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Author Topic: [Louise-sama OS Thread] 10: Plain Ceiling (MariHaru Ft. Jurina OS)  (Read 15493 times)

Offline Louise-sama

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  • Girls like girls like boys do.
This thread will contain one-shots written by Louise-sama.

Entry 1: Tough and Rough
        Jurimayu | Angst ; Romance 

   If there was anything at all that would help her avoid this, she would do it. But leaving right now wasn’t an option for her. Twisting the doorknob, Jurina braced herself. She is about to break her down further than she already was.

   Stepping into their house, she spotted her at the dining table. She didn’t even glance at her. That alone told her just how badly she was struggling. To make it worse was the last thing she wanted to do. Unfortunately, life was cruel as it was also the first thing that was about to happen.

   Jurina joined her in the kitchen, standing next to where she was seated.

   “They cut off the phone service.” Mayu suddenly spoke, not even looking up from the paperwork she was doing.

   “You’re kidding,” Jurina said, although she knew what she said was true. She suddenly felt guilt sinking through her. This really is going to be harder than she thought.

  “Nope,” she shook her head. “We forgot to pay the bill.”

   When Mayu said 'forgot' she really meant ‘couldn’t.’ They had been struggling paying off their bills for the past few months and finally failed paying last month’s.

   Now it seemed they were paying the price.

   Jurina was never good with dealing bad news, so she carefully thought how to say it. She clenched fer fist and spit the news she had been dreading to tell her.

   “I,” she drew a deep breath “I got laid off today.”

   Mayu is strong. She could have cried – Jurina wouldn’t have blamed her – but she didn’t. Instead she shook her head in disbelief, uttering a plain: “No.”

   This recession was really taking its toll on everyone, but Jurina felt the effects weighing on her harder than anything else ever had. To see Mayu shut her eyes and rest her head on her hands, evidently suffering through it all, was the worst thing Jurina could’ve seen in that moment.

   She listened to her sigh, and then watched as she looked up at her. Their eyes met for the first time since she arrived home.

   “We barely even had enough money for food when you had a job.” Mayu said softly.

   It was true. With all their income going to bills and both their schooling, good meals were left a privilege.

   “I’ll find a new one soon,” Jurina promised.

   “That’s not gonna be easy.”

   There was something in Mayu’s tone that set Jurina off. It wasn’t like she was mocking her, but no faith was evident in her voice. She had always been optimistic, but now she sounded like she had given up.

   That’s why Jurina couldn’t help it when her voice raised and tone sharpened in her reply. “You don’t have to tell me!”

   Immediate regret flooded her when she caught Mayu glance at her. Her eyebrows knit together and there was a shining film over her eyes as she gazed at her.

   Mayu hated it when Jurina yelled, and Jurina hated making her feel the need to hate.

   “Sorry,” she apologized sincerely.

   Mayu’s gaze lingered a few extra seconds before she told her, “No, it’s fine,” and turned back to whatever she was working on.

   Jurina finally realized what it was that she was writing on. “Is that your resume?”

   Mayu only nodded.

   “You looking for a new job?”

   Mayu was holding a fairly stable job right now but if she could find something with better wages, Jurina would support her transfer fully. “Actually, I’m looking for a second job.”

   But Jurina wouldn’t support this one.

   “No.” Jurina spoke firmly. “You’re not working two jobs.” She wouldn’t let her.

   Mayu gathered her things from the table and headed out of the kitchen, Jurina trailing shortly behind her.

   “We don’t have much of a choice now that you lost yours.” She spoke, again in the same hopeless tone.

   Jurina bit her tongue to keep from cursing. “Look – It’s not my fault I was fired.”

   “I never said it was.”

   “That’s what you meant.”

   Their voices were calm but cold enough to say that something was building up.

   Mayu had been heading to the bedroom, but Jurina cut in front of her to block the doorway. She attempted a side-step past her, but failed.

   “Don’t put words in my mouth.” Mayu said.

   “Well then quit putting so much pressure in me!”

   And just like that, she broke down Mayu’s previous strength. With Mayu, it was hard sometimes. One minute she was holding her ground and the next she could barely stand. She desperately ran her hand through her hair.

   “Don’t think you’re the only one feeling pressure!” Her voice cracked, close to tears. “You think I like this life? No, I don’t! I hate it!” She almost said she ‘regretted everything’ but she managed to stop herself. That would be too much.

   Jurina hated fighting with her, but sometimes, it can’t be helped. They hardly ever fought because there was nothing to fight about in the first place. But with the way things were going lately, arguing was how she blew off steam. Surely that was the same for Mayu.

   “Same goes with me, Mayu!” The raising of her voice was inevitable. She was yelling now. “I hate worrying about things are gonna work out. Or if they ever will!”

   For the second time in the past five minutes, she gave her that look—the look of pure, irrefutable sadness. It killed her to see Mayu look so upset. Jurina felt a pang of regret strike her once again.

   “Don’t yell,” was all she said, but it was enough to hear the soft pleading her request held.

   Now Jurina was frantically thinking of what else to say. She could just stay and finish it now, but she knew her frustration was too much to contain and would end up yelling again. She didn’t want that. She can’t afford to hurt her more. So instead, she shook her head and headed down the hall towards the front door.

   “Where are you going?” Mayu asked, still grounded at the same spot. However, Jurina wasn’t calm enough to reply without snapping. So she left without a word.

   Jurina entered the local bar three blocks away from their home. All she needed was a few hours to calm down. The bartender set the full glass in front of Jurina, who picked it up then set it back down. She shouldn’t be drinking but leaving it was just another waste of money.

   She thought of Mayu. She was sure that, now that she was alone she could allow herself to cry as openly as she wanted. They said it was healthy to cry, but the idea of her alone, shedding bitter tears was almost too much to bear.

   They didn’t plan for this. Who would plan on being poor and working minimum wage just to feed themselves? All Jurina could ever think of now was that she could have listened to everyone who had told the moving in together wasn’t a good idea.

   She was sixteen and Mayu was nineteen when they moved in together. Now they were four years older. Both were paying their way through university and on top of bills and food.

   She admitted it now, moving in together at such a young age was stupid, but at the time it seemed like a great idea. It’s a new adventure, they said. Now, it was left a burden. Things went fairly well the first two years, where they held up good jobs and managed their money responsibly. When the recession hit, Jurina was fired. Eventually, she picked up another job in labour but today that role ended as well.

   Slowly, things had changed. They were no longer living together. Instead, they were surviving together.

   Earlier, when Mayu told her she was going to apply for a second job, Jurina didn’t mean to snap. It was just the idea of her working two jobs while she failed to hold up her only job was unfair. She would rather swallow her pride and admit to her parents that they were right about not moving in together than watch Mayu balance two jobs, school, and their relationship. She can’t afford that.

   Maybe this was all just a test of their relationship. Mayu was the girl for her; she was sure of it. But maybe there was some greater power up there that wanted them to suffer to prove it. If there was, this was a cruel way of testing them.

   “Hey. You gonna drink that?”

   Jurina noticed that an older woman had pulled up a stool next to her during her time of daydreaming.

   “Uh…no.” She replied, sliding the glass to her neighbour.

   The older woman chugged down the half of the alcohol before asking, “What’s got you all beat up?”

   Jurina hid her eyes with her fringe. Was she really that obvious? Probably. She would bet that she had never looked so pathetic before. It was odd, but with this stranger questioning her, Jurina felt an overwhelming need to let it all out to confide in someone. After all, this woman did ask.

   “My girlfriend is at home, probably crying.” Jurina started slow. “I can’t even be there because I hate seeing her upset. I was laid off for the second time in six months and we’re dirt poor. I can’t even spare enough money to buy her something nice…something she deserves.”

   Saying those words was like a weight lifted from her shoulders. The power of speech was incredible. She realized it now.

   The woman beside her chuckled, “You’re poor? I’m the one ripping drinks off a broke kid.”

   Despite her situation, Jurina grinned. “Nah, don’t worry about it.”

   “I wasn’t.”

   She grinned again, appreciating the woman’s blunt honesty.

   “Life’s gonna throw you curve balls,” the other woman started. “You just gotta suck it up and deal with them.”

   “It’s tough.” Jurina was actually thankful this woman was sitting here with her. Not only did it feel relieving to finally share her situation with someone. It was also nice to feel…successful next to a thin, thirty year-old woman ‘ripping drinks’ off a twenty year-old. “I want to prove that we can do it.” She added, hearing the purpose in her own voice. “To our parents, to me and to her.”

   “I feel you.”

   The strangest sense washed over Jurina. She felt like this woman could really relate to her and truly understood what she’s going through.

   “Mind telling me about her?”

   No one had ever asked her to describe Mayu before, so the woman’s request came a little surprise. It wasn’t like it’s hard to describe her. The problem was that there was too much to tell.

   “She doesn’t listen to anyone,” Jurina started. “But so selfless that she keeps every burden to herself. She’s competitive and smart. She’s probably the strongest person I know. But when she cries…” she bit her lower lip before continuing, “she just lets it all out.” She paused, trying to figure out how to finish. “She’s unlike anyone else. She’s all I ever wanted.”

   The older woman playfully pushed Jurina and smiled. “You ever tell her all that?”

   Jurina didn’t reply, ashamed of her answer. Yes, she’d told Mayu all of that before, but not nearly enough. They didn’t really talk so much anymore as they argue out their frustration. Their days of pure fluff and romance were long gone.

   A silence took over them where they sat still. At least fifteen minutes must have passed when Jurina realized she had found the calm that she had been searching for. It was probably time to head home. She rose from the stool and started heading away when the husky voice of her confidant spoke up a final time.

   “Hey,” she called out. “I’m not the smartest person around, but take this from a worn out woman like me.”

   “Things might seem hard now, but if you work at it, they’ll get better.” She paused to drink the last of the alcohol in front of her before continuing. “That girl sounds special. Don’t let one little rough patch screw up a good thing. I did, and look at me.” She added as she gestured at her thin figure.

   To be honest, Jurina found her beautiful. She could have mistook her as a model if it wasn’t for her unruly hair and dress.

   “Don’t just hang on; move forward and fight.”

   Jurina smiled and turned around to face the door. “Next time I’ll see you, I’ll be the one ripping drinks off you.” She started walking away, leaving the waving hand of the older woman unseen.

   That was a piece of advice she knew she’d hold onto forever. Things were hard, fighting to pull her and Mayu down. Well, they would just have to fight back harder. And suddenly, Jurina exactly knew how to start.

   Her talk with the woman in the bar gave Jurina some insight on what had been missing lately. Something that she and Mayu desperately needed but hadn’t made the time for since this entire mess started.

   She knocked on their bedroom door before opening it. Peeking inside, she saw Mayu curled up on the bed. Her eyes still red from her previous crying. After a moment she pushed the door open fully.


   Mayu looked up instantly, her gaze resting on her expectantly.

   “I want to show you something.”

   There was no argument this time. Instead, Mayu just stood up and followed her out the door and down the hallway. Upon reaching the living room, she froze.

   Jurina didn’t really do much other than tidy things up and set out two wine glasses with a bottle of champagne, but Mayu’s expression told her it was more than enough. No, Mayu was never crazy about romantics, but she was still a girl and it was natural for her to grow emotional at such an act.

   “What is all this?” Mayu asked quietly as Jurina gave her a damp rose – one Jurina picked from the neighbourhood since there was nothing left from her remaining money she bought with the champagne. Jurina circled around to the table and picked up the champagne.

   “Well, lately, everything has been focused around work and money.” She told her, impressed at the reaction she had gotten out of her. Mayu continued staring at her in complete awe. “We’ve been so busy with everything that we barely have time to just talk anymore.” Jurina smiled at her when she started giggling despite the previous depression existing between them.

   “So tonight’s just about us.”

   For a while Mayu just stood at the other side of the room, keeping eye contact with her. Finally, she joined her by the couch and picked up one of the wine glasses.

   Jurina cracked open the bottle and poured them both a glass before taking a seat next to her.

   “So what got you to do all this?” Mayu asked in a soft voice – one that Jurina hadn’t heard in quite some time.

   Jurina grinned, finding the answer funny herself. “A heartbroken woman at a bar.”

   Raising an eyebrow, Mayu giggled. “What?”

   “Well, long story,” Jurina answered simply.

   “Hmn,” Mayu took a sip of her drink and made a face. “And where’d you get this?”

   “I stole it from the widower next door.” Jurina joked as she whispered and pointed her thumb outside the door.

   “You’re feeding me wine you stole from a widower?” Mayu eyed at her with a tiny smirk playing on the edge of her lips. “What kind of girlfriend are you?”

   The two broke out in laughter. It was incredible. Jurina felt some of the tension between them slipping away and it was back to the way things were. Not completely, but better nonetheless. Just hearing Mayu joke like that again was enough to tell her tonight was the smartest thing she could’ve done right now.

   “So what exactly was it about this woman that got you to set all this up?” Mayu collected her lips to make a pout. “Are you cheating on me now?” she narrowed her eyes.

   Mayu had a way of sending Jurina into silence with her playful expressions. After working through her loss of words due to her innate cuteness, Jurina answered. “No way,” she pinched Mayu’s nose with her free hand. “She just helped me realize how important it is to take time for stuff like this.”

   “Oh, yeah?” Mayu teased her.

   “She asked me to describe you.”

   Again, she wore that cute expression. “And what did you say?”

   Jurina recounted to her what had come out of her mouth in the spur of the moment. With each word, she watched Mayu’s eyes reflected joy and contentment. She had never heard any of that in a long time.

   “You know, you’re pretty great yourself.” Mayu winked once she finished and offered her a wink.

   Despite the bliss they were feeling now, there was still a lingering sadness in both of them. It was all the stress that had been welling up. Of course it wouldn’t be that easy to overcome because of one peaceful night. But for the first time they felt like they could beat it. And now, that was all that mattered.

   “I’ve missed times like this,” Mayu told her earnestly. “I forgot how relaxing it was to forget about our problems.” She set her glass on the table and adjusted herself to lean on Jurina.

   Jurina responded by wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Many people wouldn’t even consider it real intimacy, but Jurina knew, it meant the world to Mayu just to have her arm offered – the comfort of her, simply being there.

   “I’m sorry for earlier,” Mayu said quietly. “I was stressed and taking it all out on you.”

   Jurina didn’t like Mayu taking the blame for something that was partially her fault too. “No, I shouldn’t have snapped at you.”

   “I hate fighting.”

   Jurina looked down to see a tiny pout formed on her lips. She would want to talk about this further but resisted herself. Not now. “How are you?” It was a simple question, but she realized that it was always left unasked on many situations.

   “Better.” Mayu replied. “You?”

   "I feel great," Jurina shifted slightly to face Mayu, “so great that I'm scared of what tomorrow will bring us."

   Their eyes stayed connected for a few seconds. Jurina's eyes were longing and Mayu can't help but stretch out her arms, inviting the other girl to an embrace. "Come here." 

   Jurina promptly collapsed to Mayu's arms and entrusted their weights to the couch. Mayu ran her fingers through the taller girl's hair and pressed their foreheads together. Their breaths mixed together like an alluring fragrance.

   "Don't worry." Mayu gently spoke. "From now on, we will bring our own tomorrow."

   The city lights retreated and the streets were immediately engulfed with silence. Mattresses shared the exhaustion of the broken and the whole as they drift off in sleep. The rustling of swaying leaves served as the lullaby of the troubled and weary. Stars shone with the laughter of sneaking lovers at night. The breeze tugged every corner cold.

   But neither felt cold that night as they cuddled on the same couch. Using their arms as blankets, they comforted each other. Mayu's gentle humming echoed through the room, washing away every trace of doubt and fear in Jurina.

   Jurina had fallen for Mayu once and it was like she was being granted the pleasure of experiencing it all again; and it felt amazing.

   Just like the first time.


Awesome readers do comment.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2016, 02:49:21 PM by Louise-sama »
I'm Louise.  :)

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Offline Kiri-el

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Re: [Louise-sama OS] 1: Tough and Rough (JuriMayu)
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2013, 08:50:51 PM »
The atmosphere in this fic is so deep, I can feel that just like everything happen to me. I like fairy tales, but I like this realistic type of fic.
This is a really beautiful love and a strong relationship, and it's so fit for JuriMayu.

Thank you for writing this OS!

Offline kahem

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Re: [Louise-sama OS] 1: Tough and Rough (JuriMayu)
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2013, 04:11:38 AM »
It's so touching T-T

Offline Louise-sama

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Re: [Louise-sama OS] 1: Tough and Rough (JuriMayu)
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2013, 10:50:45 AM »

Thank you, Kiri-el-san. I gotta agree. Slice-of-life fics are the best.  :thumbsup I'm glad you found JuriMayu fitting for this.  :fap I really had a hard time picking.

I'm glad you liked it kahem-san.  :)
« Last Edit: November 04, 2013, 12:21:17 PM by Louise-sama »
I'm Louise.  :)

Catch me in Wordpress and Tumblr.

Offline Louise-sama

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Re: [Louise-sama OS] 2: Wounds (CenNezu)
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2013, 12:14:01 PM »
CenNezu OS #1 | Rated T for uh...violence


Wounds | Louise-sama

“You’re an idiot.”

Center rolled her eyes. “Thanks Nezumi. That makes me feel so much better,” she said sarcastically.

“You’re an idiot and you know it.” Nezumi stated firmly while pouting. She drew her fingers close to Center’s face and carefully pressed the cotton ball she’s holding against the bleeding wound. “Seriously, I never expected such reckless act from the future Rappappa president.” Center whined and made a face at the girl wearing a hoodie jacket.

“Com’on, Nezumi. Is this the best way to comfort someone who just protected you?”

Nezumi forcefully dabbed the cotton ball on an open wound. “Ouch!”

“You were so cocky, thinking you can take on thirty yankees.”

“I got Team Fondue to help me.”

“They only managed to take on eight from the girls,” she wiped blood from Center’s cheeks with a towel. “Gekikara and Otabe could’ve been better aides,” she silently added.

Center hinted the change of tone in Nezumi’s voice. She placed her hand on top Nezumi’s cleaning hands. “Why are you bringing up Gekikara and Otabe?”  Nezumi stopped for a few seconds then retracted her hand.

“You just fought another outsider! And not just one, but thirty! Not to mention that five of them were men. Let me remind you that they are all in hospital now, thanks to you and me! What do you expect me to say?” She yelled at her, wondering which part of her foolish act that she did not understand was plain stupid. Center and Nezumi had been getting along for quite a while now. She knew too well that Nezumi’s serious when she raised this voice. This time however is not one of those days that Center will step back from this argument. She knew too well what she was doing and she did not regret it at all.

“I saw those guys touch you! Do you expect me to just stand there and do nothing?”

The small room of Center’s house was now filled with an uncomfortable silence. For the first time she felt relief that she is living on her own. No one can listen to their vivid conversation. Team Fondue who was with them, previously, escaped from the room when they felt the death glare Nezumi sent to Center.

Center decided to ignore Nezumi’s slightly guilty expression and examined her own wounds. She had received few blows on her face, and cuts on her arms and legs. Her knuckles are still swollen from the continuous punching. There were neither fractures nor dislocations. She had a sprain in her ankle though. She thought back to the damage she caused to her opponents and silently giggled.

“What’s so funny?” Nezumi raised an eyebrow and withdrew the cotton ball from Center’s wound. She had guessed what the other girl was thinking, and did not look amused at all by her smug expression.

“Just wondering if those yankees would still be breathing if you had not stopped me.”

Nezumi rolled her eyes in frustration, giving up on refuting her logic that made no sense to her. “Stupid yankee soul,” she muttered, “Always makes you believe that fists can solve everything.” She picked up bandages and covered small cuts on Center’s arm. Nezumi hated fighting; she only likes winning.

Center just laughed, and Nezumi sighed, wondering why her best friend would act like the legendary Yuko back in her days. She suddenly stopped her actions at the thought of Yuko’s fate.

“I mean, it’s very sweet of you to stand up for me, Center,” she said as she nervously glanced at her shoes, “but fighting like that because of me…you know I don’t like that.” She finished; her cheeks slightly pink now. She turned away to avoid looking at the other girl.

The taller girl looked at her with a blush of her own. “You know I hate reckless fights too,” Center spoke slowly as she refused to make eye contact with the smaller girl, “but I have to when…I found a reason to do so.”

“You do realize that after this fight, another war might stir up between Majijo and Yabakune. And in case you have forgotten, we just made an armistice between our schools as fresh as two weeks ago!” She took a glance at Center, trying to read the emotions in her raven eyes that she was attracted to. “I hate it that your name as the next Rappappa president was stained because of a petty fight over me.”


A faint echo of a ringing bell ended the school day at Majisuka Jyogakuen. The yankee students hastily broke out from the corners of the school building while cheering loudly. It was as if a trumpet was blown after the enemy in a bloody battle waved their white flag in retreat. Some were pacing slowly; others were rushing, searching for a subject of their burning fists.

Watanabe Mayu, or Nezumi as they call her, is not one of those ferocious yankees. With the capture of Maeda Atsuko, the reason for taking over Majijo had dropped. They were entrusted by Maeda as the Next Gen Rappappa; a deal that hit their pride. They were working hard as Tsu No Ji Rengou to overthrow Maeda and Otabe’s Rappappa but it was as if a slap on their faces when Majijo’s top was freely handed to them.

She was strolling out from the school building and into a park near the school. Today, she and her partner decided to vary their after-school time. Before, they would just comfortably stand there on top of the school building, feeling the breeze of an approaching night time. She always loved the panoramic view from above. Her eyes can set on any point at the same time. When her hand stretched out, everything would look like on top of her palm. Not that she cared anymore. Ever since their confrontation at the school gym, everything else, without her friend, is meaningless. She learned how to trust and be trusted; to care, for herself and for others, and to be cared for; perhaps, she knew…about love. For the first time in her life, someone trusted her, cared for her, loved her, and would never leave her.

She patiently waited for this person. How could she describe her? Medium-length, silky, jet-black hair frames her lustrous, pretty face. Beneath those flowing bangs is a pair of raven eyes; sharp and true. Lips curve like a cat’s as she smiles. It favours her that she seldom flashes her smile; she most of the time get lost in her smile. She has a strong stature. Her feet are steady and arms are firm. She has a strong grip. There is a dependable aura surrounding her like a chivalrous knight. Her beige cardigan covers her flawless skin and flows with the wind as a remarkable cape of a hero. She is considered as the strongest among the second years; a subject of affection of many, of both sexes; favoured and respected of both their kouhais and senpais. Her name is Matsui Jurina, a.k.a. Center.

Without admitting to anyone, Nezumi knew that what she feels for her is more than just the love of friends; fondly, certainly, undeniably. But as much as she wanted to keep Center by her side, she’s scared as hell at the thought of rejection. She firmly decided to keep it to herself.

“Nezumi.” A hand waving in front of her face snapped her from her train of thoughts.

“Huh?” She jumped, only to find Kanburi standing in front of her with a tiny smile on her face.

“I’ve been calling you out for a few times but you did not respond at all. Is everything alright?” concern was evident on her tone.

“I’m fine; just thinking about…stuff.” Nezumi did not feel like explaining her thoughts. Kanburi is the only one from their class who Center interacts with, aside from her. She decided to change the topic. “Anyway, why aren’t you with the other Team Fondue members?”

Kanburi hesitantly let the subject go. “Center…” she mumbled. Nezumi felt something stirring on her stomach. She doesn’t hate Kanburi at all, but the special treatment she’s receiving from Center pisses her off.

“She asked me to look after you while she’s not here yet,” she trailed her sentence.

In one quick remark, her worries were swept away. She doesn’t need to feel jealous at Kanburi at all. After all, Center never fails to show her concern for her. She let out a laugh.

“A guard? You know I’m more capable of protecting myself than you could protect yourself,” Nezumi joked.

Kanburi smiled. “Right. But I have to try if we are to be the future guards of Rappappa—your Rappappa,” she shyly emphasized. Nezumi just stared at the sky, mentally reaching out for the funny-looking clouds.

“Anyway, where’s Center?”

“She was with Otabe and Amakuchi,” Kanburi replied. “I think they were discussing about Center’s recruitment to Rappappa.”

Nezumi closed her eyes and bit the inside of her cheek. If she is to name persons she gets jealous with the most, it will be Otabe and Gekikara (Amakuchi). Center would sneak the two other girls’ names in most of their conversations; she fights alongside them when they ask her to; her eyes would trail at them when they pass by. Sometimes she wished she was as strong as them, just to divert Center’s attention to her. But Nezumi hates violence. She even doubted that she possesses a yankee soul.

“You two are amazing. No wonder Maeda entrusted you the top,” Kanburi smiled at Nezumi. Nezumi just glanced at her without a word. “Center once told me that she really wanted to reach the top.” Kanburi continued. “I wonder how you feel about it. I remember that you plan to take the top together, right?”

Nezumi slightly frowned and looked down. “I don’t plan to accept Maeda’s request…without Center.” Kanburi, slightly guilty, blinked and averted her eyes. There was a brief silence between them.

 “Oh. What are you pretty girls doing here?” a man’s voice called their attention. He is wearing a yankee uniform. The two girls noticed four other men with the same clothes approach them.

“Ah. Majijo students. Do you girls know them?” another man asked the girls behind him.

“Ofcourse, Tsumuji. That one’s the infamous Nezumi.” A girl wearing a Yabakune uniform showed up. Nezumi doesn’t recognize her as one of their Teppen. About 24 more girls showed up; wearing the same Yabakune uniform with pride. Nezumi and Kanburi looked at each other with nervousness.

“Ah…the traitor, eh?” another man with a bandana spoke.

“Yes Yuu. She mercilessly used our Teppen for her selfish agenda.” A girl answered and narrowed her eyes to Nezumi. The two parties silently exchanged glares to each other.

“Heh? What’s this atmosphere? Your schools are in an armistice now, aren’t they? Majijo and Yabakune should be friends from now on,” one of the boys chuckled.

“That’s right. Let’s leave the past behind,” Yuu said while getting in between them. “How about we drink to celebrate this friendship? What do you say?” he gave a look at Nezumi and to the other girl.

“Thank you for your offer but we refuse,” Nezumi answered the man with slight annoyance to her tone. Murmurings can be heard from the girls around her. Yuu had the most appealing face among the five. She hinted that these yankee girls follow him because of this.

“Now, now. It’s impolite to turn down a friend’s request, right?” a pimping man named Tsumuji gestured to Nezumi.

“We’re not friends,” Nezumi coldly spit the words.

“Then let’s start our friendship tonight!” he cheerfully answered, slightly taunting Nezumi. “We have a lot of surprises in store for you.” He toothily grinned.

“I’m not interested,” she answered loud enough to stir the reaction of the pool of girls surrounding them.

 “Are you sure? Your new friends here will make sure to pleasure you with all ourselves.” Yuu rested his arm on Nezumi’s shoulder.

“I don’t want that sort of pleasure you have in your filthy mind!” she shouted as she forcefully removed the man’s arm on her shoulder.

“I’m so pissed off that tongue you have. We can crush you, right here and right now, you know.” A girl snatched Nezumi’s free hair; her eyebrows slightly twitching. It seems like she’s holding a great grudge on her by her flushing face.

“Don’t touch Nezumi!” Kanburi gathered all her guts and yelled. Her eyes closed and hands closed tight enough to shake.

“Step out of this, Kanburi,” Nezumi warned her. She tried to think of a plan. They are obviously outnumbered. Surely, they can’t fight these yankees. The armistice imposes trouble too. But she is also not one to gamble their safety and integrity by hanging out with them. She suddenly regretted her bickering towards them.

“Who the hell are you?” the girl asked.

“Didn’t you hear? I’m Kanburi. I am a future guard of Rappapa!” she pointed a finger at the girl.  Suddenly, she felt embarrassed at her words.

The girl released Nezumi. “Don’t make laugh,” she pushed Kanburi down and signalled two other girls to kick her fallen figure. People noticed the dramatic scene and started to pile up.

“Kanburi!” Nezumi ran to her but two boys blocked her. Lust can be hinted in their eyes. Yuu groped Nezumi’s butt who jumped in shock. “Don’t touch me!” she warned as she made a fighting pose.

 “Stop resisting already.” The boy wrapped his arms around Nezumi. She struggled as the boy tightened his grip.

Kanburi, still on the ground, rolled over and swept the boy’s foot. Nezumi found it an opening and elbowed the boy’s stomach then kicked in between the boy’s pants. “Ah!” he fell to his knees.

Nezumi helped Kanburi to stand up. But the other boys separated them. She resisted and was thrown to the ground. The suffering man recovered a little and stood up. He hurriedly approached Nezumi.

“You little bitch!” Yuu raised his hand to hit her, and Nezumi was sure she could not escape in time. His fist looked bigger by every split second to her eyes, and when she blinked again, a loud sound echoed in the park, and the boy was on the floor, his eyes raised in surprise.

Before Nezumi could fully comprehend what had happened, she saw a flowing beige cardigan in front of her, and a familiar girl was now holding the collar of the boy’s uniform. She held him up and spoke in a dangerously cold tone.

“What did you call her?”

There was no mistake in that voice. Out of nowhere, the strongest among Majijo’ sophomores — Majijo’s future Teppen, Center — had appeared and came to her rescue, protecting her from harm.

Just like the millions of times she had done so.

“I dare you to say that again.” Center’s voice was firm, and she threw the boy at a nearby post lamp. The spectators quickly moved aside as the huge figure was tossed to their side, but the man recovered quickly to see who had attacked him.

“Ah, you’re that rumoured Center. It’s not a good time to fight me, you know.” He smirked. Center took a couple of steps back to stand in front of Nezumi, looking at her carefully. She gave her a nod to show that she was alright and not hurt. Center smiled at her briefly. It was one way of nonverbal communication that the two had managed to learn.

Yuu ignored their brief exchange and continued, “If you don’t want to break your armistice with Yabakune, you better not engage in fights with us. I heard that Rappapa is yet to choose you as the next President. Fighting us will stain your name, you know. Of course, you wouldn’t want that.”

Kanburi gritted her teeth in frustration. She made a promise to Center that she will make herself useful by protecting her closest friends; but here she is, being rescued by the one whom she is supposed to guard. She is yet to prove herself that she is not the weakest member of Team Fondue. She wanted to fight too, but fighting these yankees might break the treaty and ruin her friend’s dream. She glanced around her surroundings and found a frightened Nezumi and a furious Center in a pool of thirty yankees. She looked at the girl who pushed her down standing beside her, only to receive a death glare from her.

“What are you looking at?” she spat. “We’re not finished yet, you know,” she lunged forward and threw a punch at Kanburi which she blocked. The girl threw another punch and successfully landed on her jaw. She pulled back and closed her eyes, preparing for another punch when…

“Human missile!” The attacking girl was thrown to the ground by Lemon. Kanburi immediately looked around to find the attackers. “Don’t hurt our friend!” Docchi yelled.

“Docchi!” Kanburi cheered.

“What are you doing, Kanburi?”

“Stand up, you’re embarrassing our group!” Tsuri shouted. Kanburi nodded furiously and stood up. Docchi, Tsuri, Toshima, and Lemon joined her.

“You will look weak if you try to hide your strength, boss!” Toshima winked at her.

“Eh?” she raised an eyebrow. She and Team Fondue knew that she was neither the boss nor was trying to hide her strength at all.

“Strength? But that girl was easily beaten up a while ago, right?” a Yabakune student asked her comrades. “Yeah, but who knows? Maybe she was just fooling around by hiding her true strength!” another suggested. “Let’s watch out. These girls might look idiots, but they might have monsters inside them too!” another girl warned

 Kanburi was amazed. She never thought these Yabakune girls were this dumb to buy her friends’ words easily.

“So they really landed a punch on you, eh?” Toshima crunched her fist.

“Then hitting them would mean just returning the favour, right?” Lemon flexed her fingers.

“Crap,” the girls stepped back. “Who are they anyway? Team Hormone?” one of the Yabakune girls asked.

“Oi. Don’t compare us to our senpais,” Tsuri crossed her arms. “We are…Team Fondue!” they confidently made a pose.


The Yabakune girls scratched their nape.

“On second thought, let’s go to Center and Nezumi…” they whispered to each other.


Nezumi swallowed hard, waiting what Center is yet to say.

“After seeing what you did, do I look like I care?” Center spat as she ran her right hand through her hair, signaturely. Nezumi’s heart skipped a beat as she saw Center’s all-knowing before-fight ritual. She clung to Center’s arm, urging her not to, but Center shoved her off.

“Stand back, Nezumi, or you’ll get hurt.”

Nezumi knew that tone—the same tone she used when she’s about to fight all-out. Team Fondue came running to their direction, sensing trouble. They managed to pull Nezumi away despite of her protests. She only eyed Center carefully and hoped that she would not do something stupid, as to take away her rights to Rappapa.

‘Center was the sensible one, right? She would not be as irrational as the other yankees, right?’ She tried hard to convince herself.

“I saw you touching Nezumi with my own eyes. And you also tried to hit her.”

Everyone noticed the increasing tension between the two, particularly the frighteningly icy voice of Center. It was the first time Center was seen confronting a harasser of Nezumi. When someone tries to harass her, she would try to control her temper and just impose a deadly glare to scare them off. But now it was different. He touched her. He tried to hurt her. Her. Her best friend.

“No one can touch my Nezumi like that!”

She wasn’t even aware of the way she phrased that sentence, or the gasps from some of the girls nearby, or the gasp from Nezumi herself.

Yuu chuckled. “I was merely being friendly, you know? Besides who are you to decide whom Nezumi can be friends with? It’s not like you’re her boyfriend or something.” Yuu taunted. “Sorry. That came out wrong. You’re not even a boy in the first place!” He added.

The whole Majijo and even other yankee schools knew that Center and Nezumi are close friends, inseparable enough to mistake them a couple. Center could feel her temper rising, and her cheeks now flushed with anger. How dare he insult her sexuality?

“Unless you two are really dating, like the rumours go…”

Yuu was clearly provoking her to hit him, Center thought, as he clearly wanted Center to lay her fist on him, then a blood bath can flow afterwards. Her fists are shaking now for contemplating. If she could just get this man draw the first blood, then she can no longer worry about holding back.

“Center, don’t!” Nezumi pleaded from behind as she could feel her dependable aura replaced by a heavy one. All she’s hoping for is Center to back out from the scene. She could feel the guilt resurfacing as the image of Majijo’s top keeps popping to her head—Center’s ultimate goal—she can’t let it slip from her hands.

“Just curious. Nezumi sounded sexy while yelling your name. Was it the voice that turns you on? Did it sound different from what you hear if you’re doing anything sexy at night?”

That did it. Center could not hold back and wait for his first punch anymore. She ignored Nezumi’s cry and dashed forward, throwing determined punches at the tall figure at full speed. While Yuu knew that she would strike, he did not expect the girl to be that quick, and he was thrown to the ground again. Center was not done yet. She kicked him in stomach and feet, making sure he will have trouble standing up. She straddled his waist and continued punching his now bleeding face.

Team Fondue took this time to attack the watching Yabakune girls. They are throwing one girl aside and kicking and punching the other way.

As Yuu was down, Center now dealt with the four other men who were not as intimidating as their leader. In less than three minutes, the four were lying on the floor – moaning in pain – to the cheers of the crowd watching the scene. Two of them had their arms twisted, and the other two were beaten up badly as Center repeatedly hit them in the face and stomach without mercy. Center turned her attention to the cornered Team Fondue. She rushed towards their enemies and simultaneously attacked them.

Not really minding what might happen after the fight, she showed them why it’s not wise to fight an elite yankee from Majijo, with the help of Team Fondue.

Center was busy helping out the Team Fondue members to stand up when Toshima shouted, “Center, behind you!”

She turned around and saw Yuu, thrusting a knife at her direction. She was suddenly paralyzed from the glimmering blade inching towards her. Not shutting an eye, she saw the blade fly away from Yuu’s hand and fell to the ground. Nezumi was the one who threw a kick at Yuu’s hand.

Not fully recovered from shock, she received a strong punch on her face and got her arm grabbed. She was then thrown to the floor. Yuu straddled her waist and clutched her neck, trying to suffocate her. Nezumi dangerously hit his nape and turned him aside. Center got up and returned the beating.

Yuu was pinned against a nearby wall. Center kept punching his face and stomach. Yuu tried to resist by grabbing her wrists and kicking her side but Center quickly broke out of it and hit his nose. Blood started to drip from his nose and had trouble standing up. His vision started to blur. Finally, his knees gave up as Center was about to give him a last blow, only to be pulled back by Nezumi.

Nezumi grabbed Center’s arm and screamed. “That’s enough, Center. Stop it. I beg of you.”

Center stopped but she was too angry to look at the girl pulling her arm. She then averted her eyes to her side, finding Team Fondue who was giving her disapproving eyes. Their enemies were now on the floor, pleading for their salvation.

It took Center a minute to let rationality control her mind and dropped her arms on her side, as she felt Nezumi’s arm shaking.

She was about to answer Nezumi when Otabe called to her. “Center.”

Center turned to her and found Gekikara beside her. She looked straight to her eyes as if conveying her side of the story. Otabe just nodded. She need not explain what happened. Otabe knew her that well.

“I’m sorry for the trouble caused by our Center. Please tell your leader we are ready to bear responsibility of our actions.”

“Never mind that,” one of the Yabakune students spoke as she helplessly clutched her stomach out of pain. She got quite a beating from Team Fondue that she couldn’t stand anymore. “We’ll let it pass, but first…”

“Take us to the hospital,” Tsumuji finished.

Gekikara turned to the boys who were stopping blood dripping from their broken noses. She was a little disappointed that she failed to witness such a fight. She turned to Center who was now being nursed by Nezumi. She knew how strong Center was but only now did she know how much Center cared for Nezumi – as a friend, or even more.

“Are you alright?” Nezumi asked her.

Center clutched her pained shoulder but managed to joke around. “When was I not okay when you’re beside me?”

Nezumi rolled her eyes and helped Center get up. “I’ll take you home.” She carried Center by her arm around her neck. She mentally cursed to herself. This day which was supposed to be a great day for both of them became a total disaster. She knew she had been a despicable person before but she changed. If this was a way of paying the price of those betrayals and lies, Center was not the price. Nezumi wouldn’t allow it.

“Center,” Otabe called out again. This time, Nezumi glanced at Otabe too. “About the future of Rappappa. I think we need to discuss about it further.”

Nezumi nervously stole a glance at Center’s eyes. What was Otabe talking about? Rappappa. Discuss. Will Center be rejected to enter Rappappa? Was that because of today’s incident? If what she thought was right, it was all her fault.

“Let’s go.” Center spoke, stopping Nezumi from blaming herself further. They started walking down the alley, leaving the others behind.

*end of flashback*

Center smirked at the memory of her fight. It was the first time she had really fought a male yankee, and she felt good about it. It was a good experience to fight alongside Team Fondue too. She was sure Nezumi will never leave her but felt relieved when Nezumi joined her fight to save her.

“It wasn’t a petty fight,” Center continued as Nezumi raised a disapproving eyebrow at her.

“It’s worth it.”

“Which part of fighting is worth it, Jurina?” Center noticed the change of her tone. She only addressed her with her real name when she was completely annoyed. “Losing your dream or getting others hurt?”

Nezumi watched Center carefully, her arms folded across her chest. She always thought that fighting is foolish. Both parties get hurt, but in the end, only one wins. She also hated getting protected by others, knowing that she can’t really return the favor. She’d rather be alone than bearing responsibility of others getting hurt for her sake.

Center looked at the girl sitting next to her bed, and then shifted her glances on her hand. Pondering the best way to answer her question, she finally gathered her courage and decided to let her best friend know—why she didn’t care less about the consequences when she saw what happened and rushed to the scene to save her.

“You are.”

She replied clearly as she smirked slyly. She reached for Nezumi’s hand, grabbed it, and pulled her down to the bed she was sitting on. Nezumi let out a surprised squeal and found herself, now looking into a pair of raven eyes that sparkled with determination. Center leaned down to shorten the distance between their faces. Nezumi widened her eyes, and was very aware of the position they were in now. Center was practically kneeling over her with her back on the bed. Anyone who happened to walk in now would mistake they are about to kiss, or worse. She couldn’t help but quiver in that thought as heat rushed to her cheeks.

Was she going to…?

“I’m sick of hiding my feelings anymore. Not after this. And even if you will hate me later, I am still going to say it.” Center said without blinking as she gazed at the girl lying under her, trying to decipher what lies behind her eyes. Nezumi gasped as she saw how determined Center is now.

“Ever since our first meeting, I had always been watching over you. Wherever you go, whatever you do, my eyes never left you. I can take on the whole world, I can abandon the top, if it means keeping you beside me.”

“Don’t say that.” Nezumi said weakly.

“I mean it.”

“Prove it.”

“I think I already did.”

Nezumi refused to make eye contact with Center. It kills her to see those eyes of pure concern while she’s being devoured by her guilt.

“Your reputation was stained.”

Center carefully tilted Nezumi’s head to face her. She whispered to her reassuringly. “Nothing was stained.”

“What do you mean?” Nezumi asked, confused. “Rappappa—”

“I declined Rappappa.” Center cut her in midsentence. Her sentence was left echoing in the walls of her own room as the other girl was dumbstruck at the moment.


“It’s true that I want to take the top. But what’s the point,” Center paused to look down on the confused girl, “if you’re not there with me?”

Nezumi’s blinking synchronized with her heart’s fast beating. “Proves how an idiot you are.” She attempted to get up but stopped upon hearing Center’s words.

“I decided to be a bigger idiot.”

Center fixed Nezumi’s fringes as she stared at her.


“I said we were friends.” Center started. “But what I really wanted is more than that.”

Nezumi sneaked her stare on Center. She knew this is getting somewhere. She was feeling excited – too excited that she was near to losing her mind.

“Do you remember the many times I said I love you? In case you’ve forgotten, I want to remind you again.” She caressed Nezumi’s cheeks with the back of her hand and this sent jolt of electricity to the smaller girl.

“I love you, Nezumi.”

Center inched her head closer to Nezumi’s. Nezumi swallowed her spit nervously as she took note of their proximity. She shut her eyes, completely surrendering to the pair of lips attracting her own. Hair strands fell to her, brushing her face. Inhaling the intoxicating scent of the girl above her, she prepared herself for the possibilities. But before there was any contact, Center had pulled away.

“I’m sorry. I bet that was disgusting for you.”

Center looked away and covered her quivering lips with the back of her hand.

What was that? Nezumi’s heart was beating fast as if it will explode any moment if prolonged; heat was rushing through her skin to the point of getting dizzy; she was sure she felt an imaginary steam escape from her ears – these feelings were alien to her. And she knew that Center felt the same when she saw her face, beet red. Was she blushing?

Then her thoughts recalled what Center specifically told her two minutes ago. I love you, Nezumi. She forgot that she hadn’t responded to her confession yet. Center loves her. She feels the same. It seemed impossible before, so when she finally uttered the words, it came a little surprise for Nezumi. She carefully thought for the right way to answer though her mind was completely blank at the moment. She was surprised herself how the wise Nezumi was out of words. However, Center wasn’t as patient as she slowly shifted from her position and approached the end of the bed.

“Don’t worry. I’m not expecting you to return my feelings.”

Nezumi didn’t know what spirit of confidence came over her as she tugged the hem of Center’s cardigan to stop her. Center was the most surprised when Nezumi grabbed her by the collar and pulled her into a kiss. The contact was soft despite being rushed. More than surprised, Nezumi can feel tension on the other girl. She tried to calm her by cupping her neck.

Every second felt like eternity but they moved their lips patiently nonetheless. They started brushing their lips smoothly but it got harder and longer. They remained lip locked until they tasted Center’s blood. Nezumi pulled away and found Center’s amused eyes.

“My answer,” Nezumi started as she catched her breath, “I hope…it didn’t disgust you.”

“Not at all.” Center replied as she licked her lips, tasting the saliva they shared and the smudged blood from her broken lips. She can’t help but smile at the awkwardness of their situation.

“I love you too, Center.” Nezumi finally said. She locked eyes with Center and followed her stare until she felt the weight of Center’s stare on her own lips. She unconsciously licked her lips and swallowed hard. She can still feel the tingling sensation on her lips. And she silently hoped to feel it again.

Declarations are unnecessary. She proved it when she heard the bed creaking as Center inched closer to her. She knew what was to come. And she raised her head, expectantly.

Neither did they know that Team Fondue never left Center’s house and was just listening to their conversation the whole time outside Center’s room. They were peeking from the slightly open door of the room. The two girls were really busy arguing that they forgot to close the door.

“I always knew Center had it in her,” said Docchi as she witnessed the two declare their love to each other.

“But to think Nezumi would…” Tsuri said as the other Team Fondue members resisted laughing.

“They were just waiting for each other after all.”

Toshima leaned away from the door and scratched her head. “But if they refused to join Rappappa, then what will happen to us?”

“I wonder.” Kanburi joined her.

They returned their gazes on the two figures inside the room when they heard more creaking and a loud thud on the wall.

“Video recorders, maybe?”

Lemon suggested as she brought out her phone from her bag. The other members grinned evilly and did the same.



Ah...pardon its mainstream.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2013, 03:50:46 AM by Louise-sama »
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Re: [Louise-sama OS] 2: Wounds (CenNezu OS)
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2013, 09:14:46 PM »
I like the feeling what I feel when I read your fics. I can't explain it better, but I really like your fics. :)

Offline Louise-sama

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Re: [Louise-sama OS] 2: Wounds (CenNezu OS)
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2013, 02:07:53 PM »
Reply to kiri-el-san:
Thank you! I feel flattered.  :oops: I think it's not because of my writing but the story itself.  :yep: I'm glad you liked it.

Entry 3: I Do | I'm Not
            KumiNon | Angst ; Romance

Kumi’s P.O.V.

“Why did I fall in love with you?”

I always ask that to myself. Whether out loud or just in my mind. I always seek for answers.

You know I hated books. But one day, I went to the library and tried all helpful resources I can use for answers. Alas, none was useful.

I consulted my teacher from my high school. You know, the one I always mention to you? She was my favorite teacher. I sought for comfort but all she said was, “That’s okay. Just find another girl.” Frankly, all my respect for her faded instantly after hearing that. How can she say that so casually to someone who is still expecting?

I attended preschool for 3 years, elementary for 6 years, junior high school for 3 years, high school for 3 yeas, and another 4 years for college. I studied for that long but never once did I learn how to deal with love.

“Why did I fall in love with you?”

That was your last words to me. It was left hanging in the chilly breeze under the moon, just like the hanging bridge we were standing on. You asked me with your cracking voice and through your teary eyes, I swear I saw your broken heart and weeping soul.

I am desperately searching for answers, but so were you that night. I was the only one who could help you but I left it unanswered — cruelly, coldly, deliberately. Then I thought, maybe it’s okay if the world turns its back on me — just to silence my conscience, just to redeem myself.

Maybe you think I was stupid back then. Not just for that night, but for the millions of times I screwed up. I thought so too. But right now, I feel more stupid — standing here, knocking at your door, twisting the cold knob, marveling at the girl of my dreams in her wedding dress — forcing a smile because I should have been your partner.

I saw you raise your head from the large mirror in front of you. You turned around and faced me with surprised eyes and wide smile.


I stepped forward to get recognized.

“You came!”

You ran and hugged me. I wonder why you hugged me so tight. It felt surprisingly alien to me. You usually just embrace me lightly. But this hug was protective. Are you scared? Because your heart pumped so fast.

“What made you change your mind?”

I have a lot of answers. Your beautiful smile, your warm eyes, your radiant skin, your warm touch, your sweet scent, your cute voice, your silky hair, your soft lips. But I wouldn’t answer any from it.

I passed by the wedding reception. It looked so planned and expensive. I learned from our friends, from all over the campus, from your diary even, that this was your dream. But I never heard it from you. Are you happy now? Will you be happy after this? Because I think I won’t.

Then somebody joined us in. She said to get ready and you said, yes. You gave me one last look before walking out. This was the second time I saw that broken expression of yours.

Did you hear that? My heart just crashed to the ground. I wouldn’t pick it up. Instead I want to pound it even more.

You’re slipping away, just like I’m slipping my sleek chance of hope.

I’m sorry. I’m not that brave enough to grab you by the hand to stop you. So I gathered all my courage to my words.

Forgetting all morals, I said this:

“Kanon, is it too late?”

You stopped and spun around. I never saw you so happy.

And then I woke up.

I hope I’m not yet late.


This is supposed to be a one-shot but I might turn this into a short series depending on what the readers think. What do you say? :/
I'm Louise.  :)

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Re: [Louise-sama OS] 3: I Do | I'm Not (KumiNon)
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2013, 02:19:24 PM »
please keep going! :cry: me want happy ending please DX

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Re: [Louise-sama OS] 3: I Do | I'm Not (KumiNon)
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2013, 04:38:19 PM »
Read this on your blog the other day. It feels incomplete when you've only shown us Kuumin 's POV, so I humbly request a continuation of your kuminon os.

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Re: [Louise-sama OS] 3: I Do | I'm Not (KumiNon)
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2013, 09:35:22 PM »
Isn't the Background of the KumiNon is from the song of Tohoshinki "Doushite. . . ." ("Why Did I Falling Love With You,?). . . Natsukashiiiinaaa (How NostaLgic). . . . Arigatouu. . . It's very good anyway. PLease Contineu. . .

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Re: [Louise-sama OS] 3: I Do | I'm Not (KumiNon)
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2013, 02:37:49 AM »
arrow of tears and excitement hits me...
please do continue...
what you write is amazing~!

(Kuu-san!!! sobs... (;.;)

And for the JuriMayu one:
Ooh, wonder who's that lady. Soooooo nice nyaaa~ smiles...

And for CenNezu:
hehe... that's so kawaii and kakkoii and awesome! And Lol, Team Fondue, they're great sometimes~

Offline saeseki

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Re: [Louise-sama OS] 3: I Do | I'm Not (KumiNon)
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2013, 12:45:20 PM »
KUMINON :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: [Louise-sama OS] 3: I Do | I'm Not (KumiNon)
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2013, 06:59:20 PM »
Please continue this! I need an happy ending and very soon because my kokoro can't stand any more  ;    ;

Offline Louise-sama

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Re: [Louise-sama OS] 3: I Do | I'm Not (KumiNon)
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2013, 11:53:06 PM »
I have decided!  :yep:

fuu_kun: Yes, I decided to continue this. Happy ending? Hm, we'll see.
qr.rina: Thank you. I intentionally left this hanging to tease the readers.
lahika: That's right! Thank you for noticing that. I heard the song last year, and I loved the PV. I'm glad you liked it.
Shinoki: This Kuminon OS is so dramatic, isn't it?
                  Who knows who that lady is? It got you into thinking, huh?
                  For the CenNezu one, yeah. Thank you. I'm not that good in action-themed stories, so I'm glad you found it cool. And lol Team Fondue nailed this one.
Saeseki: Thank you. I wonder, are you a KumiNon shipper like me?
LittleTina: Oh...I'm sorry for your kokoro, but it may take a while. You see, I adapted this from Tohoshinki's Doushite -- it had a tormenting sad ending. So let's see how this one ends.

While waiting, you may want to answer a poll that I have created in my wordpress blog. Thank you awesome readers! :bow:
I'm Louise.  :)

Catch me in Wordpress and Tumblr.

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Re: [Louise-sama OS] 3: I Do | I'm Not (KumiNon)
« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2013, 07:44:42 AM »
i ship KUMINON  :cow: :cow: :cow:

Offline Louise-sama

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Re: [Louise-sama OS] 3: I Do | I'm Not (KumiNon)
« Reply #15 on: November 24, 2013, 02:02:21 PM »
Reply to saeseki:
Yay! KumiNon! FTW

And here's the 2nd part! Sorry for the delay. But I hope you like it.

Entry 3.1 I Do | Do I
              KumiNon | Angst-driven; Half-assed Drama; Forbidden Romance

"Come on, Kuumin. This will be fun!" said Airin while tugging my sleeves.

I sighed and turned away from her.  "Last time you said that, we were thrown outside the bar."

"Isn't that fun?"

"That wasn't fun at all!" I yelled. I bet that was loud enough to silence my insisting friends.

I sighed and looked past the window. It was but another boring Thursday at the university. I can see from the corner of my eyes that they were whispering again—probably, about me. They were always setting me up on blind dates with someone. This time, they were planning to go on a mixer party and asked me to tag along.

It wasn't that I wasn't interested in the opposite sex—I do. It was just that, I wasn't that ready to fall in love again. Not after my misfortune with my ex-lover, Kizaki Yuu.

Our love started sweet and blissful. One that everyone would never mistake to end up a sour candy. But it had. He left me. Why? I've been searching for answers these past ten months. And I was never successful. Just thinking about him wakes my solitude up.

"Maybe this time will be different—this guy will be different," Rena said in a very convincing manner. Where, when, or how she got that skill, I wasn't sure myself, but it never failed to take effect on me.

If only I knew back then, I could risk my life to acquire it too. Just to convince myself to move on. Just to convince myself that the world keeps on moving even if it was all over for us. Just to convince myself that there are lots of better persons out there, waiting for me.

Because I just can't. It's hard to convince yourself to just bury your love forgotten just because your lover chose to break you. I needed someone to do it for me. I needed someone to help me. I needed to move on.

I believe it was Spring when I decided to open my heart.

I anxiously straightened my skirt while waiting for our respective dates to arrive. They were late for ten minutes. I didn't know what came over me to agree with this. I just knew that I was about to face another dilemma of forcing my laughs and faking my smiles for the entire evening. I wiped my sweaty hands with my skirt. This always happened when I was nervous with something. And yes, I must be awfully nervous at this point. All I was hoping for was to not end up freaking out my date tonight. Then three faint figures grew bigger in my sight as they slowly approached us.

"Hi girls! Sorry we're late," greeted three men about our age.

There was a brief silence between our parties. And I swear I heard my friends' racing hearts as we beheld these handsome boys.

"Kyaa!" my friends squealed while shaking and nudging each other.

Akarin approached them and linked arms with the one who had the most manly features. "It's okay Nishishi-kun! We barely arrived too," she said while tantalizing.

"Told you—they're hot." Airin whispered against my silently-flushing ears.

I examined them once more. If only I wasn't so nervous that day, I could have squealed like them too.

"I guess," I dumbly replied.

"Wait a sec," Akarin interrupted. "Where's Keita-kun?"

Keita-kun. I almost forgot about him. Akarin said he was supposed to be my date but it seemed he wasn't around.

"About that..." Nishishi-kun started.

"Keita had an upset stomach." One named Jun, bluntly finished his friend's words, earning smacks from the others. He rubbed his dirty blonde hair and raised a brow at them. "I just told them the truth!"

I heard Rena giggle beside me. Her eyes were so fixed on him like nobody was around. Upon further examination, I noted that he was the most charming among the four. I guess Rena found interest in him.

"I'm sorry for our Jun. But...yeah. He won't make it because of that. So we brought his cousin instead," said one of the boys. I heard his name was Churio. Funny name but a cute smile.

At that time, I thought I was saved for the night. My frantic heart relaxed a bit. But they brought a substitute. And my heart beat increased tenfold. Then, Jun pulled you from somewhere and you nervously stepped forward. And when I faced you—to my surprise—you were a girl.

"Hi, I'm Kimoto Kanon." Those were your words as you bowed politely before me.

I can clearly see how my friends laughed and face-palmed from the background. But I stood there, not blinking; not turning away; eyes connected with yours. I don't know why, but when I saw you, I felt relieved. Then involuntarily, I felt the corners of my mouth curve up slowly.

Is it too wrong to say 'it was love at first sight'? Because I think it was.

We reached the karaoke bar—the one that I haven't seen in ten months. We occupied a booth and separated in pairs. Rena was with Jun, Airin was with Churio, and Akarin was with Nishishi. Awkwardness took over us and we occupied the cornermost side.

We sat right beside each other. But because of the silence, it felt like we were universe apart. Suddenly, I doubted if staying was a wise choice. Then you tugged me and asked me to sing a duet with you. In the middle of the song, the others sang along too. But the world seemed to stop, and all I can hear was your sweet voice. For how long did I stare that moment, I don't know.

"Drink! Drink! Drink!"

My friends, together with their dates, dared you to gulp down a glass of beer. You looked so nervous. Slowly, you stretched down your hand and reached out for the glass. When you lifted it up, you were shaking so badly that I can hear the ice ticking against the walls of the glass.

You looked at me intently and I smiled at you. I did not intend to be one of the bullies. The truth was, I wanted to tell you to drop the glass if you can't. Maybe you misunderstood me or maybe you just wanted to impress me as you clutched the glass tighter and chugged on it in an instant, earning cheers and whistles from the others.

"Are you all right?" I asked as I rubbed your back.

"I'm fine. It's just was my first time."

That was when I really noticed you. I stared at your face intently and I noticed how your complexion glimmered differently than the first time I saw you. Your dimples showed and I could only pray that you didn't notice my blush. It was washing my focus away, my consciousness, even. Somehow, it got me jealous. Why did you have such youthful features? And then I realized...

" old are you?"

My mind was too pre-occupied a while ago that it never occurred to me that you were underaged.

Mesmerized? Maybe.

I sensed your uneasiness so I volunteered to walk you home. It was getting late, anyway. We walked down the block to your home. It was not that distant though I silently wished it was longer. I never really liked long walks but there were rare times that I enjoyed it and secretly treasured it—those were the times when I was with my previous lover.

That night, I really intended to start up a conversation but all I had in mind were my memories with him. That would just be too awkward for you, considering that you were only an innocent sixteen—never really dated; never been into a relationship.

Perhaps it's safe to say that it was an awkwardly silent walk.

"I'm sorry," you suddenly spoke.

Worried, I asked you what was wrong. You wore this apologetic expression that pricked my heart. Maybe you thought I was boring.

"I guess I'm that boring," you said.


I felt my cheeks flush.

"No. I should be the one saying that."

You gently shook your head and smiled. "I promised Keita that I would keep his date's company while he was gone. I hope I made you happy even a bit."

"You did. I'm happy," I assured you.

I never told you this, but that night, I was praying that you should stop flashing your smile. There must be something behind it that I couldn't think straight. My heart was pounding real hard against my chest that all I've been thinking about was,

I hope we could hang out again.

"I hope we could hang out again."

I stopped and turned around, unbelieving that you said exactly what was in my mind. What came next surprised me the most—standing on tiptoes, you pressed your lips quickly on my cheek.

It was brief and soft—unbelievably soft.

"Good night, Kuu-chan!" you winked and triumphantly ran away.

I must had looked so dumb for you as I remained there, grounded on the same spot, fingers touching the area where the sweet, tingling warmth remained, watching you rush to your door and entered with your victorious smile.

For the first time after ten months of solitude, I squealed inside my head.

My Spring ended sweet and warm as Summer waves hinted my skin.

"After that, Jun invited me inside his house!"
"Churio asked me out on a date!"
"Nishishi-kun and I bought matching shirt!"

After that night—I don't know how—but it seemed we got closer to each other. Perhaps my friends noticed this too.

"..min. Kuumin," Rena called.

"Oh. What?" I snapped.

"We asked you what happened after the mixer," Akarin answered.

"Were you listening?"

"Sorry...I spaced out," I apologized and scratched my head.

"That's what we thought," they exchanged stares at each other.

I shrugged my shoulders and returned my attention to my phone.

Airin was peeking past my shoulder. "And who are you texting?"

"Non-chan," I replied quickly without turning away from my phone. I didn't even notice how I phrased that so casually. Or when we started calling each other with nicknames that we named each other.

"You mean...Keita-kun's cousin?"

I tilted my head in confusion. "Yes. Why?"

Rena shook her head defensively. "Nothing. We're just not used to see you respond to your mails..."

"...eagerly," Akarin added.

"...and with a smile on your face."

I stopped pressing for a while as I glanced at my friends' goofy smile. Come to think of it, mailing was not something I usually do. I turned away, feeling that I might explode any minute in embarrassment. Then they started teasing at me.

"Someone's getting sooooft..."

We started sending mails to each other and I learned the drill: on your 20 minutes ride to school, during lunch breaks, on your 20 minutes ride back home, 8:00 PM after you finish your homeworks.

We did it so often but I never got tired reading and responding. Your mails were so refreshing and I feel like I can never get enough of it.

"Kuumin, faster! We'll miss the train!" yelled Akari.


When I reached downstairs, my friends welcomed me with questioning eyes and opened mouths. "What are you wearing?" Airin asked so fast that it sounded more like a command.

"What?" I asked.

"Why would you wear heels in the beach?" she said, pointing at my footwear.

"I thought...I told you I already have plans for today?"

"Oh..." they looked at each other.

How did it begin—I wanted to know—when we started seeing each other like a couple? Even if we never were.

You often invite me to your house whenever Keita was around. Shop for things that you said Keita finds cute. Even drag me to places where you loved to go when you were kids. You said you will set us up, but it never seemed to me that way. Little did we know that we started using him just to hang out more often. It was shamefully selfish...yet exciting.

We were never a couple. But my friends were unbelieving. They started to get suspicious and I was afraid. So one time, I changed our plans and visited Rena's house instead. Airin and Akarin were there too.

I found out, you weren't very good at old maid. Whenever you get the joker, you wore this sad expression. When it was taken from you, you would beam so bright. You were so obvious—I had no chance but to always get that joker out of your hands.

But I never knew why I had to do that.

"Why do you always take Non-chan's side?" Airin said as she slammed her fist against the table.

I laughed at her funny expression. "What? Did you just call me unfair?"

"No, I'm saying you have your favorites."

"That's not true. I'm fair to all of my friends. You're just a loser in old maid."

"I wouldn't have lost if you didn't save Non-chan..." she said as she shed her tears on Rena's shoulder. "Rena...Kuumin was a meanie..."

"There now, Airin, don't cry..." Rena whispered as she patted her back. It was her third loss in-a-row already.

"Airin was right, you know." Akarin yawned and propped her head on the table. "You're kind to everyone but the way you treat Non-chan is different from how you treat us."


This kind of talk is making me embarrassed. I turned to face you and noticed that you were uneasily fidgeting...with a blush on your face.

Was I really being that obvious?

It was a Saturday when my friends invited me to a dinner. They were gathered up at the opposite side of the table with their unusual serious expressions. Last time I checked, the airconditioner of the restaurant was turned on. But there was something in the atmosphere that made me sweat—cold sweat.

"You don't have to hide it from us." Airin started while the others nodded slowly.

"We're you're friends," Akari said.

The atmosphere was getting dense. Even the weight of their stares was getting heavy, making me avert my eyes. I can sense this talk was getting somewhere.

Rena grabbed my hand. "We're not one to judge." She stared at my eyes deeply.

Then Akarin assaulted me with their main point. "Do you love her?" It came straightforward. But to me, her words were swiftly and playfully running in and out of my ears.

Her question was left echoing against the walls of the quiet restaurant. Some customers were looking at our direction and started whispering between each other.

What could they be thinking? I didn't know. I didn't want to know.

But their piercing eyes were wide and talking.

I am a girl. You are a girl.

That's what they wanted me to know.

I know.

And I hated I had known.

"She does not see me like that." That was all I can answer.

Was I wrong? Answering on your behalf? Saying something I wasn't sure of? Because you never gave me something to be sure of. Not yet. But deep inside, I was waiting for it.

"What if she does?" they asked.

What if you do? I didn't know. I didn't really care at the moment. I was having fun with your company these past two years. And in a few months, you would no longer be a high school student, and you would start thinking about your career.

And then you would leave me. Though I hoped you wouldn't.

We beheld the colorful city lights from this bridge. The breeze of the night grazed our ticklish skin just right. It was perfectly tranquil without the passing cars. Our lamps were special—the moon and the stars. I felt like royalty, owning the night.


If there was a Holy Man listening, I didn't want it to end.

I'd risk my life for any interruptions. But then you started asking about good universities. I named several good universities, all found in Nagoya. I recommended our university too. It was one of the top universities in Japan after all.

But then you said something that I had been dreading to hear.

"Kuu-chan, I'm going to Tokyo."

You were right beside me, but it still felt lonely. I stretched out my arms and caught your hand, holding it captive under my own. I knew this time would come. I had rehearsed lots of replies that I could say. But when you finally said it, I never thought I'd black out. This painful feeling in my chest caught my tongue.

You rested on my shoulder and tightened our hands. Knowing your soft heart, I was sure you felt guilty bringing that up. But then your next words caught me more off guard.

"Kuu-chan. Do you believe in love?"

Do I?

If I had answered that night—can you tell me—what could have changed? If I knew it then, maybe, just maybe, I would have poured everything on you.

But I never said anything. How could I, when I was hurting this much?

I thought you'd get angry. But you didn't.

You got up and drew air inside. You tugged my shirt and I turned around, obligedly.

Next thing I saw were your long lashes, eyes closed shut. Your weight fell over my lips. Instantly, your sweet scent filled my lungs, and it was a spell unto me.

If this was a sin—I didn't know if this was—but I wanted someone to tell me it wasn't. Even for once. Even for a brief second. Even for a faint yes.

I'd like to hear it.


Let me hear it.

Because under that romantic moon…

I kissed you back.


I Do | Part 2: Do I | つづく


Rants and blabbers:
| *Experimental fic* | *Deliberately playing with genres and themes* | *Awful* |
After reading, you might feel like . I know it was awful, but I'd like to read your comments.
Keep awesome.
I'm Louise.  :)

Catch me in Wordpress and Tumblr.

Offline Louise-sama

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[Louise-sama OS] 4: Bridge (MariHaru)
« Reply #16 on: November 26, 2013, 10:48:34 AM »
A lot of thanks for -gibson-mayulover, BbSis, and qr.rima for leaving a thank you. I love visiting my threads and see someone appreciate my posts. I feel so happy...

Before I resume with my series, I'll let you have another experimental fic. Note that the emotions in this OS actually occurred to me, and I feel good overcoming it. Enjoy!

Entry 4: Bridge

              MariHaru OS


"Are you sure you want to do that?"

Turning to her right, Haruna saw a woman approaching her steadily. Messy short hair, a lollipop between her lips, and she noticed that the woman was thickly dressed. It was a cold morning after all, but she had been to occupied with her emotions to even notice that she was shivering. The chilly breeze blew her hair across her face. She wanted to tuck the stubborn strands of hair away but dared not to let go of the railing.

The woman was now standing next to her, casually leaning against the railing. "Miss, if you think you are Wonder Woman, please wake up. This is not a dream."

She sobbed a little, blinked at the woman and then at the sight below her. "And who might you be?" she managed to choke out.

The woman took a glance past the railing. "Just a passerby," she said, looking at her calmly. "They call me Mariko-sama. Don't ask me why. Honestly, you can call me anything. I don't really care. But I'm Mariko. Hello."

She blinked twice, frowned and turned away. "I'm sorry but I don't know you."

"Yeah, I know. I don't know you too," said Mariko as she threw her lollipop stick into the river below. Haruna watched as it grew tinier, and finally disappeared into the violent waves. She swallowed hard and blinked away a few tears.

"Go away," she said, squeezing her eyes shut.

Mariko chuckled. "Do you think you own this bridge? You don't. You can't shove me off like that," she said as she brought out another lollipop from her pocket.

"Then walk away already," Haruna said.

"Excuse me?"

"Isn't that what passers-by do? Pass by? So what are you leaning there for? Just walk away. Walk away. Please," Haruna pleaded.

"Hm, I can't do that. Sorry."

Haruna was frowning again as she turned to look at Mariko. She was sucking her new lollipop in her mouth. She paused in the midst of sucking as she caught her glare. She smirked and licked the lollipop while staring at Haruna.

"Do you want a lollipop?" she asked while shoving the lollipop to Haruna's face.

"Not if it came from your mouth." She answered, totally annoyed. Much to her surprise, Mariko grinned...charmingly.

"Why not? Afraid of catching a virus? You're gonna die anyway. Why not make the most out of your remaining moments, right?"


"You're standing on the wrong side of the bridge. You're going to kill yourself, right?" Mariko taunted. She was casually smiling though this is not the time to smile. She knew what this is about. Mariko was actually challenging her to jump off the bridge.

"What—do you think I won't do it?" Haruna snapped.

"I didn't say that. I'm saying that you're afraid." There was smugness in how she said it. It sounded like as if she was witnessing someone attempting to end their life everyday.

"So...?" Mariko waited, still shoving the lollipop through Haruna's face.

"Here," she extended it closer to Haruna. "It's tangerine. The taste of heaven."

Haruna paused to stare at the dangling lollipop and found her hand reaching for it when—"Oops!" it slipped through her hand and fell to the bridge. Terrified of falling over, she quickly grabbed the railing, whimpering a little as she blinked away fresh tears. She tilted her head back and squeezed her eyes shut, as if praying to the heavens above.

"Oh, gosh! Oh, oh. God, no!"

"See? I told you, you're afraid."

Haruna opened her eyes to stare at Mariko's victorious face. She had momentarily forgot that there was a complete stranger standing next to her. Deep down, she felt a little thankful that someone was next to her at the moment.

"Oh yeah? But I'll still do it."

Mariko dropped her smile and turned around. "Stupid," she whispered.

"Do you think jumping off this bridge will end your misery?"


"No it won't!"

Haruna glanced at her, completely silenced at Mariko's shout.

"You think this will end everything, but in reality, it won't." Mariko was not looking at her, instead, she was eyeing down the river, looking serious for the first time she had spoken to her. "When you jump—if you jump, of course—your body's gonna hit the water so hard. It would hurt like hell. Then again, maybe you'd wish you're in hell because the water's gonna be freaking cold, you won't be able to believe it." She paused and glanced at Haruna who was also looking down on the river with a frightened expression.

"And then your lungs are gonna scream when you inhaled the water—your nose will hurt like it's nobody's business, with all that water..."

Tears started rolling down Haruna's cheeks rapidly, and she couldn't even look at the river below.

"And that's not even the worst part of it," Mariko went on. "I mean, perhaps dying would be the worst part of it—but no, I don't think so. The worst part is when you wake up in a hospital room, weeks after you decided to kill yourself. Then there comes the embarrassment—believe me when I say it won't leave you alone. You'd think, 'why did I even think of ending my life, I'm so stupid.' Then everyone's gonna look at you with pity eyes and—looking at your parents will be the hardest thing to do because, they were thinking that they lost their daughter and—"

Haruna started sobbing and Mariko stopped. She looked at her and pulled out another lollipop to stuck in her mouth.

"You don't know what I'm going through..." Haruna choked out, voice totally cracking.

"You're right. I don't know," Mariko said as she turned around to lean against the railing again. "But just like they say, speaking it out will make things lighter."

Haruna blinked rapidly, fighting off more tears that threatened to escape her eyes again.

"I may not look like it, but I know what it feels. Trust me. I completely understand what's going on your head right now." Mariko was smiling right now, although it seemed like a sad smile.

"What happened?" Haruna asked meekly.

"Nothing much. I was accused of killing my own lover. Would you believe that?"

"...And?" Haruna dumbly asked, encouraging the other woman to continue.

"I jumped off from this same spot."

Haruna remained silent. Her face relaxed a bit with Mariko's statement. She does know what Haruna was going through. "...What happened?"

"I hit the waters, silly. Almost drowned. A day after, someone found my body on the riverbank. I was hospitalized. I thought my parents didn't care, but..." Mariko paused, "...when I woke up, they were there...weeping. Definitely tore my parents' hearts. Quite a drama, huh?" she chuckled.

"I was kicked out of the university."

Haruna started as Mariko paused to listen attentively.

"I failed all my classes. I can't even tell my parents, because, I think they're gonna kill me. I was accused of being my teacher's mistress. His wife hates me. His daughter hates me. Yuko cheated on me with my best friend. My landlord hates me. Everyone hates me! No matter what I do, everything's so messed up, I can't—I can't—I just..." Haruna paused, swallowed the stubborn lump on her throat hard, and blinked away some more tears. "And they all kept saying that there's a way out of this, but they were all lying. There're lying—there isn't any way out."

"You know, I beg to differ."

Haruna looked over at the tall stranger. She had managed to pour out her feelings to the lady, a complete stranger, and it didn't even feel weird for the first time. It felt like they had known each other for so long. She had been a very good listener without even trying. All those conversations she had with her parents and friends were useless and yet, right here, right now, this conversation seemed to be working, and this Mariko was just a complete stranger.

"When you jump," Mariko started, her voice was gentle, "it's over for you, but not for the others in your life. You think your parents would simply go, 'Oh, she's finally gone!' and forget you just like that? You think all your stuff—your pictures, your clothes, I dunno, Mr. Blanket—would simply disappear from your room, like you've never existed? No. Definitely not. When you die, it would be over for you, but not for your family and friends. They will be left in pain. It's unfair, don't you think?"

Haruna stared at her. A complete stranger, with an unbelievable love for lollipop.

"This is not the way out," Mariko said kindly. "It's not. Trust me. You might be thinking, 'when I die, everything will be alright'—but that's not true at all, is it?"

Haruna shook her head, crying even harder. "No, it's not!" she sobbed heavily. "It's not, it's not! God, what am I doing?"

Mariko threw her lollipop to the waters. She wasn't even done with it yet, but tossed it anyway and straightened up. "I was thinking of getting an ice cream. They said it tastes better when you're cold after a morning walk—even better than tangerine lollipops."

Haruna laughed a weak laughter after this—and the world was suddenly much, much brighter.

"So." Mariko extended her hand to her. "Ready to come back to the 'sweeter side of the bridge?'

She took Mariko's hand—Mariko's warm hand—and stretched her other hand to be pulled by the not so strange stranger. Her feet reached the ground and she suddenly felt warm and secure.

"Yuko must be stupid, wasn't she?" said Mariko as she tugged Haruna's strands of hair to her ears.

Haruna allowed the sweet sensation of Mariko's skin softly brushing with hers. "Yeah."

"Shall we get you ice cream?"

Haruna beamed and shook her head. "On second thought, I think I'd settle for your lollipop."


Louise-sama | Bridge | MariHaru OS | END


Next update would be either Home or Call. Also watch out for my SayaMilky OS.
I'm Louise.  :)

Catch me in Wordpress and Tumblr.

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Re: [Louise-sama OS] 4: Bridge (MariHaru)
« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2013, 11:12:40 AM »
' Yuko cheated on me with my best friend '

I wonder...

Offline BookSniffer

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Re: [Louise-sama OS] 4: Bridge (MariHaru)
« Reply #18 on: November 26, 2013, 12:25:09 PM »
ahh.. Bridge got posted here as well, thank you :heart: please make more MariHaru  :bow: It's amazing how words can heal wounds and save a life isn't it?.. and let's add tangerine flavored lollipops on the list XD

Offline michiyo48

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Re: [Louise-sama OS] 4: Bridge (MariHaru)
« Reply #19 on: December 05, 2013, 11:44:12 AM »
Omg! Sorry for just commenting!
Jurimayu» Aww they are so sweet! The sroty is so touching! :D
Cennezu»   It feels like your OS is the next story of MG2. I love it so much! And I'm glad Center and Nezumi have the feeling of being more than bestfriends :) <3 So sweet!
I love JuriMayu/Cennezu so much! I hope you'll make the next story of thia Cennezu OS ^^

Mariharu» I love it! I love how Mariko understands Haruna eventhough she's just a stranger! But, the ending is not complete, I think. I mean, it will be better if you give me the next story of this OS since I want to see them together. Oh you know that?! :/

And thank you so much for the OS!! ;) Do your best for the next OS!
Kanon is so cute, but she's only mine! 0.o I mean my sister! ;)
I love SaeYuki, AtsuMina, JuriMayu, and MariHaru :P

You can read my first and only fanfic: What's Wrong With Love? (JuriMayu) -

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