@Rythm: Uh, well, it's Sayanee's fault anyway
Hey~ The second chapter! Have a nice reading

Stuck – Chapter 2: Out?
Kizaki Yuria’s POVI opened my eyes. My first look was toward the window. The storm seemed to be worse than the previous day. I scratched out and stood up. Grabbing some clothes, I went into the bathroom. It was cold. The water ran with difficulty. I let out a sigh. What happened?
After, I reached the door which went downstairs. I stared at it for a few seconds. I tried to understand why it couldn’t be open. It couldn’t be locked. Something could be behind the door. But what and how? A few failures later, I took a deep breath. I had an idea, a stupid one but I needed to try. I stepped back and ran toward the door. I pushed it with all my strength. I hit my shoulder hard and fell backward. I was too hurt to focus on the door. I heard a light sound, I hoped it was open.
“Are you hurt?” A concerned voice asked me.
I raised my head, looking at the girl. I stayed quiet, trying to remember her name. She leaned to me and touched my shoulder. I bit my lips, feeling the pain. It was definitively not a good idea.
“Thanks.” I said when she helped me to stand up.
I looked at the door, it was open of one or two inches. Something was blocking the door. I was sure. I let out a sigh, what should we do now? I heard a stomach grumbling. I turned around to the girl. She seemed embarrassed, she lowered a bit her head, avoiding my look. I remembered I had something in my bag.
“Wait.” I told her.
Iriyama Anna’s POVI felt so uncomfortable. My cheeks surely flushed, I didn’t dare to look at Yuria. She went in her room before coming back a few seconds later.
“Here.” She handed me a cereal bar. “Eat it.”
“Thanks.” I answered, taking it.
I mentally begged for someone to go out of her room. Yuria stayed next to me without talking, which was really embarrassing. I took a light bit while Yui went out from her room.
“Morning there.” Yui greeted us with a light smile. “Did you try to open the door?” She asked Yuria who nodded quickly.
It was a bit open but Yuria seemed to be really hurt. She held her shoulder but tried to hide it.
“Erm… I’m sorry, what’s your name again?” Yuria turned toward me, scratching the back of her head.
I smiled a bit, the girl had her head in the clouds.
“Iriyama Anna but you can call me Annin.”
Shimazaki Haruka’s POVI went into the corridor, making out the three girls. Should I apologize for yesterday? Yui looked at me before leaving to her room. I let out a sigh. She must have hated me but I didn’t care, I hated her as well.
“Wow, she is mad at you. You know, Yui is rarely as this.” Yuria added, making me feel worse.
I looked at Anna, remembering something.
“Where is Milky?” I asked Anna, trying to change the subject.
Miyuki was missing. Did she sleep in Anna’s room?
“She slept with Sayaka.” She told me nonchalantly.
My mind stopped working for a few seconds.
“S-She what?” I tried to understand.
“Uh? What do you- Not in this way!” Anna answered, her face flushed while Yuria was giggling.
She scared me for a few seconds, she didn’t notice what she just said.
“Well, we don’t really know what happened here.” Yuria made fun of us.
“That’s not funny.” Anna pouted, giving a tap on Yuria’s shoulder.
The girl winced a bit. I wondered if she was fine but I quickly think about something else.
“I tried to call but there is no network because of the storm.” Yui spoke, passing her head through the door.
Watanabe Miyuki’s POVI woke up slowly. I didn’t really see in front of me. My brain started working again. I could remember what happened yesterday. I was in Sayaka’s room. I moved my left arm but I quickly stopped when I heard the girl grumble. My arm was around her waist and I buried my head in her hair for my sleep. I didn’t know what I should do. If I moved, I woke her up. I thought about staying like that, waiting for her to be awake. But she could stay asleep for a long time. I started panicking a bit until a voice stopped me.
“You can move, I’m awake you know.” Sayaka told me while I removed myself.
“Sorry.” I said, looking at her back.
“For what?” I didn’t answer, I didn’t know what I was sorry for. “Don’t worry, it’s fine.” She turned around.
I was cross-legged. A slight smile was drawing on her face. A smile which made my cheeks flush. I changed myself and went into the corridor where I could hear a few yells.
Kizaki Yuria’s POVI distinguished Miyuki coming here while Yui and Haruka were still fighting. When Yui went out from her room, she talked with Haruka but they quickly started fighting.
“So what? You’re cleverer so find a solution!” Haruka shouted at my friend.
“Right! I’ll not give up, I want to go out of there.” Yui answered back.
“Give up? You talk about giving up, really? You who left me!” The tears started rolling on her cheeks.
Leave? Wait. Haruka? She was Yui’s ex! Why didn’t she tell us? I forgot her. Well, Yui ran away. It was two years ago, they had a lot of trouble with money. She left Haruka. In fact, she never told me the whole story but I understood why Haruka was mad against my friend.
“I had my reasons!” Yui shouted and left, slamming our room’s door.
I looked at Anna, stunned by what just happened. I sat against the wall, trying to not let my shoulder touch it. That was hurting so much.
“Is the door open?” Sayaka asked me and sat.
“No. We’re stuck there.” I answered without turning around to look at her. “I think there is something behind the door.”
I hoped I was wrong but… the door couldn’t be open after all.
Iriyama Anna’s POV“That’s bad…” Miyuki mumbled, referring to Yuria and Sayaka’s talk.
I shrugged, a bit hopeless. I reached the door and tried to look outside. There were dust and things everywhere. I passed my arm, which was slim enough.
“Be careful.” Miyuki told me.
I touched something cold and hard. I cast a quick glance toward the nonexistent ceiling. The… what? I should have touched a rock or something like that which was behind the door. I removed my arm and spoke to the girls.
“The ceiling fell.”
“W-What?” Haruka mumbled, bewildered.
I couldn’t believe my own words. Yuria stood and reached me. I stared at her, empty. What happened? I didn’t know, nobody knew. She hit the door and coughed, looking by the door. I guessed, she tried to hide the pain in her shoulder.
“Shit.” She muttered and looked at me.
“You’re not okay.” Yuria didn’t answer. “Your shoulder.”
“That’s fine.” She snapped and went into her room where Yui was locked since the fight with Haruka.
She was stubborn. It will get worse if she won’t do anything.
“I’m hungry…” Miyuki said, touching her stomach.
Yamamoto Sayaka’s POVI looked at Miyuki who pouted a bit. I went to my room and grabbed a few cereal bars in my bag. I knew we couldn’t have food here but Yui, Yuria and I used to run often so we always carried these with us.
I handed it to the three girls in front of me. Miyuki grabbed it quickly and mumbled an audible ‘thanks’.
“Take it.” I told Haruka who shyly extended her arm.
Anna shook her head to politely refuse it. She seemed sure so I didn’t insist. I sat again on the floor. I didn’t know what to do.
The three girls were talking next to me when something interrupted them.
“You can blame everyone Yuria!” I recognized Yui’s voice.
“I just don’t need help!” Yuria shouted back.
I let out a sigh. I stood up and opened their room’s door. Both looked at me. What happened again? Another fight? Yuria wanted to leave, but I was in front of the door. She hit my shoulder, I noticed something wrong. I turned my head, she was holding her right shoulder tightly.
“Look. She injured her shoulder but she doesn’t care.” Yui explained to me.
I wanted to say something but Yuria quickly made me shut.
“I don’t need help, okay?”
Yuria was really really stubborn. When she has an idea, she will never let it go.
“That could get worse.” Anna said while Yui also went out from the room.
Iriyama Anna’s POVYuria stared at me. Both knew I was right. I hoped I could help her to soothe the pain, I knew I could. I just needed she let me help her.
“And what? We’re stuck here.” She snapped.
“I’m a nurse. I always have a first-aid kit with me.” I answered, making the girl uncomfortable.
She didn’t dare to answer. Did I change her mind?
“Take care of this idiot then.” Yui said while Yuria shot her with a dirty look before we went into my room.
It seemed that her friend didn’t let her any other choices. I told Yuria to sit on my bed. I took the kit in my bag and put it next to her.
“Remove your top.” I said, standing up in front of her.
She avoided my look. I didn’t know if she didn’t want or she was shy. I let out a sigh and put my hand on her waist.
“W-What are you going?” She muttered, I noticed her red cheeks.
“You don’t seem to move by yourself.” I answered, removing my hands.
She quickly took her top off. She had a black bra. I already saw a girl in underwear because of my job but it was as if Yuria affected me more.
I sat next to her, who avoided looking at me, and touched her shoulder. There was a bruise.
“Does it hurt?” I asked but she shook her head. “And here?” I touched her shoulder blade that time.
It was red and hot. I didn’t really know how she could hurt her shoulder blade. Maybe the shock was too hard.
“That’s hurt!” She yelled, moving away from me.
“Don’t move.” I said and she put herself next to me again.
I removed the right strap, making it fall over her arm. Then, I also moved her black hair away. The atmosphere was heavy, both felt uncomfortable. My heart pounded in my chest.
“We don’t have ice so I’ll put an ointment. It’ll be cold.” I told her, she nodded slowly.
I put my shaking hand on her shoulder blade. What was wrong with me? It should have been the stress to be stuck here, I guessed.
Kizaki Yuria’s POV
It was cold at first but then I could feel the heat of Anna’s hand. I didn’t dare to move. I just wanted her to finish as I could leave.
“It’s over.” She said while I put the strap back and grabbed my top. “If you’re still hurt, tell me.” I nodded, wearing my cloth.
“Thank you.” I mumbled and started leaving the room.
I stopped myself. I turned around, toward the window while Anna was waiting for me, stunned. I opened the window, feeling the cold on my face. The wind was still blowing hard and the rain didn’t stop. Everything was ruined. The trees were fallen, the cars were upside down. A branch flew in front of my face and made me quickly step back. The reality hit me. The storm destroyed everything around us and we couldn’t leave out or call for help.
“Yuria?” Anna called my name in a worried tone.
I closed the window, emotionless. What was that?
Yokoyama Yui’s POVYuria and Anna came back toward us. My friend was… somewhere else. That worried me.
“Did you see outside?” She asked, looking away.
“Yes.” I told her.
I knew how it was. Nothing left, the storm took everything. We had nothing. No water, no electricity, no food. The door couldn’t open. Did they forget us? Why nobody came to save us? I was thirsty. My throat was dry. My brain couldn’t work. I thought about too many things at the same time. I suddenly felt bad, everything was spinning around me. I couldn’t hear anymore.
“-ui! Yui!” I heard someone calling my name.
I raised my head and looked at the girl. Sayaka was shaking my shoulder with a concerned smile.
“You afraid us, idiot.” Haruka said while I tried to understand what happened.
“You almost fainted.” Yuria told me.
“I’m thirsty.” I mumbled, looking at my shaking hand.
My throat was burning. It was completely dry. I swallowed my saliva again and again but nothing changed it.
“It’s been a few times we are here without water.” Sayaka sighed.
She was right. It suddenly stopped working. Sayaka put her arm around my waist to support my weak body. She brought me in my room where I laid down on my bed. I closed my eyes. I felt someone coming here.
“Since when are you weaker than me?” I easily recognized Haruka’s teasing tone.
I didn’t answer and she sat next to me, stroking my hair. I missed her. I really missed her.
I hummed when she called me. She stopped playing with my hair. I suddenly felt a bit sad.
“Are you pouting?” She giggled.
I surely unconsciously pouted. The sensation on my head was too good but already finished. I opened my eyes while she looked at me with a soft gaze. I wanted to say ‘I still love you, Haruka.’ but she will reject me. So, I kept quiet, only staring at her. It was my fault.
“Yui… It’ll be fine, right?” I didn’t know if she wanted to reassure me or herself, but her voice sounded… lost.
I nodded, I felt like crying. I turned around, looking at the wall. I didn’t want to her see me cry.
I couldn’t answer and stayed quiet.
Watanabe Miyuki’s POV‘Milky stop crying’ ‘Milky it will be okay’ ‘Milky we will go out’ I was tired of these sentences. I was panicked to be here. I could take it anymore. Anna tried to reassure me but that didn’t work. I felt bad, I looked like a kid. I cried again. I quickly stood up to go into my room. I didn’t want the other to see me.
It was the middle of the afternoon. Everyone was tired. I didn’t want to move from my bed.
“Are you okay?”
I raised my head and looked at Sayaka in front of me.
“Yes.” I answered in a tired tone.
I didn’t want to anybody try to comfort me again, it was useless. She was in front of me, a light smile on her face. She extended her arms and wiped my tears. I turned my eyes away from her.
“You’re tired, right?” She spoke with a light voice.
I nodded while she sat next to me.
“Close your eyes and try to sleep.”
That sounded like a soft advice but I did it, trying to forget what happened. I could hear a voice singing. Was it Sayaka’s voice? I didn’t know but I could fall asleep.
Kizaki Yuria’s POV“Hey! Are you okay?” I heard an unfamiliar voice with a strong accent which was coming from the blocked door.
“Eh?! Someone is here?!” I yelled and Sayaka quickly reached me with Anna.
I didn’t really think and quickly answered at the person behind the door.
“Help me to push the door.” He told us.
I called Sayaka, I needed her help to push it. She came toward us, using all our strength, we pushed the door. That hurt a lot my shoulder but I tried to forget it. We discovered a young man, a lot of dust on him. He was wearing a suit. Who was him? Why did he help us?
“Take your bag, I’ll bring you to my bunker.”
My question stayed in my head, waiting to have an answer. I went into my room. I just needed to move from here.
“Take your stuff. I’ll take care of Yui.”
Haruka nodded and quickly left me. I grabbed Yui’s bag and mine and put it in the corridor. Then I helped Yui to stand up. I held her waist tightly while she was leaning on my right shoulder.
To Be Continued…