~Friendship 2~
With sigh Kashiwagi Yuki Sat on her desk "Fighting, studying... it's so hard be me lately!"/she said sleepy while everyone in her classroom were talking and laughing with each other.
After some minutes the teacher arrived and as always everyone were quiet. The teacher soon explained why he was late and introduced their new partner.
"Gekikara.." Yuki thought nervous pressing her fist.
Soon Rena sat on a empty spot and the class started.
~ In Mayu's classroom~
Somebody left a paper on Mayu's desk, she opened and read it "Let's go visit that girl to the hospital maybe she knows something

Mayu hummed then looked back, she saw Jurina smiling at her Mayu nodded agreeing going with her to the hospital.
"Hope she has some useful info!" Mayu though.
In a blink of an eye was already lunchtime.
Yuki and Mayu went to eat together as always, they even have a secret spot.
"I'm so tired Mayu Chan!" Yuki let out putting her forehead on Mayu's shoulder as she eats her bento.
Mayu pouted "Yukirin you gotta eat, you have defeat the bad ones so EAT!" She said grabbing a big portion of food with her chopsticks then with her free hand took Yuki's chin and made her open her mouth.
Mayu introduced a lot of food on Yuki's mouth if it wasn't cause the juice Yuki would probably choke.
Mayu laughed.
"It's not funny!" Yuki let out once she swallowed everything. "I'm still tired.." she complained.
"Then eat more!" Mayu said with a creepy smile and showed her chopsticks to Yuki.
"STOP WITH THAT!!"" Yuki let out.
Mayu smiled "By the way I have to go with one of my partners after school, we have to discuss about a project.. Don't pick me up!" She said.
"Okay.. I guess I'll go home to get some rest!" Yuki said a smile trusting Mayu.
~ After school~
As soon the bell rang Yuki gathered her things but someone grabbed her shoulder. Yuki looked at the person behind her. "Gekikara" she let out confused.
"Call me Rena.. can we have a talk!; Rena asked removing her hand off Yuki's shoulder.
"Just when I thought I could rest!" Yuki thought a little disappointed "Okay!" She replied and soon the two were walking together.
After a few blocks of silence...
"What did you wanna talk about?" Yuki asked as the two walk together.
"Everything.." Rena said coldly.
Yuki stopped walking "Do you know what's going on?" She asked a little sad.
Rena looked at Yuki "Yes... I know something." She replied also a little sad.
"I was able able to see the past. Nezumi showed me a little, You were there, I was there,Mayu and Jurina were there with other unknown girls" Yuki said serious.
"Nezumi.. I have heard about her. What did you see?" Rena asked.
Yuki looked down "Darkness for me.." she answered.
"We're 10 sisters causing darkness to this world, is Mayu able to clean the 8 that are left? And who are they?" Rena asked.
Yuki stopped looking down "I'll help her even if that cost me my last breath!" She replied determinate.
~ At the hospital~
Jurina and Mayu entered to Sae's room "Seems like she's sleeping" the taller of the two let out.
Mayu got closer to her bed without making any noise while Jurina was behind her.
Suddenly Sae grabbed Mayu's hand.
"CHOKOKU IS GOING AFTER YOU ALL!!" Sae shouted laughing hysterically
Mayu was scared "Let go.. let go!" She said while Sae has her hand, Jurina helped Mayu release from her grip.
The two left the hospital running. Once far enough Mayu and Jurina pulled out their cellphones and called Yuki and Rena but none of the two were answering.
"Damn it!" Jurina let out while Mayu was still trying.
Jurina grabbed Mayu's hand "Let's go find them!" She said.
The two run..
~At the same time~
"This person.. it's stronger!" Rena thought taking deep breaths while looking at the tall girl in front of her.
Chokoku smirked "You are weaker than I thought!" She said.
"Why do I feel so sleepy in a moment like this!" Yuki thought trying hard to keep her eyes open.
Rena looked at Yuki "LET'S GO!" She said.
Yuki followed her. The two tried to fight but somehow this girl called Chokoku was stronger and their swords were useless since her fighting skills were above normal.
With one hand she punched Yuki who end up bumping with Rena, their swords fell all over the place.
Chokoku grabbed Rena by her chest to pull her up "Where's Gekikara?" She asked before punching her many times on her face then once she got tired she threw her away ruining her uniform.
Chokoku also grabbed Yuki "I don't know who you are but you are no match for me!" She said before punching her many times then kicked her out of her way.
Rena tried to got up " We couldn't even make a scratch... Why?" She thought then fell again on the floor.
Chokoku laughed "Weak.. " she said with a smirk.
"Onee San!" Jurina shouted as she comes running with Mayu behind her.
Chokoku looked at the two girls coming closer "More players.." she let out.
Once Jurina saw her older sister covered in blood with her uniform destroyed, she couldn't help to feel furious.
"Who did this to you?" Jurina asked looking at Rena bleeding from her head, lip and uniform destroyed.
Mayu went straight to Yuki " Yukirin! Are you okay?" She said waking her up worried.
Yuki opened her eyes "Been better!" She said bleeding from her nose, Mayu started cleaning Yuki's face.
"Rena... I'm seriously mad AND I CAN'T HELP IIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!" Jurina shouted mad then run to Chokoku who was smirking.
"STOP IT JURINA!!!!" Rena shouted worried and tried to get up but she couldn't.
"I'M SERIOUSLY MAD!!" Jurina shouted ready to punch Chokoku "Idiot!" She let out ready to dodge.
"I WON't LET THAT HAPPEN!" Jurina shouted mad ready with her leg, she kicked Chokoku with all her force sending her away.
Rena, Yuki and Mayu were impressed.
"How that happened?" Mayu asked to Yuki.
"What?" Rena let out "We couldn't even touch her!" She thought.
Mayu and Yuki were also confused.
Chokoku got up cleaned the blood on the corner of her mouth "The real fight will start now!" She said irritated.
"I'm seriously mad, I WON'T FORGIVE YOU!" Jurina says determinate.
The two started fighting..
Chokoku tried to kick Jurina but Jurina used her arm to stop her then punched her on her face.
"SHE HIT HER AGAIN!" Yuki let out shocked.
Chokoku and Jurina seems to have the same fighting skill one on one.
Rena got up "I forgot Jurina is good at martial arts.. no human can beat her on that!" She thought "but these are not humans.. I have to..." she said then started to walk to her sword.
Chokoku grabbed Jurina by her hair then stared punching her face.
"Jurina!!" Rena let out worried then threw her sword to Chokoku which cut her slightly on her cheek.
"I have to help them!" Yuki said then got up while still Chokoku kicked Jurina on her stomach several times while she was on the floor.
Yuki went to Chokoku but this one grabbed by her arms.
"AHHHHHH!" Yuki let out in pain while Mayu was paralyzed "Yuki.. Yuki.." she thought scared while Jurina is next to them unable to move.
Mayu's tears started to roll on her cheeks. "What can I do?" She thought scared as Yuki is suffering.
Mayu looked side to side desperate but the fog didn't help suddenly she remebered something "can that work?" She whispered then gathered courage "CEEEEEENNNNNNTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRR!" She shouted.
"Center? I heard that before!" Rena thought with tears in her eyes "CEEENNNNTEEEEEEERR!" She also shouted desperate.
Jurina opened her eyes and somehow red gloves appeared on her hands "What's this?" She thought feeling brand new Again.
"Bye!" Chokoku said ready to break Yuki's arm.
Jurina fast got up.
"You again." Chokoku said not so happy then threw Yuki aside.
"NOW IS CENTER'S TURN!" Jurina shouted and with that the two started fighting again.
"Jurina is center!" Gekikara thought seeing the difference of abilities between the two girls.
"Why? How she became stronger!" Chokoku thought feeling the level.
In no time Center made her a key and got Chokoku facing the floor asphyxiating her.
"Jurina!" Rena said worried seeing Chokuoku becoming blue cause the lack of air.
"Stop it! Stop it!" Rena said shaking Jurina and waking her up from her trance.
Jurina removed herself off Chokoku "Don't ever get close to us again or I will finish you!" She said coldly.
Rena looked at Jurina but she seemed different somehow.
Mayu grabbed Yuki. "Sorry..." the taller of the two two said.
"Why?" Mayu asked.
"You cried because of me.. because I'm weak!" Yuki let out.
"Idiot!" Mayu said then hugged Yuki while she only putted her chin on Mayu's head.