@luvsidney: is it a bit weird that Sayaka's shy here? i don't know why i did that. wait for more surprises and thanks for reading this
@Cometerz48: yeah our beautiful BABA! Umechan daisuki daisuki~~ i've thought of UmeMii but i prefer UmeYuu tehehehe.
@atsukojiyuu_C: thanks tehehe ^_^ more SayaMilky and AtsuMina coming up!
@Ava: hell yeah i love SaeYaka

i'm sorry my update took a long time. we got stormed here in the Philippines. but thank God we're alright. thanks for reading ^_^
@sastio13: arigatooo~ i'm happy you liked my story.

sorry for the long wait...
here's my update Minna-san! sorry for the long wait.

the storm... tehehe prevented me from updating ^_^ but nevermind that... here's entries #09 and #10! enjoy~

Entry #09
“I miss how we dance and perform together…I miss those times because I look up to her… I really admire her.”“Have you seen Nyan Nyan?” I asked Rena. “Nope.”
“Have you seen Nyan Nyan?” I asked Tomochin. “No, I haven’t.”
“Have you seen Nyan Nyan?” I asked Yukirin. “Oh, I’m afraid I didn’t.”
“Have you seen Nyan Nyan?” I asked Chiyuu. “Not yet… Unless she’s still sleeping at your bed – naked—“
“Eh?” Chiyuu’s a bit pervert! Hahaha.
I went round the room asking my classmates if they saw Nyan Nyan… but allof them answered ‘no’.
“Have you seen—mmpphh!” Takamina covered my mouth with her hand.
“Stop it, okay. You keep on repeating same question. Nyan Nyan’s not yet here.”
“Bu—but she’s gonna be late!”
Takamina nodded as she let out a sigh.
“Bad luck for her if she doesn’t arrive before Shinoda-sensei does.”
Really bad luck for Nyan Nyan. Shinoda-sensei arrived a minute after we heard the bell.
Where could she be?
Shinoda-sensei checked our attendance. Nyan’s the only one who’s not yet around.
Then we heard a knock at the door. The door was opened, and there’s Nyan Nyan by the door.
“Shinoda-sensei, I’m sorry, I’m late.” Nyan said apologetically.
“Enter… but come to my office after class.”
Nyan sat on her seat as she let out a sigh.
“Class, there will be a club launching activity tomorrow… but here’s a list of the clubs here at school…” She gave each of us a copy. “You may join any club that you want. Everyone’s required to attend the club launch tomorrow… If you’re already member of the club last year, you must re-register to make your membership valid for this school year.”
I looked at the list.
Math Club
English Club
Science Club
Culture Club
Otaku Club
Music Club
Art Club
Sports Club
Drama ClubI’m an active member of drama club since first year…
I love to perform… with her…
Umechan and I were both members of drama club when we are in first year. She’s a good singer and dancer. Both of us excelled in performing at the stage. We were nicknamed “stage rivals” but I don’t consider her as my rival, she is my friend.
Unfortunately, she had a leg injury while we’re performing the story about the war – the great Nobunaga Oda and her sister.
It was a big fall on her career as a stage actress. It was a serious injury; her left leg was fractured while doing the dance parts of the play.
She had her leg operated.
She didn’t attend classes for three months to rehabilitate her leg… When she got to return, the lively and active girl turned into a passive and silent one. She quitted from the drama club… and didn’t join any club last year.
I miss how we dance and perform together…I miss those times because I look up to her… I really admire her.Will she join? I hope she does. I want to be with her more often…
Lunch time…
“Nyan Nyan~ I miss you!” I wrapped my arms around Nyan.
“What club are you going to join?” I asked her.
“Uhm… I still can’t decide on that… but maybe… I can join the music club or drama club… so that I’ll be with you. Eh, what’s your plan?”
“I’ll re-register in the drama club! Un… Nyan, excuse me…”
I approached the sitting figure of Umechan.
“Nee… Umechan.” She looked up to me.
“Please join the drama club again!” She didn’t answer. She just looked down.
“Unn… I – I’m sorry.” Feeling guilty, I started to walk back to Nyan.
“What did she say?” She asked, I just shrugged my shoulders. My chest feels so heavy.
Entry #10
“Yes, I am a yuri… but that doesn’t make me a lesser person than any normal girl is.”Sigh. (=__=)
It’s only the first week of school year and yet… I feel so tired.
After I got this promotion as vice-principal when Takada-san left, that made my life as busy as hell. Even if it’s vacation, there are still lots of things to be done.
The classes for today were finished… I sunk myself in my office char, took my glasses off and closed my eyes.
Knock.Who could that be?
“Enter.” I opened my eyes. Takahashi Minami walked inside; she’s carrying a pile of papers.
“Shinoda-sensei, these are the copies of the club registration forms to be used for tomorrow’s activity.” She said as she handed me the papers. “Uhm… Ma’am… Only the Sports Club didn’t pass their club registration form.”
“Sports Club, eh? Do you know why?”
“Minegishi-sensei still hasn’t signed it.”
“Oh… okay… I’ll take care of it. Thank you, Takahashi. You can go home now.” She bowed and left me.
Ah… another problem… I put the papers in the table drawer…
I stood up and went to the gym – looking for Minegishi… but she’s not there…
I went to the cafeteria but didn’t find her there, too.
I’ll just call her and order her to come to my office.
The phone keeps on ringing, but nobody answers.
Where could that Gachapin girl be?
As I was walking back to my office, I passed by the school clinic and found Kojima there.
“Kojima-san, why are you here? You’re supposed to go to my office after class.”
“Uhm… Shinoda-sensei, I’m sorry. I’m here because I carried Minegishi-sensei all the way up here. During our P.E. class, Minegishi-sensei fainted!”
“Minegishi Minami?!”
Upon hearing her name, I opened the door.
“Ohori-san, where’s she?”
“Oh, Mariko… She’s here. Quite alright than her condition when Kojima brought her here.”
Miichan was silently sleeping.
“Do you know why she fainted?”
“The most probable answer is because of too much heat…”
“But when’ll she wake up?”
“Later… Don’t worry Mariko, I’ll just call you when she does…”
“Thanks Meetan.”
I went out of the clinic.
“Shinoda-sensei how’s Minegish-sensei?” Kojima asked me.
“She’s sleeping, better than her fainted self.” I leaned my back against the wall. “Thank you, Kojima… for bringing her here.”
While waiting for Miichan to wake up, Kojima and I went to my office.
I gave her some papers – those are extra activities – for her being late for class this morning.
She was answering those extra activities now.
I sat back on my chair. I closed my eyes again… I feel so restless.
Minegishi Minami – how long are you going to make me suffer?
Ever since our relationship ended, I changed a lot. I was now more serious and emotionless.
I have already forgiven you, but the pain is still here – inside my heart.
Yes, I am a yuri… but that doesn’t make me a lesser person than any normal girl is.I moved on already… I’m not like who I am two years ago…
“Shinoda-sensei…” My daydream stopped when Kojima spoke. “Are you alright, Ma’am?”
“Uh, yes.” I said as I wipe off a tear that fell down my right eye.
Kring… Kring…
Meetan’s calling.
“Yes. Hello, Ohori-san.”
(Mariko. She’s now awake.)
“Okay. We’ll be going there now.”