In a nod to the past tributes, following the radio marathon and a quick rerun of the KURO Rest in POWER tribute show, we will lock up the thread and take the banners down.
kuro will live on forever in our hearts through all medium, he was JUST that prolific. Writing, Posts, Social, Radio, Livestreams.
Relive his moments - we'll archive them in in the forum and at as we raise his JPH!P Legends banner to the sky alongside
marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo and
Fushigidane. Feel free to continue to drop your messages in the members section FYI thread that kuro made, he left it unlocked and so will we.
And as we continue to keep his memory going, we will not forget that kuro was taken away from us way too soon.
Every May 8, will be the day when we pour a little liquor for our Homie.
Everyday we will remember his courageous battle, and promote cancer awareness. Get checked out. As he said " "if you or anyone else you know have some type of illness, go to the doctor. Now if anyone close to you in your immediate family, do one thing, tell them that you’ll be their shoulder. The battle isn’t just physical. It is mental, emotional, and financial."
The first two is the toughest to face down and the last may influence your decisions. Be aware of it. You’re not alone but I know that my road and goals is still a distance away. JPH!P stay strong because I will."
Give time and donate to the cause. He will also be remembered with his ties to fanfics, poems, sports, and of course postwhoring. To quote Coach Valvano:

Always do good. I wanted to do earlier but work got in the way but this is for the fight

Rest in POWER Kuro.