2011. Five years ago. That morning
April 26, I laid stunned in the LA hotel, from the triumph that was Berryz in Seattle, laid the mourning of my homie ChrNo.
She would have been so proud of the fan meetings and interviews we have done since then. What does it truly mean to be a fan? A fan can be all types: the casual, the hardcore, the ChrNo.
The one who draws (as seen in H!P threads and her blog which is still up:

sings the JPH!P National Anthem:
posts punny jokes:

loves fanfics, and brings da whole fuckin community a big ass smile with her creation:

This is what it means to be a HiPster. JPH!P Embodies just being YOSELF.
ChrNo had issues. Her suicide left us shocked to this very day. We carry on this JPH!P Flag for her and continue to represent fandom for her.
I had a classmate this semester who went through different stages of paranoia, had to take pills, the whole school fuckin depressed the hell outta him. He reached out and I tried to give him the best advice, to get away from the negativity and do what's happy. Was I doing enough? Was JPH!P enough for ChrNo to channel her creative talents - we being online it feels helpless...but just showing we were there. To have her during that tiny window, we are grateful.
Speak out on experiences with Mental Health issues and it will help others deal:
http://forum.jphip.com/index.php?topic=35514.0Wear your ChrNo shirt proudly BUY your shirts and show your support for Mental Health and ChrNo's Legacy (available at
http://shop.jphip.com -
all proceeds go to Mental Health Charities ($3.10 per shirt) will go to Mental Health Awareness charities based in France and worldwide:
And through it all. Take this is
another reminder: take the time to reach out to those who are a friend, a family member, a stranger on the street. Reach out. Because you never know what tomorrow brings. Life good or bad happens, enjoy the moment we have together right now. Don't waste a second of it or live your life wishing you coulda shoulda woulda. As two of my best bros deal with their loss of their father, we need to cherish those around us every single day.
I cherish the times I had talking to ChrNo online. Calling up Jabronisaur cuz I hadn't heard from him in a while. Clicking on marimari's links of pretty idols. Or going to the fair with Fushi in Finland. Shit I will never forget. This is why we pour a little liquor. JPH!P remembers.....
For those new in JPH!P, this is what ChrNo's meant to us:
http://forum.jphip.com/index.php?topic=29192.0 and a collection of past tributes:
http://forum.jphip.com/index.php?board=153.0Please share your memories about ChrNo so we can continue to relive the moments and show new HiPstaz what a wonderful girl she was!!!