In this strange unknown social distance times, we have one pink positive ideal to look to and that is the humour and creativity of HiPstaz like ChrNo (her profile:;u=4513 blog: We lost her, nine years ago today. But her spirit lives on strong. That smile, That "hey man I like to sing who gives a fuck if my PC ain't 8K Dolby Surround Sound?" I wanna draw. I wanna write. We gonna do it. Express yourself in the many ways life gives you.
Check it's still fuckin up the links still work! Man I think I saved her artwork, at least photobucket didn't go down!

man I should back up that site but hey there's always JEN!!! The best damn fangirl I ever did know. Fuck! You know before all that ZOOM chat and shit, she orgznied skype calls with friends from around the world so we can drop puns and jokes and shit. FUCK what an honour. When Berryz came to America in 2011, we gave them a booklet of her drawings. ChrNo was so happy.

A day later, I learned that she took her life as if to say. "My life is complete." I don't know. I still can't put the shit together after all these years. But best believe, we honoured her memory. Kept her art going. Her posts so wacky and funny. We published the JPH!P Anthem,
we sang verses of Morning Musume's Joshi Kashimashi Monogatari a project from which we were working on:
It was from those events that spawned more world events like Morning Musume in Mexico, Buono! in Europe etc. FUCK You know what we should do is publish fuckin the interview you see above. The Homies
Nizama Ping and PomPom did in New Jersey at animenext She'd be so happy. We never did get permission or authorization like wtf. It'll be in the secret section.
Keep an eye out for the banners she made! These smileys she made. EMOJIIS

Comic STRIPS!! EVEN more
Keep healthy everyone, stay strong, wash hands, social distance, all bots will be defeated they will never infiltrate us!! Pour a little for our Homey Jen aka ChrNo

Gonna rock the shirt. To represent and benefit mental health awareness.
Read about it.

ChrNo, Jabronisaur, Fushi, marimari, loved ones that have left this great world we live in. I cannot ... WE CANNOT fuckin let their memories fade away. I may not be that active. But Lord knows I'm working hard. Keep on letting JPH!P and ChrNo down. In these times of pandemic COVID19 we must be more together than ever and it starts right here. Right now. Fuck I was so happy to even connect reply to dudes I haven't heard from in ages. Let that smiling ass remind us Positivity will OVERCOME ANYTHING.

SO STAY STRONG . Stay tuned to the radio. Blast your fandom. Go cruising. PHYSICAL Distance. Maintain Social Existence. Make the most of your life. BE LEGENDARY.
Once we defeat COVID19. Get the vaccine. Best believe. JPH!P WORLD TOUR France and BEYOND!!!