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Author Topic: Project J - chapter 8 [WMatsui & others] / 28/8/16 updated  (Read 30149 times)

Offline ashiya

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Re: Project J - chapter 2 may6
« Reply #20 on: May 05, 2013, 08:18:42 PM »
Jurina's transformed into human now, a puppy can talk  :lol:

Puppy dont wear clothes so she is naked on bed  :drool:

No.09 is Jurina?

Atsumina go find Jupuppy , this is not good


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Re: Project J - chapter 2 may6
« Reply #21 on: May 05, 2013, 08:27:52 PM »
whoooo jurina is also an experiment hehe it is getting interesting
 so atsuko and minami are chasing jurina haha

so sweet jurina tries to change renas mood

please update more I caant get enough of this cuteness

I want to know what will rena do with jurina if she believes jurina

I love your fic update more
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Re: Project J - chapter 2 may6
« Reply #22 on: May 05, 2013, 10:15:38 PM »
Aw so cute puppy jurina wants to cheer Rena up  :on gay:

Jurina turned into a human haha i saw that coming
Just imagen that you are sleeping in you'r bed and the next day a girl sleep next to you plus shes naked, I would be surpraised.
Hehehe  :on bleed:
Atsumina Powah Of searching For JuriPuppy  :on GJ:
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Re: Project J - chapter 2 may6
« Reply #23 on: May 06, 2013, 01:40:48 AM »
Ah.. Rena lost her audition....  :cry:

Ara... Jurina is such a romantic puppy...   :inlove:

Takamina and Atsuko are the hunters for Jurina...  :twothumbs

How is the hunting going to be?

Eh... Jurina turned into a girl...

What's Rena going to do with Jurina...?

What's going to happen to them with the hunters running around looking for Jurina?

Can't wait to see the next

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: Project J - chapter 2 may6
« Reply #24 on: May 06, 2013, 03:10:47 AM »
finally jurina human form. :w00t: what make her transformed?

thanks for the update! this story getting more interesting. :twothumbs
~ jurina & mayuyu oshi
~ wmatsui, jurimayu, mayuki

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Re: Project J - chapter 2 may6
« Reply #25 on: May 06, 2013, 05:48:49 AM »
Ahhh~ I know someone would be hunting for Jurina...just didn't expect them to be Atsumina. XD I wonder if Acchan's one of the project too seeing she can scence Jurina.

And thx god Jurina can speak human language properly. XD

I'm expecting your next chapter anytime soon. :3

Everyday Juriken

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Re: Project J - chapter 2 may6
« Reply #26 on: May 06, 2013, 05:30:39 PM »
Jurina is a good puppy who knows how to cheer up her master.

And now Jurina has transformed into a girl, she has more ways to pay back rena's kindness with ... perhaps, romance? hehe!
Visit my FFs:
We Love the Hospital! OS (Mayuki + Wmatsui) + Omake

The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

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Re: Project J - chapter 2 may6
« Reply #27 on: May 06, 2013, 06:04:10 PM »
 :lol: Jurina becomes human and now what shall happen
Random Thought:


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Re: Project J - chapter 2 may6
« Reply #28 on: May 07, 2013, 12:35:04 AM »
OMG! Hooray~~
So, I get the feeling that Jurina will make ppl fall for her...
cuz due to the fact that it is partial school life,
Jurina will probably go to Rena's school.....

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Re: Project J - chapter 2 may6
« Reply #29 on: May 07, 2013, 04:29:39 PM »
Yup, she's naked on the bed....pfft I can't make Rena do something to least not now  XD

Thank you for reading! Lol, or maybe she'll just kick J out because she think J's a pimp? J/k, I love J XD  :wub:

Especially if it's J with her thousand watt smile. I'd die on the spot  XD

With hunters come into the fray, everything'll go ugly...maybe in the next few chapters XD

Good question! What do you think that made her transform?  :P

Kkk, who do you think will hunting Jurina instead? XD
If she can't...that'd be hilarious, wait, maybe I'll do a spin-off later with that topic XD great idea!

Perhaps...romance, and other things...maybe even x-rated things *cof, maybe...or maybe not  8)

Then next chapter shall happen, lol
Do you have some interesting idea? I'd like to hear it  :P

@Shinoki're half right there, she'll go to Rena's school, but not attending there  8)

Offline Elo

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Re: Project J - chapter 2 may6
« Reply #30 on: May 07, 2013, 04:44:59 PM »
I love her too we will see what will happen lol but you know it so update I cant wait anymore hehe
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Offline cisda83

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Re: Project J - chapter 2 may6
« Reply #31 on: May 08, 2013, 02:15:50 AM »
Can't wait to find out then...

More actions and mysteries....

Looking forward to them

Thank you... kumo-san

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Aisacchan

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Re: Project J - chapter 2 may6
« Reply #32 on: May 08, 2013, 03:30:59 AM »
hmm.. was it that extra meal? :huhuh
or because of rena's kiss  XD
~ jurina & mayuyu oshi
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Re: Project J - chapter 2 may6
« Reply #33 on: May 15, 2013, 10:14:10 AM »
Hello Kumo-san  :deco:

Please continue this..

I really like it,...  :wub:

WMatsui moments is so cute although Jurina is puppy.. hehe  :inlove:



I am a fan of AkB48.

I really love their songs.

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Re: Project J - chapter 2 may6
« Reply #34 on: May 18, 2013, 07:22:30 PM »
"I'm Jurina." 

The naked girl smiled innocently. As if nothing has happened. She didn't even try, cover her body.

Rena has a hard time to keep her face color stayed normal. It went red and redder as the seconds passed by. She tried to keep her gaze everywhere but the naked girl on her bed, but it seemed futile. Every small gesture the naked girl made caught Rena eyes. So she brace herself and stare right to the girl.

Above her neck of course.

"Um, you mind to...cover your...body...please?" Rena stuttered. Being a good girl she is, she even gestured her blanket on the bed with her trembling hand. 

The girl just smiled and tilted her head, "Why? Rena-chan doesn't like to see my body?"

'OH. MAI. GAWD.' Rena facepalmed mentally.

Did she just hear what she thought she had heard?! If she didn't know better, she'd said the girl saying that sentence on purpose. Is she trying to embarass her to death?! Or did she tried to seduce her for real?!

Rena has given up to try to reason with the girl. Instead, she went to her drawer, took some loose shirt and shorts, and threw them to the bed.

"Please, just wear them. And we'll talk later." The other girl said, and walked out from her bedroom try to clean her mind.
"Rena-chan~ I'm done! You can go into the bedroom now~" 

Hearing the shout, Rena sighed and went to her bedroom. Inside, she found Jurina seated on her bed cuddling her pillow. Smiling like always.

Rena closed the door and stood firmly in front of it. Her gaze never left the smiling girl sitting in front of her.

"So..." Rena started, taking the other girl's attention. "Who are you?"

The girl frowned. 

"I'm Jurina. Rena-chan, why are you doubting me?" The girl stood up and pinned Rena to the wall. The sudden movement startled and scared the older girl.

"Look." Jurina took Rena's hand and place it on her collar, and move it slowly to the metal tag. The girl made Rena feel the engraved kanji with her fingers. 

"I'm Jurina. Do you believe me now?" Jurina finished with her charming smile.

Rena abruptly pushed Jurina off. Her face was tainted red. "A-a-are you trying to say that you changed from a puppy to a human in one night? What are you? Demon?? Alien??"

"Pfft. Are you serious??" Jurina tried to hold her giggle. "You're watching tv too much, Rena-chan."

Rena gave the other girl a glare. "So? What are you?"

Jurina walked closer to the older girl, smiling michievously. "Like I said. I'm Jurina."

'Gah! This is getting nowhere!' 

"Okay, I got it. You don't want to answer me." Rena moved away giving more space from herself to Jurina.

"So Jurina. What are you going to do after this?" Rena asked again. This time the other girl tilted her head and stayed silent for awhile.

"Hmmm...ah!" Jurina face brightened instantly. "I want to see the world! Can you show me around, Rena-chan?"

"What?!" Rena gave Jurina a weirded look. "Are you trying to say that you're going to follow me around everyday?"

"Can't I?" Jurina's face fell. "Am I a bother to Rena-chan?"

Pleading eyes. 

'THAT'S CHEATING! THOSE PUPPY EYES!!' Rena screamed on her head.

"'s not loke you're a bother, but--" 

Before Rena finished her sentence, Jurina jumped and hugged Rena tightly, nuzzling her neck. "I love you, Rena-chan~!"

Startled, Rena shoved Jurina away. The action seemed to hurt the younger girl feeling, and the older girl felt guilty immediately after she saw the crestfallen face.

"W-why are you always so touchy-feely me?" Rena blushed as she use her hand to cover her front.

"You didn't bothered at all when I did it before." Jurina pouted.

"We-well! I-it's because you're a pu-puppy!" Rena stuttered as she trying to calm her rollercoasting hearbeat.

"Is that so? So if it's a puppy you wouldn't be bothered?" Jurina asked but didn't received an answer from Rena.

"Then so be it."

Rena just stared as she saw the transformation. She saw the other girl's bone went cracking, and moving to unnatural place. Brown and white fur started to grow on the girl's white milky skin. Hands and legs transformed into paws, nose and mouth into muzzle.

Rena's eyes grew wider as the second passes by, until the girl in front of her fully changed into a certain puppy she knew.


Rena felt her legs went into jelly and she collapsed on the floor. This is just too much for a normal girl like her. Heck, it's not an everyday occurence to meet with a puppy that can transform into human.

Jurina took that opportunity to hop into Rena's lap and nuzzling and licking her -again-.

"Arf! Arf!"

" really are..." 

Jurina put her paws on Rena's chest so she can have a better look to the other girl.

"Arf! Arf!"
The bell sound woke Rena from her trance. She immediately went to her front door and opened it. But she never expected to meet the person who's standing in front of her door now.
Since Rena didn't give any response to her, Jurina was worried and followed Rena to the front door.

Then Jurina saw Rena and another middle-aged man in an uniform. The middle aged man saw Jurina and his expression turned into a frown.

"Matsui-san. I got reports from the other resident that they heard barks from your place. I told them it was just their imagination, but to think that you actually have a dog here..." He sighed and looked back to Rena.

"I'm really sorry, sir." Rena apologized and bowed.

"Well, you know the rules here." The man looked at Jurina again,"Please find another place for your dog by today. Else, I'll have to report you to the management, and we both don't want that to happen." 

"Yes, sir. Again, I'm really sorry for the trouble." Rena bowed once again.

As the man left, Rena closed her door and slumped to the floor.

'Great. Another problem.'

"Arf?" Jurina went to Rena's side and looked at the other girl. She looked miserable.

Jurina pawed Rena's leg, tried to earn her attention.

Rena glared, "Mou, now it's either I kicked you out or we both get kicked out from the apartment."

"Arf..." The puppy dropped its ears and looked away.

"Then again why did you get out in your puppy form, Jurina?" Rena sulked. "You knew that pet is prohibited in this apartment--that's it!"

"Arf?" The puppy tilted its head.

"I got it! Ah...why didn't I think about it before? You just have to hide your puppy form and stayed in your human form when we're in or around the apartment!" Rena said excitedly.

The puppy backed away immediately when she heard Rena's suggestion, shaking her head.

"Why not? Jurina! It's for your own sake!" 

Jurina hesitated, but she still refused.

Aggravated, Rena tried another approach. "Would you rather like me being kicked out? Jurina!"

Finally the puppy gave up and transformed back into her human form.

"But I have one condition if I have to stayed in this form." 

"Anything. Make it quick." Rena replied quickly, somehow glad at least she didn't have to worry about being kicked out at the moment. She'll deal with the puppy later. Now she need to hurry or she'll be late.

"I can hug Rena-chan whenever I want in this form~"

The sentence made Rena regretted her words immediately.


At the campus ground, a girl was watching her watch while tapping her foot on the ground repeatedly.

"Mou! Why Rena's so late? We'll not make it if she didn't appear soon!" Churi gritted her teeth.

"Maa, then why don't you just go and wait inside?" Airin answered.

"And how about you?"

"I'll be waiting here of course." 

Churi pouted. "Then no."

Fortunately Rena's appeared few minutes later. With an additional person which Churi and Airin didn't know.

"Churi, Airin! Gomen, I'm late. I need to take care of something first this morning." Rena said as she caught her breath after running a little. Physical strength is definitely not her forte.

"So, Rena, mind to introduce us to your friend?" Churi started mentioning the girl who's hugging Rena's arm. That person looked charming with her rather boyish but still beautiful appearance.

"Ah...right. Sorry, um..." Rena forgot to make a scenario about Jurina's background. She needed to whip something up. Fast. "Um, she's--"

"I'm Jurina! It's great finally we're able to communicate, Churi! Airin!" Jurina butted in, Rena dropped her jaw.

Churi and Airin looked to Rena with confused look. Rena just smiled awkwardly.

" your name is also Jurina? Such a coincidence that your name is the same with a puppy Rena has..." Airin tried to smile, but her eyes showed some doubt.

"Actually, Jurina is my cousin!" Rena shouted suddenly. 

"Cousin?" Churi and Airin asked simultaneously.

"Um, yes. Actually she's from Tokyo. She planned to attend here after she finished high school. Therefore for awhile she'll be living with me while she looking around our university." Rena blabbered, "And about the, right, since child Jurina always cling to me and she liked to act like a when I picked the puppy, I named her after Jurina absentmindedly. Hehe..."

'Great work, dear brain! I hope it sounds believable.' Rena mused.

Hearing Rena's words, Churi and Airin looked Jurina for some confirmation.

"Yup~." Jurina answered as she sneaked her arms around Rena's waist and hugging Her from behind, she placed her face above Rena's shoulder.

"Woah, really. You two must be very close! It's a rare sight to see Rena accepted some skinship." Churi giggled and made Rena blushed.

"And both Jurinas seems have a very affectionate nature towards you, Rena-san." Airin added with a forced smile.

'If only you knew...' Rena thought.


"We'll be late if we don't hurry up!" Churi exclaimed. "Eh, how about Jurina?"

"Don't worry. I'll be fine. Rena-chan already taught me about places I can go and I can't in the campus ground." Jurina smiled proudly.

"Jurina, be a good girl. Remember, don't make any trouble while I'm away. Don't go with any strangers. Don't receive any gift from a suspicious person. Don't--" Rena reminded Jurina again and again. 

Churi rolled her eyes and grabbed Rena's wrist and started to walked away. "Come on...She's not a child, Rena. She'll be fine."

Hearing Churi words, Rena casted a worried glance to Jurina. Jurina just smiled reassuringly and waved her hand. 

"Un, I'll be fine,Rena-chan! See you after class~"
Rena couldn't focus to her lesson at all. Her mind kept worried about a certain puppy, she hoped Jurina didn't involved in any problem out there.


Hearing the bell, Rena quickly gathered her things and walked out immediately. 

When she arrived outside, she saw Jurina waited near the entrance of the building.

"Rena-chan~" Jurina quickly approached Rena. "I didn't get into any trouble, don't worry."

"Good girl." Rena smiled and patted Jurina's head, making the younger girl grinned even more.

"Whoa, you're right Churi! Rena's different when she's with her cousin. I rarely saw her being affectionate with anyone, even with us! She's just too reserved--oww!" Kuumin almost bit her tongue hen Kanon smacked her head. "It's hurt! What's that for, Non-chan?"

"That's rude, Kuumin." Kanon sighed and walked towards Jurina.

 "I'm Kimoto Kanon. Nice to meet you." Kanon shook Jurina's hand. Kanon pointed to her partner, "And she's Yagami Kumi. I apologize for her rude comment just now."

Kumi nodded her head when Kanon mentioned her name.

"It's okay! My name's Jurina, nice too meet you, Kuumin, Non-chan!" Jurina flashed her charming smile, stunning the girls around her.

"Ne, ne, Churi! Can we invite Jurina too?" Kanon asked Churi excitedly.

"Of course. The more the merrier." 

"What? Where?" Rena surprised, she didn't know they plan to go somewhere.

"Ah that's right. I forgot to tell you Rena-san. We planned to go to the beach this weekend. W-would you like to come as well?" Airin stutterd at her last sentence.

"That sounds fun! Let's go, Rena-chan!! I want to see the sea!" Jurina answered excitedly hugging Rena's arm.

"You really want to go?" Rena raised her eyebrows, and Jurina gave a vigorous nod as her answer.

Rena smirked, finally she can have a bargaining with Jurina. "I need to ask her parents permission first. I'll let you know soon, guys."

Jurina frowned.

"I see. Ok, then. Please let me know by tomorrow Rena." Churi said.

"Sure. Ja, minna. See you tomorrow." Rena bid her friends farewell and walked home.

Jurina followed suit with the frown still plastered on her face.


"Nee, Rena-chaan... What do you mean by asking my parents permission first?" Jurina whined when they arrived in Rena's place.

Rena place her bag on the table and sat on the couch in the living room. Jurina also flopped down beside her.

"If you really want to go to the beach...Why don't you answer some of my questions first?" Rena stare at the other girl, her face dead serious.

"Rena-chan, that's not fair! Are you trying to blackmail me?" Jurina shocked with Rena's course of action.

"If I have to." Rena smiled sweetly. Oh, she'd make sure Jurima will spill some beans now. "Or we can always forget the beach."

"That's dirty Rena-chan, but fine! I'll answer you! In exchange, Rena-chan should answer my question about herself too!" Jurina pointed her finger to the other girl.

"Deal. Let's start. Where are you from?"

"Actually I am from Tokyo. My turn, what do you like, Rena-chan?"

"I like melonpan. Next question, what were you doing that night until you collapsed on the strreet?"

"I was...running. And then the weather went bad, rain started pouring down. I was hungry and cold, and before I know I fainted. When I awake I was here." Jurina finished with small smile. "Umm, what's your hobby?"

"Reading manga. Back to you, by running, did you mean running away? From who?"

"Rena-chan, that's 2 questions!."

"It's fine, I'll answer your next 2 questions in a row."

"I...yes, I was running away. But I can't answer the other question, Rena-chan." Jurina answered in small voice. It seems she was bothered by something.

"Does it related to your shapeshifting ability?"

"Rena-chan, let's stop." Jurina said as she remembered those times. Hugging herself, Jurina felt her body trembling slighlty.

Rena understood the urgency in Jurina's words, she decided not to pressed further. The younger girl looked like she wanted to cry.

"I'll prepare dinner." Rena stood up, "And tomorrow we'll have to buy you some clothes for the beach trip."

Hearing her words, Jurina perked up immediately. "Really, Rena-chan?"

"Did you change your mind about wanting to see the sea?" Rena raised her eyebrows, her face calm, but inside she smiled when she can erase the younger girl's worry.

"Rena-chan, you're the best! I love you! Chuuuu~" Jurina hugged the older girl tightly and kissed her cheek.

"Mou Jurina, stop it!"
That night Rena was fast asleep when she felt a certain someone crawling into her bed. Opening her eyes, she saw Jurina's apologetic smile.

"Jurina, what are you doing?" Rena asked. She had prepared a guest room for Jurina, but it seemed her works was futile.

"Gomen, Rena-chan. I can't sleep alone. Can we sleep together?"

Too tired to answer, she just nodded and went back to sleep after she turned herself to the left to give Jurina more space.

In her semi-conscious state, Rena felt a hand snaked to her waist and a warm body hugging her from behind.

"Thank you for everything, Rena-chan."

Project J - chapter 3. Clingy puppy full of mistery. END


Hi minna~

I'm terribly sorry for the late update. This chapter is unexpectedly hard to write. I hope the chapter is good enough to you >_<

I'm sorry if it's quite a boring chapter, but the spices will be up in the next chapter!

Stay tuned ^^

Thanks for the comments, critics and ideas are definitely welcomed XD

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Re: Project J - chapter 3 [WMatsui & others] Updated May 19
« Reply #35 on: May 18, 2013, 09:44:50 PM »
jurina can shapeshift~~
beach~ beach~ interesting~
kumin~ non-chan!!
rena-san... hrm...

Offline kuro808

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Re: Project J - chapter 3 [WMatsui & others] Updated May 19
« Reply #36 on: May 18, 2013, 11:13:27 PM »
Jurina has a secret past.

Kuumina and Kanon inviting Jurina to the beach

I wonder how Jurina will act around everyone
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Re: Project J - chapter 3 [WMatsui & others] Updated May 19
« Reply #37 on: May 19, 2013, 01:16:57 AM »
 *FanGirling*  :shy2:  ahhhhh sooo fuaqing cute aw, le me can't describe with word about this story lols.

Update more you have my support here >=3   <----Jurina?
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Re: Project J - chapter 3 [WMatsui & others] Updated May 19
« Reply #38 on: May 19, 2013, 02:49:17 AM »
seems my guess off. :lol: jurina in human form still clingy to rena, so cute~ :wub:
wonder what will happen on the beach trip
~ jurina & mayuyu oshi
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Offline cisda83

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Re: Project J - chapter 3 [WMatsui & others] Updated May 19
« Reply #39 on: May 19, 2013, 08:52:19 AM »
Rena is having lots of problem with Jurina...  :panic:

She likes Jurina as a puppy... loves Jurina as a human... or going to fall in love  :inlove:

Jurina is so cute... asking Rena if she can hug her whether as a human or a puppy...

Jurina is a clingy... to Rena...

Jurina is so sweet, and Rena is so affectionate toward Jurina

Ah... Jurina ran away from whom and why?

What's going to happen in the trip?

Can't wait to find out

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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