(A/N: A little sneakpeak into Wakatsuki Yumi and Shiraishi Mai married life)Year 2050, Nogizaka Kingdom It was a typical normal day in Synchrony City, a modest city situated southest part of Nogizaka Kingdom away from hustle bustle Sakamichi Metropolitan. Strongly build with glass building standing stoic as the city centre, with same height; not too tall or short, purple pastel in colour, sparkles only when sun blaring hot. Colourful tulips; the only unsynchrony in the city, widely spread under the cottages like carpets to the hills, dancing wildly whenever winds whispered their tiny stalks. So colourful, so beautiful.
Surrounds the city centre was the village, where family or married couple mostly live in the cottages; obviously not a house; hang down from tree branches only another small part of the city synchronization and uniqueness. It was there where Wakatsuki-Shiraishi lives now too.
“You’re the love I want to keep safe, we can be happy anywhere as long as we’re together honey,” just how Wakatsuki Yumi got Shiraishi Mai agree on moving from metropolitan after getting married, though Metropolitan is where she works. She didn’t hate the idea after all. That just how they become an ideal couple admire by all.
She won’t hate the idea if they still could share a cup of coffee early in morning through kisses on the bed enjoying nothing but snuggled in each other arms, desperate for more food but too lazy to move out the bed. Or how bizarre it can get when cooking for lunch with only apron over undergarment and eating meals straight from frying pan on kitchen counter instead of proper meal on table. Or how they can dance barefooted under the rain and naked sky, wet skin grazing each other, laughing every time they step on each other feets that turn into stepping game then rolling on wet grass catching up breath.
It was their usual days after getting married three and half year ago, rotating same routine and never tired of it, or what Shiraishi thought it supposed to be but somehow lasted for six beautiful months. Honeymoon phase, they said.
Times moving on, so they are. Now what seems Shiraishi Mai’s typical days were voluntarily teaching kids at pod centre, the city’s heart, most important place of where babies were made, born and educated, is was their proudest entity as whole kingdom and Shiraishi proud she was part of it though it merely a distraction from bitter reality.
Teaching has been her new passion ever since she quit from fashion department right after she got married, contribute her knowledge about fashion and styles to the centre and kids while sending fashion critics in magazines once a month; is one of her promise to Nishino, her fellow model.
As for someone who works at fashion department half her life, teaching kids how to dress properly and nicely, some social ethics as preparation of going out to real life was nothing. The kids might grow in pod, where basically everything was set up but they still lack survival skills, so there she is, doing her volunteering job with her whole heart, accompanied by Fukagawa Mai, Holy Queen as well as head of Pod Centre, observing her class or precisely her kid behaving in class without disturbing other kids.
The class still half way to go when Eto Misa, the most beautiful doctor in Doctors Team, wearing casual clothes under her white coat, waved over Shiraishi, getting her attention and gesturing to meet in her office after class. Noted the message, Shiraishi flashed her brightest smile, seeing Eto Misa, a woman around her age whom easily become her best friend on their first encounter somehow makes her happy.
Eto Misa was one of doctor in charge of Pod Development, Shiraishi does meet her often on outside for breakfast or lunch but never this official kind of meeting in her office. Its either she was overthinking or Eto does have something for her. Shiraishi can’t help but nervously think about it halfway to the end.
Shiraishi cheerfully ended her class soon after that, promised the kids to meet again next week for their hair-styling class. She bid them goodbyes, honestly going to miss them, before lead herself out the class, not missed to meet in the eyes with the Queen, she politely bow as sign of respect.
As promised, she went to meet Eto Misa after class but the doctor already standing in the hallway, seems to wait for her, with a half-full cup of coffee on her right. The doctor then leads her into her office, a typical small box of white and smell of medicine, remind of Shiraishi of how she used to be so uncomfortable around doctor in her childhood being here, brings back the memories though she now comfortably seated facing Eto.
“We got a match pod for you and Waka,” Eto Misa reached out for Shiraishi’s hand, trying to comfort, the latter jerked at the sudden touch but smiling back an apology, a smile that grew wider as she realizes what was coming. Almost four years and its coming true. Her dreams finally come true.
“I could arrange it for you,” Eto said, voice so clear and offering hope. She continues, “just bring Waka along next time, we need to discuss the procedure.”
Then the smiles, the light in Shiraishi brown eyes died. As if Eto just tick off emergency switch. Realized how obvious her responses is, Shiraishi beamed, straighten her posture, though eyes looking down to her laps, searching for an excuse.
“You know how busy she is right now, I am not sure when she got time,” not totally an excuse, it’s the truth. “Can we just proceed without her? I want to surprise her.” Shiraishi begged, holding breath as she waited for an answer, hoping Eto won’t caught her lying. Wakatsuki, her partner for almost four year and still counting, would ever approve this, she was assured of it. When Eto brings her mouth open after serious deep thinking, Shiraishi felt her heart about to explode.
“I am not sure if we could do this, both of you need to know the procedure, risks and everything about having a child. It's about the kid’s future, we need her..” Eto halted a moment thinking, expression concern, before proceed “but maybe I can help,” she smiled, comforting with warm eyes.
Then, Shiraishi’s face brightens, like sun shines her down from heaven. Eto grinned, not that she didn’t notice how suspicious her friend is right now but at the same time she didn’t want to ruin the moment. It has been a while she saw Shiraishi so bright and excited. It's her dream after all.
Once excused herself, Shiraishi’s smile faded, not she disapprove the news but sick at herself for lying or to be fair, sick for an ugly truth of her life right now. Honestly, she was tired of it, but maybe she should at least try, make an effort. Then if nothing came out, she will figure another way out. She thought as she makes herself comfortable far in a corner of a self-service café near the centre entrance, avoiding to meet anyone she knows, because right now, she needs some time alone.
Fished out her high-tech glass phone, Shiraishi typed in text, delete and type another proper long sentence, delete and eventually decide just to send a habitual short question to her partner.
Can we talk? Weird, too weird for a married couple like them, whom before was all lovey-dovey couple but change into somewhat strangers who need approval even for small talks. Shiraishi sighed, waiting for a reply.
Shiraishi wondered, did every couple going through same phase like theirs? Not meeting in the eyes, barely talking less than ten words; asking each other’s normal day, hugging but indifferent, awkwardly kissing each other of a very rare good morning before parting to another exhausting day? And its more exhausting to think about it, far from what she wished for, or did she expect too much from her partner?
Shiraishi obviously was in deep thought to not realized Fukagawa Mai calling for her, asking if the seat was taken but the Holy Queen sit anyway after futile efforts, wakes Shiraishi up with a soft slap on the shoulder. Ashamed, Shiraishi apologized right away, before quickly sipping her already cold green tea, avoid meeting gaze.
With Fukagawa showing no sign to leave, and to excuse herself would sound rude, they both sat there in awkward silence, no one makes effort to speak either. And that was when Shirahi’s smart device beeping, signalling long awaited reply. Her face drained in instant upon what she received.
-We can talk tonight
Shiraishi smirked at meaningless smiley, oh yes, they have an invitation to Takayama-Nishino household tonight, welcoming their second child. How can they talk in that kind of occasion? Shiraishi felt helpless.
“You know, you can always talk to me Shiraishi-san” Not that Fukagawa could read people’s mind but Shiraishi’s expression was so palpable. She reached her hand towards Shirashi, squeezed it softly against her own, gaining trust from the woman.
Shiraishi wanted to refuse the kind offer, telling herself it was like accepting their current situation, that she seriously need a help from an outsider in her private problem. Yet, the force in Fukagawa’s eyes are so strong, makes the words slip themselves out of her lips. Maybe the idea of talking to a real human instead of robotic domestic counselor would help, though the human is somebody she never expect.
“I don’t think we are the same anymore,” she blurted, breathless as pricky pain grew stronger in her heart. “I don’t know if we can make it out safe, but I love her,” somehow the tears welled up in her eyes, blurred her vissions, worsened when Fukagawa scouted closer to her right until their shoulder touch.
How long it has been? She don’t quite recall, maybe three years. From sharing a cup of hot coffee kiss from kiss to cold coffee left on counter only for her, with the other half already nowhere to be found, from a messy bizarre lunch to hollow silent for whole day until she can’t bear being alone at home, from dancing under rain and sky in the night into cold empty bed on the other side and sleeping alone.
Their conversation was distracted by four years old Asuka came in running, holding toys in her right hand high up in the air and small three years old Yuki-cho chasing after her, crying hard demanding her toys. Shiori-chan who came in later, watched the two in sympathy, unsure of what she supposed to do.
Entertained by the kids interaction, Shirashi giggled. Funny how Asuka inherit mean sadist side from Hashimoto the Nation Father but kindness from Fukagawa the Nation Mother, though she always meanly teasing younger kids, but she never turn them down whenever they came to her, again asking to play along. Shiraishi poundered, of how their future kid will be, will she inherit Wakatsuki’s firmness and her beauty? Or will it stay as a dream?
Once Fukagawa had settle her daughter, forcing Asuka to appologize to Yuki-cho despite Asuka soon to be crowned as nation little princess when she reached ten. Shiraisi had so much respect to the woman.
Shiori-chan was the last to leave, dutiful bow to her and Fukagawa, she proudly smile and waved back at her niece. It remind her of the day when Ikuta-Sakurai announced their new born Shiori-chan they’ve been keeping as a secret for months even before getting married, about three years ago. Explained the rush to get married just a month after them.
“No! The baby was a mistake, you can’t have her” Wakatsuki almost yelling, trying to keep her voice low, not wanting Shiraishi to hear, though she was listening across the room. “You just can’t have her yet!”
Wakatsuki and Sakurai don’t talk to each other for two months. The day when Wakatsuki stepped over all the lines she created between her and her twin. Not to meddle with each other after-married life, is what they promise. And without them realized, the same line emerged between them too.
Curious and itchy to know the answer behind it, Shiraishi can’t ask a why – Wakatsuki would know she overheard them, can’t even bring up Shiori-chan cuteness too – it only made her tensed, a mode she feared of. One time when she showed her videos of three months Shiori-chan learn to talk, they don’t talk for two weeks. Sh was confused, whether to trust the reason of Sakurai clumsiness to care for a baby or her partner simply hates innocent Shiori-chan. She want to believe the first because she too have same opinion, about Erika.
“Lets have a baby too” Shiraishi blurted, in middle of their steamy night, unable to hold back her curiosity. Not only that, its occurred to her, she envied of Ikuta-Sakurai and Takayama-Nishino couples; Yuki-cho is the latter first daughter. The two couple got married five months after them, yet they were the first to have kids.
Shiraishi regretted her own foul mouth. Wakatsuki dashed out the room, headed nowhere in darkness, away from their heated bed only coming back three days later begging an apology without explanation.
They continued where they had left. On the bed, hands on each others bare skin, lips crushing so rough unleashing all they had missed.
“Let’s have kid,” a whisper, a careful second beg, her desire getting stronger the moment they’re one. This time Wakatsuki didn’t left, instead she sat on the edge, eyes mourning for the moon. She sat besides her, hand wrapping her waist, as if her partner could disappear the second she let go. From the way Wakatsuki brushed her face on her palm, Shiraishi knew she was about to say something yet nothing came out.
“We can do this, if Reika and Erika can, so do we.” She smiled, leant to kiss Wakatsuki on her cheeks. Then Shiraishi hear a sigh, heavy one.
“No, its not about Reika or Erika, not about you either Mai.” Wakatsuki halted, sucked in heavy breath, gulping down lump in her throat as if in pain, Shiraishi felt the same, except she was hurt for unable to help, to understand.
“Its me, I’m still too far from my dream..”
Shiraishi knew, it was about the position she couldn’t get when she was annouced not yet suited to be General of Defense. She never heard straight from her, but she know Wakatsuki took it serious, no matter how she said she cool about it. It was her long time dream after all.
“I don’t know if she want the same, about us,” Shiraishi sighed. They both have different dreams, but what matter to her is Wakatsuki happiness.
“I don’t know what exactly happen with you and Wakatsuki-san, but I believe love is something worth fighting for, that whatever happen is you’re not giving up on it. This is not the end of love, not when two people still thinking of each other..”
She missed her. To be honest, Shiraishi missed her partner so much, ached for her real presence. Everyday since then was about here but not here.
-I’m sorry sweetheart but can you go with Reika and Ikuchan? I’ll see you there..-
IT’S 8PM when they arrived at Takayama-Nishino household in Sakamichi Metropolitan, a big two storey house with private garden and pool at the front. It never failed to amaze them no matter how many times they’ve been here. Nishino has first warned them that she just holding a small homecoming party among their circle of friends so wearing comfortable clothes is acceptable. Exact reason Shiraishi didn’t bother to go home and change but straight to Sakurai’s house with her blue one piece dress, promised to bring Shiori home along the way.
“Maiyan!” Nishino chirped as she saw them, excited as if they lived far, well actually they’re since Nishino still work at Fashion Department and Takayama’s work place just nearby, so the two stay in metropolitan unlike Shiraishi and Sakurai, thus to catch up with each other had become a challenge.
“We did like to introduce to all of you, our second daughter, a blessing, Renka..” Takayama proudly announce, standing besides her partner while holding little baby Renka, always looking so excited. They both look at each other, sharing wide smiles before their first daughter, Yuki-cho pulling Nanase’s hand, demanding attention.
But the whole thing makes Shiraishi feel worst, of course, she feels happy for her best friend but this surrounding is not for her. Everyone was here, including Hashimoto, are with their respective partner, kids having fun running around the house. Everyone except Wakatsuki. As usual, she was late or probably avoiding the occasion.
As if knowing Shiraishi summoning her, Wakatsuki arrived from behind, looking a bit breathless. She softly grabed her partner's hand, trying to kiss her cheeks but fail as Shiraishi quickly turning around.
“Sorry sweetheart, I still have”
“I know..” Shiraishi faked a smile, everyone is looking at them, Wakatsuki absolutely grabbing attention with her working uniform. Fukagawa was one among many, looking into her direction and meet into her eyes, the queen mouthing her encourage words which she could only return with a smile.
“So what you wanna say?” Wakatsuki scooted closer, lucky they’re at the corner of Takayama’s house where almost everyone gather in the middle of the house, congratulating the couple of their new family member. She somehow, have not said anything to Takayama, though they're colleagues.
“We’re not talking here Waka,” Shiraishi turn around facing her partner but not looking in the eyes, because if she do so, she might cry.
“But I don’t think I can stay long,” She check her time, concern about works she left before rushing here.
“You can go, I can leave with Reika. That’s how I came too”
Its not hard for Wakatsuki to sense the distant in Mai’s voice, it always like that when its about her work. “Look Mai, I know I’m late. I’m really busy. But please be patient, just for a litle more time, I can..”
“Yes I know, you have a dream, and I don’t.. just keep going with it, I understand but until then, we’re through” Shiraishi left, silently wiping her tears hoping no one would notice her missing.
“Mai,” Wakatsuki chased after her partner, stopping the latter at the garden, afraid people will see them quarelling, she pulled Mai to more hidden place, away from street lights. “What happen to you Mai?” She want to scream, feeling the stress building up in her. She is not neglecting her works to come here only to see Takayama and her kids but missing her partner, Mai so much. And here, her partner is, crying.. she softens. Pulling her into a hug, she whispered.
“I’m sorry honey, I am really really sorry,” honestly, she didn’t know what make Mai cry, still hoping apologize would make things better.
“Don’t apologized you stupid girl!” Shiraishi slumped on the grass, feeling her legs weaken at the outburst, she never felt this fragile in front her partner but she guess everything have limits, and in here at wrong timing, she don’t know what they supposed to do. Hugging her knees to her chest, she wipe away persistent tears.
“Have you ever think about me? Rather than thinking only about yourself. I quit my job so I can be with you, so we can do everything together, so we can grow older together. But see us now, its not about us anymore, you barely home, so busy with your work, yes I know its important but have you ask me what my dream is? I have my dream too,” She cried, not caring if she look ugly right now, Wakatsuki have saw everything but her broken side.
Wakatsuki also sat down, shoulder on shoulder. She sigh, realizing her biggest mistake. What can she do to make up for all time she have lost? “I’m sorry for being selfish,”
“I dream of our small family, you me and our kid. But now its so lonely, without you..” She leant on Wakatsuki’s shoulder, wiping tears away this time she feels a hand slipped over her shoulder pulling her closer into side hug, she settle down.
When the silence is growing thick, she laced their fingers together, admiring how the size fit perfectly with hers. “I know its hard for you right now, but here I am, to share the burden, the work load stress, the frustration of being parents, and you need to share my house chores too” They laugh while playing with each other wedding rings.
“I want to prepare three sets of breakfast instead of two, grooming her before going to school and you off to work, I want…” There are more but she felt something wet crushing her lips, sealing the words off her mind. Did she mad?
“Mai,” Wakatsuki smiled, proving she not mad, instead she kissed her partner for the second time, this time long and burning with passion. Shiraishi could feel rush of adrenaline in her, something she haven’t experience in a long time. Turn on, she wrapped her arms around Wakatsuki’s neck, pulling her closer. Too much force, they both fall on her back with Wakatsuki on top, suddenly growing into a develish smile.
“We’re not going to do this here right?” Not that she want to do ‘it’ in her friend’s personal garden, she would prefer a private space than this but the idea still irresistable so she pulling her partner close, chuckled when she heard a naughty whisper.
“Why not? Its dark and feels like our bed, no one would know anyway..” As if testing the texture, she pressed the grassy ground, few times so it sound convincing. They both giggled at pointless efforts, before fall into silence again.
Still pinning her partner down with both hand, Wakatsuki dove right into her eyes, Shiraishi quickly look away reasoning she in messed after crying so hard.
“Lets have our own kid too,”
(A/N: Woww I'm back with second part of WakaMai. This is not a really big deal but somehow I want to cherish this ship, they look cute together right?
Hope you enjoy this even a bit
I don't usually read Nogi fanfics, but Wakaten-san you have converted me.
I'm seriously flatter


Hope this can make you love this bunches of NOGI GIRLS more
Of course Wakatsuki would be oblivious to what Maiyan wants. 
It's really cute of Maiyan to do all of that for the girl she loves. 
Hoping to see more from you.
haha yea, maybe because because of her majime chara? she oblivious in here too.. i'm sorry for my dumb majime waka,
thanks for enjoying this little piece.
x 46
Waka getting shook cause her girl is actual badass is so damn good. And sneaky Mai hanging out with her gf rival
I really hope everything between them was business only, like wouldn't want Kazumin sneakily plotting something bad on Waka 
This is a really good one shot. Thanks a lot 
Wow my fave FF author, i'm so happy you love this,
HAHAHaaha well you see, Kazumin was married to Nanase now.. i guess they already in love way before WakaMai
thanks for reading too