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Author Topic: ChrNo Remembrance year later (CALLING ALL JPHiP ARTISTS!)  (Read 17579 times)

Offline daigong

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ChrNo Remembrance year later  :jphip:

On April 26, 2011 - one year ago today we lost a great HiPster in ChrNo to suicide. The French girl whose puns, illustrations, song and positive attitude made JPH!P a fun place to be in, the void still stings but we shall take the pain into a lifelong tribute.

There was one most obvious way we could think of...


Let us design shirts based on the JPHiP emoticon mascot guy envisioned by ChrNo. For example, I took the smiley version and mosaic'd it like so:

and created this shirt:

with a ChrNo <3 text on the back. GET it at


please note

  • Only elements which are part of the final design should be included: All elements which should not appear in the design, such as backgrounds, should first be removed before submission.
  • Save pixel designs as .jpg, .gif, .png, or .bmp
  • Size of pixel designs: max. 10 MB and min. 200 dpi (buttons: 400 dpi)
  • Pixel designs may not exceed 3000 x 3000 pixels

submit to daigong by PM or just post it here!!
All proceeds ($3.10 per shirt) will go to Mental Health Awareness charities based in France and worldwide:

We won't skirt the issues. We accept people of all types of backgrounds and are treated the same way. Many of us still can't grasp nor understand how we lost ChrNo so let us bring forth awareness of Mental Health issues, as it remains relatively hidden from mainstream recognition and there is a lingering stigma that continues to pervade attitudes toward mental health.

We look to raise money in support of mental health as well as open up discussion about Mental Health.

She is at peace now, watching over us. Always remember you, mon amie.


One Love.

The JPHiP Crack Staff.

Offline daigong

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Re: ChrNo Remembrance year later (CHECK OUT KOEI'S DESIGN!)
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2012, 07:59:33 AM »
Man, I am so proud to display to you a contribution we got from Koei "Well. I'm not much of an artist but this is the best that I could do to honor ChrNo's memory. Since it's made to raise awareness for Mental Health Issues I chose the green color for the band since its the green ribbon that represents the MHI. All for the support of this issue that seems to be hidden to the world. We need to stand together and educate people on this matter. "

Fantastic design, got the real YEAAAAH! factor, ChrNo woulda loved this version  :jphip:

same back as the original, modeled by me and worn in LA for the WORLD TO SEE! cop yours today and bring light on da Mental Health Cause :yep:

I admit I was hoping for some more designs, and how to approach the topic properly cuz it ain't been easy. The news of Junior Seau gave me better perspective. Stay tuned. More sizes too.


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