JPHiP Radio (18/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Goto Maki - Suppin to Namida

Author Topic: ChrNo...missing you for TEN years :(  (Read 5810 times)

Offline daigong

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ChrNo...missing you for TEN years :(
« on: April 26, 2021, 08:24:29 AM »
These are the times I dread, because the pain will never go away. Ten Years. A Whole Fucking Decade since we lost our friend, the ultimate Fan Girl Funny and Vibrant, Jennifer "ChrNo" Tam. Here's where I cut and paste her story and tell you to go visit her posts and blog (her profile:;u=4513 blog: and that she will forever live on in our hearts. This moment back at New York New Jersey Anime Expo where our crew from :hipheart: interviewed Berryz!! LMFAO. And I shopped it real good

I want you all to know this special person because well, I considered a great friend. Bringing people together. Skyping before all this Zoom bullshit! Fanfics, funny comics people call memes nowadays! Hilarious Posts. Random IRC chats before all this Whatsapp!! Get off MY LAWN!! ChrNO MY HOMEGIRL!! LOL

Please. It is OK to be not OK. Mental Health has never been more critical in these days of the covid-19 pandemic. Please be Fucking Safe. We need to reach out to others and speak out. It brings me much joy to see everyone interacting in whatever medium there is be it discord, IRC, twitch, twitter, even fucking Animal Crossing. There is no way we cannot reach out and touch someone in these non touching covid times. We WILL be together hugging each other once again SCIENCE WINS!! for ALL THE DEETS!!
We all have anxiety or mental fatigue from the covid-19 outbreak, we can't talk people in real life, life is mundane but hey we will get through this. We can all cum together and pull through. And when you need help, please please do not hesitate to reach out. And when you see those who need help, reach the fuck out!!! We in it together!

I know I should practice what I preach, fucking holing myself up in my Home Office grinding out shit as I work pressure gets to me but them assholes at work under pressure too with finances and not enough sex at home, who the fuck knows. We must be all be compassionate and find that common ground. Not to let external shit get to you and come together in the most positive and spiritual way, whatever you need to have that clarity - get the help and talk to someone!!

BIG SHOUT OUT to PEG SHEETY Fucking JPHiP Discord SUPER REI CHAN TDUCK for the RAndom Tweets. Pudding Poking me on FitBit XD FUCKING Stryferr holding it down MASA what's good WUTANG!! LOVE Y'ALL Fuck I think I'm gonna do the radio next weekend ...or one of these weekends. MASSIVE Pour A Little Liquor. But Def. I'm gonna PLAY DAT ANTHEM !!! Sing it ChrNO!!!!

Warms my heart every time I hear that ghetto quality sound. Oh man she'd record shit off the phone for us, whip up art NO FUCKS GIVEN** that ending is the Radio splitter she made where in Cantonese she goes "Hello? What are you saying? Say it then BYE BYE!!" Fuckin so versatile, a true artist and fuck I wish I met her in real life.

Here is a collection of all her art and music at

ROCK DA SHIRT to represent and benefit mental health awareness. Read about it.

I have the XXXclusive face mask (see my FB gram too lazy to post and my key board is wack) that I made back in July 2020 and its a little tight XD but HEY! MASK THE FUCK UP!!

 Always in our hearts, Lil Siu Pang Yau (Cantonese for Lil Buddy) SACREBLEU!! Thank you to all her friends for sharing her life with us nach, zigg CAPTAIN POWER!!! words, and sh1buya :heart:

What your thoughts? How are you pulling through mentally? It hits us in many ways, and fuck, everyone stay safe. We wanna see each other again in 2022. GET DA JAB!!! :hip smile:

Offline daigong

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Re: ChrNo...missing you for TEN years :(
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2021, 05:52:41 PM »
REPRAZENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hip smile:

 CHRNO WE LOVE YOU!!! :deco:

JPHiP Radio (18/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Goto Maki - Suppin to Namida