Today, April 26 marks two years since we lost our dear friend ChrNo - Berryz Fangirl, artist, singer, definitive HiPster. You are a source of inspiration of pure fangirlism and creativity that we will never see the likes again. I know she is smiling in heaven when JPHiP Crew interviewed the girls in NJ last year:
She is the creator of the JPHiP Mascot

singer songwriter of the JPHiP National Anthem, ChrNo was a dear friend and Legendary HiPster: 
To learn of the news that afternoon that she had committed suicide, after we repped her artwork for all of Berryz to see in Seattle is something I will never forget. Her long battle with mental illness had come to an end, she had found peace.
Honour her by rocking your
Official ChrNo Memorial T-shirt (available at -
all proceeds go to Mental Health Charities ($3.10 per shirt) will go to Mental Health Awareness charities based in France and worldwide:
Mental Heath Awareness green variant designed by Koei. If you have a design idea to submit, feel free to holler at
Mental Health Issues (and soon at let's help each other: THE STIGMA. SPEAK UP. If you have any opinions, feel free to holler here there everywhere.
This is JPHiP BABE!Miss you, Siu Pung Yau. So raise our glasses UP! Get the discussion going. We will always bring the GREAT MOOD THRU SONG LAUGHTER and BERRYZ to