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Author Topic: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV  (Read 92100 times)

Offline muppet

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #220 on: September 29, 2012, 08:12:02 AM »
Dang fine show gentlemen!

I was wondering what happened last week.............Janken team results was nice.....Natsumi and Miss Moeno  were the big highlights for me, but Mariko and da' Rock (Mayumi Uchida) and Ami...and the costumes were great. Congrats to all winners!

SKE48 on Shin Domoto Kyoudai was an exceptional show, really had a great blend of the girls' individual personalities.
And JKT on Shukkan great show as well........

Chikarinoand & Amina in a Scandal- not possible- until they have film of those two with guns robbing an orphanage and shooting some nuns............they got nothing on those girls..........

Nice week for Kawaei Rina....

Offline boykun

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #221 on: September 30, 2012, 02:31:18 AM »
Apologies about last week's show! Things did not go according to keikaku.

This week's archives are up, you can check it at the video page: basugasubakuhatsu!

And a quick summary,

basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV 33
Opening: AKB48 - Gingham Check
Ending: SONPUB - Together, Everybody
This week on the TV! We watch AKBINGO! Master Cream Blaster with Miyazawa Sae and friends. In Idol News, we check out and discuss upcoming releases from the 48s, including AKB48's "UZA" and NMB48's "Kitagawa Kenji". We also discuss what actually counts as a scandal, as the recent "scandals" Shukan Bushun is putting out, are complete bullshit.

Offline muppet

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #222 on: October 13, 2012, 05:37:11 AM »
great show guys!

The Juri Takahashi segment was great, Juri is one gutsy kid.
Meshi nickname is 'dead-eye'
Me - 目 (eye)
Shi - 死 from the verb 死ぬ (shinu- to die)

And Komori Mika had a great chance for some screen time on the Mechaike special.
Kenkyuusei had their moments as well

Dead Eye Juri:

Offline boykun

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #223 on: October 21, 2012, 09:03:07 AM »
Haven't been updating, apologies! :sweatdrop:

basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV 34
  • Opening: Neon Bunny - Long-D
  • Ending: Sakerock - Honyarara
This week we check out even more stuff on AKB48’s upcoming single UZA, which was again directed by Joseph Kahn. We watch AKBINGO! where the members ranked their favorite songs, and we also discuss our favorite AKB48 songs.

basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV 35
  • Opening: Passpo - WING
  • Ending: m-flo loves Doping Panda - She loves the CREAM
AKBINGO! Master Cream Blaster with Kitahara Rie this week! See if she gets cream on her face or not. We also check out more UZA stuff.

basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV 36
  • Opening: bomi - Cuticle Girl
  • Closing: Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Fashion Monster
AKBINGO! is back again with the song ranking coupled with horse racing, unrelated segments pasted together. We have a look at which songs the girls pick that makes their hearts go ‘kyun’. Also, we make up a scenario of what Kitahara Rie’s new show Terrace House would look like if it was an American show.

Also, UZA review!

Offline muppet

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #224 on: October 21, 2012, 04:20:02 PM »
Yea for KitaRie!!! Loved your  scenarios.............when I watched it I starting wondering about that model girl causing
trouble for Rie, getting the other girl to lose her idol worship with some complicated lies.........student dude accidentally knocks down surfer bro's stack of surfboards, and his prize twin fin that he took second place in Hawaii is broken, and Rie discovers three pairs of her pantsu are missing............who stole them???? .............stay tuned..........

NMB48 PV is great, and Yui looks like she always has been a member.... Good show!

Offline boykun

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #225 on: December 22, 2012, 01:21:28 AM »
It's been too damn long! Apologies for not updating in such a long time. tenkei and I got very busy with work and stuff, so we have been on a hiatus the past couple weeks.


We found some time to sit down and have a catch up podcast, to talk about what's been going on since we started the break. And we also catch up on all the AKB48 news that came up during that time. There were a lot of graduations and releases and TV appearances that we had to discuss.


Also blog post with mp3 link inside!

Offline muppet

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #226 on: December 22, 2012, 07:11:22 AM »
Good show guys, glad to have this podcast.

Boykun san, they need your tee shirt help in dat place:

So, yes Paruru got extra lifes in my fandom because of that special.....

They used a tried and true routine which always gets me......

It goes like this....the subject girl (in this case Paruru) is by herself facing a crowd of some kind (audience, or enemy group) and unbeknownst to her, her buddies line up behind her, and we, the viewers see her back up team before she is aware that they are there.....dayum, the subject girl realizes that her girls got her back, and she is not alone............gets me everytime

Can remember a couple of other times where this ploy for my heartstrings worked well:

1) Sasshi, soon after the scandal, is on stage alone, in front of an audience performing, and unbeknowst to her, all the sembatsu girls come pouring on stage, the audience (and us viewers) roar with approval, and then Sasshi get all emotional, seeing her girls there for her

2) the new NMB48 'HA!' pv (which is the best song, I agree).....Sayaka is on the bridge, alone, facing the yakuza dudes, who have come to take Sayaka, so that Milky can go free.....unbeknownst to Sayaka, all the other girls come running on screen behind her to back her up

Aki P- you got that damn formula down pat, and now you got my wallet!!!

Also great to see all the positive attention that HKT48 is getting, I am a big fan of  Haruppi, Sakura, and I always root for the little Russian princess Anna.....Also Madoka (the reluctant idol)....put her in a PV and her eyes sparkle like laser beams..... and I could go on, because all the girls are showing their personalities and skills every week.........
« Last Edit: December 24, 2012, 07:19:22 AM by muppet »

Offline boykun

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #227 on: December 30, 2012, 02:17:35 AM »
Nice shirt! hahaha

New YouTube contents!

Full list here:

Offline muppet

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #228 on: December 30, 2012, 03:13:00 AM »
Good list!

I was overwhelmed this year by those Namba girls and the songs they were given.
Hoshizora no Caravan
Junjou U-19
Kitagawa Kenji

The good time just kept rollin' with NMB48 this year.

Was extremely looking forward to the Undergirls single, because that team was so densely packed with talent and da' sexy- and
'Nante Bohemian' did not disappoint. Perfect song for the voices they had in that group and the PV was well done

And Aishiteraburu was the PERFECT idol song, with amazing photography. SKE48 is who I would want to find if I was shipwrecked on a tropical Island.

Solos by various members were really nice this year. Acchan's Kimi wa Boku Da was a standout, but I do go crazy for some enka, so Misaki Iwasa's Mujin Eki was up there for me as well.

I liked UZA song and PV, but my top rated AKB48 song and PV would have definitely been Gingham Check (da blue da white da blue) - I think it is a great PV to show to anyone who is unfamiliar with AKB48, or to those who instantly dismiss idol music as being 'manufactured'...(manufacture this, mofo!)

And special mention to Watarirouka Hashiritai 7- those girls were my real doorway into the AKB48 family because I liked their work from the beginning, and that made me check out AKB48 more.

Thank you, Boykun san, and Tenkei san, for all of your work this year, promoting and discussing and making it fun!

よいお年を!   :cow:

Offline boykun

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #229 on: January 01, 2013, 10:52:27 PM »

join us for fun timez. :twothumbs

Offline boykun

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #230 on: January 03, 2013, 10:29:23 AM »
Bumpin for more HYPE!

Offline muppet

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #231 on: January 05, 2013, 08:00:48 AM »
Great show, guys, thanks for all of your hard work last year!

 I will have to check out some more of Negoto and Flip.

and good choices to start of the New Year:

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #232 on: January 06, 2013, 10:14:15 AM »
^ nice to see you in the IRC :)

GREAT FUCKIN SHOW boyten! Always look forward to these, CREME DE LA CROP!! Like muppet, learned a lotta new artists and PVs. Leo Ieiri gonna be HUGE! Let's Perfume World Tour!

here's to Malegoat making the 2013 list next year!

Offline boykun

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #233 on: January 06, 2013, 04:56:26 PM »
Thanks everyone for watching!

Recap post with mp3s!

Offline boykun

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #234 on: January 10, 2013, 09:44:08 PM »
Our Top25 Singles of 2012!

Offline boykun

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #235 on: January 13, 2013, 10:05:31 PM »
More updates and updates!

We're trying to put our episode archives on youtube and have audio versions. Not sure if this will be permanent. We're trying out new things to make our stuff more accessible. Let us know if this works out!

basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV #086

Download mp3

First episode of the new year! We back with usual shenannigans.


Opening Song: Golden Bomber - Dance My Generation
Ending Song: Neon Bunny - Prince

Sup with You?: Work, getting money, and spending it all on idols.

Idol News:
 - SKE48, AKB48, and No Sleeves new single information and PVs
 - Kasai Tomomi photobook image debacle.
 - Idoling!!!, Passpo, and nine9 new single information and PVs

Made up shit: A better, alternative plot to AKB0048

Oshihen of the Week: DiVAs

We now have twitter! Follow us


Offline muppet

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #236 on: January 19, 2013, 07:55:51 AM »
I tried to watch the video, but

Offline boykun

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #237 on: January 19, 2013, 08:38:23 PM »
Whoops, accidentally set it on private. It should be available now.

NOTE: The video and mp3 are not the full show that we broadcast. I cut out the variety show part (which in this case was the NMB vs AKB Ariyoshi) because of potential copyright stuff which would result in the video to be removed. You can't see what we're talking about in the mp3 anyway, so yeah.

Gonna try the youtube thing a few more times to see if we get flagged :lol: Scanners already picked up matching content.

Offline boykun

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #238 on: January 28, 2013, 10:56:53 PM »

basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV #40 (2013.01.25)

Download mp3

We back after a week break!


Opening Song: Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Thrift Shop (ft. Wanz)
Ending Song: Humming Urban Stereo - More & More

Sup with You?: Nothin' much. boykun goes snowboarding, also has a run in with the law.

Idol News:
 - Kashiwagi Yuki - Shortcake PV.
 - AKB48 - So long! PV previews and covers.
 - Kusumi Koharu says negative things about Morning Musume on a radio show.
 - No Sleeves - Kirigirisu Jin first week sales.
 - Momoiro Clover Z 2nd album announcement, new DVD covers.
 - Kyary Pamyu Pamyu two stop US tour news and info.

Watch things: AKBINGO! A normal, non-member girl infiltrates a recording of the show. Will she get caught?

Made up shit: More challenges for the girl who infiltrated AKBINGO!

AKB48 Request Hour 2013 day 1 and 2 impressions. #PIGEONBLOOD

Oshihen of the Week: The spy and the oshimen


Offline boykun

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Re: [Web Show] basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV
« Reply #239 on: February 10, 2013, 01:26:35 AM »


basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV #41

Download mp3


Opening Song: LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem
Ending Song: SKE48 - Darkness

Sup with You?: Too much work makes old men forget their week. boykun cooking and beating up Chinese thugs in Sleeping Dogs

Idol News:
 - BiS - BiSimulation PV
 - Morning Musume’s “Help Me!!” tops Oricon weekly singles chart.
 - NMB48 first album “Teppen Tottande!” covers.
 - SKE48’s “Choco no Dorei” first day sales.
 - Ono Erena 4th single information.
 - Nakamoto “SUUMETAL” Suzuka graduates from Sakura Gakuin, but stays in BABYMETAL.
 - Itano Tomomi announces graduation from AKB48.

AKB48 Request Hour 2013 Final day recap of #Top25. All the feels for the top 2 songs.

Oshihen of the Week: Twin Towers.


basugasubakuhatsu! THE TV #042

Download mp3


Opening Song: SKE48 - Choco no Dorei
Ending Song: Nogizaka48 - Seifuku no Mannequin

Sup with You?: Tuesday, was a good day for tenkei. Too much work for boykun.

Idol News:
 - Kashiwagi Yuki goes out to dinner with some J-Leaguers
 - Kashiwagi Yuki “Shortcake” first day sales, SKE48 “Choco no Dorei” first week sales.
 - Wakisaka “Wacky” Yurika announces graduation from BiS
 - Momoiro Clover Z’s Ariyasu “Green” Momoka extends break till end of February. Announcement to perform at Nissan Stadium in August.
 - Follow up on the Geesh. International news blowing up.

Watch things: PV ROUNDUP!
 - SKE48 - Darkness
 - Silent Siren - Filter
 - Oreskaband - Walk
 - m-flo - LOVER
 - Man With A Mission - Get Off of My Way ft. GEROCK
 - BIGMAMA - Mr. & Mrs. Balloon ft. GEROCK
 - [Champagne] - starrrrrrrr ft. GEROCK

Watch things: Half of AKBINGO! AKB vs. HKT

Oshihen of the Week: Some hair, some boobs.


JPHiP Radio (10/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Bandwagon - Kill My Dance At Heavy Metal Disco