I'm BACK~!!!!!

It seems there's a argument in here ehh???
For the replies:
Doko Demo Door: Although hurtful, I'll take that insult as a compliment. I will reply to you: I don't care if my fic was full of incorrect grammars, as long as I can able to retain the flow of the story, it's fine. But in case, I will do my best to make my grammar better.

AshuraX: I'm sorry if there is a plot hole in there. But thank you for reading my fic....

Chapter 6: Incoming Seven days had been passed since their battle with the Hollows, the released of their zanpakuto and the recovery to their injuries. They can able to live in normal life again but they already know that the danger is still there. So they decided to have a practice in Rena’s house since Rena’s family owned a very large dojo. And also they make Yuria as their teacher. Yuria would gonna reject this but seeing the cute plead of these humans, she has no choice but to teach them some of her basic knowledge of using Zanpakuto.
In the midst of their training, Rena calls for a break since it’s already a lunchtime. While eating their meal, Acchan went to asked Yuria about Soul Society.
“Ne~ Yuria, how large the Soul Society is?” Acchan asked.
“Well, I can’t answer that question so easily. It’s just like you ask me how large the universe is.” Yuria said.
“Next question, there are many portions in Soul Society right?” Kumi asked.
“Yes, there are two portions. The Rukongai were the souls live when they arrive in Soul Society and the Seireitei which is at the center of Soul Society.” Yuria said.
“The Rukongai is divided into three-hundred twenty districts, eighty of these districts on four directions, each are numbered in descending order on how far they are from the center. By that, the farther from the center, the less peaceful it is.”
“Less peaceful, you mean the farther from the center, the numerous the scum that are living?” Yukirin asked.
“You’re right. I was living on the 1st district, known as Junrinan district.” Yuria said.
“How about the Seireitei?” Rena asked.
“Seireitei is the known as the “court of the pure souls”. The majority of the residents in there are nobilities and Shinigamis. Like a castle guarded by a wall that only a gate as an entrance, there are four gates in there. The wall is made of stones that can negate all spiritual powers so it’s impossible to breach Seireitei. The only way to pass through the wall is open the very large gate which it could take the strength of the Gatekeeper to open that heavy thing.”
“It’s my turn. What is Gotei 13?” Yukirin asked.
“Gotei 13 is one of the three primary military branches of Soul Society; the other two are Onmitsukidou and Kido Corps. It is made up of thirteen divisions, with several divisions having certain specifications. It is led by the Captain-Commander, mainly 1st Division Captain Takahashi Minami. Just like any army, the Gotei 13 has ranks. There are 20 ranks for officers and none for non-officers. I’m assigned in 2nd seat in 10th Division; in short I’m a lieutenant and the captain is 10th Division Captain Ogiso Shiori.”
“Captains of each division are the most respected Shinigami within the Soul Society. All captains are able to utilize the final stage of their Zanpakuto, which is short ‘Bankai’” Yuria said.
“Bankai? So there are other forms for Zanpakuto, aside from Shikai.” Kumi said.
“Captains are exceptionally stronger and more powerful than their lieutenants. Their spiritual pressure, comparable to us, is tremendously dense and their stats are very high. Most captains are skilled in the use of Shunpo and Kido, and generally have extensive knowledge of Shinigami history and battle tactics. All of these factors create the vast power gap between our captains and us, the lower-officers.”
“You mean that all captains are that strong?” Rena asked. Yuria replied with a nod.
“There are three ways to become a Gotei 13 captain. The first one is Captain Proficiency Test, a test which requires the ability to perform Bankai. The second one is Personal Recommendation, to have this from at least six captains and approval from at least three of the remaining seven. The last one, but rarest, is Trial by Combat, to defeat a captain one-on-one with at least 200 witnesses from the captain’s division.”
“Ouch, the last one really hurts.” Kumi said.
“Ok, break time’s over. Let’s continue.” Yuria said in commanding voice.
While the training continues, Yuria sensed an incoming Reiatsu (spiritual pressure). And she knows whom is it. While being not seen by her becoming-friends, she lowered her head. Her cheeks were flowed by tears. She wipes the tears that flow from her cheeks so they wouldn’t able to notice it. She looked at the setting sky as she bitterly murmured.
“I’m sorry. It looks like my time is up.”
From a far away, four figures are walking down to the streets.
“Captain, I sense an unusual Reiatsu. It must be her.” The lieutenant girl said. She’s wearing sleeveless Shihakusho (Garment of the Dead Souls) and black punk choker. Her sword was hanged on her back.
“You’re right, it is her. Captain what should we do?” Another lieutenant girl said. She’s wearing long-sleeved, mini-skirt version of Shihakusho. Her sword was hanged horizontally on her back.
“You don’t need to treat me as higher-ups, my dear wife.” One of the captains said in melodious voice. She’s wearing a sleeveless, mini-skirt version of Shihakusho with the top slightly loosed, slightly revealing her upper chest. She’s also wearing a sleeveless white haori on the top of her Shihakusho. Instead hanged, she’s bringing her sword on her right hand.
“Still you’re my captain.”
“Let’s be serious in here, shall we?” The short-sized captain seriously said. She’s wearing a standard Shihakusho and sleeveless haori. Her sword was hanged on her right waist.
“Aside from that, she’s with the four humans.” The captain said.
“But those humans are really not ordinary humans.”
“What do you mean not human, Nami?”
“Their Reiatsu, it’s so dense.” The so-called Nami said.
“Hmmm. A formidable opponent, I see.” The one lieutenant put her hands on her chin as she nods in affirmation.
“Let’s go now.” The midget captain said.
Elsewhere, on the old Japanese-style house, two persons are drinking a tea.
“They are here.”
“You’re right. I think I’m gonna go there.”
“Yeah, you can go now. Your friends need you.” As the figure went away with the sword on left hand, another figure appears behind the sliding door.
“The war is nearly coming.”
“I know about that, we need to prepare for the worst.”
“Wahhh, it’s so tiring!” Kumi stretched her hands. Their training’s been finished in the setting sun hours.
“Guys, I should go ahead.” Yuria said while rushing towards the gate.
“Where did she go?” Rena asked.
“I don’t know. Maybe she’s getting a drink for us.” Yukirin said.
“Acchan did you noticed it?” Kumi worriedly said.
“Yes, it seems that I felt last time is the cause of that.” Acchan seriously said.
“What do you mean?” Yukirin asked.
“Her fetchers are here.”
Yuria was running away from her new friends. She knew they will come for her. She stops from her running.
“I know that you are here to capture me because I commit a crime right? 7th Division Lieutenant Furukawa Nami, 8th Division Lieutenant Kitahara Kazuhiko, 7th Division Captain Furukawa Airi and finally, my big sister, 6th Division Captain Oshima Yuko.” Yuria looks at her said persons. Then the four suddenly appears in front of her.
“Nice one, 10th Division Lieutenant Kizaki Yuria. Despite being stealth, you can actually able to detect us so easily.” Nami said.
“You’re right Yuria. You’re under arrest for illegal usage of Senkaimon (World Penetration Gate) and entering on Human World without the permission from the higher-ups.” Yuko said.
“As from the orders of 1st Division Captain Takahashi Minami, we gonna capture you dead or alive. So if you want not to be harmed, you should come to us peacefully.” Airin said.
“Peacefully you say? As if you tried hide those killing instincts coming from your face.” Yuria smirked.
“We don’t say that we’re gonna kill you, we say that we’re gonna.” Nami innocently said.
“Execute me.” Yuria seriously said.
“Enough chit-chat, if you don’t want to come with us. Then we will force you to drag to Soul Society.” Kazuhiko said.
“Kajiru (Bite), Kenshimaru” With that Release Command said, Nami rotates her sword very fast. The sound of chainsaw was heard from the rotating sword. Then Nami stops the rotation and shows her jagged-teeth edged sword. Nami rushed toward Yuria and swung her sword downward.
“Damn. Sakiru (Bloom), Benizakura (Crimson Cherry Blossom)” Yuria’s sword change its color into red. Then she intercepts Nami’s attack by slashing upward. Then Nami’s sword’s tooth-edge suddenly moves like a chainsaw mechanism, creates a spark between each other sword. Then her eyes widened as she saw not too far from her, Kazuhiko prepares to attack Yuria. She holds her sword in Iaido style with her left hand on the sheath and lower guard.
“Oh my god, this is my end.” Yuria tries to break away from Nami’s attack. Nami pushed Yuria and moves away from the attack range while Yuria outbalanced from her position.
“Ureero (Mourn), Shizuhitan (Silent Sorrow)” Kazuhiko pushed up the guard. Then a crevasse was created from the ground, moving toward to Yuria. Yuria closes her eyes as she gonna to took the final blow
Before it makes contact to Yuria, a striking sound was heard. Then her butt was hit on the ground.
“Itai.” Yuria said.
“Are you alright, Yuria?” Yuria looks at the source of that voice and finds out its Kumi, offering her hand to get up.
“Kumi? What are you doing here?” Yuria takes the hand as she gets up.
“Are you gonna leave us without saying goodbye?” Kumi acted like she’s crying.
“Stop that.” Yuria pissed over Kumi’s act.
“Yuria~!! Kumi~!!” Acchan, Rena and Yukirin called while ran toward them.
“So really it’s them. Two Lieutenants and the worst of all, two Captains.” Acchan smirked.
“Oh look what we have now; it’s the four humans who save the helpless girl.” Kazuhiko said.
“Shut up, you supposed to be her friend. Not to be an executioner.” Yukirin angrily said.
“You shut up. You don’t know who talking about.” Nami shouted.
“Here’s the plan, Yukirin will battle to that girl with her sword sheathed, I will battle that girl with jagged-teeth edged sword, Rena will battle to that ponytailed-girl Captain and Acchan will battle to that midget Captain.” Kumi said.
“Kumi, that sleeveless Shihakusho you say is 8th Division Lieutenant Kitahara Kazuhiko, wife of 8th Division Captain Kitahara Rie. The mini-skirt version of Shihakusho you referred is 7th Division Lieutenant Furukawa Nami, wife of 7th Division Captain Furukawa Airi. The ponytail-girl you described is Nami’s wife and also, her captain. The last one, the midget captain is my sister, 6th Division Captain Oshima Yuko.” Yuria said.
“Your sister, then why the hell they want you to be killed?”
“It’s because I make a grievous crime.” Yuria lowered her head.
“I like that plan. It looks like a suicide plan.” Yukirin sarcastically said.
“It’s better than run. At least we could fend off them from Yuria.” Kumi said.
“Now let’s go.” And they went to respective opponents.
To be Continued.....