@four4four: Well; Yuria is Yuria...

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Hey! Yuria's waking will be definitely hard after her night...
Have a nice reading

Chapter 5: Regret & Crush
I opened my eyes slowly, looking around me. The sun was bright in the sky. I tried to collect the memories of yesterday but I couldn't. I sat on my bed, feeling the cold against my skin. I was naked. My head hurt me a lot. My clothes were everywhere on the floor. I grabbed a long t-shirt and wore it. I clumsy stood up, reaching my bathroom. I took medicine in the feature. Then, I grabbed a glass of water. I felt the pill passing to my throat. I needed to take a shower. Wait. I cast a quick glance at the calendar. It was Sunday. I let out a relieved sigh and went into my bathroom again. I turned on the cold water. I felt it on my hair, my skin, my body. I closed my eyes, enjoying it. The cold water made me calm.
What happened? I couldn't remember. I knew that I drunk yesterday. I hoped that I didn't do anything silly. I didn't use to drink a lot. But when I did it, I promised myself it was the last time. We all do that anyway. Our head hurt, we felt dizzy and sleepy. We wanted to throw up all the day. And we couldn’t remember anything. So, why did we drink? To feel better? Was it really because of this? To avoid the pain? Maybe. I was upset. It didn't change after drinking. It was a stupid idea. I had no memory of last night.
I turned off the water. I left the bathroom after putting my clothes on me. I wasn't feeling well. I didn't want to drink my usual coffee. I just took my key and decided to go for a walk. Some fresh air could be good.
“Hello.” A moody Anna spoke next to me while I was closing my home's door.
“Hey...” I only answered, my voice barely audible.
“Could you be less noisy with your girlfriend, please?” She told me, her voice filled with embarrassment.
My what? Wait. What? Noisy? What did the hell happen? I quickly looked away from her eyes.
“I-I-I'm truly sorry!”
I slowly raised my eyes. She didn't show me an upset face anymore. She looked stunned, almost worried.
“Yuria? Is everything okay?” She finally asked before putting her warm hand on my shoulder.
“I don't remember.”
I looked at her, intensely before speaking again.
“I can't remember what happened yesterday.”
We remained both quiet. Anna must have known something, right? Because she heard noises. So embarrassing.
“Let's talk about it inside.” She only told me while I followed her to her flat.
I reached the couch and sat slowly. She quickly came next to me.
“In the middle of the night…” She started, her cheeks turning red. “Y-You…”
It was really embarrassing. I didn't know what to say. Well, I had nothing to say anyway.
“You came back, and you slept with someone… I saw a girl, she left your flat early in the morning.”
I slept with a girl. It was undoubtedly the girl from the bar. My mind was blank. I hated myself. I bit my lips, trying to not going crazy. I felt tears reaching my eyes, I quickly looked away from Anna. I didn't like it. I acted without thinking. I was just so stupid. Everything because of her. Could I tell her?
“So, it wasn't your girlfriend?” She suddenly asked, like relieved.
“No, of course, no. I don't even know her.”
Why did she ask me? She was just curious, right? What else could it be anyway?
“Hey, nothing serious happened.” She told me, seeing my tears.
She pulled me into her arms. I felt reassured. I didn't want to move anymore. Life was mean. Life was awful. I lost the control of my own life. It wasn’t boring anymore, it became crazy.
But then, another day started. It was as if nothing happened. We had troubles, and we forgot them. Life didn’t change. I went to work, meeting my friend. I reached the training room, Jurina next to me.
“They say it will have a new person for the costumes.”
“Isn't An- Iriyama-san enough?” I asked, correcting my mistake quickly.
Jurina noticed it, she looked at me with an amused smile.
“So, are you hiding some things from me?” She asked in a playful tone.
“I-I don't know what you're talking about.” I snapped, turning my eyes away from her.
She couldn't answer because our manager came in. It was quite rare to see him here.
“Good morning everyone.” He started speaking in a serious tone. “Well as you surely know, Iriyama-san will have another designer to assist her. Kato-san, welcome here.”
The girl stepped into the room, we all looked at her. Wait. I knew her, I already saw her. I cast a glance over Anna, her face suddenly became pale. Was she the girl from the last time? Anna recognised her. How did she see her? I thought she only heard us or when the girl left.
“I'm Kato Rena, nice to meet you.” She bowed, a smile on her face.
So, Kato Rena was her name. It was really awkward.
“Is everything okay Yuria?” I heard Jurina whispering to me.
Should I tell her? She was my friend but, I didn't know. It could sound so strange. I just- It wasn’t important.
“Yeah, I'm fine.” I quickly cast a glance at her.
She only smiled. I hoped she believed me.
“You’re lying.”
Okay, she didn't believe me at all. I frowned a bit, telling her to shut her mouth. She giggled before listening to our manager. Once he was over, we started training again.
“So, are you going to tell me?” Jurina asked for the break.
I let out a sigh. I looked at Rena and Anna quickly, feeling my cheeks turning red again.
“I got drunk, and I slept with Rena.” I paused a couple of seconds, seeing Jurina’s stunned face. “I… Anna heard us.”
My friend bit her lips to hold back her laugh.
“Jurina! It’s not funny.” She avoided my eyes. “Rena left before I woke up.”
“Really? It sucks.” She snapped, casting a glance at Rena behind me. “Just ignore her then.”
Jurina was apparently angry with Rena. I smiled, she was caring after all.
“Wait, why did you drink?” My smile quickly dropped.
“Everybody! The training begins again!”
I was interrupted, I didn’t want to tell Jurina yet. I wasn’t feeling ready. We came back to the training. I couldn’t tell her. When it was over, I changed myself, and I left the locker room. A voice stopped me on my way. I turned around, looking at the girl.
“Hey.” Rena greeted with a shy tone. “I wanted to apologise. I shouldn't have run away, but as you were drunk, I thought-”
“It's okay.” I interrupted her.
I just wanted to forget what happened. I was drunk, I didn't want to hear more about this accident.
“Let's have dinner. My treat of course.” She showed me a slight smile.
A dinner? With her? We slept once together, and she wanted to treat me to lunch, seriously? Well, she was not that bad after all. I could accept to change my mind. I was worried about Anna, perhaps for nothing.
“Why not.” I only answered, still looking at her.
“Tomorrow? I will come and pick you at home.”
I nodded, a smile on my face before leaving her.
I thought how my life was messy lately. I let out a sigh. I just needed to wait for Rena. I wondered why she asked me that. Maybe I should have refused. What if she just wanted to sleep with me? It was too late anyway. I didn’t know.
“That’s a pretty outfit. Do you have something to do?” Anna’s voice surprised me.
“I have a… dinner.” I put my eyes on her.
She didn’t look at me, but her gaze wasn’t like it used to be. She wasn’t smiling or anything. Her face was upset.
I heard a light knock on my door, I left Anna without saying a single word.
“Are you ready?” Rena asked with a warm smile.
“I am.” I smiled back, and we left.
I followed her outside. Then, I walked next to her to the restaurant. I was a bit nervous, but it wasn’t the same feeling that when I had a date with Anna. I didn’t know really why. Perhaps if it was because of that night. Well, it was pretty awkward now. But she didn’t seem to mind it.
“How is Iriyama-san?”
I thought for a few seconds. Anna was kind, caring, a bit shy, pretty. Anna was awesome.
“She’s nice.” I showed a quick smile.
“I hope we could do great work together.” Rena answered without really looking at me.
“You will.” I spoke naturally.
She let out a light chuckle. I felt both my cheeks flushing. The waiter came with our plates. Rena took a bit of food.
“Hot.” She muttered, her hand in front of her mouth.
W-Wait. I already heard that before.
“Are you okay? You’re all red.”
“I-I-I’m fine.” I mumbled, lowering my head.
I remembered the past event. Everything didn’t come back, but after the same comment, I kissed Rena. I needed to stop thinking about it.
It was great. I really enjoyed my time with Rena. Once the meal was over, we decided to come back home for one last drink. I accepted, I didn’t want to hurt her by saying no. Rena was nice.
“So, did you have fun?” A cold voice asked behind our back.
Rena and I slowly turned around, discovering Anna.
“A-Anna?” I only mumbled, stunned.
Why was she here? Well, we were in front of my flat, she lived next door. But, why did she ask this? I mean, with this tone. I wondered if something was wrong. Maybe the same thing that after her accident. I was worried about her.
“Yes, we had.” Rena snapped, she looked angry.
Anna stared straight into my eyes. I saw pain. She was hurt…? I didn’t understand. Why? Was it my fault? What was going on?
“Then, enjoy. And be less noisy than the last time.” Anna told us, walking away.
I felt my cheeks flushing quickly. I lowered a bit my head, looking at the door again. Was she… No. Impossible. I opened the door and stepped inside my flat. I offered Rena a drink.
“Thank you for the meal.”
“You’re welcome.” She smiled, taking a mouthful.
Rena was pretty, not as much as Anna but still. We just had a meal. After sleeping together the day before. And I didn’t remember what happened when we left the pub. But she did, she clearly remembered what happened and how noisy we were. I felt my cheeks flushing. What was I thinking right now? Seriously…
“Are you okay?”
She looked at the balcony.
“You must have a great view.”
I smiled and stood up
“I’ll show you.”
She followed me, amazed by the city under our feet. Indeed, it was beautiful.
“I’m sorry for what happened with Anna.” I told her, looking away from her eyes.
“It’s okay. I don’t really understand why Anna acts harshly with me.”
“I-I don’t know either.” I mumbled, showing an almost fake smile.
I didn’t know it was right, but it looked like jealousy. Anna wasn’t jealousy, right? She had no reason for being jealous.
Rena’s hands around mine stopped my thoughts. I raised my head, looking at her. No, it couldn’t happen. She leaned toward me slowly, her lips a few inches apart from mine. My heart beat quickly in my chest. Should I kiss her?
To Be Continued…