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Author Topic: CHRNO!! WE MISS YOU!! Six Years Later...  (Read 14097 times)

Offline daigong

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CHRNO!! WE MISS YOU!! Six Years Later...
« on: April 26, 2017, 01:36:54 PM »
Pouring a little liquor.... Six years ago on April 26 we lost our little buddy ChrNo - Legendary HiPster:

She is the creator of the JPHiP Mascot ...the one in the centre :hip bleh:

Massive H!P Berryz Buono! Fangirl artist fanfic fan extrodinaire (ART! we gave to Berryz in Seattle in 2011, also from her blog

Singer songwriter of the JPHiP National Anthem! MAN! She was always down to help out and make :hipheart: GREAT!

But I can't sugarcoat it or hide the fact. To still after six years not even come to grips or understand how her mental health lead to her death by suicide, continues to keep me to keep exploring, trying to wrap my mind around how to help those in need.

These posts and this pouring of liquor is just a reminder of what a special lady ChrNo was and to ALWAYS always keep those close to you close and look out for each other, the JPH!P Positive Way! LISTEN. LEARN. To know that she had some of her funnest times around here gives me some solace. I really appreciate those close to her who have shared their thoughts over the years and the forums is a history book that will forever keep her memory alive.

Do I have regrets? Of course I do, but do not beat yourself up over it. Of course we could have spent more time with her, but we cannot change the past. Not that I am saying I have or ever will accept the loss, but we must do our best to make sure we live our lives to honour her, not avoid or hide, and make sure she is smiling that we are pimping and having fun and singing and dancing making others enjoy the punny ways of life!!!!

This is not fun to do but this is a special forum. How we come together during the highest highs and lowest of lows. This is COMMUNITY that cannot be fucked with. THIS IS JPHiP BABE

I encourage those who were close to come together and carry on and do great things because ChrNo would have wanted you to. Thank you nach, pika, shirenu for speaking up. I know up there in heaven, marimari, Jabronisaur and these two lovely ladies ChrNo and Fushigaine are smiling down upon us:

AND THIS IS WHY I GRIND!!! FOR :hipheart: THERE IS NO OTHER!!! Well, maybe the one who pays my paycheck BUT THAT PAYCHECK goes to :hipeart:  :hip devil:

Honour her and wear your Official ChrNo Memorial T-shirt (available at - all proceeds go to Mental Health Charities ($3.10 per shirt) will go to Mental Health Awareness charities based in France and worldwide:

DISCUSS. Mental Health Issues, let us communicate with one another because you are not alone. I went through some mental health first aid training last year and shit was DEEP. Fuckin. I still don't know so let's help each other:

If you have any thoughts or comments, LIKE WHAT THE FUCK WOULD SHE THINK OF MIYAB'S NEW GROUP PINK CRES. ITS SO JPH!PPPPPP so post here so please do not hesitate to drop us a line via PM, twitter, we always here. :jphip:

Gonna pour another :xo: FOR YA CHRNO!!!! JPHiP FOLYFE!!! MAN!! GOT MY SHIT TOGETHER!! HELPIN OTHERS WE GOTS TO DO!!! :hip smile:

Fuck. I might even do some radio. Wow our listeners are through the roof! MAN would she be proud!  :deco: <- she suggested we add this emoticon, cuz it ... looked like fucking? XD

Offline nachdenki

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Re: CHRNO!! WE MISS YOU!! Six Years Later...
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2017, 10:40:27 PM »
This year I want to share these personal ChrNo treasures with you.

ChrNo was adorable!
She had her problems, most of which we didn't know much about (or I didn't) until it was too late, but she was still very caring herself nonetheless.
That's JPHiP spirit. Look after your people, you are not alone.

"How are you?" - Maybe we should ask that a little more often for no reason

ChrNo will stay alive in our memories forever
:hip angel:
ChrNo, I hope you are happy
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Offline kuro808

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Re: CHRNO!! WE MISS YOU!! Six Years Later...
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2017, 06:22:08 AM »
It never seems to pass on what had happened although to remember the day after, it seemed normal before the news broke :cry:

It's silent. Too silent. You don't have to speak as much as listen to another person because that's enough to save one life. Those screams will always be louder than anything else.

Chrno we will never forget you and for Marimari Fushi and Jab. Presence is always in the people who remember R.I.P.

Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

JPHiP Radio (20/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Viyuden - Nannimo Iwazu ni I LOVE YOU