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Author Topic: KEYAKIZAKA46 CHATROOM CHAT 1 03/01/2017 Do you Habu to be like this?  (Read 36821 times)

Offline weirdasspotatoe

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Re: NOGIZAKA46 CHATROOM CHAT 13 29/08/16 #Nanaminisasavage
« Reply #100 on: September 28, 2016, 05:43:12 AM »
I can't wait for the next update, I want to see what happens next kekekeke. I want my NanaMai back in action and phew Holy Father Nanamin is really a savage actually, much badass. Poor Manatsu and Noujo, who's currently invisible to the chat members haha :twothumbs

Offline amachan48

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Re: NOGIZAKA46 CHATROOM CHAT 13 29/08/16 #Nanaminisasavage
« Reply #101 on: October 23, 2016, 04:34:20 PM »
author-san where r u?? why you haven't update this fic?? 😭😭😭

idk why Nanamin's graduation announcement really give a big impact to me. she's not even on my top 5 favorite member -__- I cant imagine if one of WakaNanaRei announce the G word some times in the future T___T

by the way, I'm sorry if I throw it up into your comment thread, hehehe.

Offline XxRoByNxX78

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Re: NOGIZAKA46 CHATROOM CHAT 13 29/08/16 #Nanaminisasavage
« Reply #102 on: January 02, 2017, 11:32:38 PM »
•Zukkyun-sama: Akimoto Manatsu
•Sayuringo: Matsumura Sayuri
•Kote: Takayama Kazumi
•Nanamin: Hashimoto Nanami
•Naa-chan: Nishino Nanase
•Rekatan: Sakurai Reika
•Iku-chan: Ikuta Erika
•Maimai: Fukagawa Mai
•Maiyan: Shiraishi Mai
•Wakatsuki: Wakatsuki Yumi
•Ikoma-chan: Ikoma Rina

Doctor Who's ship thingy


Wakatsuki: Shut up

Rekatan: (>_<)

Maiyan: Anyway~ I say we start this new year off with a bang

Kote: Like?

Maiyan: Like this

Maiyan: Erika who are your top 5 girls?

Iku-chan: What?

Sayuringo: You know like on Nogibingo

Iku-chan: I'm not answering

Ikoma-chan: You have to its like the law

Maimai: Odd law don't you think?

Zukkyun-sama: So you don't want to hear the answer?

Maimai: Not piratically

Nanamin: You know why she doesn't right?

Kote: Is it by any chance because you happened to be Iku-chan's number two girl?

Nanamin: Duh

Maimai: She should be number one!

Naa-chan: That's the problem?

Maimai: Nanamin is number 1!

Maiyan: We could just solve this by making a rule for her when she answers

Ikoma-chan: No graduated members?

Zukkyun-sama: Sounds good

Iku-chan: Do I really have to answer this?

Sayuringo: IT'S THE LAW!

Iku-chan: Since when?

Sayuringo: Since Ikoma-chan stated so

Iku-chan: .......................... Fine who are the options

Maiyan: Anyone in Nogi
Iku-chan: Feels like I should be loyal so Reika is first

Wakatsuki: Have her

Rekatan: What no~ I'm only Yumi's

Wakatsuki: Seriously have her

Rekatan: Booooooooooooooooo so cold Yumi~

Iku-chan: My number two gir-

Sayuringo: Himetan right?

Ikoma-chan: You like a girl with some protein in her

Kote: Some dimples and a tongue that pokes out when she dances

Nanamin: She's your number two right?

Iku-chan: No ................ it's Maiyan

Maiyan: (≧∇≦)/  Why?

Naa-chan: Looks?

Kote: Fashion sense?

Sayuringo: Could it be that its because she provides us with a bag that is like Doctor Who's ship thingy full of bread?

Iku-chan: No its none of that i-

Zukkyun-sama: The size of her head I mean with that ego it's going to be huge soon

Maiyan: I believe giant heads are your thing

Zukkyun-sama: Excuse me?

Maiyan: I mean come on paint your head blue and green and you have yourself this years Halloween costume

Zukkyun-sama: Are you suggesting I go as Earth for Halloween?

Maiyan: Well you could go as any planet really but Earth was the first that sprang to mind

Zukkyun-sama: I'm surprised anything can spring to mind with the size of your IQ

Sayuringo: *Chants* FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!!

Kote: *Joins chant*

Rekatan: *Joins chant*

Wakatsuki: *Puts hand over Reika's mouth*

Rekatan: *Pouts*

Iku-chan: Anyway moving on

Maimai: Wait you have not said why Maiyan yet

Iku-chan: Do I have to can't we just get this over and done with?

Nanamin: No

Nanamin: Though I am surprised Naa-chan actually suggested a reason as to why you liked Maiyan and was not jealous

Naa-chan: She is number two

Nanamin: So?

Naa-chan: Safe

Nanamin: Safe?

Zukkyun-sama: In other words as long as she isn't number one it's fine?

Naa-chan: Yup

Maimai You realize she is the runner up though right?

Maiyan: Are you trying to cause more drama in my life?

Ikoma-chan: Everyone needs some

Maiyan: Why does some feel like a ocean then?

Nanamin: Probably because drama just so happens to be thrown in your direction a lot when it comes to your relationship

Maiyan: Geeeeee I wonder who's fault that is

Rekatan: *Slowly walks away*

Maiyan: Yer you better walk away

Iku-chan: I'm moving on this is taking too long my third girl Hori

Sayuringo: Because she gave you stuff right?

Iku-chan: Duh

Iku-chan: My forth would be Sayuri so we can eat together

Sayuringo: Daww I feel blessed

Iku-chan: Fifth would be Himetan

Wakatsuki: Finally

Nanamin: Took your time

Zukkyun-sama: So cold putting her last

Iku-chan: Why?

Maimai: Don't act like you don't know that we know

Iku-chan: I'm not acting like anything I don't know what you know that I am supposed to know

Maimai: Don't act like we don't know anything that you don't know what we know what you know

Iku-chan: What do you know that I don't know that you know and I don't know

Kote: Guys guys guys stop its getting confusing

Ikoma-chan: My brain hurts

Nanamin: Let me clarify

Iku-chan: Go ahead oh Holy Father

Nanamin: Basically we know that you like Himetan

Iku-chan: I'm sorry wh-

Rekatan: You are excused

Wakatsuki: (-_-;) Let her finish

Iku-chan: Thank you Wakatsuki what do you mean I like Himetan?

Sayuringo: Oh you can't be serious

Maiyan: Theres no way

Ikoma-chan: I hate chatrooms you can never tell if someone is being serious or not

Iku-chan: My manager is calling me so this will have to be spoken about later

Maimai: Lucky escape!

Iku-chan is offline!

Sayuringo: She is such a liar

Maiyan: Is she being serious?

Kote: She could be in denial

Naa-chan: That's some strong denial

Zukkyun-sama: You have gotten awfully confident lately Naa-chan

Zukkyun-sama: Not that theres anything wrong with that

Maiyan: Nice save

Rekatan: I told you Maiyan is rubbing off on her *chuckles*

Wakatsuki: You got lucky that Iku-chan left that chat

Maimai: Or you would be dead Reika!

Rekatan: Eh he he he ..... *Sheepishly scratches that back of head*

Rekatan: Anyway Yumi~

Wakatsuki: What?

Rekatan: Ugh so blunt

Rekatan: Your place or mine?

Wakatsuki: How about~

Rekatan: Yer~

Wakatsuki: You go to yours~

Rekatan: Yer~

Wakatsuki: And I go to mine

Sayuringo: You know its almost painful to read

Maiyan: Key word almost

Nanamin: I do believe the word you're looking for is entertaining

Zukkyun-sama:  As well as almost painful

Rekatan: Booo I quote Morning Musume when I say 'Confront me with bare nakedness'

Wakatsuki: Is that even a word?

Kote: Nakedness?

Wakatsuki: Yer

Ikoma-chan: Must be right I mean its the part of the song title

Maimai: She has a point

Nanamin: Its accepted for now

Rekatan: I quote C-ute's song when I say I can give you a 'Dreamlik-

Techi is online!

Techi: Hey everyone what did I miss?

Naa-chan: ???

Maiyan: Who are you?




Maiyan is offline!

Nanamin is offline!

Naa-chan is offline!

Zukkyun-sama is offline!

Maimai is offline!

Rekatan is offline!

Sayuringo is offline!

Ikoma-chan is offline!

Kote is offline!

Techi: Wait what?

*Techi scrolls up reads through the chat*


Techi is offline!


A/N: Guess whos back back again guess whos back tell a friend~ Yes I know its been a while! Sorry about that I've been extremely busy but now I have some time I think don't quote because well college haha thanks so much for waiting, reading, the thankyous and commenting! Happy new year! I do wonder if anyone got the hint at the end~

@zurukun13: Woooo a update finally! Thanks for reading and commenting! Mai will always end going back to herself eventually because who can be angry at Nanase! No one I tell you no one!

@wakaten: I'm sorry it took so long! I hope this makes your day! Thanks for reading and commenting!

@C: Ahhh its been a while haha so sorry for the wait I hope you enjoyed it! Sayuri truly has a special voice I believe it was Nakada who do a spot on impression of it don't think I stopped laughing. Iku-chan is influenced by the other members its thankful she left that chat when she did! I won't lie you said bridge and I just thought of Nanamin straight away haha. The taxi thing was a reference to how she doesn't like to sit in the front of the car due to sun rays though I know its with her family feels like something that would have been used there since I couldn't think of anything to threaten her with after all cant really use a snake against a animal lover. Manatsu and Maiyan crack hmmmmmmmmm sounds appealing hmmmmmmmm I shall be up for the job when I have the time! Reika contain her gayness shall never happen I'm sure Wakatsuki just tries to keep hers in check (Not that she succeeds) Thanks for reading and commenting!

@finiarel: We shall see if she will break haha who knows thanks for reading and commenting sorry for the long wait!

@ミサキ: All made up! The two have made up! Woooooo! Jou shall be in it again soon I may have also forgotten about her ................. Hoshino and Hori were in the past chat yes but as special guests they may again Hoshino possibly more so in the future than Hori since Hori is second gen thanks for reading and commenting

@Kairi65: Reika can excuse you if you like haha not only did the others forget about Ami but I did so no Ami this chapter haha thanks for reading and commenting

@moekare: Glad to see I could take you out of hiding! I'm so sorry for the wait though I wouldn't call it a masterpiece haha thanks for reading and commenting

I am so sorry it took so long! Thanks for commenting and reading! Nanamin is badass now that I think about I really should have referenced her graduation hmmm next time

@amachan48: Don't jinx it my friend here is the update you wanted sorry it took so long I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading and commenting!

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Re: NOGIZAKA46 CHATROOM CHAT 14 02/01/2017 Doctor who's ship thingy
« Reply #103 on: January 03, 2017, 06:03:34 AM »
Welcome back!
I've been a silent reader, but I just wanted to say that this is hilarious.
Also, the ending!! Does this mean you're going to write a Keyakizaka chat too?

Offline Kairi65

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Re: NOGIZAKA46 CHATROOM CHAT 14 02/01/2017 Doctor who's ship thingy
« Reply #104 on: January 03, 2017, 07:14:00 AM »
Finally, you're back~~!!  :cathappy:

At first i was confused as to why should manatsu paint in green and blue but then i read it was earth. That was lol! And then with wakatsuki: you go to your house...and i go to min. <- THIS!  :rofl:

I guess I'm not the only one who ship ikuo x himetan haha

Finally, how the heck that techi even manage to enter the chat?! :lol:

Everyone was like "abort! Abort!  :panic::rofl:

Also, the ending!! Does this mean you're going to write a Keyakizaka chat too?

Will you..?  :cathappy:

Offline ミサキ

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Re: NOGIZAKA46 CHATROOM CHAT 14 02/01/2017 Doctor who's ship thingy
« Reply #105 on: January 03, 2017, 01:09:26 PM »
welcome back author-san!! :welcome
Iku-chan: Feels like I should be loyal so Reika is first

Wakatsuki: Have her

Rekatan: What no~ I'm only Yumi's

Wakatsuki: Seriously have her

Rekatan: Booooooooooooooooo so cold Yumi~
LOL reika strikes again  :lol:

hoo~ I see you shipped ikuchan and himetan~ :inlove:

eh? techi? is there possible for keyaki's girl to join in too?'ll make Keyakizaka46 chat room chat? :cathappy:  :cathappy:
just a simple otaku and silent reader

Offline wakaten

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Re: NOGIZAKA46 CHATROOM CHAT 14 02/01/2017 Doctor who's ship thingy
« Reply #106 on: January 04, 2017, 07:31:23 AM »
WOWWW you're back!  :welcome

Iku-chan: Feels like I should be loyal so Reika is first

Wakatsuki: Have her

Rekatan: What no~ I'm only Yumi's

Wakatsuki: Seriously have her

because waka knew no one can handle reika as good as her.  :glasses:

Rekatan: Anyway Yumi~

Wakatsuki: What?

Rekatan: Ugh so blunt

Rekatan: Your place or mine?

Wakatsuki: How about~

Rekatan: Yer~

Wakatsuki: You go to yours~

Rekatan: Yer~

Wakatsuki: And I go to mine

booo waka so cold, but that is what i like about her :deco:

and i have something probably wrong in my head,
from my reading, Waka haven't offline yet.. she should flirt with techi instead with no one watching. so what about that huh?  :kekeke:

thanks for update!!  :wub:

Offline XxRoByNxX78

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Re: NOGIZAKA46 CHATROOM CHAT 14 02/01/2017 Doctor who's ship thingy
« Reply #107 on: January 04, 2017, 09:08:14 PM »
•NeruNeru - Nagahama Neru
•Berisa - Watanabe Risa
•FashionGod - Oda Nana
•Berika - Watanabe Rika
•Riichan - Ozeki Rika
•Nijika - Ishimori Nijika
•Techi - Hirate Yurina
•Kuritarou - Suzumoto Miyu
•Zuumin - Imaizumi Yui
•Mizu-chan - Habu Mizuho
•Shida - Shida Manaka

Do you Habu to be like this?


Berika: ..............

FashionGod: You can do it Berika!


Berika: ..............

Riichan: Let your inner comedian out

Mizu-chan: Third time is the charm

Zuumin: Okay one more time!



Nijika: We knew you could do it Berika!

Kuritarou: That's our girl

FashionGod: I wish we had more gags

Shida: You are a walking gag

Riichan: Yer

Shida: Why are you saying yer for you are too

Riichan: I'm special

Shida: Ha k

NeruNeru: Nana you need to change your chat name

FashionGod: Why?

Berisa: Because you are ............

Berisa: Lying

FashionGod: I am not!

Zuumin: You came last in our fashion inspection

FashionGod: They don't know fashion

Nijika: So fashion experts don't know anything about fashion?

FashionGod: Exactly

Shida: The denial is strong is this one

NeruNeru: As is her bad taste in fashion

FashionGod: Berika whats your opinion?

Berika: ........................

FashionGod: Just so you all know that translates as Nana's fashion sense is the best

Berika: .......................

FashionGod: See she said it again

Zuumin: I honestly don't know if thats Berika's personality or shes just too lazy to actually type

Zuumin: But either way Oda your denial game is strong

FashionGod: Pft lets ask Techi

Riichan: We could but shes not online

Mizu-chan: Odd didnt see message Imazumi saying she would come on once she finished her schedule

Berisa: What time does her schedule end?

Zuumin: It ended about a hour ago

NeruNeru: Maybe she just didn't want to come online

FashionGod: Please she would miss me too much

Nijika: No just no

NeruNeru: Oda should just change her name to alpaca

Berisa: Alpaca wasn't it llama

NeruNeru: Alpaca

Berisa: Lama

NeruNeru: Alpca

Riichan: Ooooo someone grab some sweets a fight is starting

Nijika: One I could easily resolve but I wont

Riichan: *Holds up hand to high five Nijika*

Nijika: *High fives Riichan*

Berisa: Lama

NeruNeru: Alpaca

Berisa: Berika what do you think?

Berika: ...........................

Zuumin: She is on a neutral ground

Berisa: ... Its Lama

Mizu-chan: This argument is making me Habu a good time

Shida: Did she just make a pun?

Kuritarou: I have just lost faith in humanity

Mizu-chan: It was not that bad

Shida: I see you like to dream

Techi is online!


FashionGod: Finally!

Zuumin: Where have you been?

NeruNeru: Alpaca

Berisa: Lama

Techi: Wait what?

Shida: Ignore them just catch up later once you have explained

Techi: Okay?

Techi: Just entered the Nogizaka46's chatroom instead thats all

Riichan: Oh so nothing big then

Riichan: WAIT WHAT?! Σ(゜д゜;)

FashionGod: How did you do that? ((+_+))

Techi: I actually have no idea but from what I saw its as weird or weirder than ours

Kuritarou: Thats possible?

Techi: Apparently

Mizu-chan: So~

Mizu-chan: What did they speak about?

Techi: I'm not too sure I only read a little but Sakurai-san *shivers* used song titles as a way to flirt

Zuumin: Ten points for creativity

Techi: No it was gross

NeruNeru: How? Oh and alpaca

Techi: I am not remembering that again

Mizu-chan: Does it not make you Habu a good time?

Shida: I swear keep that up and I'll be sick

Berika: .......................

Nijika: Even Berika agrees

Mizu-chan: Fine but you'll Habu to stop me

Shida: *Pukes* (ToT)

Mizu-chan: Do you Habu to be so dramatic?

Berisa: It's lama and Techi please continue

Techi: I can't it was a traumatic experience

FashionGod: All the more reason to share

Techi: I can't I'm scared for life

Techi: Just know WakaRei is real

Zuumin:  WE KNEW IT! (/◕ヮ◕)/

Nijka: Not like they hid it

Mizu-chan: I don't see why they Habu a hard time keeping it secret anyway they should be more subtle

Shida: Thats it next time I see you prepare for war

Mizu-chan: Do you Habu to be like this?

Berika: ............................

Shida: Get running Mizu-chan Berika is helping me now

Kuritarou: I'll help

Riichan: Don't you think its cool that she can use her name as a substitute as have though

Berisa: No and Lama

NeruNeru: Techi solve a argument for us

Techi: Okay?

NeruNeru: Does Oda look like a APLACA or a lama

Berisa: It's clearly Lama

Techi: It's -

Nijika: No don't say

Techi: Why?

Riichan: We want to see how long it will last

NeruNeru: Fine if you wont answer this what do you think of Oda's fashion sense

FashionGod: Be truthful Techi (^_-)-☆

Techi: Terrible

FashionGod: THAT'S RIGHT!

FashionGod:  WAIT WHAT?!

NeruNeru: Ha told you time to change your name

FashionGod: NEVER!

FashionGod is offline!

Shida: She's so weird

Berika: .......................

TBC ...

A/N: I don't even know but hey keya chatroom haha thanks for reading and please comment! I am sorry for the amount of Habu's once I started I could not stop ......

@dragon522: Yup Keya offically has their own chat! I am very happy that you think that the Nogi chat is funny I do hope you think the same for this chat thanks for reading and commenting

@Kairi65: Finally back~ is it bad that I thought she could have that as a costume and get away with it? Haha Techi has special powers maybe who knows but yes Keya chat just when I thought 46 family could not get better in they come haha thanks for reading and commenting on the Nogi chat. Yer haha I figured I might as well give her a pairing and I already paired up Hoshino with Hori so couldnt be either of them so Himetan haha

@ミサキ: Reika shall always strike! Himetan and Iku-chan are being paired up yes though I wouldnt say I ship them haha its more like someone suggested a while back in a past chapter and shes the first that came to mind thanks for reading and commenting

@wakaten: A cold Waka is a good Waka! You know I didnt even notice she didnt got offline seems like something to be mentioned next time thanks for pointing it out haha thanks for commenting and reading
« Last Edit: January 20, 2017, 08:57:18 PM by XxRoByNxX78 »

Offline ミサキ

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Re: KEYAKIZAKA46 CHATROOM CHAT 1 03/01/2017 Do you Habu to be like this?
« Reply #108 on: January 05, 2017, 02:20:40 AM »
REVOLUTION! :cathappy:
thank you for keyakizaka chatroom author-san :cow:
Shida: I swear keep that up and I'll be sick

Berika: .......................

Nijika: Even Berika agrees
haha. they Habu some telepathy ability XD

NeruNeru: Does Oda look like a APLACA or a lama

Berika: It's clearly Lama
I thought it should be berisa who said that. It's a bit confusing since it's berisa and berika..  :sweatdrop::banghead:

LOL oneesan's chatroom is too much to handle for the innocent techi :lol:
please continue this! :cathappy: and add yuukanen too :twothumbs
just a simple otaku and silent reader

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Re: KEYAKIZAKA46 CHATROOM CHAT 1 03/01/2017 Do you Habu to be like this?
« Reply #109 on: January 05, 2017, 02:31:37 PM »
OMG you make a keyaki chatroom
And there's my Berika being her usual lazy and kind a baka self
I wish she's not that lazy though, maybe next time she will answer the chat with a "real word"
Anyway thanks for the update, I habu a great time reading this

*Senpai Please Notice Me (TakaYui x Atsumina Fic) (on going)

*Kuroishi Jealosy (One Shoot)

*Nogizaka Girls High School Club Love Story (on going)


Offline Kairi65

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Re: KEYAKIZAKA46 CHATROOM CHAT 1 03/01/2017 Do you Habu to be like this?
« Reply #110 on: January 05, 2017, 02:55:34 PM »
YOSHAA!!!  :cathappy:

Poor little techi, she just got a taste of their dai-senpai's chat. Definitely what you didn't expect right, techi?  8)  :grin:

And yes, i definitely Habu a good time reading this! Shida is so gonna make Meijin pay for the lame(which is awesone to me, btw) pun :rofl:

To neru&berisa: its neither, the answer is ラクダ(camel)  :P

Offline dragon522

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Re: KEYAKIZAKA46 CHATROOM CHAT 1 03/01/2017 Do you Habu to be like this?
« Reply #111 on: January 05, 2017, 04:32:07 PM »
You actually made a keyaki chat! This one is hilarious as well.
I don't blame you for using habu a lot, it's too funny to not use it.
I'm looking forward to the next chapter.

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Re: KEYAKIZAKA46 CHATROOM CHAT 1 03/01/2017 Do you Habu to be like this?
« Reply #112 on: January 08, 2017, 06:00:27 AM »
Welcome back! Nice opening for the new year.
I thought you didn't want to make a pair for Iku? Anyway, I do like IkuHime so either way is good.
But what’s with the senpais suddenly so eager pushing Himetan to Iku? Trying to be helpful?  XD
Actually Maiyan as the first girl would make more sense if Reika isn’t included. They’re after all close and often together.
WakaRei is frustrating even in chat. I mean they’re real but not real?  :mon exhaust:
lol  Techi

Ah so that's what the front seat was about.
MaiyanxManatsu is epic, I wast just re-watching Nogibingo with them being sisters, priceless. Nothing can bring out Kuroishi like Manatsu did.

I’ve been holding myself back from anything Keyakizaka46 because I know I will like them and I wanna focus on Nogi, but I finally succumbed a few days ago......just as I expected, they’re so like-able. Sakamichi series are something else  :deco:
Dani (Oda) and Ozeki are just as amusing as Zu/Jou. Berika is also interesting because she really doesn't talk on-screen.
I’m still not familiar with some of them but the ones in the chatroom I’m already kinda familiar with.
That Habu joke is so fun  :mon fyeah:
No YukkaNen, though?

TakaSemaru  :heart:

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Re: KEYAKIZAKA46 CHATROOM CHAT 1 03/01/2017 Do you Habu to be like this?
« Reply #113 on: January 08, 2017, 06:43:58 PM »
ohh its keyaki chatroom!! u success lured me to read your fic author-san! hahahaha.. nice job by the way! really like how Habu making puns from her own name! well, tbh i'm waiting for Yuukanen interaction.. hope next chap you'll include them,hahaha XD

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Re: KEYAKIZAKA46 CHATROOM CHAT 1 03/01/2017 Do you Habu to be like this?
« Reply #114 on: January 19, 2017, 08:50:06 PM »
these chatrooms are the best!! XD

tho keya is still not that weird compared to nogi XD

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