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Author Topic: [Louise-sama OS Thread] 10: Plain Ceiling (MariHaru Ft. Jurina OS)  (Read 15492 times)

Offline Louise-sama

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Re: [Louise-sama OS] 4: Bridge (MariHaru)
« Reply #20 on: December 05, 2013, 01:16:26 PM »
Because I love replies:

Yuko cheated on me with my best friend. I'm guessing that you already have an idea about that. Lol. I love Yuko so much and I felt like choking when I wrote that.

Thank you for leaving a comment here as well! Yeah...words are powerful. My friends call me an introvert, the fact that I rarely speak my mind. But I found out that it's better to breathe out your problems, allowing the wind to take it somewhere--anywhere but in your own mind. And lollipops--I love them so much.

And if you could continue your 'A gaze that was never returned', I'd raise my full support on that!

Thank you for liking the JuriMayu and Cennezu fics. I love them too!! If you're interested in MG2 fics, esp. CenNezu, I know some great fics!

I have an impression that Mariko and Haruna understand each other so well. I'm sorry that it seemed incomplete. This wasn't meant to be a romantic fic anyway, but more like friendship. I can write a sequel of this OS, I pray. I still have fanfic series to update, so your request might take a looooooong time to fulfill. Sorry. But if you could wait, then I'LL TRY.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2013, 02:34:58 PM by Louise-sama »
I'm Louise.  :)

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Offline AshuraX

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Re: [Louise-sama OS] 4: Bridge (MariHaru)
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2013, 06:00:45 AM »
You shall never understand the sentiment of their love! >A<

Offline Louise-sama

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Re: [Louise-sama OS] 5: Game (JuriMayu)
« Reply #22 on: December 17, 2013, 06:19:29 AM »
You shall never understand the sentiment of their love! >A<
Omg don't curse me yet. Lol.

This is the shortest shot I could ever write. This is teasingly short. No, don't get me wrong. I don’t promote cheating. This is just some warm up for my Breakeven.


Entry 5: Game
            JuriMayu OS # 2

     Mayu always thought that good girls should stay away from bad ones because you will only get hurt in the end. Or as her father would prefer, she should just stay away from all girl hunters out there; but they both know that wasn’t going to happen.

     Jurina knew she was going to the party. It was Mayu’s sister’s birthday after all; and as she sat on the pristine white couch looking indifferent to her surroundings, her heart stuttered when she saw the girl. ‘I wasn’t waiting for her,’ she told herself, just like ‘I wasn’t watching her smile.’ Her gut churned and she took another swig of vodka.

     Mayu knew Jurina was going to be there and she certainly didn’t dress up for her. Maybe that explains why she was wearing a cream lace tank, paired with black faux leather leggings, and an expensive nude pumps. She knew she looked far beyond good. ‘It had nothing to do with her,’ she convinced herself. Even though she hesitated for a second when she saw her before stepping up and saying hi. Knowing her luck, she had to have noticed.

     Eyes narrowing, Jurina saw through her facade. She knew Mayu hated crowds. She was socially awkward—adorably awkward—even though she was pretty and so sweet that it made her teeth hurt. Jurina didn’t like sweet things. No. She didn’t like beautiful girls with twintails and who loves anime, who makes her stomach churn and makes her want to punch every single person standing two feet near the girl.

     ’Be calm. Keep your cool. She has a girl friend who is the permanent kind. The kind who is in it for the long run and maybe one day, be her lifetime partner,’ Mayu thought. And Mayu knew she doesn’t have the right to feel an ounce of jealousy because she has her own girlfriend. A good girlfriend who loves her with all her heart and doesn’t cheat which is good enough for her.

     Their eyes meet briefly and Mayu sips on her sangria while Jurina finishes her vodka. Jurina stands up and her shadow engulfs Mayu’s short stature. Mayu wonders how unfair it all seems and moves closer.

     ”We really have to stop meeting up like this,” Mayu said while grinning.

     Jurina closed in on her until Mayu could feel her body heat and smell her perfume. She smelled like summer citrus. Zesty, simple, and everything she always craved for. Mayu closed her eyes for the room seemed spinning and all she wanted to do was lay her head on the girl’s chest and just rest.

     Jurina gestured to the couch. “You should sit down,” her voice rumbled. Deep and husky just like Mayu had expected.

     She smiled. Maybe she could blame it on the alcohol later.

     ”Let’s play a game, Jurina.”

Louise-sama | Game | JuriMayu OS | END
I'm Louise.  :)

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Offline Konoe

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Re: [Louise-sama OS] 5: Game (JuriMayu)
« Reply #23 on: December 17, 2013, 01:41:06 PM »
Nice and you're right. it's too short. XD

Offline michiyo48

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Re: [Louise-sama OS] 5: Game (JuriMayu)
« Reply #24 on: December 30, 2013, 02:36:36 AM »
Aww Louise-sama you made another fic of JuriMayu.. Thanks! I love you!! ^^*kk I'm glad that you also like JuriMayu, is it your OTP? :D

Oh yeah of course I'm interested in CenNezu fics. Please tell me!! *bow

And about yoyr fanfic, Bridge. I thought it was a romantic fanfic. I always think about romantic fics when it comes to my OTPs -__-" lol hmm thats okay if cant make the sequel of it. Dont force yourself! But if you want to make it.. Please do your best!!!  ^.^
Kanon is so cute, but she's only mine! 0.o I mean my sister! ;)
I love SaeYuki, AtsuMina, JuriMayu, and MariHaru :P

You can read my first and only fanfic: What's Wrong With Love? (JuriMayu) -

Offline Louise-sama

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Re: [Louise-sama OS] 5: Game (JuriMayu)
« Reply #25 on: January 01, 2014, 04:44:29 AM »
Konoe: Yeah, it's definitely short! It was just out of the blue, actually. But next time, I'll do longer ones.
michiyo48: 'Game' was taken over by Yuu-kun! :3 Yeah! JuriMayu's my OTP. I'll pm you the list of those fics though maybe you found them already.
                  Bridge wasn't supposed to be a romantic shot as I said. But if you really mean to wait for a sequel, I promised yanouchi to do its continuation with sort of 'romantic' theme. So for the mean time, I wrote another MariHaru.

I present to you a product of my lonely Dec. 26.

Entry 6: Thin Walls
             MariHaru OS # 2 ft. Matsui Jurina


Sometimes, all it takes is a knock on your door in the middle of a stormy night to realize what had been missing in your life. That was what happened to me.

     I heard a loud knock at my door. Maybe Jurina forgot her keys again. I got up from the couch and dragged myself towards the door. The abrupt awakening from slumber made my eyelids seem heavy, leaving them half-lidded. I didn't bother to peek through the peephole and skipped to turn the knob open, only to reveal someone I never thought I would see at my door step.

     It was raining heavily outside, and on her, the rain looked like diamond shards, damping her long, brown hair. But as I looked down at her unusual stiff stance, I don't think that mattered to her right now. This is getting pretty odd.

     I could tell she had been crying and it was obvious that she was just trying to hold back her tears. Somewhere inside me, a voice was pleading for me to close my eyes. It shook me to see her like this. I wonder, was this how she looked like when we broke up?



     Definitely, she looked this helpless.

     "I-Is Jurina here?" she asked me while blinking hard, averting her eyes the moment she met my surprised ones briefly. After a few failed attempts to hide her face, she averted her stare down to her damped stiletto heels—which I bet is killing her, now that her outfit is ruined.

     "Um," I tried to regain eye-contact with her but she was constantly avoiding my gaze. "It's cold out here. Why don't you get inside first?" I offered and opened the door wider for her. Raising an eyebrow at her, I impatiently waited for a response but she didn't move an inch from her spot, signifying her disapproval on the idea.

     "Haruna..." I groaned, "it's raining. Are you really trying to get yourself sick?"

     She sighed in annoyance and glared at me. "Is Jurina home?" she asked again, this time, with a firm, sure voice and I could perfectly tell how hard she had tried to mask her near-to-breaking-down-voice. It wasn't the fact that she had those puffy, red eyes, or the glistening film that masked her pain—it was more than that. Maybe she was just too easy to read. Or maybe, dating her for a year and making her cry every night made me good at reading her. I couldn't possibly tell which one was it.

     "Still as stubborn as always, I see," I muttered before forcefully pulling her inside before she even had a chance to retort back a knowing complaint. She jerked inside, not trying to mask the confusion in her face.

     "Hey, what are you doing?!" she yelled, almost tripping on her own feet. She stepped inside with much hesitation and restraint. She was so drenched by the untimely summer rain that my hand was now soaked from the dripping water from her arm. I looked past my shoulder and found her hair, flat as a damp squib, and her mascara was beginning to smudge.

     I released my grip from her. "I'll get you something to wipe yourself. Wait here," I ordered her before walking towards the closet to pull out a towel. Knowing Haruna, she would want the prettiest one. And luckily for her, I'm keeping a fluffy, pink towel. I lazily closed the closet with my foot and walked back to her.

      I found her by the door, staring at an old mood lamp nearby. The faint light emanating from the lamp illuminated her soft, pained expression. One that only I got to see when she wanted to say something bad about her day. I haven't seen that in a while. If it wasn't too ironic, I'd like to say that I want to see that again everyday. Maybe she already noticed that it was the same lamp that we bought together on our fifth month. It wasn't until now that I actually noticed that it was still there.

      I approached her slowly. "Here," I handed the towel while she squeezed her clothes lightly, extracting the rainwater from the fabric.

      "You should sit down," I motioned her to the couch, and as she stared blankly at it, I realized the reason for the sudden twinkling of her eyes.

     It was the couch where we stepped out of the friendship line and admitted our love for each other; the couch where we used to cuddle while watching her favorite dorama; the couch where we shared our sloppy, first kiss; the couch where I counted all her moles under her shirt; the couch where she sang her favorite lullaby for me after losing in janken; the couch where we slept in each other's arms; the couch where we found each other's sensitive skins; the couch where I pinned her back against and she ripped my favorite shirt out of excitement.

     It was the couch where I slammed her back during our first fight; the couch where I shouted at her, and she shouted back for the first time; the couch where I saw her cry countless times; the same couch where everything ended, like a firework vanishing in the night sky after exploding.

     For all the sweet memories we shared on that couch, the bitter ones remained the heaviest, bringing up unwanted distance between us.

     She shook her head, regaining her hostile look.

     "Seriously, Haruna. Have a seat. Jurina should be home soon from work," I said dully. Still failing to convince her to bite my offer, I ran my fingers through my hair—it was a habit when I'm frustrated. True enough, I was frustrated and near enraging. She never really changed. She was still hard to convince after all these months. I paused and started to think.

     "Or if you want, you can wait inside her room." I quickly said as soon as I had thought of that option. After all, I wouldn't want to stay silent with her in my living room for the whole moment that my sister hadn't arrived.

     She didn't say anything in response but she proceeded to remove her nude stilettos and left them on the mat. After wiping her arms and body, she brought the towel to her damp hair and wrapped it around.

     "Where are my slippers?" she asked me.

     I blinked at her, warily. Her slippers? Were they still here? She must had noticed my lost look as she spoke.

     "I just presumed that you still have them since this used to be my towel," she said as she pointed at the initials embroidered on the edge of the towel.

     "You didn't notice, did you?" she asked, and I thought I heard a bit of sadness in her voice. I didn't want to lie and I know I wouldn't be able to lie to her either.

     "To be honest—no. I didn't," I admitted and she sighed.

     "That's what I thought."

     I walked back to the closet and searched for her slippers if they were still there where I last recalled. I found them at the back, hidden from the light and sight of anyone. Her pink, fluffy slippers. The ones that she originally bought for me. But because she felt comfortable wearing it, she traded her favorite beanie instead, with the addition of a searing kiss. The beanie was thrown away by herself when she smelled an 'unfamiliar scent of another girl'. I told her that it was just because I changed my shampoo but she insisted that I had been cheating on her. I could had laughed at the stupidity of the memory, but tonight wasn't a good time.

     As I stare at the pair of slippers, I started to wonder why I still kept her things inside this closet. It was full of her stuff that she brought during countless sleep overs.

     Have I really moved on or am I still expecting something out of us? Because even now, I could still remember every detail of her—her fragrant scent, her tickling touch, her sweet smile, her knowing stare, her soft lips against mine. I don't know. All I know is that I shouldn't be the one chasing the lost catch. I was the one who ended it up. I was the one who pushed her out of the door while she clung to my body in resistance.

     I took out her unexpectedly free-from-dust-slippers and placed them on the floor, right in front of her feet.

     "Here," I told her and glanced at her sad expression. "You need anything more?" I asked. I honestly wanted to make up to her in any way I could, but I didn't know how.

     "No," she replied flatly.

     I was never acquainted to her one-word answers. Either she still hates me or she was not in a good mood. I wonder if she would cry once she got inside Jurina's room. To cry herself to sleep—that idea pinches my heart. Oh, how I pity her right now.

     She made her way to Jurina's room and she did not bother to look back in the process. All she did was open the door and close it squarely behind her. I could hear the click it made when she locked the door. God, I felt bad for not loving her the way she wanted me to.

     I could hear her crying, the sobs and the struggle for precious air. Were the walls always this thin? I stared at the closed the door and I can't help but wonder why she was crying. Did she always cry like this when we were still together? With such audible pain? With gushing despair? Was she always wallowing in sorrow because of me?

     Whenever I think about the two of us... I don't know... We just don't mix well like we—everyone had expected. Maybe we weren't really meant for each other. When we used to date, it felt like we were strangers—in love with someone we thought we knew. It went fair, really. But then we carried our own perfect picture of love around, and we found out that we weren't the ones in it. She hadn't given up her fantasy—I hadn't either. We had grown up divergent without knowing it.

     Even though she doesn't want to believe me, I still do care for her. I always had. Always will. She is really someone special in my life and I am grateful for all the times that we were together.

     Last time I heard from Jurina, Haruna started dating again. Yuko even told me the girl's name but I couldn't remember. Was it Takamina or Bakamina? I'm not sure about that. I wonder if the girl was the same reason why Haruna was crying. She is just the sensitive type, and if her lover isn't careful towards her, she would easily cry. It is one of her best traits, I think—the fact that she can cry so freely. I always thought it was cute. But it was more of a double edged sword since I hated to see her cry.

     I walked closer to the door. From outside, I could hear her light sobs. With all the muffled sounds, she was probably crying into a pillow, not because she was hiding. Knowing Haruna, she probably wanted to be held. She hated the feeling of loneliness. She was never good at handling it and could never stand it.

     She was alone and it made me want to protect her. Just like when we were a little younger, I remember promising that I'll always be there for her. I hated breaking my word, especially because I know what it's like to be alone. How cold it can feel, how dark it seems. How weak one can get and how hard it is to back up. She was just so weak and fragile like a delicate flower during winter. All she probably wanted was a warm hand on her shoulder. Maybe that explains why she was desperate to come all the way to my house despite the rain—she needed company. She must be hugging the pillow more for support, and to wipe her tears, clenching to it because loneliness is devouring her soul.

     And here I was—standing outside my sister's door—regretting the choice of sending the once, other-half-of-me to my sister's dependable hope.

     Wasn't I suppose to protect her from all of this? Didn't I tell her that I would? Didn't I promise her company no matter what? I remember it clearly. Haruna never broke her promises to me, but I broke mine. What a shame.

     I ghosted my fingertips on the doorknob, gently pushed my ears against the door and heard her light whimpers. I was deliberating in my mind whether to knock first or barge in, considering that I have a spare key to Jurina's room.

     In the end, I decided to observe courtesy and knocked. "Haruna, do you need water?" I called from my current spot and didn't get a response. I asked her again, knowing that she still doubts my concern, and she yelled 'no.' I heard how she sniffed and choked on her own word. She didn't try to hide it as if intentionally to worsen the guilt I was feeling.

     "Can you open the door?" I carefully asked. I knew she was probably going to say 'No! leave me alone.' But I knew I had to try.

     I heard the front door open. I turned around and found Jurina standing there and putting away her umbrella.

     "Who's here?" she asked me, "and why are you at my door?" She hung her coat and removed her wet sneakers in the process.

     "Haruna's in your room," I told her and moved away from her door.

     Jurina shot a surprised look towards me and marched to the door right away at the mention of her name. She tried to open the door but it was locked. "Haruna?" she called. Her voice sounded much softer than mine, rich of pure concern and care. I could hear Haruna stumble and she opened the door quickly. She rushed to Jurina as if she was her salvation. It was the complete opposite reaction to mine. I saw how Jurina's face softened at the sight of her. She walked inside and hugged her at the door frame, hushing her cries, whispering the assurance that everything will be fine now that she was there. She didn't seem to mind her cold body as she squeezed tighter. Not too long after, they went inside and closed the door behind them.

     I heard Haruna cry once more, much louder than before, pouring out everything she was holding back a while ago. She relied on Jurina's shoulder to cry on.

     Probably, my sister's hands are comforting her right now, wiping away her tears and holding her into a warm embrace.

     Suddenly, I got into thinking, when did it turn out like this? When did my younger sister take all my broken promises and kept them for me? When did she grow the shoulders Haruna had always wanted me to share?

     She makes me so proud yet makes me feel so ashamed of myself.

Louise-sama | Thin Walls | MariHaru OS # 2 | END

December 26 wasn't the best day for me. Instead of  drowning myself in a pool of regrets, I decided to vent it out on this one. I just finished it overnight, but.. ╮(╯▽╰)╭  I hope you found it to your liking. Thank you for reading!

And you know, Yuko's graduation doesn't really help me to write Breakeven because I'm really affected like crazy...
I'm Louise.  :)

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[Louise-sama OS Thread] 7: AtsuMina (AtsuMina) 01/06/14
« Reply #26 on: January 06, 2014, 09:58:51 AM »
Hey fellas! This is actually my first AtsuMina oneshot so please bear with the awkwardness of my writing.

Entry 7: AtsuMina
             AtsuMina OS | Louise-sama
     As the two of them waved and walked away from a group of fangirls that they had run into on their way home from shopping, Takahashi Minami already knew the types of things that those same girls would spread around as soon as she and Maeda Atsuko turned their backs. She was used to it, as was her friend, that people would always mistake them for being a couple. And if they already know that they weren't, like Minegishi Minami and Shinoda Mariko for instance, they were also used to them saying that it was only a matter of time before the two of them 'finally' got together.
     They were only just down the street from Atsuko's apartment and as she chatted with Minami on the clothes that they bought together, as the fashion geeks Mariko and Kojima Haruna advised them to buy, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She checked it while she was laughing at one of her companion's another yet useless jokes. Her laughter died and her smile soured after reading the text message that she had been sent. It was from one of those fans that they had ran into, and it was wishing her good luck on her date with Minami.
     As AKB48's Captain and her natural gentleman antics, Minami had always been more popular with girl fans. Atsuko remembered a moment a few months prior when fans from a handshake event whispered to her that if Minami was to have a girlfriend, they would be glad if it was her. She denied that she was dating her, but even then, a picture spread around social networking sites the next day that she and Minami had romantically embraced one another on the backstage. They did in fact hug each other. They always do that. But not in a romantic sense.
     Minami had considered asking her why she was frowning but then shrugged and figured that if it was important, she would tell her later. Atsuko always did when it was of significance, and Minami would return the sentiment as well. Atsuko entrusted her anything and everything, so did she to her, and Minami had always thought it was annoying when no one believed them whenever they said that they weren't an item.
     Atsuko glanced at Minami who was looking at her quizzically, and then shrugged her own shoulders just as she had. "Don't be surprised if someone asks you how our date went later," she chuckled.
     Minami paused to think for a moment and then nodded, not surprised if those girls they had ran into had already spread around that they caught AKB48's 'face' and 'The Captain' strolling romantically through the city, with arms linked together and fingers intertwined. They were in fact, strolling, but it was more of Atsuko clinging to Minami's arm for more heat on a winter evening. "It's fine by me as long as our overrated picture won't end up on international news."
     Minami had lousy jokes but Atsuko laughed on this one, remembering that five weeks beforehand when a picture of her, licking Minami's chocolate-coated finger, ended up on national TV and earning uproars from their fans all over the world. They were called for a press conference and Minami had been flushed and tense the whole time while reporters flooded them with intriguing questions.
     "You know," Atsuko began, "your fangirls is going to use this as more evidence that you and I are 'destined' to be together."
Minami snorted a laugh, being familiar with the sentiment that AKB48's Ace and Captain should be together. As years went on, lots of fans had been more vocal about it, even starting up their pairing's fanclub—AtsuMina as they call them.
     "They also said that there are millions of people in the world that want us to be together, so that tells you how much of what they say that you can believe," Atsuko continued. Atsuko wouldn't have minded so much, but one of their 'shippers' included the airhead princess of the group—Haruna. Particularly since Minami had held a crush on her before.
     Millions might or might not be an exaggeration but Minami did agree that there were people out there who lived vicariously through her relationship with Atsuko, as true as it was or not. "Oh, millions aren't that much," Minami said as she smirked, "but if there are billions of folks out there who wanted us to be together so bad, then...why not, right?"
     Atsuko shot her a look of surprise. "Seriously?" she sounded more hopeful than unbelieving. She was waiting for Minami to laugh it out or say that she was joking but her serious expression told her that she was anything but. Her throat went dry and she just wanted to bury her face on the snowy road for her cheeks were suddenly burning hot.
     It was then that they stopped in their tracks, having reached the entrance of Atsuko's apartment. Minami had considered walking her up, but decided against it since a lot of her neighbors are one of the primary sources of their pseudo-intimacy photographs leaking on the internet. Instead, she gave the taller girl a hug goodbye and then turned to leave hurriedly.
     Atsuko waved after Minami—a little unsatisfied on how their talk ended up—and waited until she was no longer within her line of vision before she walked to the elevator and went inside her sanctuary. She dropped her shopping bags in her room and went straight to the kitchen, looking for her favorite munch in her fridge. She passed by a note saying, "Minami, don't dare to touch my favorite pudding in the fridge or I'll kiss you on your butt!"
     She remembered posting it when she invited Minami to sleepover once but only now did she realize why it was still there. Below her note was Minami's reply, saying, "Sorry Acchan, I tasted your pudding and it was really awful. I threw it away for your own good so don't bother looking for it. My butt's waiting for your kiss though."
     She giggled and walked to the living room, slumped on the couch, allowing her tiring yet fun day to weigh her down. "I wonder if Minami still recalls that note," she said to herself as she took a spoonful of her pudding in her mouth. She never really recalled doing that punishment to Minami. "Not that I wanted to kiss her butt!" she yelled to herself as the thought entered her mind.
     She opened the television and browsed through the channels. She sighed when nothing seem to earn her interest, then she saw her laptop on the coffee table. Tempted, she reached for it and logged in to tumblr, only to be welcomed with images of her and Minami a while ago, tagged with 'AtsuMina forever <3'. It had reached 46,936 notes in just twenty minutes! "Fudge, those girls," she laughed. She knows she shouldn't be laughing, but her pudding made her feel so light.
     Once, twice, thrice in her life, Atsuko had also toyed with the idea that perhaps being with Minami romantically wouldn't have been so bad, but the thought of it couldn't help but make her burst into laughter back when she considered it. She did think that she and Minami were soul mates, but not in the romantic sense. They were partners and best friends, who faced the same pressures and hardships as two of the front figures of AKB48, but Atsuko would always see Minami as the little girl she met before, who loves ribbons, and who cries easily. She would always be there for her, just as Minami would always be there for her, but what they had was, for her, too cute to be called love.
     If only Minami could bring her gifts and roses, maybe...she would've think of it otherwise.

     [ Atsuko scrolled through her dashboard and she found out that the post was from bakaminalovesatsumina. She was one of their 'shippers' whom Atsuko had followed because she had been posting lots of pictures of  her and Minami wherever they go. Strange.

     "Another one? How did she get this picture of me in the fitting room?" she asked herself until she heard a knock on her door. She immediately closed her laptop and dashed to open the door and she saw a familiar girl with a ribbon tying up her hair, holding up a stalk of rose for her.
     "Minami?" she asked, surprised, "Why did you come back?"
     "Have you seen our pictures yet?" Minami asked while grinning.
     "Yeah," Atsuko scratched the back of her head, "it earned lots of notes already."
     "That's good," Minami said while beaming.
     "Good? You're good with it?" Atsuko asked bewilderingly.
     Minami turned to her left then right, checking if there are people around. "If it reaches a billion notes, will you be mine?" she whispered.
     "EH?" Atsuko jerked on her question.
     "A billion worth of notes should be enough for us to make it real, don't you think? bakaminalovesatsumina would be so happy," Minami said as she gave a wry smile.
     "Wait, are you that bakaminalovesatsumina from tumblr?!"
     "What? So it actually took you this long until you realized?"
     "I had guessed it long before. Because you've been posting pictures where only the two of us had gone," Atsuko answered. "I just can't believe that all this time, I had been mailing I am love with your dimples."
     Minami laughed. Atsuko had indeed mailed her a few times that she found Minami's dimples charming. "So what's your answer? Wanna try our luck?" she asked nervously as she crossed her fingers on her back.
     "Yes, that wouldn't be so bad..." Atsuko answered shyly, biting the insides of her cheeks.
     "Did I hear a yes?" Minami taunted.
     "Yes. Let's do it!" Atsuko exclaimed.
     "Really?" Minami loosened her tensed fingers and wrapped her arms around Atsuko. "That's great 'cause I don't think I could ever look at you the same way if you rejected me!"
     Atsuko, on the other hand, had been smiling involuntarily and she found herself hugging Minami back, feeling their hearts pounding fast hard against their bodies.
     Minami pulled back and handed Atsuko the rose she had been holding. "Can I come in? I brought your favorite pudding," she motioned to the bag carrying the pudding.
     "Speaking of pudding, I think I know how to earn a billion notes," Atsuko winked at her.
     "So you really wanted to be with me after all, huh?"
     Atsuko pulled Minami inside her apartment and closed the door behind them while she pinned Minami against it. Instinctively, she kissed Minami on her cheek and searched for ear to whisper something.
     As Minami was resisting her giggles of pleasure with lips grazing her sensitive skin below her ear, her eyes grew wide upon hearing Atsuko's proposition.
     "EH? A KISS ON MY BUTT?!" ]
Louise-sama | AtsuMina | AtsuMina OS | END


This is just a fanfic. Don't mess up with facts. :)
This fic is what I deem remarkable because this is where I decided to be open with other pairings. As a lot of you know, I'm a die-hard JuriMayu shipper, and lately, MariHaru. I realized that I had been missing a lot of good stories because I wasn't into the pairing involved. I'm sorry for being immature.
From now on, I'll start to read other fics too even if it's not my OTP.
I'm Louise.  :)

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Re: [Louise-sama OS Thread] 7: AtsuMina (AtsuMina OS)
« Reply #27 on: January 13, 2014, 02:48:35 PM »
Louise-san i really like your fic >.< and when you continue kuminon os? I will wait~
and why don't you post "Tasty" os here? I will re-read again if you post in here ehehe :3
thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
JuriMayu14's OS compilation

Offline Louise-sama

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[Louise-sama OS Thread] 7: AtsuMina (AtsuMina OS)
« Reply #28 on: January 13, 2014, 02:59:32 PM »
Eh? Well, thank you so~! :D The truth is, I'm stuck with my series. *nervous laugh* f^_^; I only have one reason for my super late updates though: SCHOOL.

I don't think Tasty is appropriate here because ...I think it violates rules of the forum. It doesn't contain smut but somehow it does. You know where to read it though! (⌒▽⌒)

I don't know when I could update the KumiNon. Right now, Home and Breakeven take over my life. So for the mean time, let's wait, OK? :D

Kami-oshi: Matsui Jurina
Oshi: Watanabe Mayu, Oshima Yuko, Yamamoto Sayaka, Yokoyama Yui
OTP: JuriMayu, SayaMilky, MariHaru, KojiYuu, YukiRena, MaYuki, WMatsui, YuiParu, SayaYui, AtsuMina

I'm Louise.  :)

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Re: [Louise-sama OS Thread] 7: AtsuMina (AtsuMina OS)
« Reply #29 on: January 13, 2014, 05:03:43 PM »
louise-sama I have read this fic on tumblr and now you're posted it in this forum. thanks ^_^

I really like this fic ^_^ please make more Atsumina :)

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[Louise-sama OS Thread] 7: AtsuMina (AtsuMina OS)
« Reply #30 on: January 14, 2014, 01:42:13 AM »
Thank you amachan! I actually posted the AtsuMina here first though. o(^▽^)o Even though I like Atsumina, it's hard for me to portray them in my fics so I tend to leave writing them to good authors out there. So... My next AtsuMina may take a really long while (or maybe there will be no next time (o_o) oops!).
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Re: [Louise-sama OS Thread] 7: AtsuMina (AtsuMina OS)
« Reply #31 on: January 14, 2014, 02:55:38 AM »
After i read this, i don't know why my ear became red hahaha :mon sweat:
Is this really your first Atsumina?? You know it is really Great story!! :on GJ:
I really like this fic !! :mon inluv:
and I hope there will be another Atsumina :mon cute:

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Re: [Louise-sama OS Thread] 7: AtsuMina (AtsuMina OS)
« Reply #32 on: January 14, 2014, 06:14:27 AM »
I can't wipe the smile off my face and its ALL YOUR FAULT!!!  :on thumbb:

I really like it, a lot! At first, I really thought you were just gonna go down the friend road, but I'm glad they gave each other a chance  :shy2:
Even though it is a one-shot, I would really like to see where their relationship will go, now that they are official  :luvluv1:

You should really write more on AtsuMina, it is always fun to read another's point of view on them, except for the drama/angst/sadness ones  :err:

look forward to your future work  :hee:
Forever AtsuMina/TakAcchan/TakAtsuko <3 . Follow me ^_^ .
My Fanfics: Shiroi x Kuroi Tenshi, Maji, Kowai!, Nisemono, Futari (Ong) Devil Wears Prada (Hiatus) I Want to Lock You Up (OS) Three Chances (Fanfic Winner 2014) Naze (Fanfic Winner 2015)

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[Louise-sama OS Thread] 7: AtsuMina (AtsuMina OS)
« Reply #33 on: January 14, 2014, 04:52:47 PM »
Thank you KaoriChan! (^o^)/
Oh, why did they turn red?! Lol. Can't handle that AtsuMina goodness, eh? Yes, this is the first one. You see, I'm not that familiar with the nature of their relationship so it's quite hard for me. Haha. Keep hoping that there'll be a next time then. :D

Thank you lezperv!
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
I'd be glad to see that smile on your face though lol.
Well, I did intend to keep them friends but decided against since I thought that this might be the last AtsuMina shot that I'll write.
Do you mean a sequel? f^_^;) Give me time to think it over.
Why won't you like drama/angst? They're fun to read too, you know. Haha. And too bad because that's my usual genre~
I'm Louise.  :)

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Re: [Louise-sama OS Thread] 7: AtsuMina (AtsuMina OS)
« Reply #34 on: January 14, 2014, 11:42:31 PM »
Thank you KaoriChan! (^o^)/
Oh, why did they turn red?! Lol. Can't handle that AtsuMina goodness, eh? Yes, this is the first one. You see, I'm not that familiar with the nature of their relationship so it's quite hard for me. Haha. Keep hoping that there'll be a next time then. :D

Thank you lezperv!
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
I'd be glad to see that smile on your face though lol.
Well, I did intend to keep them friends but decided against since I thought that this might be the last AtsuMina shot that I'll write.
Do you mean a sequel? f^_^;) Give me time to think it over.
Why won't you like drama/angst? They're fun to read too, you know. Haha. And too bad because that's my usual genre~

Woh, why is it the last AtsuMina shot? You make it sounds like you'll really never ever do it again  :OMG:
Yeah, I guess I'm requesting a sequel from you lol :P
It's not that I don't like it, its just... sooo full of sadness and drama, its too much, ya know? I don't mind reading good ones, but sometimes author just writes the angst/drama out of nowhere, like "WTF happened?" how did it get from lovey dovey cute stuff to mad/hating/cheating stuff? Also, cuz I don't like being sad >_>
Forever AtsuMina/TakAcchan/TakAtsuko <3 . Follow me ^_^ .
My Fanfics: Shiroi x Kuroi Tenshi, Maji, Kowai!, Nisemono, Futari (Ong) Devil Wears Prada (Hiatus) I Want to Lock You Up (OS) Three Chances (Fanfic Winner 2014) Naze (Fanfic Winner 2015)

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Re: [Louise-sama OS Thread] 7: AtsuMina (AtsuMina OS)
« Reply #35 on: January 19, 2014, 06:33:05 AM »
hahahahahahaha we have to be billions of fans for this couple...

i want to say that they are meant to be but only the time knows....

but i believe in atsumina FOREVER!!!


Offline Louise-sama

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Re: [Louise-sama OS Thread] 8: Roses (WMatsui OS)
« Reply #36 on: February 15, 2015, 07:05:09 AM »
Entry 8: Roses
             WMatsui OS | Louise-sama

   Few steps away from me, you stood confidently on your sneakers.
I saw roses dangling on your newly polished fingers.
The roses were red like the pure love you offered.
You brought them to your nose, sniffing a lungful of sweetness one can muster.

     The street lights flicked open as the sun was hinting its retreat.
You started walking towards me and I stirred inside in defeat.
The twinkling in your eyes was too warm.
And I knew why it’s worth the alarm.
     "You've been more beautiful than I last saw you," you said.
Not faking a smile, I blushed and stepped forward instead.
Every growing inch that you take dictates me impulses of impossible ties.
I summoned all my courage to look up to your eyes.

     I saw your gaze and I knew it wasn't for me.
A gust of wind blew as you walked pass through me.

     "I missed you, Jurina!" squealed someone from behind.
I didn't even have to turn around.
I know for sure, behind me was the twin-tailed girl that you found.

     The world fell silent as the two of you held each other.
I heard your laughter and it sent me shivers.
I heard how you slipped a ring on her finger.
On the ground, the tiny roses fell.
Just like how I turned your love down last December.

Louise-sama | Roses | WMatsui OS | END
I'm Louise.  :)

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Offline hakase309

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Re: [Louise-sama OS Thread] 8: Roses (WMatsui OS)
« Reply #37 on: February 16, 2015, 07:43:26 AM »
Thanks for creating these fics m(_ _)m

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[Louise-sama OS Thread] 9: She Misses Her (WMatsui/JuriMayu OS)
« Reply #38 on: September 07, 2015, 12:09:05 PM »
Original post:

Summary: Jurina is broken after Rena’s graduation. Mayu attempts to comfort her and she’s friendzoned…or not.

Entry 9: She Misses Her
             WMatsui/JuriMayu OS | Louise-sama

It’s almost midnight. I can’t believe I lost track of time during my date with Yukirin. We went to this karaoke that she likes; it’s been so long since we hung out together.

I missed her.

She offered me to stay the night in her apartment but I insisted that I should leave. As I turn my head to the convenience store across the street, I saw a familiar face with the famous Cheshire grin—except she’s not grinning.

“Jurina?” I called her.

She raised her head from the ground she’s been staring blankly at and smiled a little. She doesn’t look so good—except for the oversized pullover that she’s wearing, which looks really good on her.

I walk to her side.

“What are you doing here? And…” I pointed at the can she’s holding, “is that beer?”

“Relax, Mayu-chan, it’s just coffee. Why would I be drinking beer?”

“I wonder,” I smile as I narrowed my eyes at her.

Her smile faded and looks away.

“Wanna grab ice cream before I walk you home?” she says.

“Sure but are you really walking me home?” I reply as I try not to act excited.

She laughed and led the way.

After finishing our ice cream, we exited the convenience store and took my route. I shouldn’t be surprised that she’s walking me home since she’s a sweet girl but right now, she looks really down. I wonder if this is about Rena’s graduation.

“How are things going on with Rena-chan?”

“Good,” Jurina nods. She went silent for a moment before finishing her sentence. “We still talk.”

“That’s good to hear,” I tell her. It’s a relief. I thought she tuned bitter over it.

Jurina is smiling now. She looks much better when she flashes that smile.

“We were on the phone before you saw me in front of the convenience store. She told me she missed singing and dancing with the group.”

“That’s sweet. We miss her too,” I smile.

She looks away and slides her hands inside her pockets. The streetlights are soft on her skin. She wears a straight face. Her eyes speak of solitude. This is what Rena sees every time they walk home together—or not. Maybe Rena only sees her cheerful side because Jurina is always happy around her. And Rena is the reason behind this expression of Jurina’s.

I wonder if she’s comfortable talking about Rena’s graduation or not. I want to know how she’s feeling.

“How are you coping up?” I ask her.

Jurina’s face softens at my question. I think I see her eyes, misty.

“It’s harder than I thought it would be,” she answers.

“My new neighbor loves melon pan as much as her. I don’t understand why she had to stand outside her apartment while she eats the bread. I smell it and I remember her. The bearded guy in the convenience store earlier was eating spicy noodles. I remembered her. I remember her in roses. I remember her in kissing couples,” she says. I cannot miss the tear that drags down her face as she speaks.

“It’s like I remember her in everything I see, I hear, I taste, or smell,” her words went on, “…or in cute girls I walk home at night.”

Cute, huh.

I rub my cheeks. I feel it burning at her last words.

She stopped walking.

“I know I’ve shown her my support with her decision but… don’t you think it’s a little selfish of her…?” I hear her voice crack.


I wrap my arms around her. I’ve never seen her like this before. The moment she sobs, I hug her tighter. Her larger hands drag across my back and she pulls me closer. Hugs sure do wonders. You feel warm. You hear her breathing. It’s comforting. You smell each other and hear tiny whispers gratitude. You look up and see her looking back at you.

For a moment, I was lost in her eyes.

Until a passerby shouted at us, “Get a room.”

The magic was gone and Jurina pulled away.

I fight back the disappointment within me.

“I’m sorry you had to see me cry, it’s embarrassing,” she says as she scratches her head.

I shook my head and touched her wide shoulder.

“It’s… cute,” I tell her.

She stares into my eyes and I hold her gaze.

“Aren’t you a sadist,” she chuckles and pokes my forehead.

We laugh and continue walking.

I’ve witnessed a lot of members graduating from the group. It’s hard to imagine that I have to do it too. One day, I’ll hear 48 and I can only smile because that was the largest turning point of my life. I made a lot of friends here. It’s sad. I don’t feel like leaving.

“I feel like everyone is leaving me…”

Jurina whispers. She glances at me, as if waiting for affirmation.

“I’m not,” I assure her.

Her face beams a little.

“Not until I’m the number one,” I say.

She laughs. I laugh at her laugh. I just find it cute. Everything about her is. She looks at me. She’s confusing me sometimes.

“Wanna take the top together?” I suggest and wiggle my brows.

“What—like Center and Nezumi?” she grins.

“It feels a little weird though. How can Wota be the top, right?” I tell her and she laughs.

“I’m not gonna lose to you, Mayu-chan,” she says. She looks a lot serious than before. “I’ll definitely be the number one, for Rena-chan.”

I force a smile. I think Jurina made it clear on the last part.

“I won’t lose to you too,” I answer her with the same seriousness.

She smiles in content.

“I better get going,” she says.

I didn’t even realize that we were already standing in front of my apartment. Time sure flies when you’re with someone you like.

We said our goodbye’s to each other and I thanked her for walking me home. I watch her walk away. She looks so strong on the outside but she hides a lot of fears inside her.

“Jurina,” I call her and she turns around. “I’m always here if you need to talk.”

That’s right. I’m here for her, even if she doesn’t like me back. After all, we’re still friends.

Jurina nods.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” she waved her hand and walked away.

I was hoping I could get another hug or something but, who am I kidding. I realize that I’m not the princess in her story.

I walk to my door, slowly.

“Mayu-chan,” I hear her call me and I spin around.

“Even when I cry?” she asked. It took me a second to register what she said.

“Even when you cry,” I assure her.

Her eyes find mine. I find hers. We gaze at each other from a distance. Like the sun and the moon.

“Let’s take the top together,” she yells.

She flashed her dimple.

Her dimple and her charming smile.

Before I could even react, she hopped away from my view.

Her sweet giggles echo to the empty street.

I think I need to wash my face with ice immediately. It burns.

I cover my curved lips with my hand.

How unfortunate that she only needs one person and she’s not me.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Yuki’s number.

“I changed my mind. Meet me outside your apartment in 30. I’ll bring beer.”

Louise-sama | She Misses Her | WMatsui OS | END
I'm Louise.  :)

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Re: [Louise-sama OS Thread] 9: She Misses Her (WMatsui/JuriMayu OS)
« Reply #39 on: September 07, 2015, 01:26:23 PM »
Louise-san you back with another JuriMayu fanfic.. Yeah.. :w00t:
But its so sad, Mayu.. :cry:
Please make another fanfic about them, I'm always love your fic about JuriMayu.. :bow:

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