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Author Topic: [END] Love Capture: SPECIAL ~ Valentine's Day?? [MaYuki] (03/02/16)  (Read 130192 times)

Offline katekyohit

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Completed Series for Love Capture! XD Hope you all enjoy this so far!!!!
This is the end of it :P Thank you to all the readers (both active and silent ones) that keep up with this until the end ^^
For ones who never read this.... This is a dark complex drama + romance with main pairing as MAYUKI~ and minor ones as wMatsui and KojiYuu.  :deco:
Complicated indeed...Hope you guys enjoy it!  :cow:

~Love Capture: SPECIAL Occasion~
Christmas Eve [2013]
Happy Birthday [2014.07.15]
Valentine's Day??

A/N: A story that was sort of inspired from listening to “Romance Kenjuu” from Team B! At first want to use Yukirin’s picture from the PV but…doesn’t quite fit with the tone of the story. Haha, I want to try make the story a bit dark and intense than the first one. It’s my first time doing it so I hope for the best that you guys will enjoy it!


The siren of the police car echoed in the middle of the night. Polices were tracking down the thief. It was the 5th time that the same exact incident happen and polices were working at their best to catch the criminal no matter what. No one knew their intention but polices had to do their job. Only thing they did was to steal…and killed people.

“I saw them!” An officer yelled as she saw the silhouette through the corners of the old building. Then suddenly another officer sprinted to catch up with the thief with the gun in her hand. “Be careful Yuki!”

“Don’t worry. I’ll catch them!”

Yuki ran after the thief without fear. Deep down into the dark alley of the old abandoned buildings she spotted the human figure in a black hoodie. Her grew wide as she aimed the gun at that shadow instinctively. She knew that she came across with the thief and this time she would catch them without fail.

“Don’t move! You’re now captured!”

The human figure didn’t move. Yuki didn’t let her eyes off that thief at any blink of second. In that moment of silence…the cloud moved away and the light of the moon made the alley became brighter. At that second, Yuki saw the pair of dark color eyes made eye contact with her. That instant, the police could feel the silence in those eyes and she felt moved by it. 

Unfortunately, it was long enough for another human figure in black hoodie to hit Yuki’s gun out from her hands with a short knife. The police recanted back with surprise, she didn’t expect for another thief to come from above her. However, before she realized it again, both shadows disappeared from her sight already. Everything happened so fast that she lost track from them. It was too late for her fellow colleagues to catch up with her already since they let the thief out once again.

“Yuki! Are you alright?” The tall female officer came up to her with worries as Yuki slowly got up on her feet again and picked up her dropped gun.

“I’m not injured, don’t worry.” She sighed and turned to her colleagues with guilt on her face. She couldn’t help but to feel guilty for letting the thief away when she had a chance to shoot down and catch them. She was so angry at herself for being hesitant at that moment when her eyes met with the thief. “I’m sorry to let those thieves go…I didn’t expect another thief to be this close by.”

“Don’t worry about that Yuki-senpai. They got two people but you’re only one…seems lady of luck doesn’t side with us this time.” The junior officer tapped on Yuki’s shoulder before they headed back to group up with their colleagues.

Everyone were busy gathering evidences from the crime scene in order to find any significant clues that would lead to the thieves that robbed the house of an innocent family. Everyone got killed except the mother and the child. The corpses were collected and Yuki hated this part of her work the most. She saw tears from the child and the mother after they lost their loved one. She couldn’t forgive the thieves that done this to innocent families like them. She swore that she would track those thieves down and punish them as equal to all crimes they had done. Yuki tightened her fist and continued helping her colleague without being too emotional with the tragic scene she’s witnessing.

“I swore…I’d definitely not let you get away next time…!”


The two figures in black hoodie arrived at another area of the dark alley. They didn’t hear any footsteps, so it seemed they weren’t being pursued.

“Phew! I guess we’re safe now.”

“Did you get what we wanted?” The shorter one asked as the taller nodded. She brought her hoodie down and revealed her Cheshire grin across her face. She looked amazingly young yet had those strong ferocious eyes. There was also a scar presented above her left eye, which signified the battles she had went through.  She giggled as she took out a small little bag from her pocket. It was something that they had stolen from their target today. “Good.”

Her friend replied coldly back and made the taller girl rested her arm on top of the shorter one’s shoulder. “Oi Mayu, you almost screwed up right there. That’s not your normal self at all~ If I didn’t make it that police girl would shoot already.”

“Jurina, do you think I will get shoot before I shoot her down?”

Mayu leered back with a threatening tone in her voice. She continued to argue Jurina back due to having high dignity in herself. “If you didn’t interrupt me, I’ll be guiding her to gates of hell already.”

“Ouch…I’m sorry for interrupting you?” Jurina replied sarcastically as they walked into another dark corner of the buildings to head back to their hideout.  “I’ll be more careful next time then.”


Mayu didn’t reply anything back; her thoughts were occupied with the face of that police officer she saw. Despite the fact Mayu didn’t bother to remember the faces of her victims or anyone she met, she actually remembered that face of the police clearly like it was right in front of her now. At that moment her eyes with that officer girl, she actually hesitate to shoot her down. But Mayu didn’t admit that she’s hesitating, her arrogance blinded her from admitting the truth.

“Mayu, want to fetch some drink before we return back? I’m a bit thirsty.”

Jurina nudged her shoulder and Mayu showed sign of annoyance in her partner’s easygoing style. “The bills on me!”

“…Fine, do whatever you want. Let me inform Yuko first.” Mayu sighed and brought out her cellphone to text another friend of hers, Oshima Yuko, about their success in their tonight’s task. The shorter girl was always serious and made sure everything went smoothly and perfect. She couldn’t help but to inform back to others first before they made others worried about their long unusual disappearance.  Right after she’s done, she got dragged by Jurina to one of the hidden bars in the corner to fetch a drink before they return back home.

Another night of their mission came to an end, however Mayu was aware that the police forces were becoming more aggressive with catching them. The fact that the officer girl caught up with her was not something she was expecting to happen. It reminded Mayu that she had to increase more of her awareness if she didn’t want to get caught again. Its considered luck that Jurina saved her right on time, however she wondered whether there would be next time like that again or not… 

Mayu went up to the bartender and paid for Jurina and her drink. It made the puppy-face girl dumbfounded with Mayu’s silent action. “Eh? I told you that the bills are on me.”

“I’m not really in a mood of killing anyone at that moment, so consider as my little gratitude for back there.”

She finished her drink and walked out from the bar. Jurina was left dumbfounded and rushed after the shorter thief. The puppy-face thief grinned softly as she knew that it’s a way Mayu expressed her thanks. She had too much dignity to even say ‘thank you’, but that didn’t bother Jurina a slightest. As she caught up with her partner, she walked by her side as they headed back to their hideout…back to their home in this dark forgotten alley…


~To Be Continue~
« Last Edit: February 03, 2016, 09:59:44 AM by katekyohit »

Offline chichay12

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Re: Love Capture: Prologue [MaYuki]
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2013, 05:53:14 PM »
finally u post ur fic here!!  XD
 :on woohoo: :on woohoo: :on woohoo:
looking forward to read ur future update :on gay:

and by the way
welcome in  :jphip:

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Re: Love Capture: Prologue [MaYuki]
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2013, 06:02:00 PM »
I'm excited for this fic.  Can't wait for what happens next
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Love Capture: Prologue [MaYuki]
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2013, 06:38:01 PM »
finally u post ur fic here!!  XD
 :on woohoo: :on woohoo: :on woohoo:
looking forward to read ur future update :on gay:

and by the way
welcome in  :jphip:

 :cow:  :cow:  :cow: Welcome katekyohit-san! 

Very interesting plot. My MaYuki in an action/lovestory(I assumed  XD ) Can't wait for the next part! Please update ASAP!  XD  :lol:

Thanks for the new mayuki fic. Hope there's more.  :bow:

Offline mayuki_daisuki

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Re: Love Capture: Prologue [MaYuki]
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2013, 06:46:43 PM »
moar please :cow: :bow:
yuki is fast mayu :P she'll catch up with you in no time :yep:
jurina and mayu sneaky thieves :twisted:
i feel sorry for the mother and child though i admit :cry:
My kami-oshi is Mayuyu, and my oshimen is Oku Manami.

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Re: Love Capture: Prologue [MaYuki]
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2013, 06:55:20 PM »
So you finally posted your fiction on here! First of all, welcome to the forum! :welcome

I guess I've already commented on your fiction within Tumblr but doesn't hurt to add more here. XD Anyway, I guess we can predict that Yuki will catch up with Mayu soon enough. Considering how Mayu was taken by surprise when the older girl found her at such a fast rate, it should be possible (I think). I wonder if Rena will show up soon since Jurina is here (unless there's some JuriMayu and/or YukiRena moments aside from Mayuki).

I look forward to more of your work and the updates on both this and your other fiction, Amnesia! :cathappy:

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Re: Love Capture: Prologue [MaYuki]
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2013, 08:18:06 PM »
wow you're here welcome  :hee:
I have commented but in akblasphemy48 hihi  :whistle:
I was waiting to read this kind of story  :ding: :ding:
I can't wait to see more  :wriggly:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Re: Love Capture: Prologue [MaYuki]
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2013, 08:55:37 PM »

Update soon!

Mayuki is one of my favorite couples!!!


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Re: Love Capture: Prologue [MaYuki]
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2013, 09:33:34 PM »
MaYuki  :shy2:

very interesting plot  :on GJ:

 and I'm so seeing Yuko as mastermind in here  :wahaha:

my hat is off. saluting.

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Re: Love Capture: Prologue [MaYuki]
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2013, 10:57:22 PM »
I will read it!! :P


Nananah I feel bad... :smhid
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

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Re: Love Capture: Prologue [MaYuki]
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2013, 02:49:15 AM »
i love officer yuki LOL


Offline katekyohit

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Re: Love Capture: Prologue [MaYuki]
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2013, 07:05:23 AM »
chichay12: yes finally I did! and thank you :)

rhin_rhin: I had another fic which is MaYuki + WMatsui together, I'll upload soon then.  XD

LoyalFlutist: Hi again~ Yep! Eventually Yuki will catch up with Mayu since she's a dedicated officer after all~ Rena would show up! Well I hope to include her in it but still figuring how to do it. We'll see! I'll upload Amnesia on here too so do look forward to it as well  XD I look forward to your fic as well, "How Far Are You Prepared To Go?"!  :cathappy: :wub:

mo-chan: hello again! Oh wow I didn't know you look forward to this kind of fic. I'm excited to write it myself and I'm glad you enjoy it!

Offline katekyohit

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Re: Love Capture: CH01 [MaYuki] ~ UPDATE (9/7/2013)
« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2013, 04:30:58 PM »
A new update, please do enjoy and comment!  XD XD

Love Capture: CH01

A/N: Oh wow it took me forever to figure out how this story is going to proceed. I kept changing it around several times already…I’m a little indecisive with this chapter 1 but I hope it works.



Jurina got through the door energetically with Mayu following from behind emotionlessly. The puppy girl rushed in and jumped onto another girl who was sitting at the table enjoying her coffee. “We brought back the thing we wanted~ also, some extra cash.” Jurina did steal some gold and money from the victim’s house along with her. She always made sure that she had worthwhile trip on her mission.

“Haha! Good job Jurina! I heard it from Mayu already.” Yuko rubbed the snuggling puppy girl’s head to congratulate her success in the mission. “Mariko-sama is currently not back yet so just go relax. Dinner’s ready by the way~”

“Yay! I’m so starving now~”

Jurina ran into the kitchen immediately without waiting anyone, however that gave the opportunity for Yuko and Mayu to have their private chat. Yuko’s gentle eyes changed drastically to a calm serious one. The aura from her changed and Mayu realized that. “How many died today?”

“…Don’t worry.” Mayu replied Yuko’s dead serious question. “Jurina didn’t kill anyone, I did.”

“I see…I’m sorry Mayu.” The squirrel face girl apologized to her colleague. She could’ve gone in their place but she had a mission to do as well. It must be Mariko’s plan to make Yuko worked separately from Jurina since she could become too over worried about the puppy girl.  “Thanks for looking after Jurina.”

“Stop over worry about her. She’s quite strong herself, even though she’s could be too carefree and playful…”

The mouse girl sighed and walked into the kitchen as well. She was hungry since it’s already quite late. The two girls that accomplished their mission filled their stomachs with the food that Yuko prepared for them. It didn’t taste that bad, but it’s not in a level to call it really good either. However, everything became much more delicious when they’re starving. Enjoying their relaxing time, another woman came in from the door. It’s a shorthaired woman with a model body. She took off her sunglasses and it made Jurina sprung out from her chair.

“Welcome back Mariko-sama!”

“I’m glad to see you energetic as usual Jurina~” The puppy ran to her and she stroked her head playfully. “Did you get what I asked?”

“Yes! We got it! Plus some decent amount of cash too!” Jurina informed lively and it made Mariko smiled widely with relief. Not only because they completed the task she assigned for them, she’s worried about their safety as well and she’s glad that they’re back without any injuries. “We’re a great teamwork right Mayu?”

“Yeah yeah…”

Mayu kept eating her meal without giving much attention to what Jurina’s saying. After they were done with their meal, they were all summoned to Mariko’s main office to further plans from now on.

Jurina gave Mariko the bag that contained the item she wanted, and it was a chip. It seemed to contain some valuable information and she had to send it to her friend to get the information out. Which wouldn’t take that long but meanwhile, Mariko asked for reports from both Jurina and Mayu.

“So…what’s the report today?”

“It didn’t actually go well as I expected, the guards and servants were armed with weapons, I didn’t have a choice but to shoot them down. About 5 or more.” Mayu reported without any slight tremble in her voice. It seemed it’s something so normal to her already. “Also, the polices were becoming more aggressive these days...I believe it’s best we’re aware of every of out steps.”

“I see, thank you for your report.”

Mariko remained her calm composure as it’s Yuko turn to give out her report. “It’s just as Mariko-sama said~ your intuition was right after all. ” The squirrel girl giggled but it didn’t hint Mayu or Jurina anything about what she’s assigned to do at all. It’s another secret task that Mariko gave Yuko again.

“Thanks Yuko, I would need your help with gathering information.”

“Hai, leave it to me! No rumors can escape me in dark alley.” She giggled with that squirrel face. This time Mariko turned to the other two girls, it made Mayu wondered what task they would be assign this time. However, it was only Jurina that was given the task. She would go to meet with Mariko’s fellow hacker friend in order to unlock the data out from the mysterious chip they retrieved today. As for Mayu, she wasn’t assigned anything and was told to relax from her work.

“Thank you for your hard work everyone, call it a day and relax.”


They replied in unison and came out from Mariko’s office. Jurina and Yuko planned to go chill off at the Sae’s bar as usual. However, Mayu was quite tired for some reason and decided to decline that invitation. “Are you alright Mayu?” Yuko wondered with worries.

“Don’t worry, I might be a little tired. I’ll go to my room now then.” Mayu left her group and went to her dark silent room. Since it was already late, she decided to call it a day and went to sleep in her old comfy bed.


A dream…?

I was running in the alley. Someone was trying to catch up with me. I couldn’t run away from this pursuer at all. “Damn you…!”

I turned and pointed my gun towards the pursuer. She did the same. It was that woman officer that caught me on that day. Her gun was aiming at me; my gun is aiming at her…

Our eyes met with each other, but why did I suddenly hesitate? Something is not right with me…after all people I had shoot down…why did I hesitate to kill her?

Again…this dream, I remember this dream. Around this moment, it will…



Mayu got up from her bed and closed her alarm. She pressed her hand against her head as something was throbbing inside. She grumbled with irritation before she got out, what’s disturbing her the most was that she’s having this sort of dream consecutively for several days already. “Screw this crap…” It had been several days since she had been having day-offs. Mariko didn’t give her a task at all. So she sat at Mariko’s bar and had a drink alone quietly.

“Hey Mayu, enjoying your peaceful moments? Recently you just come and sit here without doing anything.” The bartender came up to talk to her; it’s hard to tell whether he’s a man or a handsome woman.

“…Oh, it’s Sae.” Mayu replied monotonously and had a sip of her drink.

“No job from Mariko-sama?”


Mayu shut down the conversation between her and Sae mercilessly, but it didn’t stop the bartender from continuing the conversation with the heartless mouse. “Well! Enjoy your moments for as long as you could. Today’s going to be quiet so feel free to stay as long as you need.”

“Good, I don’t intend to move.”

The cold-hearted nezumi sat alone peacefully at the edge of the counter. Enjoying her silent moments, she overheard a conversation of this group of men that came to have a beer.

“You know? Another kid got kidnapped again…”

“Eh? Again?” Another man grumbled with boredom. “This time is a girl or boy?”

“I heard screams…so I presumed is a girl. Jeez, that psycho is just too creepy.” Both men shivered as they were talking about this psycho man that recently appeared and started kidnapping kids from dark alley. He’s in the blacklist and even until now the police were trying to hunt him down. His only punishment would probably be death sentence. He kidnaped kids, disregarding their gender, he would do something terribly psychotic to them and as a result he will kill them. “You heard about corpse discarded in the alley right? It’s him.”

“Serious? This is too creepy…”

Sae was also listening to the conversation and she could tell that Mayu did the same too. She walked to her friend and whispered softly as she slid the paper across the table towards Mayu. “The old blood is boiling is it, Nezumi-chan?”

“…” Mayu didn’t respond to Sae, but her eyes stared at the paper. The psychopath man had a bounty in this dark alley in order to encourage people to eradicate him away from this place. If anyone were to become threats, they would have a bounty that would lure others to get rid of them. Usually Mayu wouldn’t take any action if Mariko didn’t say so. However, she finally snatched the paper away and walked out towards the exit of the bar without saying anything to the bartender at all. “…Whatever.”

“I’ll wait for your return.”

Sae spoke up and halted the young girl in her black baggy hoodie. Mayu looked back at Sae with the corner of her eye and simply walked out without a word. However, the bartender seemed to know what Mayu would be doing for the day today, she’s out for hunting once again.



The young girl had her hands tied tightly and was pinned against the wall by the kidnapper. Her eyes were filled with terrify. There were bruises and marks of being whipped all over her body. That pain kept her from staying conscious. “Please…kill me…”

“Hehe…I want to see you scream more. It just felt so exciting don’t you think?” He chuckled maliciously and it made the girl’s mind drove insane. She wished to die but the man wouldn’t kill her until she satisfied him. Even though death was right in front of her…it was just so far from reach. She couldn't ask anything more than that. “How about we try this one this time?”


She screamed the top of her lungs, hoped someone would hear her but it would be in vain as usual. Even though someone would hear her…she doubt anyone would come save her now.

“Ah, this trip isn’t as bad as I thought.”

A human figure in black hoodie picked up gold bars that were scattered on the ground, she had completely ignored the existence of the man and the helpless girl. She was only concerned with money that was right in front of her, she didn’t regret that she actually came out to hunt the ‘threat’ down at all. “This would give me decent money…”

“…Who are you?” The man asked but Mayu ignored him and looked around for more valuable items for money. She’s a thief after all. Bounty hunting was her part-time, but stealing is her main career. “WHO ARE YOU!?”

“You’re annoying.”

She pulled the trigger and shot at the man’s limb, causing his right arm to be immobilized. “…Too annoying.”

“Y-You…!” The man grumbled with anger and in pain. He ran in with a long knife in his hand. However he completely underestimated her, she dodged the knife easily and then thrust her kick right into his stomach. The kick was powerful enough to send the man fly across the room and crashed against the wall forcefully. “U-Ugh…”

The girl couldn’t let her eyes away from this mysterious hoodie girl that appeared right in front of her. Before she realized it again, Mayu pulled out a gun and aimed towards her.


The chains that bound her hands shattered. She couldn't believe that few seconds ago she’s in hell and now she’s finally freed. “A-Ah…”

“I’ll deal with you after I kill him…Ah?” Mayu looked back at where she expected the man to be, but he disappeared. Then suddenly, she began to chuckle with excitement. “Ah…I guess it’s more fun this way isn’t?”

She turned her gun and shoot towards the right of hers. It did hit something; it’s a sound of flesh. The man yelped in pain as he got shot right at his abdomen.  Mayu didn’t need any much attempt to find the psychopath at all.


He let out a chuckle, and it eventually became insanely loud. He slowly moved towards the window as if he’s planning to jump out from here. Mayu didn’t expect anything much from a psychopath; they’re just too insane to predict anything. “HAHAHAHA!!!”

“Shut up.”


She pulled the trigger and this time it struck right into the man’s forehead. He fell out through the window and Mayu showed no sign of mercy. She was slightly grateful that she didn’t have to see the corpse since it fell off the building already. It’s good thing for both her and this helpless girl behind her. It’s another simple task to do and she got extra valuable items back with her as well. “Now then…what should I do with you?”

She pointed her gun towards the little girl who froze instantly as she made an eye contact with Mayu. “So, do you want to die?”


“I’m not patient to wait for long. Yes or No?”

Mayu threatened the girl again, her leg felt weak and fell onto the ground powerlessly. She began to cry and believed that it would be the end of her already. Part of her wanted to die, but at the same time she didn’t want to. At that moment she thought that Mayu would’ve killed her, she heard a sigh and felt a pat on her head. She looked up into Mayu’s eyes, which were so close to her. Her mind was completely enveloped with the calm and silence in those dark eyes. Without a reason, the young girl felt peace within her heart by looking into Mayu’s eyes. No words were exchanged, but the young girl started to feel that the thief in front of her did came for good.

But before the thief could’ve said anything further, she heard a loud commotion from outside. She heard a siren and that’s when she realized that she’s no in a good position now.

“…Are you serious?”

She didn’t expected police officers to still be wandering around at this area. It seemed she had underestimated the persistence of police officers. They were already here and they’re probably busy with the corpse of this man they’ve been looking for so long. But obviously they would wonder who shot him. “Come.” Mayu grabbed the girl’s hand and dragged her along with her. She got out from the back entrance of the building. That moment, she felt a relief that they wouldn’t get caught anymore but it wasn’t as she thought.

“Who’s there!?”

That familiar voice completely caught her attention. She turned and then saw this police officer running towards them, it was that same woman that she met on that night. Out of all the officers, Mayu wondered why did it have to be the same woman that she almost kill, or almost got killed by.

‘That officer…’

“Who are you!? Raise your hands up, we will not hurt you.” Yuki pointed the gun at Mayu but the girl didn’t obey the officer. Their eyes met and the officer remembered those dark eyes. It was the same pair of eyes that belonged to the thief she saw that night. She remembered it clearly; the silence and calmness in those pair of dark orbs that made her hesitated to pull the trigger.

“You…! You’re that murderer from that night aren’t you…!?”

Yuki’s voice changed instantly. It was filled with anger mixed with hatred. Mayu was shocked that the officer actually remembered her; she wasn’t expecting this to happen. This had put Mayu in a much more tough position since the officer won’t hesitate to shoot her after she remembered that she’s a thief from that night.

‘W-Wait, how the heck did she…’

“I won’t let you go this time!” She was about to pull the trigger. At that instance, Mayu didn’t have a choice but to use the girl she brought with her as a shield. It made Yuki halted before she would shoot an innocent citizen. Nezumi pushed the girl forward and actually shoot her from behind without hesitation.


The girl’s shriek made Yuki’s attention diverted to the injured girl instead. Mayu used that chance to escape before Yuki could’ve catch up with her. The officer then realized that Mayu was using the girl was a decoy to escape; she tried to shoot but none managed to land a hit. “Damn it!” She hurried to the young girl; gratefully the bullet didn’t hit any of the girl’s vital spots. It’s just her arm. She couldn’t believe that the thief actually used this injured innocent girl as a shield and even shoot her. “Are you alright??”


“Yes, we’re here. You’re safe now…that murderer is gone now.”

Yuki stroked the girl’s head and then carried her to the car. They called the ambulance and it was presumed that she’s a victim of the psychopath they found. However the officers were wondering what happened since the criminal was killed by gunshot, he didn’t die by falling out from the window. Yuki stayed with by the girl’s side until the ambulances came, then suddenly, she felt a weak gripped from the injured girl. “Don’t worry, you’ll be back to your family…”

“…saved me.”

“Eh?” Yuki was confused as she tried to listen to what the girl said again. She was very weak from all the tortures that she barely had energy to speak.

“She…killed him…saved me…”

“Kill? Wait don’t tell me…” Yuki couldn’t believe what she’s hearing. The girl was telling her that it was the murderer that killed the psychopath and saved her.  It was likely to correspond with why there was a gun shot injury on the psychopath but then Yuki couldn’t understand the fact that the murderer she’s pursuing saved this young girl.  “I see, thank you for telling me…do relax.”

She patted the girl before the ambulance took her away. Yuki got up on her feet once again and recalled the eyes of that murderer she met. She tightened her fist and let out a heavy sigh. Unlike last time, she was terribly angry with herself for letting the thief go when she’s just so close to her already. However this time, she decided to let go for once since the murderer did saved the girl’s life. She had no evidence whether what the young girl said was right or not. But her sense of justice told her to believe in those innocent words.  Even though Mayu really did save the girl after all, it wasn’t enough to cover the crimes she had done to many innocent families.

“I’ll let you off, for just this time…but next time, I’ll not hesitate to shoot you down anymore.”


Mayu finally managed to escape without getting caught again. However, things were getting worse for her since Yuki actually remembered her. She didn’t actually expected that and things could get worse if they meet again. It was pure luck that she had a decoy to save her, but it wouldn’t be like that next time. She returned back to the bar safely this time.

“Oh! How’s the hunt?” Sae greeted but she didn’t budged to say a word. Sae could tell that Mayu did her job and so she handed nezumi a bag of coins. “Well…this is your reward.”

Mayu took the bag but also tossed few coins to Sae before she left. “The drink this afternoon.”

“Thank you and please come back again, Mayu.” Sae giggled but Mayu still had that emotionless face on her as usual. The girl left with the reward money. The bartender knew Mayu quite well enough to tell that the mouse girl would never show direct gratitude.

She got back and then met with Yuko who was having some snacks. Also, the squirrel girl recognized the bag in Mayu’s hand; she could sense money from it.

“Oh? What did you bring back?”

“Some cash from bounty hunt and some decent extras.”

She dropped the bag onto the table and walked away. It was as expected from a heartless thief like Mayu.  Yuko didn’t ask anything further since nezumi retreated back to her room before she could’ve said anything.

“Oh damn…just came by and gone like a wind huh?” Yuko ruffled her hair but then she diverted her attention to her snacks instead. Mayu always acted things upon her own without having permission or orders from Mariko. However it didn’t troubled the leader since Mayu never did anything that brought threat to them and to this place, dark alley. 

It wasn’t one normal day for Mayu at all. That officer, Yuki, was trying to catch her no matter what. She wondered whether it’s pure bad luck that she met with her today again or not, but it forced Nezumi to make a decision that she didn’t really wanted to…Killing a police officer would be one of the acts she didn’t want to do the most. However, Yuki wasn’t giving her a choice anymore.

“…It seems I seriously have to kill her next time.”



Offline kenjoy12

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Re: Love Capture: Prologue [MaYuki]
« Reply #13 on: July 09, 2013, 05:00:26 PM »
Update~! :fap

Though i already left my comment at akblasphemy48.. :oops:

Seriously~! I'm loving your fic.. :thumbsup

Please Yuki and Mayu don't kill each other~! :OMG:

Thank you for the update :bow: :twothumbs m(_ _)m

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Re: Love Capture: CH01 [MaYuki] ~ UPDATE (9/7/2013)
« Reply #14 on: July 09, 2013, 05:37:07 PM »
Mayu is going to kill Yuki next time  :OMG: :scared: :stoned: :on blackhole:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Re: Love Capture: CH01 [MaYuki] ~ UPDATE (9/7/2013)
« Reply #15 on: July 09, 2013, 05:49:20 PM »
Oh man! :banghead: What I should do now. I have nothing to read.

Offline imteedee

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Re: Love Capture: CH01 [MaYuki] ~ UPDATE (9/7/2013)
« Reply #16 on: July 09, 2013, 07:33:27 PM »
getting some action here!  :onionwhip:      :mon slapself:  :mon zoom:

can't wait for the update  :wigglypanda:
my hat is off. saluting.

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Re: Love Capture: CH01 [MaYuki] ~ UPDATE (9/7/2013)
« Reply #17 on: July 09, 2013, 07:52:51 PM »
This is crazy just reading this.

Anyways how will Mayu avoid Yuki the next time they meet
Random Thought:


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Re: Love Capture: CH01 [MaYuki] ~ UPDATE (9/7/2013)
« Reply #18 on: July 10, 2013, 04:12:23 AM »
I'll be sure to keep updating HFAYPTG? fiction~ :cow:

An update~ I instantly had to read this as soon as possible. That's how hyped up I am with your fictions. XD This chapter is intense! So Mayu saved the girl from the psychopath killer, thank god. :yep: Last thing I wanted to have a heart attack if that poor little girl died. :bleed eyes: And Yuki nearly caught Mayu! Though Mayu used the girl as a decoy, at least Mayu didn't shoot her to kill her. :sweatdrop: The police seems to be catching up at a really fast rate, so I wonder how Mayu and the other thieves (if they become involved) deal with this? And if Mayuki ever meet, are they really going to shoot each other without hesitation or...? :panic:

Thanks for the update and looking forward to more of your updates! :deco:

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Re: Love Capture: CH02 [MaYuki]
« Reply #19 on: July 16, 2013, 06:50:59 PM »

Love Capture: CH02

Few days later, Jurina had finally come back with the data. Obviously the little puppy didn’t really understand what was written in the file. Mayu would understand it for sure; maybe that was why Mariko sent Jurina instead of the smart cunning nezumi.

“Mayuyu…are we there yet?”

Jurina yawned widely as the two thieves were walking on the footpath. They were given a task to do and this time it’s on daytime. They came out from the dark alley and were about to enter the border of the capital city, the uptown. “I’m tired…”

“Stop calling with that name!” She yelled back but then the puppy ignored her.

“But that name is cute…”

“No it’s not. Shut up and go to sleep.” She replied coldly but then the puppy get throwing those pleading puppy eyes at the cold-hearted nezumi.

“How could I go to sleep while I’m walking? Can I ride on your back?” She pleaded innocently and this time Mayu snapped her finger right onto Jurina’s forehead to make her flinched away. “Ow! That hurts!”

“That’s what you deserve…”


“There.” Mayu finally saw the store that at the horizon. As they walked closer towards the store, the image and the signs became much clearer. It was a pharmacy store. Both thieves didn’t know why Mariko told them to come retrieve this confidential bag from here. Apparently the owner was a friend of their Mariko-sama. “Sigh…let’s get it done and leave.”

“Hai~” Jurina skipped into the store and yelled out loud like a kid. “Takamina! We’re here!”

The woman appeared in her normal casual clothes. Wearing her glasses, had her hair tied back like a ponytail. She’s the owner of the store and came to welcome her customers.

“Ah~ It’s been a while isn’t Jurina? Mayu?”

“Yes! We came to get the item Mariko-sama asked us!”

“I know you guys would be coming.” Takamina walked towards Jurina with a brown bag in her hand. It was the item that Mariko wanted them to come to retrieve. “Since you’re here, do you want me to do some check up for you two?”

“I’m fine.” Mayu completely denied instantly and it caught Takamina’s attention.

“I’m in!” Jurina answered completely opposite from Mayu. It made the mouse grumbled, as she knew that she would stick here at this pharmacy store because of Jurina. She wanted to leave so badly; there was a reason she wanted to leave.

(Mayu: I bet it’s Mariko-sama’s plan again…I tried to tell her my condition is good already…I guess she doesn't believe me as usual.)

Takamina used to be a mad pharmacist that worked together with Mariko-sama, she specialized toxicology and drugs. However she retired, graduated as a doctor, and took over her parent’s business, which was this pharmacy store. She looked at Jurina from head to toe and mused silently to herself.

“Ah~ you’re healthy as usual! Do keep it up okay?”

“Hai! C’mon Mayu, since we’re here already, just a little health check-up would be fine right?”

“…Fine! Whatever…” I sighed loudly and walked towards inside of the shop, towards the back room. Jurina and Takamina followed her and then they entered one of the rooms.


After Mayu had finished with her check up, both young thieves were finally about to leave this place and returned back home.

“I’ll see you again then!” Takamina waved at the two young girls.

“Bye bye~”

“…” Mayu didn’t say anything like usual and they decided to leave.

As they were walking back, Jurina got hungry and decided to drop by at one of the small convenient store to buy an ice cream. The hoodie girl walked around and look for anything in particular she wanted to eat. However, she’s being quite a cheap girl, she snatched one of the gums from the shelves swiftly. Jurina was being very honest girl, she bought two ice creams and the thieves came out from the store.

“Mayu…you’re stealing again.”

Jurina realized that Mayu stole a gum from the store without paying, but nezumi didn’t care. Suddenly, she passed one of her ice-cream bars to her partner. “Here! This is for you.”

“I didn’t say I want ice-cream.”

“C’mon…it’s your favorite flavor after all! I pay it, so it’s free for you. Take it.”

Jurina insisted Mayu to take the ice cream and so she did. She didn’t say a word, as she couldn’t deny that this was her favorite flavor. Besides, the sun was burning them into crisp; a frozen ice cream would help save them. While they were walking quietly in the sun…Jurina suddenly turned to look at Mayu with slight worries in her eyes.

“Mayu…how was the check up?”

“If you’re worried about my concussion, I’m fine.”

Mayu sighed, as she’s forced to tell her condition to the puppy. Last time she didn’t tell Jurina, the girl nagged her for almost the entire week and got too overprotected that annoyed Mayu so much. Nezumi didn’t want to experience that again, ever. “Takamina gave me the medicine, I’ll be fine, got it?”

“Hai…if you say so.” If Jurina were to have puppy ears, everyone would see her ears folded down. Then she looked back at Mayu again.

“…I’m worried about you, don’t overdo yourself okay?”

“…” Mayu didn’t reply however Jurina knew that the mouse understood it. As they were walking down the path towards the dark alley, they met with this little puppy on the floor. This puppy completely caught Jurina’s attention and then she rushed to it immediately. “Oi…”

“Mayu~ The puppy is just so cute! Do you have a name?”

“You’re talking to a puppy…amazing.” Mayu walked to Jurina and sighed with how the girl was being so childish. Nezumi wasn’t surprise anymore why Mariko gave a nickname ‘puppy’ to Jurina.  She kept watching Jurina playing with this playful puppy that seemed to be very familiar with humans.

“I bet this girl has a owner.” Jurina spoke up but Mayu didn’t really care that the puppy had an owner or not. She just wanted to return back home already. “Where’s your owner?”

“You think the dog can talk back? Genius…”

“Eh…” Jurina stared at the dog that was panting with energetically. The little puppy seemed to take a like of her and she began to lick her hands. “…I see.”

(Mayu: W-What? Did she just telepathy with the dog…!?)

“Mayuyu~ this puppy isn’t lost. She has an owner but she’s not here.” Jurina gave a clear description of the little puppy’s status to her partner. Mayu was dumbfounded and stared back at Jurina with misbelief.

She had a partner that was actually behaving like a puppy, and she could even communicate with an actual dog. Mayu started to wonder whether she actually had a human or a dog partner…


She scratched her head and could only think of leaving this place as soon as possible already. “Jurina, can we go back n--?”

“Ah…is this your puppy?”

An old man walked towards them with a very gentle smile across his face. He looked at the puppy in Jurina’s arm and he seemed to love animals.  “Nope, she’s not mine. This girl’s owner is not around at the moment.”

“Ah I see…such a cute puppy.”

“You like puppies?” Jurina asked with glittering eyes with excitement. The old man couldn’t help but to chuckle out as he witnessed her energetic and innocence from her eyes.

“Yes, I love animals.” He crouched down and patted the little puppy’s head.


“Ah! Kawaii~” Jurina fell in love with the puppy and rubbed her face on the puppy. It made the puppy ticklish and moved rigoriously.


“Hehe, this little girl seemed to like you a lot.” The old man spoke to Jurina.

“I go along with most animals especially puppies~ they’re like my family.” Mayu’s partner smiled energetically as she started to talk to this stranger like he’s her best friend.

As long as one had one common interest with Jurina, they could become her friend that instant already. It was one good trait as well as Jurina’s weakness. As for Mayu, who was just standing there, sighing, and waiting for Jurina to finish playing with this puppy before she decided to ditch her.


The sound of the siren from a distance and it made Mayu flinched. She turned and then saw the police car behind her parking. There were three cars, which were very unusual. Mayu was glad that she had a hoodie on to cover her identity, and the officers that came out from the car were not the one that actually remembered her. They were pointing the gun at Mayu, Jurina and the old man, which made them completely surprised.

“You two girls, get away from that man!”

One of the female officers yelled at Mayu and it made the thief confused. Before she realized again, she turned and saw her partner being locked by the man’s arm. Also, with a knife placed closely at her throat.

“…Are you serious?” Mayu spat and cursed out softly. She wondered how coincidence that they had met with a criminal, when they both were thieves themselves.

“Ah…Mayu, I got caught.” Jurina replied like the knife at her throat was nothing. She was still carrying the puppy in her arms and then this man dragged her as he’s using her as a hostage.

(Mayu: …Do you think I don’t see!? What a LUCK we have now…)

“Right…” Mayu facepalmed herself and then this tall woman officer came to Mayu’s side to protect her. They thought that she was an innocent girl.

“Don’t worry we’ll save your friend.”

“…” Mayu didn’t utter a word back. However she just stared at Jurina and this old man who was threatening the police to leave him or else he would slit Jurina’s throat right here.

“If you don't want this kid to die, leave here at once!”

“Do you think you will escape that easily!?” The woman officer yelled back at him.

That second, Mayu felt like she heard this officer’s voice before. She computed for a minute, and then she remembered this woman’s name. She just looked like the woman Yuko always described and yapped about all the time.

(Mayu: …So this is Kojima Haruna, Yuko’s target.)

Normally Mayu would never bother to remember people’s name. But after Yuko had constantly yapped and talked about this officer for over 100 of times. It seemed the name was carved right into her head.

“Eh…mister, what did you do?” Jurina asked innocently but he didn’t reply to her.

“That man broke into the house of an innocent family. He killed everyone and stole everything.” Haruna replied as she heard Jurina asked a question and then it made the girl formed an “O” shaped mouth. She seemed to understand the situation a little more now.

"She’s an innocent child, let her go.”

“Then do as I say! How about you be the hostage instead officer?”

He gave a one-sided offer. Obviously if the officer gone with him, it wouldn’t be surprising that she wouldn’t survive. Mayu started to get irritated with the situation. If it were only Jurina and her, without any police officers, she would kill that man already. She couldn’t risk exposing herself and Jurina to the officers right now. Since they’re hunting their asses off as well.

“…Fine, you’ll let the kid go right?”

Mayu was shocked and couldn’t believe how reckless this officer was. Her fellow officer friends told her to not do something reckless like that but then the justice in her heart was telling her to save Jurina.

“Eh…you need money?” Jurina asked the man again and this time he threatened her to shut up if she wouldn’t stop talking.

“Shut up or else I’ll kill you!”

“Nah…you won’t.”

She smiled as she ruffled the puppy’s head. “I don’t feel any slight killing intention from you. Even this puppy could even tell.”

“…!?” The man was shocked with Jurina’s respond, speaking in an innocent tone like that could make someone crept out as well.

“I actually don’t mind helping you out though~ I’m a thief after all.” The puppy girl whispered softly in order to le the man only heard her. It made him shocked that he’s using a thief as his hostage. “What do you think?”

“Like I will believe you…!” He retorted back. Mayu could predict what Jurina was saying to him and obviously he didn’t believe her. No one could imagine an innocent energetic Jurina to be a thief.

“I take your deal, let the girl go.” Haruna dropped her gun and walked in unarmed. The man seemed to not believe the police officer. “Please, let her go, she’s innocent…”

(Mayu: This is getting good as I thought…I wanted to leave that woman and have her die…but Yuko is going to complain so much at me until I die…Now WHAT!?)

“Eh…you’re quite familiar…OH!” Jurina gasped with a huge smile as she saw Haruna’s face. It made Mayu realize that her partner knew who that police officer was.  Nezumi sighed out and made an eye contact with Jurina. That instance, her partner understood what she was plotting and then took a deep breath.

“I’m sorry, but I couldn’t let things go in your way if you don’t want to cooperate.” Jurina smirked and then bend forward towards the knife. It made the man and Haruna shocked, but that’s the purpose for Jurina to do so. She jerked her head back and banged right in the man’s face. He fell back and then she walked away from him with a yawn. “I guess that’s going to hurt?”

Haruna was dazed for a second before she snapped. She picked the gun immediately and then seized the man. Other officers came in to help and had captured the man, as Haruna went to talk to Jurina and Mayu.

“I’m glad you’re safe! Please don’t do something reckless like that…”

“Don’t worry Haruna-oneesan~! I’m tough!” Jurina smiled energetically but then she did say a taboo. She called the officer’s name and it made her shocked.  Mayu glared at Jurina immediately and made the puppy realized that she said something she shouldn’t. “Aiyah…”

“H-How did you know my name?” She asked and before the thieves could come up with an excuse. This captured man yelled out loud and turned towards Jurina.

“I-I recognized you two now! Those people are thieves of the dark alley you’re been looking for!” The man exposed both Mayu and Jurina’s identity and made the nezumi grunted with anger.

“W-What the hell are you talking about?” One of the officers pulled him into the car but he struggled against it. “Stop your nonsense blabbering.”

“I believe you guys know the three mighty pillars of the dark alley…”

He muttered and it caught Haruna’s attention. The topic regarding the three criminals on the top black list of the record in the crime department was only known within a small group of high-ranked officers, and Kojima Haruna was one of them. However they could never catch them or even spot them once…

“They’re one of them! They’re CENTER and NEZUMI---”


The sound of the gunshot and the body of the old man collapsed on the ground. without fail, it was Mayu that shot him before he could leak any information regarding their identity. She shot him down at the head without fail and made the officers shocked with how hectic everything was happening.


Mayu kicked right into Haruna’s stomach and caused her to flinch badly. Another kick sent her fly across the ground and they two thieves retreated quickly.

“U-Ugh…” Haruna grunted with pain, as she couldn’t believe someone small like Mayu could deliver such a powerful deadly kick like that. 


One of the officers rushed to her with worries, and as soon as she could sit up she pushed him away from her. “Follow them…! If that man said was right…we HAVE to capture them!” She ordered her men to follow both thieves into the alley. More reinforcements came right at the perfect timing and one of them was Haruna’s junior.

“Kojima-senpai!” She rushed to her with worries. “Are you alright??”

“Miyuki…don’t worry about me. Follow them…they’re the Black Pillars we’re pursuing…!”

“Hai!” Miyuki rushed after the officers that were ahead of her in order to pursue both Mayu and Jurina. Meanwhile Haruna got back on her feet but she felt really bad. The 2nd kick from Mayu thrust right into the center of her chest. She even wondered whether her ribs actually fractured from that deadly blow or not.

“A-As expected from the black pillars…we finally found you…”

Black Pillars…it was the name that the crime department gave to Mayu, Jurina, and Yuko. Since they were utterly infamous for killing and stealing mercilessly. Never there was once they could spot them, or capture them. However this time, the actual criminal themselves were right in front of Haruna, both of them. She saw their face…that was not a good sign for Jurina and Mayu at all.


“Never knew that man would know us…”

Mayu grumbled as the two partners were running through the alley in swift speed, hoping the officers wouldn’t catch up with them.

“Hey puppy, leave here at once okay? This place is too dangerous.” Jurina talked to the puppy in her arms and she seemed to understand her intention. “Good girl.”

Jurina dropped the little puppy down softly before she sprinted to catch up with Mayu who was ahead of her.

“I heard them!”

The sound of one of the officers…the two thieves were in a terrible position right now. They didn’t know how much of them were following the two of them. If they couldn’t escape, they had no choice but to eliminate all of them.

“Mayu…what should we do?”

“…” Mayu took her time to think as she started to hear more footsteps from the side, she estimated that there would be about at least 10 officers that were pursuing them. “It is possible to immobilize them and escape before more reinforcements.”

“I’m in!”

“Make it quick, and don’t kill. Meet at the North entrance of dark alley in 10 minutes.”

Mayu reminded Jurina once again and the girl nodded. They split up and then nezumi got out her gun along with the short tube to connect with her gun. It was a silencer that will reduce the sound of the gunshot. Mayu had to warn Jurina not to kill since Yuko strongly disapproved Jurina to kill anyone.

“Where are they…!?”

Mayu heard a voice of the officer and suddenly ran out to confront with them. There were two. Before the officers could react. She shot them at their arms to make them release their weapon. She snapped her hand on the side of their neck to knock them unconscious immediately. She stole their gun and took it with her.

(Mayu: Two down…)


She heard more officers. As they turned at the corner, they were caught off guard to see Mayu running towards them.

“Here she is!!”

The officer yelled out loud to signal his friend. He pulled the trigger, but Mayu amazingly dodged it. As if the officers were witnessing a superhuman ability from nezumi. Before they could react she shot their shoulders and when she’s close enough to them. Her deadly kicks struck right at their heads and sent them black out instantly.


More sounds were detected by nezumi’s ear. It was coming at the corner. Mayu planned to finish this at the corner and as the sound was getting louder. She swiftly turned and pointed her gun at the woman officer. The gun was also pointing at her. Mayu was about to kick but her eyes grew wide with shock as she saw the officer right in front of her.

(Mayu: …!?)

That instance, the officer took out her baton and swung towards Mayu. The thief flinched and blocked with her arm instead. The mental baton did make her arm fractured and made her jumped away. As a result it caused her hoodie to fell off and revealed her actual face.

The officer…the thief…she both was stunned as if time stopped. The female officer stared at Mayu, they shared same eye color…same hair color.


The officer muttered softly as she slowly backed away one step and lowered her baton down. “I-Impossible…No…!”

“…I didn’t think I will meet you here, Miyuki.” Mayu stared back and held her right arm that seemed to fracture from the metal baton strike.

“S-So it’s really you!” Miyuki dropped her baton and approached Mayu but then nezumi pointed her gun up and made the officer flinched.

“Mayu…you’re still alive! I thought you’re--!”

“That I’m dead…is it?” Mayu continued and ended her sentence. “heh…maybe I am already dead.”

“Why are you a thief…and especially---”


Sounds of more officers were coming and distracted both Miyuki and Mayu’s conversation. Mayu bid her lips as she decided to retreat. The officer girl didn’t want this to happen, finally she met her sister that she thought was dead and she wouldn’t want this chance to disappear. “Wait! Oneechan---!”


Mayu shot the ground, which was about few centimeters from Miyuki’s feet to make her halt. “Mayu…!”

“I’m not your sister…”

A silence eye contact before she retreated into the darkness of the alley. More officers caught up with Miyuki and joined forces with her.

“Watanabe-san! Are you okay? Where are they now?”

“…I’m fine. I’m sorry I lost track to them.” She lied to her fellow colleagues as she couldn’t bear to tell them where Mayu went. Instead, she gave new orders to her men instead. “Help the injured officers…forget about them now. We can’t risk to put our lives on the line.”

“Yes ma’am!”

They obeyed her and they searched for their follow colleagues to help them from their bleeding injuries. Miyuki was terribly confused with what everything was going on. She was told that her twin-sister died from that incident night where the thieves broke into their house…and killed everyone. The officer had a flashback of her past back when she saw Mayu for one last time…it had been 12 years since then.




Miyuki was trembling behind her sister as Mayu. The thief killed their parents right in front of their eyes…only Mayu and Miyuki were alive. Mayu shoved her away towards the exit of the door.

“Miyuki! Run for you life and don’t look back!”

“M-Mayu…!” Miyuki tightened her fist and ran for her life. She felt so utterly weak to abandon her twin-sister, Mayu, behind in order to live.

…In the end, she did live. Police officers came and found her right on time. However…there was no trace of Mayu at all. They presumed the killer took her away and that was the last time Miyuki saw her older twin sister. She went to live with her aunt and then decided to become police officer in crime department in order to take revenge for her family and for Mayu. She wanted to be strong so she could reduce victims like herself.


But fate was playing a fool of her. The criminal she was pursuing for years was actually her sister. Right now…she had lost all her motivation to do anything now. What she had right now was fear that the criminal she would shoot would be Watanabe Mayu, her only sister.

(Miyuki: Why…oneechan…)

“Miyuki, are you alright?”

She flinched as Haruna called her. She didn’t realize that her senior was had came this close to her. “K-Kojima-senpai…I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry. I’m glad you’re alright.”

She patted her head; other officers were busy with the dead body of the criminal that got shot by the thief in black hoodie. Miyuki remembered that Mayu was in black hoodie; it was her sister that shot the man, killed the man.

She couldn’t believe that Mayu changed so much…she remembered how her older twin sister was always kind, courageous, lively, and protective. Mayu was like a hero to me, I admired her and wanted to be strong like her but…

(Miyuki: Mayu…what happen to you?)

She tightened her fist and had taken another deep breath. She went to help the injured officers until the ambulance came to take them away. Haruna and Miyuki stayed behind to manage everything to be under control the death scene. Also, they were waiting for another officer to come assist them.


Another police car came and stopped at the scene. The officer came out and it was Yuki. She rushed out to meet with Haruna and Miyuki. “Sorry I’m late…”

“Don’t worry, most of things are under control now.” Haruna replied and then started to explain to Yuki regarding the Black Pillars that appeared. They were criminals they were looking for years, she saw only one of their face but not another. Haruna estimated that the girl was about early 20s.

“They’re both young girls…that’s quite surprising. That girl is really lively and energetic. I couldn’t imagine her being one of the Black Pillars.”

“That’s…quite unbelievable.”

Yuki mused; she couldn’t believe what Haruna was telling her. The criminals they were chasing were two young girls, and they tried to shoot and kill them so many times. “This is hard…”

“I know, it is…” Haruna replied back. “I’ll prepare a report to inform the head department.” She walked away and only Miyuki and Yuki were standing there.

“…” The young junior officer didn’t say a word as an image of Mayu’s face appeared in her head. She wouldn’t say anything; she had no opinions at all. Yuki realized that odd change in her junior and tapped her shoulder. “Huh-?!”

“Miyuki…is something wrong?” Yuki asked with worries.


“You don’t look like your usual.” Yuki insisted to ask Miyuki whether what was wrong with her. “Miyuki if there’s something wrong, I’ll listen to it.”

“Yuki-senpai…Thank you. I just need more time to settle it down.”

She replied and looked up to the sky. The sky was beautiful to her, yet life was just plainly cruel. A criminal ruined her entire life. Finally she had became a police officer, she had to hunt her sister.

(Miyuki: I’ll find her…I need to talk to Mayu again…)


Mayu finally arrived at the North gate of dark alley and met with Jurina there.  “You did take your time didn’t you?” The girl smiled widely and hopped down from the trashcan.

“I didn’t kill anyone too! I’m good right?”


Mayu sighed and then they walked back together into the alley. However Jurina realized how Mayu seemed to be overly cautious a little. As soon as they arrived back to their sweet home, nezumi excused herself and went to room to rest since she’s tired. Jurina was fine with it and went to give Mariko the item they were asked to get in Mayu’s place.

In her dim light room, Mayu moved her right hand and she felt little pain. Gratefully her arm didn’t fracture as she thought it would be. Likely, she would have a huge bruise the next morning. She applied medicine and could only hope it would recover soon.


“Mayu…are you there?” Jurina peaked in and nezumi sighed. She could see those puppy eyes coming form her partner.


“I had brought you painkillers…here.” Jurina came in and gave Mayu two pills of painkillers before she left immediately. Mayu’s slight odd actions would never escape Jurina’s eyes. She could even detect the slightest of slightest change in Mayu movement. Her eyes were just too good to detect any vague change.

“Take care of yourself okay?”

“…Thank you.”

Rarely Mayu actually thanked Jurina back and it made the young puppy flattered so badly. Her day suddenly brightened up instantly that millisecond. She felt like her whole week would be filled with blessing. “No problem~”

She took out the medicine that she got from Takamina from her pocket. She received it after the doctor had examined her scar. Yes, the scar that was located right underneath her bangs. She lifted her bangs up in front of the mirror and there was this huge scar across the side of he right forehead. It was a scar she received 12 years…it would always remind her of how weak she was and the despair that embraced her heart. She received that scar from the killer that ruined her whole family.

“…It’s been 12 years since then isn’t?”

She muttered to herself and applied the medicine on the scar. It had become lighter but it’s impossible for it to disappear. It would live with her for the rest of her life. Everyone knew about Mayu’s condition, due to that severe injury she received, it made her have concussion occasionally. Due to her concussion, she couldn’t fight for a long period of time…that was her main weakness. In order to hide that, she trained really hard to balance that weakness out.

“Ugh…” The concussion pain was coming again. She took a deep breath and moved to her bed. Just meeting with Miyuki already caused a huge impact with her. She realized that the next time she meet her twin, they would be pointing guns at each other…by their position. They’re enemies.



Mariko was reading the paper files that Jurina brought back for her. It was the information regarding the data that was in that mysterious chip she asked her friend to analyze. She sighed and dropped the paper on the table. Checking the clock on the edge of the table, it was already past midnight.

“As I thought…this is going to be a little complicated than I expected.”

She took her glasses out and then grabbed the brown small bag that she asked Jurina and Mayu to retrieve today. What she got out from the bag was this small cylindrical container, as she opened the lid. She took 2 blue pills and had a drink of water. She sighed softly and rested her hand on the side of her temple.

“We have to start moving soon…I have to find her.”



The same little puppy that Jurina played with, she was running in the dark alley and then stopped right in front of this woman. She was wearing long black heel boots. Black skirt. Black coat. Black Hair. Her hair was tilted more to one side than another…no one could tell she’s sane or insane.


“Sorry to make you wait…Ruby.”

The woman picked up her puppy into her arms as the little one was so excited that her master came back. “Fufufu…it seemed you enjoyed you day, didn’t you?”


“I see…let’s go home.” She talked to her puppy. Then she walked down in the mysterious alley and disappeared into the darkness…


« Last Edit: July 16, 2013, 08:09:38 PM by katekyohit »

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