I'm back with another OS! I don't write frequently so please don't expect much from me. This story is gonna be based kinda off something I read on twitter from user toomuchidea, so thank you to him (or her, sorry I don't really know).
This story is making the assumptions that Oda is in college at the same time as being an idol and all the Kanji members live together. As hectic and chaotic as that probably would be, we shall assume it true for the sake of this OS. Another thing, I probably made them very OOC. Enjoy!
Number One Fan and the Tsundere IdolOda Nana emerged from her shared room with Pe after studying all day for her exams in the upcoming week. Juggling the 6th single release work and school was rather tough, especially when it came to exam season like now. All her leisure time was taken up by cramming, sleeping, and eating. At bad as it sounds, she was actually kind of glad that she didn't get as much as the more popular members; there would be zero chance that she could handle everything.
Earlier, her one break was dinner when the available girls got together and made dinner. Normally, OdaNana would help out (or rather just mess around while not destroying dinner), but school came first. That left the cooking to Mon, Naako, and Ozeki. Don't worry, Ozeki was just in charge of the chopping and cleaning.
But now, it was 10:30 PM and she was giving herself a 30 minute break so that she could study until midnight then sleep. Noticing that there was an entire section of the couch available, she plopped herself down. Risa, Ozeki, and Zuumin were watching Habu play Persona 5 so OdaNana lazily watched with. The unnecessary commentary by Risa and Zuumin's energetic following of the game kept her more entertained than Habu playing the game. 15 minutes into hearing Risa's comments about the hideous fashion sense of the Personas and Ozeki's protest that they weren't really that bad, OdaNana went to get herself a glass of water.
While cleaning the cup, OdaNana heard her phone vibrate on the table next to her. Drying her hands, she noticed it was a message from Yuipon. 'Can you come meet me at the park near our place? Across from the 7-11.' Quickly typing a short response, she went back to her room to change. Donning a hoodie, a leather jacket, some jeans, and a pair of sneakers, OdaNana rushed to the park.
---At the park---
Yuipon was sitting alone at the swing set enjoying the night breeze when she noticed a certain short haired girl walking towards her. It looked like she was carrying a bag from the 7-11 across the street. Her face displayed little emotion other than recognition, but inside, she was glad that the girl came when she asked.
From an outsider's perspective, it may seem like Yuipon could be kind of disgusted by the stalker like tendencies of Oda, but honestly, it really wasn't all that bad. Sure, sometimes Oda crossed the line a bit, but she was also really caring all the time. Whenever they were practicing, Oda would make sure to grab a bottle of water for her. If she ever fell asleep on the couch, Oda would put a blanket around her or if she was there for more than an hour, Oda would either carry her back to her bed or just wake her up. These little things that Oda did moved her more often than not and she just didn't really know how to react. Honestly, she felt bad for Oda sometimes because it seemed like Oda saw herself as more of a fan than a friend of hers. She wishes that Oda wouldn't think that way because Oda has a lot of good points that she herself can't seem to see. It somehow hurts her to think that their relationship is like this.
Lost in her train of thought, she didn't notice that Oda was a mere 2 feet in front of her. "Yuipon, are you okay? Was the shoot too tiring?" Resisting the instinct to jump, Yuipon merely shook her head. "No, I'm okay. I was just thinking."
"Oh good. But I bought some chocolate and hot tea from 7-11 in case you were cold or wanted something sweet. Which one do you want?"
It was things exactly like this that Yuipon always felt giddy about. "I'll have a hot tea, thanks." The hot tea was quite perfect for this weather; the breeze was nice, but after a long time, it could get a bit cold. It actually didn't occur to her, but Oda looked really good with this look. The short hair and leather jacket/hoodie combo worked wonders for Oda.
Oda took a seat on the swing next to her. "So why were you just sitting here? It's too late for a girl to come out here alone."
Yuipon giggled, "Then what about you? You came here alone after I asked you to."
"But I don't look as vulnerable. Also, who would want to kidnap me? You're the one worth millions." Yuipon felt her heart clench at that. Not only because Oda was putting herself down, but it was to push her up. "Oh right, why did you want me to come here? You should rest after a day of work."
"I am resting here. The night sky and the weather are perfect for relaxing. And I wanted you to come here because I wanted someone to talk to. I'm not good at talking so much so I need someone who can carry the conversation better."
Oda just laughed, though she was getting worried about not getting anymore studying in on top of the 10 hours spent during the day. "That I can do. Whatever you want me to do, I'll do my best."
The night went on and they kept talking. The chocolate was eaten and the tea either went cold or went to their stomachs. It wasn't until Yuipon asked what Oda was doing tomorrow did she wind up checking the time.
"Oh, I have an exam at 10. Other than that, more studying. Day after tomorrow, I have one more exam and then the Keyakake shooting."
"Wait, then don't you need to be up early? We need to hurry back then!" Yuipon, feeling bad that Oda was choosing her over studying, tried to drag Oda back, but she wouldn't budge. "Let's go already."
"Hai, hai. But I already studied a lot today. I can also study on the way to my exam, so don't worry." Oda got up from her seat and started back. As if it was normal, their hands were still connected. From the back, it looked like a gentle(wo)man leading her girlfriend back while carrying their stuff.
Yuipon noticed their linked hands only after they reached the door of their home. Not wanting it to end, she stopped walking. Oda noticed this and turned to the girl. "What's wrong?"
Feeling embarrassed by what she was about to say, she didn't dare look at Oda. "Will you stay with me tonight? Zuumin will be too asleep to notice now or when you need to leave. Also, don't make the excuse that you're just a fan. You're more than that."
Not knowing how to formulate words anymore, Oda pulled Yuipon into her embrace. Yuipon didn't react physically, and Oda didn't expect for it to happen either.
"I am a fan. Always and forever Yuipon's number one fan, so it's not an excuse. But like I said before, whatever you want me to do, I'll do it."
FINThanks for reading! All comments, criticisms, questions welcome. Alas, until next time!