Wanna thank everyone for tuning in. Dropping messages. Big UPS Braddah Sab hitting up the kuro's Celebration of Life INDEED He met the Laroya Fam. And if they're reading this THANK YOU Thank you to Christopher, his sister and mother. Our hearts are with you, and kuro's legacy will forever live on through the annals of JPH!P
I must shut down the radio for now - haven't shut down in weeks and the temps rising to 38C HEATWAVE I love you kuro.. the replay of his shows have been an eyeopener and YOU DID IT MAN 20+ listeners Fuck. JPH!P Baby Thank you for being a Bro, Your fight will not be forgotten...Every September 30 (kuro's bday) we'll rerun his shows and from this day forward mark May 8 as kuro remembrance day to go alongside July 30 - marimari cup, July 16 - Be Like Jab Day, April 26 - ChrNo Day, and August 22nd Fushidigane Postwhoring Awareness Day.
EDIT: and
omgass kuro's sister dropping by. this has been moving. the reason why we keep on going to keep kuro, marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo and Fushi's memories alive and create new ones with old and new members alike.