Where does the time go? We lost our dear friend ChrNo eight years ago today. Check her profile:
http://forum.jphip.com/index.php?action=profile;u=4513 blog:
http://hontonojibum.blogspot.com/ it's still fuckin up the links still work, you forever be that consummate

fangirl who just did it her way, was so fuckin down to clown it brings a smile to my face.

Never will we forget you. Nor will I let anyone forget her. I heed, and plead to those who knew her and loved her. Let's come together and share her stories. Celebrate her life. Keep the flame going. My computer is a mess, but not your face. There is still so much we can do for her and this is by BEING YOURSELF. She never was shy about her fandom and expressed in dance, art, song, story, rants, posts, whatever came to mind.

The Berryz H!P artwork blows my mind:

Whenever I would call on her to do some lil artwork or music, BOOM here we go. Just doing it having fun and not worrying about the likes or retweets, cuz this is what we do what we built. So her mic sounded like an AM ghetto blaster. Man, she saw what me and Masa did with our drunk radio using the mic pointed at a speaker. Who gives a fuck we just having fun man!! But what she churned out was GOLD!! So lucky to have ChrNo in our lives:
MERDE! This is JPH!P the Radio Splitter she dropped. OH hey dai-tan as she would call me, you want
JKM verses? How about A DOZEN? How about every fuckin JPH!P member possible. Holy fucking shit just pure gold. And to this day, her loss still eats at me but I carry on. Live everyday with the passion and positivity that makes JPH!P great. I want to thank every one of you who takes the time to show a little love to our buddy ChrNo. Tonight, the Henney be flowing.

Gonna rock the shirt. You know what it's all about.
Read about it.

Go rock your fandom. Spread positivity. JPH!P FOLYFE.