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Author Topic: 48/46 Group OS Collection- Flashbacks of a Broken Past (Keyakizaka46) 8/1/18  (Read 55941 times)

Offline Rinca

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Re: 48 Group OS Collection- Drabble Collection Pt 1 (Furuyanagi) 30/5/16
« Reply #140 on: May 31, 2016, 10:38:50 AM »
Either I was living on a cave or I was just too busy not to notice this thread!

Airin + Churi = Yuna

Thank you!!!  :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

Lame Story ahead!

A Certain Love Story of a Cyborg Girl | Same Ground(Hiatus) | The Last Stand (On-Going)

Offline MaYukiIsLife

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Re: 48 Group OS Collection- Drabble Collection Pt 1 (Furuyanagi) 30/5/16
« Reply #141 on: August 04, 2016, 05:18:07 PM »
A Double Wedding (WMatsui, FuruYanagi + More SKE pairs)


“This is finally it...”

“I can’t believe we finally reached this day.”

“You look happy,” Akane said as she glanced over to the younger girl.

“Of course I’d be happy.”

Akane chuckled. “Oh, I know. We’ve both been anticipating this day for so long.”

Jurina sighed. “I still remember it like it was yesterday. It was a dream come true.”

The older girl then came up with an idea and smirked.

“Wanna re-enact it?”

“Do I ever!” Jurina stood up with Akane and cleared her throat.

“Airi-kun..” Akane said, walking towards Jurina, “Today was so much fun.”

“Akane…” Jurina spoke in a cool voice. “There’s one more thing I wanted to do for you.”


Jurina knelt down on one knee, “You have done so much for me, that I was willing to tell you everything.”

Akane tried to look surprised, but she couldn’t help giggling a bit as the memories flowed back.

“Ever since I first met you, I realized that there was something between us that felt right. I knew that it must’ve been fate that brought us together… and now, I want us to be together forever.”


“We’ve been together for a few years now, and I feel it’s the right time to ask you this… Takayanagi Akane, will you marry me?”

Akane just stayed silent for a moment before hugging Jurina tightly, “Yes! I will!”

The two girls squealed, hugging each other.

“And then he serenaded me~ Ooooh, he was so sweet~”

“I can imagine it. You and a dorky guy like him.”

“Hey, he’s not that dorky. What about Ren-kun? He’s an otaku AND a train fanatic.”

“Yeah, but I still love him~” Jurina sighed blissfully. “Okay! Time for my proposal!”

Jurina linked her arms around Akane’s laying her head on her shoulder.

“Ahh~ today was so much fun.”

Akane smiled, glancing at her, “With a girl as sweet as you are, everything we do together is fun.”


“Which is exactly why…” Akane turned to face Jurina, holding both her hands. “I’ve decided.”


“I won’t wait any longer,” Akane moved closer, her forehead pressed against Jurina’s. “This is when he kissed you, right?”

“Yup. Then he said those magical words…”

“Jurina… you’re my everything… My life would be meaningless without you. So.. please, would you do the honor of becoming my wife?”

Jurina covered her face, screaming.

“And then you fainted,” Akane said. “And when you woke up, you immediately hugged Ren-kun and accepted his proposal.”

“Yes, yes! A thousand times yes, Ren-kun~~~”

“And then you showered him in kisses.”

“I couldn’t help it. I love him~” Jurina kept giggling.

“Still, I’d much prefer one, long, passionate kiss on the lips.” Akane said before blushing.

“I wonder when they’re coming, it’s been half an hour.”

“Jurina, don’t you know it’s bad luck for the groom to see his bride?”

“I know, but I wanna see him~”

“Be patient. You’ll get to see him soon.”


Then the two a heard a knock on the door. Akane ushered the person in.

“Wow.. you two look really beautiful in your dresses.”

“Thanks, Nao-kun. How are they holding up without us?” Jurina asked.

“They’re doing good, for the most part. Well, Airi-kun’s getting impatient and Ren’s tempted to hit him with his kendo stick that he brought randomly,” Furuhata Nao said, fixing his bow-tie.

“Sounds exactly like something he’d do,” Jurina said, still in her lovey-dovey daze.

“You guys ready? Everyone’s waiting,” another young man said, hugging Nao from behind.

“Not now, Rion… Fix yourself,” Nao said, ruffling Azuma Rion’s hair, “Besides, it’s not another fifteen minutes till the actual ceremony.”

“Oh, you sure, Nao-kun~?”

“Yep, now come with me and I’ll give you something special.”

The two immediately walked out, leaving the two brides talking to each other.


“Argh…! So bored~!”

“Shut up, Airi. I’m trying to concentrate.” Ren said as he held his shinai tightly in his hands.

“Mou~ Stop with the kendo!”

Ren turned to face Airi, “Huh?”

“Why did you even bring that? Did you think someone was gonna crash the wedding?! Dude, I’m not surprised you’d bring it but focus on your fiancée!”

“R-Right…” Ren shyly set the shinai down and sighed. “I’m just… overwhelmed, I guess. I’m so happy that I’m finally marrying Jurina.”

“I can understand you. I mean… Akane is something else to be honest…”

“I was honestly surprised. You two are a cuter couple than I expected.”

“Oi, oi, what’s that supposed to mean?” Airi said, with Ren chuckling in response.

“Maybe you’re a bit too dorky.”

“Don’t even start. What about you and Jurina? There’s such a huge age gap between you two! Six years between the two of you?”

“Hey, I couldn’t help it. Before I realized it, she stole my heart,” Ren grinned.

“Come on. I may not understand why she chose me of all guys she could’ve married, but I love her and it’s all that matters,” Airi said, proudly.

“Yeah, you two were meant to be together.”

The two then heard a knock at the door.

“Come in!”

Airi ushered the person in and saw a familiar young man walk in.


Iwanaga Tsutomu, more commonly called by the affectionate nickname of Tsuu, was met with a man-hug.

“How are you? How’s the small tour going?”

“It was good. I just got back from Tokyo in time for your big day, aniki.”

“Aww~ I missed you, Tsuu~” Airi picked the boy up off the ground.


“Alright, calm down, Airi,” Ren said. “You have a future wife, remember?”

“Right. But has been a few months since I’ve last seen my brother... well step-brother.”

“On the note of girls, I’ve been seeing someone myself,” Tsuu replied, scratching the back of his neck, “I met her on the way to Tokyo.”

“Eh?! Who?!”

“Tsutomu-kun~” A voice rose in the distance, gradually getting louder, “You in here?”

“Ah, there she is~”

A young girl walked in, clutching his arm.

“Let go, Yuna-chan.”

“Ehh~? Why??”

“Well… my brother’s in front of you.”

“Oh!” Yuna smiled as she looked at Airi, “It’s nice to meet you, Furukawa-san. My name is Ego Yuna.”

“Nice to meet you too, Yuna.”

“It’s almost time, isn’t it? We’re gonna wait for you out there.”

“Right… thanks.”

That was when it finally dawned on him, he was going to become a married man in a matter of minutes.

“Oi, Airi, you still with me?” Ren said.

“Yeah. Guess I just… I feel like this is a dream come true. Sometimes, I’m worried I’ll wake up like this all never happened.”

Ren smirked and bear hugged Airi.

“No waking up from this dream come true! This is reality. You and me are about to be wed to two of the sweetest girls in the world!”

Airi smiled. “You’re right! If we both love each other, it should be fine!”

Then, the two heard a male voice.

“Furukawa-kun, Matsui-kun, it’s time.”

“Here we go,” Ren said walking out.


The two grooms stood in front of the vicar. They waited in anticipation for the arrival of their brides, looking at the lines of people spectating the aisle.

That was when they had heard the classic wedding music, as everyone stood up, turning to face the back door. Akane and Jurina walked down in their dresses with their fathers, stunning everyone, especially Airi and Ren.

They approached the altar, kissing their dads one last time before walking to their respective grooms.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, to bring these two lovely couples together in marriage.”

Jurina and Ren glanced at each other, their eyes meeting for a bit as they smiled.

“Let us have these two couples join hands and we will proceed,” the vicar said, as the two couples held hands. “The rings, please.”

“Yes,” the ring bearer, Goto Rara, came forward, holding the rings. She handed out the rings and smiled as she walked back to where she was before.

Airi gently placed the ring on his bride’s finger, looking straight at her eyes. Akane smiled widely in response.

Ren placed the ring on Jurina’s hand before kissing it gently, making Jurina giggle. She took the ring and placed it on Ren’s hand.

“We shall now start the vows.”

Airi looked toward Akane again before speaking, “I, Furukawa Airi, take Takayanagi Akane to be my wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward. For better, for worse; for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death do us part.”

He also took out an envelope from his tuxedo pocket and passed it to Akane.


“I want you to open this later, after the reception.”

Akane nodded. “Okay.”

She then took Airi’s hands and said. “I, Takayanagi Akane, take Furukawa Airi to be my husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward. For better, for worse; for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death do us part.”

“Now for Ren-kun and Jurina-chan.”

Ren had decided to write his own vows, with some discussion between him and Jurina on some aspects. He took out a sheet of paper and unfolded it.

“Jurina… do you remember this?” He handed the paper to Jurina, who looked at it in surprise.

“This is…”

“The first love letter you ever sent me.”

“You kept it?”

Ren didn’t say anything and stepped closer, taking Jurina’s hands in his.

“Jurina… I love you. I always have. Maybe I didn’t realize it when we first met, but.. The moment I met you, you immediately stole my heart. I know at times, it may seem like I’m pushing you away and it may seem like I’m focusing on other less important things, rather than you. But you were always my top priority.”

Jurina didn’t say anything. She felt tears welling in her eyes as she smiled.

“Your smile, your happiness… it was always most important to me. That’s why, I promise I will make you the happiest wife. I promise that I’ll do everything in my power to make you proud that you have a husband like me.”

Akane and Airi felt the tears starting to fall from their eyes. A few “aw~”s could be heard from the crowd of people.

“Ren-kun…” Jurina felt a few tears fall down her cheeks. Ren smiled and kissed her cheeks, wiping away her tears.

“Time to say your vows, Jurina-chan.”

“I…” In truth, Jurina was so touched by Ren’s words, she had forgotten her own vows. But she looked up and smiled, simply saying, “I wish the same. I want to make Ren-kun the happiest husband, for him to be proud that he has me as his wife.”

“With that all said, shall we ask the important question?” The vicar said. “Do you, dear couples, take each other to have and to hold, in holy matrimony?”

“I do.” They all said.

“Then by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. Ren-kun, Airi-kun, you may kiss your brides.”

Airi hugged Akane’s waist and leaned forward, kissing her lips. Jurina’s arms wrapped around Ren’s neck and the two kissed passionately.

“Time for the bit where everyone gets drunk,” Airi said, smirking.

“Oh boy… Let’s just not over-do it,” Akane said, making them both giggle.


After the reception, the two couples made their way to the hotel they were staying at. Airi had a bit too much to drink and immediately passed out when they got to their hotel room, and as for Jurina and Ren… well, right now, they were having some private time together.

Akane sat at the edge of her bed and opened the letter that Airi gave her. She started reading the contents...

“Dearest Akane,

There are many things I want to discuss with you, that I wasn’t able to before the wedding. But now is the perfect time for me to say that there was something I couldn’t quite say out loud, especially in front of your father.

The truth is, before I met you, I wasn’t happy with the life I was currently living. But when I met you, I was finally able to see myself living a happy life. I don’t want to lose you… not when I was at my lowest point.

That’s why I plan to commit to this relationship. I want to prove that I’m not a jerk, that I’m not someone who gets into relationships just for fun. I’m going to do whatever I can to make this relationship great.

And, if it comes to the worst possible outcome, I’ll hold you close to my heart. I swear, I will treasure you, for as long as I shall live.

Your dearest lover, Airi”

Tears fell from Akane’s eyes. She didn’t know how truly dedicated he was to this relationship, but the letter opened her eyes.

As her drunk husband slept, she laid down beside him and kissed his cheek.

“Thank you, Airi.”


A/N I got inspired to do this OS after I watched a video of Jurina cooking in a wedding dress, so I got in touch with Ruka Kikuchi and yeah... X) The pairs other than Furuyanagi and Wmatsui in this OS were Furumarion & EgoTsuu.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2016, 07:52:41 PM by MaYukiIsLife »

Offline niineechan

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So much sweetness... :wriggly: :nya: :shy1: :shy2:
Rena's modified vow... And Airi's letter.. Just...  :gmon tears: :gmon shy:
Lots of love and thanks to both of you, guys.. :gmon heartu: :gmon heartu:
 And now just lemme floating in the air... :gmon twirl: :gmon witch:

Offline Minami-chan

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thaaaaaaaaanks for this one short!

Offline key17

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It's soooo sweeeeeet~ :luvluv2: :shy2: :on gay:

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline MaYukiIsLife

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Hey, long time no see for those who have read my oneshots in the past, and welcome for those who are reading for the first time. Sorry I haven't posted anything in the past 4, yes 4 months. It's because work got in the way and I could make time to finish some of my oneshots.

This is based of a prompt I got from tumblr. Also forgot to mention this is a Churi x Nao fic so... yeah

Imagine that after many happy years of being together, Person A finally proposes to Person B, and the proposal goes perfectly in both of their eyes- B throws their arms around A afterwards, teary eyed in happiness. Depending on their preferences, they may plan a huge wedding in a church, or maybe just a small one with a few people in their backyard. Either way, they both eagerly await the day, and when they’re driving to the wedding (in separate cars, to follow the tradition), they’re both nervous but simultaneously bursting with excitement.
On the way to the wedding, B’s car crashes and everyone who was in it is hospitalized. A doesn’t find this out until long after they were left waiting and confused at the altar, but when they do, they freak out, demanding to see B at all costs.
When A arrives at the hospital, B is awake but barely hanging on to life. A makes B promise that they’ll still get married and that they’ll have a wonderful life together and everything will be okay in the end. B smiles and says “I promise”, but right as A has time to react with a soft smile, B falls unconscious. Moments later, the heart rate monitor produces a long ‘beeeep’ sound. What A does is up to you.

Aside from that, enjoy! Read, thank and comment my work and nearly forgot to mention, huge thanks to Ruka Kikuchi for helping my write this! This is late but I hope you all had an awesome Christmas and have a just as awesome New Year watching the NHK Kohaku!

Nao’s POV

I thought we were going to make it… I thought we were going to be together, happily…. I can’t believe… she’s gone…


“Akane, I love you. Please, marry me.”

That day was when I saw her brightest smile. The day I proposed to her. Tears of joy made her eyes sparkle in a way that I couldn’t describe. I felt my heart grow warm as she smiled at me.

“Nao-kun… I’d love to!”

She embraced me tightly and continued crying on my shoulder. I felt like the happiest man I could be, knowing that I had the perfect wife to be.

She surprised me with a kiss on the cheek before capturing my lips. We kissed tenderly until we eventually stopped for air and started giggling. She hid her blushed cheeks as we held hands, walking back home.

End of Flashback

I held the engagement ring I gave her in my hand. The pain in my heart throbbed more as I gritted my teeth.

“Why…? Why couldn’t I have just taken her place…”


I covered my ears as I could hear her voice from that moment. No…!

Why did this happen? We were going to be so happy..!


“I think we should get married on Christmas Day.”

“Christmas… That’s nice. Maybe we’ll have a white wedding,”
I said with a smile. “Where do you want it to be?”

“Hmmm… Maybe we shouldn’t have a big wedding.”


“We should have it somewhere small. With close friends and family.”

I nodded as we both wrote down our ideas. She pet her little bird friends, smiling as she looked at me.

“Can Papi and the others come?”

“You’re inviting your pet birds?”
I said chuckling.

“Why not? They’re important members of the family.”

“Oh, alright. I guess we can bring them.”

“Thank you, hon~”

We wrote down more names of who we wanted to invite. She, of course, really wanted her college friend Airi to come, as well as her two closest friends, Rena and Jurina, to come as her bride’s maids.

“Hey, have you decided who’s going to be your best man?”

“I was thinking Rion. If he’s not too busy.”

“Azuma-kun?! Ahh, it’s been so long since I’ve seen him! Maybe we can get him to play during the reception.”

“If he’s up for it.”

She laid her head on my shoulder. “This is gonna be perfect.”

“Yeah… it will.”

End of Flashback

“Perfect… it was far from it…” I gripped my fists before hearing footsteps coming towards me.

I saw Airi enter, circles under her eyes as she must’ve been crying, as well.

“Furuhata-kun… you okay?”

I shook my head.

“I understand…” She sat beside me. “She was one of my closest friends during college. I’m really heartbroken over the fact that she’s…”

“Please,” I stopped her, gripping my hands together. “I don’t want to accept it. I don’t want to say it.”

I saw her expression grow solemn as she simply nodded.

“Okay… I’m sorry. It’s hardest on you, I know.”

It was then that the doctor entered, facing me.

“Furuhata-kun, Matsui-san wishes to speak with you.”

I slowly got up and walked to the room where Rena was recovering. Beside her, Jurina was sleeping, her body and one of her eyes covered by bandages.

“Hey, Rena,” I spoke in a low voice as I walked in.

She gave me a sad smile. “Hi…”

“How’s Jurina?”

“She’s fine. The doctors just gave her some pain killers, and they made her sleepy.”

I sat beside Rena’s bed, with my head hung low. She held my shoulder, trying to comfort me but it just didn’t work.

“I’m so sorry, Nao-kun. If we had just--”

“It’s not your fault, Rena. It was none of ours…” I ran my fingers through my head. “But I understand how you feel. I wish we could’ve done something to prevent this all from happening...”


The day of the wedding, snow poured down from the sky. We had to take shelter inside as we waited for Akane, Rena, and Jurina to arrive.

Me and Rion were sitting at a table in a room at the back of the Church, just spending time together.

“You nervous, Nao?” he asked me.

“A little, I guess. I’m more worried for whether they’ll get here in this weather or not.”

“You should have more faith in them.”

“Yeah, but… she was looking forward to this so much. I wouldn’t want anything bad happening before this.”

He patted my back reassuringly. “Don’t worry. I’m sure the girls are okay.”

“Let’s hope so.”

After an hour passed, I couldn’t help but feel tense. I tried to call Rena, but she didn’t answer her phone. It was the same with Jurina as well.

“Okay, now I’m really worried.”

“Have none of them answered their phones?”

“No… and that’s really strange. Rena would usually answer the phone right away.”

It was then that Airi came in, with a solemn look on her face.

“Guys… there was a car accident… Akane, Rena, and Jurina have..!”

“No..! No! Why couldn’t you have told me sooner?!”

“We just saw it on the TV! I’m sorry!”

I ran into the other room where the TV was showing the accident. I saw the three badly injured as the rescue squad got them out and carried them onto the ambulances.


We immediately called off the wedding and rushed to the hospital as soon as we could get there. I wanted to see Akane, but doctors and nurses forced me to wait. It felt like an eternity waiting.

When I was finally allowed to see her, I rushed into her room to see her lying down. She was barely hanging on and deathly pale, which made me terrified.

“Akane… No!” I walked to her side and held her hand, “Please… just stay alive..!”

I felt her pulse was weak and heard that she was barely breathing. Tears welled in my eyes as I kept calling to her, but she wasn’t responding.

“Furuhata-kun, Takayanagi-san is very fatally injured. There’s a chance she might never wake up.”

“No… But we were.. going to be married..!”

“I’m sorry, the scale of the accident she was in took a massive toll on her body.”

I shook my head as I couldn’t take in what I had heard. I placed my forehead against her cold hand, the tears falling out as I painfully cried.

“Oh God, no… Akane…!”

End of Flashback

“Nn.. Nao-kun…” I broke away from my thoughts as we heard Jurina talking in her sleep.

“She was so excited, you know,” Rena said. “Both Jurina, and Akane. They couldn’t wait to get to the wedding.”

“Yeah… Akane’s the one who inputted the most in the planning of it all… I wouldn’t be surprised if she was so excited.”

I bit my lip, as tears forced themselves out. I covered my eyes as Rena rubbed my back.

“She… She didn’t deserve this…!”

“I know, Nao-kun… I know.”

“Akane… God, why did you have to take her life away?!” I yelled to the Heavens. “She promised!”



I looked up and saw she had awakened and was looking at me with a weak smile.


“Please… stop… crying…” she said frailly. “It’s… not……”

“Akane, I’m sorry,” I wiped away my tears. “I’m so sorry… We should’ve rescheduled when the snow started. If we had done that, you wouldn’t have gotten in the accident and--”

“It’s.. fine.” Akane interrupted, cupping my cheek. “It’s… okay… W-we can still.. get married.”

“Not when you’re like this, Akane.”

“Then.. when I recover… Then we can have.. Our perfect wedding… and… we’ll be able to.. Live happily together…”

“But… I should’ve known better… I could’ve avoided this..!”

“Don’t… worry…”

I looked and saw a sincere look in her eyes. She wiped away one of my tears as our foreheads touched.

“Once.. I get out of here… we’ll reschedule the wedding… and then.. once we get married… we’ll be happy…”

I sniffled. “You sure?”

She just nodded in response.

“Everything… will be okay… I promise…”

I smiled and was about to respond, when her eyes slowly closed and her body fell lifeless.


“Eh..?” My smile disappeared and my heart shattered.

All I could remember was that I had cried until the doctors came in and took me out of the room. The last moment I saw her was when they covered her face with the sheet.

End of Flashback

“Akane… Why?” I clutched my chest as the pain was too much to bare. “We were going to be so happy… together…”

Rena hugged me with one arm. Her right arm got broken in the accident and was currently bound in a cast. She didn’t say anything; she couldn’t say anything.

Tears stained my palms and my cheeks as I let all the pain out. I had to accept it, I know I had to. I had to be honest and admit that she’s gone so that I could move on.

But… I don’t want to let go..!

“Nao...kun…” I heard Jurina talk in her sleep again. “Churi… wants Nao-kun… to be happy… even if.. Even if she’s gone…”


Rena explained to me, “Akane told us that on the way to the wedding… right before the accident.”

“She did?”

“Yes. She was so scared.. All that she could tell us, no matter what happened, she wanted you to be happy.”

“But… I won’t be… without her.”

“Nao-kun…” Jurina spoke again, her eye still closed. “Churi said… if she dies… not to grieve… remember her happily…”

I felt my heart flutter slightly by her words. Akane was right to say that.

Akane wouldn’t want me to be sad even if she was gone. She’d want me to live happily while remembering her fondly. That was always…. Her greatest wish!

“No matter what, I want you to be happy, Nao-kun!”

“It’ll be okay, Nao-kun,” Rena said. “We’ll be here for you.”

I nodded. “Thank you.”

Offline niineechan

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Re: 48 Group OS Collection- The Endless Road (SKE48- ChuriNao) 29/12/16
« Reply #146 on: January 03, 2017, 12:38:45 AM »
They've planned everything, but.. but...  :gmon tears: mou...! Stop breaking my heart!

Offline MaYukiIsLife

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Re: 48 Group OS Collection- The Endless Road (SKE48- ChuriNao) 29/12/16
« Reply #147 on: November 13, 2017, 08:30:30 PM »
Expect a Keyakizaka46 OS out fairly soon... idk when tho DX Life is really getting to me. I have to thank Ruka Kikuchi as usual for helping me out

Offline MaYukiIsLife

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Re: 48 Group OS Collection- The Endless Road (SKE48- ChuriNao) 29/12/16
« Reply #148 on: November 19, 2017, 11:19:25 PM »
I kinda lied, the Keyaki OS I did do, with the help of Ruka Kikuchi, which is a TechiNeru btw, is being put on hold for a little while but for now this is a Yuuka x Akanen, in the latter's POV



Akane’s POV


A deep voice bellowed as I heard the commander walk into the room.


I got cut off as the commander punched the wall, creating a loud bang and a crater on the wall.

You of all people should know that humans cannot know of our existence!”

I gripped my fists tightly. She needed to know. She needed to know so she can stay away…

“Sir, just let me explain! She needs to know, so she can stay away from us!”

The commander just scoffed, making me pissed off.

“You’re willing to endanger your family, friends, your whole race, just for a measly human. How pathetic, Moriya. And here I am, thinking you were one of our most trusted generals.”

“Leave the rest of them out of this!”

“It’s your fault Moriya! All of us are included in this because of your foolish mistake!”

I stayed turned to not face my commander, knowing that he would do something.

“I see how you’re going to play this, Moriya,” he spoke with a low growl, “The human is here, isn’t she? Let’s what would happen if I… played with her a little.”

I couldn’t just stand there anymore. I rushed towards him and tackled him forcefully sending the two of us flying and crashing into a wall.

“Don’t touch her!”

Scoffing, he looked up at me. He took a hold of my chin, forcing me to look back at him.

“You can’t deny it, Moriya Akane.”

“I can.” I gritted my teeth, “And I am. I will get as many people as I can and cause a rebellion.”

“You’re losing your touch.”

“I don’t give a damn.”

“You used to kill prisoners with no remorse, those red, blood thirsty eyes… I miss them.”

I didn’t say anything at that point. I didn’t want anyone to find her; I didn’t want him to kill her.

“Remember, I saved you that day. I saved you from execution from those humans. I expected complete obedience and this is what you give me!”

“I didn’t want you to save me!” I yelled, gripping his uniform tightly, “The pain you and the others caused me; I’ve suffered enough! You’re not going to control me anymore!”

“But I can and I will,” He spoke again in a low growl, “I can punish you however I see fit.”

With a click of a finger, I heard some ominous jingles. I suddenly felt chains being bound to my arms, legs and neck. Then there was a sudden burning sensation coursing through my body, making me grunt and grit my teeth. Being forcefully pulled back by the chains, I felt that the burning sensation had intensified and that my whole body was slowly starting to stop.

“W-What… is… this…?!” I asked, “T-This….”

He stood up, walked out of the large crater and brushed the dust off of his uniform, smirking as he walked to me and tugged the chains that were restraining me.

“Scream,” He spoke, his eyes turning a pale red. “I love it when our victims scream in pain, it gives me… satisfaction.”

“A-Argh… y-you’re not going to get… your satisfaction…”

“Do you really think that?”

“J-Just… let her go.”

He scoffed rather arrogantly, before walking towards me, tugging on the chains, making me hiss in pain.

“It’s too bad~ Traitors like you don’t deserve anything like that.”

“You… she didn’t have anything to do with it… it’s my… fault, really!” I retorted, not wanting Yuuka to get hurt because of my actions,  “It was… it was my fault that she fell in love with me… I made the first move. I made her fall in love with me.”

“Pathetic, honestly.”

With each tug of the chains, the pain became worse. My mind wanted to give up and let him kill her but somewhere… somewhere in me made me want to keep pushing forward.

They were all going to find her somehow… I needed to distract them…

But I knew it was too late.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2017, 11:24:31 PM by MaYukiIsLife »

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Re: 48/46 Group OS Collection- Rebellion (Keyakizaka46 - YuukaAkanen) 19/11/17
« Reply #149 on: November 19, 2017, 11:28:18 PM »
C-chotto matte kudasai! A-Akanen!!!!! Is this a bad end... A bad end... *dying*
This was so good yet so short. I have so many questions. Even though this seems to be a one-shot, I want to see more...

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Re: 48/46 Group OS Collection- Rebellion (Keyakizaka46 - YuukaAkanen) 19/11/17
« Reply #150 on: November 20, 2017, 09:19:09 AM »
C-chotto matte kudasai! A-Akanen!!!!! Is this a bad end... A bad end... *dying*
This was so good yet so short. I have so many questions. Even though this seems to be a one-shot, I want to see more...

This is only the first part to the oneshot, Shinoki-san (though I have many questions for your recent update of Eccentric) and the rest of this OS will be in Yuuka's POV. Whether it's a bad ending or not, is the question.

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Re: 48/46 Group OS Collection- Rebellion (Keyakizaka46 - YuukaAkanen) 19/11/17
« Reply #151 on: November 22, 2017, 03:24:24 AM »
That's the beginning of the one shot? Wow, reading this i thought there were earlier chapters! Can't wait for both the update and techiNeru as well.  :thumbsup

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Re: 48/46 Group OS Collection- Rebellion (Keyakizaka46 - YuukaAkanen) 19/11/17
« Reply #152 on: November 22, 2017, 06:24:09 PM »
That's the beginning of the one shot? Wow, reading this i thought there were earlier chapters! Can't wait for both the update and techiNeru as well.  :thumbsup

Thanks ^-^ And here's the last part of the OS. I have to thank Ruka Kikuchi again for helping me out with this ending because my workload has been... well full to the brim I guess lol


Yuuka’s POV

I walked aimlessly around  the halls, trying to search for her. It was by instinct that I had come across a room that was on the verge of being destroyed, the walls looked as though they were going to collapse at any second, however, I saw a figure chained to what was left of the walls, their body suspended in the air

“Akane-chan…?” I asked, walking closer to the figure, “Is that you…?”

“Yuuka...stay... away.” she demanded, her weak voice making me cry, “It’s not... safe... here. You have… to go.”

What was going on? Why..? Why was she being treated like this?

“But--” I tried to plead with her. We could get out of here together… somehow we could...

“Just… go...”

“Let me stay! Please!”

“No… the other… vampires… are… going to look… for you...”

I stayed silent, thinking of what to say before declaring, “No. I’m staying here no matter what happens to me.”

She tried to struggle against the chains that were binding her, but instead screamed in pain.

“Ah~ So you’re that human.”

“Y-Yuuka, run--”

“Silence, traitor. You’ve spoken enough.”

I turned to see a man with the same kind of clothes as Akane. He smirked as he glanced slyly towards her, before looking down at me.

“What.. did you do to her…?” I asked not looking at him.

“So, you’re really oblivious to what vampires are capable of, or better yet, most vampires weaknesses,” he spoke, “Sadly, this traitor isn’t like me. Immune to silver.”

“Let me go… you bastard!”

Whoever he was, he was walking towards her. My body shuddered as I heard the chains rattle; seeing and hearing her scream for help made me feel useless… hopeless.

“I love to hear your screams, Moriya. It makes my day.”

“J-Just let her go… I’ll do whatever you want, just please, let her go…”

“How about… we come to a compromise?”

“Not with you, I’m not.”

“What about you, human? Want to save the one you love?”

I was confused, scared and angry. I could piece together that this person wasn’t on good terms with Akane anymore, and it was because of me.

“Y-Yuuka, please… don’t agree to anything--”

“I told you to keep quiet, Moriya.”

Another scream echoed through the room, scaring me even more. I didn’t know what to do, what to say.

“Human… what lengths would you go to if it meant you could save this traitor? Would you commit sin? Would you go on even if in the face of inevitable despair?”

I gripped my fists. “...I would. Akane-chan is… my best friend.”

“Even if all the world was against it, would you fight for her?”

“Yes! I would!”

The man walked closer to me, an intimidating aura overwhelming me. I stood my ground as he stared at me with intense, blood red eyes.

“That hope… I can’t wait to see the moment when it disperses.”


“Yuuka,” I heard her voice echo in the empty streets.


“So it is you,” she said, stepping out of an empty alleyway, “There’s something, rather, someone I want you to meet.”


“But we need to hurry, I don’t want anyone to be following us.”

Without saying anything, I simply followed her. She lead me down the alleyway to the darkest corner where only rats could live.

At the end of the alley, she lifted up a cloth that was hiding a wooden platform. She knocked on the wood three times and it opened up, revealing a secret stairway into further depths of darkness.

“I hope you aren’t afraid of the dark,” she said with a smirk while reaching out her hand.

I took her hand as she lead me down. I carefully took steps forward before my vision became plunged into blackness.

I then became aware of… two more pairs of eyes.


Akane struck a match, and lit a wax candle.

“I brought her.”

I saw two new faces. One was stoic, intimidating, with a sharp gaze. The other seemed more reserved, more gentle. But with some mystique behind her eyes.

“She’s the one you’ve been seeing?” the one with short hair spoke.

“M-my name… is Yuuka.”

“I made sure no one would follow us,” Akane confirmed as she lit another candle. “But we shouldn’t waste time.”

As the room was lit up more, I saw a symbol that was drawn on the wall in red ink… That ink looks like blood.

“It means ‘rebellion’,” the other girl said briefly. Her voice was soft, it almost faded away like wind.


“That symbol. It’s the mark of our rebellion.”

“You two are also..?”

“Yurina and Neru are Dhampir; they are mixed bloods of human and vampire blood.”

“Outcasts… that’s what we are,” the short haired girl said firmly. “We don’t belong to a clan like Akane. Because we cannot belong to either world. We’re outsiders no matter where we go.”

“That’s… awful.”

“Do you pity us, human?”

“Yurina…” the other girl, Neru, took hold of her hand as Yurina scowled. The gesture seemed to calm her and she backed away slightly.

“We joined this rebellion because… we both believed that a world where our races are divided can’t go on. Human, vampire, and us. Nobodies.”

“Traitors is what you are.”

We all turned to spot another person, a man. With a girl by his side.

“I thought you said you weren’t being followed?” Neru questioned.

“We placed a seal on the back of your neck. A tracker,” the man smirked. He then clicked his fingers, “Manaka. Deal with the Dhampirs. The human and traitor Akane are mine.”

“Yes sir.”

The girl shot passed us and grabbed Neru by the wrist.

“Neru!” Yurina shouted, grabbing Manaka angrily. “Let go of her!”

She only ignored Yurina’s demand. She pushed her back with incredible force and I could hear a loud thud as Yurina had crashed into the wall.


Akane charged toward Manaka, but the man blocked her path.

“You want to start a rebellion?”

“Why would I say anything to you?”

“What could you gain from this? What is this hope you carry?”

“This isn’t for me!” she retaliated, “It’s for the future generations, human, vampire, and Dhampir. Not only that, but it’s for everyone now. To learn from our past and make a better future.”

He scowled, grabbing Akane by her neck and lifting her off the ground.

“This pointless wish… You know that it won’t come true. Preaching such nonsense, for ‘the sake of our kind’? For some measly human? For lowly mixed bloods?!”

“Ack… the former King… he w-wanted…”

“Why talk of that fool?!” He threw her to the ground. I could only watch, powerless to do anything.

“I-It… was his wish… to me… as his most trusted general…”

“He was a heretic.”

“He sought for change! To make amends for what we did in the past!”

“He formed an alliance with the humans! Likely to make a failed peace treaty.”

“No! He--”


“Enough out of you!” he shouted, then directing his gaze to me. “As for you… human.”

I kept silent. Everything about him, his very presence, intimidating me. Without even realizing, I was shaking. My mind was blank. I…


I… blacked out.


I woke up, my mind a tangled mess. I tried to remember what happened. As I slowly rose up, my vision in darkness, I used the palms of my hands to find the stairway that lead me out.

I slowly began to process my situation.

I was weak…

Akane’s in danger…

Find her… Have to find her…

What can I do?

They’ll kill her…

They’ll kill me…

I have to do something…

From those thoughts, as I finally made it back to the surface, where my eyes stung from the rays of sunlight, I came to one sole decision.

“I must save Akane.”

End Flashback

“The former king wanted to end the current state of our worlds. He wanted peaceful coexistence… He even risked his life for all of our happiness. Right, Akane-chan?”

I didn’t hear her reply. I turned and saw her staring at me with wide eyes.

“He wanted revolution. He formed the rebellion. That was his will to you, wasn’t it?”

“What are you saying, human?”

“The former vampire king diverged from his own kind because he knew that the division between the vampires and the Dhampirs, as well as with the humans, wasn’t going to get any better from what it was currently. The rebellion was his attempt to change all of that.”

“Nothing that fool could’ve done would’ve changed anything.”

“You don’t know that.”


“For centuries… it’s been nothing but war. Nothing but despair. No one ever sought for change until the former king sparked the rebellion. And when he had died, he trusted Akane with the responsibility, the burden of carrying it on, knowing that she wouldn’t be put under pressure by it.”

“Is that so?”


“Yurina-san and Neru-san, too… They had nowhere else, no one but each other… Because the world refused to accept them. That just won’t do! We need the world to unite because of our similarities and to adapt to our differences!”

He was silent for some time. His expression unchanged. He looked to Akane again before looking at me.

“Why is it… that all of you think of peace? Eternal peace will never happen. It’s naive. As long as one person has a negative view of the world, there will be no peace.”

“Then, why don’t you try and change it yourself? What about the current king?”

“Y-Yuuka… stop…!”

“If he thinks the same way, would that make him a heretic, too?”

“Yuuka!” Akane shouted, her voice cracking. “Please… you don’t have to do this… not for someone like me… I deserve to be punished… it’s… just hopeless…”

“No, it isn’t!” I turned to face her.

“Yuuka… it’s over… The rebellion… can’t…”

“This isn’t what you wanted, right? I believe in what you said you wanted for us. For everyone.” I knelt down in front of her. “I may be powerless… I may only be human… But I can fight for that wish my own way!”

“Yuuka… I…”

“And what about Yurina-san, Neru-san and the Dhampirs? They need the rebellion as their hope.”


The man scoffed again.

“I don’t get it. All your talk of hope. I’ve had enough of trying to negotiate with you, human!” the man drew a sword and pointed it at me.


“There’s no point in this silly ‘rebellion’. Nothing will change!”


“Argh!” He screamed as a bullet hit his hand. “Wha--?!”


Two girls ran in, fending off the guards, while the other girl approached Akane and started picking the locks on her chains.

“You’re..!” I saw the symbol worn on her chest.

The mark of the rebellion.

“There were more…” Akane smirked. “I never realized…”

“Habu! Risa! Let’s go!” the girl shouted as she took our hands and we dashed out of the cell. One of the girls took the man’s sword, a smirk on her face.

“Stop them!”

“Long live rebellion!” the girl named Risa shouted as she swung the sword, slashing one of the guards coming from behind. “Berika, cover the front!”


As we ran down the hall, we made it to a stairway and saw Yurina and Neru waiting with more girls accompanying them.


“Just in time… huh…?”

“You look like you gone to hell and back, Akane,” Neru said, surprised by the look of the girl, “You alright?”

“T-the commander… bound me with silver chains… I’m still a little weak…”

 “That means we need to hurry even more. Who knows what he’d do if he finds everyone else,” Yurina replied bluntly.

We hurried to the nearest exit and followed Risa and the other girls. I held onto Akane as she limped. I could hear her shaky breathing as we got closer.

“Just hold on, Akane-chan… we’re this close already.”


That was when a loud gunshot was heard. We all saw the commander with a rifle, pointed at us.

“Run!” We all ran as fast as we could, seeing the exit just up ahead. And…


“Agh!” Akane cried out, slipping away from me as she fell to the ground.


I tried to reach out for her, but then Rika grabbed me and pulled me away.

“Don’t! We have to go, or we’ll be killed!”


“Go!” Akane screamed at me. “Just go, idiot!”

I fell silent, Rika pulling me away as we escaped. I could only watch as the guards grabbed Akane, and the commander approached her with the rifle pointed to her neck.




We got away… But at the cost of the life of their leader. And my best friend. And now, they’re looking for us.

We’re wanted criminals. Runaways. Traitors…

And I have become a nobody. A nameless rebel. I must be the one to carry on Akane’s wish. So, under the guise of being a vampire, I…


Rika called out to me, loading her gun before strapping it to her waist.

“Let’s go. We’re heading out.”


I will lead this rebellion to a new future, to a new hope, for all of our kind. I wear this mark of rebellion proudly, to carry on the promise I made.

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Re: 48/46 Group OS Collection- Rebellion (Keyakizaka46 - YuukaAkanen) 22/11/17
« Reply #153 on: November 22, 2017, 09:24:19 PM »
Akanennnn!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Wait, is this considered a bad end... or is it considered a good end? Such a bittersweet ending... Even though it was such a good read. This hurts my heart. So, Manaka is on the "bad guy's" side. Meanwhile W-Watanabe, Habu-chan, and TechiNeru are on the rebellion side. The whole rebellion thing was a slightly unexpected development, but it was very interesting.
Akanen vaguely got friend-zoned. "Best friend." Ah, Yuuka... Even though this is the last part of the one-shot, I'm still curious. I like to believe that the rebellion succeeds.

On the topic of Eccentric... ahahaha, hopefully, I can get an update out today. As for how many questions it will answer, that's a good question because right now... I only have 100 words of Techi being depressing (hinting at her dark past) written and haven't gotten to writing the YuukaNen part.

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Re: 48/46 Group OS Collection- Rebellion (Keyakizaka46 - YuukaAkanen) 22/11/17
« Reply #154 on: November 22, 2017, 09:45:20 PM »
Akanennnn!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Wait, is this considered a bad end... or is it considered a good end? Such a bittersweet ending... Even though it was such a good read. This hurts my heart. So, Manaka is on the "bad guy's" side. Meanwhile W-Watanabe, Habu-chan, and TechiNeru are on the rebellion side. The whole rebellion thing was a slightly unexpected development, but it was very interesting.
Akanen vaguely got friend-zoned. "Best friend." Ah, Yuuka... Even though this is the last part of the one-shot, I'm still curious. I like to believe that the rebellion succeeds.

On the topic of Eccentric... ahahaha, hopefully, I can get an update out today. As for how many questions it will answer, that's a good question because right now... I only have 100 words of Techi being depressing (hinting at her dark past) written and haven't gotten to writing the YuukaNen part.

We needed a bit of a background to it, and I didn't write much of the flashback scene. And tbqh, I didn't want TechiNeru to be Dhampirs initially... I actually wanted Neru to be a shapeshifter and Techi to be a werewolf, also... Again I didn't write much of the flashback, and I guess Shida was the first person that Ruka had to mind. When I saw her write it, I thought Risa and Manaka would've been together, but apparently that wasn't the case.

I guess this is a bad end... and I'm not planning to continue it further tbh. :P So I'll leave you on a purposeful cliffhanger. I also have an idea for an Keyaki ongoing.

And I NEED that YuukaNen lol :P 100 words on Techi being depressing lol (I wonder how dark that past of hers is :|) Please just write... brain-vomit your ideas if you have to lol

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Re: 48/46 Group OS Collection- Rebellion (Keyakizaka46 - YuukaAkanen) 22/11/17
« Reply #155 on: December 05, 2017, 06:12:41 AM »
I like the premise of this one.

Why did Akanen have to die?  :angry:

What will Yuuka do without her Akanen????  :cry: :cry: :cry:
Although, like @Shinoki said, Yuuka did kind of friend-zone Akanen.  :lol:

I want to see where the Rebellion goes. Do they succeed or do they fail? Guess it's up to my imagination then.  XD

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Re: 48/46 Group OS Collection- Rebellion (Keyakizaka46 - YuukaAkanen) 22/11/17
« Reply #156 on: December 05, 2017, 05:36:07 PM »
I like the premise of this one.

Why did Akanen have to die?  :angry:

What will Yuuka do without her Akanen????  :cry: :cry: :cry:
Although, like @Shinoki said, Yuuka did kind of friend-zone Akanen.  :lol:

I want to see where the Rebellion goes. Do they succeed or do they fail? Guess it's up to my imagination then.  XD

I had a brainfart at work today and decided to write a prequel to it, basically putting into place how Yuuka met Akanen to begin, where TechiNeru, Shida and WWatanabe come in to the fray, but that has an undecided finish date.

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Re: 48/46 Group OS Collection- Rebellion (Keyakizaka46 - YuukaAkanen) 22/11/17
« Reply #157 on: January 08, 2018, 11:42:00 PM »
This isn't the Rebellion Prequel (which is going to be named "Night of Revolution" btw) but a Techi-centered-ish on the verge of being in TechiNeru territory. But I do want to thank Shinoki for drawing fanart for the fic, and :D I'm still expecting a good end to that YuukaNen arc to Eccentric! (Which I highly recommend people read)
And thanks to my usual co-author and friend Ruka Kikuchi for helping me write it all. Also this seems like a fanfic that Hiraishin can be played to idk why but it seems fitting, especially if you look up the eng translation.

Flashbacks of a Broken Past

Techi’s POV

Each step I took was more pain. My heart felt heavy; my mentality was dropping. Every time someone talked to me, it was just silent. No words came out.

I’m losing myself…

How long have I been like this? It seems I’ve lost track… everything feels the same to me at this point. Dull, monotonous days… adults telling me that I’m wrong, that I didn’t do something right…

Wrong, wrong, wrong… That word keeps repeating.

Why? Why am I always the one who is looked down upon? Why am I considered “wrong”? Am I not a human to them anymore?

It was best if I wasn’t here anymore… maybe that way this pain would go away…

I should disappear… Who would even miss me?

Third Person POV

“Where’s Techi?” Nagahama Neru had asked the others who were with her, noticing the lack of the center’s aura in the room, “She can’t be late!”

“She’s usually on time. You should cut her some slack, Neru,” Moriya Akane replied, a calm tone present in her voice.

“Neru has a point though, Akanen,” Watanabe Risa replied, "She's always here on time."

“I’ll call her,” Sugai Yuuka said, dialing her phone number. However, much to her surprise, the call had gone straight to voicemail. “Eh…?”

“Do you think she’s okay?” Watanabe Rika asked.

“I don’t know… I’m really worried.”

Neru frowned. She began to wonder what might’ve happened to Yurina, whether or not she was okay, or whether the worst has happened to her.

“Neru-chan, don’t worry!” Akane spoke, enthusiastically, “We’ll find her!”

“But, where do we start?”

“Let’s see if anyone else has seen her, maybe that could give us an indication of where she can be.”


Between the four of them, they had each tried to contact four out of the sixteen remaining members, to check for any clues.

They asked around but to no avail. The staff members hadn’t seen the girl either, but then, Yuuka had suddenly gotten a text by Shizuoka native Oda Nana.

“I was about to get into the station, when Techi bumped past me. She didn’t say a word, nor did she seem okay either. She looked almost dead.” And about three “in shock” emojis.

“She was at the station, so she must be headed somewhere…”

“Which one?”

“Let’s see…” Yuuka texted back, “Do you know where she was headed to?”

A few seconds after, she answered back, “It looks like she’s going to the bus station just outside the train station, but aside from that I have no clue where she’s going.”

“Let’s go. She’s going to the bus station near the train station Dani always travels to and from Tokyo.”

The girls hurried to the place Yurina was last spotted by Nana, although waiting for the train was a bit of a problem.

“Crap! This is taking too long!”

Neru was just staring at her phone, waiting for the exact moment when she was gonna find something from Yurina. As if, just waiting, would get her to come back.


Finally, the train came, and once they got situated, Neru had gotten a cryptic message from an unknown number.

“Leave. Don’t worry about someone like her. You have your own life to think about.”

“What the…?”

“What is it?” Yuuka asked, Neru immediately showing her the text. Risa leaned in, also seeing the text.

“What the hell?!” Her sudden outburst made people on the train stare. “Ah… sorry.”

Everyone else looked at Neru’s text, all of them both creeped out and worried.

“Who on Earth sent this?”

“Maybe a Techi anti?”

“How would they even know Neru’s phone number?”

“It’s too horrible… It’s unforgivable,” Berika said. Her hands were balled tightly into fists.

Neru, in and amongst the discussion, thought carefully about the text, her eyes widening.

“What if it isn’t a Techi anti… but Techi herself?” She said to herself, “That’s the only way an unknown number could’ve texted or called me.”

“What? Techi?”

“But why would she use a different number than her other one?”

“That’s exactly it. She knows we’ll be worried about her, so she changed her phone number so we wouldn’t contact her. And maybe that text to me is a way of saying she wants to be left alone.”

“That doesn’t make any sense,” Risa replied.

“Should I text her back?” Neru asked.

“It’s the only way we can know for sure that it’s her.”

Neru took a deep breath and started typing on her phone.

“Techi, if this is you, please reply… I’m really worried about you, we all are. If you’re troubled, talk to us, we can help you. Don’t shut us out. You’re not alone.”

While waiting for her reply, they soon arrived at their destination and once they got off, tried to look for the exit they wanted.

They hurried to the bus station but saw no sign of her anywhere.

“Has Techi answered yet?”

“No…” Neru answered gloomily.

“We can’t lose hope yet.” Yuuka reassured her. “Let’s hurry.”

They tried asking around, seeing if any of the public knew where she had gone. The most they had gotten was that one man had been asked by someone if there was a way to Aokigahara from the station, and they had just left on a bus with other tourists.

“Aokigahara..? He couldn’t have meant…”

“Neru, just calm down. We don’t know for sure yet.”

“Right. We have to go there ourselves and make sure.”

Then and there, Neru had heard her phone go off again. She quickly got it out and saw the reply from “Techi”.

It was a picture of the sky.

“Oh no… Techi!”

Neru began sprinting, surprising the other members with her. They all followed, not knowing where Neru was taking them, nor the reason behind it.

“Neru! Wait!”

“Techi! Where are you?!” Neru started shouting. “Please! Just tell us you’re okay!”

“What are you doing, Neru?!”

“I have to go find her… she’s not far. I know it.”

Slowly, more and more messages flooded Neru’s phone. Each one an added clue from another.

“Stop, there’s no use.”

“Just stay away.”

“No one needs me.”

“You’re wrong, Techi! You’re wrong about that!” she shouted louder.

“You’re the one who’s wrong.”

“I can’t stand any of this anymore. I’m done.”

“Please! Just tell us where you are so we can sort this out!”

Neru then saw a person at the roof of one of the buildings, looking down at her.

“Techi! Techi!” Neru shouted. “Please!”


“There has to be another way!”

“There isn’t any other way. Just leave now.”

“No! We won’t leave you!” Yuuka yelled.

“Right!” Berika said. “We’re here for you!”

“This pain… It hurts too much to share.”

“Yurina, we care about you!”

“We don’t care how much of a burden it is! We want to help you!”

“No matter what you may think, we’re your friends!”

“Please, Techi! We don’t want you to leave!”

Everyone shouted and pleaded, until finally, they heard a scream from Yurina. They saw her disappear from the roof, running somewhere.


“Quick, inside!” Risa said, all of them running into the building.

They rushed to the nearest elevator, Neru frantically pushing the button. She couldn’t bare to think of what Yurina would’ve been doing if they hadn’t interfered.

“Please, please, please,” she kept praying hard until the elevator finally opened.

The girls hurried inside, pushing through the ones leaving the elevator, and rode to the top floor. Akane saw Neru was shaking and rubbed her back to support her.

When the door opened, they were all about to run out, but then saw Yurina standing before them, her head low.



Yurina collapsed to her knees, beginning to cry. Neru immediately rushed to her, hugging her tightly.

“I was worried… Don’t do that again!” she said.

“I-I… want to believe all of you… I want a reason to keep going… But… It’s so hard. It’s all so stressful. I feel like I’m..!”

“Techi,” Neru held both of her shoulders gently, meeting her gaze. “We’re a group. All of us together are Keyakizaka46. So we share our burdens, our stress, our struggle to become better. You shouldn’t be alone in this.”

“As captain, I agree,” Yuuka said. “Why didn’t you just tell us this is what you were going through?”

“It was… just that it wasn’t to do with the group… I felt like my life was crumbling apart…”

“Were you considering graduating?” Akane asked.

“Honestly… I was. But, Keyakizaka isn’t the same without all twenty-one of us.”

Everyone teary-eyedry eyed with her words, bombarding her with a huge group hug.

“It just wouldn’t be the same without you, Techi.”

“We’re sure it’s a lot of pressure for you, being the center and ace of the group. But, we got your back.”

Yurina couldn’t look at any of them, shutting her eyes tight as tears fought their way out. Tears of frustration, of relief, of joy and sadness mixed together. Her chest was feeling tight, but at the same time, she felt as if a heavy weight was being lifted off her shoulders. Not completely, but just enough that she didn’t feel crushed by the pressure.

Once everyone broke away from the hug, they let Yurina onto the elevator car and rode back down to the station, where they had made their way back to Tokyo.

The other members were suddenly asking questions about where they’ve been and what had happened.

“Techi! Are you okay?” Oda Nana, who was the one who had led the girls to her location, asked, panickedly, “When I saw you at the station, you seemed as though you were dead.”

“Yeah.. I’m sorry for making you all worry like that.”

“We’re just glad you’re okay.”

Yurina just smiled. Though it was evident to Neru that it was slightly forced, she smiled too, knowing that through some means, she had smiled.

Offline four4four

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Woah. :shocked

I did not see that one coming. :(
It honestly felt too realistic to me.
Techi, please, never think of ending it all ever again. :cry:
You will always have the other K46 members to support you.
Especially Neru. She will always love you and support you when you are feeling down. :wub:

I am glad that in the end it was a happy ending.
Although I see the tragic role fitting Techi more, it felt really tragic here.

On a different topic, I look forward to "Night of Revolution". :)

Offline Shinoki

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I'm looking forward to Night of Revolution~ (lol, I'll reread Rebellion as well since I have the memory of a goldfish)

Thank you for enjoying Eccentric! I'll definitely make sure YuukaNen gets a happy ending! I'm a believer in happy endings (with disgustingly sweet flirting and all that good stuff) even though I also enjoy putting people through a little bit of pain beforehand.

Ah, since YuukaNen got a bad ending in Rebellion, I wonder if I can ask for a little bit of happy YuukaNen in the prequel. Hehehe.

On Flashbacks of a Broken Past...

Uwahhh, this was good. Techi's pain made me feel pain too. I'm glad that the members are like lightening rods for her.

I'm hoping that Techi will be able to smile again one day without so much heavy stuff weighing on her. Before reading this, I just watched the One Man Live for the first time, and it was amazing. Techi's smile was so bright. (Who said Keyaki was an idol group that didn't smile? Since they smile a lot, and those smiles are beautiful XD) I want to see that smile again.

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