Chapter 10 On the way to Bemars Public Middle High School Mai asked the driver, “Did you bring the bicycle I asked for?”
“Hai ojou-sama it is in back of the car.” the driver replied.
“Then could you drop me off a block away from the school, I’ll ride the bike to go there.” Mai said.
The driver tried to protest, “But ojou-sama, wouldn’t it be better if I take you there myself?”
Mai then shook her head and said, “It’s fine. You could just fetch me later in the evening at the orphanage.”
“If that’s what you want… we’re here ojou-sama.” he accepted.
“Thanks, wait for a bit while I get the bike okay? See you later.”with that said Mai took the bike and rode to go to Nanase’s school.
Meanwhile in Bemars Middle School… Nanase was in front of her locker with her friend Takayama Kazumi. She opened her locker and a lot of letters fell from it.
“Woah, mata? It seems like your locker is always flooded with love letters everyday Nanase.” Kazumi commented.
“Mou, Kazumin we still don’t know if all these are what you so called ‘love letters’, anyways here.” Nanase said and gave the letters to Kazumi to which the other took.
“Hai,hai…wakatta… leave this to me.I’ll Return them to the senders… as usual” Kazumi nonchalantly ansewered.
“Thanks, Kazumin. I’m counting on you. Let’s go?” Nanase happily stated.
Kazumi only sighed, its always been like this ever since Nanase gets letters. She is the student council’s Vice President so Nanase asks the favor of returning the letters to their owners from her.
While the two were walking towards the gate, Kazumi suddenly asked, “Ne, is Shiraishi-san picking you up again?”
“Yeah she is. She promised to teach me how to ride the bike today.” Nanase answered in a low voice, she suddenly felt shy.
“Really? But you know what Nanase, why don’t you just tell your admirers that Shiraishi-san is someone special to you so they would stop pursuing you…” Kazumi suggested.
Nanase was surprised, she felt her cheeks getting hot and stuttered, “wha..what a..are you talking about Kazumin?”
“Well I mean you two are very close, one, she always pick you up after school ever since kindergarten. Two, you’ve been going to the amusement park yearly on your birthdays. And third your sketches are mostly about her, finally the burnt cookies you made in home economics are probably for her.” Her friend elaborated.
There were a lot of students at the gate when they arrived, they couldn’t get through while other students were murmuring, “Hey, isn’t that Shiraishi Mai-san from Nogizaka Elite School?”
“Yeah it is. I wonder what she is doing here?”
Mai got off and parked the bike when she asked aloud, “Gokigenyo. Do any of you happen to know where Nishino Nanase is?”
Back where Nanase stood,
“I wonder why it is crowded?” she thought. When one of the student in front of her shouted, “She’s here! Nishino-san is over here!”
Kazumi and Nanase was surprised when the crowd gave way to them. Mai who noticed the crowd parted saw Nanase with her friend and walked towards her.
“Sorry I’m l a bit late Nanase. It’s nice to see you again Takayama-san.” Mai greeted.
The crowd started to murmur again, “Eh? Does Nishino-san know Shiraishi-sama?”
Nanase looked a bit confuse, “Did you come here by yourself Maiyan? I don’t see uncle’s car.”
“I did. I brought that.” Mai pointed out to the bike parked and continued, “I did promise you to teach how to ride it. And besides this is probably the last time I’ll be able to pick you up before we go to the States tomorrow and you’ll have to wait for a while before I could pick you up again. So I thought we could just go home. Just the two of us.”
“Then, I leave her in your care. I’ll see you tomorrow Nanase.” Kazumi bid farewell.
Mai let Nanase ride on the back of the bike. “Be sure to hold on to my waist Nanase. We’ll go to the park first.”
“Alright.” Nanase nodded and put her hands on each side of Mai.
Mai laughed a bit, “Not like that, you may fall. I meant like this.” She took both of Nanase’s hands and wrapped them on her waist. “There. Hold on tight okay? Feel free to lean your heard on my back Nanase.”
“Yeah. Thank you Maiyan.” Nanase whispered as leaned into Mai, feeling at ease because of the warmth the older girl had.
At the park… “We’re here.” Mai announced.
The two got off the bike and switched places to teach Nanase how to balance the bike. They spent a few hours practicing.
“Okay, Nanase I’m going to let go of the handle now. You’ll be the one controlling the bike once I let go.” Mai slowly lifted her hands up from the handle.
“Wow! Maiyan look! I can do it! I finally can.” Nanase exclaimed.
After a while, Mai decided to spread out her arms, Nanase who felt this asked, “What are you doing Maiyan?”
“I’m flying..hehe..”
Nanase smiled and decided to also let go and spread her arms out. “This feels great Maiyan.”
The bicycle started to wobble causing it to stumble and the two fell with Mai on top of Nanase, they were laughing until they met each other’s gaze.
‘She’s so pretty…’ Mai thought.
“Nanase…” Mai barely whispered.
Nanase on the other hand felt somehow nervous by the sudden closeness of Maiyan being on top of her.
“I’ve been wanting to tell you this ever since, Nanase. I’ve been hesitating a bit but now I don’t want to leave without you knowing about my feelings…” Mai started, “the truth is I really love you, Nanase. Probably since the first time we ever met, I started to fall for you.”
Nanase was surprised to hear this from Mai, she didn’t know how to respond, but there is a warm feeling inside her when she heard Mai’s confession. She suddenly felt shy and she knew her face was getting redder by the moment so she looked away a bit.
Seeing that Nanase might be getting uncomfortable with their position Mai stood up and helped the other to stand up as well.
“A..A..Anone, Maiyan,ji..jitsuwa…” she didn’t know why she was stuttering and can’t speak clearly to Mai.
Noticing this, Mai suddenly hugged Nanase and assured her, “It’s alright Nanase. You don’t have to answer me right away. I know you still need to sort your feelings out. You can just give it to me when I come back. Just remember that I’m always here for you and I’ll always love you no matter what.”
Nanase wrapped her arms around Mai waist.
“Hn, I will… Thanks Maiyan. Promise me one thing though, that you’ll fulfill your dream of being a famous softball player. I’ll be cheering for you.”
Mai laughed a little, “I promise, but I’ll miss you a lot there in America.” she pouted.
“Baka Maiyan, you already have my pendant right? You could just look at my picture there whenever you start wanting to see me there.”
“Hehe, I guess you’re right, then I’ll do just that. Thanks Nanase, suki da yo.” Mai agreed and leaned her head on Nanase’s shoulder while still embracing her.
At the orphanage after dinner, Nanase went with Mai to see her off… “Ja, Oyasumi Nanase. I’ll see you tomorrow at the airport”
“See you there.” Nanase replied when she remembered, “Wait here for a sec, okay?”
Nanase ran to get the scarf.
“You didn’t have to run,you might get hurt”
Nanase held out the scarf shyly, “Here, I almost forgot. I made this for you. I heard from Reika that it’s cold in America so I made this to keep you warm.”
Mai took and wore the scarf around her neck, she was super happy when she heard that Nanase especially made it for her.
“Thanks Nanase. I’ll be sure to use it. Ja, ittekimasu.” she happily said.
“Itterasai.” Nanase answered back when Mai suddenly leaned down and kissed her cheek.
Mata ashita!” Mai said as she went in the car who was waiting for her.
Nanase was left there with her heart beating fast while she held the cheek that Mai just kissed, “Maiyan…” she uttered.
~~~chapter 10 is up... I hope this is okay to you... (this is the very first time I wrote a made-up confession scene, while Sayuri's confession to Mai was like in the dramas I watched so I kinda patterned it to that.)

Ahem... next chapter... Be ready for something..... @finiarel: thanks for the comment, by the way I somehow got the screen shots from this music vid (
), but wasn't really able to find the photoshoot, sumimasen....