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Author Topic: Catch Love (MariMayu OS) - COMPLETED  (Read 11414 times)

Offline PenduLum

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Catch Love (MariMayu OS) - COMPLETED
« on: June 27, 2014, 12:50:38 PM »
This is my first FanFic~  :)
I did not how to use this kind of format for the story so sorry for the mistake especially for the grammar and spelling~ (-/\-)
But please enjoy reading~  :cow:

Catch Love~  :heart:

Pairing: MariMayu~

Mariko woke up by the alarm of her cellphone, she try to find it at the bed. When she finally found it and look at the time on it.

"It’s this late already?~” Then she cuddle again at the pillow.

Then after a few minutes she finally stood up and goes to the kitchen to cook for her breakfast. Then the girl she along in the dorm is awake also.

“Ohayou~ Maririn~’ While going in the table and sit.
“Ohayou~ Miichan~ Still cooking at the kitchen.
“You again to first to cook our breakfast” Miichan pout “I want also to cook our breakfast sometimes”
“Gome Miichan im just early to wake up this week because I have a balley class” While placing the omelet at plate and serve it at the table. “Here”[size=78%]Miichan start to eat the omelet “Hmm~ Maririn cook is always the best” Then she giggles.[/size]
“Hai~ Hai~” Start to eat too with Miichan.

After they took their breakfast they prepare themselves for their work.
Couple of minutes later they done fixing and preparing themselves.

“Im first to leave ne~ See you later Maririn~” Miichan wave at Maririn then leave at the dorm.
“Im gonna leave soon or I will be late at my class” While preparing her dress to use at her class and handbags.

After Maririn done at her things she leaved at the dorm and go for her class.
When she arrived at her class she already see the student at their balley uniform. She rushed at exchanging room and changed her dress into balley uniform.

“Sorry I late class” She bow a bit and look again at the class “Then let’s start to warm up”
After teaching some moves at her class they take a break. Some students go into her and invite her to join them at eating their break.

“Hai~ I will join” Maririn smile cutely at the students
“Yatta, I will taste some food that made of Mari~Sama”  Yuihan said.
They sit on the floor and releasing their home made bento. Some students bento have a beautiful design on it, some have a delicious look at their bento.
“Sugio~ the food have in your bento look really delicious” Maririn said at the student.
“Sensei, What kind of bento you have?” Yuihan ask
“Well I have just ordinary bento” Then she opened her bento and see it at the students.
“Oh it’s looks really normal, Can I have some?~” Yuihan request while making a puppy eyes.
“Ofcourse” Maririn nods
Yuihan get some food on bento of Maririn and eat it.
“Oishii~ Is it your made Sensei?” Yuihan said while mumbling.
“Hai~ I made it”
“Ohh. Im jealous at you sensei, No mother how I practice I didn’t get the taste that I like” Then Yuihan Pout.
They are eating their bento while Maririn see one of her student eating alone.
“Ne?~ Do you know her?” Then point at the student
“Oh she is Mayu, She kind of shy girl. We invite her lately but she immediately blush and walk away from us.” Yuihan said it clearly.
“Wait I try to invite her” Maririn stand up and go to Mayu place.
Mayu saw Maririn standing at front of her. Maririn sit up in front of Mayu and smile brightly.
“Ne?~ why you eating here alone? It’s good to eat with friends ne~” Then she smile at the shy girl.
Mayu look away and blushing hardly “I-im already done eating my bento.” Mayu said slightly.
“Eh?~ You make blush hardly. You have no friends here? We can be friends if you want.” Then Maririn smile cutely.
“Re-really?” Slowly moving her head to face Maririn.
“Thanks” Then Mayu fix here bento and put it at her bag.
Maririn stand up and back to Yuihan place together with Mayu.
“Sensei” Yuihan said.
Maririn sit on the floor. “Sit beside me Mayu~san”
“H-hai” Mayu sit “Just call me Mayu”
“Mayu” Maririn said with sweet tone.
“Nothing I just want to say your name” Maririn smile at Mayu.
They use their remaining time to talk. Mayu just smiling and giggles in the discussion. Maririn see the shy but cute personality of Mayu.

After their break they continue the class. Hour past and the class already end.

“Goodbye sensei” The students said to there sensei while leaving the room.

Maririn fixing her things before she leave. When her turn around she see Mayu waiting behind her silently.

“Oh!~ Mayu” Maririn shock when she saw Mayu. “Don’t shock me like that I thought that I only left in this room” Maririn breath little heavily “Are you not go home now?” She ask to Mayu.
Mayu shakes her head. “I just wait you”
“Sou~ sorry if I make you worry.” Maririn confused at Mayu. “So you want to go home together?”
Mayu just nod at Maririn and she raise her hand and blush a bit.
Maririn is really confused right now at Mayu “You want me to hold your hand?”
Mayu nods.
“Eh?~ Okay.” Maririn slowly reach the hand of Mayu and hold it. “Im look like a mother in this position.” Then she giggles.
Mayu “H-hai~ You look like mom to me.” Then she blush more again.

Then they start to go out of the room and walking in the street while holding the hands of each other. There so many questions around Maririn head, Like is Mayu mom is gone already and if she miss it so she want Maririn act like her mother or is she does not really have friends to hang out with.
Then Mayu stop and look at her side. On her side it’s a arcade station.

Maririn look at the arcade station “You want to play inside?”
Mayu nods and slowly enter at arcade station.
Mayu play first the shooting game. Maririn just watching the back of Mayu while she is playing. After Mayu played
she almost beat the highscore.

“Sugio~ You good ne~ You almost beat the highscore” Maririn giggles while looking at Mayu.
Mayu blush a bit then she go into the arcade where you try to get some stufftoy or teddybear. Mayu try manytimes but she did not get the stufftoy.

“Let me try” Maririn get the joystick “What stufftoy you want?”
Mayu point at the Sado one. “That Sado one.”
“Okay leave it to me.” Maririn start to get the stufftoy.
Mayu just watch her sensei at the side.
Maririn failed at her first try. “Wait let me try again” She become serious now but she failed again but on the third time she get the Sado toy. “Yosh~”
Mayu get the prize and hold it by her both hands. Maririn see the joy on the face of Mayu.
“You like it?” Maririn ask to Mayu.
“Hai~  Very much.” Mayu nod and smile cutely and widely at Maririn.
Maririn heartbeat fast a bit. “Im glad ne~” Why my heartbeat fast a bit. She ask himself.
Mayu hold again Maririn hand “I want to go home” with a small but cute tone.

They continue to walk into Mayu house. Maririn don’t know what happen she just letting herself to be with Mayu. And they arrived at Mayu house.
Mayu live at a expensive and complex apartment. You will see at the hallway that ambience of the apartment.
Maririn still holding Mayu hands while playing around her eyes at the ambience of the hallway. They take a elevator until in the 11 floor.  Mayu enter her password and release Maririn hand from holding it and open the door of her room.

Maririn enter at the room next to Mayu. “You live here alone?” while taking a slipper and goes at the living room and sit at the sofa.
“Yes, my father paid for the rent here” Preparing a tea at the table and give a cup of tea at Maririn.
“I see~ I think you felt lonely here ne?~” While looking at Mayu and get the cup of tea and drink it.
“Yes” Mayu said it clearly and bows a bit. “Since my mother died, my father become busy at her work so he decide to move me at a apartment by all of myself”
Maririn realized her first thought. “I sad to hear, I think you really felt lonely since your mother gone?”
Mayu just nodded slowly. “I see.” Maririn look at Mayu and feel the loneliness of the girl. She goes in the back of Mayu and hug it from the back. “Don’t worry ne~ I will be here for you.” While placing her chin at Mayu shoulder. “I can pretend like your mother if you want” then she smile cutely.
Mayu holds the hand of Maririn that hug from her. She slowly show a tears in her eyes and she slowly nodded. “Thanks”
Maririn look at the side of Mayu. “Are you crying?” while still hugging her.
Mayu just look away while smiling and wiping the tears. “No, Im just happy that you here”
Maririn just smile and hold the both hands of Mayu “Im always be, if not just call me and I will go to you as fast as I could.” Then she giggles.
Mayu face her mother Maririn and hug it tightly. “Thanks Okasan~” then she smile brightly
Maririn slowly rubbing the back of Mayu “Hai Hai~” and smile. “So where Mayu want to go this weekend?” she break the hug and face Mayu.
“I want to go to amusement park” then she giggles cutely.
“Then we will go there I promise” then she smile.
“Im feel kind of sleepy now Okasan~” slowly laying her head on the shoulders of Maririn.
Maririn stroke the hair of Mayu. “Then take a nap now ne~”
Then Mayu slowly sleep at the shoulders of Maririn while having a joy and cute smile on her face.

The End.~  :heart:
« Last Edit: October 22, 2017, 03:41:59 PM by sophcaro »

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Re: Catch Love OS~ ( MariMayu )
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2014, 08:17:15 PM »
Nice OS  Definitely must develop your writing :)

Good start, some clean up with some other stuff but still good :thumbsup

Do write more
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline PenduLum

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Re: Catch Love OS~ ( MariMayu )
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2014, 07:36:43 AM »
Hai~ I will do my best from now~ Thanks~  :D   :cow:   :D

Offline sastio13

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Re: Catch Love OS~ ( MariMayu )
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2014, 05:15:57 PM »
hem nice job PenduLum!
wow mariko and mayu. mariko being okasan... hehehehe
you like mariko? she is my oshi :)
keep writing ne? ganbatte! :D
ah thanks for the os :bow:
Yo, i'm sastio! i like to read fanfics! :)
a silent reader :grin:

Oshi: Shinoda Mariko,
Kashiwagi Yuki, Matsui Rena, Yagami Kumi, Okada Nana, Shinobu Mogi, Thalia, etc.
overall, i like all members hehe

every pairing is fine, as long as i enjoy :)

Offline PenduLum

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Re: Catch Love OS~ ( MariMayu )
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2014, 06:03:21 AM »
Hai~ She is my Oshi~  :heart:
Hai~ Thanks for the feedback~  :cow:

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