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Author Topic: Re:DUX Chapter XIII [KumiYuriNon, WMatsui, Furuyanagi]  (Read 22068 times)

Offline Siren

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Re:DUX (UPDATED!) Chapter XII [KumiYuriNon, WMatsui, Furuyanagi]
« Reply #60 on: July 13, 2014, 11:38:12 PM »
New reader here,  :hand:

Love your fic so much  :inlove:

Finally you update and I enjoyed it so much  :yep:  :thumbup

Hope you update soon  :w00t:
Kami Oshi is Kashiwagi Yuki, Matsui Rena and Jurina

WMatsui and Mayuki all the way :D

Offline HitoriYamanaka

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Re:DUX (UPDATED!) Side Story E [KumiYuriNon, WMatsui, Furuyanagi]
« Reply #61 on: July 15, 2014, 07:24:35 AM »
A/N: Finally I made this side story for Sayanee.
Happy belated birthday (to us) Sayanee!

Comments are down below, as usual.

This was supposed to be posted on our birthday but somehow a lot of things were in the way and I even got injured while doing this side story idek why this is happening tho
I'll post WPFC later, I'm really sorry for the delay. I hope my foot stops bleeding soon

Re:DUX Side Story E - Bokura no Regatta


Yui looked back and saw her younger sister, Yamamoto Sayaka to pounce on her, which she complied to with a hug.

"So, how was school?" Yui smiled as she fixed Sayanee's messy locks. "Anything good happened?"

"Nothing, really." Sayanee flaunted a toothy smile and said,"Thanks for fetching me always afterschool, Yui-nee."

Yui smiled and patted Sayanee's head lightly,"You're welcome."

"So, Yui-nee, how is highschool?" Sayanee suddenly asked, catching Yui off-guard. "H-Huh, well it's fun. People do say that Highschool is one of the best and most carefree stages of life, after all."

"Sounds like fun."

"Sure it does." Yui faked a smile as she opened the iron gate in front of her.


"So, have you adjusted to your new school yet?" Yamada Nana, Sayanee's mother asked her daughter who seems to be quietly making her assignment.

"Not really." Sayaka replied. "I miss Maachun and the others."

Nana looked at the girl sadly who continued to write something on her notebook. She  couldn't place the blame on anyone except for her and her husband, or rather her previous husband. Due to their divorce, not only did Sayaka witness her parents' love for each other diminish as every day pass by at such a young age, but they also had to move away from their mansion in Sakae to their villa in Namba. Sayaka had to leave her childhood friends whom she treasures up until now, who had a lot of trouble getting along with the troublesome girl before. Sayaka had that attitude of pushing people away, probably because of the reason that she didn't want them to get hurt or offended, but in reality she really wanted to be friends with everyone.

"Sayaka..." Her mother looked at her with a sad smile on her face,"You've got to at least try and make new friends..."

Sayaka shook her head in disagreement,"Nah... I'm okay."

"Well, have you ever talked to anyone in the class?"

"Well..." Sayaka paused, removing her grip from her pen,"There was there girl who kept on pestering me. I guess that she wants to be friends with me or something."

"Really?" Nana held her daughter's hand in excitement,"What's her name?"

"I think her name was Watanabe Miyuki."


The next day, when she also refused to ride the car, with the reason of the school is just a few steps ahead anyway. Her mother had no choice to comply and Yui, being the responsible older sister that she was had to send her to school.

"Have fun!" Nana waved at the two sisters. "Sayanee, try to get along with Miyuki!"

Sayaka sighed as she continued to walk away, and she ended up dragging Yui with her.

"What's wrong, Sayaka?" Yui asked. "Who's Miyuki?"

"My annoying seatmate." Sayaka huffed.

"Did you get into a fight with her?"

Sayaka shifted her eyes away from Yui and said,"We didn't. I've always refused talking with her. She's way too noisy for me."

"Is that so?" Yui said. "Can you point at her later?"

"No," Sayaka sighed. "I'm sure that you'd get to know her sooner or later anyway."

Yui pondered on Sayaka's last words as they enter the main building,"What does she mean by I'd get to know her sooner or later anyway?"


"Sayaka!" As usual, the classroom was empty except for a girl, wearing glasses and the Namba Middle School uniform formally and had a happy and sweet aura went near Sayaka, who ignored her and laid her bag on the desk.

"Who's she?" Miyuki asked, not knowing who Yui was.

"Ah, my name's Yui. I'm Sayaka's older sister. Nice to meet you." Yui smiled to the girl who was a bit shorter than she was.

"Ah, my name's Watanabe Miyuki." The girl grabbed Yui's hand, and nearly making Sayaka swat her hand in annoyance. "Nice to meet you."

Yui could just conform an awkward smile as she felt the girl's warm hand, and waited for the girl to let go. When the girl let go of her hand, she squeaked as the girl slightly grasped her hand tighter before letting go, easily making her feel flustered.

"Are you okay Yui-nee?" Sayaka asked, concern obvious in her tone. "Hey, Watanabe!"

Yui held Sayaka back and said,"I-I'm okay, I was just surprised, nothing major..."

Miyuki's face looked glum afterwards, which made Yui feel a tinge of guilt slowly creeping into her being and out of instinct she patted Miyuki's head lightly much to the two girls' surprise.

"It's okay." Yui smiled.

To Yui's surprise, Miyuki hugged her waist and started wailing but she didn't push her away and instead hugged her back.

'Why is she crying...?' Sayaka thought as she finally felt her heart melt at the scene. Miyuki looked so fragile; she was so vulnerable that her heart couldn't take it and she gently rubbed the girl's back, slightly hoping it could somewhat soothe the girl.

"I-It's okay." Sayaka blurted out, stuttering of nervousness. She never had to calm anyone except for Jo, who was a crybaby to begin with. "M-Miyuki."

Miyuki's ears perked up as soon as she heard her first name being spoken, while Sayaka was surprised that she said the girl's name out of a whim. She just wanted to calm the girl down, because maybe Yui's waist was starting to hurt or something.

"Sayaka... do you hate me?" Miyuki looked at Sayaka, with tears still evident in her eyes that fogged up her glasses. "Please... don't hate me..."

"No. Of course not." Sayaka finally smiled at Miyuki, a scene that Miyuki never saw ever since the girl transferred schools.

Sayaka felt something press against her as she found Milky wrapping her arms against her neck, and like what her sister did, she didn't push her away. She laid her chin on the girl's neck and rubbed the girl's back.

"okuba kamishimenagarahohoemu hi..." To Yui and Miyuki's surprise Sayaka sang as she rubbed Miyuki's back. Sayaka rarely sung for anyone, for she hated it. She only sung for her mother and father's anniversary, and hated singing after their divorce. "...Idatte aru sasonna tsurai tokikoko ni kitetachiagaru renshuu dachotto yudan suru tonamida ga koboreru karaonaka no kono atarichikara iretehana no ue jin to shite momakenai yo..."

After singing, she pulled away and looked at Miyuki who was finally smiling.

"Thanks for letting me hear your beautiful voice." The girl gave a toothy smile.

Sayaka grabbed Miyuki's glasses and rubbed their lenses on her cardigan. "Here. Don't cry again. I'll be always near you, you can tell me anything like you always do."

"Were you listening?" Miyuki gladly took her glasses and put them on.

"I was."

Of course Sayaka remembers.
Because Sayaka was unsociable because of a rather large number reasons and number one was that she was dangerous, but when Sayaka told Miyuki that, she giggled. Miyuki didn't care and instead continued to talk about how lonely she was and how she was bullied and isolated and the fact that she had no one to talk to except for Sayaka. And now Sayaka felt guilty that she was the only one who Miyuki trusted and she continued to push her away, even though her heart had irregular beat patterns whenever the girl was near her.

"Sorry." Sayaka apologized.

"It's okay." Miyuki smiled.

"From now on, I'm gonna be your friend. I'll always be with you no matter what happens, and I swear to protect you at all costs."

Since that day on, Sayaka was always with Miyuki, talking and having fun. So much that their classmates thought that they were a couple. Miyuki's haters were afraid of Sayaka, since there were rumors of her punching a bunch of guys out cold when they tried to molest Miyuki. So therefore, there was at least a bit of peace.

"What do you want to eat today?" Sayaka asked.

"Yakisoba-pan or melon-pan." Miyuki smiled as Sayaka ran to the canteen lady, pushing guys out of her way. Her strength was something alright, as she suceeded in cutting in the line for the ever so rare yakisoba-pan. She was able to get the last two, and so she happily skipped away with it.

"Woah, Sayaka that's awesome!" Miyuki grinned and held the bread in her right hand and grasped Sayaka's hand with her left. "Let's go."

"Where are we going?" Sayaka asked.

"The rooftop, of course." Miyuki smiled as she continued to walk ahead of Sayaka.


"What's going to happen after we graduate?" Sayaka asked while still chewing bread. "Sorry for a random question."

"Well, I'll be staying in here since this is my grandfather's school anyway." Miyuki said with a wry smile on her face. "Up until university, and who knows if I'll spend my time for the rest of my life in this institution."

"That's boring." Sayaka said.

"I know." Miyuki replied with a dry laugh. "It's my fate."

"To be as boring as your grandfather is? Oh please. Of that happens consider our friendship over."

"Hey!" Miyuki said as she pushed the girl forward, causing Sayaka to topple over while grabbing onto Miyuki's necktie.

There was a loud sound followed by silence as the two girls found something pressing against each others' lips.

"Mmph?" Sayanee stared at the girl who was none other than Miyuki.

However, just as fast as the kiss happened, it was as fast that Miyuki pulled away with an apology.

"I-I'm sorry!" Miyuki spoke at the top of her voice, but Sayaka just sat up, blushing. "Are you okay, Sayaka?"

"I'm fine." Sayaka stood up as she fixed her skirt's wrinkles and tried to stop blushing, but the thought of Miyuki's lips touhing hers made her blush go in a deeper hue. A strawberry taste lingered in Sayaka's lips, it probably was Miyuki's chapstick. The thought of how it tastes made her knees weak and something made her chest warm. But she shook off the thought; she couldn't fall in love with a friend... much more with her bestfriend!
She hoped that her heart would just keep quiet, but even her head hurts for some reason. She hoped that this was just infatuation.
'Well it could never be love anyway.' Sayaka whispered to herself.

"Well isn't it my turn to ask a random question next?" Miyuki smiled.

"What's it?"

"What are those gloves for?" Miyuki asked.

"To restrain my power." Sayaka replied. "I have an expulsive wolf demon residing in my body. Like the rest of my clan."

"Like Naruto?"

"Who?!" Sayaka growled. "Don't compare me to a weakling who couldn't control a mere demon. More than that, you believe me?!"

"Of course, you see I sense a something in your gloves." Miyuki smiled. "Black and red auras. Dangerous."

Sayaka started sniffing the girl,"Y-You're that descendant of that great priestress..."

"Watanabe Maaya." Miyuki smiled. "Yeah... but my family weren't aware. Maaya-sama chooses a descendant every 50 years in our family without anyone knowing. So everyone except from me have some sort of other power."

Sayaka face-palmed,"I've never noticed..."


Sayaka and Miyuki eventually had to graduate from middle school and go to highschool. They both chose Namba Jyogakuin and were admitted into the Star Section without any difficulty. In the new school, they were able to make new friends and make the bullies scurry away with Sayaka's scary presence (That girls find cool for some reason.) And the two were even able to join the Dance club and be chosen as representatives of the club.

With all these new things happening, it made Sayaka more possessive of Miyuki. She wanted her for herself and it's consuming her self-control.

"Yui-nee." Sayaka said as she knocked on her bedroom door.

"Sayaka? Come in, the door's open."

Sayaka turned the knob and the door made a creaking sound as she opened it. There was a girl she never saw before but that was probably because she never meddled with her sister's personal life. The girl and her sister was probably studying for something since exams were coming up actually.

"Um, hello." The girl unemotionally waved. "Yui, is she your younger sister?"

"Ah, yes." Yui said,

"Nice to meet you, my name's Yamamoto Sayaka." Sayaka bowed lightly.

"Nice to meet you too, my name's Paru."

"So, what's up, Sayaka? What can we help you with?" Yui asked.

Sayaka sat down and said,"Can I ask you something Yui-nee?"

"Oh, what's this about? School?"

"T-That's not it."

"Miyuki?" Hearing the name, Sayaka gulped and stayed silent.
Yui figured out that she was right by the way the girl reacted and smiled.

"Watanabe Miyuki?" Paru asked.

"Um, yes." Sayaka nodded. Miyuki was popular after all, since she was chosen as a candidate for the president position in the student council.

"Ah, she's my cousin." Paru said.

Sayaka blushed, she can't just tell Paru's cousin that she likes her.

"Your name was always mentioned to me since we transferred here." Paru said. "She seems to like you very much."

"L-Like? What?"

"She likes you. Not as a friend, I guess something more than that." Paru said bluntly. "She has this diary... full of moments between you two.'

"Woah." Yui commented. "Well? Do you like her, Sayaka?"

"I-I was actually planning on asking you for advice on confessing..." Sayaka blushed.

Yui laughed. "You don't really need to do anything. Ask her casually like you always do. I'm sure that she'll tell you what she feels too."

"But what if she rejects me? What about her friendship?" Sayaka asked.

"She won't." Paru said. "I'm giving you my utmost guarantee that she won't."

Sayaka felt a sense of relief as soon as she heard what Paru said.


The next day, Sayaka had to prepare a bouquet of flowers, chocolates, and a guitar in the dance club's practice room that she borrowed for a day. Being the leader, the members complied with the practice being cancelled and wished her luck.

When she felt the doorknob being opened, it brought her up to her feet. At the door there stood Miyuki, the girl she had yearned for so long.

She immediately hid the chocolates and the bouquet behind her back.

"What's up, Sayanee?" Miyuki asked, a tinge of blush evident on her fair face.

"Sorry for bothering you at a time like this." Sayaka blushed as she spoke. "But I have to tell you something."


"Please l-listen to my song." Sayaka said as she sat down at her chair and Miyuki sat on the one across it.

The playing was soft, it was probably a love song. Miyuki found herself happy by listening to the music's lyrics as Sayaka sung it perfectly. As the song was about to end, Sayaka stopped and said,"I like you Miyuki! Please go out with me!"

Miyuki's eyes widened at the sudden confession. It was not as what she expected at all, since Sayaka always sung for her since that day when she found herself crying.

She couldn't believe that the person that she liked felt the same way as she did and due to impulse she stood up to hug her.

"I like you too, Sayaka."


"That was unexpectedly cheesy of Yamamoto Sayaka, though." Miyuki laughed.

"Hey." Sayaka said. "Anyways, here, have the flowers and the chocolates."

Miyuki stared at the bouquet and said,"How am I supposed to take this home?"

"What do you mean?"

"Once my grandfather and my mother sees this, I'm dead meat." Miyuki explained.

"Then throw is away, you have my permission."

"No way." Miyuki pouted.

"Then what?" Sayaka sighed. "Well anyways, I still have to introduce you to my mom."

"What?!" Miyuki squeaked. "This is way too sudden! What of your mother gets angry because I'm not someone from your clan?!"

"Don't get so worked up. My mom's nice, she won't do that."

Miyuki grabbed Sayaka's hand and said,"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!"


That day, Sayaka had their family driver drive them home.
The butlers, the maids, and even Sayaka's mother greeted the guest with much anticipation.

"Mom, she's Watanabe Miyuki.  She's my girlfriend." Sayaka said as she put her arm around Miyuki.

"Well, this calls for a celebration right?" Nana happily replied.

"You did it Sayaka." Yui patted her sister's back.


"So, did did you tell your mom that you're staying over?" Sayaka asked. "She can stay over, right mom?"

"Of course, sweetie." Nana raised a thumbs up sign and laughed.

"Well I already did call her but her line was busy." Miyuki replied. "So I asked the head butler to tell my mom and my grandfather."

"Don't be sad." Sayaka said as she huddled with Miyuki closer.

"Come on, since dinner's finished, I challenge you two on a battle-to-the-deafh!" Nana said as she rose from her seat and ran to the living room.

"Let's go you two slowpokes!" Yui yelled.

Miyuki nodded as they both rose up from their seats as they ran.


"You..." Nana huffed. "You're good."

Miyuki flashed a peace sign at the old woman who was struggling with her breathing. She was unbeatable at Dance Central, and that was probably because she played that game alone for god knows how long.

"I demand a remaaaatch!" Nana yelled.

"How about you let Sayaka play?" Yui stood up and asked her panting mother. "You're getting really pitiful to look at, mom."

"Are you implying that I'm old?!"

"Of... Of course not mom." Yui faked a smile as she sat back down.

"Well, I gotta pass the table to Sayaka alright. " Nana said as she high-fived her daughter. "Don't let me down now."

"I'll try, mom."

"Where's the table?" Miyuki laughed all by herself as Sayaka tried to laugh with her due to pity from her joke.


"Who chose this song?" Sayaka asked. "This is way too lewd for old women and a bunch of teenagers."

"Whatever just go and dance, you're losing you know!" Nana yelled.

"This is way too erotic." Sayaka growled as she looked over Miyuki, who was smoothly dancing to the beat. 'Damn.' she thought to herself.

"Stop looking at Miyuki you perverted daughter, look at the screen! You're losing you know!" Nana yelled.

"Winning doesn't mean anything anyway." Sayaka said. "We're playing this to have fun."

"Yes, and that's what losers say cause they're losers for their entire life!" Nana yelled.

"And looking at me dancing like this is fun?" Miyuki teased as she got nearer to Sayaka and the game literally paused because she was out of position.

"Stop them, mom!" Yui yelled.

"HEY, FINISH THE GAME ALREADY!" Nana shouted as Miyuki continued to laugh and Sayaka continued to blush from what she just saw.


Years passed, and after Miyuki and Sayaka graduated from the university and were professionals, the world started to be consumed by the superhumans.
Though the two previously denied wanting to be superhumans because of the reason that they were supernaturals in the first place, a certain girl made sure that they would become superhumans.
She devised a plan to make the two plus Yui and Paru to become the 4 Great Generals with Sayaka as the Main General Commander.
To do so, she had to entrap all of their precious ones, and she succeeded in doing so, but the girls swore revenge to the girl who caused them misery and made them do brutal things that they never wanted.

However one day they had enough, so Sayaka chose to surrender to Kumi, hoping that they would be able to save their dear ones.

"I surrender." Sayaka said, suprising everyone who was there: Yui, Paru, Miyuki, Kumi, Yuria and Jurina.

"What?" Jurina yelled. "I don't believe you!"

"Execute me if you want." Sayaka said, lowering her katana to the ground. "Just leave Miyuki and the others alone; and take our precious ones with you."

Kumi smiled before saying,"Why would we even execute you? We need your help."

"And your dear ones are already at the ship." Yuria sighed. "They're doing WAY too well if you ask me." she said as she turned on the teleportation line to Sayaka's mother.

"SAYAKAAAA!" Nana yelled. "We're free!"

"Mom." Yui smiled as she lowered her fists down.

"Well isn't this one good ending?" Jurina laughed.

"Not really..." Miyuki declared. "The new 4 generals were already sent to the past. As for our leaders' whereabouts, we have no idea where her new lair could be."

"We'll have to make plans already." Kumi gritted her teeth. "We're gonna have to send someone to the past."

"We'll help." Sayaka and Yui said in unison. "We're the strategists after all."


Sayaka and Yui came to a conclusion that they chose to send Yuria to the past.

"Why?" Kumi asked. "Why not me?"

"We're definitely not choosing you." Sayaka growled. "We need you here with us. You're the only one who knows how to operate the machine."

"And I'll be okay. You know what I'm capable of." Yuria agreed.

"And we can just send in reinforcements after Yuria goes into the past successfully." Sayaka declared. "We still can't go, as there the other 4 Great Generals are still in here. But the fake 4 Generals are in the past."

"So they used them as decoys, huh." Kanon said.

"They're definitely not strong, thought they're a bit stronger than the normal troops." Sayaka said.

"If a sudden change in plans occur, we'll be sure to inform you by going to the past." Yui added.

"When will I be leaving?" Yuria asked.

"Whenever you please this week." Sayaka smiled. "All that we could wish you is good luck."


A few months has passed by since Yuria left without a word, except a letter to the others and Yui, Paru, Sayaka and Miyuki had almost defeated the 4 Great Generals until they knew that they were decoys too.

"WHAT?" Sayaka yelled.

"There's a lot of goddarn decoys. The heck..." Yui snared.

"Too bad, since the leader also went with them to the past." Nishino spoke as her hair was being pulled by Miyuki.

"Damn." Miyuki said as she threw the girl aside. "We've got to go back to the past!"

"But what about the remaining one? I heard she's the strongest." Paru informed the others.

"I know." Sayaka growled. "Miyuki and I would take care of them. Go to the past first."

Yui and Paru agreed and immediately went to the past just in time to save the others.


After a day or two, they've defeated the head of the 4 Great Generals, who was apparently, Kojimako. She was the hardest to beat, and it took longer than it should've but they've done all they could. And with that, Sayaka and Miyuki went to the past as well.

Their journey continues on.




@Minamiyuki-san I'm sorry for the delay XD hope you enjoy this one as well.

@Siren-san: Thank you! I hope you'll enjoy reading this one as well :D

Offline Siren

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Re:DUX (UPDATED!) Chapter XII [KumiYuriNon, WMatsui, Furuyanagi]
« Reply #62 on: July 15, 2014, 09:05:12 AM »
Sayamilky story is so cute  :wub:

The 4 general is fake, they are in the past??!!  :O :shocked :shocked:

Its so awesome  :twothumbs :thumbsup

Need the next update soon, Onegaishimasu  :bow:
Kami Oshi is Kashiwagi Yuki, Matsui Rena and Jurina

WMatsui and Mayuki all the way :D

Offline HitoriYamanaka

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Re:DUX Announcement - I'M SORRY! [KumiYuriNon, WMatsui, Furuyanagi]
« Reply #63 on: July 26, 2014, 08:54:10 AM »
Sorry for not updating everyone.
Our country was hit by a typhoon last July 16, 2014. Though it wasn't the damage wasn't that devastating and fortunately, nobody was harmed in our area.
However, since July 16 onward the power was cut off for more than a week and the internet connection isn't even stable at the moment.
Also, due to the heavy rain, classes were suspended. All of our projects, activities and tests were moved and crammed into the remaining days before the exams, so my schedule is suddenly packed.
Right now I'm trying my best to update, and I am not exactly sure as to when I can finally post the next chapter.
I'm really sorry and I hope that everyone would still look out to the next chapters in the future. I'm really really sorry.  :bow: :bow:

Offline Minamiyuki

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Re:DUX Announcement - I'M SORRY! [KumiYuriNon, WMatsui, Furuyanagi]
« Reply #64 on: July 26, 2014, 12:41:48 PM »
Sorry for not updating everyone.
Our country was hit by a typhoon last July 16, 2014. Though it wasn't the damage wasn't that devastating and fortunately, nobody was harmed in our area.
However, since July 16 onward the power was cut off for more than a week and the internet connection isn't even stable at the moment.
Also, due to the heavy rain, classes were suspended. All of our projects, activities and tests were moved and crammed into the remaining days before the exams, so my schedule is suddenly packed.
Right now I'm trying my best to update, and I am not exactly sure as to when I can finally post the next chapter.
I'm really sorry and I hope that everyone would still look out to the next chapters in the future. I'm really really sorry.  :bow: :bow:

I hope that you can able to update... And good luck to your studies...

P.S.: Taga-saan ka?? Hehehe  XD XD XD
(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
Kumiyuri X Mayuki X Wmatsui X Atsumina X Furuyanagi X Kojiyuu

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Offline Siren

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Re:DUX (ANNOUNCEMENT!) - I'M SORRY! [KumiYuriNon, WMatsui, Furuyanagi]
« Reply #65 on: July 27, 2014, 01:41:26 PM »
Don't worry we will wait  :peace: :thumbup

Good luck and stay healthy  :thumbsup
Kami Oshi is Kashiwagi Yuki, Matsui Rena and Jurina

WMatsui and Mayuki all the way :D

Offline HitoriYamanaka

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Re:DUX (UPDATED! I'M BACK) - Chapter XIII[KumiYuriNon, WMatsui, Furuyanagi]
« Reply #66 on: August 30, 2014, 03:37:06 PM »
A/N: I'm sorry for not updating for like two months. Surprisingly, my schedule is packed with a lot, like a lot of things.
Plus, I get writer's block every time I try to make a new chapter, especially with Wolf and Pride, though I have no idea why so sorry for the delay. It's like, I already finished making a a new chapter but I always end up with a thought that it's not okay or enough, so I get worried and anxious.

Anyways, did anyone miss me? XD
I'm not dead, so don't worry. I'm not planning on cancelling anything, but I just have to inform everyone that Re:DUX is nearing it's end. Wolf & Pride on the other hand is still ongoing, plus I would be making another one as soon as this ends, so please continue to support my fics till the end.

By the way, I'm gonna post Wolf&Pride shortly after I finish typing it, so wish me luck.

Please enjoy this chapter as usual, and thank you for everyone who are still reading this fic! Replies are down below! :3

By the way, if anyone's interested in following the tumblr tag for this fic so you can be updated with the release of every chapter of whatever, it's #re:dux


Re:DUX Chapter XIII - The Plan of Action


As the party came back to the dome, they found the Kanon already up and talking with Airin, Kumi, Churi and Jurina, while Rena remained in bed, still unconscious.

"Ah, they're back!" Churi yelled as she pointed at the girls who just looked smiled back, all except for Yuria who looked blank and expressionless. Her mind remained in the thought of what Sayaka just told her, and she didn't even notice that they have arrived at the dome. Miyuki frowned as she looked at the girl, who looked glum and decided to pat her back.

"Don't worry about it too much, Yuriachan." Miyuki let out a reassuring smile as Yuria snapped from her thoughts.


"We're here for you, and the others are here as well." Paru spoke, though as cold as ever, it made Yuria at least a bit reassured.

"Thank you." Yuria smiled, as she somehow regained her usual spirit and pumped her fist in the air.

"Great, that's the Yuria we know." Sayaka shrugged and smiled at the girl who just smiled back.

"By the way, Kanon, you're up already, huh." Mayu spoke.

"I still feel a bit dizzy, but I have no idea why and how." Kanon let out a bitter smile as Kumi rubbed the girl's back.

"Don't yourself too much, Kanon." She let out a reassuring smile at the girl, who smiled back with a noticeable pink hue of blush on her face.

"How's Rena, Jurina?" Yui asked the young girl, who looked sadly at Kanon and Kumi's direction.

"She's not awake yet." Jurina let out a bitter smile as Churi and Airin comforted her. "Ever since she went Gekikara mode."

"This is troubling." Sayaka let out a sigh as she looked at the girl who was lying on the futon, motionless. 'She looks like as if she's... dead.' Sayaka whispered to herself.

"This happened before though, right?" Miyuki said, catching the other girls' attentions.

"That is true." Paru nodded.

Yuria sat down at the nearest tall chair and let out a sigh as she put a hand below her chin. She then started to think; What was that one thing that can possibly awaken Rena? She remembered that she used it on the girl before, just when they first met in this timeline... but her memories seemed to be failing her.

"What was that thing that Rena likes so much?" Yuria blurted out, as Jurina's ears perked up as she heard the question.

"Well, she had this... weird liking for melonpans." Jurina replied. "I remembered that when we were in high-school, she used to like them so much that she decided to make a club called,'The Melonpan Association'. Somehow, she got the student council president to say yes, and surprisingly... well the club had a lot of cute girls as it's members."

"That's one weird fetish." Airin laughed.

"That's it!" Yuria yelled. "Melonpans!"

"What about Melonpans now, Yuriachan?" Miyuki asked.

"I remember now." Yuria smiled as she spoke with much confidence,"When Rena was sleeping, I waved a melonpan near her nose, and she woke up!"

"What?" Yui let out a stifled giggle as she continued speaking,"But, Yuriachan... this is a different situation. She was just sleeping back then."

"Well, isn't she just sleeping right now?" Yuria replied,"She's not in a coma or anything."

"Well, we have to try what we can, so we shall try your suggestion and see if it works." Sayaka spoke, and the other girls looked at her in shock.

"You can actually be a leader!" Churi clapped in amusement.

"Better than slightly baka Yuria!" Airin clapped her hands, earning a slap on the arm and a glare not from Yuria herself, but from Kumi.

"What did you say?" Kumi said, as Airin backed away.

"That was a joke... Kumi." Airin let out an awkward laugh as she put her hands in the air, surrendering.

"Pssh." Jurina whispered, but was loud enough for Sayaka's ears to pick up.

"What the hell?" Sayaka growled, grabbing onto Jurina's collar as she continued to threatened the girl.

"How can you be a leader when you're like a bomb about to go off every single minute?" Jurina laughed, obviously not intimidated by Sayaka's advances. "I prefer Yuria, to be honest."

"Stop this, please." Kumi said, trying to break off the fight that was currently going on.

Miyuki coughed, and Sayaka knew what that meant, but Jurina kept on urging her on to punch her with the cocky gaze directed at her. Sayaka sighed, when Miyuki repeated her fake coughing, and released Jurina from her hold.

"Tsk." Sayaka clicked her tongue in annoyance as she stepped away, dragging Miyuki with her near Mayu's position.

"Stop fighting, for frick's sake." Yui sighed. "The last thing that we need right now is more casualties."

"That is true." Yuria replied, her gaze directed at both Jurina and Sayaka.

"Anyways, like what Sayaka said a while ago, why don't we try your suggestion?" Kumi said, placing a hand on Yuria's shoulder.

"I'm gonna go and get the melonpan from the refridgerator." Churi raised her hand up and in the air and ran for the refridgerator, and went back in an extremely fast speed.

"I can see that you've finally used Bird nearly to it's full extent." Yuria smiled as she grabbed the bread from the girl's hand. "Good work, Churi."

With the plan in mind, Yuria went near the girl's futons and dropped down to her knees. She then sat down and opened the melonpan, it's fresh scent wafting across the dome. She let the bread hanging just above Rena's nose, and was surprised when a hand grabbed it out of nowhere.

"RENAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Jurina yelled, grabbing onto the girl's body just before the others could even react. "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH~!!"

"Hm?" Rena said, biting on the piece of bread with wonder as she looked at Jurina and the others who looked dead worried about her well-being. "What happened, guys?"

"You were out for days." Mayu said.

"What do you mean by out for days?" Rena furrowed her brows together as she spoke.

"Ever since you went Gekikara, well..." Yuria said with a smile. "It's nice to have you back. Because we are almost nearing the unveiling of the grand finale." Yuria whispered.

"What?" Rena and Jurina said in unison, as they were the only ones who heard what the girl had just said.

"I have an important announcement, you guys." Yuria said, standing up from her current position. "Sayaka, Miyuki, Paru, Yui and Mayu already knows about what I am about to say, so this is just for you guys."

"What is it?" Kumi looked at the girl in wonder, walking towards her direction.

"Well, in gaming terms, the final boss with her best accomplices are here." Yuria said, crossing her arms as Kumi stopped in her tracks.

"This is kind of a good and bad thing altogether, but we've to keep our minds together so that we could overcome this ordeal." Yuria continued, as she pulled out her phone and speed-dialed the other Sayaka.

"Yes, I kind of need your help right now."

Yuria stared in shock as the girl she was just contacting was already inside the dome, talking to her through the phone.

"Surprise!" Penpen said cutely as Yuria growled in annoyance.

"Why would you even do this?" Yuria sighed, as she motioned for everyone to sit down in a circle.


"I need your help this time around Penpen." Yuria said as the girl nodded silently.

"What would you need?"

"Well, you see... the scouter-thingy that you made for me was just meant to search for the weather irregularities?" Yuria said, handing the girl her own invention. "Can you somehow tweak it? Like, instead of it searching for weather irregularities, it searches for weird power disruptances? Only the strong ones though."

"I don't know." Penpen replied, out of pure honesty. "But maybe, I could use one of you guys as test subjects, and try to find the people whose powers matches their level."

"That's fine with us." Yuria replied with a nod. "I think that Jurina would be a sufficient test subject. If her power level would not do, I think Mayu would suffice."

"Me?" Jurina stood up in excitement, letting go of Rena's waist in an instant.

"Yes, just wield your weapon like you would in fights." Penpen said, as she stood up as well and motioned for the girl to follow her with her laptop and invention in hand. They scooted at the far end of the dome, nearly a few steps away from the group.

Kumi just stared blankly at Yuria, who smiled bitterly at her, knowing full well why Kumi was acting that way.

"How about I go and cook some food?" Miyuki sat up, her smile so wide that it made everyone smile back with a happy nod. "Ah, Sayaka, come with me."

"Me?" Sayaka's eyes widened in surprise as she was dragged off by Miyuki to the kitchen, while the other girls went on to their respective businesses.

"I'm going to go and get some fresh air." Kumi announced before standing up to leave the dome.

"I'm going with you." Yuria said, her steps were fast just to catch up with the girl.

"We're going to the sea." Yui informed, with Paru in tow.

"So, the four of us remains in here." Airin said, just to stop Rena from planning to leave as well, since she was worried that Mayu would be alone.

"What are we going to do?" Mayu asked, a bit relieved that she actually was not going to be alone.

"How about a game?" Rena suggested, earning a huge approval from the girls.

"How about... Truth or Dare?" Airin said with a playful smirk that made Mayu's spine shudder in fear.

"But... we don't have a bottle." Mayu replied.

"No need for that. We can use my weapon and spin it across the floor." Airin just smiled as she removed Kamen from it's hilt, summoning the weapon from it's long slumber.

"Oh hello there, Airin-sama." The sword spoke, as Airin placed it on the ground carefully. "It's been a while."

"It is." Airin smiled, as she placed her hands on the middle part of the weapon and started spinning it, much to the weapon's surprise.

"AIIIRIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNN-SAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAA" the weapon shouted as it continued to spin on the ground, then finally, it stopped.

"Mayu." Airin snickered as she cackled evily. "You know what this means."

"Truth, or dare?" Airin continued.

Mayu cursed under her breath, and closed her eyes for a second before opening them again. Either way, she's screwed, she knows that, so she decides to just go with what flow that Airin wanted in the first place.
"Truth." Mayu spoke, loud enough for the three to hear.

"Can I ask the question?" Churi raised her hand with a smile.

"Go ahead, Churi."

"Do you love anyone?" The three girls smirked and let out a playful snicker as Mayu sat there, unfazed. She knew that this question would be coming at her, and just remained calm and leveled as she spoke.

"I love my sister, Miyuki." Mayu said, crossing her arms as she spoke.

"What?" Rena giggled. "We meant, someone you love not as a family, as a friend, or anything. Someone special."

"I don't understand the point of this question."

"That's what sore losers say so that they could dodge the question~" Churi teased.

"Well, you could just tell us who are you going to choose between Black or me." Airin said as she shifted in her seat.

"Well obviously not you." Mayu scoffed.

"So, it's Black then." Rena said.

"You love Black?"

Mayu's face and ears were tinted red as she received a lot of catcalls from the three, who continued to tease her and laugh at her. She just let out a sigh, but it wasn't of boredom or annoyance this time.


"Why'd you drag me here?" Sayaka huffed, her face dangerously close to Miyuki's.

"Oh you know what." Miyuki snickered, as she turned on the low heat on the gas stove behind her back.

"You're an insatiable monster, you know what?" Sayaka smirked as she straddled Miyuki's hips on the counter, as Miyuki naughtily licked her lips as she did so. "You're not even scared that people are gonna watch or find out, are you?" Sayaka added.

"Of course not." Miyuki laughed as she placed her arms around Sayaka's neck. "That kind of situations makes me excited instead."

"Naughty. You're so naughty. You're so Warukii." Sayaka said, placing a kiss on the girl's lips as they both battled for dominance though Miyuki knew who would win in the end. Sayaka bit on the girl's lower lip and sucked at it before pulling away and meeting with Miyuki's gaze.

"You ready?" Sayaka laughed, placing her hand near where Miyuki needed it the most.

"I'm more than ready." The girl replied, biting her lip playfully.


Yuria followed wherever Kumi walked, but Kumi herself had no idea where to go to. She ended up bringing the girl near the lake, as she finally sat down at the cool grass blades and stared at the waters, which were lightened up by the moonlight. Yuria followed suit, as she sat as close as possible to the other girl.

"Kuuchan." Yuria breathed, placing her hand on Kumi's.

As soon as Kumi heard the girl's voice, her heart nearly panged in pain as she felt her touch her hand. "Yuria."

Kumi knew this was inevitable, for Yuria to go back to her world, and for this world to go on as normal. But she has gotten so close with the girl for the past days that they have been together, and honestly, Kumi didn't want to let go of her.

"Do you miss your world?" Kumi asked, Yuria's eyes widened from the sudden question.

"I would be lying if I said no." Kumi heard the girl speak softly as she placed her head on Kumi's shoulder. "Being in here is good too, but I exist in the future, Kuuchan."

"Is that so?" Kumi said.

"Please don't be sad when I'm gone." Yuria said, removing her head from Kumi's shoulder as she heard the girl sob. She placed her finger near where her tears fell and wiped them away, before planting a kiss on Kumi's lips. It wasn't deep, nor was it long; but rather it was short and full of Yuria's feelings for the girl.

"Yuria." Kumi spoke,"Since I did a good job, can I get my reward now?"

"Oh yes, I did promise you that." Yuria smiled as she pressed her forehead against Kumi's, but was surprised as soon as Kumi grabbed ahold of her two arms and pushed her down to the grass.

"Well, I'm taking it now." Kumi smiled, placing her head near Yuria's neck.

"Kuuchan."Yuria smiled as she pulled Kumi closer with her arms.


"The sea's beautiful at night, isn't it?" Yui smiled as she intertwined her fingers with Paru's, making the salty girl blush.

"It is." The girl replied with a smile.

"It's been a while since we've been alone." Yui said, crouching down to get a hold of one of the sticks lying around.

"What are you doing?" Paru asked, as Yui continued to use the stick onto the sand.

"I'm writing something." Yui smiled, as she continued to move the stick.

"Shi..." Paru spoke, reading what Yui was trying to write. "Shimazaki... Ha... Haruka..."

Yui smiled proudly at her work before reading it aloud,"I promise to love Shimazaki Haruka for the rest of my life."

"Cheesy." Paru replied, smacking the other girl's shoulder.

"Can you do the same?" Yui smiled, handing the girl with the stick she used earlier.

Paru just grabbed the stick in response and started writing.

"I also promise to love Yokoyama Yui, the biggest idiot in Japan, for the rest of my life." Yui laughed as she read what the girl wrote aloud.


"So, how did it go?" Jurina asked as she sat down on the floor like Penpen as the girl fiddled with her keyboard keys.

"Please be patient, it wouldn't take that long." The girl replied as she continued with her work, with Jurina impatiently looking at the dome as she spotted the girls having fun and laughing, while she looked at them with envy.

"Man, I  wish that I could be playing with them." She said under her breath.

*beep* *beep*

"There was one source found." Penpen said. "Well, that's all that I could accomplish to find with your power level."

"So that means that I am strong enough that only one was able to catch up with my powers?" Jurina said, her hand pounding on her chest in pride.

"Or that could also mean that you two are the only weakest people in the world."

Jurina just shrugged from the girl's reply,"Whatever, I'm going to the kitchen. I'm hungry."

Jurina stood up from where she once sat and groaned as she rubbed her growling tummy. She immediately headed for the kitchen, and didn't bother to even knock at the door as she made herself welcome inside, since she heard a while ago that Miyuki announced that she would be cooking along with Sayaka. But as Jurina entered the room, she found Miyuki down at the counter, with Sayaka crawling on top, her hands moving relatively fast, way too busy to even pay attention to the sound of the door opening.

"Haaah..." Miyuki moaned, her gaze now fixated on Jurina, who just cowered away in fear and shock as she fell down onto her butt. Jurina couldn't even muster a word as she stood up and shut the door close before running away.

"Jurina?" Rena shot a questioning look at the girl. "What happened?"

"NOTHING!" Jurina yelled, covering her eyes and her face red. "I SAW NOTHING!"


As soon as Miyuki and Sayaka announced that dinner was ready, the girls gathered around and had a hearty meal, despite the fact that Jurina now had a suspecting glance directed at Sayaka and Miyuki. Sayaka paid no attention to the girl's stares even though she was aware of it, and instead, continued to spoonfeed Miyuki since she was too exhausted to even eat. Sayaka thought she may have gotten way too far, as some of the dishes turned out to be overcooked, but the party ignored that since it tastes good anyway. After the meal and their baths, Yuria stood up and said.

"We've got to get going tomorrow." The girl announced. "With Penpen's information, we would be able to go and attack the one she detected and ask more information as to where their leader currently is."

The girls nodded in unison. "Now, let's go to sleep early so that we could arrive at that place in an earlier time."


@Minamiyuki-san and @Siren-san: Thank you guys! I hope that you guys enjoy this update, and sorry for being out for a long time!

« Last Edit: August 31, 2014, 12:39:57 PM by HitoriYamanaka »

Offline Minamiyuki

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Re:DUX (UPDATED - I'M BACK) Chapter XIII [KumiYuriNon, WMatsui, Furuyanagi]
« Reply #67 on: August 30, 2014, 04:51:55 PM »
I love it so much~!!!!!  :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

Get ready for the next battle!  XD XD XD

OMG~!!!! Sayamilky and Kumiyuri are doing chome-chome in there...  :mon blood: :mon blood: :imdead: :imdead:

Waiting for your next update.
(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
Kumiyuri X Mayuki X Wmatsui X Atsumina X Furuyanagi X Kojiyuu

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GunSword Series (On-going) | Need for Speed: Fast Forward (On-going) | Night Shift Series (On-hiatus) | Shikyo Taisen Series (On-going) | Shichitenshi Gakuen (On-hiatus)

Offline Siren

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Re:DUX (UPDATED - I'M BACK) Chapter XIII [KumiYuriNon, WMatsui, Furuyanagi]
« Reply #68 on: August 31, 2014, 01:39:59 PM »
Long time no see  :peace:

Thanks for the update  :deco:

Aww they all have their lovely dovey time well accept WMatsui  :bingo:

Anyway it will be their last fight soon, can't wait for it  :ding:

Update soon  :byebye:
Kami Oshi is Kashiwagi Yuki, Matsui Rena and Jurina

WMatsui and Mayuki all the way :D

Offline HitoriYamanaka

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Re:DUX (UPDATED - I'M BACK) Chapter XIII [KumiYuriNon, WMatsui, Furuyanagi]
« Reply #69 on: September 01, 2014, 01:16:22 PM »
@Minamiyuki-san: Haha thanks :D :rock:
And actually regarding the chome-chome I actually want to do a chapter with that (purely that) but I can't I'm too young for this I have no idea how it works  :bleed eyes:

@Siren-san: Long time no see as well :D  :rock:
I'd post the next one as soon as possible so don't worry  :lol:
Hopefully, my schedule won't get in the way of my next update tho. Wish me luck :D

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