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Author Topic: Who is my Prince? (Yuki Harem:MULTI pairings) ~ 1st Saga Phase 3 (Update: 2/01)  (Read 58011 times)

Offline katekyohit

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Summary [Update 13/9/15]:
It is a supernatural fic. Initially it is meant to be for fun but as my style gradually change this fiction's plot changed and becomes heavy. So I guess you can expect some good fun (based on my writing style) from this. This will contain MULTIPLE pairings, lol. Bunch loads of them, and the pace of the fic will be quite steady and slow (bear with me).

Pairings Confirmed:
KojiAtsuYuu (Let's see where fate takes us, who will be kick out?)
.....MAYBE more? Who knows.

~Who is my Prince? Chapters~
Scene I: The Silver Wolf Boy
Scene II: Black-Winged Keeper
Scene III: The Dark Hunter
Scene IV: Heartless Blood Thirster
Scene V: The Honest Leader
Scene VI: The Loafing Bird

1st Saga: Novus Initium (New Beginning)
Phase I: Goddess of Life - Part 1
Phase II: Goddess of Life - Part 2
Phase III: Goddess of Life - Part 3
Phase IV: The Assemble - Part 1
Phase V: The Assemble - Part 2

2nd Saga: Unsettled Score
Phase I: Old friend - Part 1
Phase II:
Phase III:
Phase IV:
Phase V:

~Primordiums' Lore~
Collection of secret and untold stories of the world

1. Goddess of Life's Lore

2. Archangel's Lore
>Nightmare of the Holy Curse<

3. Silver Werewolf's Lore

4. Black Tengu's Lore

5. Dark Elf's Lore

6. Vampire's Lore
>The Massacre of Cuan Eisc<

7. Sea Serpent's Lore
>Abomination of Impurity<

8. Garuda's Lore

9. Thunderbird's Lore

10. White Mother Dragon's Lore
>Beauty of Destiny<

11. ???'s Lore

~Scene I: The Silver Wolf Boy~

Ohayou! I’m Kashiwagi Yuki, a plain ordinary student, enjoying her ordinary life. I attend this school in Tokyo, along with my childhood friend who would soon appeared eventually. She seemed to have like a GPS on me, she could always manage to find me no matter what, and even I didn’t tell her! She’s a very weird friend. There’s where my hectic life starts…



A boyish-looking girl running towards Yuki and wrapped her arms around the tall girl. “I miss you!”

“Mou Jurina…we just met last night.”

“But it had been over 9 hours!”

“Hai hai…” Yuki chuckled softly with how Jurina was acting so childish with her, even though Yuki just a year older than her.

“Hmm…” Jurina stared at her. “You looked tired, are you?”

“A little actually. I don’t know why, I couldn’t sleep that tightly yesterday.”

“Mou! Bad Yukirin! You probably sleep late again!”

She started to complain again, it’s her usual thing. Yuki had a fragile body and weak health since she was a kid, and Jurina was her childhood friend ever since she could remember. Jurina could be like a kid but an older sister that always look after her 24/7 from all threats…sometimes it got to the point Yuki thought she’s a stalker.

“Grr…something’s not right…”

Jurina looked around and sensed something odd in the atmosphere. It made Yuki wondered what’s she feeling.  “Eh…what’s a matter Jurina?”

“Hmm, nothing~” She changed the topic instead to not worry Yuki, making herself look more suspicious. But then Yuki knew that there’s no point of forcing Jurina to say because she wouldn’t. 


They both headed to school before they would be late. Unfortunately, they’re both in different class. As Yuki got into her classroom, the guys came to greet her immediately…it had become annoying lately since she entered high school. She couldn't escape the fact of being popular among guys and girls due to her beauty. Yuki had two close friends in the same class as her, Asuka and Aki. They’re her friends since junior high and they’re always together ever since then.

“Akicha~ Mocchi~” Yuki called my friends in a twisted tone that it made both of them stumbled.

“Did something happen? You’re lively today.” Aki questioned but then she just gave a shrug.

“Are you drunk?” Asuka asked and made Yuki pouted.

“Mou! I’m not. I’m still 16! Jeez…”

Aki started to poke my cheeks with that evil smile. “Aw~ Yukirin’s sulking again.”

“No I’m not!”

“Do you want to go grab some snacks?” Asuka questioned up again and it caught both their attention. Their growling stomach sure needed refill of food.

“Yeah…I guess we should go before it’s all gone!”

Yuki suggested as they headed to cafeteria immediately to grab a bite of snacks. After our school was over, she decided to go help Asuka-chan with her librarian work by arranging the books properly during after school time. Jurina was in a naginata club right now, so she had time to stay late today to do some volunteer work while waiting for her.

“Yukirin, thanks for your help!” Asuka thanked Yuki as she made Asuka’s job much easier.

“Don’t worry, I’m glad to help.”

After we worked for a while, Asuka checked her cellphone in her bag but it wasn’t there. She looked all over the place in the library that it could possibly be but it didn’t. So she decided to go back to her classroom to see whether her phone would be there or not. “Oh, I’ll be back, I forgot my cellphone from my classroom…”

“Okay, I’ll look over the stuffs here.”

“Thanks! I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

Yuki decided to stack up the books properly on the shelf while waiting for Asuka to come, but it did take so long for her to come back… It started to make me wondered and as she turned to look at the door, she saw this mysterious boy with a childish grin, but creepy at the same time. At first, she thought he was some student, but then realized it again…he wasn’t in the student uniform at all.


It freaked Yuki out as she turned to this mysterious man. “H-Huh!?”

“I’m talking to you there~”

She nodded weakly and felt really creepy about this man that suddenly just appeared and talked to her. “Uh…is there anything I could help you?”

Suddenly, he made this weird sound that Yuki couldn't tell what it was. He just tilted his head to the side and had that weird stare at her. “Purr…I guess there’s one~”

She gulped and stepped back a little, but then it caught the man’s attention and this time she walked in closer to her. He sniffled and then a huge grin appeared across her face. Yuki felt really uneasy and my instinct was telling me to run away.

“W-Who are you…?”

“Ah right! I should introduce myself right? I’m Oshima Yuko, but please just call me Yuko~” He gave her this suspicious grin as he approached in closer to Yuki. “By the way, what’s your name little princess?”

“Uh…it’s Kashiwagi Yuki.”

“Yuki…I see. That’s a nice name~” He walked in closer to her and grabbed her hand out of the sudden. Yuki tried to pull it back but her strength was just ridiculous! She couldn’t resist that grasp and then he brought it up to kiss her hand softly. “Finally I had found you…”


“From now on, you’ll become mine.” A huge smile slowly appeared clearly across his face. Those eyes, it started to glow brightly in yellow. His stare made her mind stumbled and froze. His hair slowly changed color from black to silver…He revealed his fangs and licked it with his tongue. Yuki’s body couldn’t react to that at all and my mind just felt like going blank. He moved in closer to her neck and she don’t understand why her body wasn’t resisting at all…her body was just trembling and couldn’t even function properly…


Suddenly, Yuko backed off as this familiar human came to save her. Yuki recognized the back of that person, it was my best friend. “J-Jurina…!”

“Yukirin! Are you alright?”

Jurina turned to look at her at the corner of her eye and then Yuki started to realize, she was holding this white naginata. “So that stingy presence this morning is you!”

“Ah? I got caught? That’s sad…but what could you do to stop me, human?” Yuko mocked Jurina as his eyes were glowing brightly in yellow. The uneasy and pressure in the atmosphere started to increase even more.

“Get lost…archangel.”

“Hell no.” Jurina retorted back immediately. “Get lost! You DOG!”

“I’m not a dog! I’m a prideful Grande Silver Werewolf!” Yuko pouted as he crossed his arms behind his head. “Give Yuki to me.”


“Why? She’s mine!”

“No she’s not!!”

“Yes she is! She’s my wife-to-be!”

“NEVER she is yours to begin with! Filthy dog!”

“You immature archangel brat! Get lost!”


Yuki broke the argument instantly with her yell, it made both Jurina and Yuko froze instantly. “Stop arguing already…what the hell is going on…explain!”

“W-Well…” Jurina turned to her best friend with nervousness in her eyes.

“Basically you’re my wife Yuki-chan~” Yuko replied with that childish grin across his face but she didn’t buy it at all. Yuki sighed and it seemed the werewolf boy realized something and stared at her with suspicion in his eyes. “Hm…don’t tell me you didn’t know about this?”

“Know what? I’m just an ordinary student…” She replied and it made Yuko surprised. “Did I say something wrong?”

“Hehe~ this makes things more fun!” Yuko giggled and then she could feel a surge of intimidating aura coming from him. “I’ll take you with me…”

“Never I would allow that!” Jurina pointed her white naginata at Yuko and suddenly white wings appeared from her back.

Yuki couldn’t believe what she was witnessing and then they both clashed with each other. Yuko tried to slash Jurina with her claws but then the archangel guarded with her naginata. Then she swung her weapon and created a sonic wave towards Yuko. It destroyed the bookshelves in the library but Yuko was unharmed, since he dodged the wave safely. He ran in and tried to grab onto Jurina to pin her down on the ground but failed. The angel kicked him right into his stomach and made him flinched. Luckily he landed on the ground on his feet so Jurina didn’t have a chance to strike him down at all.

“Hehe~ Not bad…archangel.” The wolf boy mocked Jurina.

“I’m not a guardian for nothing…” She clutched onto her naginata more tightly.

Yuko had great ears; he heard footsteps and commotions coming closer to the library due to his battle with Jurina. He wouldn’t want to risk exposing himself to the humans. He took a step back and shrugged his shoulder. The demonic tension from Yuko slowly vanished away.

“…Hm, I guess I’ll leave just for now.” His eyes returned back to normal and now he just looked like a human. He turned to Yuki and gave a wink to her. “Bye, my princess~”

“Don’t ever come back.” Jurina grumbled at him but he completely ignored her.

He waved at them before he exited the library before any humans would catch him. Jurina looked at the mess she created and used the powers from her white naginata to repair the damages instantly, like nothing happened. She slowly kept her wings and she landed back on the ground once again, the naginata dissolved into thin air and then she turned towards Yuki.


“I need to hear this.”

Yuki demanded and gave that dark glare at Jurina, which made her froze instantly. No way Jurina could disobey Yuki when she had that murderous stare like that. She nodded softly like an intimidated puppy and surrendered to her master. “Good.”



[Scene II: Black-Winged Keeper]

A/N: I’m just bored, want to write a relaxing fanfic + supernatural one. Haha. Going to be loads of random stuffs going on, so I hope it's a stress relief + entertaining fic!  :bow:
« Last Edit: January 02, 2016, 04:37:44 PM by katekyohit »

Offline kenjoy12

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Re: Who is my Prince? ~ Scene I (Update: 22/07/13)
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2013, 05:00:54 PM »
What's this! :w00t:

Yuki's harem! Ahaha :fap

Whoa! i think also the school is full of supernatural beings..

Just like rosario+vampire.. :?

Wonder if Mocchi and Akicha also a supernatural being?

Jurina as guardian angel and Yuko as silver werewolf.. :O

Awesome! Can't wait to see more characters! Ahahaha

Sasuga from Kate-san!

Looking forward for more :thumbsup

Just go with flow Kate-san! Gambatte ne :fap

Thank you :bow: :twothumbs
« Last Edit: July 22, 2013, 05:09:06 PM by kenjoy12 »

Offline katekyohit

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Re: Who is my Prince? ~ Scene I (Update: 22/07/13)
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2013, 05:07:09 PM »
kenjoy12 : yup yup~! Yuki harem!!! :D Going to try make it mix with some comedy, so it's relaxing to read :) no much tension in it! (just yet...) huhu~

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Re: Who is my Prince? ~ Scene I (Update: 22/07/13)
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2013, 05:13:18 PM »
kenjoy12 : yup yup~! Yuki harem!!! :D Going to try make it mix with some comedy, so it's relaxing to read :) no much tension in it! (just yet...) huhu~

Ahaha.. You can do it! This is going to be fun! Ahahaha.. :fap Feels like i'm floating in the clouds right now.. I feel relax.. :D

Offline chichay12

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Re: Who is my Prince? ~ Scene I (Update: 22/07/13)
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2013, 05:18:49 PM »
Yuko x yuki x jurina??? XD
Cant wait to read more
I love supernatural genre  :cow:
Update soon... still waiting to ur amnesia update XD XD XD
Have a nice a day :on gay:

Offline Sherin

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Re: Who is my Prince? ~ Scene I (Update: 22/07/13)
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2013, 05:58:03 PM »
YukixHarem? XD Yuki kami oshi's fans must be in heaven right now.

And again with the JuriYuki! Are you sure you're not a JuriYuki shipper as well? XD

Everyday Juriken

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Re: Who is my Prince? ~ Scene I (Update: 22/07/13)
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2013, 06:04:20 PM »
Chichay12: Amnesia Ch07 shall be update within 7 days!!! (My school is opening soon now so wanna get this one nailed)

Sherin: Initially didn't plan to make this JuriYuki much. It would be more clear in the next chapters as Jurina is Yuki's guardian, protecting her from other supernatural beings because she's special! (enough with spoilers) It could ended up as JuriYuki, who knows~ :P I don't think I'm a JuriYuki shipper, I guess this thought actually started after I start writing Amnesia and people start mentioning about it XD but...both of them pairing is not that bad~ :P

Offline rhin12

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Re: Who is my Prince? ~ Scene I (Update: 22/07/13)
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2013, 07:02:33 PM »
YukixHarem? XD Yuki kami oshi's fans must be in heaven right now.
  :rofl: Exactly, shrin!  :lol:

I always wanted a Yukixharem fic. Mainly because it focuses on Yukirin(my dearest kami-oshi.   :wub: ) and it's quite fun(for me, at least) to imagine everyone fight each other just to get her attention.  XD I hope there's JuriYuki, RenaYuki, YuihanxYuki(eien pressure reference  :sweatdrop: ), I didn't expect YukixYuko though  :bleed eyes: And even if it's a harem it should always end up with MaYuki  :cow:  :lol:  XD

I can't thank you enough for writing a lot of MaYuki fics, katekyohit-san!  :bow:  :bow:  :bow:

Offline Sherin

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Re: Who is my Prince? ~ Scene I (Update: 22/07/13)
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2013, 07:03:11 PM »
Lol I only start shipping JuriYuki recently as well, thx to nori's fics and now your fics as well. XD

Also the fact that Yukirin and Rena has similar aura so Yuki can somehow be a replacement for Rena.

Coming from you, I'm sure it's not a JuriYuki ending anyway but at least they have some moment together. Well there's still always hope for Wmatsui. XD

Everyday Juriken

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Re: Who is my Prince? ~ Scene I (Update: 22/07/13)
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2013, 07:04:39 PM »
Exactly, shrin!

I was waiting for you, Rhin. XD

Everyday Juriken

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Re: Who is my Prince? ~ Scene I (Update: 22/07/13)
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2013, 07:22:31 PM »
Jurina is a protector of Yuki and saved her from a werewolf

Interesting :)
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline katekyohit

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Re: Who is my Prince? ~ Scene I (Update: 22/07/13)
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2013, 01:52:39 AM »
rhin_rhin: MY COMRADE! We shall enjoy Yukirin Harem paradise~ (my kami oshi as well~) Don't worry rhin-san, i love writing MaYuki so you already know now, she's my kami-oshi! XD Everyone SHALL fight each other to have Yukirin's attention  :thumbs

Sherin: LOL! as for JuriYuki ending, there's a possibility! I'll announce something after all characters are introduced. :) stay tune~

kurosawa87: glad you enjoy it! might get a little more weird/twisted later, but just take it as a random stress relief story :D

Offline katekyohit

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Re: Who is my Prince? ~ Scene II (Update: 28/07/13)
« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2013, 04:46:19 AM »
Scene II: Black-Winged Keeper

Back at Yuki’s room, Jurina was sitting on the ground trembling in fear as the Yuki turned into her black mode. She was threatening Jurina to spill out everything that she had to know.

“E-Eh…w-where should I start first…”

“Who is Yuko-san and how did you have those wings?” Yuki asked and it made Jurina gulped, she sighed out softly and started to explain to the black princess.

“He’s a werewolf…and I’m an archangel, whom was your guardian.”

“So…you’re a non-human?” Yuki frowned as she asked back.

“I’m actually a half archangel…my body is originally a human, but I was chosen by the higher ups in heaven to become your archangel guardian.” Jurina elaborated her situation but then it didn’t stop Yuki from shooting more questions at her.

“So why is Yuko-san after me?” Yuki asked and it made Jurina sighed once again, the archangel didn’t want to explain this but she wasn’t left any choice but to tell her what she knew. 

Yuko, and definitely other non-human creatures would be coming after Yuki, because she’s not an ordinary human. According to Jurina, she wasn’t told the reason why those non-humans were going after Yuki but then it seemed there was a crisis going on among the non-human community and with Yuki’s special power, it would help restore their clan.

“My powers…?”

“Your power to heal, remember?” Jurina reminded her best friend once again and it made Yuki realized it. She did have this special power since she could ever remember. “That’s what they wanted from you, the angels said that you’re a reincarnation of goddess of life, but I don’t know anything in detail, my job is to protect you from them. ”


“I-I’m sorry Yukirin…I hope to tell you more, but that’s all I know but I’m just a guardian…” Jurina looked down on the floor with guilt and then the princess crouched down to stroke her head gently. “Yukirin…”

“I think I pretty much get what’s going on, so what about this wife thing that Yuko-san said…” Yuki questioned and the look on Jurina’s face told her that she knew what the werewolf boy meant.

“Say it.” She demanded.

“W-Well…the angels told me that in order for non-humans to restore their clan back to prosperity…they need to make child with the goddess of life, which is you.”

Jurina ruffled her head and then she could see Yuki froze after her friend told her the truth. The archangel stared at her friend but she wasn’t moving an inch. “Eh…Yukirin?”

“EH!? A-Are you serious!?” Yuki’s exaggerating reaction appeared and her eyes appeared like to be gushed out. She couldn’t hold back her shock and shook her head around with consecutive sighs. “Ugh…Why weird things always happen to me!”

“I-I’m sorry!” Jurina apologized quickly.

“Oh jeez Jurina it’s not your fault.” Yuki replied and sighed once more. “Let me go have a walk for a minute…ALONE too.”

“B-But outside is dange--…” Jurina didn’t continue as she received a glare from Black, one of Yuki’s alternate personas. The princess left the room immediately and left Jurina there alone. “…rous?”

“Mou…I guess that’s a lot for just one day.” Jurina sighed softly with worries. “I’ll follow her secretly then.”


Yuki was walking alone along the street in her area, heading to this convenience store to buy some sweets to eat in order to calm her down. She grabbed some ice cream and continued her walk, and then she arrived at the park.


“Hm?” The voice caught Yuki’s attention and it was an injured cat lying beside the tree. “Ah…you’re injured?”


“Let me help you.” Yuki sat down beside the cat and put her hand above it’s head. The vague green sparkling aura was formed around her hand and slowly flowed towards the injured cat. Its wounds and scars slowly healed up in extreme speed. Just few seconds, the wounds were completely healed. “There you go.”


The cat ran away as Yuki looked at it from behind silently before she stared back at her own palm. “So just because they want this power?” She recalled what Jurina told her about Yuko-san and other non-humans that would try to capture her to make her their bride in order to restore the prosperity of their clan. It’s not that she wanted this power either to begin with, after she realized about this gift she had, her body had grown weaker and weaker, maybe it was a side-effect of this healing powers she had.

“Ah~ Finally we’ve found you!” A group of thugs came up to her with a very suspicious look on their face. “Do you want to come with us?”

“…Not interested.” Yuki replied back immediately but then those boys spread out to corner her around. “Let me go.”

“Nope~ until we take you to our leader…” The man smirked as he revealed his burning red eyes and fangs. They were non-humans, they knew who Yuki was and they’re trying to abduct her to their leader. “Come with us, princess!”


“Then you leave us no choice…”

Suddenly, Yuki could feel the surge of dark intimidating aura from the red-eyed man, but before he had a chance to leap in towards her, he suddenly fell onto the ground with this huge cute across his back.  It made everyone surprised, including Yuki, as there was this tall man that joined the scene.

“W-Who are you!?” The injured demon muttered but the man didn’t reply anything. His eyes were extremely cold and silent that even made Yuki felt terrified a little. “Attack him!”

Everyone dashed towards him but then his expression didn’t change a bit. He disappeared and just appeared again right behind everyone.

“G-Gah!” Everyone got attacked by a mysterious weapon and gave them countless wounds across their body. “Y-You…!”

“Leave.” He uttered and created this huge tense atmosphere around him that pressured those non-humans that tried to capture Yuki. They had decided to retreat and left Yuki with this mysterious man that saved her. He turned to her and approached her closely. Yuki closed her eyes tightly with fear but then realized again, the man was stroking her head gently.

“Are you injured?”

His voice was very gentle and calm. Yuki looked back up at the tall man and she could see the calmness in his pure black orbs, yet it was also quietly gentle. “Glad that you’re alright. Do be more careful next time…I believe that duke’s minions started to move.”

She looked up towards the guy and spoke something that Yuki didn’t really understand much. “Thank you, uh…”

“Everyone calls me Ren.” He replied and it made me smiled back to him.

“I see, thank you Ren-san.”

But before any of their conversation would continue, suddenly, a wind shockwave flew towards the man and caused Ren to be surprised. “…!”

An archangel finally appeared and stood in between Yuki and the mysterious man. “Glad that I made it on time…”

“Jurina?” Yuki got confused since Jurina was in her archangel mode, her wings were visible as well as her white naginata. “W-Wait! Why are you in that form!?”

“You managed to hide your non-human aura from me…you’re really something.” Jurina uttered as she pointed her naginata at the man that saved Yuki. “Who are you? Spill it, non-human.”

“E-Eh?” Yuki was shocked to learn that the Ren wasn’t a human.

“I didn’t have any intention to harm Kashiwagi-sama…” He replied and he actually knew Yuki’s name as well. It made Yuki surprised and realized that this man was the same as Yuko. “I, the headmaster of Black Tengu clan…Matsui Ren, it is honored to meet with you Kashiwagi-sama.”

“Black-winged Tengu…I heard quite a lot of stories regarding you.” Jurina uttered softly. “The black guardian were known to protect peace in human world, yet, you’re after Yukirin as well…”

Ren looked away with that calm emotionless expression before he turned back to them. “I wouldn't allow anyone to harm Kashiwagi-sama. Our clan protects humans, and no matter what I will always protect her from all dangers.”

“But still, you seek her for powers, don’t you?” Jurina pushed right into the main point of the subject. “You’re no different from that werewolf…”

“There isn’t a choice for our clan either…” He couldn’t deny the truth that he’s just the same as Yuko, which his objective was to take Yuki as his bride. “Don’t mistake me with that low filthy werewolf, and if I could avoid hurting Kashiwagi-sama…I would choose that path.”

“…You’re such a weird tengu.” Jurina lowered her defense down a little. “You don’t seem to have interest in taking Yukirin away.”

“...” He remained in silence before he decided to walk away.

“W-Wait!” Yuki called him and made Ren stumbled. “Ren-san…thank you for saving me back there.”

“…I’ll always protect you, Kashiwagi-sama.” He had that vague smile across his face before he disappeared into thin air, only what was left was a single black feather.

Yuki started to realize that this was something that she couldn’t really escape from. Too many supernatural things happened and she had no choice but to believe, and live with it.

“…” Yuki sighed loudly, entering her Black mode. She just stumbled away. “Mou! This is so annoying! I’m going home!”

“A-Ah! Yukirin wait for me!” Jurina ran after her master as they were heading back towards their home together.
Yuki sighed again softly as she recalled her encounter with Yuko and Ren. She just wanted a simple ordinary life like any other people would have. However, she couldn’t escape from her faith, but despite all of that, she didn’t seem to be aware of the consequences of that would happen from now on…


~To Be Continue~

[SCENE III: The Dark Hunter]
« Last Edit: July 29, 2013, 02:17:19 AM by katekyohit »

Offline Kazan

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 :w00t: Matsui ren yeah
This is awesome,im looking forward it

Offline sayanee123

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so jurina & ren will fight for yukirin? just guessing  :lol:
will mayuyu appears?  :?
nice update author-san  :thumbsup
please update soon :bow: :bow: :bow:

Offline DiVAGal2458

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Awesome  :twothumbs
I'm guessing Chapter 3 is Mayu and Chapter 4 is Sae!  :wub:
SaeYuki!  :inlove:
I bet Yuki falls for Jurina though...  :lol:
Can't wait for the next part!  :panic:

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I'm guessing Chapter 3 is Mayu and Chapter 4 is Sae!  :wub:

Definition: Mayu(The Dark Hunter) is some kind of half-demon or something and Sae(Blood Thirster/Vampire!!!) is RUKA~~~!!!!!!

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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Ren has the same goal but it may cause Jurina to be stuck in the weird situation
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline Sherin

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Seems like everyone a male, I guess JuriYuki is impossible, but at least there seem to be hope for WMatsui. XD

I guess it's either Mayu or Sae next chapter.

Who else I wonder~

Everyday Juriken

Offline katekyohit

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Kazan: glad you look forward to this! it's not progressing that fast yet so thank you for having patience!

sayanee123: Ren actually have the same goal as Yuko (making Yuki his wife), but then he had his own personal reasons that he wouldn't force/harm Yuki (sounds irony at the moment), but it will become more clear. It's like making Yuki his bride is going against his will but due to the sake of his clan, he had to do so. DEFINITELY Mayu shall appear soon XD If there's Yukirin here, obviously Mayu shall be here as well. :P

DiVAGal2458: Wah~ Everyone's thinking that Dark Hunter is Mayu~ It's actually another way around. So that means Chapter 3 is Sae-sama~! I shall update soon! :)

TTLuver497: Nice guess! Unfortunately, it's another way around. I just think Sae doesn't fit the category "heartless" comparing to Mayu, if you get what I mean ><"

kurosawa87: Ren is a little mysterious character. He's going after Yuki (to make her his wife), but then he didn't want to harm her at the same time, more reasons shall be revealed through the chapters~

Sherin: I know it's weird but everything is POSSIBLE in this fanfic Sherin-san! (Going along with the flow of the readers), if many readers want Jurina to join the harem, then she shall! :P About her being a female right now....I can make it hectic + insane. XD

Ah~ It seemed everyone expected Sae to be vampire, but gommen!  :bow: Personally I don't feel like Sae fits the category of 'heartless' comparing to Mayu. Therefore, the Dark Hunter would be Sae, and the last one would be Mayu. :D Thank you for your lovely comments and stay tune~!

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