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Author Topic: Story Time - chapter 10 (WMatsui) 15/09/2017  (Read 19327 times)

Offline Soysaucee

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Story Time - chapter 10 (WMatsui) 15/09/2017
« on: September 24, 2016, 07:11:38 PM »
Hi! My name is Soysaucee and this is going to be a story that's been on my mind and I want to share it to you! It's a WMatsui and I hope you enjoy it.


   "Can you tell us a story?"

   Rena heard that everyday from her kids. Their smiles were beaming, their eyes shining, and their hands were clasped together in anticipation. It was a real treat to see them this way. But Rena just smiled, shaking her head, disappointing the little runts. They walked closer to fireplace away from Rena, who sat on the couch, alone, drinking hot coffee, draped with a blanket. She watched them, carefully, since, of course, fire was right there for them to play or most likely, burn themselves with.
   The kids were small albeit very mature for their age, only indulging in a few childish pleasures such as Rena's stories from time to time, but of course they were kids; they couldn't read the atmosphere very well. They didn't notice Rena's teary eyes or the bags under them, her trembling hands that sometimes spilled coffee on the blanket, and they definitely didn't notice that half of their family was gone, maybe they did, but she thanked them silently for not pressing the subject.
   It's been two months since she left. Rena desperately tried to find her. She hired private investigators, researched the Internet, pillaged her partner's belongings, but nothing came up, only a single note on the computer desktop screen that made her tear up. She didn't know what to do or what to say, but she knew she had one task.

   Protect the Kids.

   That was the last thing she said to her at the doorway of the house. A final goodbye yet Rena didn't know it at the time. She just smiled innocently, kissing the woman as she did everyday, and waved goodbye as her love left through the door, not knowing it was last she'd ever see her.
   Rena looked down towards her coffee, the hot liquid letting out a steady stream of steam onto her face, and sighed, resigning herself to defeat, ready to cry once more. But she pursed her lips instead, looked up at the pair of children playing by the fireplace, and with a gentle voice said,"Sakura, Haruka. Come I'll tell you a story."
   The two looked over, surprised at the treat they were about to receive, and immediately bolted out of their spots towards the woman. Their smiles once again shone in delight and they were seated neatly in front of Rena, who never flinched at the sudden movement of the little kids.

   "What's the story about?",Haruka asked, her lisp showing,"Is it about the dragon this time?"

   Rena pondered. She wasn't sure that she could tell a fictional story like she used to, much less a real one since she didn't go out much. But she knew she had one she could talk about for hours on end, yet she was cautious of the subject, fearing that the pair might remember their parental figure's absence. But she need to tell a story, not wanting to go back on her words. So she decided to tell them the story of how their parents first met, their adventures together, and maybe, just maybe, why the other girl left.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2017, 03:30:33 PM by sophcaro »

Offline Soysaucee

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Re: Story Time (WMatsui) — First Meetings
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2016, 06:35:58 AM »
First Meetings

        Autumn. Rena was walking in the park, the leaves crunching every time she took a step, irritating her slightly. Her backpack was draped off one shoulder and her phone rested snugly in her hands, afraid that the local hoodlums might snatch it. She looked around carefully, behind her and at all sides, and walked warily forward, just hoping to get home quickly.
   That paranoia came from her high school, where fighting ensued everyday and bullying was a daily occurrence. At that time, she just kept her head low, not attracting attention, and carried on working like normal high school girl. But of course, if it came down to it, she knew what had to be done. Every time they messed with her, her eyes would turn red with fury and she basically mauled them into submission. But the weird thing is, she wouldn't remember the experience, smiling innocently at the people she beat up, and worked diligently on like she always did. That's what made her so scary.
   But right now, she was walking home from the most prestigious university in the country, where scholars honed their artistry and academic skills to the maximum level. It would be absurd if some hoodlums were on the college campus, ready to make one's day a mess.
   But if it could happen, it will happen. Too bad it did happened to her.
   The strange thing is; does one feel bad for Rena or the other person?
   Adrenaline pumping. Hearts racing. Minds twirling. Rena pressed the gun onto the cheek of the girl who just tried to mug her, her eyes, like in high school, were a crimson red, ready to press the trigger. The girl's lips quivered in fear, her hands in the air in defeat, and tears streamed out steadily out of her eyes. She didn't expect to be disarmed in a flash by an innocent-looking girl walking in the park. Who would've thought?
   "Please don't hurt me.",the girl said, her voice trembling, looking up at the figure above her, trying to appeal to her.

   Rena just looked silently at the girl, judging her like the Romans did, and pressed the gun harder into the cheek. The girl panicked, thinking she was about to get shot, and collapsed on the ground, resigning herself to death, ready to accept it at any second. She didn't expect it, though. She didn't expect the gun thrown onto her lap, giving her mercy and sparing her life. The girl thought Rena was stupid, but she didn't try to mug her a second time. She knew how that would work out. So she just stashed the gun into her coat pocket, stood up, and ran out of the Rena's sight, but not before Rena called to the girl and gave her a thumbs down.


   Winter. Rena closed her jacket, hugged herself, and walked, as usual, through the park coming home from her classes. She couldn't enjoy the view of the park, considering there were mounds of snow piled up at the side of the pathway, blocking her sight.
   Rena sometimes sat on a bench, by a lamppost, whenever she walked home, just to see people pass by. She was planning to do that today even though it was freezing outside, but of course, Rena wasn't really normal was she? But when she arrived at the bench, someone already occupied it. It was that girl, although Rena had no recollection of her. So Rena just sat on the other side of the bench, clueless of their relationship, and just minded her own business.
   Rena didn't notice the look of horror on the other girl's face. She just continued to watch people pass by the bench and relaxed peacefully with no cares at all. She then glanced at the girl beside her and smiled naively, unknowing of the circumstance that bound them together. She then proceeded to do her own thing; the girl still staring in awe.
   The stare was making Rena uncomfortable. She could feel the two orbs piercing her very existence, shuffling in her own seat in anxiety, she then turned towards the horrified girl.

   "Do I...know you?",Rena asked, her posture and behavior far different from what the other girl experience back in autumn.

   The girl kept mum and looked away from Rena. She patted her coat pocket, wondering if the gun was still there, just in case Rena went berserk again. She was a bit surprised Rena didn't remember her, but thankful nonetheless, since she didn't want to make a bad impression again. So instead of running away, the girl straightened herself up and introduced herself, albeit with a weak voice.
   "My name is Matsui Jurina. Nice to meet you.",the girl said, holding her hand out, waiting for a handshake.


   Summer. Rena didn't know why her school would let delinquents out on a school trip but she was excited at the prospect of the adventure. She was getting on the bus, alone, since everyone was so scared of her, and sat on a seat, alone, stashing her backpack under her seat. She looked around, not noticing that everyone was avoiding her stare, and spotted a lone figure in the front of the bus, not knowing where to sit. She waved at the girl, gesturing her to come sit with her, but the girl froze up, scared at sitting next to the infamous Matsui Rena. But since the bus's capacity was suited for exactly how many students their class had, the scared girl had no other choice but to sit next to Rena.
   The girl slowly walked towards the seat at the back of the bus where Rena was, who was smiling kindly at the girl, but to the girl, the smile looked malevolent, like Rena was about to murder her. She trembled at the thought, her body shaking in fear, and tried to turn around to run away but a big woman, who was looking menacingly at her, blocked her path, forcing her to go forward towards Rena.
   She sat at the edge of her seat, almost falling off. Rena was still smiling, even though it was a bit creepy, and invited her to sit closer to her to avoid an accident. The girl looked at Rena with a confused look, wondering why the demon was smiling. She was about to just blow off this whole trip,considering her heart's health for beating too fast, but Rena's next action caught her off guard.
   A hand was stretched out, inviting the girl to take it.

   "My name is Matsui Rena. Nice to meet you.",Rena said, politely, before the girl took her hand.


   Spring. It was the start of a new school year in her high school. Rena looked around at the familiar faces and the unknown ones. She scoffed.

    A weak class huh? I'd rule over them like all the other ones! But...will I be able to control them?

   The teacher came in, although none of the students paid attention to him. But strangely today, he seemed to hold an air of authority unlike the other days. He bellowed to the class to shut up and almost immediately, everyone stopped, surprised at the actions of their usual timid teacher. He cleared his throat before speaking.

   "We've got a new student here. Treat her well.",he said before he gestured to the door, where most likely the new student was waiting. The door slid open, revealing a girl, as tall as Rena but her features were sharper, which sort of irritated Rena. She made her way towards the podium, faced the class, and bowed.

   "Introduce yourself.",the teacher said sternly.

   She surveyed the classroom before clearing her throat. Her voice was a bit hoarse but understandable, and she seemed to have caught a cold, most likely due to the change in seasons.

   "My name is Matsui Jurina.",she said and nothing else, confusing all the other students and the teacher. Usually, most people would say what their interests and hobbies, but not for Matsui Jurina.

   "Take that seat.",the teacher said, pointing to the seat next to Rena. Jurina made her way towards Rena, not knowing who she really was.

   Rena took a quick glance at the girl next to her, wondering how tough she was, but what caught her eye was that Jurina was already looking at her, scrutinizing and judging. Jurina didn't know of Rena, but of course, that didn't stop her from taking an interest at the girl.

   "That's how we first met.",Rena said, still on the couch with the coffee on her hands, telling the story to her children.

   "B-But. You told it four times!",Sakura argued, confused with the story,"And they're all different!"

   Rena smiled at the child's innocence,"That's what Jurina told me. She met me four times, all of them in a different way.",she explained, hoping that the children would understand. Although Haruka, being the way that she was, kept questioning what that meant, but Rena didn't know how to explain it without making them more confused.

   "Haruka, Sakura. Look at it this way. Spring is Chukara. Summer is Amakuchi. Autumn is Gekikara. And Winter is the regular me, Rena. That's what she called me.",she tried to explain and thankfully earned understanding nods.

   "But then, why did mama try to mug you?", Sakura asked, tilting her head adorably.

   Rena smiled,"Well that's the next part of the story."

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Re: Story Time (WMatsui) — First Meetings
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2016, 10:00:23 AM »

hi.. think of me as your new fan.  :lol:

this is good.. till i cannot hold myself from not commenting on your story..  :wub:

so they're married? and have children named Sakura and Haruka? Its cute!!  :k-inlove:

its not only sakura and haruka who can't understand the story, me too but now i do.. lollss at different charactersss of Rena..  :hiakhiakhiak:

update soon author-san! i'll always waiting and anticipating your wonderful fiction  :mon lovelaff:

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Re: Story Time (WMatsui) — First Meetings
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2016, 11:21:44 AM »
new story from my fav athor san
upgrd soon...

Offline Genkikid

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Re: Story Time (WMatsui) — First Meetings
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2016, 02:17:20 PM »
4 seasons for 4 karai level. Every karai level is a different personality?

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Story Time (WMatsui) — First Meetings
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2016, 03:29:08 PM »
4 seasons for 4 karai level. Every karai level is a different personality?

Does that mean Rena has multiple personalities?

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Offline Soysaucee

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Re: Story Time (WMatsui) — First Meetings
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2016, 08:28:59 PM »
So I'm back. Well everyone should be back considering the forum was down for about a day  :cry:


hi.. think of me as your new fan.  :lol:

this is good.. till i cannot hold myself from not commenting on your story..  :wub:

so they're married? and have children named Sakura and Haruka? Its cute!!  :k-inlove:

its not only sakura and haruka who can't understand the story, me too but now i do.. lollss at different charactersss of Rena..  :hiakhiakhiak:

update soon author-san! i'll always waiting and anticipating your wonderful fiction  :mon lovelaff:

Thank you very much! I hope to satisfy your expectations and maybe even raise the bar a little (or maybe I lot).

new story from my fav athor san
upgrd soon...

Thank you for calling me your fav author but there are surely more authors that are better than me. But thank you for the compliment and I will sure update soon.

4 seasons for 4 karai level. Every karai level is a different personality?

4 seasons for 4 karai level. Every karai level is a different personality?

Does that mean Rena has multiple personalities?

Yes!  :mon love:

The next chapter will be up soon!

Offline Soysaucee

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Re: Story Time (WMatsui) — Is it always Winter?
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2016, 01:31:32 AM »
Is it always Winter?

        Winter. Rena looked at the outstretched hand, pondering if she should take it. A scar ran down Jurina's hand, disappearing into her coat, and Rena became cautious, wondering if this person was dangerous or not. Her eyes drifted upwards from the hand, landing on the other girl's face. It was a mix of anticipation and fear, confusing Rena. Why would she be afraid?
   In order to ease the scarred girl's anxiety, Rena took the hand, albeit very cautiously, and shook it.
   "My name is Matsui Rena. Nice to meet you too.",she said, still shaking the hand of the anxious girl. Jurina kept mum, choosing to reflect on her stupid decision to introduce herself to a hazardous woman. But of course, why would her best friend from high school not remember her?  She needed to find out.

   "I know.",Jurina said abruptly,emerging out from her own thoughts, and her words baffled the other girl. Rena immediately pulled her hand away from Jurina's.

   She knows me?

   Rena looked warily at the girl,"H-Have we met each other before?",she said, shifting in her seat, nervous. Jurina thought for a while on how to proceed, choosing not to answer the other girl's question. But her pondering only served to her detriment as Rena stood up suddenly.

   "I'm sorry but I have to go.",Rena said before walking away hurriedly, trying to get away from the strange girl.

   Jurina's eyes widened, panicking that the other girl was leaving her again. She quickly got up also and ran towards Rena, grabbing her wrist and turning her around to face her.

   "Wait. Please wait.",Jurina said, catching her breath from running,"There's something I have to ask you."

   Rena raised an eyebrow and said,"I'm sorry but I'm not intere—"

   "Please!",Jurina exclaimed, getting desperate,"Just one question.",she offered.

   Rena sighed, frustrated that this random girl won't leave her alone. But she relented and let the panting girl ask her question.

   Jurina calmed herself down, but clutched her heart since it was beating so fast. She cleared her throat, let go of Rena's wrist, and spoke with a loud, clear, and resonating voice.

   "Is it always winter for you?"


    Spring. Dirty blackboards and dusty erasers filled their eyes, taunting them, laughing at them. They had cleaning duty since it was their job on Fridays, which, of course, was a pain. Rena glanced at the still Jurina, in awe at the mess they had had to clean this time.
    "Get to work. You mutt.", Rena said before she took the erasers and went towards the window. Jurina wasn't surprised at Rena's rhetoric; she was always this way. The words hurt a bit, yes, but she knew Rena didn't mean it. Rena was a nice person.                
      Whenever they had cleaning duty, Rena took the dirtier and tougher jobs, leaving Jurina with the cleaner ones, but of course, she masked her kindness with mean words. She was—What do you call it? Ts-Tsun


   "It's tsundere momma.",Haruka said with her lisp.

   Yes. Rena in the spring was a tsundere, but of course, she didn't like to be called that. Whenever Jurina mentioned it, she would lash out in defiance at the words, and when she did, Jurina would laugh discreetly, thinking this Rena character was funny.
   Her eyes shifted towards the figure by the window, dusting off the erasers, while she was wiping the board with the rag. There was a long way to go. She had a long way to go.


   Summer. Delinquents among delinquents filled the camping area with the their duffel bags and backpacks, stuffed with who knows what. Their eyes surveyed the area before them, wooden cabins surrounding an empty space, most likely for a bonfire, and cheap steel grills were the main attractions, but of course, they were all excited to go to the waterfall a mile away.
   Jurina knew. Yes she knew. She knew that Rena would make her share a cabin together,only them and no one else, since nobody would want to share a cabin with Rena. Jurina groaned at the thought. She didn't want to share a cabin with Rena ever since 'that' happened in the spring.
   When summer came, Rena became 'different', which, of course, bothered Jurina greatly. Rena was too clingy as if she just made a new friend, and Jurina didn't know it back then, but in a way; she did make a new friend. Rena let her borrow stuff and helped her with classes. And one time she got sick, a whole notebook of notes and of course, food, was delivered personally by the girl who called herself "Jurina's best friend". And even now, in the middle of the camping ground, Rena clutched tightly on Jurina's free arm, happily observing all the delinquents that were making a mess of the place.

   "Let's go over there!",Rena said, pointing at something and pulled Jurina along with her as she ran to an empty cabin.


   Autumn. Jurina clutched her racing heart as she entered her empty apartment, tired from running away from the girl she just tried to mug. She glanced at the time on the clock, realizing it's time to eat dinner, and proceeded to go the kitchen, still panting and sweating.
   Wayward. Rena is still wayward.
   Jurina thought about Rena, and how she was pretty much the same, but in a way different, while she was preparing the ingredients for her dinner. She knew Rena wouldn't remember her, actually she didn't, but she liked to think that she did, so it didn't hurt as much.
   Rena was different. 'Is different'. Far different from anybody else Jurina knew. She had too many sides. Too many mysteries. Who was she? Who was this Rena? Jurina didn't know. But what she did know is that 'this' Rena was like the one she met a year ago during the same time, when she changed from the 'nice' Rena to this delinquent-like monster that she never saw before. It was like the time she changed from a tsundere to this sort of angel that fell upon her, but this time; the devil came upon her.   
   So she hatched a plan. Observe her. Provoke her. Befriend her. And find out if she really had different personalities. The part she just did was to provoke Rena, which of course, almost got her killed but to her, it was worth it.

   "So mommy had a plan to find out if you had different pers-perso-persona—"

   "Personalities Sakura. The word is personalities.",Rena interjected, now finished with her coffee, leaving it on the side table,"And yes, she told me that she wanted to find out who I was since I was all mysterious and all that.",she said jokingly, to which Sakura and Haruka laughed.

   "But momma, if mommy mugging you was the second part. What's the first?",Haruka asked, curious.

   "I'll get to that soon Haruka.",Rena said before shifting in her seat, finally settling down a few seconds later,"But first, let me tell you what happened in the school trip."
« Last Edit: September 28, 2016, 02:30:30 AM by Soysaucee »

Offline Genkikid

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Re: Story Time (WMatsui) — Is it always Winter?
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2016, 02:07:38 AM »
Oohh Chuukara is a tsuntsun and amakuchi is clingy... Kawaii!!! :luvluv1: :luvluv1:

Now, as Rena has a storytelling session with little HaruSaku, is the 4 karai level still there?

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Story Time (WMatsui) — Is it always Winter?
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2016, 02:56:55 AM »
So her personality changes each season... Interesting.

I wonder how Jurina was able to find out about her multiple personalities.

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Re: Story Time (WMatsui) — Friendships
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2016, 05:00:03 AM »

       Summer. Friendship. What was friendship? Is it talking alone with a person in a secluded restaurant far from the regular eye?Or is it the person you pass by in the hallway, occasionally waving hi to? Rena, though, has a very interesting view on friendship, however. She believed everyone was her friend, from the people she beat up to that random guy behind the cashier in the local convenience store, and of course, Jurina.
   Jurina was an interesting case. When Rena, in this case, 'summer' Rena, first met her, there was this sort of spark, a sort of natural lure towards the new girl in the school, like she met her before. And she rode the wave, following what her body felt was right to do, and of course, that was to befriend Jurina, even though the latter may not be too keen on it, but that's irrelevant.
   Rena watched the sleeping face of her 'friend'. The moonlight illuminated the beautiful features, her eyes fluttering slightly, and a look of serenity filled her face that Rena never saw before. She mostly saw disgusted glares or sometimes uncomfortable expressions, but never this. This peaceful look. She's never seen it before in her life.
   But was her life? She's only experienced the heat of the sun or the pitter patter of the rain that sometimes came. In the books, she's seen tundras, snow, winter, and CHRISTMAS! Oh how she wished to experience Christmas! Although the thought of Christmas made her somber. When will that time come? Only boring half-important days came her way. Stupid Summer.
   Jurina made a slight purr in her sleep, which Rena found absolutely adorable, and turned over, away from Rena's spying eyes, disappointing the girl. And as Rena watched the sleeping back, she looked outside the window, where delinquents huddled around a bonfire and ate meats off the steel grills. Watching them, she hatched an idea.

   "Psst Jurina.",she said as she lightly tapped the girl,"Pssst."

   Silence. She didn't want to wake up.
   Rena sighed. She didn't think Jurina was a heavy sleeper, but she needed to wake up her up somehow. So she raised Jurina's bedsheets, and tucked herself in, right beside Jurina, and hugged her from behind.

   "Wake up Jurina.",she whispered in the other girl's ear gently, softly, hoping that it will startle her, and almost immediately, to Rena's delight, Jurina opened her eyes and turned her body around, meeting eye to eye with Rena, who was grinning wildly, which, of course, made her very very bothered.
   "W-What a-are you doing?!",she yelled, since they were alone in their cabin, before she pushed Rena off her bed, who landed with a thump on the floor.
   "Ouch..",Rena said, rubbing her butt, which got hurt in the fall,"I was trying to wake you up.",she said.

   "Why? Why?",Jurina said, panicking, her eyes flashing with urgency.

   Rena smiled, getting up slowly, her eyes now sparkling, and said,"Let me take you somewhere."


   "Where are you taking me?",Jurina asked, her hand interlocked with Rena's as the girl led her to someplace. The forest around them was dark and eery, and for the first time, she kind of wished the other delinquents were here with her. It was chilly; she was burring from the slight wind, and she berated herself for not bring a sweater.
   Silence. The forest was silent except for the occasional hoots of the owls and of course, the rustling of leaves, since they were wading through the foliage. Jurina looked up at the night sky, spotting the moon. It was full.

   "A special place.",Rena said before letting go of Jurina's hand and deftly climbed a small rock wall garnished with vines and leaves. Once she got up, she crouched and held a hand out at Jurina,"Come. It's safe I assure you",she said mysteriously before Jurina agreed to come.
   Jurina was nervous. Too nervous. But Rena's assuring hand only squeezed tighter when she tried to pull away as they ran faster through the forest. How far was this place? She felt she's been running for about a mile now and her stamina surely can't keep up. How does Rena have this much stamina!
   Oh right. She fights.
   Jurina pushed the stupid thoughts out of her head as Rena started slowing down, her hand letting go of Jurina's. She heard the deafening sound of the rush of water, realizing where Rena took her.
   A giant waterfall, her head straining to even see the top of it. Mist covered the bottom and it became a lot colder. Oh how she wished for a sweater right now.
   Rena looked back at the awestruck Jurina looking up at the waterfall.
   "There no use looking that much at it!",she said playfully, before going up to Jurina and taking her hand again.

   "Where are you taking me?!",she yelled as the rush of the water faded her speech, trying to get her fatigued legs to match the speed of Rena's. But Rena only looked back, a smile planted on her face and said some words Jurina didn't want to hear.

   "A swim!",Rena screamed ecstatically as she pulled a surprised Jurina along with her into the pool of water.   

   Friendships. This one just started.


   Spring. Friendship sucks. Well she was only saying that because she got rejected for the fifth time by Rena, who of course, really wanted to be friends, but can't get herself to say it. So Jurina was barraging her, trying to finally get her to give in ,with requests of friendship, but this tsundere was tough to crack.

   "Get away from me.",Rena said adamantly, her eyes stoic and unmoving. She quickly pushed Jurina aside, away from the class door, and went in, sat down at her seat and read a book while the room was being ransacked by delinquents.
   Jurina sighed, it was the second time today, fourth time this week, and it's only been two school days. She entered the room and took her seat, the one beside Rena, and took out her notebook and pen. It wasn't class time yet but Jurina liked to draw and of course, Rena was always on her mind. Her drawing book was full of portraits. From side views to—well she only had side views. Rena didn't look at her once, not even a simple glance. So she has no frontal goodness that she'd be able to draw. But sometimes she felt a piercing gaze at her, but when she raised her head, nobody seemed to even care for her, not even the teacher.
   The notebook is not the only article of interest for her. Well...truthfully it's another notebook. But this notebook was for stories, fantasies, that she'd write. From dragons to her homeroom teacher; it was filled with the depths of her mind. She especially liked her story about the dragon. One day, she'd tell that to her kids someday, if she ever had any. But many stories, like her other notebook, was about Rena, since she couldn't keep her mind of her. Rena had this sort of mysteriousness. A sort of "I'm unreachable-you-can't get-me-as-a-friend" sort of aura around her. She would like to be friends, of course, but if Rena ever became a preppy, perky, clingy sort of girl; she'd be so turned off she'd avoid the girl any chance she got. She liked nice people, yes, but on Rena? Absolutely not. Direct kindness from her was foreign.
   The door again opened with an old teacher, who was limping his way to the podium, calling for order. He was weird. He had a thinly veiled scalp. His eyes were lizard-like. And he sometimes picked his nose, giving the students a full view of his unhygienic practices. But he was a nice guy. He always stayed after school to help the struggling kids trying to get into college, which was almost all of them, except Rena, of course. She somehow was ridiculously smart. And he gave them candy, which was sort of weird, but highly rated by the students. And even though he did all these kind things, Jurina didn't like him.
   She saw him as this opportunistic mutt who would use his position to look at high school girls and spy on their—

   "We're gonna have a school trip in the summer."

   Ok. He's cool now.


   Autumn. Sweaters. She liked sweaters. It kept you warm and cozy, safe from the cold breezy wind. And as she walked through the park again, she tucked her hands in the pockets, and walked peacefully against the gusts of chilly air. She hope to meet Rena again, wondering if she changed personalities again, or if her hunch was right and she only changed by the seasons.
   "Oh it's you.",a voice said, breaking her out of her thoughts. It was Rena. She was smiling, far different from the girl from yesterday. She was walking towards Jurina with a spring on her step but it was a hoax. Jurina didn't see it coming.   
   A punch. A straight up punch landed on Jurina's cheek, who groaned at the impact and keeled over, a loud noise resonating through the park. Her nose was bleeding, running down her face, blood gently dripping on the pavement.

   "Don't show your face here again. If I see you, you're dead."

   And while she laid on the cold pavement, covered with orange and red leaves, she regretted her decision wholeheartedly. Why would she want to meet the dangerous side of Rena? She should've come in the spring or the winter, or even better yet, the summer. But she couldn't afford to go back now, she met her again. She got up, patted the stuck leaves off her, and looked at the tough girl in front of her. Their eyes were interlocked. A beam that fought each other seemed to be coming out of their eyes as their glares created an undeniable tension between them.

   "Don't mess with me Rena. I know all about you."

   Rena's eyebrow was raised, surprised at the challenge. But she smirked deviously, thinking it was fun. It's been a long time since someone challenged her, but truthfully, to her, it felt like yesterday. To her, it's just another day for Gekikara.

   Bloody sweaters. Bloody nose. Bloody pavement. Rena was laughing manically. Jurina was suffering, her body hurting in all sorts of places. She shouldn't have said that. She really shouldn't have said that. And as the trading of blows between their faces and bodies continued, only Jurina seemed to be the one getting hurt. It seemed Rena just absorbed it and used the power as her own, but humans weren't like that. Although Jurina thinks Rena is far from human right now. Her strength is immense.
   Jurina was on the ropes. She didn't have much time till she collapsed from the pain and only a few more kicks and punches was all that it would take till she would resign. She only had one option left. She blocked a punch from Rena and reached into her pocket, pulling out a polaroid picture, and showed it to Rena, who was about to punch again.

   "Look! Look at this!"

   Rena looked at it and gulped. She didn't want anyone to see or anyone to find out. It was a picture of both of them from the summer camp, arm in arm, smiling widely.

   "You. Who are you?",Jurina said, while Rena looked into her eyes ominously,"And what have you done with Rena?"


   "That's it for today.",Rena said, standing up from the cozy couch,"It's time for bed.",she continued much to the disappointment of the kids.

   "B-But we wanna hear the rest!",they cried out, protesting.

   "Tomorrow. You'll hear it tomorrow. I'll tell it to you after you go to school okay? But right now, go. You guys need your sleep."
   They nodded, understanding, and ran up the stairs, racing each other to the top. Rena looked at the side table where her empty coffee cup lay. A picture frame that was face down also laid there and Rena had an itching feeling to look at it again. She looked around, as if someone was there, and picked it up, reminiscing at the memories. It was the polaroid, looking as fresh as the day it was taken. Tears welled up in her eyes as she set it down, angry at herself for not controlling her other self.

   Stupid Gekikara. Why'd you do it?

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Re: Story Time (WMatsui) — Friendships
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2016, 05:26:05 AM »

   "That's it for today.",Rena said, standing up from the cozy couch,"It's time for bed.",she continued much to the disappointment of the kids.

   "B-But we wanna hear the rest!",they cried out, protesting.

And we wanna read the rest too!! :tantrum: :tantrum:

Offline wakaten

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Re: Story Time (WMatsui) — Friendships
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2016, 05:39:02 AM »
awwww you've update today.. i'm sorry i didn't have chance to comment on the other chapter  :depressed:
it kinda busy week for me..and here i am today!! yeayyy :glasses:

 and it is good.. i like the whole story, how you change from one season to another season..  :ding:

 :wigglypanda: facepalm to the clingy Rena...

good job author-san!!  :twothumbs

update soon.. wanna know all the mysterious episodes of four personalities of Rena!! :luvuluvu:

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Story Time (WMatsui) — Friendships
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2016, 04:20:58 AM »

   "That's it for today.",Rena said, standing up from the cozy couch,"It's time for bed.",she continued much to the disappointment of the kids.

   "B-But we wanna hear the rest!",they cried out, protesting.

And we wanna read the rest too!! :tantrum: :tantrum:

Yeah, we do! XD

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Re: Story Time (WMatsui) — Miss Tsundere
« Reply #14 on: October 02, 2016, 06:24:21 AM »
Miss Tsundere

        Rena looked pensively at the computer, the note that Jurina left still the screen saver. She sighed, frustrated at herself. She was careless—too careless. She turned the monitor off, got off the chair, and left the room, hearing the sounds of playing downstairs.

   They're home.

   She calmly went down the wooden steps, the sounds of her children getting louder. And as she caught sight of them playing, her face went pale. A woman, looking exactly like her, was playing with them. She was wearing a jacket with a white dragon, her hair was tied up into a ponytail, and there was kiss mark on her cheek, teasing Rena of her past endeavors, The girl looked back at Rena and giggled, haunting her ears.

   "You mad?"

   Rena shook her head roughly. The girl was gone. She was seeing things. Nobody was there. She slapped her face lightly, waking herself up. She needed to focus, keep her cool. Everything is going to be all right. Jurina will come back.
   The two kids saw sight of Rena and immediately stopped playing. They ran from their spots by the fireplace to the girl by the stairs, pulling her by the arm to the couch. They were smiling, their eyes sparkling. They must be excited to hear the rest. And as Rena took her seat, they also took their seats in front of her. Rena smiled. They were her little angels.

   "Okay what story do you want to hear?"

   They kept silent, smiling, and Rena knew what they wanted. She shuffled on the couch, getting into a comfortable position, and she spoke in a clear voice.


   Winter. The question still lingered in the air and their hearts were still. Rena stood on the cold pavement confused, although, in her heart; she knew what the answer was. Jurina's grip got tighter on her arm, making her wince.

   "Oh. I'm sorry.",she said as she let go of Rena's arm, but she still looked to Rena for her answer, like a librarian searching for a book.

   Rena took a breath. She knew of her condition and accepted it fully, but she chose not to reveal it for the sake of her 'autumn' self, who thought of their condition as a defect. Who knows what her 'autumn' self would do if she found out 'winter' Rena revealed their "little glitch", as she liked to call it. Ugh. There was nothing wrong with them, she would think to herself, and her two others selves didn't care about what 'autumn' said at all. It's like she's the only one offended.

   "Hello?",Jurina said, breaking Rena out of her thoughts.

   "Oh sorry. I was a little lost in my mind.",Rena said, much to Jurina's amusement, who giggled slightly.

   "That's a peculiar way of saying it. Say...umm..forget the question. You don't have to answer. But on one condition."

   Rena raised an eyebrow.

   "Take me to dinner Miss Tsundere",Jurina said.

   Rena raised her eyebrow again, confused at the origin of that nickname, but shrugged it off.



   Spring. Rena was confused. Why is she sitting down in a nice restaurant with her old classmate from high school? Looking around the restaurant, she spotted fancy dresses, famous paintings, and dashing waiters. And here she was, in normal civilian clothing.

   Ugh. Typical of 'winter' Rena. She does have nice style, though.

   She looked at her watch

   The seasons changed. My turn.

   She looked at the girl in front of her, surprised at how much she changed in just two years, her features becoming much sharper and more beautiful. Time must've been good on her. She wondered, though, as she looked at the mature girl, why they were here, in drab clothing, eating nicely, and in an overall, friendly mood.

   Oh my god. Did we get together?

   She flushed that thought out of her head, thinking it was absurd, although she didn't mind it too much. In fact, she felt a little bit excited at the prospect. Who would've thought tsundere Rena played for the other team? She slightly smiled at the thought.

   "Are you okay?"

   Rena realized again that she was lost in her thoughts. That part never seemed to change about her.

   "Oh I'm sorry. Just thinking about a few things.",she said before leaning in closer,"This restaurant is nice isn't it?"

   "Yeah it's so beautiful! I'm so glad you're treating me!",Jurina said happily, looking around the place.

   'Winter' Rena what did you do? We're not rich at all!

   Rena forced a smile, acting as though she wasn't pissed off, but in fact, she was the exact opposite. She was fuming. Isn't it great to take up problems you didn't make? But she had to hand it 'winter' Rena. The fact that she could deal with autumn's problems is a feat in of itself. She really worked a sweat for those. And in comparison, the problems 'winter' gives 'spring' was far less serious.

   "I'm glad you're enjoying it. If you don't mind may I ask a question?"

   "Go ahead"
   "I forgot why we came here in the first place. Any particular reason?"

   Jurina smiled, her discovery almost proven true. She chose the right date to go and meet her.

   "And how did you forget?",she smirked," Miss Tsundere."

   It's like someone triggered the trap card or stepped on a landmine because when Rena heard those two words, she flipped. She protested loudly, disrupting the others in the restaurant. A familiar scene except that it was in a high class restaurant. The whole time, like in high school, Jurina giggled, amused that her hypothesis was correct.

   "Madame may I kindly ask you to leave."


   They were sitting out on the curb at the front of the restaurant, having been kicked out for disturbing the peace. Rena was feeling absolutely abysmal while Jurina, of course, is feeling pretty proud of herself as looked up to the stars in the sky, enjoying the view.
   I should become a detective.

   "How did you know?",Rena solemnly asked the grinning Jurina. She was hunched over, her elbows resting on her knees as her face rested snugly in her hands in utter defeat.

   What will 'autumn' do when she finds out?

   "Well when you're at gunpoint and then that person forgets you about a week later. It will put some questions in your head. Also when a tsundere immediately turns all nice and polite to you. That also will put some questions in your head. And also when—"

   "Okay! Okay! I get it already. I wasn't careful. No more please."

   Jurina sighed, her moment of pride over,"If you don't mind me saying this but you're pretty interesting Rena."

   Rena scoffed,"Not as interesting as you might think. It's horrible this is. Horrible. This whole situation is horrible."

   Jurina hunched over like Rena was and looked at her face to face.

   "Only if you want it to be. Let's face it. Your life isn't going to change much. One person knowing isn't going to be bad right?"

   Jurina you are so foolish.

   "You don't know do you? You don't know what my other selves might think of this do you?"

   Jurina fell silent, realizing her own naivety. But she knows two of her other personalities would be fine with it.

   What about 'autumn'?

   Jurina straightened her back and stood up, patting the debris off her. She looked at the girl looking up passively at her. Her eyes were glazed, emotionless.

   "I understand. But let me say one thing. You better fix your differences with 'autumn' in the future or she may ruin your lives one day."

   Rena knew. She always knew that. But she wasn't courageous enough to do so. Who knows what 'autumn' could do? She was too unpredictable. Rena kept silent and Jurina took it as a yes. She said a small goodbye before walking away but a few yards later, she looked back at the sullen Rena, still hunched over.

   "You still owe me dinner!"


   "Mama when did you get married?",Haruka asked, a few syllables becoming lost in her speech.

   Rena thought about it. She never really remembered those types of things anymore. She's too busy nowadays.

   "About 7 years ago."

   "Oh! So that story was a year before!",Sakura said, showing her knowledge.

   Rena smiled.

   "Yeah. Yeah it was."

   "So how—

   Rena wasn't listening. She was too pre-occupied with the figure behind her kids, also listening intently to the story, cross legged, like what her kids were doing. She appeared again, teasing Rena, taunting her.

   "Never mess with me."

   Rena shook her head again. She was gone. No one is there. She isn't real. Sakura was still asking her question, innocently, not knowing what her mother was going through at the current moment.

   "—and have a wedding."

   "I'm sorry. What was that?"

   "I said how did you guys fall in love, get engaged, and have a wedding!",she replied, frustrated that her mother was a bit pre-occupied.

   "Oh right. Yeah. Umm. Let's get to that."

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Re: Story Time (WMatsui) — Miss Tsundere
« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2016, 10:07:54 AM »
So Rena's having hallucinations of Gekikara?

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Re: Story Time (WMatsui) — Miss Tsundere
« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2016, 10:18:06 AM »
thank you for your fast update..  :cow:

so.... did gekikara and her other side in different season mad to Winter Rena? (if i'm not mistaken, i'm still confused though)..  :dizzy:

they angry of her maybe because she kind of forget about all her other side?

so that is why geki is back to haunt her life? because Rena seems so scared of Geki..

just my assumption ..  :roll: :cow:

update soon too my fav author-san  :luvluv1:

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Re: Story Time (WMatsui) — Miss Tsundere
« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2016, 01:21:58 PM »
G-Gekikara coming?! O____O

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Re: Story Time (WMatsui) — Miss Tsundere
« Reply #18 on: October 02, 2016, 05:31:54 PM »
It's interesting, we can see all of rena's side  :on GJ:
Thank you for making this story, i really miss wmatsui  :on cloudeye:

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

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Re: Story Time (WMatsui) — Miss Tsundere
« Reply #19 on: October 03, 2016, 05:58:23 AM »
So Rena's having hallucinations of Gekikara?

Yup! She's pretty rattled.

thank you for your fast update..  :cow:

so.... did gekikara and her other side in different season mad to Winter Rena? (if i'm not mistaken, i'm still confused though)..  :dizzy:

they angry of her maybe because she kind of forget about all her other side?

so that is why geki is back to haunt her life? because Rena seems so scared of Geki..

just my assumption ..  :roll: :cow:

update soon too my fav author-san  :luvluv1:

Actually that is not the case. You'll find out later.  :D

G-Gekikara coming?! O____O

Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuun!

It's interesting, we can see all of rena's side  :on GJ:
Thank you for making this story, i really miss wmatsui  :on cloudeye:

Well I hope you come back for more!

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