A soft whisper awakened young Rena from her slumber. She saw her mother sat beside her bed with a small sad smile.
"Mama and papa will have to go for a while. Be a good child in the meantime, ne?" the older woman gave her child a soft peck on her forehead before she tucked her girl back in her bed and left with her husband.
Back then she never know why was her mother made that face, but now she maybe understand even only a bit. It was a face when someone was put in a situation which they have to let go of something important for the better.
That night...it was the last time she saw her parents. And the next morning was the day she started to keep other people at bay. As she warned herself to better not to let anyone went too close to her heart, as it will be too painful when they have to bid farewell.
Rena slowly opened her eyes, an unpleasant feeling still lingering in her stomach after she heard Mayu and Yuuko's explanation just now. Even with the hazyness of the explanation that raised more questions in her head, she decided to let it pass for now. It didn't seemed that Mayu want to share more information than the one she let out. At least not yet.
She let her eyes roamed in the room until it landed on the empty chair where Mayu sat before, and remembered the warning Mayu sent her.
She would have to face an extreme change in her life, maybe it'll turned to the worse. Was it really the best choice? Or...
Rena shifted her gaze to the puppy who's been resting her head in her lap since the others left the room. Jurina was smiling as she drew random pattern in her thighs beside her head.
A small smile graced Rena lips as she saw the bright smile when Jurina's face turned to face hers.
It definitely worthed everything.
Wait, what? Suddenly Rena felt her face heated and a tingle appeared in her somach. Since when she felt warmed with Jurina's smile? Since when her heart flutter when she saw the puppy's silly yet somehow cute affection? Rena felt her face went hotter and hotter as came to the realization, a possibility that...that the puppy finally infiltrated inside her defense...that she might started to fall for the puppy...
"Rena-chan?" Jurina's call woke Rena up from her little fantasy world. She felt a hand on her forehead, and saw Jurina's face a bit closer that usual. "Your face suddenly went very red. Did you catch a cold?"
Rena backed away as she saw Jurina inching closer to place her forehead on hers. A muffled answer wasn't enough to stop the puppy's advance, fortunately her hand on Jurina's shoulder kept her distance.
The consistent push from the puppy made the older Matsui fell back to the bed an the puppy hovering above her, arms glued beside Rena's head to keep her balance. When she saw the puppy inched closer little by little, Rena felt her heart decided to be very excited at the moment. The older girl shut her eyes as she await her puppy and...
A knock was heard, then the door was opened revealing Yuki. Rena felt like a deer caught in the headlight, again, as she saw how Yuki's expression turned from her usual smile to a bewildered one. Yuki's eyes and mouth went agape as she saw the two in the room in a quite intimate position.
"Ah, sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt! I just wanted to tell you that the lunch is already prepared, bu-but it's okay, you can skip the lunch! Please continue, go ahead! Don't mind me!" Yuki said in a rush and closed the door with a slam.
"Wa-wait..." Rena replied weakly. "It's a misunderstanding..." Rena suddenly felt the urge to dig a hole and hide herself forever due to the embarassment.
Rena tried to get up and felt the weight on top of her didn't budge. "Jurina, I think it's better if we go down now..."
When she didn't hear any reply from Jurina, Rena raised her head and saw a slight frown before it turned to an unreadable expression on her puppy's face.
"Yukirin, did something happen? Your face looked a bit redder than usual." Mayuyu asked when Yukirin rushed down with a blush. The question was answered with a frantic 'no' but Yuuko, who sat in the other side of the table, knows better, waaay better.
Yuuko grins and butted in to the conversation. "It's obvious that something happened! Like you said before, something that is...inappropiate." Yuuko's grin widen, and soon turned into a perverted smile.
The comment made Yuki's face went even redder as she remembered the things she saw.
"It seems Jurina really liked her, ne." Haruna added with a smile. "Maybe she even already chose Rena to be her partner!"
"Partner? What partner?"
Rena's voice pierced through the air and gained the others attention. She stopped her tracks few meters from the table with Jurina tagging along right behind herself.
"Why don't you ask her yourself?" Yuuko pointed to the blushing and nervous puppy behind Rena.
"Ah, I'll get it." Yuki immediately stood up, but was halted by Yuuko's stern voice.
"Wait Yukirin. I'll go." Yuuko got up and followed by Mayu.
As they were out of the other's hearing reach, Mayu whispered, "Who's it? How come they got so near without you noticing?"
"It's Mariko's smell, but it's faint. No wonder I didn't notice her until she's this near." Yuuko smirked. "She's cunning like always, maybe they already found a way to deceive my sense of smell?"
Mayu frowned, but kept silent.
Yuuko opened the door, and right as her premonition, a tall woman was standing in front of her, smiling.
"Hi." Yuuko geeeted with a smile, but her tone said otherwise.
"Yuuko, Mayuyu! So it was you two after all, Acchan was right, you two still didn't change since the last time we met!" Mariko spoke cheerfully with a big smile. Normally that would indicated as a pleasant greeting, but when it came to her, it meant she has something up.
Mayu put a fake smile, she'll not be beaten easily in a battle of wits, even with an opponent like Mariko. "Why hello there, Mariko-sama. To what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?"
"Yeah, please make it quick. We're still in a middle of a lunch." Yuuko shoo-ed the visitor immediately.
"Oh, wonderful! I haven't had a lunch! Do you think it's okay for me to join?" Mariko clasped her fingers and gave them a thousand watt smile.
"No." Yuuko abruptly went to close the door. Before the door was closed, Mariko use her hand to halt it. Her face serious, no trace of the previous jokes was seen in her face.
"What, you wanna fight?" Yuuko gave a warning glare, she wouldn't hesitate to beat even an old friend of hers.
"No, but I want to talk with Jurina. I know she's inside."
"And why you think that we'll let you do as you please?" Mayu challenged as her pupils started glowing.
"I came without intention to fight or force my way to get Jurina back. I just want to talked to her...Please don't make me use violence as I do not like to dirty my hand. Please let me in to have a little chat with Jurina." Mariko stated calmly, her lips form a thin smile. It was not an empty threat.
Yuuko and Mayu didn't budge. Instead, their pupils already changed it's color to golden. Ready to pummel the threat in front of them any moment she did something suspicious..
"Fine. You asked this yourself." Mariko took a deep breath.
"OOOIII!! JURINA!! COME TO THE FRONT DOOR!!" Mariko released a shout that made the two in front of her flinched.
A dash could be heard from the inside as the puppy arrived. Her smile beamed as she saw the person standing before her.
"Mari-chan!" Jurina glomped the guest without any warning. "How come you find me so easily?"
"Silly, you forgot we have two other hounds that has tracking ability on par as Yuuko's?" Mariko ruffled the puppy's hair, while sending a challenging look the other two.
"Wait, Mari-chan. You didn't come here to bring me back, did you?" Jurina frowned and released the older girl immediately.
"Well yes of course I want to bring you back. But as your sister, I won't ask you to do something unwillingly. Didn't I already promise about that way long time ago?" Mariko pinched Jurina's cheek making the younger girl pouted. "But please let me talk to you first. I found a good cafe with delicious chocolate parfait, why don't we go and have a chat there?"
"Yay! Choco-parfait!"
The puppy turned back and saw Rena coming from inside along with Yuki.
"Rena-chan! Ah, let me introduce you, this is Mari-chan!" Jurina then pointed at the other two, "Mari-chan, this is Rena-chan and Yukirin!"
"It's a pleasure to meet you in person, Kashiwagi-himesama." Mariko bowed a little, surprising everyone.
"Eh? You already know her?" Jurina asked everyone's question.
"Of course. The sole daughter from the politician who ran for prefectural governor of Tokyo, Kashiwagi Genzo." Mariko smiled widely, making Mayu's scowl deepened. "She's also known for her angelic voice and often take parts in a charity concert for her father's campaign."
"Wow Yukirin, you're that famous?!" Jurina's mouth went agape, and the news shocked both Rena and Yuuko. It seemed only Mayu that's aware of that fact.
"And you..." Mariko pointed to Rena and trailed off, she tilted her head slightly."I never saw you before. May I ask who are you?"
Jurina ran off and hugged Rena's arm. "She's my savior, Mari-chan! She saved me when I fainted and gave me shelter and food~"
"Oh, I apologize for my rudeness. I sincerely thank you for saving Jurina." Mariko bowed down again.
"Nee nee, Mari-chan! Can Rena-chan also go with us for the Choco-parfait?"
Mariko eyed Rena and inspected her from the top to bottom before nodded. "Sure. I don't see why not. If they want, everyone's invited for the treat."
"No, thanks. You three have fun." Mayu declined firmly.
"I see, now, shall we go, kiddo?" Mariko led Jurina who drag Rena to her car. Being dragged by Jurina. Rena threw a worried glance towards Mayu asking for a help which went unanswered.
Mariko stopped a bit before she revved her car's engine and rolled down her car's window. "By the way Yuuko, tell Nyaro I said hi!"
"Nah! She'll way better without you mixed in her life!" Yuuko shouted back.
Mariko just smirked hearing Yuuko answer, but soon her smirk turned into a sad smile as she saw a certain figure peeking from a window in the first floor. Clearing her thoguht from any hesitation, she hit the accelerator pedal and sped up.
Back in the villa Yuuko confronted Mayu about her decision to let Jurina and Rena go with Mariko.
"Are you sure it's okay to let them be alone? We don't know what they planned, they can always abduct Jurina or something despite Mariko's promise not to use violence!"
"Don't worry, I won't let that happened." Mayu's answered calmly. "It's just if we go along with them we won't be able to clear the surrounding and we absolutely will be disadvantaged if there's an ambush."
"Well, that's true...So, what's the plan?"
"Gather your things. We'll spy them."
Rena felt like an alien as she sat with Jurina and Mariko sat in the opposite side of the table, yet she found herself couldn't participate in their conversation at all. The way Jurina and Mariko talked looked like they knew each other since forever.
Thump. Rena started to feel a weird sensation in her chest.
Seeing Jurina smile and interactied so close with Mariko kinda made her uneasy...why?
As she pondered, Mariko spoke as she noticed the slight frown that appeared on Rena's face.
"Ne, Rena-chan...wasn't it?"
"I'm sorry to leave you uninterested in our conversation. It's just, I kinda missed talking with Jurina after she disappeared from our place." Mariko chuckled and earned a pout from the puppy.
"N-No, really, don't mind me. Please, continue." Rena answered immediately, heck, she even shouldn't be here in the first place.
"Right, ah, that's right. I haven't introduced myself properly, have I? The name's Shinoda Mariko. Due to circumstances, Jurina's been under my care for a long time. She's like a younger sister to me. Therefore, again I sincerely thanked you for helping Jurina the other day." Mariko ended her sentence with a dashing smile.
That words made Rena blush a little, yet a smile was formed in her lips. "You're welcome, Shinoda-san."
"Mariko is fine. So, let's get to the point, did you happen to know about Jurina's...special condition?"
Rena nodded her head slowly.
"How much did you know?"
Rena started to tell Mariko about everything she heard from Yuuko and Mayu. Maybe she can have more information from Mariko, since she seemed more open about their condition.
"I see. So, kiddo," Mariko got Jurina's attention immediately, "As much as you're a kissing monster and love to hug people, you seemed to gave more attention than usual to her. You always threw a glance to her once in a while and have this goofy smile, even as you talked with me."
That statement made Jurina blushed immediately.
"Are you planning to make Rena-chan as your partner?" The blush on Jurina's face deepened, as she fidgeted in her seats.
Rena shivered a little as she saw the smirk on Mariko's face.
"Oh? And judging from Rena-chan's plain reaction, you haven't tell her anything, have you? Did you plan to do a pre-emptive strike? You bad girl." Mariko smirked went wider as Jurina's blush went bordering to purple.
"Um, ano...what partner?" That partner discussion pique her interest. She remembered she even heard Haruna said it back in the villla.
"Partner? Ah how to describe it, hmm...You see, like, mating? Jurina's in those adolescent age, it's common to have the urge to finding a proper partner for 'us'." Mariko said with a straight face.
"Mariko-sama!" Jurina shout immediately, oh boy, this wouldn't end well on her side.
Rena felt her face burned as she finally understood what that partner means. She took a peek to the puppy who sat beside her and saw a shy, blushing, and a guilty puppy eyes. That looks almost made her heart almost burst out from her ribcage.
Rena stood abruptly, "I-I need to use restroom, please excuse me." Rena ran away from the scene, she need to take a break for her hot face and rapid heartbeat. She didn't even sure herself she'll be able to look at Jurina in a same way ever again.
As Rena ran off, Jurina pouted at Mariko. "Mou Mariko-sama! Why did you surprise Rena-chan like that? How if she hate me now? How if she doesn't want to be near me again? How if--"
"Hush, kiddo. Sooner or later she'll know about it. Don't fuss over small things like this." Mariko silenced Jurina nonchalantly.
"So, what do you want to talk with me, Mariko-sama? You even drive Rena-chan away." Jurina's face turned serious. She may be a clingy happy go lucky puppy, but her perceptions are still better than most people.
"Right. I'll be blunt." Mariko took a deep breath and stare at Jurina's eyes. "Please go back with me."
No answer.
"You'll be hunted."
"I already am."
"Is this about your dream to see the world? I'll do something about it, I promise. I don't want you to get hurt. You have so much potential to be the next generation's Ace."
"Mari-chan...this is not only about my dream...I..." Jurina trailed off, hesitation could be felt from her voice.
"Is it about her?"
Jurina nodded slowly. "I...She accepted me, even though I was seen as a monster by most of people. I even ran away and abandonded her. I sacrificed her for my dream and left her to danger. Even so...she helped me back. I...I don't want to be separated from Rena-chan..."
"You'll expose her to an unmeasurable danger, Jurina..."
"I'll protect her. There are Yuuko-san, Mayuyu, and Kojiharu too."
"You know they won't always be there to protect you and Rena."
"Even so, I'll protect her. Even if it costs my life." The determination in Jurina's voice made Mariko sigh.
"It seems I can't change your opinion." Mariko hang her head and smile at her defeat,
"Ja...please excuse us. It's great to be able to talk to you like this, Mariko-sama. I'm happy you'r not an enemy." Jurina stood up as she saw Rena walked nearing their table.
"Bye bye Mariko-sama!" As she bid her farewell, Jurina ran off the older Matsui.
"Rena-chan!" Jurina bounced with the usual high energy and shining smile.
The greeting made Rena blush, yet she didn't answer the younger girl. That made the smile fell from Jurina's mouth immediately.
"Uh...let's go back?" Jurina said and this time it was replied with a timid nod.
They just walked away silently, with Rena avoiding any eye contact and conversation.
Feeling guilty with the awkward atmosphere, Jurina decided to come clean to the older girl. She stopped her tracks and face the older girl.
"Rena-chan, I-I'm sorry if I made you felt uneasy about the p-partner thing." Jurina felt her face went hot at an alarming speed as she confess her feelings, "I promise I won't force myself to you! B-but, I-If you find myself disgusting and doesn't want to be near me..." Jurina's voice went smaller and smaller as she didn't want to even think about that possibility, tears started to formed in her eyes.
"Don't cry. Don't talk about yourself like that..." Rena's soft voice made Jurina raised her head and saw a blushing, but smiling face. "It's just...I..."
"Don't worry, I will wait for Rena-chan..."
The exchange made both of them blushed furiously, and a warm feeling started to dwell in their chests. As a burden was lift from her shoulders, Jurina shyly went to grab Rena's hand and entwined their fingers together, slowly, preparimg to let it go immediately should she felt any resistance from the other girl.
As their fingers interlaced with each others, another gush of warmth went from their hands to their hearts.
Back to Mariko in the cafe. Her smile never wavered even as she saw the two other girls walked with their hands holding each others.
"So, have you remembered her scent?" Mariko asked in a little loud voice. Enough to made the table behind her to hear, but not to attract more attention from the other guests in the cafe.
"Ah, pretty clear." A deep voice stated.
"She's quite a beauty too. Jurina really have done her homework." Another said in a cheerful voice.
"I'm really worried that she'll copy your bad habits, Sae."
"Mou, Sayakaaa! You sounded like I teached a bad things to her."
"You did. By the way Mariko, Yuuko and Mayu are spying on us from the building in front of us. But it didn't seem like they recognize me and Sae." The girl called Sayaka said as she removed her glasses disguise.
"Yup, the perfume really helped a lot! It made our scent disappeared completely! Even Yuuko wouldn't be able to recognize our scent unless she's very near."
"That's good to hear. Saa, you know what you're supposed to do, right?"
Two tall girls stood behind Mariko's table and walked away.
"Ah, let's the hunt begin."
Seeing the two figure went away, Mariko just smiled and leaned back the her chair. She took her mobile and dialed a number.
"Hello? Ah yes, as expected, she declined me." Mariko chuckled.
"Hmm hmm, we'll proceed with the next stage of the experiment to test the theory. Don't worry, I'll keep my eyes on them."
"Don't worry, everything's went smoothly as planned."
Project J - chapter 7. The charming pokerface and the hunting hounds. END
Sorry for the long wait, please enjoy the next chapter! ^^
I'm terribly sorry if the flow is pretty slow...