME "Kibou ni tsuite" PV previews and digest
  • Akimoto Yasushi hooking up with Komuro Tetsuya for AKB48 song
  • SNH48 begins auditions
  • Upcoming AKB48 album will have votes to make a PV for an AKB48 song

- Idoling!!! Swim Meet in Okinawa

- Oshihen of the Week: Gymnasts and golfers

basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV Fridays at 7PM PST

Offline muppet

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #210 on: August 11, 2012, 05:26:23 AM »
That was a funtastic show...........I was totally digging on the Perfume, Buono, and Momu stuff, then Himura Sensei + UFI was a mind blower (poor little katherine- she is truly the biggest scaredy cat out there)........and then Sayaka and Sae performing with TK- the man who truly owned the 90's as you pointed out...........

Dayum, the J-pop scene really is stong, thanks for always be promoting guys! 本当にありがとう!!!

Offline jafeijai

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #211 on: August 11, 2012, 07:35:33 PM »
We are UFI~ :3

Offline boykun

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #212 on: August 15, 2012, 10:26:42 AM »
Aug 10 episode
we are UFI!


this week on the tv:

- Idol News:

  • Perfume - Spending all my time full PV
  • Buono! - Never gonna stop! PV
  • Morning Musme - What’s Up? Dance video
  • Momoiro Clover Z Christmas Live announced
  • AKB48 - Gingham Check covers and PV digest

- UFI no Mikansei TV first episode

- Oshihen of the Week: Nope, squirrels and gorillas all up in this heezy

basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV Fridays at 7PM PST

Offline SomethingWild

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #213 on: August 15, 2012, 01:56:10 PM »
Is there a place where I can comment on the AKBrocast? There were so many times I wanted to chime in  :lol: I'll do it here.

Some of my thoughts regarding Afilia Saga East:
- Yes, I had a great time with them. The cafe and the live with handshakes were both really enjoyable.
- However! It is because they are so easy to hang with, they don't come across as 'true' idols. It's the line between being an actual superstar/celebrity/idol VS some cute girl who could just be your high school friend.
- As a result, having met them I am less inclined to actually go out and buy their CDs and DVDs. On the opposite side you have Momoiro Clover of whom I would actually like to own all the stuff they release.

Regarding the discussion about all these idol groups having their gimmicks and about which group will become big, Afilia Saga is not like the other groups you guys talked about. I think Afilia Saga East is the only idol group where becoming a successful idol group is not the main goal. Their deal has always been the cafes. That's where they earn their money, that's where the need their gimmick. In fact, they have been expanding their chain already. Ikebukuro and Roppongi have more traditional cafe restaurant, but the one in Ueno is more like a nightclub and IIRC they're working towards opening a casino in Odaiba!

I think they only use the idol group as advertisement to get their name (image and girls) out there. Their music and image is waaay too niche for them to ever become a widely successful idol group. It's all about getting people interested in the girls, having them come to one of their cafes and get them hooked. They earn around 1000 yen a plate (and at least 2000 yen in Ueno) x several locations x a lot of business hour every day = more money they can make selling CDs.

In some way it's a bit similar to the @Home maid cafe I guess. They're about their cafes, but those girl perform as well (only in their cafes?) and they have their own merchandise available. Afilia Saga East just took that concept a lot further by having a proper idol group, different branches (cafe, club, casino), TV shows and a proper back story with magic theme.

Tl/dr: Even though ASE will never become a top idol group, their business model is successful and they're definitely earning more money than the average up and coming idol groups out there.

Offline muppet

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #214 on: August 19, 2012, 05:12:08 AM »
good show guys!
Wish Yokoyama family had traded the mom to the Sakuramaza, and then invited big sister Yui to become their lead singer.

they should have separated the bands into 'novelty' (kids, moms, etc) and 'pro'............CK was good, and you could tell the AKB members were all digging them......

Here is the mystery girl, in case no one mentioed it yet..............

Sakura Miyawaki of HKT48......(she is from Kagoshima, so she and Yukirin have a bond, and of course Sasshi likes her a lot)

Catch phrase: You and you and you ... Sakura bloom in everyone's heart ... 13 year old Miyawaki Sakura who came here from Kagoshima perfecture by taking the Sakura train
Charm point: Big ears (but she is actually also very personable and cute, they had a special show in Kagoshima, so they brought her out like the native daughter returning to her people.... she turned 14 earlier this year)

« Last Edit: August 19, 2012, 08:36:56 AM by muppet »

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #215 on: August 19, 2012, 08:21:22 AM »
Stupid Pinkiss. Or whatever that kid group was.
I vote for TOZ as the most gangsta~  :otomerika:
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Offline tenkei

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #216 on: August 25, 2012, 03:28:44 AM »
basugasu gonna be LIVE tonight, in about 30 minutes! Big shit apoppin' so we're gonna take those AKBro call-ins! if you wanan discuss with us, feel free to add us on skype and call in with your thoughts!

add ten_kei to talk to us!

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Offline muppet

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #217 on: August 25, 2012, 06:21:39 AM »
Good show guys, enjoyed the guests' calls as well.

Lot of action going on with the shuffle, but the graduation annoucements (if there are any) are still to come- for me, that's sometimes the more dramatic news, rather than changes in units or captains.

Offline boykun

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #218 on: August 25, 2012, 09:22:17 AM »
Thanks for sticking around and watching/listening!

Was able to process the recording straight to YouTube for an archive!

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #219 on: August 25, 2012, 10:35:06 AM »
EPIC SHOW! MY BROZ! and it was dope Ops and hiro came on too and provided injury reports :lol:

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