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Author Topic: Ghostdrive (Sakamichi/AKB48 - Multipairing) - Zone 2 (181009)  (Read 5367 times)

Offline Minamiyuki

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  • Kizaki Yuria ❤ Yagami Kumi
Warning: deaths (especially some members), excessive gore and violence, disturbing scenes; comedy and romance (what the? XD)

This fic is kinda similar and inspired from Devil May Cry Series in few ways, such as demon-slaying, ghost-fighting, etc., with a couple of horror and science-fiction.

So here it is. ENJOY READING~!



Prologue: Transfer Student

Someone’s POV

13.772 billion years ago, everything started with a gigantic explosion. The explosion scattered all of its matter and energy, and the temperature before was so high, higher than the hottest recorded temperature that we observed today. 377,000 years after the Big Bang, free electrons combined to form neutral atoms; and once combined, the electrons quickly generate energy in the form of one or more photons as they transition to low energy state. The universe has become transparent to all electromagnetic radiations.

Around 150 million years to 1 billion years after the Big Bang, the universe was slowly illuminated by the formation of the stars, dwarf galaxies and quasars, which followed by large galaxy formation and superclusters. 13.51 billion years ago, our galaxy, the Milky Way, has formed. The formation of Solar System began 4.6 billion years ago, via the gravitational collapse of the molecular clouds, forming pre-solar nebula. With the accordance of Conservation of Angular Momentum, the nebula spun faster as it collapsed. Over about 100,000 years, the contracting nebula flattened into a spinning protoplanetary disc and formed a hot, dense protostar at the centre. The planets were also formed.

Earth was formed about 4.54 billion years ago, starting from Hadean Eon, where the Earth is still hot from its birth. On Archean Eon, 4,000 million years ago, the first form of life, Prokaryote organisms, emerged at the very beginning of this eon. 2,500 million years ago, on Proterozoic Eon, the Eukaryotes, a more complex form of life, emerged including some forms of multicellular organisms. Finally, on Phanerozoic Eon, 541 million years ago, vertebrate organisms dominated the world followed by the appearance of all familiar forms of plants, animals and fungi. Modern animals – including humans – evolve at the most recent of this eon. And to the present period.


National Route 139, Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan; Monday, April 18, 2016, 7:45 am

Sitting comfortably on the right back seat of the bus, I’m currently reading an astronomical book, while listening to the playlist of my smartphone using my noise-cancelling headphones. As I’m done reading the whole book, I put it inside of my backpack. I looked from the window and saw the Japan’s highest mountain, Mount Fuji, behind those spring-bloomed trees. Then I switch my perceptive look to my uniform.

My uniform is composed of green tartan miniskirt, white blouse, red necktie and silver blazer with a school crest. The school crest is composed of green star with the overlapped letters ‘A’ and ‘H’. In my perspective, my entire school uniform represents dead forest covered by a gray fog. To make it worst, the school that I’m transferred is situated near to that forest. Cute, but creepy.

From the window, I saw some female students, with similar uniform from mine, are walking on the side road. It means that my destination is near. I stand from my seat to get my things from the luggage rack. What I get from the luggage rack is a 130 cm storage tube, the tool used to store fishing rods. After I removed my headphones and placed it on my neck, I heard the male voice coming from the bus speaker.

 “Now arriving: Aokigahara Girls’ High School (青木ヶ原女子高等学校, Aokigahara Joshikoto Gakkou)”

Exiting the provincial bus, I take out two luggage bags from the baggage hold. After saying thanks to the bus driver, the bus left the bus stop. I cracked the joints of my hand, which causing popping sounds, while looking at the slightly steep road leading to the school.

“Well then.” I smiled. I put my backpack on my back and pulled my luggage bag as I ascended to the road.


Gate Entrance, Aokigahara Girls’ High School, Fujikawaguchiko Town, Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan; Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 8:20 am

I finally saw an opened school gate. Luckily, I’ve managed to get here early in my first day of school. As I reached on the school gate, I saw a girl skating at the high speed. She’s wearing the similar uniform as mine, only difference is she’s wearing black-and-red hoodie jacket over her uniform and a headphones slung on her neck. Right before she collide me, she performed aerial twist in the air, passing above me. After her left feet touched the ground, she kicked the surface for aerial cartwheel. Later, she stood in two feet for a complete stop.

“Using two aerials to reduce the momentum from her skating. What a genius girl.” I applauded.

“More likely, recklessness. She always do that right before the bell rings.” I looked at the source of the voice and saw three girls approaching to me. When I saw a red armband, it means one thing.

“Student Council.” I whispered.

“Hi, you must be the transfer student that our principal mentioned. I’m Sakurai Reika, 2nd year student and Student Council President.” The girl in center said.

“I’m Wakatsuki Yumi, 2nd year student and Student Council Vice-president.” The girl on the right side said.

“I’m Hoshino Minami, 1st year student and Student Council Secretary.” The girl on the left side looked at me with cutesy smile. Yup, she’s cute.

“Sumimasen! Did I scare you?” The skater girl approached me.

“Oi! Kizaki Yuria! Did I told you to stop overspeeding? You’ve scaring our students here!” Wakatsuki-senpai scolded her.

“Your club president will scold you later.” Hoshino-san smirked.

“I thought I’m late. Sorry. Hahahaha.” The girl named Kizaki Yuria scratched her nape.

‘Kizaki-san, be careful. You’ve been permitted to use roller skates as a way of travel. Next time, wake up early and lessen your gaming session at night. Do you understand?” Sakurai-senpai said.

“Hai~.” Kizaki-san said nonchalantly.

“I’m Kizaki Yuria, 1st year student. You’re in class 1-B right?” I nodded.

“Then we will be classmates along with Hoshino-chan.” Kizaki-san and Hoshino-san performed high five. Kizaki-san felt a vibration in her blazers. She picked it revealing her smartphone. Once she read the mail, Kizaki-san looked to the part of the school with glaring eyes.

“Urusai na, Shiraishi-senpai.” Kizaki-san replied the mail then she sticking her tongue out. She looked at her watch and gasped.

“Oh shit, it’s already time. See you later~!” Kizaki-san run off to the school.

“We will carry your luggage to your designated room in Aokigahara Girls’ Dormitory. Hoshino-chan, please take our transferee student to your class.” Sakurai-senpai and Wakatsuki-senpai took my luggage bags. I also give the very long storage tube to Wakatsuki-senpai. Wakatsuki-senpai looked me with curious look while she’s holding a 130 cm storage tube that looks like a drafting tube. Nevertheless, she slung it on her back while bringing my luggage bag.

“Well then, shall we?” Hoshino-san said as she guided me to my respective classroom.


Class 1-B Room, Aokigahara Girls’ High School, Fujikawaguchiko Town, Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan; Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 8:35 am

“Wait here.” Hoshino-san instructed me as she enter to the classroom. Then she talked to the teacher inside the classrom. After several minutes, the homeroom teacher went out to the classroom to meet me.

“Hi, I’m Fukagawa Mai and I will be your homeroom teacher in class 1-B.” I bowed to Fukagawa-sensei in 45 degrees.

“Come inside and introduce yourself to your new classmates.” Fukagawa opened the door as she went back inside. I followed her suite and stood in front of the class. The class is still noisy despite of my presence as a new student. On the right back of the classroom near the window, I saw Kizaki-san waving at me. Hoshino-san went to her seat, which is in the right front of the classroom, near the teacher’s desk.

“Children, please quiet!” Fukagawa-sensei slapped her hand on the teacher’s desk. Right before she slapped the desk, I instantly used my headphone to cover my ears, and then I saw Kizaki-san do the same. As soon as our homeroom teacher’s palm swiftly contacted the desk’s surface, all of the students covered their ears using their hand. I saw the table slightly vibrating. Just how powerful her slap that makes the entire class and me cover our ears. As both Kizaki-san and I removed our headphones, the slapping sound was gone and the classroom is now in pure silence, although the vibration on the teacher’s table dissipates slower than the sound in the air.

“Everyone, this transferee will be your new classmate. Well, will you please introduce yourself to your classmates.” I looked at my classmates with slight nervous. Fukagawa-sensei write my name vertically on the blackboard.

“I’m from Osaka Prefecture, Nishino Nanase desu. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu.”

This is the story of a team, disguising as a high school club, which deals and investigates paranormal, supernatural and preternatural incidents and events that creates havoc in society; and fighting the forces, such as ghosts, demons, vampires etc., that cause the events, using their abilities, unique powers and various state-of-the-art technologies.


To Be Continued
« Last Edit: October 27, 2018, 07:09:44 PM by Minamiyuki »
(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
Kumiyuri X Mayuki X Wmatsui X Atsumina X Furuyanagi X Kojiyuu

My Full Series Fics:
GunSword Series (On-going) | Need for Speed: Fast Forward (On-going) | Night Shift Series (On-hiatus) | Shikyo Taisen Series (On-going) | Shichitenshi Gakuen (On-hiatus)

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Re: Ghostdrive (Sakamichi/AKB48 - Multipairing) - Prologue (180510)
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2018, 10:44:56 PM »
DUDE you're back!! (Pls tell me there is gonna be YuukaNen in here loools)

Offline maharani niken

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Re: Ghostdrive (Sakamichi/AKB48 - Multipairing) - Prologue (180510)
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2018, 10:55:27 AM »
Please let it be maiyan x nanase couple :kneelbow:

Offline Minamiyuki

  • Kumiyuri - My OTP and Kami-oshi
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Re: Ghostdrive (Sakamichi/AKB48 - Multipairing) - Zone 1 (180523)
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2018, 08:08:56 AM »
Hello, everyone. Here's the second update.

For replies:

MayukiIsLife: Yup, I'm back (lol). I don't know if there is. haha
maharani niken: Thanks for reading. Stay tune for it.



Zone 1: Sea of Trees

Class 2-B Room, Aokigahara Girls’ High School, Fujikawaguchiko Town, Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan; Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 8:00 am

Two girls were sitting on the windowsill, looking at the students entering the school gate. Another one was leaning on it while looking at her iPhone. It looks like they were the only ones inside the classroom.

“Here comes the president. Trying to be cool as always.” Shiraishi Mai said.

“Well, we don’t blame it. It’s her responsibility as a model for the student body.” Matsui Rena reasoned out while eating her melonpan.

“I saw Sugai Yuuka and her own Porsche 911 GT2 RS, 20 meters away.” Akimoto Manatsu said while looking at Instagram. Just she mentioned the name; a black Porsche car appeared in front of the entrance.

“As expected from our Club Secretary, your eyes are look like eagle eventhough you’re still wearing eyeglasses.” Mai said.

“Here comes the school director’s rich daughter.” Rena finished one bread and took out another one from her blazer’s pocket.

“Well, as far as I concern, we have also rich kid here, parring Yuuka-chan.” Mai looked at her right ride.

“Why are you looking at me? And is it not me the only rich kid here?” Manatsu sensed the gaze coming from her friends and look at the two.

“Me? I’m just one of the owners of our bakery. Except that I provided those astronomical equipment.” Rena said.

“Oh no, our family is famous but not rich. Unlike you, your family owning group of companies. And their daughter, who has a collection of firearms, ranging from small grenades to high-rate machine gun.” Mai smirked.

“Don’t start with me, Maiyan. I’m busy here.” Manatsu went back to her smartphone.

“Here comes the three rich kids blabbering their own wealth.” Miyazaki Miho appeared behind Manatsu and hugged her.

“Myao-chan, how long did you got here?” Mai asked.

“15 minutes ago, I was ordered by Takayanagi-sensei to feed the birds at Aviary.”

“Is that?” Rena raised her arm horizontally that makes her friends looked on the direction she point.

“Two luggage bags, one backpack, and one 130 cm storage tube. Looks like she’s a transfer student.” Manatsu said. Then they saw their friend performed aerial flip above the transfer student and one aerial cartwheel upon reaching the ground.

“Really, Yuria? You should lessen staying up at midnight.” Miho facepalmed. Mai pulled out her smartphone in her pocket and typed a mail.

“Showoff.” She looked at the commotion on the school gate entrance. As her smartphone vibrated and read the mail, she saw Yuria sticking her tongue out.

Urusai na, Shiraishi-senpai.

“That face, I’ve seen her somewhere.” Rena tapping her head.

“Ah! I know her. She’s Nishino Nanase, the sole survivor of Nishino Clan.” Rena said.

“Nishino Clan? You mean, that Nishino Clan!?” Mai softly shouted.

“Nishino Clan, one the most notorious underground syndicate in the country.” Manatsu said.

“How did you know about her?” Miho asked.

“Well, bakery~.” Rena winked.

“Ohhhhhh…” Miho said.

“Why sole survivor?” Manatsu asked.

“I don’t know the whole story, only know some. But long story short, vendetta.” All of the girls who listened Rena’s explanation are nodding.

“Good morning, everyone!” The four girls saw their friend placing the bag to her seat.

“Morning, Milky!” Miho greeted back.

“So all of you are looking at the transferee, eh.” Watanabe Miyuki said as she approached them. Rena saw something on Miyuki’s hair.

“Wearing that hairband here?”

“Just in case.” Miyuki tapped her hairband.

“I wonder why she has a fingerless glove worn on her left hand.” Manatsu said.
“Due to her history, maybe she’s a great fighter. I want to spar her even for once. By the way, how’s Ikumin and Nanami-chan?” Mai asked to Miyuki.

“They are already in their classroom. Speaking of them, it looks like the transferee is in their section.” Miyuki pulled out the laptop from her bag and placed it on her table. Ten minutes later, the school bell’s ring echoed throughout the entire school.

“Looks like the homeroom will start. Let’s go to our respective seats.” Mai said.


Class 1-B Room, Aokigahara Girls’ High School, Fujikawaguchiko Town, Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan; Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 8:40 am

“I’m from Osaka Prefecture, Nishino Nanase desu. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu.” Nanase bowed.

“She’s from Kansai, Nanami-chan.” Nakano Ikumi whispered to her seatmate.

“Finally, a fellow Kansaijin.” Yamada Nanami raised both of her hands.

“Well then, Nishino-san. You may sit next to Kizaki-san.” Fukagawa-sensei said. Nanase sit on the left corner of the classroom, which is beside the window.

“Nishino-san, we’ve meet again.” Yuria said.

“You can call me Nanase. Nice to meet you again, Kizaki-san.” Nanase bashfully smiled at her.

“Then you will call me Yuria.” Yuria smiled back. In front of Yuria’s seat, Nanami turned around and smiled at Nanase.

“Hi, fellow Kansaijin. I’m Yamada Nanami from Hyogo Prefecture. You can call me either Nanami-chan or Yamada. Nice to meet you.” Nanami offered a handshake.

“Then Nanami-chan is. Nice to meet you.” Nanase replied Nanami’s handshake.

“Name’s Nakano Ikumi. My friends call me Ikumin. So if you want, you can call me that nickname.”

“Nice to meet you too, Ikumin.”

“I forgot to ask this. Nishino-san, why are you wearing a fingerless glove?” All of the girls inside the class turned around and looked at Nanase, who’s standing on her seat upon being called.

“Uhm. It’s because I have a nasty scar on my dorsal hand for two reasons. The first one is accidentally cut on a sparring match from my former school. The second reason is my hand got caught on fire.” Nanase explained.

“Accidentally cut from a sparring match? You used actual swords in kendo club from your former school?” Fukagawa-sensei asked.

“It’s more likely having a mock match in kenjutsu club. Our school is one of the few schools that has martial arts club with actual blades.”

Technically, kenjutsu club really do exist in my school.’ Nanase thought.

“May I ask? What is your rank in Kenjutsu Club from your former school?” Takayama Kazumi asked.

“My rank? I’ve been skipping ranks twice, so as of now, 6th dan.” This cause all the students in class 1-B to gasped.

Then she’s skillful as Shiraishi-senpai.’ Nanami thought.

“Amazing. She’s one rank higher than me.” Kazumi said it in English.

“Will you please join to our Kendo Club? Please?” Kazumi clasped her hands.

“I’m sorry, I can’t. I changed my interest to drawing. Thanks for the offer.” Nanase smiled at Kazumi.

“Aw, that’s unfortunate.” Kazumi said.

“Now, now. Do the advertising your club after this homeroom.” Fukagawa-sensei said.

“Next month, we have a midterm exam to take, so all of you must prepare and study seriously.” All of the class groaned.

“Especially you, Nishino-san. Although your scores and grades in academics are average, you should put more efforts. Is that clear?”

“Wakarimashita, sensei.” Nanase replied.

“Okay, the homeroom session ends here. Your biology teacher, Takayanagi-sensei will enter later on.” Fukagawa-sensei left the classroom. As soon as their homeroom teacher left, some students went to Nanase’s seat.

“Nishino-san, how about having a sparring match in our club? We just want to encourage some of our clubmates.” Kazumi said.

“It’s fine by me. But I will not join to your club, is that clear?” Nanase asked.

“I know, I know. I just want to see myself how skillful you are. By the way, I’m Takayama Kazumi, Kendo 5th dan and vice-president of Kendo Club.” Kazumi offered a handshake, which Nanase replied.

“I’m Ozono Momoko, Kendo 5th dan and deputy secretary general of Kendo Club. Aside of Kenjutsu, do you have other style used?”

“I mainly use Iaijutsu but I’m more like freestyle fighter.” Nanase answered. As more people continued ask her, Hoshino Minami, their class president barged between Nanase and the rest.

“Alright, girls. Enough for questioning. About 3 seconds, Takayanagi-sensei will enter this room.” Just as Minami said those words, their biology teacher, Takayanagi Akane, opened the door and approached to the table. All the students went back to their seats.

Hoshino-san knew Takayanagi-sensei’s approach to this room?’ Nanase saw Minami went back to her seat elegantly.

“Ok, students. Putting birds aside, let’s discuss about taxonomy.”


Greenhouse Cafeteria, Aokigahara Girls’ High School, Fujikawaguchiko Town, Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan; Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 12:50 pm

Kizaki Yuria’s POV

Located at the rooftop of the second building of Aokigahara Girls’ High School, this large greenhouse, surrounded with several cottages and patio tables, serves as the main canteen in this school. You can eat your lunch while watching the beauty of the plants. Just outside of the greenhouse, I occupied a large square table with a cottage roof shielding me from the gazing sunlight. As I eat my lunch, consist of tuna sandwich and a can of coke, someone called me.

“Yuria-chan!” My face goes from excitement to boredom in split seconds upon looking at the owner of the voice.

“Oh, it’s you, Shiraishi-senpai. What a way of destroying my appetite.” I continued to eat my sandwich while having a deadpan expression.

“Don’t say that, we’re here to encourage you more to eat. Hai.” Shiraishi-senpai gave me another sandwich, similar to what I’ve eaten.

“Thanks for reserving our seats.” Watanabe-senpai said and sat beside Shiraishi-senpai. I saw Matsui-senpai took out her Nintendo 3DS while placing melonpan on the table. Akimoto-senpai still reviewing Differential Equation while Miyazaki-senpai watched her carefully. Ikumin and
Nanami-chan are the last ones who came, bringing their favorite food. While we enjoy our lunchtime, Shiraishi-senpai raised her voice, allowing us to focus our attention to her.

“One of our satellite trackers in our clubroom detects an anomaly somewhere in Shoji Village. What I’ve seen from the screen vague me.” Shiraishi-senpai said while she looked at the laptop screen. I peeked at the screen out of curiosity.

“Well, it looks like we don’t need to be all-nighters from this, right?” I asked.

“Depends on how we can assess this anomaly and how worse it is.” Ikumi-chan said while sipping her orange juice. “Umai ne.” She cutely said.

“How’s the transferee?” Miyazaki-senpai asked us.

“Nishino Nanase. Age, 16 years old. Birthplace, Osaka Prefecture. She received 6th dan from Kenjutsu. Her talent is drawing.” Nanami-chan explained while typing Nanase-chan’s biography in her laptop.

“Wow, sixth dan. She has something eh.” Matsui-senpai smiled.

“Speaking of Nishino-san. Where is she?” Akimoto-senpai asked and looked around.

“I have a feeling that she went there.” Shiraishi-senpai said.

“Eh? She went there! Out of all places?” Miyazaki-senpai reacted.

“As far as I remember from my childhood memories, Nanase-chan is more like a silent, shy person. If she wants to have a quiet place, then the place she would choose is that.” Matsui-senpai explained.

“I think we should find her. That area is contaminated by ‘them’.” Ikumin-chan said.

"Watanabe-senpai, want to join us in search operation?” I asked while smirking at her.

“Oh, are you challenging me?” Watanabe-senpai smirked back at me.

“Just asking. Let’s go?” I picked my phone that was sitting on the table as I went to the place where there’s possibility that Nanase-chan went.


Aokigahara Jukai, Fujikawaguchiko Town, Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan; Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 12:50 pm

Nishino Nanase’s POV

Technically, resting in this place is perfectly bad idea. Not only the soil itself is volcanically made, but also the stenches of either rotten potato or egg are scattered across the forest. After all, Aokigahara is reputably known as the ‘Suicide Forest’. It will be surprising if there’s no any decaying body around here.

Despite of all of that, the natural serene of the forest coupled with few bird chirps and chirping insects gives me a peace of mind. Watching the sky while sitting on the tree branch 10 feet from the ground of Mongolian oak and lastly, listening to my smartphone’s playlist.

Before I fully submerge myself into my own world, my extrasensory perception suddenly feel something. As I look everywhere, I noticed white small mists appearing from all directions. I hung my headphones on my nape.

I would be surprise if this place is totally devoid of anything. They’re many.’ I stroked my gloved left hand while looking at them.

Doushiyou? My things are currently in the girls’ dormitory. Should I do it?’ Before I try to do something.

“Nanase-chan!” I just heard recognizable girl’s voice. I saw Yuria-chan and Ikumin along with other student from below.

“Is that Nishino-chan?” The other student pointed upward, directly at me.

“Nanase-chan?! Why are you there?!” Yuria-chan said with high-volume voice.

“Nothing!” I let myself fall 10 feet above the ground then perfectly land on the uneven volcanic-soiled ground without any pain.

“So, why are you looking at me?” I asked to them.

“Well, Shiraishi-senpai have a feeling that you’re going to Aokigahara forest on your own. We’ve thought you will do something horrible.” Yuria-chan said.

“If you thought of me going to suicide. As much as I want to, there’s no reason why I should do that.” I fixed my uniform.

“By the way, this is Watanabe Miyuki-senpai. She’s 2nd year student of Class 2-B.” Yuria-chan said.

“Watanabe Miyuki desu, from Nara Prefecture. It’s nice to meet you, Nishino Nanase.” Watanabe-senpai cheerfully said.


Aokigahara Jukai, Fujikawaguchiko Town, Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan; Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 1:20 pm

Third-person POV

“I think we should head back now, the sky is dark and there’s a high possibility of raining.” Ikumi said.

“As far as I know, you have a sparring match with Kazumin. I think you should prepare for your fight.” Yuria said.

“You’re right, let’s go.” Just as Nanase and the rest will going back, she saw Miyuki staring around.

“Watanabe-senpai?” Nanase called to her.

“Just go ahead, I’ll follow later.” Miyuki replied. Nanase tilted her head in confusion while looking at her. Then she shrugged for a while and followed her two classmates. Just as her three juniors are far from Miyuki’s perception, her expression changed from gleeful to serious.

“To think 500 wandering ghosts would appeared at the same time in the same area eh. What are you all trying to do?” From her vision, Miyuki saw numerous corporeal spirits floating everywhere.

“Nevermind, they’re harmless despite causing disturbance to any person they’ve encounter. Well then, iku ka.” While walking away, Miyuki showed her knife from her right hand. Then it floated on her palm and by twitching her index finger, the knife started to rotate itself.


To Be Continued
« Last Edit: May 23, 2018, 08:15:45 AM by Minamiyuki »
(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
Kumiyuri X Mayuki X Wmatsui X Atsumina X Furuyanagi X Kojiyuu

My Full Series Fics:
GunSword Series (On-going) | Need for Speed: Fast Forward (On-going) | Night Shift Series (On-hiatus) | Shikyo Taisen Series (On-going) | Shichitenshi Gakuen (On-hiatus)

Offline rightsaver143

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Re: Ghostdrive (Sakamichi/AKB48 - Multipairing) - Zone 1 (180523)
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2018, 08:18:07 PM »
Oh God... Oh God... Oh God :dizzy:
Nanase v.s. kazumin in a sparring match :mon spit:
I’ll be cheering for nanase :mon yeah: :mon beam:
Please let it be nanamai(nanase x maiyan) :mon lovelaff: :kneelbow:
Thanks for the sakamichi akb fanfic :wriggly:
I’m looking forward to the next chapters :on GJ:
46 Group
Kami oshi: Nishino Nanase & Shiraishi Mai😍
Oshimen: Saito Asuka

48 Group
Kami oshi: Yokoyama Yui & Kashiwagi Yuki
Oshimen: Oguri Yui, Mukaichi Mion, Nakai Rika

Graduated Member
Kami oshi: Kojima Haruna & Oshima Yuko😘
Oshimen: Watanabe Mayu

1st: Nanamai (Nishino Nanase x Shiraishi Mai)
2nd: Kojiyuu (Kojima Haruna x Oshima Yuko)
3rd: Mayuki (Watanabe Mayu x Kashiwagi Yuki)
4th: Atsumina ( Maeda Atsuko x Takahashi Minami)

Offline Minamiyuki

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Re: Ghostdrive (Sakamichi/AKB48 - Multipairing) - Zone 2 (181009)
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2018, 08:15:23 AM »
Sorry for the late. Here's the next update.



Zone 2: Astronomy Club – Deep Space

Class 2-B Room, Aokigahara Girls’ High School, Fujikawaguchiko Town, Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan; Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 3:15 pm

After the school bell rung, the students of class 2-B put their things in their respective bags and meet each other to talk about their plans. Akimoto Manatsu putting her things in her slingbag, when one of her closest friends, Miyazaki Miho, approached her.

“Manattan, before we go to our clubroom, would you come with us to gymnasium?” Miho asked her friend.

“And why?” Manatsu raised her brow with curious question.

“We have heard some of the students from class 1-B that Kazumin challenged Nanase-chan for exhibition match. Hope you’re interested to watch along with us.” Miho winked at her.

“Nah, I’ll pass. I need to finish all of my homeworks before going to our observatory.” As soon as Manatsu will going to pick her two textbooks, Miho already has her left arm taken.

“Not so fast, genius girl. You’re going with me. And don’t even think speedblitzing me. Aside of holding your arm.” Miho smirked.

“Really, Myao? You’re terribly mad.” Manatsu sighed in defeat. She knew that she can’t escape from Miho’s grasp.

“I’m not being called ‘Mad Dog’ for nothing. Now let’s go, shall we?” Miho smiled innocently while pulling Manatsu out of the classroom. They saw Mai went down the stairs from the upper floor.

“Oh, Maiyan! Where are you going?” Miho asked.

“Going to gymnasium. Both of you too?” Mai asked.

“Myao wants to go. While I’m being forcibly pulled by her.” Manatsu said.

“Well then, let’s go?” The three girls went down to the stairs.

Haa~. I guess I don’t have any choice, am I?’ Manatsu sighed. ‘Although, I have a very pique of curiosity about Nishino Nanase. the last string of Nishino Bloodline.


Kendo Dojo, Aokigahara Girls’ High School, Fujikawaguchiko Town, Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan; Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 3:20 pm

After adjusting her navy blue keikogi and black hakama, Nanase went to the sword rack and stared which of the sword she will use.

Let see. They have many variants of bokken, suburitou, and shinai.’ Nanase chose her own weapon for sparring match.

“And here I thought the Kendo Club is same as the other clubs in Japan. To think they have a bokken made of Isunoki wood.” Nanase tested its capability by swinging it up and down. While she consciously control her strength, there are some few leakages of that, such when a small shockwave, generated from her swing, shaking the rack slightly. Nanase noticed it that she looked behind in case someone watching her.

“Oopsie. I think my preparations were done. Time to meet my opponent.” Nanase went to the doorway that leads to the dojo’s main hall.

Her opponent and classmate, Takayama Kazumi, waiting in the middle of the main hall, along with Ozono Momoko, who is holding a white flag, stood beside her. Both of them are wearing kendo uniform.

“I told you, she didn’t wear armor.” Kazumi said.

“But why she’s not wearing armor?” Momoko said.

“Leaving aside injuries that we will receive after this. She wants more mobility and degrees of freedom. And base on my analysis, she’s very agile. I saw it on the classroom when she immediately placed her headphones on her ears, as Fukagawa-sensei’s hand is 1 centimeter away from the table.” Kazumi explained.

“And besides, this is what the sparring match more exciting. Look, she chose an Isunoki-woodcrafted bokken.” Kazumi smiled.

On the spectator seats, Yuria, Ikumi and Nanami are sitting on the front seat.

“Nanase-chan appeared. And it looks like Kazumin’s getting fired up.” Yuria said.

“Well, both of them are wielding Isunoki bokken. Of course she’s getting fired up.” Ikumi rolled her eyes.

“Hey look, the Student Council are here.” Nanami said while she pointed on her right side.

“Well, Kazumin is also a member of Student Council.” Yuria said.

“Hey, friends. Thanks for reserving our seats.” The three girls looked behind and saw Miyuki, Rena, Mai, Miho and Manatsu. They went to the reserved front seat. Ikumi raised her eyebrow when she saw Miho holding Manatsu’s arm.

“Really, Myao-senpai?” Ikumi narrowed her eyes.

“Well, we are here. So…” Miho unfurled her hold to Manatsu.

“Finally, my arm is free.” Manatsu shook her left arm while glaring at Miho.

“So the Student Council are here to cheer Kazumin? Or they are also interested in Nanase-chan.” Mai said.

“I think it’s both. Well, aside of Misamisa cheering like a wota.” Rena said. She saw Yuria sighing.

“Doushita no, Yuria-chan?” Rena asked.

“To think that she’s here eh.” Yuria stared on a certain person beside Yumi. Upon Rena looked to the Reika’s group and saw the person that Yuria mentioned, she patted Yuria’s shoulder.

“Guys, it looks like they are ready.” Mai said as they saw Kazumi and Nanase standing in front of each other with their bokken in sageto position (holding the sword at the left side of the body). Momoko stood between Kazumi and Nanase. After the two combatants bow, Momoko explained the rules of their match.

“This is the exhibition sparring match between 5th dan Kendo and Aokigahara Girls’ High School Kendo Club Vice-president Takayama Kazumi and 6th dan Kenjutsu Nishino Nanase. This match will feature two combatants and their own skills, Takayama Kazumi in Kendo and Nishino Nanase in Iaijutsu. As such, no Kendo practitoners presented here should copy this fight, as it would cause injuries. Due of different style sword martial presented in this match, there would be neither rules nor scoring system is included. Hence, this match will be ended by my signal. Are we all clear?” Momoko said.


“Hajime!” As soon as Momoko left the court, both combatants put themselves in battle stance, Kazumi in Chuudan-no-kamae (middle-level stance) and Nanase in Tachi-ai (standing stance). Both combatants slowly walking in circles, trying to measure each other’s strength.

Let’s try this.’ Kazumi rose her bokken then followed it by a downward slash. “Yah!”

“Tsk.” Nanase replied by a quick draw sideward slash of her bokken, clashing it with Kazumi’s. The clash of their wooden sword emitted small shockwave, not even the audience, save Rena’s group and Student Council, noticed it. The audience cheered loudly. Kazumi performed a series of slashes, in which Nanase parried all of it. Nanase then increase the strength of her swing, causing Kazumi sent backwards. Nanase saw her right hand twitched slightly.

She’s using both hands. Okay then, time to switch style.’ Nanase removed her hold of her left hand to left hip. Then she used both hands to hold her bokken and place her wooden sword right on her lower left side.

“Nanase-chan’s using Waki-no-kamae stance. She’s using the Kenjutsu style.” Mai said.

Switching from Iaijutsu to Kenjutsu, eh. Now I can see why you label yourself as a freestyle swordfighter.’ Kazumi performed downward swing, which Nanase parried it with diagonal upward swing. Then she do the leg sweep to strike Nanase’s feet. Just as Nanase saw an incoming sweeping slash, she sideflipped it instead of jumping. After her landing on her feet, Nanase rotated around to perform high-momentum sideward slash. Kazumi tried to deflect it, instead it caused her to skid slightly due to the amount of force she received. After a couple of slashes, both of their wooden swords are locked.

“Now this is getting interested. Aren’t we, Kazumi-san?” Nanase smirked.

“You betcha. Now then, shall we get slightly serious?” As Kazumi pushed away, she dashed forward and instantly disappeared in front of Nanase.

“Eh? She disappeared?” “Where did she goes?” Some audience murmured about Kazumi’s disappearance.

Shukuchi?! From behind!’ Nanase turned around to counter Kazumi’s upward swing from behind. Most of the audience were shocked from Kazumi’s appearance behind Nanase.

“Kazumi using Shukuchi technique. Wow, she’s serious now.” Manatsu clapped.

“Really, Kazumi-chan? Shukuchi in the front of normal audience?” Nanami shook her head.

Their wooden swords were locked again as Nanase looked at Kazumi with surprised eyes.

“So, you know about Shukuchijutsu.” Kazumi smiled.

“Of course, no any martial artists can’t recognize that famous speed technique. However…” Nanase pushed Kazumi’s sword. Then Kazumi unleashed a high-speed downward slash.

“You’re not the only one.” Kazumi’s sword met the ground. Then she saw Nanase’s position empty.

“EH?! Nishino-san too?!” The audience are totally in shock. Suddenly, Nanase appeared beside Kazumi as she released sideward slash with her left hand holding the sword. Kazumi, while in shock, jumped sideway to avoid the slash.

“Now this escalates quickly.” Kazumi smirked then instantly appeared behind Nanase after disappearing from her position. In split-second, Nanase instantly went behind Kazumi’s back. Kazumi turned around to counter Nanase’s high-speed slash.

On the audience seats, all spectators are watching as the high-speed fight unfold.

“This is getting out of control. We were surprised that Nanase can also use Shukuchijutsu, but to think that they will use it constantly in front of normal spectators. I hope that Momoko-chan will end this right away.” Rena said.

“Momoko can’t seem to find the right timing to end this match. Unless…” Miyuki didn’t finished her sentence.

Momoko stood from her seat as she ready her white flag. Just as Kazumi and Nanase prepare their final blow, Momoko quickly pushed her feet to the ground and instantly appeared between the two fighters.

“Stop!” Momoko shouted.

“It takes Shukuchi just to end the match. Nice tactics, Momoko-chan.” Minami clapped.

“It’s amazing that Nishino-san can proficiently use Shukuchijutsu.” Yumi said.

Momoko’s shout causing both fighters to stop their last blow midway, with Kazumi’s sword pointing at Nanase’s neck while Nanase’s sword pointing at Kazumi’s chest.

Wow, I never thought this match would escalate like this. I’m surprised at myself.’ Nanase thought. As both combatants stood in front of each other, Nanase take a glance to Momoko.

Momoko-chan can also use Shukuchi.

“Rei!” Momoko said. Kazumi and Nanase bowed to each other.

A normal Shukuchu is just a sudden movement into the opponent’s blind spot to attack. In opponent’s vision, the attacker looks like he’s teleporting due that he can’t follow the attacker’s speed; but in audience vision, the attacker only avoids the opponent’s field of vision, so the audience were still able to follow the attacker’s movement. However, in Kazumi-san and Momoko-chan’s case, their Shukuchi allow them to disappear even to the audience’s eyes.’ Nanase shook her hands with Kazumi’s.

Furthermore, even a full-powered kick to the ground can only make you jump longer. Not even Usain Bolt, the fastest sprinter in the world with a running top speed of 12.42 m/s, can disappear instantly. Additionally, it takes at least 343.21 meter per second squared to disappear instantly from everyone’s sight; and no normal human being can withstand the force 35 times greater than Earth’s gravitational acceleration, unless they want their body to be shredded into million pieces from air’s frictional force. Unless…’ Nanase went to her temporary locker to change.

Either they are not normal human, or not human.


Kendo Dojo, Aokigahara Girls’ High School, Fujikawaguchiko Town, Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan; Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 4:30 pm

As soon as Nanase done changing to her usual attire, and went to the door, she was bombarded with cheers from the students. Her classmates, Hoshino Minami and Takayama Kazumi helped Nanase by getting between the students and her.

“Hai! Hai! Fangirling’s over. Let Nanase-chan pass through.” Minami said.

“That was fun, doesn’t it, Nanase?” Kazumi asked.

“Yup. Thanks for the match, Kazumin.” Nanase bowed then left the dojo.

 As she enter the school’s hallway, Nanase saw Yuria and her seniors approaching to her.

“Wow, Nanase-chan. I never thought you’re proficient in Shukuchijutsu. You’ve even predicted Kazumin’s position when she disappear.” Yuria said.

“It was nothing.” Nanase humbly said.

“So you must be Nanase, eh. I’m Shiraishi Mai from Class 2-B.“ Mai offered her hand.

“Nice to meet you, Shiraishi-senpai.” Nanase replied the handshake.

“I’m Miyazaki Miho, same class as Maiyan. That’s Shiraishi-chan’s nickname.” Miho said.

“Really, Myao? Adding ‘-chan’ in my surname?” Mai glaring at Miho.

“And this large-headed alien person is Akimoto Manatsu, she’s the same class as mine.” Mai teasing Manatsu.

“Why are you always teasing at my head?” Manatsu holding her head. Then she looked at Nanase carefully as if she’s an important specimen from laboratory.

“What’s with Akimoto-senpai?” Nanase whispered to Ikumi.

“Dunno.” Ikumi shrugged.

Nishino Nanase’s base-speed Shukuchi is slightly faster than Maiyan’s. When applying the equation of full-strength, I can assume that their top speed are equal, though I’m faster than Maiyan even at top speed. Nanase’s agility and reflex are faster than I’ve expected that she able to block Kazumin’s attack from behind and avoid the supersonic slash with the sword is 1 millimeter away from Nanase’s skin. This means…’ As Nanase and the rest are walking back to their classroom to pick their bag, one student accidentally bumped at Nanase.

“Sumimasen deshita.” The student said before she left the group.

“Is that? Tanaka-san?” Nanase asked.

“Yup. Tanaka Miku, same class as ours. I’ve heard she’s skipped two grades due that she’s academic accelerated.” Nanami explained.

“Two grades? No wonder that I’ve mistaken her as a middle schooler. Just how smart she is?”

“She learnt Differential and Integral Calculus in her 5th grading and Ordinary and Partial Differential Equation in 6th grading. Due of having perfect marks in mathematics and science in our school’s entrance exam, she’s among the top 10 smartest students in Aokigahara Girls’ High School.” Manatsu explained.

“Top 10? Who are they?” Nanase asked.

“I don’t know the particular order but the top 10 smartest students in our school are: Nakada Kana, Akimoto Manatsu, Nagahama Neru, Yonetani Nanami, Matsui Rena, Takayama Kazumi, Wakatsuki Yumi, Nakamoto Himeka, Tanaka Miku and Yabuki Nako.” Mai answered.

“About Yabuki Nako, she will go to school next week due that she’s taking care something in her hometown, according to Hoshimina-chan.” Yuria said, in which Nanase nodded.

“By the way, is it the time that we go to our clubroom?” Rena asked.

“Oh shoot. Let’s go, guys.” Mai said.

“See you, Nanase-chan!” Ikumi said. Nanase picked her things and left the empty classroom. As soon as she pass the school gate, she narrowed her eyes.

Club activities in evening? So there’s an Astronomy Club here, eh? Interesting, might want to join since I love astronomy.’ Nanase arrived at the dormitory. The Aokigahara Girls’ Dormitory is 200 meter away from her school. Like the school, the dormitory is sitting in the middle of the forest. To make the creepiness worse, the dormitory has an appearance of Neo-Gothic style building. Despite of that, the dormitory has an asphalt road that connects to the main road.

I wonder who my dormmate is.


Astronomy Club’s Clubhouse, Aokigahara Girls’ High School, Fujikawaguchiko Town, Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan; Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 6:00 pm

Ikumi used 2.5-meter long, 500-millimeter diameter Ritchey–Chrétien reflecting telescope, the main telescope in the Astronomy Club’s observatory, to look under the twilight sky. Despite there’s still light coming from the setting sun, stars appeared drastically. The reflecting telescope has an angular resolution of 0.25 arc seconds. With some state-of-the-art technologies attached to the telescope, it can clearly show image as far Alpha Centauri Star.

“Care to tell me what you have found.” Ikumi saw Miho approaching.

“Aside of Jupiter passing by, nothing else.” Ikumi went to the computer table and pressed few keys. After that, the large telescope is slowly retracting itself then the dome’s roof door is closing. Then later, Ikumi went to Miho and then quickly snatch the clipboard.

“What the?”

“Well, then shall we go to meeting? Ikumin gonna need this to write something.” Ikumi put her tongue out to Miho.

“Fine, suit yourself. I have no choice, haven’t I?” Miho sighed.

“And what’s with using third-person to refer yourself?”

“It’s a habit.” Ikumi said. Both of them walked down the spiral stairs to the main control room where the rest of the club are there for finalizing the preparation.

“Well, it looks like we’re ready.” Mai said.

“Ok, my fellow clubmates. We will go at Shoji Village for deep space stargazing at 12:00 midnight. For now, let’s rest at the dormitory.”

“As for the plan, Manatsu and I will prepare for the equipment. Maiyan and Milky, both of you will be our sentry guards and your task is protect everything from incoming interference. Nanami and Ikumi, search for any clues regarding of the anomaly presented. Lastly, for Myao, create an intrusion alarm in case something is approaching. Is that everything clear?” Rena asked.

“Hai!” All of the presented club members shouted.

“Then. Let’s go Astronomy Club!”



To Be Continued
(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
Kumiyuri X Mayuki X Wmatsui X Atsumina X Furuyanagi X Kojiyuu

My Full Series Fics:
GunSword Series (On-going) | Need for Speed: Fast Forward (On-going) | Night Shift Series (On-hiatus) | Shikyo Taisen Series (On-going) | Shichitenshi Gakuen (On-hiatus)

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