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Author Topic: KURO Tribute [Memorial Long Weekend May 29-30, 2021]  (Read 6085 times)

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KURO Tribute [Memorial Long Weekend May 29-30, 2021]
« on: May 18, 2021, 07:36:50 AM »
It's taking a bit of time to digest and process, I know. Every story I heard about overcoming the odds, I think "kuro's gonna beat this." It is really still hard to believe.

We're gonna do a tribute. A Celebration of Life. Rest in Power. The cliches. Let's just give it up to our Homie Kuro.

I figure we do it on Memorial Long Weekend May 29-30, 2021 - 6 PM Hawaiian time. Livestream. Podcast. Twitch. Let's hear from YOU

Everyone's got the day off. What better way to salute him then amongst the brave. His nearly two year battle with cancer was beyond courageous. He brought kindness and love, overcame great adversity to finish college. We watched him grow and develop as a man. We must honour him the best way that we can.

If you have any anecdotes, memories, music, video, sound bites, suggestions, artwork, fanfics, etc. etc. - please let me know. I NEED HELP WITH MUSIC!! HKT Konno AKB H!P Hawaiian Gabriel Iglesias Please inquire within.

Over the weekend was hunting through files and my shits all over the place, so I please request for the best Konno Asami, HKT48 and other artists he loves. I can't seem to find his radio show - it was on during an odd hour and hahaha real off beat and wacky. I did find this clip of him giving Jabronisaur a shout out:

Just so reassuring and thoughtful yet...very poignant in his words. One of the late bloomers but fuck he's been an active member for nearly 12 years, recent Moderator, our favourite pity poster. He entered the JPH!P Contests and won em all cuz he was the only entry XD Truly thankful to have interacted with him back in 2014 when Morning Musume went to New York. Gotta dig up and go through the footage.

Thank you to all the outpouring of emotions and messages, whether you new or old to the community - kuro was a Helluva Braddah and will be sorely missed. Never Forget You Dude.

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Re: KURO Tribute [Memorial Long Weekend May 29-30, 2021]
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2021, 03:34:45 PM »
TONIGHT.8 PM Hawaiiwan Standard Time. The Kuro REST IN POWER Tribute Show. Featuring reflections, laughs, a celebration of life and a marathon of his radio shows H!P Musix Blox/Kuro's Hawaii Show ALL Memorial Weekend Long!
:jphip: :hip smile:

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Re: KURO Tribute [Memorial Long Weekend May 29-30, 2021]
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2021, 07:31:16 AM »
The show begins in 30 minutes. Tune in!

Thanks JFC and Deft Monkey for lending your voice, much appreciated...gonna try to go straight from the gut.

Followed by 42 episodes - 65 HOURS of Kuro's radio shows: H!P Musix Blox and Kuro's Hawaii Hour :hipsmile:

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Re: KURO Tribute [Memorial Long Weekend May 29-30, 2021]
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2021, 09:26:07 AM »
KURO REST IN POWER TRIBUTE SHOW - MAY 30, 2021 :hip smile:

download link here: [coming soon after the show]

« Last Edit: May 30, 2021, 03:41:20 PM by daigong »

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Re: KURO Tribute [Memorial Long Weekend May 29-30, 2021]
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2021, 07:56:58 PM »
I still can't get used to hearing a recording of myself. :lol:

Miss you kuro :rockon:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: KURO Tribute [Memorial Long Weekend May 29-30, 2021]
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2021, 09:58:12 PM »
FUCK YEAH KURO!!! Cranking his show as I'm grinding at Work From Home and LOVIN IT!!! Love his off key

I still can't get used to hearing a recording of myself. :lol:

Miss you kuro :rockon:

Hey Had to get you outta your shell :P but you and Sab were the perfect partners and why I specifically reached out to y'all. Couldn't do the show alone. Sab reaching out to Kuro's BRO, at about 20 minutes into the Sept 30 birthday show you can hear him in the background talking shit as kuro was about to drop his karaoke. TOO FUNNY YO I appreciate y'all being that voice for us as well. Kuro had friends indeed - we gonna have that empty hole in the FAntasy Football / marimari cup / Postwhoring Olympics and all the other events he participated in.

Me too man. Fucking Rock ON BRO!! KURO BABY!!

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Re: KURO Tribute [Memorial Long Weekend May 29-30, 2021]
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2021, 06:11:29 AM »
Just heard this classic on Kuro Radio Christmas SPecial XD

Wow. Man I gotta sit and re-roll these eps. on the walks, in the car. He really went deep on the last episode Dec 18, 2010 - juggling job and work. If there's one thing FO REAL kuro left it all out there on the forum/radio. It's the JPH!P Way. Have a take don't suck, be true to SELF, don't hold back. It's why we meet up IRL and it's no different from IRC.

Thanks y'all for tuning in!! :jphip:

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Re: KURO Tribute [Memorial Long Weekend May 29-30, 2021]
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2021, 03:06:49 PM »
In a nod to the past tributes, following the radio marathon and a quick rerun of the KURO Rest in POWER tribute show,  we will lock up the thread and take the banners down.

kuro will live on forever in our hearts through all medium, he was JUST that prolific. Writing, Posts, Social, Radio, Livestreams. 
Relive his moments - we'll archive them in in the forum and at as we raise his JPH!P Legends banner to the sky alongside marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo and Fushigidane.

Feel free to continue to drop your messages in the members section FYI thread that kuro made, he left it unlocked and so will we.
And as we continue to keep his memory going, we will not forget that kuro was taken away from us way too soon.
Every May 8, will be the day when we pour a little liquor for our Homie.

Everyday we will remember his courageous battle, and promote cancer awareness. Get checked out. As he said " "if you or anyone else you know have some type of illness, go to the doctor. Now if anyone close to you in your immediate family, do one thing, tell them that you’ll be their shoulder. The battle isn’t just physical. It is mental, emotional, and financial."
The first two is the toughest to face down and the last may influence your decisions. Be aware of it. You’re not alone but I know that my road and goals is still a distance away. JPH!P stay strong because I will."

Give time and donate to the cause. He will also be remembered with his ties to fanfics, poems, sports, and of course postwhoring. To quote Coach Valvano:

Always do good. I wanted to do earlier but work got in the way but this is for the fight

WERD. :hip smile:

Rest in POWER Kuro. :jphip:

JPHiP Radio (12/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Teriyaki Boyz - Teriya-King