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Author Topic: Welcome to 48 Bar! P.I Blues (SayaMilky) — Only A Small Lead  (Read 53458 times)

Offline Soysaucee

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Hello this is my first post ever on this forum and on this site. I am not really a good writer but I'll try my best and hope you like it thank you!

I'm going to release a bunch of shots and maybe some long fics in the future so please look forward to it.


Seriously Mayu? (MaYuki) - (Down Below)
Tree Stumps in the Winter (Connected to Seriously Mayu?) - YuiParu
  Chapter 1
  Chapter 2
  Chapter 3
  Last Chapter
Mercenary Life (WMatsui)(Connected to Seriously Mayu? series) - Upcoming
My Life as a Koala (YuriAnnin) - Upcoming

P.I Blues (Sayamilky)
  The Fisher
  The Drawing
  Banana Pancakes
  New Blood
  Only A Small Lead

Seriously Mayu? (Mayuki)

Her eyes rested upon the little puppy that traversed his way to her room.

They were having a staring contest and both were unexpectedly strong at this game.

It seemed like it continued for ages until suddenly.

"Hey Mayu. Have you seen my do-"

"Shut up Milky. This is war." she said without breaking her line of sight from the dog's stoic eyes.

"Seriously Mayu?"

« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 03:35:41 AM by Soysaucee »

Offline Soysaucee

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Have some shots on the house!
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2016, 09:00:29 AM »
CH. 1 - Seriously Mayu?

The sound of an alarm clock invaded a peaceful room.

"Gahhhhhhh shut up you stupid thing!" Mayu said as she physically abused the alarm clock until it stopped.

She sat up, rubbed her eyes, and looked outside just to see her neighbor half-naked getting ready for work.

Her eyes bulged out and she bolted out of her bed to get closer to her window.

Wow, she thought in her head, What a nice body.

She sat there looking at her neighbor's figure for a very long time until suddenly.

"What are you doing?",a voice said behind her.

Mayu slowly turned her head around and saw her sister, Milky, with a judging stare.

"Why did you come into my room?", Mayu questioned.

"You haven't come down for breakfast yet and I know you set your alarm for 6.", Milky answered.

"So what's your point?"

"It's 7 right now! You're almost late for class!"

"Crap! I forgot!",Mayu said looking panicked.

"Get ready soon. I'll be waiting by the gate.",Milky said before she left the room.

What was I doing?, she thought in her head.

Ah I remember!

She turned back around to look at her neighbor although what she saw was 100 times worse than 30 minutes ago.

A fully clothed office lady was glaring at her.

Mayu put the emphasis on the 'fully clothed part'.

Her neighbor opened her window and Mayu did the same.

Both of them just stared at each other or rather her neighbor glared while Mayu looked down in shame.

There was silence until her neighbor decided to speak.

"I do not like peeping toms Ms.Watanabe"

Mayu was surprised.

"H-How do you know my name?"

"That doesn't matter right now because you are in a lot of trouble young lady."

"W-What a-are you going to do to me?", a nervous Mayu said.

"I'm not going to do anything to you."

"What do you mea-?",Mayu questioned but was interrupted.

"You are going to do something to yourself. Come by after you're done class and we'll talk. I'm sure we'll be seeing each other a lot from now on.", her neighbor said before she closed her window.

Do something to myself?

Her neighbor's window suddenly opened.

"Oh and by the way, the name is Yuki. Kashiwagi Yuki. Nice to meet you."


Offline DeNight

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Have some shots on the house!
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2016, 10:42:18 AM »
Oooooooh... This is interesting...!
Looking forward to read the continuation, Author-san XD

Offline ミサキ

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Have some shots on the house!
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2016, 12:11:27 PM »
aw... thank you for writing MaYuki fic author-san!  :welcome
i'm looking forward for your update! keep writing :bow: :thumbsup :)
just a simple otaku and silent reader

Offline yocelin17

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Have some shots on the house!
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2016, 04:56:25 PM »
Mayu, it's not polite to watch other person changing clothes.

Mayu will be in big trouble, won't she?

Please update :bow:
Usually a silent reader.

Sorry for my broken english, english is not my first language.

Kami-oshi: Kashiwagi Yuki

Offline Soysaucee

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Have some shots on the house!
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2016, 08:54:14 PM »
Thank you for the replies!

And here is the next installment of Seriously Mayu?

CH. 2

Mayu sat in class as she listened to the boring lecture her teacher gave out. Her mind drifted from taking her notes as she completely lost all interest. Looking outside the window, she was nothing but was embarrassed as she remembered the last time she looked out a window.

She blushed thinking about the fact and was suddenly overwhelmed with fear as she remembered what she had to do after school.

"Are you okay? Your face is all red." Milky asked worriedly from her own seat right beside Mayu.

"Huh? Oh yeah I am fine. It's nothing."

"Are you seriously fine?" Milky asked again. Considering the fact that they have been living together for a long time, she knew when her sister was acting or lying.

"Yeah it's nothing. I am A-okay." Mayu answered with a smile on her face.

Milky looked on suspiciously for a short while but dropped the subject and continued taking her notes.

She's hiding something and I am going to found out what.


Mayu felt like she had weights tied to her shoes as she walked on home or rather to Ms. Kashiwagi's home. She took an abnormally slow time as she let fear consume her whole, nervousness could literally be felt if you were in her vicinity.

Then finally she made it to her neighbor's home. Looking up at the normal home, no lights were on or even a sign of life.

Empty. Must not be home yet. Better to just go on home.

But as she turned to walk a few steps to her house, a hand rested on her shoulder.

"Great! You're here. Let's get started." her neighbor said before she released the hand from Mayu's shoulder and started opening the gate to her home and invited her in.

Why am I so unlucky?


Again it was like deja vu from this morning as Ms. Kashiwagi looked upon Mayu as she stared down to the floor in shame.

Wow this couch is nice! This carpet is nice! This table is nice! This house is nice! All of it is so nice!

Mayu distracted herself with stupid thoughts to hide her nervousness as her hands began to sweat.

"So about this morning." Ms.Kashiwagi began speaking.

Mayu's face turned a brilliant red. Her body temperature rising, her pupils dilating, and her heart rate rising to dangerous amounts.

"Y-Yes what about it?" she said as her voice shook from anxiety.

"I realized what I want you to do during work today."

Mayu listened carefully to her neighbor's words as she stayed silent.

"You are going to go to school tomorrow..."

Mayu was still listening

"And you are going to..."

What!? What?! What is it?!

"Go up to your homeroom teacher"

Okay? Where is she getting at?

"And kiss her."



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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Have some shots on the house!
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2016, 09:56:40 PM »
DUDE!!! Gimme a triple latte sake! GREAT work SAUCE! :welcome

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Have some shots on the house!
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2016, 10:59:07 PM »
More pwease ><"
I like Mayu's character in here  :)
My kami-oshi is Mayuyu, and my oshimen is Oku Manami.

Offline Soysaucee

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Have some shots on the house! (Seriously Mayu? CH.2)
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2016, 06:19:44 AM »
And here is Chapter 3! Enjoy!  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Ch.3 - Seriously Mayu

Her hands shook and sweat poured from her head. She sat in her seat and waited for home-room to start. People started to take notice at the heat emanating from Mayu's anxiety-filled aura and became increasingly uncomfortable from the sight of it.

"Mayu what the heck is wrong with you right now?", her friend Yuko asked from behind her as she took full brunt of what Mayu was doing,"You are really distracting you know?"

Mayu did not answer as five minutes were left until home room started and she could not bear to meet her home-room teacher Shinoda-sensei. She wanted to run away, her mind swarming of thoughts of how to get out of the situation she was in right now although she knew if she ran away Ms. Kashiwagi would punish her even harder and maybe even tell her mother.

My mother? No! I need to do this. I need to do gahhhhhh!!!!

Her mind was a jumbled mess by the time the bell rang and now her insanity bloomed into weirder symptoms. She was now whispering gibberish like a mantra over and over again and her head started to twitch.

"Seriously Mayu are you okay? I've been ignoring it ever since you came home last night but you like you've lost your mind right now!", her sister, Milky whispered albeit very loudly but Mayu did not have time to answer.

Without warning, the door slammed open and unexpectedly the principal came in, not her homeroom teacher but Mayu was still in her insanity filled state because of what Ms. Kashiwagi said last night.

If your homeroom-teacher is sick, you still have to kiss whoever is supervising your class.

She became even crazier because now she had to kiss her 65 year old male principal. She quickly buried her face in her hands and cursed herself for being a pervert.

Oh my God. Are you serious?! Why did I have to look upon that heavenly body?! I know it was nice and all but this is social suicide we're talking about!

But her principal gave words that lifted her spirits up and reduced the severity of her insanity—for the time being.

"Shinoda-sensei is not in the best condition right now and has taken leave for about a month. You may have some questions for Shinoda-san right now but come by my office later if you do. Since we do not have much time left in home room, I will introduce your interim home room teacher for the coming month. Please come in.", he said as he gestured at the person waiting outside.

Mayu had wished she never looked up because she thought it was impossible. That It was all a dream and that she was in bed having a terrible nightmare. Because the last person who she thought would be her home-room teacher was there.

"Umm...this is your new home room teacher. Please introduce yourself.", her principal said before excusing himself out of the room.

And just like the first time Mayu saw that godly figure, everybody in the class seemed to have the same reaction—Mouth open, distraught, and silently thanking God or whoever was up there for bring an angel down on earth.

"Good morning. My name is Yuki. Kashiwagi Yuki.", she flashed a smile and every person in that room including Mayu had their heart skip a beat.

Why is she here?! LIKE WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?!

"I will take roll call right now. It'll help me out remembering your names for the next month.", she said with a smile before beginning to call out names.

Mayu was truly out of it. Her other symptoms of insanity were gone but now she looked completely broken—her eyes and mouth open and staring at some random spot for a very long time.

"Watanabe Mayu....Watanabe Mayu....Watanabe Mayu!", Ms. Kashiwagi yelled at the distraught Watanabe Mayu. Her sister, Milky, gave a more than gentle nudge to her and that snapped her out of her trance.

"HERE!", she screamed, surprising everyone in the room and even herself.

"Please the next time I call on you, pay attention okay?", Ms. Kashiwagi sighed and continued with her task.

Mayu looked at the clock.

3 minutes left.

"Okay. It seems everyone is here. Anyone want to take this to the office?"

"I WILL!" ,Mayu raised her hand as she quickly stood up. Ms. Kashiwagi raised an eyebrow, wondering what this girl was up to.

"Ok here.", she extended her hand containing the student list.

Mayu walked up to the front of the room where her neighbor was situated in and without warning, planted a quick kiss on Yuki's lips much to her surprise.

Yuki looked behind Mayu and saw that no one had a reaction, like nothing even happened.

"I'll be going now. See ya.", Mayu waved goodbye before venturing out to the office with a slight grin on her face.

Apparently Mayu kissed Yuki so fast that nobody even took notice. Yuki was mildly impressed but smirked at the outcome.

She's a clever girl.

But I'll get her one day.


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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Have some shots on the house! (Seriously Mayu? CH.3)
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2016, 02:50:07 AM »
 :twothumbs Great!! I like you fanfics
So this is about mayuki ?
Can't wait for next chapter

Offline Soysaucee

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Have some shots on the house! (Seriously Mayu? CH.3)
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2016, 06:55:07 AM »
And this is the final chapter for this story but there is more to come!

FINAL - Seriously Mayu?

Her eyes twinkled with anticipation, her heart beating faster and faster with every second she was trapped between a wall and her crush.

"Do it properly.", her neighbor commanded,"Kiss me properly. I don't want it like that one you gave me before, I want a real one."

Mayu was speechless at the request, she had beads of sweat running down her face. She thought about all the possibilities why Yuki wanted a real kiss and running her mind through it all, she only had one conclusion.

She likes me?

Mayu mentally squealed at the thought but she quickly dismissed it because there is no way her home room teacher would ever feel for her like that. Mayu thought she was just playing with her. So she made her mind up and pushed Yuki out of the way.

"I am not kissing you. I already did as you asked. So stop playing with me."

She walked away from her neighbor and she had a considerable distance from her until she heard running from behind. Her arm was grabbed and she was pulled closer into a tight hug.

"I'm not playing with you.",Yuki started speaking,"I know I had an unreasonable request but it's because I like you that's all."

Mayu was silent so Yuki took that as a sign for her to continue talking.

"When I moved in I saw a shy and studious high school teenager studying in her room for an important test. It must've been important because every-time I looked again, you'd be listening to music or watching some variety show. I know how you like anime because your room is filled with posters and how you get angry at the smallest things. I know about how you had that cute staring contest with your dog that one day.",Yuki paused before she continued,"I've been peeping on you this whole time because you're one of the most interesting people I've ever met. Your little idiosyncrasies and your quirks only serve to fuel my obsession with you but I'd hoped you would've looked at my window sooner because then we'd have this conversation much earlier."

Mayu was stunned at the confession. She did not know how to answer once again.

Oh my!!!!!

She internally screamed before she answered to the confession.

"But why would you go so far as to become a high school home room teacher just to play a prank on me?"

"I'm not your homeroom teacher at all actually. I asked Shinoda-san, my best friend by the way, to take leave for a while. She didn't ask why because I'd given her a mysterious plane ticket somewhere."

Where Shinoda is right now

"OMG I HATE YOU YUKI!!!!!",she said as her fashionable hat flew off her head into the rampaging chaos behind her.

"WHERE THE HECK DID YOU SEND ME!?!?!?!?",she screamed as her safari car ,driven by a suspicious British man, was being chased by running elephants.

Back to where Yuki and Mayu is

"I'm also drinking buddies with your principal and he agreed to let me take an interim job as your homeroom teacher."

"But don't you have a job right now? Aren't you in trouble?",Mayu questioned worriedly. It was weird how a busy office lady like Yuki was able to get side job working in a high school.

"Oh my job. Right! I forgot to tell you my job.",Yuki exclaimed as Mayu raised an eyebrow,"I'm actually the owner of a company. I can afford to take a month's leave."

Mayu was surprised for the nth time this day. She felt like her heart couldn't take it anymore but for the first time that day, she truly felt happy.

Mayu cleared her throat before speaking.

"Do you seriously want a real kiss?"

"I'm so serious Mayu. So serious", Yuki said before they interlocked their lips and their future together.


Offline Athena48

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Have some shots on the house! (Seriously Mayu? END)
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2016, 08:58:38 AM »
omggg!!! this fic is so good!!! i like how Yuki dared mayu to kiss her homeroom teacher!!! Yuki such a sly fox!! lol. But, i kinda dissapointed with the ending.. its seems so rushed.. :(( i need more Mayuki momenttttt!! make an epilog please~ hehehehe

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Have some shots on the house! (Seriously Mayu? END)
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2016, 11:16:17 AM »
seriously author-san?  :shocked i agree with @athena48, the ending seems so rushed :(
anyway, thank you for your fic :)
just a simple otaku and silent reader

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Have some shots on the house! (Seriously Mayu? END)
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2016, 09:01:37 AM »
i'm agree with @athena48-san :)

it seems so rushed author-san. maybe you could make an epilogue... and more naughty things~ ahahaha xD

yukirin kinda like a stalker -_- she knows anything about mayu hahaha xD

please make an epilogue!! (♡´艸`) i like this fic haha
Shibuya Nagisa | Kashiwagi Yuki | MaYuki~ | NagiUha~ | IkuMai~ | Ikuta Erika | Iriyama Anna

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Have some shots on the house! (Seriously Mayu? END)
« Reply #14 on: August 21, 2016, 07:59:14 PM »
Make an epilogue!!  :D
Nice ff :twothumbs hope you can make another ff. I'll be waiting.
Share your ff more.. These days, authors rarely make up stories about mayuki, even though they have many interactions.  So saaadddd~~ :cry: I ship mayuki so muchh, mayuki is real  :inlove:

Offline Soysaucee

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Have some shots on the house! (Seriously Mayu? END)
« Reply #15 on: August 22, 2016, 05:16:49 AM »
Here it is!


Their eyes were fixed on each other in a fiery war in Mayu's bedroom. A small puppy was also there watching them; hoping that his master would beat the challenger. One of them was tearing up and losing focus; the other one just smirked at her misfortune. From out of the nowhere, the door opened.

"Hey Mayu have you see-",Milky sighed at the scene before speaking again,"Are you having a tournament right now? With our dog? Seriously? And Ms.Yuki what the heck?",she said exasperatedly.

"Shut up Milky.",Yuki said with her teary eyes,"I am your teacher still. Treat me with respect.",her eyes produced more tears as she talked,"Also give me an ice pack after this. I think they might be swollen."

Milky sighed,"Hai Hai, I understand.",she closed the door with a bang.

They were back to staring at each other.

Mayu was very comfortable; showing no signs of tears or pain unlike her counterpart across her, "Wow Yuki you are really holding on huh?",she smiled evilly.

"Of course I am. I cannot afford to lose. I am older after all.",she answered.

"I'm getting tired of this. Let's end it after all.",Mayu said as she leaned in closer to Yuki's face. Yuki's breathing got shorter and her heart rate soared. More tears came out from her eyes; Mayu smirked again.

And just like in the classroom two weeks ago, Mayu stole a quick kiss without breaking her stare.

Yuki got surprised and fell back with an amazing reaction; her eyes wide opened in shock with a hint of despair and a bit of happiness.

"Y-You cheater!",Yuki proclaimed while blushing really hard. With all her sexiness, you would think she would be good at this. Apparently not.

Mayu laughed wholeheartedly,"You're just bad at losing.",she said as she stuck a tongue at Yuki.

Yuki smiled at Mayu and leaned in closer to kiss her.

Mayu stopped laughing when she saw Yuki kiss her. They've been dating for two weeks already and life could not be any better. They were happy although they have to keep it a secret from the school and the whole student body. Milky knows although she does not really care; she is just happy her sister finally got somebody. They were kissing for about a full minute; thinking about how they were going to continue their relationship.

But the unthinkable happened, Mayu's puppy started barking uncontrollably.

They both ignored it and continued.

They should not have continued.

"Mayu what are you doing with the do-",a person stopped in their tracks.

Mayu and Yuki separated quickly from their kiss; both were very flustered and felt a sense of doom.

Mayu's parent saw.


Offline Athena48

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LMAO!!!! NANI KORE? why you give us such a cliffhanger?!!  :panic:
But i think its good tho.. i like this epilog so much! its just feels so right.. hahaha.. at least we had a glimpse of Mayuki relationship~ their staring battle is so hilarious! now Mayu no need had a staring battle with her dog anymore! lolol

btw thank you author-san for making this epilog~ i‘ll wait for ur other mayuki fic~

Offline DeNight

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Hahaha... This fic just turned from interesting to exciting.
Seriously, Author-san... The ending of your epilogue just made me want to ask for more XD
It's really good.
Whether it's MaYuki or other pairings, I'll be looking forward to your other fics in the future.
So, keep on writing and posting :)

Offline Soysaucee

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Screw it why not! :w00t:  :D :D

Seriously Mayu? Season 2


Her words were like poison; seeping into my mind and destroying it slowly from within. It was unbearable as I let out tears every second she was breaking up with me. I made a fist with my hand, bottling up my feelings; closing the gates to my heart.

She's a coward.

"Who cares what they think?", she thought in her mind but could not quite say it out loud; her voice was not coming out.

"I'm sorry.",the girl said as she left me in the corner of the street, broken. I did not dare look back at the girl walking away from me, feeling like I would explode if I saw her again.

"No I'm sorry for not being good enough.", I whispered; standing there while rain poured down on me.

Not good enough that you would go through anything with me.

End Prologue

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OMG!!! we got a sequels?!!!

Damn! who‘s POV is that? who‘s being coward? i guess Yukirin decided to breaking up with Mayu bcs their relationship kinda ‘abnormal?‘ lel, i mean their age gap is kinda big right? but who cares!!! or pls dont tell that you‘re just trolling us! who knows MaYuki just watching some soap operas and you make that drama scene as a prolog just to make us get trolled later thinking that mayuki is breaking up! LOL

anyway.. thanks for making the sequels! ganbatte author-san!  :twothumbs

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